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Submitted By: Tippi M. Barrientos

Grade level: Grade 11 STEM B
Subject: General Biology
Subject Teacher: Mr. Edgar Ubalde
Things that we needed:

Weight Scale

Measure tape or Ruler

Knife or cutter


Additional Activities
Activity: Osmosis
(This activity can be done at home or in school laboratory)
1. You will be observing the potato strips submerge to distilled water with different concentration of salt.
2. Cut 6 potato strips 4cm in length. Measure 150 ml of distilled water and pour it to 3 beakers of containers.
3. Weigh 20g and 5g of salt and put it in the first and second beaker. Add 2 potato strips per beakers.
4. Observe. Record the weight and the size of potato strips in grams after 6 hours.

Initial length Actual length Ave Length Initial weight Actual weight Average weight
(cm) (cm) (cm) (g) (g) (g)
Beaker 1 4cm 4.75cm 8.75cm 18g 22g 40g
(distilled) 4cm 5cm 9cm 19g 21g 40g
Beaker 2 4cm 4cm 8cm 22g 20g 42g
(Distilled water 4cm 3.75cm 7.75cm 21g 19g 40g
with 5g of salt)
Beaker 3 4cm 3.5cm 7.5cm 22g 20g 42g
( Distilled water 4cm 3.5cm 7.5cm 22g 20g 42g
with 20g of

Guide Question:

1. Observe what happen to the potato strips in the 3 set ups, interms of weight and size.
 The container that has a distilled water and a potato, the potato change it size and weight it becomes larger
and big.
 The second container that has a 5grams of salt has a little changes on its size and weight because of the small
amount of salt in container.
 The third container that has 50 grams of salt has a big changes on its size and weight because of the too
much amount of salt that cause the potato become smaller.

2. If there any changes to the potato strips , What would be the reason?
The reason of this changes is because of the concentration of the water. The potato that submerged in the distilled
water will be flexible because it absorb the water in the container and the reason why the salted potato becomes
thick and fragile is because the water in the potato that gives them a structure remove and that is the semi
permeable membrane that allows some substance to go through like water.

3. Give your conclusion about the activity.

This activity helps us to understand the importance in studying and knowing the semi permeable membrane.

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