Chapter # 1: Problem Solving: MCQ'S

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10th Class Computer Notes Author: M.

Arslan Naveed
Chapter # 1: Problem Solving
1) BASIC is a:
a) High level language b) Low level language c) Machine language d) Assembly language
2) There are how many solution of a given problem:
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) many
3) Division by zero is ____ error:
a) syntax b) logical c) runtime d) execution
4) ______ is the set of instructions given to a computer to solve the particular problem
a) algorithm b) program c) flowchart d) none
5) ______ is the process of finding and removing error.
a) debugging b) coding c) testing d) documentation
6) _______ is the finite set of steps to accomplish a particular task.
a) flowchart b) program c) algorithm d) none
7) the symbol in flowchart is:
a) input b) start c) processing d) condition
8) the symbol in flowchart is:
a) input b) start c) processing d) condition
9) the symbol in flowchart is:
a) input b) start c) processing d) condition
10) the symbol in flowchart is:
a) input b) start c) processing d) linking

10th Class Computer Notes Author: M. Arslan Naveed
Chapter # 2: Data Types, Assignment and Input/Output Statements
1) GW-BASIC can operate in __________ mode(s).
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 4) many
2) What symbol is used for single precision variable?
a) ! b) # c) % d) $
3) Which of the following operator has highest order of precedence?
a) ^ b) * c) + d) =
4) Which of the following statement temporarily stops the program execution.
a) Break b) END c) PAUSE d) STOP
5) Which one of the following is the valid variable name?
a) 32A b) TV3 c) 9 d) a$2
6) Which command is used to create subdirectory?
a) MD b) RD c) MKDIR d) RMDIR
7) Which command is used to clear data in variable and initialize it to zero.
a) CLEAR b) CLS c) KILL d) NEW
8) The default extension if GW-BASIC is?
a) .exe b) .bas c) .apk d) .ios
9) Which is not the logical operator?
a) AND b) OR c) NOT d) NOR
10) Which statement send output to the printer.

10th Class Computer Notes Author: M. Arslan Naveed
Chapter # 3: Control Structures
1) There are how many control structure in BASIC language.
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
2) Which statement is used for unconditional transfer of control?
a) GOTO b) ON-ERROR-GOTO c) ON-GOTO d) none
3) Which one is an example of selection structure?
4) It is recommended to avoid the use of _________ statement.
a) IF b) GOTO c) FOR d) WEND
5) Which one is the multiple branching statement?
6) Which statement is used after IF statement?
a) While b) THEN c) END d) STOP
7) How many logical operators are in BASIC?
a) 4 b) 5 c) 3 d) 7
8) For-Next loop is used to implement?
a) Iteration b) Sequence c) Selection d) all
9) Error code is assigned to a variable is called?
a) ERL b) ERR c) Error d) none
10) Which special variable is assigned to the line number on which error occur?
a) ERL b) ERR c) ERRL d) none

10th Class Computer Notes Author: M. Arslan Naveed
Chapter # 4: Arrays
1) There are _______ types of array.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
2) An element of an array is mentioned by its:
a) Subscript b) array c) object d) name of element
3) Maximum numbers of elements per dimension is:
a) 10 b) 255 c) 32767 d) none of them
4) The statement DIM C(30, 50) would reserve ______ locations.
a) 80 b) 1500 c) 1800 d) 150
5) DIM statement is optional if name of memory location is less than __________ locations
a) 20 b) 10 c) 11 d) 09
6) 2 dimensional array is also knows as:
a) 4D b) 1D c) Table d) None
7) Z(2,2) is an example of ______ dimension array.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
8) A string array is declared by using its name, preceded by _________ sign.
a) # b) ! c) $ d) none
9) One dimension array is also known as:
a) List b) Table c) Matrix d) none
10) Arrays manipulate the operations:
a) Sorting b) Find Largest c) Rearranging d) all

10th Class Computer Notes Author: M. Arslan Naveed
Chapter # 5: Sub Program and File Handling
1) There are how many type of sub-programs in BASIC.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
2) Which program return single value as output.
a) Function b) Subroutine c) File handling d) none
3) Program that have written by the developer of programming language is______ function.
a) Built-in b) standard c) system defined d) all of these
4) Which statement is use to define a user defined function.
5) Output of INT (-15.75) will be:
a) -15 b) 15 c) -16 d) 16
6) In BASIC data files can be divided into _________ types.
1) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
7) A group related fields is called
a) Program files b) data files c) records d) none
8) Which function is used to check the end of file?
a) SQR ( ) b) RND ( ) c) FIX ( ) d) EOF ( )
9) LEFT$(“Pakistan”, 3)
a) Pak b) kis c) tan d) Pakistan
10) Which one of the following is the numeric function?
a) CHR b) LEFT c) ABS d) ABC

10th Class Computer Notes Author: M. Arslan Naveed
Chapter # 6: Graphics in BASIC
1) Our computer screen is made up of:
a) elements b) pixels c) parts d) color modes
2) In BASIC there are _________ screen graphics modes.
a) 5 b) 9 c) 13 d) 15
3) Resolution of medium graphics mode is:
a) 320x200 b) 350x200 c) 350x250 d) 640x200
4) The default screen mode of GW-BASIC is _______ mode.
a) text b) medium resolution c) high resolution d) all
5) We can draw a circle in BASIC language by _______ statement.
6) Which one the following is not a graphic mode command.
7) On color monitors, SCREEN modes are of ______ types:
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
8) The set of colors RED, GREEN and BROWN is given in _______ Palette statement.
a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) all
9) We can make _________ using draw statement.
a) circle b) ellipse c) triangle d) line
10) We cannot make _________ using draw statement.
a) square b) rectangle c) circle d) none

10th Class Computer Notes Author: M. Arslan Naveed
Chapter # 7: Microsoft Word
1) MS-Word is a __________ based program.
a) Windows b) System c) DOS d) None
2) _________ bar provides the information of the application software.
a) Menu b) Tool c) Status d) Scroll
3) Press Ctrl + 2 is used for __________ spacing
a) single b) double c) triple d) none
4) Which of the following click is used to select a paragraph.
a) single b) double c) right d) left
5) Ctrl + Y is used for
a) Undo b) Redo c) Page break d) Find
6) ___________ is the application to write the documents.
a) Spreadsheet b) word processor c) database d) GW-BASIC
7) Which font size is best for paragraph?
a) 8 to 10 b) 10 to 12 c) 12 to 14 d) 14 to 16
8) The mouse pointer becomes an I-shaped object is a word and is called ______________.
a) Insertion point b) I-Beam c) I-Point d) End mark
9) Press __________ to open a file.
a) Ctrl + O b) Ctrl + P c) Ctrl + F d) Ctrl + S
10) Shortcut of spelling and grammar check is:
a) F2 b) F7 c) F5 d) F3


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