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TaskMagic3 French verb tense revision (1st person singular)

Match the items on the left with the items on the right.

1. [play] [I was _ing] je vais me doucher

2. [play] [I would _] je jouerai

3. [have a shower] [I am going to _] je jouais

4. [play] [I _] je jouais

5. [go] [I am going to _] je jouerais

6. [learn] [I am _ing] j'ai appris

7. [learn] [I _ed (ie. past)] j'allais

8. [do / make] [I would _] je joue

9. [play] [I used to _] je voudrais jouer

10. [go] [I used to _] je ferais

11. [do / make] [I have to _] je dois faire

12. [play] [I'd like to _] j'apprends

13. [go] [I was _ing] j'apprenais

14. [play] [I will _] j'allais

15. [learn] [I was _ing] je vais aller

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TaskMagic3 French verb tense revision (1st person singular)

Match the items on the left with the items on the right.

16. [go] [I _ed (ie. past)] je ne peux pas faire

17. [do / make] [I will _] je suis allé(e)

18. [have a shower] [I'd like to _] je dois jouer

19. [go] [I would _] j'irais

20. [learn] [I _] j'apprenais

21. [have a shower] [I would _] je ferai

22. [play] [I have to _] je voudrais aller

23. [have a shower] [I used to _] j'apprends

24. [do / make] [I used to _] je me doucherais

25. [learn] [I used to _] je ne peux pas me doucher

26. [have a shower] [I can't _] je me douchais

27. [go] [I have to _] je vais jouer

28. [go] [I'd like to _] je faisais

29. [do / make] [I can't _] Je voudrais me doucher

30. [play] [I am going to _] je dois aller

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TaskMagic3 French verb tense revision (1st person singular)

Match the items on the left with the items on the right.

31. [have a shower] [I _] je ne peux pas aller

32. [learn] [I will _] je vais apprendre

33. [do / make] [I want to _] je vais faire

34. [do / make] [I am _ing] je me douche

35. [learn] [I am going to _] je veux aller

36. [do / make] [I _] je fais

37. [have a shower] [I am _ing] j'apprendrais

38. [learn] [I would _] je fais

39. [go] [I want to _] j'apprendrai

40. [go] [I can't _] je me douche

41. [have a shower] [I _ed (ie. past)] je me suis douché(e)

42. [play] [I am _ing] je ne peux pas jouer

43. [learn] [I'd like to _] je voudrais apprendre

44. [do / make] [I am going to _] je veux faire

45. [play] [I can't _] je joue

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TaskMagic3 French verb tense revision (1st person singular)

Match the items on the left with the items on the right.

46. [have a shower] [I will _] je veux jouer

47. [have a shower] [I was _ing] je faisais

48. [learn] [I want to _] j'ai fait

49. [learn] [I have to _] je me douchais

50. [do / make] [I _ed (ie. past)] je ne peux pas apprendre

51. [learn] [I can't _] je dois apprendre

52. [play] [I _ed (ie. past)] je vais

53. [go] [I _] je veux me doucher

54. [play] [I want to _] je me doucherai

55. [have a shower] [I have to _] je veux apprendre

56. [do / make] [I was _ing] j'ai joué

57. [go] [I am _ing] j'irai

58. [have a shower] [I want to _] je vais

59. [go] [I will _] je dois me doucher

60. [do / make] [I'd like to _] je voudrais faire

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