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E-talk 예비고 영어

Day 1

Q1 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

In the mid-twentieth century, farmers in the United States of

America had difficulties because insects ate all of their crops. So, an
insecticide called DDT was used to kill the insects. A lot of farmers
said ① it helped them a lot. One day in 1958, Carrol, a biologist, got
a letter from a friend. The letter said that ② it had killed many
samll birds on her land. At that time Carrol was studying living
creatures in the ocean and she had already felt ③ it might be nad
for the aquatic environment. She began to study about DDT and she
finally thought ④ it was necessary that she should write a book
about the danger of ➄ it.


Q2 다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은?

Do you need financial assistance with your education? You often

have more options available to you than you realize. For example,
loan programs such as the Federal Perkins Loan and Federal
Stafford Loan, are available at relatively low interest rates to
students who qualify for them. Both undergraduate and graduate
students may be eligible for a Perkins loan, which can pay as much
as $3,000 a year toward an undergraduate student’s educational
expenses and $5,000 a year for a draduate student’s expenses,
Similarly, a stafford loan can range from $2,625 per year for a
first-year undergraduate to $18,500 per year for a graduate student.

①to apply ②to report ③to inform ④to advertise ➄to encourage

E-talk 예비고 영어

Q3 알맞은 주어를 고르시오

The (renovate/renovation) of our old factory is required to increase


We are concerned that (they/their) plan might fail due to the lack of

(Readable/ Reading) many books in one’s early childhood is highly


(To make/ made) customers satisfied is essential for us.

(That/ These) germs are everywhere does not necessarily mean harm
to us.

Q4. 알맞은 동사를 고르시오.

An applicant (has/have) not attened the session.

Ace Industry will (acquire/be acquried) Duke Inc. in the near future

The two companies (were/are) merged into one a month ago.

They(have discussed/discussed) the matter since April.

Q5. 기본 훈련하기

The facilities will be (operation/ operational) if all necessary safety

measures are completed.

The personal manager directed (I/me) to the staffing committee for a

E-talk 예비고 영어

job interview.

The (financial/ financially) report contains a lot of faults, so they

should be corrected promptly.

We are (pleasure/ pleased) to announce that the school is ready to

be opened soon.

Fortunately, we can provide the book which you requested (at/while)

a very reasonable price.

(That/It) is important to get up early in the morning in order for

you to be healthy.

The responsibilities of the accounting department are calculation

figures and writing ________.
① reports ② reporters ③ reportedly ④ reported

Since the _______ was introduced into the market 5 years ago, it
has brought the company high profits.
① product ② production ③ produce ④ productivity

The science department students usually ________ a meeting twice a

week to discuss laboratory results.
① has ② have ③ having ④ have to

As of next week, after finishing restructuring the department, the

school will soon ________ new staff.
① recruit ② recruiter ③ recruitment ④ be recruited

Great job :)

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