Thelma Addictions Desire Secrets

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CHAPTER ONE. One of my best moments of my working days is when I’m driving home from work.

would wind my car window down and it’s usually quite breezy this time of the year in my city. The wind
would rush into the car and my face will be awash with the strength of its beauty. I’m an avid admirer of
anything beautiful and my tastes are usually considered elitist by friends and family alike. I love my wine
very old, my music jazz, my paintings renaissance and my women very gorgeous. I have been called vain,
I have been superfluous, but no one has argued that I have got class and I intend to keep it that way.
This particular Saturday evening (it was the end of the month and we were busy at the office trying to
close our accounts and file in all the necessary reports), I was enjoying my Diana Ross’s album as I drove
home. The soft wind was tussling my hair and I was thinking about catching a game of hockey on my
cable television when my phone began to buzz. The caller ID indicated Rosalind. I picked the call by
pressing on a call button on my dashboard. Rosalind’s soft but husky voice filtered into my car. “Hello
Darling,” she cooed. “Hello Rosalind. How was your flight?” “Got back a couple of hours ago. I’ve been
unpacking.” Rosalind was the fashion editor of Vanity Fair, so she got to travel to exotic places around
the world. “I’m thinking of coming over in a couple of hours…” Rosalind said, the unspoken request
hanging in the air. I smiled. Classy women knew never to badge in on their boyfriends unannounced.
“That would be splendid. I will make us some macaroni and cheese, or we could order Chinese.” “See
you soon,” she beamed. Four hours later, Rosalind knocked on my door. Well, classy doesn’t exactly
translate to being punctual, I shrugged as I pulled the door open. I always smelled Rosalind before I saw
her signature flowery and sensual Elizabeth Arden scent wafted into the room just before she did. She
cat-walked into my wide arms, her beautiful face aglow with her happiness which I was sure was
mirrored in mine. As she leaned into me, I put my arms around her and dipped my head as I sought her
lips. They were puckered, soft and succulent just as I remembered them. We hugged and kissed for five
minutes before I pulled away. “I think I should put some food into you before I ravish you all night long,”
I whispered. “You make eating sound so sensual,” she drooled. I had already laid the table with a three-
course meal. Some caviar as appetizer, spicy spaghetti as the main course and fruit cake for dinner-
everything had been prepared by me. I was borne into an Italian home where a man who did not
possess outstanding culinary skills was not man enough. And trust me, my masculinity was never in
question. A bottle of red wine was cooling off in an ice bucket and the display of ceramic bowls, glass
wares and polished silverware was indeed a sight to behold. “You always know how to make a woman
feel like a queen!” Rosalind enthused as I pulled out a chair for her at the table. Genevieve had said the
same two nights ago and Belinda, last week. Yes, I was a classy man, but like my fathers of old, I did not
believe in monogamy. All my ladies knew about this and they did not try to attain to more. I was quite a
catch by any standard. I was good-looking, tall with a chiseled body from weekly hours at the gym. I had
a nice apartment in the heart of the city and a nice ride to get around. I also knew how to take care of
my ladies. Beauty appointments at the spa this weekend, a fun get away at Monaco the

next or a shopping spree at Victoria’s secret. All that I asked in return was that they looked good and
give me great sex in return. They also have to be highly placed women, making waves in their field of
career and commanding respect from men and women alike. My job as the Managing Director of a
stock-broking firm enabled me to live the kind of life, I have always craved for myself. I started from the
bottom literally. My parents had owned a food chain back home in Italy. In the good old days, right in
the middle of my teenage years, we had lived large until my dad and his brothers had lost almost all they
had in the stock market crash. They had had to sell almost everything they had to stay afloat, and we

moved into a tiny house in the city’s suburbs. I would never forget the terrible days we had experienced,
dad picking up menial jobs and mum working her ass off at a banking job. After high school, I got a
scholarship to study in Stanford University, and I have lived here ever since. I worked while I schooled
sending almost all I earned home. I got to survive on the minimal allowance the government was paying
me as a student on scholarship. My parents and siblings didn’t know how I was suffering to make their
lives a lot less hard, and I will put up the best smile whenever I had to call home. My mum would always
say, “I can feel the smile in your voice, Anthony. It makes me so happy.” I would gulp down my emotions,
barely, as I said thank you to her. I eventually graduated top of my class and got recruited by a top
financial firm where I was furnished with a house and a car. At this point, I worked to bring in my entire
family into the United States, both immediate and extended. This was a feat I achieved in five years as I
continued to distinguish myself at work and getting promoted within short time periods. Ten years later,
at thirty-six, I was working at one of the best stock-broking firms in the country, my parents were living
in a house of their own, my uncles were doing fine too, and my siblings and cousins were either earning
their degrees or working and married. My only single sibling was my twenty-six-year-old sister who is
teaching in an arts college in Dallas. We always teased each other about getting married and settling
down. ***************************************************************** Rosalind was a
fun companion to always have over. She would dance for me and drag me to go swimming. She was an
exceptional dancer and she was a lover. Her prowess in bed always left me gasping, always left me
wanting more. When she left on Sunday evening, I was feeling satiated and really good. This was going
to be a great week indeed. I could feel like. Well, I guess for once, my instincts betrayed me because
when I got into the office on Monday morning, there was a lady shouting the place down. “I want to see
your Managing Director, and I want to see him now. I can’t believe how crappy your services are! You
cost my company fifty thousand dollars on Friday, and I intend to have that repatriated immediately!”
Her back was turned and as I was watched her gesticulating widely in front of my PA’s desk, I wondered
how such a petite body could house so much anger. As I passed into my office, I told my PA to send her
in without turning their way. I was putting my jacket away and adjusting my tie when she stomped in.
“Mr. MD, or whatever your name is, I think you and your organization fail to realize how much some of
us put into setting up our businesses. We had to give everything we had to build it from the ground up,
and yet you put our stock at jeopardy. What the hell were you thinking?!” “Well, my name is not MD,
Tony will suffice. Can you kindly take a seat, and I promise you that we will sort this thing out.” I
gesticulated to the empty chair facing my desk as I sat down myself. For the first time, I regarded her
closely. She had the most beautiful face I had ever seen, bereft of every trace of make-up. She had wide,
full lips with the perfect dentition. Her eyes were white, round and big and she had a mass of natural

curls on her head. God! She was so pretty! Not in the way I was used to. No, no, that overly
sophisticated, extremely curvy and obviously sensual thing my girlfriends had about them. This lady was
beautiful in a delicate way; she was barely curvy, no visible cleavage as her dress had a high neck. She
was just like a breath of fresh air! “So how can we be of help to you please?” “My broker called me
about a lucrative trade that was to happen yesterday. I gave him the go ahead to buy these shares for
my company but alas, I woke up this morning to realize that this deal had not been made and I lost out
on a fifty-thousand-dollar worth of opportunity. My practice is my life, I have invested everything I have
got into this and I really need it to work. If you guys cannot handle my stock, then I would rather make
the move to another competent company.” “I’m so sorry about this incident Miss…” “Thelma Bunchild.”
“I’m really sorry about this Miss Bunchild. Please who is the personal broker?” “Alan Costner.” I reached
for my intercom and asked Sarah, my PA to ask Alan to see me immediately. “Would you like a cup of
coffee or tea while we wait?” “I’m fine,” she replied. As angry as I know she was, I still couldn’t help but
admire her unique beauty. Her curls were pulled a bit from her forehead and held in place with a
stylishly tied green scarf. Her forehead was creased with thin lines of worries and she kept typing
furiously away on her phone keypad. Just as I was about to reassure her again, Alan walked into my
office clutching his iPad and his tie had the rumpled look of one who had spent all morning pulling away
furiously on it. Alan always had a rumpled tie and they looked quite askew on his perfectly ironed shirt
and trousers. Everyone around the office knew that Alan was one of the most hardworking staff, and he
always pulled away at his ties when he was under pressure or trying to make a big decision. He
acknowledged me and Miss Bunchild while I gestured towards an empty seat. He sat down and I
proceeded. “Miss Bunchild here has a complaint about her shares. That you forfeited a deal, she asked
you to make costing her fifty thousand dollars.” “Oh no, I did make that trade. It probably didn’t reflect
on your account on time due to a system error. I’m really sorry about that, but if you check your account
now, you will see that you are about fifty thousand dollars richer.” I watched Miss turn pink with
embarrassment; then she turned to face Alan. “Oh, I should have called you before I stormed in here
seeking a redress. I’m really sorry for causing you all these stress…” “It’s really nothing. We should fix
our server, so our clients get their updates as soon as possible,” I added. Alan talked with Miss Bunchild
for a bit before he nodded and took his leave. “I’m so embarrassed,” she moaned, facing me, “I really
should have made contact with him first. It’s just that those stocks are a part of my inheritance from my
late grandfather. I sold a part of it to obtain my PhD in Child Psychology and I just rented my office space
on Tenth Avenue. I intend to start practicing soon. So you see why I’m guiding this jealously.” “Trust me,
I know what it is to put in all you have into a project and to be very frantic about it. Believe me, we have
our interest at heart and we will never put your reserve at risk. I’m truly proud of your achievements,
your focus and your drive and I’m very sure your practice will be a great success.” I practically saw her
relax and her shoulders drop as I spoke and for the first time, she smiled. And it was a very beautiful

“You’re a really nice person. I can almost imagine how all of these would have gone south if you had not
been the voice of reason. And I’m supposed to be the psychologist here.” “You shouldn’t be so hard on
yourself. Almost every one of us will act the same way if faced with a similar circumstance. It just goes to
show how much you care about your career and that you will take no chances with your investments. It
is a good thing, Miss Bunchild.” “You can call me Thelma,” she said giving me another beautiful smile. I
was mesmerized. Not only was this lady beautiful, she was very intelligent, hardworking and smart. I
wanted to know her more. I wanted her to stay a bit more. Like a thirsty man gasping for a drop of water,
I found myself opening up to Thelma. This was something I never did. But I would do anything to keep
her. To listen to her soft voice a little longer. “Maybe I could make you my personal therapist. I’m going
through a weird phase in my life, relationship wise. I probably could do with talking to someone,” I said.
“Why not? I would gladly offer my services pro bono. After causing you all these troubles this early in
the morning, I owe you. So I’m going to give you my contact. You can reach me whenever you want and
we will talk.” I have never been happier. She reached into her purse and pulled a business card. Then
she used a pen to scribble something on the back before handing it to me. “That’s my business card. I
had my mobile number written at the back. This way, you can reach me when I’m at home or in the
office.” With that, she stood up, extended her hand for a shake and took her leave. As she walked away,
I had a good display of her ass and they were big, round and perfect. They were better than anyone I
had ever seen. She had the slimmest waist ever, and her ass had a beautiful rhythm that had me licking
my lips unconsciously. For the rest of the day, Thelma was the most predominant thing on my mind. Her
beautiful face, her bright smile, her small breasts, her tiny waist and her big ass. Most of all I kept
thinking about her lips, about kissing them and having her moan my name with that sweet, soft voice.
By the time I got home that evening, I was fully erect because of how naughty my thoughts had been. I
made a booty call to Belinda and she was in my house in less than an hour’s time. Immediately she came
through the door, I flung her bag from her shoulders and pulled her into my arms. I began to kiss and
grope her with frenzy and I couldn’t even wait for her to pull off her clothes. I turned her against the
wall, pulled up her skirt and fucked her right there in my living room, fully clothed. After that, we had
three more rounds before we finally fell into a deep sleep. She left first thing in the morning, but I found
that I still couldn’t stop thinking about Thelma. I had another hard day at work trying to conceal my
hard-on. When I couldn’t take it anymore, I called Thelma on her mobile number. “Hello,” her sweet
voice came over the speaker sounding crisp. “This is Tony from Finn and Co. Stockbrokers Ltd.” “Hey
Tony!” and just like that, her voice lost the edge. I smiled. “I was just thinking about your offer, and I
don’t know if you are free for an early lunch on Third Avenue. I can pick you up in say, thirty minutes,” I
tried to sound calm, self-assured, anything but desperate. I had a feeling I wasn’t succeeding. “That will
be lovely Tony. I look forward to seeing you.” Twenty-five minutes later, I was waiting in the reception
lounge of her office as she finished up with a client. I looked around the room and was impressed, the
colors of the wall and furniture were complimentary, and the whole arrangement gave off a relaxing but
business look at the same time. The room was cozy but was in no way shabby. I was skimming through a
magazine on mental health when she walked out of her office. She smiled as she came briskly towards
me. She was wearing a short, business-like skirt, a very clean white chiffon shirt and a pretty grey-
colored blazer, almost the same

hue with her skirt. Her mass of curly hair had been pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head. Just
like the last time, there was no trace of make-up on her face. I stood up as she reached me. Just as I
extended a hand, she leaned in and gave me a quick hug. I was caught in the warm, flowery scent of her
perfume. “Hello Tony. Sorry for keeping you waiting. Can we be on our way now?” I nodded and we
walked towards the elevator. “You look different,” I said to her when we got into the elevator and hit
the button for the basement where the garage is located. “Yeah, I know I look really flustered.” “Oh no! I
mean you look really… beautiful and very official.” “Uhmmmm. Thank you.” And she smiled again. “I can
see that your practice is already picking up.” I noted. “Well. Just before I started, I visited some schools
in the neighborhood and offered to give some free services to about ten kids. So I’m starting with these
ones first. Let’s see how it goes from here.” At this point, we had reached the garage and walked to my
car. I opened the car door for her and when she got in, I closed it. Then I went round and got behind the
wheel. Soon we were cruising down to Third Avenue. “That’s a really wonderful thing you’re doing for
those kids you know. So many kids out there just need someone to talk to, someone to care about
them…” “Yeah. I have always been concerned about the mental state of children and teenagers. You
find that most messed up adults who are now a burden to our society. They started out as being kids
who had a terrible childhood but had no one to talk to. So they grow up with these repressed emotions
and all these hurts and wrong ideas about life. That’s why you find that most men who abuse their wife
and kids where once kids who were abused themselves. The cycle continues if we don’t do a thing about
them. Children are a really important part of our society. They are our future. If we don’t get it right with
them, then we stand to lose a lot along the way. It’s also sad that our legislative and justice systems
have so many lapses especially when it comes to protecting abused kids or children who are at risk.” We
had gotten to the restaurant at this point. “Oops. I’m so sorry I have been blabbing non-stop. At the
mention of kids and psychology, my mouth begins to run like a faulty faucet.” I laughed at her analogy.
“I don’t think you were blabbing. In fact, you are very interesting to listen to. You are very deep and
intelligent and also very passionate about the wellbeing of children. That’s fucking awesome.” “Oh Tony,
you’re just going to make me blush to death.” We got into the restaurant, got a seat and made our
orders. We made light talk about the weather and the city as we waited to be served. Soon the waiter
brought in our steaming plates of Chinese curry rice, chicken and bottles of water and freshly squeezed
glasses of lemonade. We sank into our food and found it really tasty. Thelma didn’t hold back her praises.
“This chicken is so delicious, properly seasoned and well cooked. And the rice is just the right kind of
spicy. Ohh, this is wonderful!” Thelma enthused. “You seemed just about ready to have a food-gasm,” I
teased her. she laughed and said, “And trust me, that’s the best kind of orgasm ever. Oh yes, I’m a
foodie!” “You don’t look any bit like one.” “Trust me, besides counseling, the next thing I love more is
food. I love to read about food; I binge on food channels; I also love concocting new dishes all the time.
And best of all, I love eating food. During my last trip to Paris, I spent most of my time discovering places
to eat and trying out their most exotic dishes. It was such a beautiful experience.”

As she spoke, I watched the light in her eyes. She was so happy and full of life, and there was nothing
superficial there. “I’m sorry, I just keep talking and talking when we should be talking about you. So
what do you want to talk about Tony?” I took a small sip of my juice before I responded. “I think I’m a
sex addict.” I watched her expression go from being shocked to being professionally expressionless in a
manner of seconds. It was obvious that she hadn’t seen my confession coming. “What makes you think
so?” she asked. “That I’m addicted to sex?” She nodded. “Well, I have three sex partners presently. I
wouldn’t say I’m dating any of them. I’ve never been interested in sharing anything intimate with them
besides sex. And usually, when we’re done fucking, I can’t wait for them to leave.” “Go on,” she urged. “I
think it all began when I had to leave my parents in Italy at a young age to start college in the United
States. The pressure to be successful was high and then I was incredibly lonely. The only way I could take
this edge off was to have sex. Lots and lots of sex. And trust me, I’m a stallion in bed. Most times, I
exhaust my partners.” “Ok then. So do you think this is a problem? Why the need to seek therapy?” “I
feel like there is something wrong with me. Like I’m unable to pursue deep and lasting relationships. I
find myself unable to connect emotionally with the women I’m sexually involved with. Maybe I want this.
Maybe I need this connection. Maybe what is holding me back from this is this addiction.” “Maybe you
haven’t found the person with whom you could connect with in this way,” she said softly. I looked at her
with questions in my eyes. “Well, from your story, you don’t really fit the profile of a sex addict. Like I
think you just like to explore and sex is like a sport to you. And maybe if you meet someone with whom
you can connect with and still have all your crazy sexual fantasies, you will be fine.” “So you think there
is still hope for me?” Thelma smiled. “Yes, I think so. I believe that love is a beautiful thing that brings a
lot of healing in its wake. I feel that everyone should get to experience this wonderful feeling. So keep
your mind open, Tony.” I don’t know how to explain this, but I was feeling so much lighter emotionally.
Talking to Thelma was doing me a world of good. CHAPTER TWO I’ve never been in love
before save for a one-year relationship in my third year at the university. Sometimes when I think back
to it, I really can’t say if I was really in love or just obsessed. I would do

anything she wanted no matter how much of a sacrifice it was on my part. We moved in together after
six months of dating, and I thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world. Diana was smart,
beautiful and she had the longest hair I have ever seen. Everyone on campus wanted her and I thought I
was so lucky to have her all to myself. That was until I caught her having sex with another man right in
our apartment. I had been so broken and hurt that I moved out the next day. That was when I
discovered my crazy side and became a renowned playboy. I had the hottest girls in school breezing in
and out of my apartment every other day. I didn’t even have much to give them, but I had a good
reputation going on for me. I was handsome, intelligent and crazy in bed. All the guys wanted a share of
the fantastic sexual experience they have been hearing about and I did not disappoint. Towards the end
of my stay in the university, Diana tried to get back with me again, but I was fucking done with her. I was
also completely done with dating and putting my heart and emotions on the line for any girl. Anyway, I
played along with Diana, but what I was interested in was in humiliating her and breaking her spirit. I
asked her to give me a blowjob in front of my friends at a night party. She was so surprised that I could
make such requests. The Tony she knew was pliable and gentle. When she looked into my eyes and saw
how serious I was, she got down on her knees and gave me that blowjob. My friends started to hail me
and the news travelled far and I was officially stamped the baddest of them all. Diana would still not
leave me alone so I took the humiliated a notch further. I told her I wanted a threesome and she was to
provide the other girl. A week later, she came to my apartment with one of the hottest girls on campus
and I fucked both of them crazy. After that, I stopped picking Diana’s calls and she eventually gave up. I
have never told anyone about Diana because it reminded me of a time in my life I wanted to forget. I
had been terribly hurt and so I told anyone who cared to ask that I had never been in love before. And
so I didn’t tell Thelma either. I dropped her back at her office after lunch and proceeded to mine. Later
that night, Belinda came over and I really wasn’t feeling motivated to do anything. I concentrated on the
documents I was going through in m study and when she got tired of my inattention, she left. As soon as
I was done with my file, I decided to do a bit of work out before taking a shower and going to bed. As
soon as I got out of the bathroom, I got a message from Thelma. “Thank you for lunch today. Thank you
also for sharing your story,” it read. I smiled as she had been on my mind all evening. I decided to settle
down and chat with her. ME: The pleasure is all mine, Thelma. You’re amazing company and I felt better
for talking to you. Her response came almost immediately. THELMA: You flatter me too much. I’m glad
I could be of help. I’m always here if you ever have a need to unburden. ME: Am I not just one lucky
chap to have met you? THELMA: LOL. You’re still at it. Anyway, when are you going to bed? ME: I just
had my bath. Sleeping soon. THELMA: Aren’t you just so lucky? ME:

Why so? THELMA: I’m Insomniac. ME: I can keep you company for a few minutes if you care for it.
THELMA: Ohh. Wow. I care! ME: Lol. Let’s play a game of truth and dare. We both get three chances.
THELMA: Sounds interesting! I will go first then. Emmm… how many ladies are you presently sleeping
with? ME: Just three. THELMA: Nice. Your turn. ME: Tell me about your most awkward sexual
experience. THELMA: Ohh no! ME: Ohh yes! THELMA: Okay. I was 22. In college. My boyfriend and I
were busy in the backseat of the car when a cop pulled over. We were parked in a somewhat deserted
park. My boobs were dangling and my boyfriend was banging my ass when the cop knocked on the door.
The windows had been wound down all along. I quickly pulled away so I could cover myself and my
boyfriend who was on the verge of ejaculation had ended up spilling his semen all over me and the said
cop. It was the craziest thing ever. ME: OMG! I’ve never heard anything more crazy. THELMA: It was
horrible and funny at the same time. ME: I’m almost choking on my laughter here. THELMA: Laugh all
you want, but it’s my turn now. ME: Okay, go ahead. Although I doubt anything I’ve to say would be this
spectacular. THELMA: You will never know. Well, I dare you to send me a picture of you as you are right
now. ME: Not a big deal. THELMA: Well, send it. ME: Head shot? Bust or full? THELMA: Full

I had to go into the bathroom and take a full shot in front of my mirror and sent it to her. THELMA: Wow.
I like what I see. Can you lose the towel though? ME: You can’t make two requests in one turn. So wait.
THELMA: Killjoy! Well, it’s your turn. ME: Send a picture of yourself as you are right now. THELMA:
Copycat! Then she went on to send a picture where she’s lying on her pillow, her mass of curly hair
scattered all over it. She also had on a white, silky, sleeveless nightwear, and I could almost see the
outline of her nipples against it. She looked so breath-takingly beautiful. I suddenly had a strong urge to
kiss her. ME: You’re stunning. THELMA: I know! *tongue out emoticon* *wink smiley* ME: You would
have thought you are this narcissistic! *tongue in cheek* THELMA: Life would be boring without some
touch of narcissism. ME: …and a dash of vanity. THELMA: Vanity and narcissism go hand in hand. It’s
impossible to find one without the other. ME: Very true. Well, we are in the final rounds of our truth or
dare game, and I daresay we have had some fun, haven’t we? THELMA: Massive fun! ME: So I encourage
you milady to use your last chance wisely. *wink smiley* THELMA: Yes milord. *rubs hands excitedly*
ME: I’m scared! *tongue out* THELMA: *Rolls eyes* ME: Bring it on already! The suspense is killing me.
THELMA: What’s your biggest fear? ME: Wow. I didn’t see that coming. I thought you were going to ask
me to lose my towel.

THELMA: That’s me, man. I’m all about the shock factor. You never see me coming and then I’m like
BAM in your face. ME: Emmm… take it easy. You’re not actually a gangster. THELMA: Duhh. You are just
jealous. Well just answer me already. ME: My biggest fear is failure. I hate to fail at anything, really. The
thought of failure kept me awake in college and when I had just started working afterwards. That fear is
real. But I think it keeps me on my toes. THELMA: Interesting. You’re ambitious, fierce, handsome and a
sex freak. Bad-ass combo. ME: LMAO. Someone has really got me all figured out. But thanks all the same.
THELMA: Alright. It’s your turn. I will reiterate what you said by asking you to make good use of your last
question. ME: Ohhh. I’m just going to be a copycat and ask you what your biggest fear is. THELMA:
Common! ME: Let’ s just say you ask interesting questions so… THELMA: My biggest fear… let’s see. I’m
scared of so many things. I can’t deal, man! ME: Go on and list them. THELMA: I’m scared of clowns…
ME: That’s called coulrophobia, right? THELMA: Yeah. I’m mighty scared of snakes! ME: Ophidiophobia!
THELMA: I’m equally scared of rats. ME: Murophobia! THELMA: I’m scared of heights and enclosed
spaces too. ME: Acrophobia and claustrophobia respectively. THELMA: Wow. You’re very intelligent sir.
You actually should be the psychologist here. ME:

I wish! This is actually because I loved to read the Guinness World Records magazine when I was much
younger. I had this aunt who had subscribed for them, so they arrived quarterly or so. Now you see why
I know a lot about strange things. THELMA: That’s really nice. Well, now you know a lot about me. If you
use them against me, I will destroy you. ME: Hehehe. Are you daring me? THELMA: Yes, please. To drop
your towel. *wink* *wink* ME: No way! You missed your chance. Don’t add greed to your narcissism.
That’s too much vice for one soul, Ma’am. THELMA: LMAO. I hear you. Anyway, I think I’m sleepy now.
We should get to bed already. It’s quite late. ME: It really is! 1:30AM! How did time get away so fast?!
THELMA: They say time runs faster when one is having fun and we really did have lots of it. Thank you
for staying up with me. You really are a good friend. I owe you one. ME: Trust me, I will collect! THELMA:
Good night then. Talk to you soon. ME: Good night beautiful!
********************************************************** The days that ensued I was
taken up with Thelma that I totally forgot about Rosalind, Genevieve and Belinda. About two weeks
after meeting Thelma, Belinda sent me a voice message that she was coming over to the house. I had
just gotten home from the office when I played the message. I felt a bit bad because I had promised her
a weekend trip to the beach last weekend and I had forgotten all about her. Belinda was a very beautiful
blonde with legs for days. And she had an amazing voice one she was putting to good use. I first met her
at The Trumpets, an elitist night club where I had hosted a few, very wealthy prospective clients to a
night out with some drinks and good music. She was the guest artist for the night and so when she was
introduced, she came on stage with her jazz band and sang in one of the sweetest and yet sorrowful
voice I had ever listened. There and then I told myself I will sleep with her. I didn’t approach her that
night. I’ve got too much finesse for that though. Besides, I had a reputation I had to maintain with my
clients. Luckily for me, they signed the deal with my company that night. Two days later, I returned to
The Trumpets and went straight to see the manager. We were on very good terms because of my
frequent patronage. So I asked him for her contact. He gave it to me. I called her and booked her for my
office party two weekends away. She was so happy because the job came with a handsome pay. It was
at the party, I introduced myself and we got talking. After a while, I said to her, “You know what your
voice does to me? It makes me want to fuck you.” She laughed and did not say a word. The next day I
took her to a friend’s backyard barbeque party and we had a lot of meat and drinks until we were
intoxicated. I was even more intoxicated than she was. She laughed and teased me about my

low alcohol intolerance level. Well, we had an amazing time but I didn’t take her home that night. I like
my women to be fully conscious of what I was doing to them and vice versa. Besides, I didn’t want any
woman throwing up on my bed. It had happened once in college. I had had to clean up the said lady,
myself and the bed. Such experiences were enough as a one-time affair. More than once and you best
be sure that you’re under a spell. Anyway, Belinda and I had sex two days later and I was very impressed.
When her makeup and serious hair-do were gone she looked even more beautiful. And so we started
seeing each other. Two months into our relationship we had a big fight. She came to see me
unannounced and met Rosalind in my shower. I was locked up in my study making an impromptu call to
an oversea client. The next thing I heard was Belinda screaming down the whole house. I had to quickly
round up my call and went to see what the problem was. Belinda was busy breaking my expensive
furniture, fitting and decorations. Rosalind stood far away laughing quietly. I had to practically drag
Belinda into my study to calm her own. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I asked her. “You’re
cheating on me with that red-haired bimbo right? How could you?! How dare you?!!” “She’s not a
bimbo. She’s my girlfriend.” “Wait, what do you mean? Are you trying to say I’m the side chic?” “No,
you’re not. You’re also my girlfriend.” “What kind of fucked-up shit is that?” “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I
was going to come around to it, but then I never told you we were exclusive or anything.” “You really
must think you’re God’s gift to women or something like that, huh? Do you know that there are a lot of
captains of industries, senators, celebrities, etc. who want to have me? Yet I chose you. Now, this is
what I get.” “I really don’t mind you fucking anyone else. In fact, I’m pretty cool with it. In fact I want you
to.” “What? This is really messed up. I don’t understand what you’re saying,” confusion and anger were
written all over her countenance. “Okay. I really need to explain from the beginning. I don’t do the heart
and roses kind of relationship. I’m polyamorous as a lot of people all over the world are. I like to have to
multiple lovers at the same time. That’s who I am.” “That means I’m not just enough for you. Like I’m
lacking in so many ways.” “Not at all. Listen to me, Belinda. I really like you. You’re amazing. You’re
beautiful. You’re so talented and you’re really doing well in your career. That is one really bombshell
combination you’ve got there. Please stop defining yourself by who I am. This is not about you. This is
about me. I’m just incapable of dating one person at a time.” “I can’t deal with this shit!” she said and
stomped out of the house. I sighed and went to the living room. Rosalind had called in a cleaning
company to fix the mess. I smiled at her gratefully. She came towards me just then and gave me along
kiss. “You will be fine, baby boy,” she said and took her leave. Of all my girlfriends, Rosalind was the
most understanding and had given me the least stress about the whole arrangement. We’ve been dating
for almost five years now, even though there were times when we didn’t get to see for six to eight
months at a stretch. Rosalind was very confident of her sex life and will even tell me who and who she
was banging besides me. But I was still her favorite any day, any time. She never expected hearts, roses
and promises of forever from me. In fact, she didn’t even want them. Her freedom was her biggest asset
and, in her words, “I don’t want anyone or anything holding me down.” and by anything, she meant
marriage. Although she has told me, on several occasions, about her plans to adopt a baby when she
turns forty-five.

Two days after Belinda stomped out of my house, I sent her a message asking if she was okay. She didn’t
send me a reply. I was really worried so I went to see her in her apartment the next day. It turned out
that she had flown to Spain to perform at the presidential inaugural dinner. About a week later, I went
to see her again. She opened the door dressed in a bum short and a pink halter-neck top. She gave me a
once-over, her face bereft of any expression, before she waved me into the apartment. I soon as I sat
down on the sofa, she asked me: “What do you want, Tony?” “I needed to know you are fine.” “Well I’m
fine.” “I can see that now.” “So...?” “I miss you.” Belinda didn’t say a thing and I saw it as chance to try
to convince her again. “See, we could have a lot of fun together this way. Promises and expectations in
relationships is why people get hurt. I’m not going to do that. Tell you that we are going to get married
some day or that I can’t live without you. Trust me, that is some major bullshit if you ask me. But this
way, you know what you are getting. There will be no surprises along the way that would break your
heart. We would go to wonderful events together, have fun vacations and well of course, great sex too.
What is more beautiful than that? Forget what about who else I’m seeing. This is about me and you. You
can see anyone else and I don’t care as long as you take good care of yourself sexually and all. I would
do the same to you. I also promise you to be hundred percent honest and I expect the same from you.
But I also see that you’re probably looking forward to settling down someday and having kids. Well,
when you meet ‘that guy’, we can end this thing.” I saw several emotions play on her face and then it
relaxed into a smile and she said, “Fuck this shit! I have missed you so much!” and she flew into my arms.
We had the most amazingly steamy make-up sex ever. Well, right now, I’m in the center of my living
room, about a year after that fight, and I’m listening to her sweet voice on my answering machine telling
me that she is coming over. I shook my head, amazed at myself at how much I had changed these past
few days. I have never wanted to kiss anyone as much as I hunger to kiss Thelma right now. I have never
felt this way before and it was very scary and exciting all at once. Belinda was in my house less than
twenty minutes later. I had just had my shower and my hair was still wet. When I opened the door, she
flew into my arms. “Baby!” she cooed and showered my face with kisses, “I’ve missed you so much.” I
smiled and held her for a bit longer. “What happened? You didn’t call me about the weekend trip
again,” she queried as she sauntered into my apartment. She was wearing a short, yellow print dress
and she had a pair of black, leather boots on her feet. “I was so caught up with work that I forgot.” I
really couldn’t bring myself to tell her the truth? Even if I tried, what would I say? I just met a lady who is
making me reconsider this whole polyamory shit. Well I lied to you, hearts, roses and forever kind of
makes sense. It’s really not bullshit after all. I almost laughed at the thought of what Belinda would do to
me if I ever uttered those crazy words out loud. With her fiery temper, it wouldn’t be past her to get a
large pan from the pantry and do my head in with it. And she would love every minute of it. But was I
really reconsidering this whole polyamory business? I remembered my girlfriend from college, how I had
sworn never to fall in love again but here I was longing for Thelma’s lips.
“I’ve also been tied up at work. I’m getting some very awesome gigs these days. Last week, I was in
Colorado to perform at some celebrity wedding. I had some really amazing time.” “Ohh. That’s lovely.”
“I even visited my mum last week and she was so happy. Her new husband is still a dick though.” I burst
into laughter. “I’m really at that point where I think you do not believe that any man, other than your
father, is good enough for your mother.” “Trust me, there ain’t no one as good as my father. It’s not
even possible. Unfortunately, though, cancer took him away from us, from her. and she keeps hooking
up with all these assholes.” “I think you should rest assured that your mum is an adult and that she is
happy with her decisions. You, on the other hand, should also try to have fun and let the old woman
enjoy her life. When you get to be in your sixties, you can maybe try to pass judgments on her
decisions.” “Hmmm. I think you’re making a lot of sense. Alright come here, baby. I missed you. I want
you to eat me up.” Usually when she says those words, I get so turned on but not today. “Quite an
interesting offer but I’m famished… for food. There’s this new, amazing Mexican restaurant down the
street. I think we should go have dinner there.” “Emmmm… can’t we order in?” “I just don’t feel like
being cooked up in this house right now. Besides you’re looking so beautiful. I want to show you off.”
She smiled and the reluctance disappeared from her face. She grabbed her back as I put on a clean shirt
and a pair of dark blue jeans. We were sitting having dinner when Thelma’s message floated into my
phone. It read: Hey, friend. I’m missing you. How did your day go? I smiled and made to reply her when
Belinda tapped me on the arm. “Hey you have been barely saying anything to me all evening as you kept
on checking your phone. Now you seemed to have heard back from this person you’ve been waiting for
all day long. And then it’s seems like you are about getting settling down to chat away our date… with
someone else,” Belinda was livid. Even though I knew I was at fault, I began all defensive. “You really
have been itching to start a fight all evening. Unfortunately, I’m not in the mood for it at all,” I replied.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” “I don’t know what you mean, Bell.” All her friends call her
Bell. Her band name is even The Tower of Babel. “I don’t even think you missed me. I suddenly feel like
I’ve been forcing myself on you today,” she mourned. She couldn’t have been more right but I replied
instead, “Ohh. Get over yourself already, Bell! Everything is not about you!” “Well, this is getting really
exhausting. When you’re ready for me, give me a call. Until then, I will be in my little cocoon doing what
I know how to do best- make music. BYE!” and she stood up and left. I know I was supposed to be
feeling bad but all I felt was relief. CHAPTER THREE I grew up surrounded by family and food. Strong
family ties, large family celebrations and so much food and drinks to consume. My father’s brothers
lived close by and they ran their restaurants together so I had my cousins, nephews and even a
grandfather around.

My father and his brothers were awesome cooks and they were totally involved in the art and science of
the cooking. It was for them not just a business but a passion. My father and uncles could take the
simplest of recipes and turn it into a sophisticated cuisine. The restaurant was called Couri e fiori, Italian
for hearts and flowers. Just before the business folded up, we had just received our fourth star and our
clients were almost overwhelming. There were times when we had reservations made two weeks in
advance. I loved to work in the restaurant and because my dad won’t let us go in on week days, I always
looked forward to the weekends when I could go and spend there. My mum was a qualified accountant
so she was in charge of the books, settling the accounts and all what nots. When I went there, I would
spend time learning how to make different dishes and drinks. When I turned fourteen, my father
allowed me to take up a holiday job at the restaurant waiting on the guests. We had a lot of tourists
coming in so I loved to see all these different people with their different skin colour, hair type, body
build and accents. It was fun watching them react differently to the food and their environment and ask
questions about things they were not sure of. It was during this time I had my first big crush. It was on
this African -American girl who was vacationing with her parents. They would come in every morning
and evening for their breakfast and dinner. She was about two years older than me which meant she
was about sixteen. She was tall, very pretty and had big, beautiful eyes. Whenever they came around, I
almost took a dash to their table so that I could wait on her and have an excuse for gawking at her. She
was so confident and fashionable and intelligent that she always commandeered their table. Her parents
let her make their orders and her younger ones worshipped her. We started talking three days later
when she would hang around a bit after her parents had gone. She told me her name was Pearl and she
and her family was going to be in Venice for five more days before going back to Colorado. She was the
first person who ever suggested that I come to the US for college and she also noticed that I was very
good with numbers. She took to calling me a geek because I was tall and gangly, quiet ad bespectacled
too. One time I heard someone scream GEEK! when I went grocery shopping one day and even before I
saw her face, I turned around smiling. She was also there to buy a few toiletries. “I started my period
and was out of tampons,” she whispered in my ears. When I tried to hide my blush and failed, she
teased me by calling me a virgin. “Have you ever kissed a girl before?” she prodded as we walked the
aisles together. “No,” I whispered smiling. A day before she was to leave with her family, Pearl asked me
to give her a tour of the restaurant’s kitchen and pantry. I knew my dad would not have a problem with
that so we went on our tour and she was amazed by all the equipment we had. “I didn’t know there was
a machine for this… I didn’t know there was a machine for that… everything is so exquisite…” she kept
gushing. When we got into the pantry, she quickly pushed me into a corner and asked me if she could
kiss me. I was stunned and excited so I nodded yes. Pearl proceeded to give me a very nice kiss that
lasted about two minutes before she pulled away. “I’m honored to be your first kiss,” she said smiling. I
missed her when she was gone and we exchanged friendly correspondence until about six months later,
the family business crashed and I allowed our friendship to wither. Another thing I remember distinctly
from growing up is my parents’ staunch faith. We were unapologetically Catholics and observed each
ritual religiously. We went for all the masses, did all the child baptism, candle prayers, rosary recitations,
etc. I even served as an altar boy for a period of time and the church priest kept encouraging my parents
to allow me join the seminary. The thought of this sends me into stitches of laughter these days. I
wonder what Father Benedict will say if he knew about all my sexual escapades, my threesomes and all.
I’m sure he will faint at the sight of my depravity. I have

not even stepped foot in church for almost a decade except for Christmas and Easter services or when I
go to visit my parents. I wasn’t an atheist in any way whatsoever but I wasn’t a churchgoer either. I like
to live my life the way I want without allegiance to anything but absolute fun. All these fond memories
of family, food, church and crushes were what flooded my thoughts as I got off the plane in Texas. I had
arrived for my female cousin’s wedding ceremony and the whole extended family was going to be there.
I looked forward to the hugs, kisses and warm greetings. As soon as I stepped into the big, beautiful
home of Uncle Alberto, I was assaulted with the scent of spicy Italian cuisine, energetic discussions and
hearty laughter. I smiled in appreciation. Uncle Alberto is my father’s immediate younger brother and
the father of the bride-to-be. The bride to be is my twenty-six-year-old cousin, Capricia. Capricia is a
gynaecologist and her husband-to-be is a pharmacist from a very well to do home. We were anticipating
a very large and flashy wedding and I knew my uncle will leave no stone unturned to give his first child
the wedding of her dreams. If the wedding ceremony wasn’t the talk of the town for the next several
months, then it wasn’t a true Italian wedding. The first person to see me was my little niece, Alfreda.
Alfreda is a six-year old, chubby and very pretty girl who loves to scream at the top of her voice and
laugh. She is also very intelligent and smart. She is the daughter to my cousin, Alphonsus. They also live
in Manhattan so we got to see quite often. She screamed my name and ran to hug me. I stooped low
and opened my arms to welcome her. “Uncle Tony! We’ve been waiting for you!” “Who are we?”
“Mummy, daddy, grandpa, Auntie Anelida, Auntie Capricia, everyone..” Anelida was my youngest sister,
the one who was a lecturer in Dallas. I carried Alfreda in my arms and we went in to meet the rest of the
family. Everyone was so excited to see me especially my mother who began teasing me about settling
down as soon as possible. I just smiled at all her questions and insinuations as I went in search of
something to drink. Anelida soon to join me at the bar. “What was that?” she asked me with a glint in
her eyes. “What was what?” I asked right back, sipping my cognac on ice. “When my mum and the
others were berating you about marriage back there, you just kept smiling…” “Really?” “Really! Don’t
tell me you’ve gone and fallen in love! Don’t tell me you’re getting married next!” She sounded so
frantic that I burst into laughter. “Why are you so scared?” “Well I thought we were in this together
bro!” “This staying single business. Now you’re selling out on me. With you gone, Mum would come for
my head next.” “You unrepentant heartbreaker! You had better go fall in love.” “Wonders of all wonders!
Tony is preaching about falling in love. I’m afraid I’m going to turn into a unicorn pretty soon,” Anelida
gasped. “Ohh come on! What about Jules? Aren’t you two still together? Besides you’ve been dating for
the past three years. In fact, you practically live together. You guys should just tie the knots already.”
“Lower your voice before mum hears you. Jules and I don’t live together. We have our different
apartments.. duh.” “The last time I checked you were always sleeping over at each other’s. In my
opinion, you’re not being financially smart. You could save a whole lot of money on rent and other bills if
you stop pretending you live apart and fucking move in together,” I chided. “Hahaha. I get your point
but we all need our spaces where we can vent and stop the relationship from going toxic.” “Hmmmm. I

“See how you’ve succeeded in making all these about me. You can’t escape my questions bro. so who’s
this lady that has stolen your heart and makes you blush like you just got your first kiss?” I laughed
slightly and said, “Her name is Thelma. She’s very beautiful and smart. We’re not even dating… yet.
She’s just so different, you know. She makes me… come alive!” “Ohh boy. I can see that you’re really
taken by her. Wow. Why are you two not dating yet?” “It’s kind of complicated. I have all these ladies in
my life already and I don’t think I want Thelma in my life together with the rest of them. She doesn’t
even know how I feel about her yet. I just have to sort a lot of things out first,” I sighed. I always felt
free sharing most of my deepest secrets with Anelida. She was just so matured and understanding. “I’m
sure you will figure it out,” she said with a smile and squeezed my hands. Soon we joined the rest of the
family. The wedding turned out very fine. And when it was time for the new bride Capricia to drive away
to the airport with her groom so they can fly to Hawaii for their honeymoon, she burst into tears. Her
mother joined in and in a matter of seconds, almost all the women were crying and some of the men
were surreptitiously dabbing at their eyes. Somehow, I could relate with what was going on. That
bittersweet feeling that says, “We your family are going to miss you but then, we’re happy that you’re
starting out a new life for yourself with this awesome fellow.” I flew back to Manhattan that evening. It
had been a wonderful two days with my large family. It felt nice reconnecting with all these people after
a few years. We had danced until we had no more strength left in us; eaten until our stomachs almost
gave out on us; laughed until we choked and screamed until our voice was hoarse. I’m glad I’ve such a
big family that values ties and love. Even though we all wanted to be free of the constant hovering of
family members eventually, it feels good to know you’ve got all of these awesome people you can
always run to when the tide gets too high. I was already looking forward to the next reunion.
******************************************************************* As soon as I got into
my house, just back from my journey, my phone buzzed. It was Thelma. I smiled. THELMA: How was
your flight? Hope it went on smoothly? ME: Yes, it was. I slept almost through it. I was pretty exhausted
from the whole wedding hullabaloo. THELMA: LOL. It’s really good to have you back there. Try to take a
warm shower and go to bed. I will see you tomorrow. I found myself smiling because it has been a
while since we last saw. I had been very busy at work and then I had to travel west for my cousin’s
wedding. So I replied: I AM LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU. The next day I took special care with
my dressing. I put on my sky-blue office cotton shirt that accentuated the broadness of my shoulders
and usually made many heads turn. I was whistling as I walked into my office that morning. I met a pile
of documents that needed sorting out on my desk, a few appointments and a board meeting. It was
really going to be a hectic day for me. If I got home before 7PM I would be lucky. I was so engrossed in
work that I soon forgot about Thelma coming over. At 12 PM, my PA came to announce that I had a
visitor. I didn’t quite catch the name but I asked her to let the person with just a wave of my hands.
About a minute later, I felt her even before I saw her. She stood in front of me smiling so beautifully. I
looked up and saw her astonishingly beautiful face. She had

a pink checkered mini wrap-around dress on which clung to her curves likes a second skin. She looked so
ravishing. “Thelma!” I enthused. “Hello Tony,” she replied. “I totally forgot about our meeting. I came in
this morning to meet a tone of work on my desk. You’re such a sight for sore eyes,” I said I walked
around my desk to hug her. She had on a pair of gorgeous black heels that added to her small height so
she was staring directly into my lips as we stood opposite each other. That was when it happened. She
placed a delicate hand on my broad chest and pushed me gently back. I moved gently backwards until I
was finally backing my seat. Then she gave me a final shove and I sat down suddenly. I was hell
spellbound when she slightly lifted her dress then she spread her legs and sat astride me. I couldn’t say a
word for the life of me. When she was sitting on me, she grabbed my tie and pulled my head forward.
When we were breathing into each other’s faces, she dipped her head and devoured my lips. As soon as
her lips touched mine, I gasped. Her lips were so soft and I felt like I was being kissed by air. Then she
began a bit forceful as she forced my lips open and pushed her tongue in. she tasted of mint and flowers.
I couldn’t resist it anymore as I held unto her head and gave her as much as she was giving me. We
continued kissing for about five minutes before we finally came up for air. When we were done, Thelma
looked into my face and smiled. Then she reached out with her thumb to wipe the lipstick smudge off
my lips. She showed me the telltale red paint on her thumb and I smiled too. “That was wonderful,” she
whispered, “that’s all I thought about last night- kissing you.” I smiled again. “I want to kiss you some
more,” I said. “What are you waiting for?” she asked. So I held unto her head gently and buried my lips
in hers. The kiss started off gently then it heated up and when we finally pulled apart, our lips were
slightly swollen. I was visibly aroused and I know she could feel it sitting on me the way she was. She
stood up and sashayed away slowly, giving me a good glimpse of her beautiful big ass and her tiny waist.
I licked my lips unconsciously. “I’m taking my leave now Tony,” she announced, picking up her handbag.
“Can we meet up for dinner tonight?” I asked hopefully. I was now on my feet as I advanced towards her
slowly. “I will be delighted,” she replied. When I got to her, I slowly turned her around and lifted her
hands and put it around my neck. Then I pulled her towards my thighs. When we were touching, I
whispered into her ears. “Can you feel that?” “Yes I can. You’re so big!” I grinned wickedly and said:
“You caused it. You made me want you so much.” Then I put my hands on her breasts and gently
stroked her downwards. When I got to her ass, I grabbed them real hard for some seconds then spanked
her lightly. She gasped with pleasure as she leaned into me. Then she turned her head and pulled my
lips closer. We started another bout of kissing and it was when my PA knocked on the door to announce
another appointment that we finally pulled. “See you later,” she said as she picked up her bag again. “I
will be counting the minutes,” I smiled.
******************************************************************* I was so excited for
the rest of the day and could hardly keep still. at 7:30PM I rounded up my final appointment, approved
some documents and grabbed my briefcase. I half walked; half jogged to my car.

I got home, had a quick shower, changed into a new shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans, put on a pair of
black leather sandals and left to pick up Thelma. She was waiting in front of her apartment block
wearing a dark blue lycra dress, a black leather jacket and a pair of sneakers. I drove to right where she
was, and before I got down to open the doors for her, she had opened it herself and had gotten in. “Hi,”
she said as she settled in her seat and put on her seat belt. “Sorry for keeping you waiting dear,” I said I
pulled away from the drive way and entered the street. “I had a late appointment too, just got in about
an hour ago.” “So do you have a place in mind where we can go eat?” I asked. “I was thinking we have a
drive-in buy some food and drinks to go, and drive to a park. I know a spot on Fifth Avenue.” So we
bought some Chinese food, burgers and drinks at a McDonald’s drive in and we were on our way. Soon
we got to the park and settled down to eat. “My friends and I used to come here back when I was in
high school with our boyfriends. We would have this big picnic, dance around, play games. It was fun,”
Thelma said. “Wow. This means you’ve lived all your life in Manhattan right?” “Yeah. My parents live
about thirty minutes away on the hill. But I had to leave for college in Princeton.” “Princeton? Wow. Ivy
league.” “Yeah. Besides my family connection, I was one of the best students. When I obtained my
undergraduate degree, I applied for my Masters’. Then when my grandfather passed away and left every
one of his children and grandchildren a piece of his estate and properties. That was how I came into my
inheritance and decided to follow my dreams.” “What was your dream?” “I have always been interested
in children and in mental health but in my family only two professions was approved of, law and
business. My mother is a state judge and my father, just like his father before him, is a business mogul.
So it was either I joined the family business or I go into law just like my mother. I have never been
interested in business so I chose law while my two brothers went into business. As the only daughter, I
couldn’t afford to be a rebel. Four years of practicing law, I nearly lost my mind. I was practically bored
to death. Then my grandfather died and I decided to do what I had always wanted to do now that I had
some good money of my own. I knew the backlash would be ugly so I decided to go very far way. I
applied to London and just a few days before I was supposed to leave, I informed my parents and ran
away. I didn’t come home for three years as I pursued a degree in child psychology then I also got my
Masters. It was one of the best times of my life. I met lots of wonderful people and dated one of my
lecturers- a very good-looking, slightly graying, middle-aged divorcee. It was also enough time for my
parents to absorb the sting of my insurgency and to forgive,” Thelma concluded smiling. “You’ve had
quite a life!” “Yes I have. I will be thirty-two soon and I don’t regret a day in my life. There was a time I
looked back with a mixture of anger and sadness at the years I wasted studying law but I don’t anymore.
Everything fell in place for me at the right time.” “Your story is quite philosophical.” “Don’t mind me-
when I start to talk about myself, I can babble.” “You’re so sexy when you babble.” She smiled and asked
me: “So what’s your story, Tony?” “just like you I had to pursue my dreams too at an early age, but with
the blessing of my family. The economic recession had made my family lose their business, most of their
life savings and their source of income. Things had gotten really bad and fortunately for me, I got a
scholarship to Stanford University. I moved from Italy to the United States at the age of seventeen.
That’s probably the most courageous thing I have ever had to do in my entire life. It was really hard but
I’m here today.”

“That’s such a beautiful story, Tony. So your parents are still in Italy?” “No, I paved the way for every
one of them to move to the States too. So we’re probably a good example of the American dream. We
came in with nothing but my parents were able to resurrect their eatery business. They have branches
of it in about three different cities and they are not doing bad at all.” We continued to eat and talk and it
felt so easy unwrapping myself to her. I usually don’t like to talk about my life with other people and I
was quite surprised the ease at which I unburdened myself to her. When we were done eating, I said to
her. “Since you left the office today, all I have thought about is kissing you.” She looked into my eyes,
smiled and said, “Go right ahead.” I pulled her closer and dipped my head. Her lips were cold and soft
and wonderful in all the right ways. I don’t even think I would ever have enough of her. And I was just
getting started. I pulled off her jacket and grabbed her boobs. As I caressed them, she was busy kissing
my neck. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I unzipped her dress and reached for the fastening of her bra.
Her breasts spilled out in all their luscious glory and her nipples stood dark ad aroused. “Wow!” I said,
“You’re so beautiful Thelma. And dipped my head and had a taste of these great beauties. She caught
her breath, stiffened and soon she was moaning beneath me. After a few minutes, I began to kiss her
again. I have never been more aroused or wanted a woman this much. She was for me the symbol of
perfection- everything I have ever wanted in a woman, everything I have ever wanted in a friend. “I
want you so much Thelma. I want to taste you; to have all of you,” I whispered. Suddenly she stiffened.
Not in a positive way. Then she withdrew from me and put on her bra and adjusted her gown. I was
wondering what I had said wrong, whether I had gone too far when she said. “Tony, I have a boyfriend.”
And just like that my world came crashing down. CHAPTER FOUR I know I sound
hypocritical- getting hurt when hitherto I have been a staunch believer and advocate of polyamory. Even
I was surprised at my sudden change of stance. I really thought I had gotten it all figured out with my
non-committing attitude to relationships. I love the woman body, I honestly do. I love sex even more,
and I was sure getting a load of it. But I never thought I would find myself in a place where I wanted just
one woman, one that wouldn’t have to share with anyone. ONE THAT I COULDN’T BEAR TO SHARE WITH

I think the latter part was what scared me the most. I didn’t even think I had such emotions left to invest
especially after my experience with my college girlfriend. I thought I had transcended beyond this need-
this need of anyone. Then Thelma came into my life and somehow, even before I had made up my mind
to date her, I was already thinking of making adjustments so that I will be deserving of her. I was already
making plans to end all current relationships I had just so I can slide into a perfect monogamy with her.
And now this? Was it that she probably only needed me for the sex, just like I needed the other women
in my life? Was that all she was interested in? Was this boyfriend “the one”? Maybe I was blowing things
out of proportion; maybe I needed to take some deep breaths and have a long talk with her. Well, at the
moment, I had quietly dropped her off at home. After she announced she had a boyfriend, all I said was
“okay.” then she asked if I could go drop her at home and I obliged her. Now I’m sitting at home,
brandishing a bottle of wine, trying hard to process this flood of emotions. I didn’t like this place I was-
too many things to piece together, too many things to evaluate. Life was smirking at me right now.
Maybe what I needed was a distraction. So I called Genevieve, my third lover. It was about 10:30PM,
and I wondered what she would be doing. As I waited for her to pick up the phone, I reflected on how
we had met. Genevieve was easily my favorite of the three and the reasons are not far-fetched. She is
the oldest of the three and we’ve been together the longest. When I met Genny about eight years ago,
she was just an upcoming lawyer working as an assistant on Obama’s first term campaign team. We
actually met at the national democratic convention and we sat side by side. The crowd that day
reflected the feeling of the nation and the world at large as America got ready to elect our first black
president. There was great hope, happiness and frenzy. We were all screaming at the top of our voices
and clapping. That was how we had first noticed each other. I, the tall, almost gangly young fella decked
in a shirt, blazer, jean and sneakers and she in a skirt suit. She had a low cut on that was similar to Anita
Baker’s. She was not really beautiful but she was damn attractive. She was of average height, deep
curves and a face that was as expressive as a painter’s canvass. She was so easy to understand, to trust
and hence to like. We exchanged numbers and hooked up the next morning for breakfast. And that was
how we became friends. We became friends first before we became lovers and maybe that’s why our
friendship has stood the test of time. After all what’s not to like about Genny? She is smart, gorgeous,
hard-working focused and very generous. When the tide turned around for her and she became a big
shot following Obama’s victory at the poll, she always showered me with gifts and fun vacations. She is
perhaps my closest friend in the whole world. Genny, just like me, had started from nothing. She never
knew who her dad was. He had gotten her mother pregnant at fifteen and had absconded. Genny
practically grew up in the slum, and as an inner-city kid, she had to fight to get to where she was today.
At fourteen, she had been sexually abused by her step-dad and her mother would not believe her.
Genny, however, would not let the matter go. She walked all the way to social services office very early
the next morning and she had him reported. Less than an hour later, the son of a bitch was cooling his
ass off in a holding cell. Her mother was so mad at Genny that when the step-dad was finally sentenced
to some time in prison, she pushed her out of the house. At fifteen, Genny had to move in with her high
school boyfriend or face an uncertain future at a foster home. Unfortunately for Genny, her woes had
just begun. The said boyfriend was basically a dropout who traded in drugs. He was the leader of the
most feared gangs on the street. He was always getting into problems with the law, but he always found
a way out. He was a great boyfriend at first, taking care of Genny and all her needs until his business fell
apart and he started raping her and forcing her to take drugs. Genny was in a serious dilemma on
whether to leave or to hold out. Because one minute he was being a total ass to her and the next, he
was crying and asking her to forgive him. Besides a future without him looked really bleak and she was
counting months to graduating from high school.

Genny had always been an excellent student and so when she applied to different ivy league colleges,
she was accepted into most. A month to the end of high school, she got called into her principal’s office,
where she was informed that she had been granted a full scholarship to study law in Harvard University.
She was numb with joy and happiness, but all of this was to be short-lived. That night, while she was
asleep with her boyfriend, they had had a break-in and had both been shot as the “robbers” made away
with large bags of cocaine and some cash. They had been rushed to the hospital almost immediately,
but Genny’s boyfriend was declared dead on arrival. Genny had to undergo a major brain surgery to
remove the bullets lodged in her cranium. The doctors had little hope that she will survive these series
of surgery unscathed, that is without losing one or two motor function, but she did survive it. It was a
really difficult time for Genny; she had just lost her boyfriend, the only person in the world who cared
about her that time, even though it was more of a twisted and crazy kind of care. But then, it didn’t
change the fact that he did. They had been dating for almost four years as she was just a few months to
her eighteenth birthday. Throughout her stay in the hospital, no one had come to check on her, not
even her mother. “It was the most depressing time of my life. I longed for someone, anyone, outside of
the hospital to come see me. I was almost tempted to pay to have a stranger bring me a stem of roses
and stay a few minutes with me. It was crazy. You will never know how much you have, in terms of
family and friends, until you have been in that place I was when not a single soul in the world cared
about you- you might as well be dead for all they cared. We are losing it in this country- that thing called
empathy. People are so caught up in themselves, barely looking out for the next person. That’s why you
have people dying in their apartments, and the neighbors only get to know when their corpses are
stinking the whole place up!” Genny bemoaned. As if this wasn’t enough, the doctor informed Genny
that she was pregnant- ten weeks gone. He asked her what she planned on doing with it and that she
had to make up her mind soon. Genny knew what the doctor was trying to say. That is, if she wanted to
have it terminated, it was better soon than later and time was already running on her. Genny knew in
her heart from the very first minute that she couldn’t bring herself to terminate that pregnancy and she
told the doctor so the next day. “Are you sure about this?” he asked her. He was aware that she was
leaving for college soon and he was skeptical about how this baby was going to do anything but ruin her
young life. “I want to keep it- I will find a way to make it work. Thank you for your concerns,” Genny
assured the elderly doctor. Genny spent a total of two months in the hospital and when she was
discharged, she was already four months pregnant. She got two jobs, one as an assistant in a bookshop
and the second as a receptionist in a restaurant. She worked really hard and had to save for her baby’s
things. Four months later, just a few weeks to her expected day of delivery, Genny resumed college. She
was very slim and so her pregnancy barely showed. She always had layers and layers of clothing on so as
to hide it and avoid the judgmental looks from people as she was wont to receive. On the fifth of
December, 1999, Genny gave birth to very chubby and cute baby boy. When he was brought to her after
hours of labor, Genny was laughing and crying because she was so overwhelmed with emotions. She
named him Faisal after his late father. Somehow strong Genny was able to combine motherhood and
law school all by herself and she still graduated top of her class. She got a job at a top law firm and
moved into a very decent apartment with her baby. That same month she turned twenty-four. She fell in
love with her boss in the office and they got married about two years later. But their love story soon
turned sour. He began to abuse her both physically and emotionally just like her step father and late
boyfriend before him. He would always remind her how she was nothing without him, how he gave her
a present job. He loved to call her an ugly black, poor woman with an ugly, black son.

“Yeah, I found myself not only married to an abuser but a racist too!” she said to me with a snigger. She
finally had enough on the day he lifted his hands to hit her son. “My mother had let her husband not
only beat me but sleep with me as well. My worst dream has always been that I would turn into the kind
of horrible person my mother was, especially to me. That day as Doug hit Faisal, I found that dream
almost coming through. I had had to save myself from my mother and her husband; I wouldn’t watch my
son do that too. It was bad enough that he was already growing up in a house where he watched his
mother get hit and insulted over and over again by a man who had sworn to always love and protected
her,” Genny said to me, that day as we dined in a small bistro. I was so overwhelmed with emotions for
her, that I reached out and held her hands. I hoped my touch would convey all the sympathy I couldn’t
express with my words. I have never known anyone who has gone through half of what Genny had.
Genny continued her story and told me that he had moved out that very day when her ex-husband had
hit her nine-year-old son for no justifiable reason. Two months later, they were officially divorced and
Genny had put in her resignation letter at the firm. That was when she applied for a job with Obama’s
campaign team and got it. We met five months later. By looking at her, you would never be able to tell
that this woman had been through the most horrible things in life but she had. She had the loudest
laughter, the widest smile and the most hopeful of eyes. “I’m never getting married again,” she told me
with certainty in her eyes. I held her hands tight and nodded. I was just about two years younger than
she was, but it felt like we had a decade between us. She was that knowledgeable and deep. She knew a
lot about a lot. I was always proud to be associated with her because she was influential and well
respected especially as the years rolled on. Seven months after we started dating, she let me meet her
son, Faisal. He was very handsome and smart. He would beat me at games of chess and scrabble, but I
was recuperated my wins in monopoly and table tennis. He was such a wonderful person to be around.
Soon he started calling me Uncle Tony. I always made out time to hang out every week with him until
recently when he moved to college to study law in Princeton. We spoke on the phone every few weeks
and he will tease me about how I sucked at chess and would bring me up to speed on his academic
progress. When he started dating Letisha two months ago, I was the first he told. His birthday was just
last week and I had the recent iPhone delivered to him as a birthday. “Ohhh Uncle Tony, thank you so
much! Mum would never think to get me anything this fancy!” he gushed. I laughed. I knew how Genny
was very careful about not spoiling him and teaching him the value of hard-work and savings. I totally
understood with her but all the same, I believed the wonderful lad deserved to be spoilt once in a while.
In 2007, about a year into dating Genny, we had our first and only fight. I had met this lady called Fiona
and Genny felt like she wasn’t good enough for me. Of course, from the very beginning, Genny and I
knew that we weren’t exclusive- we were free to date other people and we were free to see other
people. In fact, Genny, had had two different flings during this period but I hadn’t. Fiona was going to be
the first lady I would be seeing since we started dating. But Genny wasn’t having it… “You can’t date me
and date her too,” Genny insisted because our one rule was that we would tell each other before we
slept with anyone else. “And why is that?” “She… she looks like a tramp- I care about my sexual health
you know. You can’t be dating someone like this and expect me to be comfortable,” she sneered. “A
tramp?! Fiona is a nurse for Christ’s sakes!” “Well, I still don’t like her…”

“It looks to me like you’re trying to control my life, Genny!” I insisted on dating Fiona and she insisted
that I shouldn’t… or couldn’t. I called her bluff and had sex with Fiona, several times. And I told Genny
about it. She flew off the handle and broke up with me. The most painful part of it was she wouldn’t let
me see Faisal anymore. I was so pained and broken but I stayed away. Two months down the line, Fiona
and I grew apart and ended our ‘very sexual’ relationship and I put in all of my time and energy into my
job. Genny called me one day after work and asked to see me. I agreed. I met her for dinner at one of
the four-star hotels in town. I kept wondering why she would go to all this effort for a simple dinner but
I went, dressed appropriately. At the restaurant, I found Genny dressed in the most provocative red
dress I have ever seen. I couldn’t barely concentrate on dinner as I kept stealing glances at her beautiful
ebony breasts. Half-way into dinner, Genny said to me: “I miss you so much, Tony. I’m sorry. I want you
back.” Three sentences and my demons were duly appeased. That also marked the end of our dinner. I
pulled her off the chair, and half-dragged her, half-waked her to the car. We barely made it to the house
when I tore off her dress only to find her completely naked underneath. I gasped with absolute joy as I
pushed her against my couch and fucked her, the doggy way. We started dating again but she no longer
gave me ultimatums. I liked her a great deal, respected her even but I wasn’t exactly in love with her.
We had crazy sex together and crazy sex apart. Soon our relationship grew more into a deep friendship
and we only had sex once in a while. I liked her. I loved her but I was not in love with her. She was one of
the best people in my life, a friend I know has always got my back.
************************************************************** When she eventually picked
my call, she said: “Tony darling, it’s been a while!” “Yes, I have been busy with work and I travelled to
Texas for a cousin’s wedding.” “Faisal told me about the wedding gift you got him. He was so ecstatic.
Thank you dear.” “Duhhh. He’s kind of my son too… are you at home?” “Yes. I am. Are you coming
over?” “Yes. I have got a lot on my mind. I need to talk.” “Please come over. It’s been a while I gave you
some TLC even. I can’t wait.” I smiled gratefully. Yeah, Genny has always got my back. I put on a shirt, a
pair of jeans, a hooded sweater and a pair of sneakers and got into my car. Thirty minutes I was honking
in front of Genny’s black, exquisite gates. The gates slid open and I got in. Genny was waiting for me on
the porch. As I walked up the stairs, she ran and fell into my arms. Then she flooded my face with chaste
kisses. Then she held my hands and dragged me into the house. “I have some macaroni and cheese in
the fridge, I can heat it up for you. I also have some Chinese food too if that’s your preference. Or better
still I can whip up some cobb salad for you. And there are all kinds of wine in the cellar. Or if you will
rather have a beer,” Genny offered. It was already past 11:00PM and I didn’t want to mess up my fitness
regimen. “I’m fine, really. I have had some wine already this evening but I wouldn’t mind a root beer,” I
said. “Coming right up.” I watched her leave as I settled comfortably on the sofa. She was watching a
prerecorded episode of Grey’s Anatomy on her TV so I picked up the remote and flipped the channels
until I got to ESPN. As I watched some sports highlights, Genny returned with a bottle of root beer and a
plate of sandwich. She set them beside me and took her spot on a chair opposite me. “Don’t worry it’s
just a small sandwich, there is more vegetable than meat so you still get to preserve your much
appreciated Adonis body, you vain man!” Genny teased.

I laughed out loud. “You’re just a hater woman!” I retorted with a sneer. We continued to tease back
and forth until I reached for my bottle and took a swig. Then I blurted it out. “I fell in love with someone,
Genny.” Genny looked at me and smiled slowly. “Who would have thought?” she asked with a smile. “I
have been in love before… it didn’t end well,” I revealed for the first time. “When was this?” “College.
She cheated on me.” “Was that why you closed your heart to love?” “Yeah,” I said with some difficulty.
But somehow, I felt relieved after I had said it. Too many years had gone by. I shouldn’t still be hurt by
this. But somehow, I still was. I hated the feeling. “Tell me about this one,” Genny nudged. Somehow,
she felt that I wasn’t ready to talk about the past. I sighed with gratitude. “Her name is Thelma. She’s a
child psychologist. She’s smart. She’s beautiful. I want her all of her. I don’t want to share her with
anyone. It’s crazy right?” “Not really. So what happened?” “I think I scared her away. She told me she
has a boyfriend. I don’t think she’s ready to leave him just yet.” “But you want her to?” “Yes, I do.” “Are
you ready to do the same for her?” “You mean if I’m ready to stop dating other women for her?” “Yes.”
“I’m. In fact, since I met her and started feeling this way, I have not had sex with anyone else.” “But does
she know about your polyamory inclinations?” “She does.” “Have you had sex with her yet?” “No. But
we’ve kissed. We’ve fondled.” “Do you think she was ready to go all the way with you?” “Yes, she was.
Then I opened my mouth and scared her off.” “So you believed she was only ready to go all that way
with you on the premise of your polyamory?” “I believe so.” “I believe so too.” “It hurts,” I said quietly.
“I know.” “What should I do?” “I don’t think you should let her go just yet.” “How?” “You obviously
really love her. You are here agonizing this way because she means a lot to you. You shouldn’t let her go
without a fight.” “I have never done that before.” “Well, you can try if you want. Even if you don’t
succeed, you would know that you tried.” “I guess…” “But don’t scare her off.” I laughed awkwardly. She
continued, “Be gentle with her. Show her with your actions more than your words that you care. Give
her reasons to want you…to prefer you over the other.”

I smiled. Genny was one hell of a therapist, my own personal therapist. I wondered why I had never
opened up to her in this way before. I left her house determined to go after my heart. Falling in love was
scary but it felt really good. Just the thought of Thelma brought smiles to my face. Her laughter soothed
my nerves. Her body did strange things to my emotions. Her eyes could drill into my soul. I could spend
a lifetime loving her, showing her a million ways that I care. If only she would let me. If only she would
have me. The thought of another man groping her, holding her, kissing her and sucking her nipples the
way that I had done filled me with horror. I did not want to share this woman. I wanted to have her all
to myself and I wanted her to have all of me. I was crazy jealous like that. This was far more intense than
what I had felt for my college girlfriend. With Thelma, I saw the future. So as soon as I got home that
night, I set out making right my wrongs. So I sent a text message: Hello, tee. I’m really sorry about how
tonight turned out. I’m sorry for scaring you off. You mean a lot to me and so I do not want this to me
the end of us. If you would still have me, I promise to be the best friend ever. CHAPTER FIVE So I sent
that message and went to bed. The next day, I woke up groggy, with the details of last night barely on
my mind. Every morning I wake up at 6:00AM, brew myself a very black cup of coffee, get some
exercises done and then make myself a very assorted glass of fruit and protein shake. After this I would
take my bath and pull on my office clothes. Usually I’m out of the house by 7:30AM. On this particular
morning, I had just had my bath when I recalled yesterday’s happenings. I quickly dove for my phone to
check my messages. There was no message from Thelma. I sighed and continued to dress up. About 40
minutes later, I was sitting t my office desk engrossed in some files when I got a text message. At first, I
frowned, wondering if I was expecting any message and mostly, because I had been really absorbed in
the work I had been doing before. It was Thelma and read thus: Can we meet for dinner tonight? I will
call you. I have a good day at work, friend. I read the message a couple more times, smiling. At 5:43PM, I
was clearing my desk when Thelma called. “Have you ever been to the Renaissance bar on Sixth Avenue
before?” she asked as soon as I picked the call. “I haven’t but I do know where it is,” I said a bit
hesitantly. The Renaissance Bar was exclusive to the very socially elite. In fact, you had to be a member
of The Renaissance club- a club of golfers which has top politicians, business moguls and the like as
members. I began to wonder how Thelma was able to secure a membership but then I decided not to
worry my head too much about it… just yet. “Well, meet me there at 7:30PM.” I got home, had a quick
shower, put on fresh clothing, cologne and was on my way. I got there at 7:00PM and because I was too
early, I took out time to take appraisals of the club and nodded with admiration. I can’t count how many
times I’ve wanted to take a sneak peek into this world, yet here am I, lounging. Thelma had obviously
pre-informed the security men that I was coming so no one gave me any fuss. Thelma arrived at 7:30PM
on the dot. She came around to hug me before she went to have her seat. She was looking very
beautiful in a simple green-colored dress that stopped at her calves. When we ordered for food, we
began to chat randomly until she hit the nail on the head herself. “I’m sorry for bringing you to this
conservative bar, littered with old men, Tony.” “It’s okay. Hope you’re alright?”

“I’m alright. I feel like I should explain this whole boyfriend business thing…” “You really don’t have to
say anything.” “No, it’s alright. You still need to know all the same. You see this club? It was built and
established by my late grandfather. Now, you can imagine the kind of parents I have.” “By that you
mean powerful and influential right?” Thelma sighed before she continued: “Soon after I returned to
Nigeria, my parents tried unsuccessfully to match-make me to different guys but I resisted it. My parents
were anxious to sell me off to the highest bidder with a strong pedigree to preserve and strengthen
family wealth- that crazy stuff you watch in Elizabethan movies. I resisted it at first, feeling thoroughly
insulted until Connor came along. Connor is the name of my boyfriend. Our parents had made plans to
match-make us but he was the only one I wasn’t practically introduced to. We ‘accidently’ met at a
friend’s party and I discovered that we had both spent some time in London. He’s a businessman who’s
thirty-three, managing his father’s vast estate. Even though he is very arrogant and basically full of
himself, he is deep. He knows a lot about paintings and music. Then he also knows how to play the
guitar. When we eventually met again, three weeks later, after our parents officially kicked off their
match-making mission, Connor said to me: ‘I think it makes sense that we should date- we’ve a lot in
common. I was able to draw some smiles from your face during that birthday party. Plus, we get to save
our parents a few worry lines.’ So I agreed and we started dating. There were hardly any fireworks but
Connor is a really decent guy and he treats me right.” I took my time to digest this new information. The
Thelma whom I thought was strong was withering under the scorching heat of family expectations. This
situation simply rankles. I decided not to push the matter forward but I couldn’t help asking Thelma a
question: “Where’s Connor right now?” “He’s in Tokyo for a business thingy. He’s always travelling. It
comes with the terrain I guess.” “Okay. Thank you for opening up to me about this. I won’t push you
further,” I said with an internal sigh. Even though I was so disturbed inside of me, I had decided to
remain aloof on the surface while a great something was brewing up inside. After dinner, Thelma
offered that we go for a ride round the city before we went home. When we parked in front of her
apartment block afterwards, she reached out and kissed me on the lips for about five minutes. I was
kind of astonished. “I missed kissing you,’ she whispered into my ears. I smiled, pulled her closer and
kissed her some more. Then I reached for the buttons of her blouse and quickly undid them. A few
seconds later, her nipples were in my mouth and she was groaning wildly. Eventually we pulled away
from each other but she did not invite me into her house. I know I am going to spend tonight wanking
away when I get home. ************************************************************* After
that dinner date at The Renaissance, Thelma and I became super close. For the next couple of weeks, we
were always having either lunch or dinner together. And they were all full of smiles and laughter. In fact,
we even went to the movies last Saturday evening together after which we stopped at a fast food café
for French fries and burger. The next day, which was a Sunday, we planned a meet at the mall where we
did our grocery shopping together. Every single time we met, we shared very intimidate touches
together. The kisses were getting deeper and longer, the caresses were getting more intense but we
hadn’t had sex yet. Last week, Thelma informed me that we were going for a birthday pool party
together. Her good friend, Tinasha was turning thirty and being a rich kid herself, had decided to throw
one of the biggest parties Manhattan had ever seen. It was actually the craziest of such events I had ever
been to since high school, that is. There was more than enough drugs and alcohol to go round and not
just that, quite a number of the guests engaged in sex orgies at different spots in the house. The
celebrant herself got so

drunk and high that she threw up inside the pool and as soon as she was pulled out, she fell deeply
asleep. I found everything quite amusing myself as I held on to just a bottle of beer and held Thelma
closely. The only positive outcome of this event was that Thelma introduced me to quite a number of
her friends as they had all the same extremely rich pedigree, schooled together and had grown up in the
same neighborhood. Thelma even introduced me to a guy named Pete. She said he was her first kiss and
one she reveled in for a couple of years because he was the hottest senior at that time and she was still
in junior high. That wasn’t surprising being that he was the football team’s quarterbacks. And you know
what they say about quarterbacks- they got all the hot ladies in the school. Thelma admitted to being
one of the most sought after girls in school back then too. She even became the cheerleading head
towards the end of her high school years. When she introduced me to Pete, I couldn’t help feeling
jealous because he had such a unique place in her heart- he had kissed her first! I couldn’t help but
wonder if I was even any special to her. So I fixed a plastic smile on my face when I shook his hands. He
was quite an amiable fellow, was now married with a kid and he doubled as a high school football coach
and a business man who specialized in sports equipment. He wanted to keep talking to me but I was
trying so hard to stay interested. Eventually he received a call and left us alone but that was not until he
said to Thelma: “You’re still one hot chic!” And she was smiling like a sixteen-year old girl newly in love. I
wanted to punch Pete in the gut! Besides Pete, she introduced me to Alan, Sandra, Michelle and
Charlotte. Alan was a cute and proudly gay man. He knew a lot about fashion and Kim Kardashian. I
found him very interesting. His boyfriend, a young twenty-six-year-old model was always stuck to his
side. They had this crazy chemistry and were always throwing jabs at each other. Alan is a celebrity
plastic surgeon who obviously lived large but he was so down to earth and cheerful as fuk. Sandra is a
new bride with perfectly styled blonde hair and an impeccably clean bright yellow eighties’ gown, gold-
colored flats and bright-red lips. She couldn’t stop gushing about her husband, her future kids and
marriage in general. She was a proud and satisfied housewife but what did she care- after all she was
the sole heiress to a multi-million-dollar estate. She talked too much for my taste. I think she’s beautiful.
Michelle is a tall brunette with killer curves and runs a successful modeling agency. At thirty-three, she
had had an impressive modeling run of her own having worked for top fashion houses like Dolce ad
Gabbana, Ralph Lauren and Elizabeth Arden. She loved cars and made sure she always had the latest
collection. She also loved shopping and celebrity gossips. You would think that with so many similar
interests, Alan and Michelle would be the closest. How wrongly you guessed! They could barely stand
each other. They always had one thing or the other to argue about. I didn’t really like her. Charlotte is
Thelma’s best friend. She is a celebrity attorney specialized in litigations. Just like the others, she loves
the good life and knows how to have a good time. Her glass never went empty for more than a minute
throughout the party and she barely grew tipsy. I didn’t like her because she was too bossy and always
has something to say about everything. Well, I met Thelma’s friends, wasn’t too taken with them but
heck, I felt good. It seemed to me that if she was introducing me to her friends, then I really had a
special place in her heart. We drank, chatted and played all through the party but at 10:00PM, Thelma
and I took our leave. She asked that I took her to see my apartment and I was all too willing. As soon as
we got through the door, I put my hands around her waist and pulled her closer. Then I proceeded to
nibble on her earlobe and then to kiss her neck. She moaned and moaned. When I let her go, she gave
me a big surprise. She gave me the most pleasurable blowjob of my life.

She started by pushing me unto the couch and when I was seated, she dropped to her knees and slowly
undid my zipper. When she was done, she pulled my jeans off and proceeded to caress my dick through
my boxers. It was already fully erect and I was holding my breath to see what she would do next. She
slowly pulled off my boxers too and my dick sprang up. She smiled as she proceeded to kiss the top of
my dick. I breathed in quickly. Then she began to lick and suck and swallow alternating the intensity and
the pressure. I was moaning deeply now. She then kissed my balls, licked them, sucked them and
swallowed them along with my dick. I gasped- that was so incredible! Even her deep throat game was
top-notch. Whenever I was on the verge of ejaculating, she decreased the pressure and began to lick me
softly again. This continued for about forty-five minutes and I was having the time of my life. Then she
stood up and went into my kitchen, she returned with a can of whipped cream. She sprayed some onto
my dick, and began to devour it in earnest. At this point, I was almost screaming. Then she pulled off her
blouse, unleashed her boobs from her sexy, black bra and proceeded to give me a very tantalizing boob
job. This lasted for five minutes after which she began to suck me very hard again. I eventually released
a heavy amount of cum on top of her creamy, beautiful, pointed breasts. Then she smiled, kissed me
and went to clean herself up in my bathroom. I switched on my cable television, selected ESPN and
settled down to watch, a silly but satisfied grin on my face.
******************************************************************* The next day was a
Saturday and I was sleeping in. I was very exhausted after yesterday’s activities. It was a culmination of
the pool party, the seven-star blowjob and coupled with the fact that I still had to drive Thelma to her
house at midnight because she insisted that she wouldn’t sleep over. So I was still asleep at 10:03AM
when my phone rang. I grunted and reached for it. With slit eyes, I looked at the caller ID. It was
Rosalind. I hadn’t seen her in a very long time neither had I tried to reach her. Feeling very guilty, I
picked the call. “Hello baby, it’s been a while,” she said in a very bright voice. “Yeah, it has. Sorry I have
been so busy…” “I thought as much. I just returned from a two-week business conference to Paris myself.
I was thinking we could hang out today. I miss you,” she said softly. I felt so bad but I realized that I
wasn’t especially excited about hanging with her. But then, I owed her the courtesy. “What do you have
in mind?” I asked her. “I want to go pick out a new set of lingerie at Victoria’s Secret,” Rosalind said
suggestively. When I didn’t particularly say anything in return, she continued quickly, “then we would go
have lunch at The Little Owl.” I love The Little Owl. They made the best lamb stew I have ever tasted this
side of the country. So I told her I would be picking her up in half an hour. I turned on m water heater
before going to ride my treadmill for about ten minutes. I wouldn’t feel normal if I went a day without
exercising. After this I shampooed and conditioned my hair with my special formula then had my bath.
After my bath I put on a body-fitting black t-shirt, black jeans and a light blue jean jacket. On my feet
were a pair of grey moccasins and a pair of dark glasses sat on the bridge of my nose. I put on a dash of
my cologne and I was good to go. Twenty minutes later, I was already in front of Rosalind’s apartment.
She came out wearing a very gorgeous form-fitting orange colored halter-necked dress, black, high
heeled leather boots and a black leather jacket. I stepped out of the car and went round to meet her.
“Baby,” she said as she threw herself into my arms. I hugged her closely and complimented her looks.
She smelled of her signature Chanel perfume. “You look great too,” Rosalind said as she got into the car.
We drove to Broadway Street where Victoria’s Secret store was located and found a good parking spot.
We had to wait for a few minutes as we joked about women’s obsession with shopping. When we got

into the shop, we were immediately offered special treatment because of Rosalind’s status. She was
after all the most esteemed fashion editor of Vanity Fair. She always received special treatment at
anything fashion-related. She was always receiving free samples from top fashion houses around the
world- more than she even needed. We were offered a private dressing room and a lot of samples were
provided to her. She proceeded to undress before me and stood in all her naked glory, beaming at me. I
had touched and fucked this body for a few years now, yet I found that it didn’t do the things that
Thelma’s body did to me. And I haven’t even seen all of Thelma’s yet. Suddenly I felt very uncomfortable
with this whole performance. Yes, I call it a performance because she went on to spend an hour
changing into different lingerie and display them to me. I tried so hard to keep the discomfort from my
looks even though, when she wasn’t watching I kept glancing at my wristwatch. I couldn’t stop feeling
like I was cheating on Thelma. Yeah, it sounds really weird to me too but that was exactly how I felt. It
was in that moment that I accepted finally to myself that I was done with this polyamory shit. It didn’t
matter if Thelma wanted me or not, I was done juggling different lovers around. I was a fake
ambassador or member of that school of thought and I was practically calling myself out. The worst
thing I believe that I could ever be in this life was a fake thus I was going to put an end to this
immediately. Even though I felt relieved as I came to this realization, I had an uneasy, sad feeling clinging
to me as well. I patiently waited for Rosalind to be done with her sampling and then I paid for her
purchases and we headed out for lunch. Just an hour or so ago, I had been really looking forward to my
lamb stew and chicken salad but as I sat there at that moment, all my appetite was gone. I couldn’t be
thinking about food in the light of what I was going to do in a few minutes. However, I held my horses
and waited till Rosalind was done with her meal. I, too, had to force myself to eat so I don’t spoil her
meal for her. As we waited for our bill, I cleared my throat and said to Rosalind: “I don’t think we should
continue as lovers anymore.” For a few seconds, her mouth hung open and I could really understand
what conflicting emotions she was having- those and some really confused thoughts too. Somehow
Rosalind was the most understanding of my three lovers, in fact we had this very easy rapport and have
gone on more fun vacations and hang outs together. So I could tell how hurt I was making her feel at the
moment. “Why? What did I do?” she asked quietly. “You didn’t do anything. It’s not about you at all.
You’re still the very sexy, intelligent and sophisticated lady you’ve always been. In fact, you are one of
the most respected ladies in my life…” “Ohh please don’t patronize me, Tony! Cut to the chase. I’m too
smart for that. So don’t insult me,” she said with threatening undertones. I think I deserved that curt
reply. I thought I was too advanced for that ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ tirade but as corny as it sounded, I
meant every word of what I was saying, of what I said. If she felt like I was insulting her with that, I
totally understood too so I dropped it. “The last thing I intended to do was insult you, Rose. And for that
I’m deeply sorry,” I apologized. “It is okay, Tony. So what’s up?” “I fell in love with someone.” The first
emotion I saw on her face was shock, then it alternated to disbelief, then shock again. “Wow,” Rosalind
said. “Yes, I did. I don’t know how to explain it but she makes me feel really different. She makes me
rethink a lot of things.” “As much as I’m shocked, I think I understand. I do,” Rosalind said quietly. I
smiled gratefully. Rosalind reached for my hand and squeezed it.

“Love is really beautiful. I was shocked at first but I never thought I would hear those words from you of
all people.” We both laughed softly. “Who is she?” Rosalind inquired further. “She is a child psychologist.
Smart, beautiful and awesome. Since she walked into my office about a month ago, my life has not been
the same again. And it feels good,” I replied with a smug. Rosalind laughed. “There’s something about
me you don’t know,” she said to me, “I was once in love too. About twelve years ago. We got married.
Then he died of cancer two years later.” I was so surprised. Rosalind looked so tough, too psychedelic t
have ever been in love. It was then I realized that every human had their own vulnerabilities, their own
sad stories, burnt places they covered as much as possible. Some with fashion, some with work, some
with sarcasm. But we were all walking around with our individual hurt. “I’m so sorry, Rose,” I said
holding tightly to her hands. In her eyes, I saw that she has not gotten over the loss. It seemed incredible
to me how she had been able to keep this part of her so well hidden, not even a trace. Somehow, I
found myself hurting for her too. “It’s okay. Even though I lost Eric, I still cherish the few moments we
got to spend together. He made me so happy. He was a doctor… well, what I’m saying is this- if I was
giving a chance to choose, I will still choose this life again. The whole pain and hurt is worth it. Eric was a
very beautiful soul and I’m glad I met him.” We eventually stood up and made our way outside towards
my car. We got in and I began to drive. We were silent all through the ride. Soon I was packed in front of
her apartment block. I helped her get her shopping bags and we went up her apartment block together.
I didn’t go in this time. It didn’t feel right for me to. When she had deposited her bags on a settee, she
came back out and drew me into a tight hug. “I wish you all the best,” she said after a long hug, “Don’t
stay away, though! I’m still here. I’m still your friend. We have something good too besides sex.” I smiled
and nodded. All the way home, I found myself feeling a bit overwhelmed at all that had transpired
between me and Rosalind today. I found my chest clogging with emotions. I wound my car window and
let the fresh breeze from outside blow sharply across my face and tussled my hair. It was in that
moment, that I realized that a small tear had fallen down my face. I inserted a Diana Ross Album into my
car stereo and a few minutes later, I was smiling. I got home and found my door unlocked. Filled with
premonition, I walked into my bedroom and found Thelma lying naked on my bed, “Make love to me,
Tony,” she pleaded…..

There are only a few surprises I find more pleasant than coming home to find a naked woman on my
bed. Getting a gift card or a surprise housewarming party comes next on the list.

During the past few weeks, I have fantasized a lot about Thelma and the naughty things I intend to do
with her. I planned to make our romance, one that she would never forget. I had so much love to give,
especially spoiling her with the romantic details that replayed over and over in my head. Apparently,
Thelma had me entangled in a love affair, and I would do anything to make our first time unforgettable –
one that she would remember for decades to come. And just like the perfect woman she was, she beat
me to it.

I didn't need a second invitation before I grabbed her in my arms and kissed her passionately. I was out
of my clothes in seconds, savoring the delicate sweetness of this woman who had come to fill my waking
thoughts. Running my hands all over her mound made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I
couldn't get enough of her. I sucked her nipples hungrily, and her moaning drove me crazy. I wanted so
badly to be inside her, bonding and touching the depth of her soul.

I was about to penetrate her silky pussy hole when she gently stopped me. She got up, and out of
nowhere, she brought out a silk scarf and furry handcuffs. I stared in amazement, wondering what she
was up to. She beckoned me to take a chair, and the next thing I saw was a blindfold and handcuffs
restraining my freedom to ravish the mundaneness in my view. In my mind, I was wildly guessing what
she was up to.

"Babe, the suspense is killing me. What are you up to this time?" I asked.

"There's only one way to find out. Here's the rule of the game: no touching, no looking, just feeling," she

Damn, the rules were hard. Besides, I have always been in charge of any game, and here I was, taking
I chuckled to myself as Thelma slowly kissed me from my temple to my feet. I felt sensations in places I
never knew existed. I was going crazy because I couldn't touch her butt and spank her. And when she
teased my lips with her nipples, I couldn't hold back anymore. I leaned forward, trying to get a firmer
grasp and suck them, but she was elusive. My body was screaming for release, and I was shaking with
desire. I felt it was torture because I couldn't touch or see her.

“Please,” I whispered, begging her to fuck me, but I felt the tip of her tits on my lips again. I parted my
lips, enclosing her nipple with my mouth. I could hear her moan softly, encouraging me to suck on it. I
felt prompted to put my incisors on it until she cried out in pain, pushing me down to the floor.

“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to do that!”

My apology was unfeigned, and so was her reaction to the pain she felt. Right on the floor, she sat on
my face as my punishment, rubbing her pussy close to my lips. It smelt of olive as I dug my tongue in it. I
could tell she loved it because she edged closer as I drilled into her pussy lids, brushing her clit

She was beginning to get eager for more pleasure as she stroked my dick passionately. The first touch of
her soft hands caused a rousing stimulation that got me whining, infuriated by my inability to touch her

“You needy fucker, how much do you want it?” Thelma laughed at me.

“Very much,” I said.

“I can’t hear you.”

“I want it!” I heard myself shouting over the top of my voice, still lying on the floor.

She finally got up from sitting on my face. Then, she straddled me while inserting my dick into her warm
wetness. My dick was inside her as she got me out of my restraints, except for the blindfold. Her soft
voice moaned my name as she rode me hard, driving me crazy with a slow Caribbean dance movement
on my dick.
I moved my hand higher, searching for her breasts. When I finally got hold of them, I caressed them,
stroking her tits as she rode me.

Eventually, lost in my desires, I brought down my hands, held her hips, and raised my upper body so I
could fuck her from the floor. She had suddenly lost herself and her act in the role-play she initiated. She
surrendered her dominance instantly.

“Yes! Fuck me, you needy bastard!” she yelled. “Fuck my pussy!”

Since I had gained control of my hands, I got off the blindfold, picked her up, and rammed her pussy
while on our feet.

Thelma was very flexible. She could part her legs 170 degrees apart while standing. It left me enough
room into her juicy pussy. Another rush of her pleasure juice flowed down my dick as she began to
orgasm, “Aah, yeah, fuck me!”

The encouragement wasn’t necessary; my libido surged up, driving me nuts. I bent her over and began
to demolish her pussy from behind.

She whimpered, jerking back and forth, trying to wriggle out to catch her breath. But I wouldn’t have it, I
was nearing orgasm.

She, however, succeeded in pulling off, knowing that I was ready to orgasm. Then she went on her knees
and swallowed my dick. I continued at the same pace that I fucked her pussy, holding her head as I blew
my cum into her mouth.

“Oh, fuccckkk!” I growled at the top of my voice.

A proud smile was on Thelma’s face when I glanced at her. She swallowed the rich content of my cum in
a languid, seductive way before heading into the shower.

Sometimes, I pride myself on having the stamina of ten stallions put together. But I always maintained
my trademark - making sure my partner gets thoroughly satisfied. Sometimes I drive them to exhaustion,
but they keep coming back for more and more. Anything less than thirty minutes is a significant dent on
my record and ego. At times, I couldn’t wait for them to leave as soon as the show was over.

Surprisingly, I couldn't drag myself away from Thelma. Love-making felt different with her.

After our little role-play sex, I went into the kitchen to make coffee and see what I could fix for Thelma. I
had just turned on the percolator when I heard her walk into the kitchen. She had a very seductive smile
on her face and was twirling a bar of chocolate around her fingers. I wondered what she was up to until
she closed the distance between us, dipped her hand into my shorts so she could rub the chocolate on
my dick and knelt to give me a mind-blowing blow job.

Just as I was about to come, I carried her up, put her on the kitchen counter, and fucked her, taking the
pace slow at first, until she began to urge me on.

We both climaxed at the same time, gripping each other as we gasped for air. Our lovemaking was
quicker in the second round. It seemed like we had over-stretched our adroitness during the first round.

“What would you like for dinner?” I whispered while still trying to catch my breath.

Thelma opted for a spaghetti Bolognese made by an Italian lover, and I whipped out my best culinary
skills and made an exquisite dinner. I also swelled with pride when she took a bite and told me it was the
best she had tasted, along with my cock.

We settled down to cuddle and watch a movie later. There are few nights like that that I could proudly
say, had made it to my list of awesome nights. If someone had told me three months ago that I would
fall so deeply in love as I was, I would bet everything I was worth to prove them wrong. And here I was,
feeling on top of the world because I had this moment with Thelma.

Thelma went into the kitchen to get us something for a dessert eventually, and coincidentally, her
phone buzzed. I couldn't contain my curiosity, so I picked it up and took a look.
It wasn't locked. I couldn't contain my jealousy when I read the message:

Hi Sunshine, missing you lots. Can't wait to hold you in my arms *kiss emoji*.

It was from Connor. Damn him to hell and back. I wanted to delete the message, but on second thought,
I decided against it and placed the phone back on the sofa. It hurt me so much that I had to share this
beautiful woman that made my world glow. I didn't want her in another man's arms. Heck, I didn't even
want any admirer within a ten-mile radius of wherever she went. It broke my heart to think that she
would have to share her affection. The whimsical part of me started thinking of a thousand ways to get
the damned French man out of the picture without hurting Thelma.

My mind went on an imaginative tour, seeking various means to put an end whatever it was that was
between Connor and Thelma. I was so engrossed in plotting Connor's downfall that I didn't hear Thelma
come in. The questioning look on her face meant she must have seen the evil grin on my face. “What?”
she asked.

“Nothing!” I grinned, quickly pulling her close to me.

Later that night, I found myself thinking about my life; about building a home, and having kids. I
entertained the idea of raising a family with Thelma, imagining what our kids would look like. I had this
deep desire to plant my seed in her. Perhaps, I was way over my head.

First, I must wed her like a king would his queen and give her the best Italian wedding ever and a castle
to call her home. I would plan it from the theme to the small chops. Every Italian who knew his onions
would be there. Everyone who pulled their weight in Manhattan would grace the occasion. May be
Connor was all that stood in the way. May be Thelma herself needed so much convincing. I wished I
could skip quickly to the part where she’d fall passionately in love as much as I was.

Somehow, I felt introducing her to my family would make all the difference. It made sense that I just
wanted her to be happy for the rest of her days.

I grew up in a family where my dad loved my mom so profoundly. They had worked and shared a lot
together. Theirs was a match made in heaven and built on earth. Mom worked as an accountant in the
family restaurant, and sometimes when dad was in the kitchen, she would ring the kitchen, asking to
speak with the most handsome senór. He would ask her out like it was their first date, and she would
giggle like a schoolgirl, and when she asked the place and time, he would say ‘mi casa, tu casa.’ Not
surprisingly, they would both leave at lunchtime. They had a lot of memorable times together. I had
always wanted their kind of love, but after my college heartbreak, I decided it wasn't meant for me.

Another incident that further made up my mind was my uncle's bitter divorce. He had gone bankrupt.
And his wife had suddenly realized that she could not cope with him and his troubles when she had
dreams and a career to pursue. He begged her to stay because he needed her by his side at his most
challenging time. Poor Uncle Mario. The unfaithful wife ran away to France with a fellow of questionable
character who drained her of her last dime and threw her out. Uncle Mario almost died of a heart
condition. Ironically, the prodigal wife's return did wonders to restore his health.

I maintained my resolve that it was better to have relationships without strings attached - no hopes, no
promises, no dreams, and no expectations. And that meant no hurting and no heartbreaks. Thelma
changed it all when she walked into my life.


As an emotional surge of current or an up thrust that freezes the mind and deprives it of the power to
think, love gets me in a different kind of mood. I was beginning to feel like a teenager again. I have had
forty-eight hours away from work, but Monday came too fast on us. For the first time in a long while, I
woke up later than 6 am. Thelma was already up and using the shower.

"Oh, I didn't want to wake you, sleepyhead," she said as I stepped into the bathroom.

"Am I awake, or did your butt get bigger overnight?"

She chuckled as I teased her. I watched keenly as water splashed on her face, dripped down her jaw and
pouring down on her round firm breasts. She was a view to behold.
"Why are you standing there?" She asked.

"I'm amassing myself of the glorious view of you, sweetie."

"You amassed quite a lot last night, come over here or you'll be late to work."

The thought of work was a killjoy, but she was right anyway. I accepted her invitation to join her, but not
without touching her irresistible body. Every contact produced electricity somewhere inside my skull. I
could tell she yearned for it as she moaned with each touch.

I let my hands comb through her hair, bringing it down to her breasts. Holding them firmly with each
side as I leaned behind her, she pushed her big gorgeous buttocks to my needy junk. The water
continued to splash on us as I moved over to have a view of her front. She could tell my next move as I
stooped low, bringing my face close to her shaved pussy.

"Nooo, come on! You're going to be late for work." She said as she tried to resist.

Her resistance grew cold the moment my tongue made contact with her gaping clitoris. She parted her
legs even further apart, leaving me enough room to glide my tongue, licking her vulva and clit at

"Ah... uhh...” She gasped for breath as I continued to use my tongue creatively. She held my head,
making me thrust in and out with my tongue. It was us against the hand of time; the deep pleasure won
us entirely over.

The splatter of water created a scintillating wave of intensity that caused us to ignore the odds of time.
Her loud moan meant that she was approaching a climax. I withdrew my tongue, bringing the surge to a
pause. I didn't want her consciousness to take over just yet. The benefits of having her hungry and
unresisting was far too good. Plus, I loved the idea of reaching a climax together with her.

As the water continued to caress our skins, I stood up in front of her. My lips moved over her neck to
her perky lips that parted invitingly. We kissed for another eternity before she stopped, turned to face
the wall as she bent over, giving me a full view of her beautiful buttocks. I didn't need a sign reader to
tell what she wanted. My dick was so hard, and the upsurge of testosterone increased so much that I
feared I might lose myself in her.

I went on my knees again and began to use my fingers. With my index and middle finger, I rubbed her
clitoris in a soft and circular motion. I noticed her clit had swollen to the touches I administered.

Slowly, I increased the speed as she moaned in encouragement. I let my middle finger slid into her pussy,
letting her know what my dick was getting ready for. Her soft moan showed that she liked it.

I drew my face closer, bringing my tongue to her clitoris. I liked her clit as it poked out from her clitoral
hood. I slowly pleasured her, making every touch felt as I dug in with my tongue.

She loosened up completely, not minding that we were pressed for time. She encouraged every touch as
I dished them out. I began to play every note I could think of on her gorgeous skin.

“Yes, baby, right there.”

Thelma was absorbing every bit of pleasure that came out of my large arsenal. She shuddered as I dug
more in-depth with my tongue. I rested on her labia minora and began to play with it using my tongue.
Eating her pussy while the water from the shower pump dropped leisurely on her skin evoked a deep
sexual hunger. She wanted me inside her, and I wanted her to say the words.

I made her turn her back against me and bent her over. Still on my knees on the bathroom floor, I
fingered her clit as I used my tongue to glide between her pussy and her anal spot. Soon, she began to
quiver, jerking her body back for me to take her. As much as I wanted her, I waited for her to say the

“Oh, fuck me! Fuck me now, Tony!”

That was all I needed to hear. My dick had been rock solid and waiting for the moment. I placed it on the
edge of her pussy and began to rub the tip on it. She was dying of lust and want.

“Fuck me, you bastard!”

Slowly, I inserted my dick inside her warmth as she cried out in pleasure, feeling the length of my dick as
it drilled into her moist pussy.

I made her lean back to feel her body rest on mine. I caressed her wet body, letting my right hand move
graciously to her nipple as I began to thrust in and out of her.

The sensation was almost burning as I groaned loudly in the sweet rush of the hormone. We turned
what was supposed to be a quickie into full-blown lovemaking inside the bathroom.

When we had both reached orgasms, I turned off the shower to allow us to catch our breath.

It took a great deal of self-control not to have another round of sex as we got into our work clothes.
Glancing over at the clock in the sitting room by the time we were ready to leave, it was already 8 am. I
drove Thelma to her office, just before going to mine.

I got into the office, and a pile of files stared boldly at me, probably saying, we are here lover boy, we
will always be here. Rescheduled appointments also queued up for me, but the thought of my love affair
two nights before and the morning after eased up the stress before they came.

Work was smooth-sailing the rest of the day until about 4 pm when my assistant announced an
unscheduled appointment. The door opened wide with Belinda storming into my office. It wasn't the
first time Belinda was barging in on me. She wore a one-button jacket and a floral print ruched-sleeve
short gown.

Of all the women in my life, Belinda was the most wronged. I had let others in on my new relationship
status to bring the breakup to a soft landing. But not only have I deprived such detail of Belinda, but I
also forgot her birthday as well.

Thinking I might use my busy work schedule as an excuse, Belinda put her finger on my lip, took me by
my tie, and dragged me to my large desk. With one hand, she shoved the piles of the document to the
floor and sat on the counter.
Her gown was so short I could see the closely shaved hair on her pussy.

"Look, Tony, I've had the worst week in my life, but I'm not here for therapy," she said in an air of
awkwardness and seduction.

Belinda is a beauty to behold, but sometimes the heart gets rebellious against a tradition that has
survived years of non-committal affairs. My heart belongs where it belongs, but maybe my dick was yet
to accept the sudden renunciation.

"Are you going to stand there and watch, or are you going to give me my birthday gift here and now?"

Birthday gift…

Of course, we had rough unscheduled sex on all her birthdays, but none of them happened at my office
desk. I would not have hesitated at the offer two to three months earlier before Thelma came into the

Still trying to figure out what to do next, Bell leaned closer and started unzipping my pants. She smelt
nice, something like Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium – a fragrance she wears when she wants to impress
someone. And it was working.

As she slid open my zipper, my dick jumped out, aroused, and rock solid. Maybe I can get through that
with a thought replacement, I thought to myself.

A thought replacement is a conscious effort we did in college. We put up such an idea when we want to
pretend someone who is actually there is not there, by replacing them with someone from our fantasy
or someone who we wish was there. It's crazy, I know, but it has always helped when I expect so much
from the sexual partner, knowing that she may not hit the same peak.
Poor Belinda. In a split second, I had imaginatively rolled her off the desk the same way she did to the
documents on the floor and cleverly replaced her with Thelma.

She circled her sweet mouth on the tip of my dick. She removed it, spat on it, and took it back in, going
back and forth on it. It was supposed to be rough sex, but with Thelma, it was way more than lust and

Maybe she wasn't feeling it as much as I was, she disengaged her mouth and raised her gown a bit
higher. My dick grew even harder at the sight of her pussy. I drew her close and thrust my hard meat
inside her, fucking my imaginary Thelma and grunting in the pleasure.

"Yes, right there! Just the way I like it! Harder! Harder baby!"

Belinda's voice began to fill the entire office. Thankfully, the office is noise-proved, so I didn't need to
worry over who gets to hear the noise outside the office.

I brought her down, bent her over, and fucked her from behind. Her butts bounced on my dick as I
thrust in and out, increasing the pace even further. Her voice distorted with the imaginary replacement.
It was provocatively odd to fuck Thelma with a sound that was Belinda's, interrupting the imagination. It
felt like a threesome.

I didn't hesitate to unload my cum the moment I felt it rushing through my veins, but Belinda's voice
kept hollering,

"Don't stop! Please don't stop! Fuck me…"

The intercom rang in between her cries. I reached for it. Thelma's visit was announced via the intercom,
the real Thelma!

I glanced at my watch, and it was already 6.45 pm. Even my dick shrank back to normal, self-conscious of
the eeriness that gulped the entire situation.
The disappointment on Belinda's face wasn't enough to resuscitate the tired dick. I quickly zipped up
and tried to look as normal as I could. I excused myself, leaving Belinda inside the office to attend to
Thelma outside. Thelma had closed for the day and was hoping to have dinner with me before heading

We hugged at the reception hall before heading to my car, just before Belinda briskly walked passed us
with an attitude that was enough to crush what I was protecting. But no question came up, so no
explanation was required. Besides, the angry lady could have come from any office.

So, we got into my car to make a stop at a diner.


I drove in silence for ten minutes, occasionally glancing at Thelma and wondering what was going on in
her mind. She sat there in the passenger's seat wholly absorbed in whatever she was doing on her
phone. Having sex with Belinda was a colossal mistake. I felt guilty for the first time. I always thought I
owed no one an explanation about my sexual escapades. The guilt was so unbearable that I thought the
only way to free my conscience was to open up.

"A penny for your thoughts," she asked.

"I was wondering about the best place to go this evening."

"Hudson Yards Grill on 11th Avenue will be a nice place," she answered, before adding, "Who was that
angry lady that gave you a stare so scorching it could burn up Manhattan?

I couldn't hold it back anymore, so I spilled the beans.

"She is Belinda, a friend. We were in the middle of something. I left her without an excuse to see you as
soon as you came in."

"Well, hell hath no fury as a woman scorned," Thelma noted.

"We were having sex just before you showed up,” I finally brought myself to say. “I'm so sorry, Thelma. I
didn't plan this. She bumped into my office, and I couldn't help it."

I reached out to touch her hands, but she said nothing. She maintained a weird calmness. I could tell
that a lot was going on in her mind. Her facial expression didn’t give anything away. The guilt was like a
heavy load on my shoulder. So, we drove to her home without saying more than a few words.

After a series of attempts to get her to say something, she just maintained a squinty smirk on her face.
We finally pulled over, right in front of her apartment. She planted a kiss on my cheek before I could get
out to open the car door for her. She opened the door herself and left without saying a word.

On my drive back, I thought of Belinda. I thought of calling her on the phone to end the whole
arrangement we had. But I decided against it. It wouldn’t have been gentlemanly to break us up via the
telephone. Besides, it was her birthday, and she really deserved some affection.

On her previous birthday, she and I had gone to Hawaii for the weekend. To be honest, I forgot about
her birthday. The weekend with Thelma occupied every corner of my mind, and I could not make any
plans for Belinda's birthday. If she had not walked into my office, I don't think I would have remembered.
I know I could have refused Belinda's seduction, but of all my girlfriends I’ve had, Belinda had the
temper. She didn't care whose ox was gored when she doesn't have her way. Sometimes it was best to
just give in to her whims just for the sake of peace.

So, I drove straight to a Chinese restaurant, had a take-out because my appetite was yet to recover
from Thelma’s cold treatment.
I headed back home into my loneliness and want of Thelma.


My sister and I had been on the phone for close to an hour. Anelida and her boyfriend had been
experiencing a difficult time in their relationship. She rarely opens up about their affair, but it was
evident that she was beginning to develop something more significant than a casual tie for the dude.
Her boyfriend had moved out to Brooklyn after their last fight. She wanted him back but was having a
struggle with the idea of telling him how she felt for him.

I was still listening to her come up with various excuses to call him when I noticed an unusual car pulling
up at my house. The wrong house, I thought as I peeked through the blinds. “Anelida, let me call you
back,” I said when I noticed the car didn’t move an inch from my front porch. A few seconds later, two
gentlemen dressed in suits came to knock at my door. They were detectives from the 17th precinct.

I let them in with a confused look, and after they had taken their seats at the sitting room, the
baldheaded one was the first to ask.

"Where were you between the hours of 7 to 9 pm?"

I looked at the clock over their heads on the wall, and it was 9.48 pm.

"I left a diner some blocks away by 8 pm and headed straight home. Sorry, what's the problem here? Did
anything happen at my office?"

They didn't accurately answer my question.

"Who was with you at the diner?" The baldheaded detective asked again.
"I was alone, but I dropped a friend off some minutes before –"

"Sorry, you said…a friend?"

"Yes, Thelma Bunchild, did anything happen to her." I tried to get my cell phone to reach her
immediately before they eased my mind.

"No. I don't think she has a problem, Mr. Jareau. But erm… Is the name Belinda Jakes familiar with you?"

Belinda? What has that crazy bitch done again?

A lot of questions ran through my mind before their incessant question brought me back to

"Mr. Anthony, please, we just want to know if you know her or met her before by any chance. Or if
she's one of your clients who -"

"Yes, I know her, she's my friend."

They exchanged glances at each other, apparently surprised that I admitted to knowing her. Of course, I
know Belinda. She may be crazy sometimes, but I didn't think she would do something stupid enough to
bring the detectives to my door.

However, it started dawning on me when they reintroduced themselves as homicide detectives. Belinda
was found dead in her car a few blocks away from my office. Evidently, I was the last person she had
seen or spoken to. Her body was still being examined at the autopsy, but the police suggested that she
might have taken heavy dosage of drugs.

Belinda is dead?

The risks that stared down my face first was my name and the company being dragged down by the
press. As a result, a board meeting was scheduled the following day, after Belinda's untimely death. Part
of the resolution was to get lawyered-up against any implicating outcome.

My old friend, Carl Thompson, one of the criminal defense lawyers in Manhattan and a Harvard
graduate, rose up to the challenge. We discussed, at length, the possible ways the prosecutors may try
to use the unfortunate incident against the company or me.

My innocence was not enough reason for me to fold my hands and do nothing. I've seen a lot of folks go
down for something similar. It was hard enough as it was that I lost a good friend, but I won't let her
demise cost the company a lot of damage.

"Remember to keep your answers brief and leave me to deal with other complications. If it comes down
to it, please plead the fifth." Carl warned.

Plead the fifth.

Innocent people do not plead the fifth, or so I think. But he was the lawyer, and I had to heed his words.

We were at the Police District to answer a couple of questions from Detective K. Morris, the baldheaded
guy that came to my apartment with his partner, H. Kingston.

We were dismissed some minutes later. Thelma was very supportive. She called every 5 minutes in the
hour to check up on me. She and my family helped me through the ordeal.

Even though my relationship with Belinda was just sexual, her passing had a sting on my emotion and
also affected my performance at work. The entire week was really gloomy because I kept having flashes

of her image in my head; the lovely times we had together, her beautiful dimples when she smiles, her
remarkable voice when she sings, our fights and make-up sex. Her memory haunted me for weeks.
Sometimes I thought, what if I had treated her differently? She was the clingy one amongst all my sexual
partners, but we did come to a compromise. She had other sexual partners as well, and she knew I was
okay with it.

Was meeting Thelma a blessing or a curse? No. that's so wrong. Thelma had nothing to do with it.
Whatever happened to Belinda was still a mystery, and hopefully, the autopsy reports and police
investigations will help unravel the mystery.

It was 2.20 am, and I've been trying to catch some sleep, but I couldn't. I finally turned on my phone
after switching it off since 8 am. So many people, including friends, family members, and gossips who
had my private line, were all trying to either show concern or post a leak on their blogs.

There were a lot of missed calls, audio, and text messages.


"Hi, where are you? I've been buzzing your line, trying to know if you're okay. Please call me.


Tony, come on, call me when you get this.


Seriously, you're making everyone worried. Call me, bro!


I've been to your place two times already. Call me. Xoxo.

+646 705 34 21:

What will be the consequences of all these? Are my stocks safe?


I've missed you (kissing emoji). Connor is back, by the way.

Social media handles were blowing up too, but I just shut down the gadgets for a while. There was too
much on my mind, and I needed to only find a release. Rosalind was my go-to at complex times like this,
but she was no longer on the list. The list had suddenly declined from three great options to one single
person – Thelma.

It’s ironic how things had overturned for me lately. I’d never seen myself as a one-man-one-woman type
of guy. Thelma’s one visit to my office had ended many years of my amorous affairs.

Thelma was even half available. I had to compete with a rival for the woman. I’d dumped all my cards
only to compete with a rivalry for her. If that wasn’t karma on my ass, then I doubt what karma really

But I had always been a fighter. That’s how I’d been able to get to the level where I am. I decided to be
patient, and love Thelma to the point that she’d have no option than to erase Connor out of her mind.

I picked up my phone, ordered a bouquet of flowers, and had it delivered to her anonymously. It was
something I had learned from a movie, and I’d maintained the practice for a month. She did get to ask
me one time if I was the one.

I was sitting on the porch with Thelma several days later, sipping margaritas and listening to James Blunt.
There was a definite nip in the air announcing the expected arrival of winter. Watching Thelma draw
long sips and lick her lips gave me a boner alert. I wanted to lick those lips and other moist places on her
body. I drooled like a love-struck teenager as a gentle reverie slightly ruffled her coils. We had just had
mind-lowing sex in the shower, and she sat there looking like a rare vision of a sun-kissed mermaid
waiting for a shipwrecked sailor. I got out of my reveries when her phone buzzed, bringing me back to

"Babe, you good?" I asked as I noticed the annoyance on her face.

"Nope. I fell out with mom last night. She thinks Connor is the most eligible bachelor in the whole of
Manhattan, and not getting married to him would be the biggest mistake ever."

Thelma's mom had already marked out Connor as the right man for her daughter. What mother in her
right mind wouldn't? With Connor's wealth and connections in high places, any woman was assured of a
well-heeled life of luxury. It is evident that getting married to Connor would also raise Thelma's family
position on the social ladder. I knew that Thelma wasn't really into Connor, but the stakes were too high
if she backed out. It didn't matter if she loved Connor or not; what mattered was that Thelma should do
her duty to the family.

I learned from Thelma of how her mother would go out of her way to buy Connor the best gifts on his
birthday. Last year she had bought him the latest Lamborghini model and went as far as throwing a
massive party in Madrid. Connor had gone to Madrid the previous week on a business trip, and Thelma's
mom had insisted everyone fly to Spain to honor him much to Thelma's annoyance and everyone's
disapproval. I started to think something was off when Thelma told me how her mother went on trips
with Connor and spent weeks with him, cruising, and shopping around the world. I had never met
Connor, but the hold he had on Thelma's family was not a good one. Maybe I was just jealous; I was
starting to think Connor was a weasel.

Thelma eventually told me her mother had been asking her to fix a date for a formal engagement – that
was why they fought. She had been stalling on the engagement, and I was secretly grateful for that.
Later that evening, while still reeling with joy that she had been postponing her engagement, I drove her
to her place. It was my bait to stop her just a couple of blocks from her apartment. She kissed me good
night and stepped out of the car. I watched her take a turn before driving away. I drove straight to the
high row area where Connor's mansion was.

The house was a Victorian-style mansion, heavily guarded by humans, canines and state of the art
security. I wondered what deadly secrets he had within those walls. A man like Connor had a lot of
enemies who were always waiting to pounce on him at his most vulnerable moment. I drove through
the gates after showing my invitation and going through a security check. I admit that although Connor

was a rival, I loathed so much, he had exquisite tastes. I parked my car in the area marked out for guests
and joined the little group gathered around the pool. One or two folks from the office were there and
few other acquaintances I had made in the past.

Connor had recently taken a massive interest in the Stock Market, and he was throwing a dinner party in
honor of the president. It was a gathering of ‘who-is-who.’

I had been planning on how to get into Connor's house, so I was delighted when I got to work one
morning and saw the invitation to the party on my desk. Here was a chance to carry out my plan and
free myself from the mire that was threatening to swallow me.

A quite attractive brunette walked up to me with a very seductive smile on her face. She held two
glasses in her hands, and as she came up to me, she offered me a glass which I accepted but didn't drink

"Hey handsome," she cooed, blinking her very long false lashes.

"I am Charlotte, Connor's French cousin."

She offered me a well-manicured hand with a glistening diamond ring on it. I took her hand and shook it
warmly. She was tall, beautiful with massive bosom, sharp curves, and ivory white skin, but somehow,
she didn't tick for me.

"Perhaps you would like a tour of the house, and the rich history of the building might interest you," she
"Of course, the pleasure is mine," I replied.

I followed her around the house as she showed me every part of the house, narrating the rich history
and events that had given the place so much accolade. She didn't leave out who did what in each
generation, and it was apparent that Connor was the big shot in the present age. I didn't protest when
she slid her arm through mine and drew closer. I turned on my biggest charm, feigning delight at
intervals. She was a walking scroll. She knew where and when renovations were made, past and current
plans of the building, and how many staff that were employed.

I couldn't be more grateful when she led me into the study. It was richly furnished, and I could feel the
warmth of the Persian rug even through my shoes. She sat on the edge of the mahogany table and
looked into my eyes as if silently asking for something. It took me a while to understand that she wanted
a kiss. I kissed her, and very soon, our bodies were clasped against one another. I was kissing her, but I
was thinking of ways to get her out of the study so I could have some time to carry out my plans.

"I don't have condoms; do you happen to have any?" I asked

"Yes. Let's go to my bedroom." She replied.

"I like it here, surrounded by books and ghosts of all those intellectuals who spent their time
brainstorming in here."

"You're so charming, don't go anywhere," she said with a wink and went out the door.

I quickly went to the big cabinet where I had noticed some DVDs before and after checking out the dates,
I grabbed four, and promptly hid it in my tuxedo.

I was as calm as a sea on a sunny day by the time Charlotte returned. We started kissing again but was
luckily interrupted by a scream coming from the poolside. A thud and a splash followed. Charlotte went
to the window and peeped through the blind. Then she grabbed my hands quickly and led me stealthily
out of the study.

She intended to get us to another room for privacy, but we ran into his brother, crashing her orgy plans.
"Qui est ton ami Charlotte?"

"Oh, erm..."

I quickly unburdened the young lady and introduced myself instead.

"Anthony Jareau of The Western Express."

"Oh, you're welcome, Mr. Jareau. I've heard so much about your little company. Come with, let me
introduce you to the big guys."

And so my affair with the horny Charlotte came to a close, while my bromance with her cocky cousin
began. He took me to one of the big rooms where a lot of corporate executives were seated. Some
sipped champagne while others drank different contents from wine glasses.

I could tell that Connor was a knowledgeable man. He proved that in the way he looked at me when he
observed Thelma's demeanor the moment we walked into the room. He must have been expecting it. I
didn't give two cents about his reaction. To make matters even worse, I approached Thelma, kissed her
gently before walking out of the party. It must have driven him nuts to know that Thelma willingly
obliged me, in front of his guests.


Oh, the smile on my face as I drove back home. One would think I have a weird vibe and connection
from listening to Diana Ross. Oh no, the satisfaction of humiliating the cocky French saboteur is the best
feeling I'd had since Belinda's passing. If I could crown it all with good sex, that would have made a
perfect night for me. But we can't always have it all, can we?
Getting to my home, I remembered the DVDs I picked up from Connor's study. Curiosity almost
beclouded my thoughts as my appetite flew out of the window. I jammed my car keys inside after
picking up the tapes and hastily raced through to my door in the cold of the evening.

I grabbed a pack of fries, and a bottle of ketchup from the kitchen cabinet and pulled a table close to my
couch. I inserted one of the DVDs into my laptop. The light was too bright. I got up again, turned off the
lights, and went back to see the display on my laptop screen.

I changed the first, the second, and the third DVD after few seconds on display. Disappointed to know
that it wasn't what I was expecting, I sighed and stretched my hand for the TV remote; perhaps there'll
be something more fun than watching a documentary of Monkeys and Cheetahs.

Then another thought struck me, 'why would he keep documentaries of the wild in such a concealed

I grabbed the PC again, slid a DVD in, and when it came on, I fast-forwarded the video. In less than six
seconds, a funny image appeared on the screen. I rewind it and pressed play, and eureka! There it was,
something utterly unrelated to documentary came live on my PC screen. It was a sex tape. I couldn't
make out the face of the naked lady in the video, but the dude was Connor for sure.

The video was filmed more than a decade ago. The naked lady with beautiful breasts, long dark hair, and
voluptuous ass was probably in her early 40's.

She was good at blowjobs; the way she rubbed the dick, licking the tip, spitting on it, and taking it in. She
sparked hunger and passion for the owner of the rock hard merchandise. She circled her mouth on it,
taking the whole length in as he thrust in and out of her. Her deep-throating effort was out of this world.

Connor held her head for support and began to fuck her in the mouth. Whoever she was, she was good
at it. She made the young-looking Connor grunt, whimper, and work so hard for orgasm.

The blowjob lasted for a while. I skipped some part to see other exciting, fun sides.
Soon, Connor appeared to be eating her pussy. I skipped those parts too to where the voluptuous lady
was lying on the bed. Her legs were up and resting on Connor's shoulder as he rammed his dick inside
her pussy. She appeared to be enjoying herself as she moaned in excitement with every thrust.

Connor had no mercy on the juicy pussy; he hungrily rammed his length all in quick thrusts. He fucked
her as his future depended on it. Well, maybe it did.

A few skips forward, the lady rested her bosom on the bed, raising her beautiful ass in the air. Connor
wasted no time in inserting his rock solid dick inside her wet hole.

"Yes! Yes, Connie, I like that…"

The lady moaned and encouraged the young stallion as he continued to demolish her asset in the fast
pace of thrusts. The energy, the rhythm, and the chorus made this part entertaining to watch.

Soon, I was out of fries.

I went back to the kitchen to see if I could get some more. 10 grams of coco chips were available for the
next rounds.

I changed the DVD, skipped the documentary parts for a few seconds until a naked Connor and the same
woman, a little older than the previous one, appeared on the screen. I could tell I'd seen the face
somewhere. Awestruck, I paused the video to check some pictures of Thelma on her Instagram account.

My little research proved that the naked lover in the sex tape turned out to be Thelma's mom. It began
to make sense all of a sudden.

Connor had something on her, something he could use at his whims. I was curious to know what such a
revelation will do to the unholy relationship between Thelma's mom, Claudette, and Connor. Perhaps, it
could end well in my favor, I thought.

But of course, I'd have to be careful not to ruin the Bunchild's family reputation. I cared so much for
Thelma, and a revelation like that may not end well for our friendship.
So, I quickly engineered a short clip and had it sent to Connor anonymously, with the caption – 'your
secret is safe with me, maybe not for long. Meet me at The Hazels.'

The Hazels was a famous strip club at the heart of Manhattan. So, the day ended with my detective play,
porn watching, and some wanking off in my bathroom, thanks to the younger image of Claudette.


The Manhattan-based sleazy hub for rich folks who's got money to spend was always alive at night. The
ambiance was crazy; there were loud rock music, strange-looking men with piercings, tattoos and
Mohawks, and stark-naked gorgeous women at a raised platform, dancing to the music in the
background. Some of the women were dancing on a pole, while others were busy making a few dollars
by giving lap dances, close-range groove, all for one goal – the dollar bill.

I've never been a fan of strip dancers. Whenever I was in a strip club, it was always to meet clients who
had chosen the venue for it. Well, not in this case.

I came a bit earlier than I had arranged, booked a VIP spot, and was whiling away the time on a smooth
red wine that cost a few dollars. Before Connor's cocky face appeared in view, I'd been busy telling off
some strippers who were poaching me for their trade. I was in no mood for it.

I've learned a lot of things from college days when you're preparing for a meeting like that, always come
prepared. Three Italian mafias that I'd helped in the past with their banking problem were hiding in the
shadows somewhere in case Connor played dirty.
Men like Connor always played dirty. So, it made sense to expect the worst from them.

Connor booked a seat close to mine. The message was sent to him anonymously, so I also had that
advantage over him.

A few minutes later, after he had taken a few shots of tequila, glancing over his head all the time,
expecting the anonymous tip to come in from any direction, I eventually killed his curiosity. I walked up
to him, and the expression on his face turned from shock to evil, then to shock again.

He didn't think it'd be me of all people. Despite his low attribution of my company and personality, he
never knew I had it in me to go thus far.

Three figures appeared from the sides the moment I showed up. He waved them off with his finger. As I
expected, he came to play dirty. He called off his thugs because he underrated me too exceedingly.

"You've got some stupid guts in you," he said with his teeth clenched together.

I simply smiled in response. I was 3 steps ahead of him.

His left hand made for his inner suit pocket. My boys appeared out of the shadows, a few yards from the
VIP section. I signaled them off too.

"Where are the tapes?"

"Tapes, what tapes?"

"I won't ask again."

"Maybe there are tapes I'm not saying there is, but if what you're saying is true, then I have conditions
for you."
He looked on in anger.

"You're going to leave the Bunchilds alone, no more games with them. Tell Thelma the truth, and you'll
get what you're looking for."

His left hand slowly came out of his inner suit pocket. I've seen a Smith and Wesson before, and he'd
have to reset the magazine click. In a quick motion, I kicked the piece away from his possession. I'd
rarely applied my karate lessons back in college, maybe only three times. I had him pinned to the ground;
his head bruised under my left shoe.

My boys and his thugs also got busy, making the club lit up in their cross-fire.

It took the sounds of police vans to end the brawl.


I was in the kitchen the next Friday night, cooking risotto, one of my favorites. It was my dad's favorite
too. Although dad was the master chef, he would ask mom to prepare risotto whenever he wanted an
irregular Italian meal. He said she had the magic touch that made risotto special for him. Somehow, I
grew up to believe him, though I get complimented on how well I prepared the dish, I knew mom made
it with a special touch.

It had been sleeting since morning, and the temperature was a chilling 10 degrees, forcing me to turn on
the central heating. I had dinner all by myself. I would have loved to have Thelma over, but she had
made an excuse when I called her. She had said something about having dinner with some friends from

I missed her so much that I got into my warmest cardigan, grabbed my winter coat and car keys, and
drove towards her apartment. I wanted to surprise her and get freaky with her, hopefully tapping some
body heat.
It had stopped sleeting by the time I got very close to her apartment. I parked my car by the curb and
was about to step out when I caught sight of Thelma, hand in hand with a man, laughing like she had no
care in the world. The shock from observing the two lovebirds was overwhelming. Jealousy swelled in
me like popped corn.

The urge to rush in and violently arrest the height of libido ongoing between them was powerful.
Thankfully, common sense prevailed, and I waited until they had gone into her apartment as I followed
them quietly, my curiosity getting the better part of me. Maybe it wasn't what I was thinking, but I
wanted to know what was going on. They walked down the hall, and I followed stealthily, making sure
that I kept a safe distance between us.

They got to her door, and Thelma invited the guy to come in for a glass of wine, he declined at the offer
at first but gave in after much persuasion. She threw herself onto the mystery guy and started kissing
him so passionately. It took a great deal of self-control to restrain myself. I watched quietly as she
unlocked her door and led him in, leaving the door a bit ajar. I waited for an opportunity before slipping
in quietly. They went into the kitchen to get a bottle of wine from her refrigerator. Things heated up,
and clothing got lesser and lesser.

Thelma plopped herself on the couch, putting her arms around his neck, she pulled him unto herself,
spreading her legs to accommodate him between her. I heard her begging him to bang her. She sounded
so desperate. I was seething in raw anger as I watched him ram into her repeatedly.

In between her loud moans and cheerleading, urging him on, I heard my name.


After their short sex, Thelma went into the kitchen to get some coffee. Then, she cuddled up with the

"You're such a sweet guy Reynolds," she said, smiling at him.

Finally, I got to know the bastard's name.

"It's my pleasure, ma'am."

"Reynolds, there's something I want to tell you. I need to get it off my chest before it crushes me."

"Ugh-uh, this isn't exactly a good time," Reynolds replied.

"Please," she pleaded.

"Okay, okay. Shoot"

She went on to tell him about Connor. She was tired of playing the ever dutiful girlfriend. She was
worried that Connor had some tricks up his sleeves. And some secrets also. Well, I always thought
Connor was a calculating, manipulating bastard. When she talked about how deeply she loved me but
couldn't bring herself to commit for fear of being heartbroken, it sounded all too familiar. Thelma told
Reynolds she was scared I might go back to my old ways and leave her high and dry.

Meanwhile, she could just hang around me and see what the future brings.

When she finished talking, Reynolds dressed up, and just as he was about to leave, I heard him tell her
that whatever they had was over. I watched from my hiding place as her face contorted with sadness,
and tears rolled down. I wanted to strangle the guy for fucking my woman and having the nerve to ditch
her like a piece of shit, but somehow, I thought she got what she deserved. After all, she was cheating
on me with some jerk.

"Why?" Thelma asked.

"When you figure out what you want, you know what to do. Goodbye". Reynolds replied.
Reynolds wanted all or nothing. I felt his pain. Thelma was trying to juggle three men using them to fill
her different needs. I didn't even know if I had a stronghold on her heart. Yeah, she loved me, but she
wanted someone else or preferably something else.

I was about to sneak out as she sat there crying. I didn't feel like talking to her ever. The high walls I built
around her had come crashing down. I was angry, but her heart-wrenching sobs pulled at something
inside of me. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went out of my hiding and hugged her. She was so shocked
to see me; she almost screamed in fear.

“What—what are you doing here?” she sobbed.

I told her I had seen everything, and she apologized profusely. “I am sorry. I really am.”

She told me she had met Reynolds at a party she went to with her friends a few months back. She had
been attracted to his suave and smooth talk. It appeared Reynolds was not interested in her at first. He
had his eyes on one of her friends, who was a talkative blonde. She had managed to weasel his number
out of a colleague, and after several calls and coercion, he agreed to have dinner with her. He was just a
convenient distraction from Connor and me.

Thelma assured me she felt nothing emotional for Reynolds.

For a good number of weeks, Thelma and I were incommunicado. I took Charlotte out on a couple of
dates. She was an entertaining company. We even made out a couple of times, but I felt no attraction
for her. There was only one woman on my mind. And her image haunted me.

I buried myself in my work, filling in the lonely nights with more work. Soon, I had eye bags from
sleepless nights. I didn't even know I had them until Anelida pointed them out when I had traveled down
for a dinner party. She tried to get me to talk about it, and when I wouldn't budge, she established that I
had symptoms of a broken heart. I told her work was getting a little too demanding, but she refused to
take that. Mom noticed I had gained weight and was no longer looking like a sculpted Adonis as she
usually put it.

Thelma called many times and sent in messages that I didn't bother to read before deleting. She came to
the office a few times, but I refused to see her. I returned her presents too. Eventually, she stopped
calling and texting.

I had assumed I would be happier if she stayed away, but the silence became so unbearable I could not
focus on work or anything. I became so moody, getting riled at every little mistake. I became so
withdrawn and unhappy. My favorite past time was driving aimlessly around town until I became so
exhausted and would go home and go straight to bed.

One day, I couldn't take it anymore, so I just picked up the phone and called Thelma. She answered at
the third ring and hastily told me in a hushed voice to call back tomorrow because she was right in the
middle of something. I was about to hang up the phone when I heard a man's voice in the background.
He was asking her to get ready for the show. Damn, I could recognize Connor's voice anytime. I sensed
she must have quickly dropped her phone when he came in.

"Hey gorgeous, bring that booty over here for some good spanking. You've been a bad, bad bitch,"
Connor said.

"Yes, daddy," Thelma chuckled.

"Now bend over that table and wiggle that ass for me while I teach you a few lessons." I heard Connor
I heard the sound of the whip crack through the air. I could have just tapped the end call button and
saved myself more agony, but I have always been curious to know what Connor was like in the bedroom.

I heard Thelma scream as the whip touched her skin with a loud crack, and Connor telling her she
deserved every spanking for being naughty. He struck a couple more times, and each time I heard him
yelling louder and louder at her to wiggle her ass.

"What do you do with that big fat ass, bitch? You wiggle, wiggle." He roared.

I heard the weirdest song come on, and Thelma must have been wiggling her best because Connor had
stopped yelling but whipped her some more. When he was done, he changed the song to a jungle
theme filling the room with sounds of wild animals making terrifying noises, elephants stomping, and
birds chirping. It sounded so creepy. Then Connor starts chasing Thelma all over the place, snarling and
making monkey noises. Thelma shrieked in mock terror. He must have caught up with her because I
heard clothes torn into shreds and Thelma whimpering as he bit her skin.

Much to my disdain, I had a full hard-on. If I had been in that room, she was getting a train.

"Put those clips on your nipples." I heard Connor order Thelma.

"But they hurt so badly," Thelma said. I sensed fear in her voice. She was afraid of displeasing Connor.

"Put the damn clips on," Connor bellowed.

All was quiet except for Connor's slurp kissing, and the same lewd nonsense he kept saying over and
over again. Then I heard Thelma moaning just the way she did when I penetrate her. Connor was
ramming into her and grunting like a wild pig. His balls were slapping her, and I wondered just how big
they were to have made her react the way she did. The pace of his thrusts increase, telling from the
sounds I heard, Thelma's moaning had turned into screaming. She was obviously in pain, and that
spurred Connor on. Her pleas fell on deaf ears as he was bent on getting his release. At that moment, I
thought the whole show would never end, Connor gave one last snort, and there was silence. Thirty
seconds later, I heard the door bang, and Thelma sobbing quietly.
I hung up and saved the call recordings. Suddenly, I looked up to see my assistant standing at the door.
He had been trying to get my attention for the past half hour. There was a pizza guy at the lobby waiting
to deliver my order. I haven't eaten pizza in the past two years, and I couldn't remember placing an
order. There could have been a mistake somewhere, or was someone playing a prank?

After giving it a second thought, I asked my assistant to pay the guy and bring in the pizza.


The thing about Karma is that it comes for you when you think you're in your correctional phase. Right
your wrong all you want, the wrongs you did will still come back for you. Perhaps, Thelma was my karma,
or the universe was simply dishing me a portion from Cupid's worst concoction.

The sounds of her love-making with Connor remained stuck in my head like a tumor. My heart kept
rebelling against my intent to stay Thelma-free, at least for a while.

Thelma was still sending messages, though, contents that I didn't bother to check. I was beginning to
focus more on my work at the office. Dylan Boris, my assistant in the last decade, was resigning from his
job for a managerial position at Wall Street. I was happy for him. In his replacement was a young
Harvard graduate that looked like he'd spent most of his college savings on robotics and advanced techs.
However, it didn't take long before he got around the job. Joshua Anderson or Josh, as he preferred,
used computer utilities like his life depended on it.

Being tech-savvy myself, I discussed the little I know with Josh. At the same time, he poured out his in-
depth knowledge and infatuation with the use of advanced software for data collation, futuristic analysis,
and other states of the art tech utilities.

I needed all the distractions I could get from all the tumults that had enwrapped my private life lately, so
I invited Josh over for dinner at my place. He was barely able to contain the opportunity of working with
the MD. His face lit up in excitement, as we discussed at length in my office. And when I threw the
dinner invitation at him, poor Josh, he kept repeating the same questions in between apologies "Are you
serious? Sorry, Me? You, me, dinner, I'm sorry?

"It's not a date, kid. I just need someone I could knock out again. I haven't played Xbox in a while."

"Get out of here! Oh, sorry, boss, I meant you play Xbox?"

"I've told you to call me Mr. Jareau. I'd let you call me Tony if you impressed me in the video game."

He repeatedly nodded, raising his thumbs in acknowledgment of the challenge, his head accidentally
hitting the glass door as he walked back to his office.

Work was over by 5.30 pm. Josh and I went to get some Chinese foods first, before circling back to my

When we had finally settled down for dinner and to play video games afterward, I received the fifth call
from Charlotte. My phone had been buzzing since I left the Chinese restaurant. When I eventually
answered her call, she had news for me that relates to Connor. Charlotte had been looking for a window
of opportunity to find closure with me. When sex wasn't hitting it, she used her dislike of Connor to find
common ground.

It was through her that I learned of Connor's dealings in the investigation process at the precinct.
Someone had been forestalling the autopsy report on purpose. My lawyer had complained of some
misconduct in the proceedings owing to police negligence. Charlotte's latest information cleared the
confusion on why there had been delays in reaching a verdict on the case. Connor, through his schemes
and manipulations, had been able to get some corrupt cops to do his biddings.

In the light of the legal proceedings, new evidence was supposedly discovered in Belinda's car. The so-
called evidence was made to look like Belinda's last word, pinning me to her murder.

The phone conversation with Charlotte ruined the rest of the night. I had to look for ways to clear my
name before ending up in an orange jumpsuit.
I quickly dismissed Josh only to sink back on my couch, drowning away in the gloom. Three to four hours,
wondering about various possibilities that could end the impending setback. I remembered a parcel was
delivered to me in a pizza pack. I had dropped the package in one of the open cabinets, hoping to check
what was inside at a later time.

I picked up my car keys. It was at 11.40 pm. I drove straight to the office and thankfully met the security
guys in their post. I was a bit nervous about what I'd find.

The writing on the brown envelope, clearly written in blue ink, was 'VERY CONFIDENTIAL.' My soul
sighed in the hope of seeing the audiotape in the parcel. The content didn't state where or who was
writing. Whoever it was made sure it stayed anonymous.

Finally, the content of the letter was enough to point my lawyer in the direction of where to go.
According to the letter, one of the detectives was working for Connor in a bid to implicate me in the
death of Belinda.

Connor was a smart man, but not smart enough to buy the cooperation of the good eggs among the
cops in the precinct. With the advantage that the new evidence presented to me, I drove home calmly
and had a good night's sleep.


Another legal proceeding beckoned again. My office was in good hands, but that wasn't my worry.
Several things had been giving me sleepless nights - Thelma's inability to see Connor for who he was,
Belinda's unfortunate demise, and the fact that Carl Thompson may not show up in court, costing me
my freedom. I hate the thought of prison, and orange is not my color.

My phone dinged; it was a message from Thelma. It was an apology for her inability to come to witness
my trial. Well, the sight of Carl matching through the aisle, and into his seat gave me relief. He
eventually showed up just in time before the Judge had settled on his seat.
After close to 40 minutes of legal jargon and pointless accusations, my lawyer stepped up to the stage.
Just as I had expected, the verdict went in my favor. The voice of Detective Kingston accepting a bribe
from a caller on the phone was all I needed. Carl Thompson was in his A-game too. He made all the
efforts thrown at me by the prosecuting counsel seem like a child's play.

The victory at my trial was like a breath of fresh air. I was driving home to celebrate alone, but a lot of
weight was lifted off my shoulder. I was able to sleep again.


The weekend started on a bright note with the whole court proceedings behind me. I was soon
contemplating on heeding Anelida's advice to go for a therapy when I saw a message anonymously
delivered to my email.

I clicked on what seemed to be a video clip, and the naked body of Thelma being pinned down on a
dining table while a relatively thin individual with very dark hair, obviously Connor, began to plunge his
dick inside her mouth.

I skipped further, watching her expressions keenly to ensure she wasn't forced. Her reactions depicted
one of pain and delight. At some point, Connor used a massive steel dildo to explore her insides. I'd
never seen Thelma scream in such horror.

But as soon as she had endured one pain, her expression changed to portray pleasure. The pains she
went through with the clamps on her tits, the whips Connor generously unloaded on her back. Yet, she
cried, screamed, and smiled back.

As if that wasn't enough, Connor put a gag on her mouth, causing her to be quiet; her eyes depicted
pain. Connor inserted the steel dildo into her pussy and began taking her from the back. Soon, her
expressions turned to delectation.

I got more confused. Was Thelma enjoying it? Was that the sort of sexual style she craved? Connor had
sent the video to taunt me, but I was beginning to pick something useful from Connor's algolagnia.
Connor had various instruments arranged for their wild debauchery. I wondered if she'd get through the
session alive. There were clamps on her tits, inflicting excruciating pains on her. There were restraints on
her legs, and the use of an instrument to plunge through her vagina sent shock waves through me.

I closed the page to check for the closest psychotherapist around. After going through a list of options, I
set off to book an appointment with a doctor at Midtown Manhattan.


Belinda's funeral scheduled to happen at St. Mary's Catholic Church on a Saturday morning. I was
informed by one of her cousins a week before.

I got to the service early enough to meet the sermon. Belinda's family members and closest friends sat
by the right porch, close to the altar. Belinda's remains were in a slightly opened casket, close to the
front row seat. I wanted to have one last view of her remains during the procession without causing a
stare, but I soon realized how awkward that might look.

There was something suspicious about the eulogy presented by her former promoter and owner of the
franchise, where she plied her acting career. He sounded like all was well between him and Belinda, but
that was very misleading. I remember Belinda saying, "I've done everything to please Alan, including sex,
but he cares more about his ejaculation than helping my acting career." She must have been cursing him
right there in her casket.

Belinda had a bubbling personality; she was always determined to outdo herself and any perceived
competitor. She was a little bit clingy, but to be fair. She was a sweet and charming person. I always had
a feeling she would have stuck around all these years, thinking that when I was done being a Casanova, I
would pop the question to her. If Thelma had not shown up at the office that day, Belinda would have
been the one.

Belinda had her share of disappointments and frustrations. An unfair share, I would say. Although she
made good music and had a huge fan base on and off social media, she wanted to try her hands on the
screen. I had always told her to stick to her music, but her eyes were set for Hollywood. She did her best,
but her talent was in singing. Her manager had advised her to take smaller roles and work her way up,
but Belinda would take none of that. She went on to produce her movie, and it was a total disaster,
leaving her almost bankrupt.

When she could no longer handle it, she sought solace in sex and drugs. Several times, I tried to get her
to seek therapy, but she declined them. I knew how eccentric she was, but she loved life way too much
to have considered killing herself. If I were a detective, I would start with Alan Dubois. His smooth talks
and patronizing speech about his relationship with Belinda surely gave him away.


My shrink did warn me about attending Belinda's funeral. I was starting to feel she was right. Carla
Dowling was in her early 50's. Her age could have been hard to tell if not for her great wisdom and
beautiful silver hair that complemented her brown skin. Her slender frame fits perfectly in her blue
bodycon dress that hugged her figure, accentuating her beautifully curved shape.

Ms. Dowling has been very helpful for the last two weeks of my therapy session. Although it was difficult
at first, opening up to anyone about my private life, she exercised a considerable amount of patience.

My session with her lasted for an hour, and I have been consistently attending every meeting every 1
pm on weekdays until two weeks later. I changed my regular session to 5 pm to accommodate my busy
time schedules at work.

On my second day of attending my evening session, I ran into Thelma in the hallway. I thought it hard to
be a mere coincidence, but it was.

Thelma hasn't had it smoothly herself. Anyone with Connor in their life would need to see one if not two
shrinks a day. She was surprised as I was, and even though I was stalking her. She wore a red sheath
dress that had a straight cut, nipped at the waistline, and sat on her knees. She looked perfectly in shape
until she had taken off her shades, revealing a black eye that was hued in make-up.

"Oh no, he hits you?" I asked.

"It's not what you think, Tony."

"And what am I thinking?"

"He doesn't," she paused, trying to maintain her composure as I waited for more words to come out of
her. She put her shades back on.

"Why do you care, by the way? What are you even doing here?" She tried to walk out as she threw
those piercing questions, but I caught her by the hand.

"You can't tell?" There were so many things I wanted to say to her, but I figured it wasn't the right place,
so I changed the subject. "What are you doing here, Thelma?"

"I came to see someone, a friend. What about you, Tony, came to see someone too?"

"Uh," I couldn't think of a bright lie, "yeah, term…an old friend, not very old, silver hair, -"

"Great body, good listener." She snatched the words from my mouth as we both chuckled.

"Ms. Dowling always leaves an impressive effect on her patients. I'm happy for you, Tony. But I'm not
here for therapy if that's what you're asking. Doctor Dowling has been a friend for close to 3 years now."

"So, you're checking in for a friendly tête-à-tête," I said, maintaining a face of concern without reflecting
the sarcasm.

Ms. Dowling walked in on us, and said in a calm tone manner, "Hey lovers, I'm sorry I've got to close
early today. My daughter would be flying in from Europe at any moment, and I'm her ride." She smiled
and headed for the lift.

I asked Thelma afterward to have dinner with me, but she declined. She had been seeing Ms. Dowling,
and it didn't take the doctor too long to figure out we've seen each other. I assumed she must have
mentioned me a couple of times in her sessions. I wanted so badly to know what she was dealing with
without bulging into her no-flight zone.

I held her by the shoulders, planted a kiss on her temple and said, "You know how to reach me, Thelma,
I'm always available when you need me."

I took my leave as she stood there, watching and probably wondering if she should have accepted the
dinner invitation.


My drive back home was filled with mixed emotions. Did I act too desperate? Come on, Tony! I banged
my hands on the steering wheel. The hell! It was just dinner. I tried to console myself. I pressed the radio
channel, and a weather report came on, I changed the dial repeatedly, but nothing of interest came live.
I was losing my head in an awkward, narcissistic syndrome until I resorted to my Diana Ross album in the
music player.

Getting home, I went straight to my freezer for a leftover since morning. I turned on the TV and was
busy flipping the channels when my doorbell rang. I wasn't expecting a visitor, but my first guess was

Charlotte was very instrumental to the court verdict that went in my favor. I started feeling a bit guilty
for not doing beyond a phone call in appreciation for her contribution to my fair trial.

I turned the knob, opening my speech with 'I'm so sorry for -' but it wasn't Charlotte. No, it was my
invitee who had come to collect, but dinner was a little late, I thought. Thelma had gone back home to
refresh, slipped into a brown overcoat and a hat. Words were still stuck in my mouth when she turned
from backing the door and flashed a smile that eased my mental stress since our meeting at Ms.
Dowling’s office. I was yet to recover from the impact of her charming smile when she pulled out a
button, letting her coat go down like cotton at a circus.
I stood there, frozen by the view before me. Under the loose coat was Thelma's dark panty-holes,
designed in such a way that only her tits and vagina were unexposed.

She put her little finger in my mouth. I suckled like an infant. At last, I summoned some degree of
courage and picked her off her feet. I can't explain if I floated in the air through the flights of stairs into
my bedroom.

On the bed, I put my hand behind Thelma's head, holding her firmly, I looked into her eyes, trying to see
into her soul before I kissed her, deeply exploring the warmth of her mouth. She tasted like a blend of
peppermint and vanilla. On the other hand, I grabbed her bum, rubbing her against my desires. I wanted
her to feel how much I yearned for her. She moaned as I squeezed her butt harder, delighting in their
roundness and softness.

I had craved so much for an opportunity with Thelma. So much that I'd fantasized series of nasty things
to do with her in my head, I must admit, Connor had little to do with it.

Gently breaking the kiss, I stepped towards my closet, where I laid out every tool, I needed to drive her
senseless with pleasure. Looking back, I saw her face as her eyes widened in astonishment.


I shushed her up with a kiss.

"Be patient, my captive. Tonight, you're my servant."

I took out a scarf with which I tied around her head so that she couldn't see anything.

Using my mouth, I gently undid her willing panty-holes. I could hear her pulse beating faster as I

"Tony, what are you doing?" Thelma asked.

I smiled in reply and went on to put a leash on her neck.

"Tony, no."

"Shush, you're not allowed to speak yet."

I kissed her gently on the lips and then roughly pulled on her leash, bringing her down on her knees.

I unzipped my pants, pulled my aroused dick out of my briefs. I made her feel my meat on her face and
ordered her to open her mouth.

She did as I said. I cupped her jaw as she encircled her lips on my dick. I held her head to my body as my
dick hardened even more. The tip of my dick touched her throat, making her gag. I moved deeper and
faster, almost touching the back of her throat.

I went in, and out of her mouth, she coughed, gagged and gasped for air. After thrusting in and out for a
while, I pulled out, allowing her to catch her breath. Tears poured down her face. I wiped it off with my

The intensity was so much that I almost reached a climax. I pulled out immediately.

I stretched my hand to the left rack in my closet and grabbed a whip.

I caressed her breasts with it leisurely tracing it over her mid-riff down to her navel. My gentle brushes
over her clit drew out a soft moan. She leaned forward and moaned my name.

My hands lightly brushed her pussy-lips, her juices flowed freely. She was already wet with want. She
craved for more.

I brought out another item in my arsenal – two handcuffs with which I was able to restrain her, pinning
her to my bedposts. When I was sure that her hands had been secured properly, I brought out another
item in my arsenal – a dildo.
I plunged the dildo into her juicy pussy, and she let out a loud moan that got me wondering if the pain
was too much.

No, this isn't the time to get soft. If I'm going to do this, I'd have to go all the way.

However, my conscience constantly embattled my actions. I checked to ensure that the cuffs weren't
cutting her circulation. I removed the leash on her neck.

I continued to explore the walls inside her pussy with the dildo.

"Uh, Tony!"

Her body quivered with fear and want. Then, I disengaged the dildo from her pussy, inserting it into the
hole in her ass. It was tight down there. I found a lubricant, poured some on her anus, and pushed the
dildo inside her. The entrance was made easier this time. She cried out in pleasure.

I was barely able to contain myself; all I wanted to do was to glide into her and make sweet love to her.
It wasn't part of my plans yet, but my urge was stronger, so I got her out of the blindfold and restraints.

My dick was so hard I felt it might jump out of my groin, clutching to the choicest part on Thelma's
gorgeous body.

I grabbed her hips, bent her over and fucked her hard, lightly spanking her ass as I banged her.

"Spank me harder," she ordered.

The authority overturned. I gladly obeyed her command; I spanked her so hard while I rammed my
impatient meat into her yearning pussy. I went in harder and harder, bringing her to countless orgasms
in a row.

"Yes! Don't stop… Fuck that pussy!"

I increased my pace as those words spurred me into action. I was on fire, and I spread her apart
impatiently. Her legs danced in the air as I went in and out of her. Her sexual drive matched mine, and
together we made the room burn.

Sensing that I was approaching climax, I pulled out of her. I began to eat her, licking her labia, using my
tongue to suck on her clit, and Thelma moaned in deep pleasure.

Passionately using my tongue, I thrust in and out of her wet pussy. I rubbed my tongue hard on her clit,
gliding it right through her pussy lips. She was in cloud nine, screaming and urging me on.

Then I used my fingers, rubbing hard on her clit until a rush of liquid splashed out.

She began to express her heightened delight in a different language I couldn't make out. But I knew
Thelma spoke only English.

Soon, it was time to nourish my dick with some of the pleasure. I made her get in position for a doggy. I
glided my dick inside her, spanking her ass as I invaded her in full force.

"You…are a…a…fucking beast," she managed to say in the heat of pleasure.

I held on to her waist, thrusting in and out with even more pressure as I pulled her back. Her round butt
slapped on my groin, making flapping sounds in the rhythm of our movements.

Feeling the need for more wildness, I inserted my dick into her anus, rubbing her clitoris at the same
time. She went crazy with excitement, which triggered my passion and brought me close to climax. I
continued with even greater force as my cum began to surge, sending shock waves through my spine to
my brain cells.

"Oh my gawwd, that feels so good. You're the fucking best, Tony."

In my mind, I wished Connor could hear that. 'Oh, Connor, can you dig that?'
"What did you say?" she asked.

My thoughts came out of my lips, unknown to me. Thelma's countenance changed from that of ecstasy
to irksomeness.

"So, is that all I've been to you, a sport?"

"What do you mean, babe?"

Thelma is a smart woman; somehow, she had been able to tell the comparisons. It wasn't my style, and
she knew it.

"You know about Connor?" she asked.

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "I know it's not a competition, Thelma, but I felt you
enjoyed it better this way."

The expression on her face showed disappointment.

"Have you been spying on me?"

We paused for a while as her eyes scrutinized my face like a psychic. I couldn't bring myself to tell her
the truth. Although, she deserved to know Connor for who he was. Connor cared less about her; all he
wanted was to unload his cum inside her. She was supposed to know that. But maybe she enjoyed it too

A lot of questions flickered through my mind. What does she see in Connor? What does she desire in
him so much that I haven't been giving him?

She got in her clothes, moved close to the door, and said, "Stop trying, Tony."
She left me wondering what she meant.


Glancing at my watch, I donned my tuxedo, pulled my tie in place, and combed my hair. It was 7 pm, and
I didn't want to be late for the red-carpet reception at the Roseland Ballroom. Tonight was the annual
Beach Colony Award and Gala Night. It was a gathering of the crème de la crème in New York, and
Connor, the cynic, was getting an award for being the biggest donor to the Beach Colony Children
Education charity.

Fastening my cuff links, I picked my car keys and left the apartment.

Charlotte was already waiting when I arrived at the party. She was my plus one as Thelma would be by
Connor's side as he received his award. Charlotte walked up to me and planted a kiss on my lips then slid
her arms through mine as we walked down the red carpet. As we sipped our drinks, waiting for the
event proper, Charlotte took me around and introduced me to some acquaintances.

I listened to the speeches made by the awardees as they were presented with their awards, occasionally
smiling at Charlotte and listening to her whispered remarks. I was stunned but happy when Thelma
walked up the stage to receive her prize. She didn't tell me she volunteered as a therapist to children
who had been traumatized by war. My heart swelled with pride, and I almost whistled when she smiled.
I couldn't contain my excitement as my applause got me a questioning look from Charlotte.

As the evening wore on, the guests went on to the network and personally congratulated the awardees.
I spotted Connor with a very striking blonde partner by his side. He had his hands placed on her
waistline and kept whispering something into her ears. Just when I was wondering what new pranks
Connor was up to and where Thelma was, I saw Claudette walk into the ballroom. Her face grew red in
anger as she sighted Connor and his plus one.

"Ugh-uh, now that doesn't look good," Charlotte said.

"Come along, darling, I know a place you would like to see. We need a break."

She led me to the gallery downstairs, where we chatted with a few guests and exchanged cards.
Charlotte took me around the gallery, explaining the pictures and showing off her in-depth knowledge of
the artwork.

As we sat down, I noticed a painting of a naked young woman straddling the brain. That struck me as
precisely what Thelma was doing to my mind. I smiled and continued listening to my beautiful
companion, wondering where Thelma was.

"Let's go to the rooftop," Charlotte suggested.

"I must admit I'm afraid of heights," I said.

"The engineers took care to build it in a way you wouldn't know you were on a roof. It feels more like
being on top of the world. You can see the whole city from there." She encouraged.

Charlotte was right. I forgot about my fears and went on to enjoy the view from the rooftop. The view
was breathtaking, and we stood there for half an hour before we heard someone approaching. It was
Claudette and Connor, and on first instinct, Charlotte and I quietly slid into the shadows.
"What the hell are you doing, Connor? Thelma's here, and you walk around with some gold-digging
broad. You don't care what the paparazzi will say." Claudette said.

"If there's any gold digger here, it's me. I dig golden pleasure from your daughter's pussy and turn it into
dollar bills that keep the roof over your head, your feet in Prada, and your skinny ass in Victoria's secrets.
Your tastes are so expensive. I have to dig so hard and so deep." Connor replied in an icy and calm voice.

"You are a bastard, Connor!" Claudette yelled.

"But I know what I want and how to get it, so right now, I want those papers that will frame Mr. Lyon
signed and handed over ASAP," Connor said.

"I will do no such thing, you scheming greedy pig," Claudette snapped.

"You will, and if you are as clever as you look, you should do as I have said. I presume you do not want
the headlines reading Matriarch of Bunchild whoring to keep the dynasty above waters," Connor said.

"You promised to destroy the sex tape years ago, why do you still have it? We had a bargain, Connor. I
made Jonathon lose his job so you could have your way."

"I rewarded you handsomely, Claudette, so stop being a cry baby. Our bargain was that I would destroy
the tapes after Thelma becomes my bride. In that part too, you have failed woefully, my darling

"We both know Thelma doesn't want to marry you. I have done everything I could."

"In that case, I don't mind taking an unwilling bride. She must stick to the agreement. I suppose she
understands the consequences of refusing." Connor retorted. "And of course, I will keep to my promise,
but that will be after giving the internet a slice of your fake orgasms."

"Go to hell, Connor. I will sue you to your last penny if you dare such nonsense." Claudette raged.
"You seem to forget snowflake; I have recorded conversation of your plot to usurp Madeline and kill her
husband. It will save the state from wasting precious dollar bills searching for his killer while you will
cool your ass in jail and save us these tantrums," Connor said.

"You made me do it. Whose idea was it to kill him so you could monopolize his business? Tell me. I only
told you about their secret hideout. You pulled the trigger, you murderous, heartless schemer."
Claudette cried.

"If I go down, we'll go down together. I will expose your drug cabals and make sure the government
tears down everything so you won't have a dime to your name if you ever get out of jail."

I heard Connor laugh mirthlessly, then Claudette stomped off in anger. I waited as Connor finished
smoking his cigarette and moved away before coming out of the shadows with Charlotte. I noticed the
shock on Charlotte's face. I bet she thought her cousin was anything but a killer.

I drove Charlotte to a friend's place because she couldn't bear to stay alone in her apartment. As I
returned to my apartment, I realized that Connor was not just a ruthless businessman but also a drug
baron. He murdered his way to the top and would continue knocking people out of the road like a bull
trying to get out of a china shop.

I was particularly worried about Thelma, and the consequences Connor boastfully spoke of.


After the gala night, I sought for ways that I could end Claudette's miseries. I had everything in my
possession that could end her long years of being subjected to Connor's mischief. Eavesdropping on
their brief conversation opened a door for me, a door that may affect Thelma negatively. The poor lady
has been through enough. But Connor's persistence to crush down the Bunchilds had to come to an end.

I used the service of a pizza delivery guy. The idea has worked in my favor, and it was appropriate that I
remained anonymous until it was safe for Thelma. However, I tailed the delivery guy to ensure the
package got to the right hands.
Thelma's family house was at Newark. I paid the delivery guy enough to drive several miles in his van.

When he finally pulled up in front of the house, I did the same, but I maintained a few yards close
enough to know who would answer the door.

A man in his early 60's, whom I suspected to be Mr. Bunchild, answered the door. I couldn't hear their
conversation from a distance, but the delivery guy went against my order to deliver only to Claudette.
He even collected another money from him. Things were going to get worse if I didn't stop Thelma's dad
from opening the package.

After the pizza guy drove off, I took it upon myself to make an awkward introduction. Besides, it was
about time I met the father of the lady I'd fallen in love with in the past few months. Perhaps, I could get
him on my side. Connor has had Claudette as a teammate, getting Mr. Bunchild as a fullback wasn't a
bad idea.

So, I turned on the ignition after the idea had sounded convincing enough. I pulled my car close to the
house and headed for their door. Mr. Bunchild still answered the door for me. The smile on his face

when I introduced myself as Thelma's boyfriend, it was all I needed to know if my rescue plan to save an
impending marital crisis will pull through.

Mr. Warren Bunchild had been a state prosecutor for years. A framed black and white picture of a
teenage boy wearing an old soccer jersey showed that he had other ambitions besides his noble legal
profession. There were plaques, medals of various sorts on display. The family had indeed achieved a lot
in their life, and he was proud.

He noticed how my eyes traveled from one item to another, and he smiled. Pointing at a significant
plaque in a wooden frame, he said, "That's the Frank Carrington Crime Victim Attorney Award; it's from
seventeen years ago. Those over there are Charles R. English awards. They became a regular piece of the
collection after I became a member of the ABA. That's John h. Pickering Achievement award, I was about
your age when I won two of those for my pro bono and excellent legal standard…"

He went on about the medals from his days as a soccer player, even taking me to his study where he had
pictures with great names in the legal sphere.
"What's your area of specialty? Sorry, are you a lawyer?"

"No, no, sir, I'm not. I'm a broker."

"Oh," he said.

I had brought down his hopes down a bit, and it showed in his facial expression.

"I am the Managing Director of the Western Express," I added.

My last inclusion didn't change a thing, so I stopped trying to impress him about the non-legal related
profile of my life.

So, in changing the subject, I asked him, "How did you meet your beautiful wife?"

We've been circling his study, and he paused, raised his brows, and stuck his hands in his trouser

"We met through her older brother. We played soccer then. His favorite position was at the goal, while I
loved to control the midfield. Claudette was very little then. The death of their father hit them so badly.
They almost handed Claudette to child services. I related their situation with my pop. He was very willing
to help, so that solved their education problem and other welfare issues they had. I moved out of
Cleveland to Pennsylvania for my law program. Claudette heeded his late brother's advice to join me in
Pennsylvania for her law degree 5 years later. That's how we reunited, and I became the closest buddies
until the relationship flourished into marriage."

We walked back to his sitting-room as he talked. I sighted the pizza package on the fridge. The first thing
that occurred to me was to distract him and find a way to conceal the box, but it was too big to be
hidden inside my leather suit.

"Care for a drink?"

"Yes, please."

He dashed to his study to fetch a drink from wherever he had them. I quickly picked up the pizza box
and hit it under the couch. I was seated on the sofa, looking at the artwork above the fireplace when he
walked with a wine bottle and two glasses.

"So, how did you and Thelma meet?"

"She's our client. It wasn't in the spectacular fashion, though. Our meeting was a bit awkward. She came
to complain about something, which was later reviewed. We exchanged contact, and we've been friends
since then."

The door opened, and Claudette walked in.

"Mr. Jareau, what a pleasure," she said, smiling as we shook hands. Then she turned to face her husband,
"Honey, you didn't tell me you had stocks in the Western Express."

I tried to interject, but Mr. Bunchild responded with, "No, I don't. This young man here is Thelma's
boyfriend, did you know that?"

Claudette turned to me, looking surprised. "Really, how long has that been?"

"Not very long ma'am, eight or nine months, I guess. We haven't made it official yet." I said.

"Is that so? Thelma has never mentioned it," Claudette added.

"Maybe it's because you've been choking her life with the thin-looking French guy."

Mr. Bunchild’s response may have struck a chord, but it looked like it was heading in my favor.
Not wanting to leak private matters in my audience, Claudette politely excused herself as she asked for a
minute with her husband in another room.

I quickly thought of how to solve the problem that brought me in the first place – handling the pizza
package to Claudette. I took out a small note I always carried along in my jacket. I always carried a pen in
my suit pockets too. I wrote a few words that will help Claudette locate the position of the package
without alerting her husband.

When they got back, I made up an excuse to leave. I smartly folded the piece of paper into Claudette's
hand like a handshake and shook hands with her husband before heading to the door. I was turning on
the ignition when Claudette tapped on my car door. I brought down the window of the car door to hear
her out.

"What's in the pizza package, and what do you mean by 'solve my Connor' problem?"

"I was going to do this anonymously until the delivery man I sent messed up the arrangement. Your
husband would have had access to the sex tape but thank God I tailed the delivery guy down here to
witness the exchange. I wanted to make sure it got into the right hands."

Her blue eyes depicted fear and desperation. I reached out for her hands to calm her, "Don't worry, your
secrets are safe with me, now go burn the damn tapes and end Connor's hold on your freedom once and
for all."

She nodded in acknowledgment as I let go of her hand, driving away into the distance as I watch her
walk back to her house with a renewed air of freedom.

Wednesdays are always full of activities in the office; it was like everyone was rushing to meet some
midweek deadline. It seems most procrastinators suddenly realize it's just two days to the weekend, and
they go into a frenzy.

I was rounding off for the day when my phone buzzed, and it was Claudette on the line. She was inviting
me over for dinner at her place that evening. I quickly accepted. I felt it was an honor though it wasn't
the right circumstances for your girlfriend's mom to invite you for dinner. I secretly wished we could talk
about anything but Connor and his vile ambitions.

I arrived at the Bunchild's just a few minutes after 8 pm. Claudette was already at the front door. I guess
she must have heard me drive-in. She shook my hands warmly and gave me a smile that made me think
of Thelma. Claudette was very good looking and must have been a sensation in her youth.

"This way, please," she said, leading the way to the dining room.

Mr. Bunchild was already seated. He stood up to shake my hands. I politely pulled out a chair for
Claudette and sat beside her.

"I think I might start investing in the stock market," Mr. Bunchild said.

"That would be a very wise decision, and I will be glad to offer you financial advice," I responded.

The meal was delicious. Claudette was a great cook, something that her daughter didn't inherit, and
over lunch, we discussed various culinary skills, and she has been saying something about opening an
Italian restaurant in Manhattan. Mr. Bunchild made some witty jokes, and I could sense the deep
affection between the couple from the way Claudette laughed, and the way they looked at each other.

After dinner, I helped Claudette clear the dishes and cleaned up while Mr. Bunchild smoked his cigar.

We were in the sitting room, watching a movie when he excused himself.

"I think I'll retire to my study and leave you at the mercy of Thelma's mom. She would like to know why
you think you're better than that fox. You've already scored points with me, but you need a bit of luck
with the lady." He patted my shoulder and winked at me, then kissed his wife on her cheek.

Claudette went to the bar to pour us some wine, then came to sit by my side. She offered me a glass and
made a toast.

"To freedom," she yelled, laughing at how it sounded.

"To freedom," I responded, smiling.

"Thank you so much for saving my life. I never thought I could get those tapes without having to kill
Connor first. He made himself invincible, so that's not a possibility. I didn't even know there were more
tapes," Claudette said.

"You're welcome, Mrs. Bunchild," I said.

"You can call me Claudette. I have been wondering how you got through Connor's securities to get all
those tapes. It beats my imagination how anyone could get into that impregnable château and steal a

I contemplated that it would not be wise to tell Claudette how it all happened. I have to watch my back.
So I just gave her a knowing smile and patted her hand.

We stared at each other for a while. Part of me assumed she must be wondering about my thoughts on
the content of the tapes.

"Look, Claudette," I started. "I don't really-"

"I know," she interjected. "I've had a terrible past. The contents in that video were parts of the sacrifices
I had to make. Some people may not understand it, but I'm glad all that is in the past now."
"Me, too."

"You must love Thelma so much to go this far." Her tone sounded like an observation.

"Yes, ma'am. I love Thelma, and I want to cherish her for the rest of my life." I replied.

She smiled and said, "Now that Connor has nothing on me anymore, I think it's time to tell him to go to

"We can't let Connor know that we destroyed the sex tape and other evidence against you. I've thought
it through, and I think you should keep playing along pretentiously, but be careful not to get into any
more trouble than you already did." I advised.

"Does Thelma know about these tapes?"

"No, Claudette, I couldn't possibly show her or tell her he contents of it. She has been through so much
already. I can't afford the kind of emotional and psychological trauma this might have on her. It would
hurt her so much."

"I am indebted to you," she murmured. "And yes, I agree. If Thelma had seen them, it would have
shattered the already strained relationship we have. I ache every time I have to make her tag along with
that parasite. And please let this stay between us."

I finished my drink and got up to leave when we heard a movement behind us. We both turned around
at the same time to see Thelma standing at the doorway.

"Mom, I can't believe you stooped so low to have sex with that bastard. You're so disgusting," Thelma

Wait, how long has she been in the house to hear everything?
"Thelma, I can explain.” Claudette pleaded. “I am not as horrible as you think. It was all in your best
interest. It was for the family!"

I opened my mouth to say something but changed my mind as Thelma gave me a withering glare, then
turned around and stomped away, taking the stairs.

I turned to Claudette and gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Claudette. I'll talk to her."

Claudette didn't look so convinced. I could tell she was deeply hurt. We walked to the front door, and I
thanked her for a beautiful evening and took my leave.

Somehow, I was apprehensive about talking to Thelma about her mother's involvement in the sex tape.
Thelma would see me as the bad guy, and all I wanted was just to help the Bunchilds break the yoke of
Connor's shackles.


My new surrounding was a bit unfamiliar. A man in cowboy boots, shorts, and cowboy hat was
motioning with his hands, but no word was coming out of him. He didn't have a shirt on. There was a
stain of blood on the left side of his shorts. I looked on to know if he was hurt, but he wasn't injured. He
was pointing towards the uphill.

I followed the cowboy's direction up the hill to where I discovered a cottage. Inside was empty when I
entered, but after a close look, I noticed that there was something odd about the floor. It was a wooden
floor. At the center of the floor was square shape wooden board indicating that there was room
underground. A massive log rested on the edge, and I pushed it off with some effort. When I eventually
opened raised the wooden board, I discovered an underground passage. I jumped in, but not before
waging the board.
I heard footsteps above me, and someone closed the board over me. I tried to push it, but the person
must have rested the massive log back on it. I feared it must have been a trap.

I tried to dial 911, but it was an out-of-service area. A female dress was on the floor, and when I picked it
up, it looked like the one Thelma had won the day she met me at their family house. My heart began to
race, not for my safety, but for the possibility of Thelma being in danger.

I walked up to the east side of the passage, where there was more light. The walls had various graffiti on
them. The language used was in French, and the image of an overlord stood over other drawings like a

giant. The overlord held a chain that leashed several naked women that were on their knees. His dick
plugged into the mouth of one of the nude women. The only thing I could think of was Connor.

Perhaps he had succeeded in having me drugged and brought to such a place. It's also possible that he
kills his victims there, so I thought. Then, I remembered Thelma's blue dress and hastened my pace.

I got to a two-way path and hesitated, trying to figure which way they must have taken Thelma to. After
a quick guess, I took the left turn. I had barely walked ten paces when I heard shrieking sounds all
rushing in my direction. The sounds were coming from several miles ahead. I tried to run back, but the
sound caught up with me. They were bats in their thousands. I fell flat on the floor as they scattered all
over, some taking the path I neglected and the one where I was coming from.

When I got back on my feet, I decided against continuing with the same path I was taking. I walked the
way I had neglected earlier until I walked into this beautiful room where insects glowed in bright colors.
Some waterfalls flowed into a pool. My latest discovery shocked me, even to my inner child that loved
Disney stories.

While I was absorbing the beauty of the place, two soft hands wrapped my face like a blindfold. I tried to
force it until Thelma's voice came reassuring.

"Relax, Tony. I've forgiven you."

I turned to look at her. She was completely nude, and her eyes gleamed like a ray of light. She had some
form of power.
"What has Connor done to you?"

She ignored the question, but whenever she looked at me directly, I felt she could see my very soul.

"Thelma, please talk to me, how did you get here?"

She smiled, waved her hands against the wave, and the water froze."Take off your clothes!" she

I obeyed her, stripping my clothes and trembling as I did. When every piece of clothes was on the floor,
she walked into the pool. She caused the water to unfreeze with a wave of the hand.

She turned in my direction, beckoned me to come with her two fingers. When I got to the pool, it was
surprisingly warm. Her breasts were round and bigger than how I'd known them to be. Each tit pointed
on edge as she floated in the side of the pool that is four feet deep. She was holding the sides of the
pool for support until she let go and began to slide into the deep as if she was drowning. I dived in to
fetch her, but she grappled me and pinned me to the bottom of the pool. I tried aimlessly to shake
myself free, but she was stronger. I began to gulp some water, but she held me still until I had had a fill
of the water.

She raised me higher, my head above the water level as I began to spew the water that I had swallowed.
When she was sure I was relieved, she pushed my head back into the water.

"Suck that pussy!" she commanded.

I put my tongue inside her, licking and sucking as I pressed my mouth on her pussy lips. When I was
pressed for air, I brought my head up, took a deep breath, and went in again. She moaned and shouted

"Put it in there, baby! Eat me up!"

I dutifully obliged her, gliding my tongue inside her as she engulfed herself in the pleasure. She held my
head, pressing me to her pussy to her delightful pleasure.
She raised my head out of the water and made me suck one of her nipples as I caressed the other one. I
stopped stroking and brought the hand down to her pussy. She parted her legs to allow me.

I inserted my fingers inside her and began to rub her clit. She let out a loud moan.

When I had pleasured her enough, she asked me to get out of the pool.

She also came out of the pool, ordering me to lie on the floor. She jumped on me, inserted my dick
inside her pussy, and began to ride me. The pleasure almost drove me insane. We chorused our sounds
of pleasure as the walls of her pussy massaged my dick, her butt slapped on my thighs.

I was nearing orgasm when I heard a familiar ringtone that reverberated in the room, forcing me into

I had been dreaming all along.

Anelida was calling me at 2 am. She sounded so excited on the phone. Her boyfriend had popped the
question, and she had said yes.


Who would have thought? Anelida's relationship didn't just get serious, but they were beginning to
make marriage plans too. I wanted that for myself too. I wanted it so much that I began to seek counsel
from Anelida. All she said was, 'go for it bro, if you like it, put a ring on it.' It sounded like a cliché. I
needed something to propel me into making such a life-changing decision. I needed more boost, and I
knew just the person to talk to.

My therapy sessions were almost up. I just had two or three more to go. According to Ms. Dowling, since
I started being more open about my private life in my recent sessions, I'd been able to find a release and
discover the stability of some sort.
Discovering stability…

The moment she mentioned that, I quickly remembered the question I wanted to ask.

"Ms. Dowling, I'm sorry I'm about to ask a huge favor from you. This might go against your professional
standards. Please, there is no other means or a better person to ask this of, and…"

"It's okay, Tony. You can ask me about Thelma."

It wasn't the first time Ms. Dowling would look me in the eye and know exactly what I was going to say

"How often does she talk about me in her session?"

"I can't tell you that I'm sorry."

"Oh, yes… I know about the non-disclosure stuff; I'm just trying to see if she's okay."

"Yes, she's okay. But that's not what you want to know. Now listen, Thelma needs time. Thelma is a
work in progress. She may have been fighting her demons in her own way, but if I could reach her the
way I've been able to, maybe things would be a bit different right now. She seems to have found her
own way of release."

"And how does she do that?"

"Sexual activity."

Her response made sense. Otherwise, why would anyone want to be with Connor?
Ms. Dowling looked at me sternly, the way she did when she was about to assume my thoughts.

"Look, Tony, whatever you're about to do, do it."

That was all I needed. That was the cliffhanger that got me motivated to drive straight into a jewelry
store after leaving Ms. Dowling’s office. The salesperson I met was an elderly fellow who understood
perfectly what I needed. It didn't need to be overly expensive, or cheap too. I just wanted something
that would drive in my message, so I ended up leaving the store with a 6-carat diamond ring.

I tried reaching Thelma on the phone, but it went straight to her voicemail. I felt the need to do what I
intended to do as fast as possible before the stimulus that engulfed my whole system dissipated. I didn't
want to think about it anymore.

The traffic was unusually tight that evening of Friday. I did run the red lights a few times. I was all about
my quest, speed tickets, and other issues that would be sorted later.

Thelma's door was locked. I had checked her office earlier, but she wasn't there. I called Claudette to
know if Thelma was in Newark, but she responded in the negative. I figured there was only one place
left to check, a place where she could take her penance.

Going to Connor's for the quest I had in mind didn't seem romantic. But I shunned all warnings. Thelma
may have taken the fight to Connor all alone. The thought of her being in danger made me turn my
Sedan Maruti Suzuki to a Formula One machine.

The security at the gate of Connor's estate didn't let me in at first. I could have taken the aggression out
on them, but they were only doing their job. Ten minutes after the delay at the gate, one of the security
guys handed me a phone. Connor was on the other line.

"Oh, you idiot, I'm thrilled you came. I…"

I was in no mood for a chat, "Listen, Connor, I'm here for Thelma, and if you even as much as snapped
one thread of her hairs, I'll make one call, and this beautiful estate will look like the Taklamakan."
Connor laughed hysterically and ordered his men to open the gate.

I got into the building after pulling up inside the compound. I considered the danger of confronting
Connor and his men, unarmed. He may not let go of Thelma easily, I thought.

The opposite was the case.

Thelma was not in the building. I had searched everywhere, the CCTVs all pointed at me as I stepped
into every corner of the building. I couldn't find Connor too until one of his guards came in and asked
that I follow him.

Sensing that it might be a trap, I slowed my pace, leaving a reasonable distance between the guard and
me. I quickly dialed 911 and continued to follow him. He eventually led me to a room like a dungeon.
The guard took a step back, and the door locked automatically.

The room was very dark, but I could hear noises coming from a room nearby.

I walked into the entrance and found Connor, naked except for the chains that restrained him. His right
hand was cuffed to a long chain that was hooked to the wall, and his left hand was handcuffed in the
same manner. There was a leash on his neck and Thelma – my Thelma – stood naked in front of him,
holding on to the leash with her right hand. She also had a whip in her left as Connor devoured her
pussy with his tongue. She was so engrossed in the pleasure. She moaned loudly, indicating that she was
nearing orgasm.

Everything happened very fast. I lost my consciousness. I lost my conscience too.

I only regained my senses when I heard sirens, but they were some seconds too late. My hands were
already bloody. A baseball bat was still rolling on the floor and blood – lots of it – gushed from Connor's
head, while Thelma screamed in horror.

CHAPTER ONE Connor's bodyguard immediately went to ascertain just how much damage I had
committed. "What have you done?" The bodyguard asked me. I shrugged while Thelma looked like she
had just seen a ghost. I looked down at Connor's body on the floor just as the door burst open, and cops
shattered the silence. "Freeze," One of the cops shouted.

I immediately went still. Thelma was still in shocked. "What in the heck happened in here?" Another cop
asked. He took a look at Thelma, her eyes fill with terror before letting his gaze fall on me and the
bloodstains in my hands, and then finally, the cop drifted his gaze towards the bodyguard who stood by
his master like a watchdog. At that moment, the consequences of what I had just done hit me hard. I
had attacked Connor in his own house with a baseball bat. I may go to jail for attempted murder. I
looked at Thelma, the love of my life, and realized that I might lose her. Thelma held my gaze only for a
second before she burst into tears. "He did it!" She exclaimed, pointing her middle finger towards the
bodyguard. "What? I..." The bodyguard began to defend himself, but the door burst open, and the
medics arrived. One of the policemen checked Connor's pulse.

"He's still alive. We need to take him to the hospital as soon as possible." A cop said. He was tall, about
six feet tall with sandy brown hair and a pair of blue eyes. The medics took Connor away to the
ambulance waiting outside. "I'm Jared Thompson. I think you two will have to come with us for..." The
man began, but Thelma cut him off. "Are you kidding me? This man here attacked him." She was crying
hysterically. Her body was shaking with each sob. I desperately wanted to pull her into my arms and
comfort her, but I knew I couldn't do that. "How dare you try to blame this on me?" The bodyguard
shouted, but the cops silenced him. At this point, I realized the importance of influence and power in
society. Thelma came from a rich and influential family. It was her words against his. "Arrest him."
Thompson declared. The guard's protests went in vain as he was taken out of the room in cuffs. I
managed to get a sheet and tossed it at her. Thelma immediately covered her body. "Who's this, and
what is he doing here?" Thompson asked Thelma. It was apparent that he knew Thelma and Connor very
well and knew that they were in a relationship. "That's Tony. He's my friend and came to see me." She
declared. "Can you explain what he's doing here?"

"He came looking for me, and this guard here led him to us. Connor and I were...we were...having..." She
left her sentence unfinished. "I understand what you two were doing. What I don't understand is why
your friend's hands are covered in blood." The cop looked at me again like a hawk. Thelma sobbed more.
"The guard brought him to us. We were supposed to have a threesome with Connor. As soon as he
brought Connor here, the guard went mad with rage. He took that baseball bat and attacked him. What
happened is horrible." She covered her face and sobbed more. Thelma was an actress because she made
every of her lie look real. "Why's there blood on your hands?" He asked me when Thelma's sobs
wouldn't let her answer him. "I...I... went to check his pulse when the guard attacked him." my voice
sounded foreign in my ears. The cop looked from me to a crying Thelma. "Is there a security camera in
this room?" He was already looking around. Thelma looked up; her face full of terror. She sniffed before

"This is one of the rooms in this house without a security camera." She revealed. "We...we usually use
this room for our romps, you know." The cop nodded. He looked uncomfortable for a moment or two.
"You still want to drag me like this to the station? Oh my goodness, the publicity will tell on my mom
and..." The cop took another look at Thelma and then back at me. "You made the 911 call?" He asked.
"Yes, I did." He turned away from me and went to Thelma. "You have to put yourself together.
Considering who your parents are, I wouldn't dare take you to the station in your condition. Take a bath,
put yourself together, and come by the station tomorrow morning. You know, you have to make a
statement." Thelma sniffed and nodded. "As for you, Mr. Jareau, you'll have to come with me to the
station and make your statement." "Okay, I'll be glad to." The last thing I wanted was another publicity.
Even though I've been proven innocent in Belinda's death, another case may affect my company and
personality. This I knew I couldn't afford. "I'll have to clean my hands," I said. "Sure. Feel free." 'I'll be
expecting you." He told Thelma and walked away with me following. ****

By the time I unlocked my apartment door, it was already late. The police had asked me so many
questions, and I answered them. I was smart enough to stick to Thelma's story because my ass was on
the line. I knew that she had just saved me from going to jail for attempted murder, and I'll forever be
grateful to her. I walked to my bedroom and began to peel off my clothes. As soon as I stood naked, I
picked up my discarded clothes from the floor, and something fell off. I remembered that I was
supposed to propose to Thelma. The beautiful 6-carat diamond ring I had bought stared at me from the
floor. I picked it from the floor, stared at it sadly, and immediately put it in my closet. Finally, I walked
naked to the bathroom and had a quick shower. When I returned to the room, the event of the day kept
coming back to me. I nearly committed murder! I thought to myself as I lay down in bed. My phone
buzzed, and my heartbeat skipped. It was almost 11 pm. I retrieved the phone and saw about half a
dozen missed calls from Thelma. I pressed the receive button and brought the phone to my ear. "Hello?"
I said. "How did the interrogation go at the station?" She sounded anxious. "Oh, I told the truth, just as
you've explained to them at Connor's." I smiled inwardly "Good." She sighed. "Thanks a million for
helping me out." I managed to say.

"Tony?" She called as if she had not heard me. "Yes?" I retorted. "This is a favor. You owe me one." And
just like that, my beautiful Thelma ended the call. I didn't want her to end the call just yet. I wanted to
talk to her. I needed to know if she was alright. She had been through a lot lately, and now, I've added to
her problems. I tried calling her back, but she wouldn't answer my call, so I just lay back in my bed.

After what seemed like an eternity, I still couldn't sleep. I wanted very much to hold Thelma in my arms
and sleep, but I knew that was not possible. I slowly left the bed and went to my closet. I retrieved the
box I had just discarded in the closet and opened it. The ring was beautiful. "I'll allow you to rest. On
Sunday, I'll propose to you my love." I promised myself. Since I had met Thelma, a lot of things had
changed. It's been a little over a month, and I had gone ahead and fallen in love. As if falling in love
wasn't enough, I'd succeeded in dragging myself into a mess. What would happen if Connor opens his
eyes and tell the cops the truth? I shuddered at the mere thought of that. My mind was so messed up
that I had completely forgotten that I missed dinner. I slowly walked to my bed with the ring in my
hands. I spent ages staring at it and planning my wedding with Thelma in my mind. I didn't know when I
finally slept off. I woke up the following morning at precisely 8 am with a ray of sunshine streaming
through my window.
I reached out for my phone and dialed Thelma's number, but she still wouldn't answer. Finally, I decided
to send her a voice mail. "Thelma, we need to talk," I said. When she didn't call back, I decided to call
her later in the afternoon. She may have already gone to the police station. Since it was a Saturday, I lay
back in bed, not in the mood to have my morning exercise. I left the bed at exactly 9 am and fixed myself
a breakfast of scrambled eggs and coffee. I was halfway through with my breakfast when my phone
buzzed. I hastily reached out for it. Thelma's name appeared on my screen. I smiled and pressed the
receive button "Hello?" I greeted her with a smile "Tony..." She began, and then, hearing her voice
changed my mood. Her voice was soft; it made me immediately come alive. "Good morning." I
cheerfully greeted her. "What's the problem?" her voice sounded irritated. "We need to talk." I simply
told her. "What's there to talk about?" She asked. "I want us to talk about ourselves." I finally revealed.
"Have you seen the news yet?" She asked me. I blinked and then shook my head.

"No, I didn't see the news. I just left my bed." I confessed. "If you've seen the news, then you would
have heard already." "Heard? Heard what?" I was confused. "What happened yesterday is already all
over the news." She revealed. "Is it?" my heart began to race. "The cops did all they could to protect me,
but my name was mention as one of the witnesses. Your name was also mentioned." She revealed. I was
silent as I thought of how things would change if Connor finally opens his eyes and tell the truth. "As for
Connor, the bastard is alive." She spat out. I could hear the anger and disgust in her voice.

I knew that she didn't love the man. What in the heck does he have over my Thelma to make her
continue dating him? I thought to myself. Connor could no longer blackmail Claudette, Thelma's mom
because I had given her the videos, he had been using to blackmail her. Thelma's mom no longer insists
Thelma marries the man, but then, why is she still sticking by her? What in the hell does the bastard
have over Thelma? My mind went wild. "Tony? Are you there?" She called. "Yes...what did you say?" I
asked her. I was so deep in my thought that I didn't hear her last statement.

"Connor is awake." She revealed.

Again, my heart went wild. If he speaks to the police, then I'll surely go to jail. Thelma would not even be
accused of giving false witness. She came from a prestigious family, and her parents are influential.
"Did...Did he...speak to the cops?" I didn't even realize that I was stuttering. "He spoke to the cops." I
closed my eyes and wondered why they were not already knocking on my door. "To be honest, when he
opened his eyes, I was there. I talked with him, and he agreed to come to a compromise. His story is the
same as ours." She revealed. "What did you just say?" I asked her in shock.

CHAPTER TWO I didn't understand what Thelma was saying or why she thinks that Connor's story to the
cops is the same as ours. I knew that he hated me and would be glad to see me behind bars. "What did
you just say?" I asked her again. "Tony, I talked with Connor, and he agreed to cover up for you. This
means that his bodyguard will take the fall for your action." She slowly explained to me. "Why did
Connor agree to this? I knew that he wants nothing better than to see me behind bars." I thought out
loud. "Connor and I have come to a compromise." Her voice was sharp. I clutched the phone in my
hands and tried hard to think of the repercussions of Thelma's statement. "What compromise?" I asked
her. "That's not your business." "Come on, baby. Don't allow that man to blackmail you. He's dangerous,
evil, and wicked." I didn't even realize that I was already outraged. "What will you have me do, Tony? Do
you want to go to jail?" She snapped at me. I immediately went quiet. What had happened at Connor's
house had just left my Thelma at his mercy. I knew that he would take advantage of the situation. At
that moment, I hated myself. I hated the fact that Thelma would have no choice than to continue doing
his bidding. "Thelma..." I began, "There's nothing else to say, Tony." I could tell that she was trying to
control her emotions. Before I could say another word, Thelma had ended the call.

I dropped the phone on the table and stared at it. Things weren't working the way I wanted them to,
and I blame myself for the predicament Thelma and I were. I spent the rest of the day brooding. I tried
calling Thelma, but she wouldn't pick up my calls. Finally, I resorted to chatting her up, but she left my
messages unanswered. Is she avoiding me? I thought to myself. By evening, I got a call from Charlotte.
"Hi, Mr. handsome." She greeted in her usual carefree voice. 'Hi, beautiful." I forced myself to smile.
"How about I come over for dinner?" there was laugher in her voice, and I knew what she wanted. The
last thing I wanted was to have dinner with Charlotte, but then, thinking about it, I decided that having
sex with her would help take my mind off my problems. "That sounds like a great idea," I replied. I heard
her burst into laughter. "I'll be at your apartment by 7."

By the time we ended the call, I hurriedly began making dinner. I made dinner of macaroni, stir- fried
vegetables, and grilled chicken breast. I hastily walked to the bathroom for a quick shower, and when I
emerged, I heard my doorbell rang. I spared a glance at my bedside clock only to realize that it was
already 7 pm. "She's prompt", I said as I wore my clothes. Once I turned the knob, I found Charlotte,
dressed in a white cashmere jacket that stopped just below her thighs. On her feet was a pair of red
stiletto heels. "Wow..." I exclaimed when she smiled.

"What's the problem?" She asked, swaying past me into the room. "You look beautiful, radiant, and so
fucking hot." I shut the door and turned to meet her grins. Seeing her, I felt myself grow hard. I wanted
my hard dick in the softness of her pussy, but then, I knew that I had to wait for us to have dinner. We
were both picking on our food, and it was apparent that food was the last thing on our minds. I decided
to make the first move. I hastily pulled back my chair and almost ran to her. She was already on her feet,
and within seconds, we were kissing like old-time lovers that had not seen each other in years. "Make
love to me, handsome." Her voice was seductive. I picked her up and carried her to the sofa, and when I
reached out for her coat, she stopped me. "Allow me." She smiled. Stepping away from me, Charlotte
slowly and seductively unbuttoned her coat and got rid of it. I stood agape with lust. Charlotte was
wearing nothing beneath the coat. She stood tall with nothing except her red heels. Her full breasts
proudly stare at me, and I wanted nothing more than to hold them in my hands and nurtured them. I
leaped on her without thoughts and began kissing her. As I kissed her, Thelma's face appeared in my
mind's eyes. Let me...' She said and went on her knees before me. Charlotte gave me one of the best
heads of my life. Her hands were soft, and her mouth took almost every inch of me. "Uh...uh..." I
moaned out loud as she suckled every inch of me. "Faster..." I cried as I found myself nearing climax.
She increased her pace with her mouth and her hands, and with a loud groan, I pulled my cock out of
her mouth, spilling my seed in her. Although I was breathing hard, the sight of her naked body in front of
me made me began getting harder again. "You're a stud." She admitted, smiling. I could tell that she was
happy with the sight before her. I hastily picked her up, threw her on the sofa, and began kissing her
taut nipples. Uh...yes..." She moaned loudly. Her moans filled my ears, and I closed my eyes. To me, I
was sucking Thelma's nipples. "Oh, darling, please fuck me." She pleaded, and I gave her just what she
wanted. I fucked her hard and well. "Faster..." She shouted. I could tell she was about to cum. I
increased my pace and fucked her hard. Charlotte threw back her head, cried her release. I cried out my
release a second later. When we could breathe again, Charlotte was the first to break the silence.
"You're one of the best I've met."

I smiled at her but said nothing. "By the way, I heard that you were one of the witnesses to what had
happened to Connor." It was a statement and not a question. "Yes, I was there. His bodyguard nearly
killed him." I tried to make my tone neural "Serves him right." She said. "How's he doing?" I asked her.
"Oh, the mad man opened his eyes this morning. I haven't gone to see him yet." She revealed.

Since she had no more information for me, I wanted nothing better than to get rid of her for good. As if
reading my mind, she went to her feet. "I'll have to take a hasty shower and be on my way." "Oh, that
will be great." Fifteen minutes later, I bid her goodnight and closed my door. I had a shower, washed the
dishes, and went back to my room. As I lay in bed, I found myself wondering where Thelma was and
what she was doing. I missed her so terribly. Without thinking, I picked my phone and dialed her number.
When she didn't pick up, I decided to chat her up. ME Are you there? THELMA Yes, what do you want?
ME Why aren't you picking my calls? She didn't reply to my message, and when I began typing another
word, her call came in. "Hello?" I said, after pressing the receive button "Hello." Her voice retorted after
me. "Why aren't you picking my calls?" I demanded. "Oh, that? I've been very busy all day." "I thought
you're avoiding me." I knew that I sounded like a little boy, but I didn't care.

"I had my hands full all day. I spent the morning at the hospital with Connor. By afternoon, I was at the
station, afterward..." I wasn't listening again. I didn't want her spending a second with that man" her
voice rang. "I'm here." "What will you be doing on Monday?" She asked. "After work, I will be home..."
"How about I take you out for dinner?" "I'll love that." "You know what?" She asked after a second or
two of silence. "What?" "I can't wait to feel every inch of you in me again." She revealed. Even though I
had just had sex with Charlotte, I found myself feeling like a teen again. "Come over, let me fill you." She
laughed. "I'm determined to wait for Monday evening." "How about tomorrow?" I suggested. "I have a
dinner party to attend with my parent’s tomorrow evening."

"You make me want to have you all to myself." As soon as I heard her say those words, I remembered
the ring in my closet. "You make me want to cum in you, over and over again," I admitted "Ouch. I'm
getting wet already." "Do you want me to drive over?" I gave her the chance to decide. "There's no need.
Good night, Tony." She said her voice aloof.
"Good night, Thelma," I added and ended the call. Afterward, I wondered if I could ever understand
Thelma. One minute she wants this and the next she wants that. One of the things I love about her was
the fact that she was unpredictable. Hearing her sweet seductive voice over the phone changed my
attitude. I wanted to make love to her. I felt like a sex-starved man. I turned and tossed in my bed, and
by 2 am, I was dozing off when I heard my doorbell rang. I froze. Has Connor finally sent his henchmen
to do away with me for good? I left my bed, took one of my robes and wore over my naked body as I
had a conflict with myself whether or not I should call 911. "He wouldn't dare to kill me like this." I tried
to convince myself. That was not Connor's style. If he killed me, he would want to make it look like an
accident. The doorbell continued to ring, and I went to get it. I walked to the living room, barefooted. I
peeped at the hole on my door and was shocked to find Thelma smiling at me. Without waiting any
more second, I unlocked the door and stared at her. "Its 2 am!" Looking at her from head to toe. She
was dressed in a red halter neck top and a short denim skirt that did little to hide her silky white thighs.
Her curly hair was let loose. She looked wild and ravishing. "Aren't you going to ask me in?" I found
myself "Oh, sorry. Please come in." Thelma was the only woman to make me lose my senses and behave
like a teenager.

As soon as she walked into my room, I locked the door and turned to face her. "I told you I was horny..."
She whispered before she jumped on me. Her kisses made me forget all my troubles and Connor. I
wanted her so much it hurts. "Make me feel like a woman." She commanded, and I led her into the
room. Once we got to my bedroom, Thelma flung her handbag on the floor and removed her red halter
neck top. She wasn't even wearing a bra. I swallowed and ran to her, but she pushed me back. "I want to
be in charge." She declared, pushing me into the bed. I fell on the bed and lay like a child who was about
to given his favorite toy. I watched her caress herself with her long fingers. Every move she made was
calculated and seductive. "Say you want me." She ordered.

CHAPTER THREE "I want you," I decree without even an ounce of shame. Her hands gently moved to one
of her breasts, and she touched a perky nipple. "Damn it." I cursed. I’ve never wanted anything so
desperately as I wanted her.

She squeezed the nipple she had just touched and licked her bottom lips. This further made me lost my
mind. When I thought she had tortured me enough, Thelma placed her middle finger in her mouth and
began to lick it like a lollipop. "Please..." I begged her. She unzipped her short skirt and stepped out of it.
Her shoes went next, and when she finally stood naked before me, I gulped. I’ve never seen a woman so
perfectly made. Thelma was a petite, but her breasts, her small waist, and her big hips made her stand
out of other women. Slowly, she walked to be the bed and sat on it. "Oh, you're so hard." She smiled,
looking down at me. I followed her gaze and found myself staring at my very hard cock. My robe did
little or nothing to hide my erection. She shoved my robe off me and left the bed. Thelma opened her
bag and removed ropes. My eyes widened with lust when I thought of all that she was going to do with
me. She returned to be the bed and took hold of my hands. She tied my wrists and legs to the bedpost,
and when I was finally at her mercy, she let out a triumphant smile.
Here, sexual torture began. She made sure to kiss me very fiercely, and when I tried to kiss her back,
Thelma bit me. I felt both pain and pleasure. Slowly, she allowed her lips to send little kisses on my chin,
my chest, and then my shoulders. "Hmmm." I moaned. Her tongue lingered on my shoulder for a minute.
She bit on it and then hastily caressed and licked the same spot she had bitten. I felt like I would expire
with need. All I wanted to do was tossed her on the bed and fill her with my cock, but I also wanted to
allow her to be in charge. Besides, I was enjoying it. "Ah...ggggg..." I cried out when I felt her tongue on
my nipple. She explored my body with her tongue, her lips, and her hands. I became scared that I would
spoil things up for her pouring my sperm on the bed. "Please..." I begged, feeling like a boy. Thelma
laughed, she kissed my navel, and when she finally reached my waist, she took my cock in her mouth
and began to suckle me. I screamed. "Do you know what you make me feel?" She asked her seductive
voice. I shook my head. I had no strength to make a sound. "You make me feel like I'm the only woman
in the world. You make me want to have your hard rod inside me.' She straddled me, and I raised my
hips to welcome her, but she only allowed the tip of my cock in her pussy. I could feel her wetness. I
knew she was also very horny because even her voice had changed. "Fuck it all." She screamed and
guided me into her sweetness.

I felt a mixture of relief and triumph when she began riding me. She was so damn perfect, and I closed
my eyes, picturing her large butts on my thighs. "Fuck," I screamed, not caring that my neighbors may
hear me. She rode me slowly at first before she lost her mind and went wild. Her hair falling down her
shoulders. She looked younger than herself. Soon, our screams and cries of pleasure filled the entire
room. I saw her eyes rolled and she threw back her head and cried to the ceiling just as I also spill my
sperm in her.

Afterward, we were too tired even to move. She was still on my body with my cock partly inside her. She
bent to kiss my lips, and her hair touched me. I found myself growing hard again. I saw her eyes sparkled
with interest. "This is going to be fun." She predicted and began riding me again. This time we came very
quickly. When we were both rested, we ran to the bathroom and had a shower. There, I fucked her hard
from behind, and she came, screaming my name. By the time we settled down to sleep, we were both
drained. We slept in each other's arms. We didn't know what tomorrow would bring for us, and we
didn't care. So long we have today, we were contented with it. The following morning, I woke up early
and prepared a breakfast of toast bread and tea for her. When she came awake, we had a quiet
breakfast, and then we made love again before she kissed me goodbye. I returned and took a look at my
watch. It was already 10 am. I had a shower, made my bed, and decided to sleep a little when my phone
began to buzz.

I took the phone and looked at the caller's ID. Annelida was calling me. "What's up, sis?" My voice was
cheerful. "You sound happy this morning. What's the story?" She enquired. "Nothing I want to discuss
with you." I shot at her. "You ended the call on me the other day without an explanation." She accused. I
sighed and remembered the events that had happened after I ended the call on my sister. I went to the
store, got an engagement ring for Thelma...I almost killed Connor. "So, care to talk about it?" Annelida
asked me. She was my little sister, and I loved telling her almost everything, but then I wasn't ready to
talk about Thelma with her just yet. Thelma and I had just gotten together. I want to propose to her
when we meet for dinner tomorrow. "Come on, see who's keeping secrets?" She snapped. There was
laughter in her tone. "Well, I want to propose to her." I burst out. "You mean you are not going to be
single for long?" "I just pray she accepts my offer." I thought out loud. "Wait, Tony, what lady in her right
mind would refuse your proposal? You're smart, handsome, rich, and sexy." She reminded me. "This
lady is smart, beautiful, from a wealthy family, and fun to be with." I Retorted. Annelida let out a loud
laugh. "What's funny?" I asked her. "It looks like you've finally found your match, Tony." "You can say
that again." I laughed.

"Well, good luck." We said our goodbyes and ended the call. **** Monday morning came soon enough.
I dressed in a pair of white shirts and blue pants. I had taken extra care with my dress because I wanted
to impress Thelma. Before leaving for the office, I went to my closet and retrieved the ring I had bought
for Thelma. I couldn't wait for the day to be over so I'll have my dinner with Thelma. I was anxious to
propose to her and get it over with. When I entered my office, I almost forgot Thelma and the ring in my
pocket because there was a pile of files waiting for me to tend to. I sat on my chair and set to work. I
was so engrossed with the collection of files before me that I lost track of time. My phone buzzed, and I
reached for it.

"Hi..." I greeted her. "Are you ready for dinner?" She asked me. "Yes. Where are you?" I asked her,
rubbing my eyes. "I'm in front of your office." She declared. "Oh, in that case, I'll be with you in three
minutes." I ended the call, picked my laptop, and left the office. True to her words, she was waiting
beside my car at the parking lot of the company. I looked at her, and my heart melted. She's the woman
meant for me.

I said to myself and continued towards her. She was dressed in a red dress that reached her thigh. On
her feet was a pair of black heels. When I got to her, I kissed her. "How did your day go?" I asked her.
"Hectic. Yours?" "Hectic." I agreed, after a pause, I looked around. "Where's your car?" "Oh, I left it at
home. I took a cab to this place.' She explained. "Oh, then hop in, girl." I smiled. We both boarded the
car, and I began driving. "Do you have a place in mind?" I wanted to know. "I wanted us to go to the
same restaurant we had our first date.' She declared. I nodded and continued to drive. I was nervous all
through. Finally, I parked my car at the parking lot, and we both alighted from the car and went into the
restaurant. We made our orders, but then, I realize that I have lost appetite. Thelma noticed and looked
worriedly at me. "Is there a problem?" she asked me, giving me a concerned look. "There's none." I
blurted. I wanted to propose to her in the restaurant, but then something told me to wait. When we got
into the car, I turned to her. "Would you want me to drive to my apartment or yours?" I asked her. "Why,
drive to my apartment."

I slowly drove to her apartment. When we got there, she asked me to come up, and I happily obliged.
Finally, I'll have my chance to propose to her. Once we got to her apartment, I sat on her sofa, and the
attack came. "Why are you behaving weird this evening?" She attacked. "Am I?" I asked her. "Sure, you
are..." "Let's make love." I smiled at her. Without giving me a chance to say another word, Thelma flew
into my arms. I kissed her as if my life depended on it. We had wild, passionate sex on the sofa. I was still
breathless, wondering if I'll ever get tired of her when she spoke. "Tony?" She called. "Yes?" I retorted. "I
don't think we should see each other anymore." I sat up and looked at her. "What did you just say?" I
stared daggers at her. "I said I don't think we should see each other again." She said, shrugging her

"Why's that?" I wanted to know. Just when I thought that everything was okay with us and I was finally
free to ask her to marry me, here she was telling me that she doesn't want us to see each other again.
"Tony..." She began, but I cut her off. "After what had happened between us at my house, I thought
we'd gotten back together. What then are you talking about?" My heart was racing. "Oh yes, we've
gotten back together, but..." She couldn't bring herself to say it out. I closed my eyes and forced myself
to count to ten.

"It's Connor, isn't it?" I asked her. She nodded. As soon as she confirmed the person behind my
problems, I felt as if my world has shattered. "Tell me the truth, what's going on between you and
Connor?" I asked her, forcing myself to stare into her eyes. "We agreed. He promised not to tell on you
to the police if I stop dating you." She finally let the cat out of the bag. "Are you kidding me? That man is
not only evil; he's dangerous. Do you know that he's into drugs?" I asked her. She looked away. "How
the hell do you want that man to control you after all he did to your mom. He has been blackmailing
your mom for years and forcing her to make you marry him. Finally, she's no longer under his clutches,
and you decide to fall into them?" I was mad with fury "I’m protecting you." She stubbornly declared.

CHAPTER FOUR I looked at her and almost wept. I couldn't remember the last time I cried. "I don't want
you to protect me anymore, Thelma. I can protect myself. Tomorrow, I'll visit the bastard, and we're
going to talk like real men..." I wanted to get Connor off our backs. "No, don't talk to him. I want to be
with him too." She finally revealed. "I really don't know what you want." I went on my feet and
began collecting my clothes from the floor. "Tony..." She began, but I wasn't listening. "That man treats
like you a piece of trash. Is that what you want? Do you want to be with a man like Connor?" I
challenged her. "I love you, Tiny..." "You love me? Do you love me enough to let go of that bastard?" I
demanded, and when she kept quiet, I knew that I have gotten my answer. "I thought as much!" I
shouted. I hastily dressed and turned to go, but then I remember the ring, and my heart sank. I put my
hands in my pants pocket and found the box still there. "Goodbye, Thelma." I forced myself to smile.
"Tony, please don't go. Wait...I..." She was saying something, but I walked away.

Thelma didn't know what she wanted, and I decided to give her time to think. I went back home feeling
like I lost someone dear to me. "Of course, I lost a precious jewel," I said to myself. When I got home, I
threw the engagement ring inside my closet and walked into the shower. I felt so sad and depressed.

I went to bed feeling sorry for myself. My phone buzz and I didn't even reach out for it. I knew that
Thelma would be the only one calling, and I didn't want to hear her sweet voice. I didn't want her to see
that she was my weakness. I was afraid that I would make a fool of myself if I pick the call. I went to
sleep and dreamed of Connor, smiling triumphantly at me. My bedside alarm woke me up at precisely 6
am the following day. I went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee before doing my morning exercise. Thirty
minutes later, I was bathed and ready for work. Thelma kept calling me, but I ignored her calls. I spent
the rest of the week engrossed with work. I returned to my quiet apartment in the evenings and forced
myself not to think of Thelma or what she was doing with Connor. I heard from Charlotte that he had
been discharged from the hospital a couple of days ago, and for the first time, I regretted not killing the
bastard, but then, I knew that I would go to jail for murder. Exactly a week after I walked out of Thelma's
apartment and her life, Annelida gave me a call. "When are you planning on introducing her to the
family?" She said with a jovial tone.

"It's complicated," I explained. "What happened? Did she decline your proposal?" She seemed surprised.
"She didn't. To be honest, I never got to even propose to her. We got into a fight." I didn't tell Annelida
the cause of my fight with Thelma or the fact that she had been trying to reach me, but I kept ignoring
her. I ignored her calls and text messages. Three times, Thelma tried to chat me up, but I also ignored
her. She came by my apartment on two different occasions, but I sent her away and collected my spare
keys from her. She even came to my office, and I instructed my Secretary to send her away. I didn't stop
going for my classes. I spent my time telling the councilor what I felt. She listened and sometimes
nodded her head at me. One Saturday evening, Nick, my friend from Stanford University, gave me a
beep. "Guess what?" He asked me. "You finally won the lottery." I dryly told him. I wasn't in the mood of
guessing. Thelma had succeeded in shattering my perfect world. Life without her was hell, and I hated it,
but my pride wouldn't let me go after her or let her see me when she sort me out. 'I'm in Manhattan.'
Nick declared. I sat up; my face finally brightened. Nick and I had been best of friends in school, but then,
after school, he moved to Washington. "What?" I cried.

"It's a business trip, but I thought I should spare this evening with you.' Finally, here comes another
person that would help me forget my Thelma. 'I'm at the Exquisite bar." "Oh, I'll be there in no time." I
hastily wore a yellow T-shirt with a pair of blue pants before dashing out of my apartment. I drove to the
Exquisite bar and walked in. I scanned the bar with my eyes and found Nick waiting for me. He waved at
me, and I walked to him. "You look, good man." He said, looking at me with interest. "You don't look bad
either." I grinned at him, and we shook our hands. I sat down and ordered the bartender to bring me a
bottle of Manhattan. "So, tell me, how are you coping? Last time I saw you, you’ve three women..." Nick
wanted to know everything Just then, the bar went quiet, and all eyes went to the door. I wondered
what the commotion was all about. Nick whistled, and I cursed. Walking into the room was Thelma. She
wore the same denim skirt

she had worn to my apartment a week ago. On her body was another white halter neck top. I could tell
that she wasn't wearing a bra beneath that top. I immediately went hard. I looked down her long silky
legs down to her black heels. She looked beautiful and so irresistible.

Our eyes met, and I wondered if she was stalking me. I didn't believe in coincidence. I watched her get a
table as far away from us as he could. "Give me a bottle of brandy." She said. I looked around the room
and cursed inwardly. Every male in the room was looking at her with lust. "Wow, she looks chic," Nick
commented. I nodded but said nothing to him. My drink arrived, and I pounced on it. "I think I may give
it a try. I may have her for the night. You know, my bed is cold." Nick suggested. Something moved in me.
"Don't you dare!" I almost shouted at him. Nick took a good look at me and then looked across the room
at Thelma. "Easy man. Why? You haven't told me you've gone and fallen in love." He accused "It's
complicated." "Care to tell me about her and what went wrong? Look, she's looking at us." He said. "I
don't want to talk about her," I told him. After another two minutes, I excused myself and went to the
gentlemen's room. I just finished relieving myself and was washing my hands when I heard someone
came in. I perceived her scent before I saw her.

"What do you want?' I asked her without even turning to look at her. "You." The confidence in her tone
made me turn. Her skirt had been pulled up, and her top was up too. I found myself staring at her full
succulent breasts and the soft pussy. "Do you know what you do to me?" She asked and walked to me. I
couldn't take it anymore. My cock had already reacted from the sight before me. It's been over a week I
had sex, and I wanted her so much. "I’m yours.' Her hands were already playing within my cock through
my pants. "hmmm.' I moaned. She unzipped my pants and hastily freed my cock into her hands. I nearly
yelled with pleasure. I pulled her to me and kissed her senseless. I roughly pulled her towards the
washstand and made her turn her back to me. With a hand, I pulled her legs apart and touched her
pussy. She was already dripping wet, and this made me lost whatever control I had left. I guided my dick
into her wetness and almost expired with pleasure. "Oh, yes, fill me." She moaned, pushing her hips
backward to accommodate me in her. As I thrust in and out of her, my hands roughly caressed her
nipples and full breast. Her moans of pleasure filled the room and my ears. "Damn, I'm about to cum."
She said to me. I raised her legs a bit higher and gave one last thrust. We shouted our release at the
same time. When it was over, I left her and used a wipe to clean myself.

"Tony..." She began but then I walked away, as soon as I had washed my hands. I didn't want to hear
whatever she wanted to say. I didn't want to share her with anyone, and it hurts to know that Connor
was still screwing her. As soon as I returned, Nick saw the change in my mood. "What happened?" He
asked me

"Let's get out of here," I said. "We only just arrived." Thelma came into the room. She gave us a last
stare, paid her bill, and walked away. As soon as she had left, I was calmed again. Nick and I spent the
evening drinking. Finally, we decided to call it a day. The following morning, I went to my office with
mixed feelings. I couldn't forget the hot quickie Thelma, and I had in the bar the night before. It was one
of the best quickies of my life. She tried to reach out to me, but I ignored her. I ignored her text
messages, her chats, and as well as her calls. The week went uneventful. By weekend, a group of friends
invited to the Starlight bar for the evening. I dressed and arrived at the bar. Halfway through my bottle,
Thelma showed up, dressed in a short dress. By now, I already concluded that she was stalking me. I
didn't know how she managed to show up in places I go to.

I ignored her and let her be. As I drank with my friends, I happened to look across the room and found
her opening flirting with another man. It took all of my will power not to beat the innocent man to a
pulp. When I couldn't take it anymore, I told my friends that I would be returning to my apartment. They
were surprised at the change in plans. "What's the problem?" Dave asked me. "I have a terrible
headache." I shamelessly lied. "Well, go home, take the pills, and sleep it off," Jacob advised. As soon as
I left the bar, I felt weak. Of course, I still loved Thelma. I loved her with the whole of my heart. I let go of
Rosalind and Genevieve for her. I didn't understand why she wouldn't let go of Connor and be with me.
Thelma was the only woman I never want to share with another man. I would rather not have her than
share her with Connor. I hated that bastard with all the fibers in me. I looked towards the bar and saw
her coming out. She was hastily walking towards me. "Tony..." She began. "Why are you stalking me?" I
asked her, hiding the emotions I felt. "Why are you doing this to me?" She asked. "Weren't you the one
that said we shouldn't see each other again?" I asked her. "Kiss me..." She pleaded. Her lips were full
and lush. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her, but I had to hold myself.

"Goodnight, Thelma." I was calmed. "What in the hell do you want from me?" She angrily asked. "Stay
the hell away from Connor." I snapped at her. "What have you done to me, Tony?" She asked. I didn't
answer her. I simply unlocked my car door and boarded. As I was driving off, I looked at her through the
rearview mirror. She looked almost lost and it made my heart bleed. I felt like going back for her, but
then, when I thought of Connor, I changed my mind. Whatever that man has over her, I'll make sure I
destroy it. Once I got into my apartment, I smiled sadly to myself. I walked to my closet and retrieved
the ring in it. I stared at the ring for a long time before returning it. 'I don't want to lose you, Thelma." I


I was about dozing off when I heard my phone buzzed. I hesitated for only a while before picking it.
There was a message from Thelma. She had just sent me a picture. I clicked on the photo and
immediately sat up. There was my Thelma, looking heavily drunk and in some sort of a party. She looked
sexy in her drunken form, and I wanted nothing more than to run to whatever club she'd hit and take
her home before some guy takes advantage of her. "Let her be." A voice in my head told me. I turned off
my phone and slept off. The following Monday, I received a call from my cousin, Alphonsus. "Good
morning," I said, as soon as I pressed the receive button. "Tony, how have you been?" He asked me.
Alphonsus was a couple of years older than me. He also lives in Manhattan with his family, but we hardly
see each other. "I'm okay. How's everyone?" I asked him. "We're all good. You know, we both live in
Manhattan, but we hardly see each other." He accused.

I smiled. Since I met Thelma, my life and world had crashed. Before I had met her, I always make sure to
visits Alphonsus and his family at least once in a month, but now, I couldn't remember the last time I
visited them. "Alfreda practically forced me to make this call. She thinks that all is not well with you."
Alfreda was Alphonsus's daughter. She was only six and quite a charmer. 'Tell her I miss her too." I
laughed. "How about you come over for dinner this weekend?" He asked me. "Okay. That will be great."
We chit chat about the family for a couple of minutes before hanging the call. As soon as I ended the
phone, I felt a bit guilty for forgetting my family. 'I'll make it up to them." I promised myself and
continued working. An hour later, my phone buzzed, and I reached out for it. Thelma had just sent me
another picture. This time, she wasn't drunk. She had sent me a naked photo of herself. She was lying in
her bed. Seeing the picture, I had a hard-on. I wanted her very much; it almost hurt. "Who in the hell
took the shot?" I asked myself, fuming. I knew that another man must have snapped the shot. Before
lunch break, my secretary announced that Thelma was waiting to see me. Hearing her name, I felt horny.
I remembered the quickie at the bar and knew that I wanted more. "Send her in," I said.

Two minutes later, Thelma walked into the office dressed in a tub grown. She looked so beautiful and
ravishing it took all my will power not to rush to her for a kiss. "Did you get my message?" She asked.
"Yes." I dryly replied. She pulled down her dress, revealing her ample breasts, and immediately, I went
wild with need. I didn't hesitate when she swayed to my seat and unzipped my pants. She rubbed my
aroused cock with her soft hands. "Damn!" I exclaimed with pure pleasure. Without giving me time to
think, she straddled me and guided my hardness into her. The sight of her full breasts and her luscious
lips made me almost scream with pleasure. This was precisely what I wanted. As she rode me, I played
with her nipples and kissed her lips. Soon, I saw her roll her eyes and scream at the top of her voice. I
joined her into the paradise of bliss. The aftermath of our passion left us lazy but fulfilled.

"That was great." She said and went on her feet. We both rearranged our clothes and turned to face
each other. "What is wrong with you?" I demanded. She only shrugged. "Why do you keep stalking me?
You go to the bars I go with friends; you were even at the grocery the other day." I accused her.

"I'll keep stalking you until you come to your senses." She didn't even look repentant. "Then stop
sending me your pictures." "Do you like them?" Her lips curved into a smile. Thelma blew me a kiss,
picked her purse, and walked out of my office, leaving staring after her. That evening, she sent me a
video of herself at a strip club. She was dressed like a stripper and dancing. As I watched the video, I
realized that her sexy dance had given me another hard-on. "Damn, what has this woman did to me?"
Everything about her was sexy. She made me think of the impossible. No matter what she did with her
life, no matter the past she had lived with Connor, I still wanted her. I wanted to have her by my side
forever, and the only way to achieve that was to get married to her. "Hi, handsome..." Charlotte said
over the call the following morning. "What's up with you?" I blurted out. "I've been out of town. You
didn't even care to give me a call all this while." She pouted. 'I'm sorry, I've got a lot on my mind." I
admitted. "Oh, that's not a problem. The good news is that I'm back." She said. "Oh, that's good." I dryly
added. "Is that all you're going to say? Aren't you going to invite me for dinner or something?" I decided
to come clean. "Look, Charlotte, you're a beautiful woman, but to be honest, I'm in love with another

There was a silence. "I always knew that you feel something great for Thelma. I could see the love in
your eyes, but I don't know why Thelma still hangs around Connor." "It's complicated," I told her. "Well,
Tony, I enjoyed the little time we had together. Good luck with Thelma." She laughed "Oh, thank you."
"We ended the call, and I felt a bit better knowing I have finally succeeded in doing away with the
women in my life for good. As for Thelma, I was determined to have her all to myself. **** Truth to her
words, Thelma wouldn't stop stalking me. She appeared in whatever social gathering I went, and I no
longer found it funny. She never wasted time to send me the pictures and videos of her latest escapes.
She had changed from the person I used to know. Thelma visited clubs every evening and spent her
weekends at strip clubs. She had tried all she could to hook up with men, but nothing seemed to work
for her. She spent her days drinking to stupor. Soon, she had become a shadow of herself. On a Tuesday
Evening, Connor sent me a video of him and Thelma having sex. He was fucking her as if she was a
whore, and I hated him more. Without thinking, I ran to his house, and I was shocked that his security
allowed me in.

I found him waiting in the living room. "Oh, you've decided to come." He said. He was dressed in evening

"Yes, I'm here to give you a serious warning." I boldly challenged. "Do you know that I can decide to
eliminate you here and now? Even your body won't be found by the cops." He threatened. "You can't kill
me." I boldly told him. "Don't be too sure." He looked at me. He didn't even make an effort to leave his
seat. "I know a lot about you, and I’ve friends in high places. I've given orders that all the evidence I have
against you should be released the moment anything happens to me." I threatened. "Really?" He asked
me, looking at me from head to toe. There were two guards in the room. One of the guards was the
same man that had been arrested a couple of weeks ago. Connor had used his power to get the guard
released. "How about you try it?" I smiled. "You know, I haven't yet paid you back for nearly killing me."
"Let's just call it even." "Now, what do you want from me?" He snapped at me. "I want you to stay away
from Thelma."

"Why should I?" He snapped at me again. "She's mine." "No, she's not yours. She's my whore." As soon
as I heard Connor said that out loud, like lightening, I rushed to him and punched him on the face." His
guards came rushing towards me, but he stopped them. "Tony?" He called, smiling. Before his intention
dawned on me, Connor had also punched me in my face. "We're even now." He laughed. "Stay the hell
away from my girl," I warned, and hastily l turned my back to him. I walked out of the house and to my
car. Once I got to my car, I took a look at my face through the rearview mirror. My eye was a little
bruised already. I shrugged and then drove home. Once I got home, I took a shower and settled down to
see a movie when I heard my doorbell rang. I frowned. I wasn't expecting anyone. The doorbell rang
again, and I went to get it. Without thinking, I yanked the door open and found myself staring at Thelma.
She was dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a white T-shirt. "What in the hell happened to your
eyes?" She asked as soon as she saw me. I ignored her question and walked back into the room. She
followed me in then shut the door behind her.

"Talk to me." She was all over me, her eyes looking at my bruised eye. "I got into a fight with Connor," I
confessed. "Honey, how could you?" She sounded angry. I shrugged. "What do you want?" I almost
yelled. "I want you." She revealed. "Go away." "Tony, I had a perfect life before I met you. Things were
going too well for me, and I didn't even know what love was until you came into my life. You changed
everything for me." I merely gazed at her. "Can't you see what you're doing to me?" She yelled "Me?" I
questioned her. "Sure, you. I can't eat without thinking about you. I can't drink water without thinking of
you, and I can't even work anymore. Most especially, I can't sleep without seeing you in my dreams."
After a pause, she added, "Just what have you done to me? Can't you see that I can't live without you?
You're the air that I breathe. Without you, life is meaningless." She let a tear escape her eyes. "Thelma,
I..." I began, but I knew not what to say.

"I want you back in my life again. My life is dark; please brighten it. I've tried many hook-ups, but none
seemed to work. I've visited many clubs, but I still can't find peace. I drank myself to stupor, yet I
couldn't forget you.' She paused. "Do you know how much influence you’ve over me?" She asked.
"Thelma, what are you doing to yourself?" I asked her, looking worried. "Can't you see that I'm
destroying my life? If I can't have you, then I'll rather wither and die like a flower. You're my life, you're
my world, and you're my addiction. Only your touch leaves me fulfilled and breathless." She sobbed. "I
love you, Tony." She confessed. "Do you love me well enough to dump Connor and stay away from him
for God?" I enquired. "Connor? That bastard treated me like a piece of trash. I broke up with him two
days ago. He wanted to blackmail me, but I threatened to expose his drug deals to the world if he does. I
doubt if he would ever seek me out." I didn't wait to hear anymore. I was so excited I felt like bursting
with it. I ran to her and kissed her with a passion I never knew existed in me. "I love you so very much,
Thelma. I'm so sorry for the way I treated you.' I smiled. She sniffed. "You'll take me back?"

"Sure. I've always loved you. In life, there's only one woman meant for me and that woman is you." I
kissed the tip of her nose. She burst into laughter. I remembered the ring and ran into the bedroom. I
retrieved it from my closet and ran to the living room. Going on my knees before her, I showed her the
ring. "Thelma Bunchild, will you do me the honor of being the mother of my kids?" She stared at me,
speechless. "Will you marry me?" I asked, smiling "Yes, I'll marry you." I pulled her to me and smiled. I
could already see our wedding day. It would be the talk in town in weeks to come. I picked a laughing
Thelma to the bedroom. "I love you, Tony." She whispered in my ears. "I love you more, Thelma." I
retorted. Deep down, I knew that our love story had just begun.


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