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Saint Bernard College

ST: 2019-2020

The Cause and Effect of Bullying

In partial fulfillments of the requirements

For the subject Practical Research 2

Submitted by:

Rhea Balagosa

Wea Mae Victoria

Approval Sheet

In partial fulfillment to do the research and thesis writing subject of the requirements

in Practical Research II, the researcher of this reading, subsequent to a great extent

effort and precise, after much effort and rigorous editing and hard work, came with a

study entitled “The Effect of Broken Family”

Panel of Examiners

Approved by the committee on Oral Defense with the final grade of _____%

Jowel D. Ramos Charito L. Manapat RN MAN Ph. D. Ed.D

Adviser Member

Accepted and approved as partial fulfillment of the requirement for Practical Research

Date of Oral Defense February


Academic Officer/ Principal

Saint Bernard College


This research could have not been possible without the help of those people with their

greatness, courage and trust to the researchers.

To my adviser Mr. Jowel D. Ramos, for imparting the necessary knowledge and

expertise us our guide in making this research works possible.

To my family thank you for the love and unending support. Especially for the

financial support that help in finish this research.

To all respondents who have helped me by participating in the study and for giving

me the answer I needed in my research.

Lastly, I thank God for his guidance in completing this research, because without his

heavenly wisdom this research would not be possible.

Chapter 1


School is said to be the place where children learners and molds themselves into

someone they wanted to be. But that is not the only luxury that the school can give,

they can also be a battle field, palace of survival some may seem, where the famous

and beautiful are honored and respected while the poor little once are bullied.

Bullying is a big problem now in our society and what's alarming is the breeding

ground of this plague is our school. Our very own second home is the ground for

bullies. But before we trigger into the problem let us first define what a bully is.

According to new Webster's Dictionary of the English language, a bully is "Someone

who enjoys oppressing others weaker than himself". There are different factors that

may effect person's behavior it may be caused. By its environment, history and other

related matters. And one of the main factors of this change is caused by bullying. It

may depress someone thus making his /her self-esteem degrades. Nowadays,we must

not seem to notice events such as bullying but someone incident must be as vivid as

crystal,we can't just identity if it is already act bullying or just another forms of it .

We as students undergone challenge in our daily lives and experienced bullying

at same time. Bullying must be stop. But how? what makes a child a bully? How can

we over come bullying? These questions are the main reason of our study. And the

answers are soon to be found.

Background of the study

Bullying is all about behavior, how a person interacts and behaves. Let us

first dig into the early ideas about behavior

"From earliest time, people have sought to explain behavior and to find remedies

for behavior disorders. Archeological evidence show that stone age people engage in

a practice called "trephining" to cure behavior disorders. Trephining involved

chipping away a hole in the disturbed by relieving pressure on the brain. Some

telephoned skill show growth over the wound indicating that some people

miraculously survived this treatment ( Ragland R.G. Invitation to Psychology 2002 ).

Even thousands of year ago behavior is one of the most mysterious aspects of

the human composition. It does affect everything and anyone around you. Bullying

may not be considered a serious mental disorder rather it is a rude or unacceptable

actions towards other that may cause physical or emotional pressure toward the

victim. Bullied are people who have their reasons too. They may have undergone the

same problem and just trying to repeat it to avenge them or they have others that

factor turned them into a dark shade . This hypothesis of ours will soon be a fact as

soon as we have proven it and finished our study

Statement of the problem

The study discussed the effects of bullying among youth from Saint Bernard

College, it's implication to behavior. Specially, the following question will be


1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms of their:

a) Name

b) Age

c) Civil Status

d) Educational Attainment

e) Occupation

f) Gender

2. What are the effects of bullying to the academic performance of senior high school


a) Affect their academic performance in different subject areas

b) Out of focus in their studies

c) Feel threatened in going to school

d) Failed in class

e) Affects the mental ability to think well

f) Feel uncomfortable to participate in class discussions

g) Feel pressure in going to school

h) Affect their self-esteem to participate in class discussion

Scope and Delimitation of the study

The study confined itself to the identication of the effects of bullying among

youth from Senior High School, it’s implication to behavior.

The researchers also determine the effects of bullying, roles of parents to guide

Definition of terms

1. Bully - is defined as simply "Forcing one's way aggressively or by

intimidation". Terms may generally happy to any one life experience

where one is motivated primarily by intimidation instead of by more

positive goals such as mutually shared interest and benefits.

2. Youth - an early stage of growth and existence, the period of life coming

between childhood and maturity.

3. Gay bullying and gay bashing - are expression used to designate verbal or

physical actions that are direct or indirect in nature by a person or group

against a person who is a member of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

Research Paradigm

Input Process Out put

Profile of the Respondents : By means of : Determine: The Effects

of bullying to the
1. Name 1. Survey
academic performance
2. Age 2. Questionnaire
of senior high school
3. Gender
4. Educational


5. Civil Status

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Profile of the

Respondents :

1. Name

2. Age

3. Gender

4. Educational


5. Civil Status
 Academic


 Out of focus

 Threatened in

going to school

 Failed in Class

 Affects the mental

ability to think


 Uncomfortable to

participate in class


 Feel pressure

 Affects the self-

esteem to

participate in class


H1. There is a significant relationship between the problem in their house to its

perform to school.

H2. There is a significant relationship in effect of bullying and its self confidence

H3. There is a significant relationship between how the student attentively in the


Importance of the study

The importance of the study is to seek more information for the topic entitled The

Effect of bullying in academic performance of Senior High School also to help

teacher what to do when their students were failed. Also to performed investigate in

the factors affecting the students. More attention to curriculum related to calculator

and learning of a students.

Limitations of the Studies

The study focuses on the academic performance of the students to bring out the

factors which affect the performance of the students and its self-esteem to its

Chapter 2

Related studies/ Review of Related Literature

Mona ò Cornelius of the anti-bullying center at PUP college in the written,

"there is a growing body of research which indicates that individuals, whether child or

adult, who are persistently subject to abusive behavior are at risks of stress related

illness which can sometimes lead to suicide." Those who have been the targets of

bullying can suffer from long term emotional and behavioral problems. Bullying can

cause loneliness, depression, anxiety, lead to law self-esteem and increased

susceptibility to illness. In the long term it can lead to post traumatic stress disorder

and an inability to form relationship -even leading to celibacy.

There is evidence that bullying increase that risk of suicide. It is estimated that

between is and 35 children commit suicide every year in the UK, because they are

being bullied.

Research have identified other risk factors such as depression personality

disorder 's as well as quickness to anger and use of force, addiction to aggressive

behavior , making others actions as hostile , concern with preserving self-image ,

engaging in obsessive or rigid action. A combination of these factors may also be

cause of his behavior. In one recent study of youth, a combination of anti -social traits

and a depression was found to be the best predictor of youth violence, whereas video

game violence and television violence exposure were not predictive of these

behavior .
Local Studies

Bullying is the activity of repeated, aggressive behavior intended to hurt

another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual

behaving in a certainly no less significant. Way to gain power over another person.

Norwegian research and always defines bullying as when a person is "exposed,

repeatedly and over time, to negative actions as" " when a person intentionally inflicts

injury or discomfort through physical contact, through words and other way .

Bullying behavior include name calling, verbal or written, exclusion from

activity, exclusion from social situation, Physical abuse, a version. Bullies may be

behave. This way to be perceived as popular or tough or to get attention. They may

bully out be acting out because they themselves are bullied.

U.S National Center for education statistics Suggest that bullying can be classified

into two categories; 1) Directly bullying and 2) Indirectly bullying. Rose that state

that direct bullying involved a great deal of physical aggression, such as shoving and

poking , throwing things, slapping , choking , punching and kicking ,beating

stabbing ,pulling hair scratching, biting, scripting and pinching .

Foreign Literature

The word "bully" was first used in the 1530's meaning "sweetheart" Applied to

either sex , from the Dutch bowl " lover , brother " probably diminutive of middle

high German boule " brother " ,of origin . The meaning deteriorated through the 17th

century through “fine fellow “Blusters", to harasser to weak ". This may have been as

a connecting sense between "lover" and "ruffian" protectors of a prostitute, which a

sense of " bully" .

High levels forms of violence such as assault and murder usually receive most

media attention, but lower-level forms of violence such as bullying have only in

recent years attested to be addressed by researchers, parents and guardians and

authority figures. It is only in recent years that bullying has been recognized and

recorded as a separate and disfind offence, but there have been well documented

causes that have been recorded over the centuries. The Fifth volume of the bullying.


Research Design

As it is indicated in the title , this chapter includes the research methodology of

the dissertation. According to this approach, we, the research begins with specific

observation which is used to produce information to respondents by use of


Population and Sample

The participant in this study is student in Saint Bernard College, and others who

are involved having a bullying.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument that we use to gather some data is by means of survey

questionnaires. We confirmed our questionnaires to our subject teacher to verify if our

questionnaires are accurate & correct. The purpose this questionnaire is to get more


Development & Validation of the Questionnaire

We gather information through the internet and also to the previous research

studies that are relevant to our study. After we gathered information, we constructed

our questionnaires by means of connecting the information that we have gathered.

We distributed our survey questionnaire to the 70 respondents by means of

giving them the instructions on how they are going to answer the question and they

were also asked to response sincerely and truthfully.

Statistical Treatment of the Data

The response of the respondent to the Questionnaire checklist was carefully

tallied, tabulated and organized. The Data presented, analyzed and interpreted with

the used oh weight means, frequency counts, percentage and ranking system

1. For percentage computation is;

P(%)= f/n × 100


(P)%= percentage

f= number of the respondents for every item

N= total number of respondents


Presentation, Analysis and Presentation of Data

This Chapter presented, analysed and interpreted all the data gathered in this study.

Presentation was done through the use of tables. Analysis and interpretations of data

done after tabular presentation.

Table 1. Shows the gender profile of the respondent

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 33 47 %
Female 37 53 %
Total 70 100%

Based on the table 1 it shows that there are approximately 33 of the respondents who

are female with the percentage of 47% and there are 37 of the respondents who are

female with the percentage of 53%. And we can say that most of the female are

interested in our study.

Table 2. Shows the age of the respondent

Age Frequency Percentage

20 years old 2 3%
19 years old 7 10%
18years old 24 34%
17years old 27 39%
16years old 10 14%
Total 70 100%

Based on the table 2 it shows that there are approximately 2 or 3% of the respondents

who are at the age of 20, there are 7 or 10% of the respondents who are at the age of

19, there are 24 or 34% of the respondents who are at the age of 18, there are 27 or

39% of the respondents are at the age of 17, and lastly there are 10 or 14% of the

respondents are at the age of 16. And we can say that most of our respondents are at

the age of 17 who are interested in our study.

Table 3 Effects of Bullying

Question Answer Frequency Percentage

1. Do you experience being bullied in school? Yes 59 84%
No 11 16%
2. Does bullying affect your academic in the Yes 50 71%

different subject areas? No 20 29%

3. Does bullying keep your study out of focus? Yes 59 84%

No 11 16%
4. Does bullying makes you feel threatened in Yes 46 66%

going to school? No 24 34%

5. Do you handle yourself when bullying Yes 50 71%

occurs? No 20 29%
6. Does bullying might be the reason Yes 52 74%

No 18 26%
7. Does being bullied affects your mental Yes 52 74%

ability to think well? No 18 26%

8. Does being bullied makes you feel Yes 55 79%

uncomfortable to participate in class No 15 21%

9. Does bullying makes you feel pressure in Yes 55 79%

going to school? No 15 21%

10. Does bullying affect your self-esteem to Yes 56 80%

participate in class discussions? No 14 20%

Based on table 3, there were 59 of the respondents or 84% who answered yes in

question 1 and 11 of the respondents or 16% who answered no in question 1. There

were 50 of the respondents or 71% who answered yes in question 2 and 20 of the

respondents or 29% who answered no in question 2. There were 59 of the respondents

or 84% who answered yes in question 3 and 11 of the respondents or 16% who

answered no in question 3. There were 46 of the respondents or 66% who answered

yes in question 4 and 24 of the respondents or 34% who answered no in question 4.

There were 50 of the respondents or 71% who answered yes in question 5 and 20 of

the respondents or 29% who answered no in question 5. There were 52 of the

respondents or 74% who answered yes in question 6 and 18 of the respondents or

26% who answered no in question 6. There were 52 of the respondents or 74% who

answered yes in question 7 and 18 of the respondents or 26% who answered no in

question 7. There were 55 of the respondents or 79% who answered yes in question 8

and 15 of the respondents or 21% who answered no in question 8. There were 55 of

the respondents or 79% who answered yes in question 9 and 15 of the respondents or

21% who answered no in question 9. There were 56 of the respondents or 80% who

answered yes in question 10 and 14 of the respondents or 20% who answered no in

question 10.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings; the conclusions arrived based

on the findings and recommendations offered.

This study was aimed at assessing the Effects of Bullying. The questionnaire was

the main instruments used to gather the needed data. This study was conducted during

the school year 2019-2020.




Based on the table 1 in our findings it shows that there are approximately 33 of the

respondents who are female with the percentage of 47% and there are 37 of the

respondents who are female with the percentage of 53%. And we can say that most of

the female are interested in our study.


Based on the table 2 in our findings it shows that there are approximately 2 or 3% of

the respondents who are at the age of 20, there are 7 or 10% of the respondents who

are at the age of 19, there are 24 or 34% of the respondents who are at the age of 18,

there are 27 or 39% of the respondents are at the age of 17, and lastly there are 10 or

14% of the respondents are at the age of 16. And we can say that most of our

respondents are at the age of 17 who are interested in our study.

The effects of bullying to the senior high school students are:

 It can affect their academic performance in the different subject areas with the

approximately percentage of 71%

 It can keep their study out of focus with the approximately percentage of 84%

 It can makes them feel threatened in going to school with the approximately

percentage of 66%

 It can affect their mental ability to think well with the approximately

percentage of 74%

 It can makes them feel uncomfortable to participate in class discussions the

approximately percentage of 79%

 It can makes them feel pressure in going to school with the approximately

percentage of 79%

 It can affect their self-esteem to participate in class discussions with the

approximately percentage of 80%


 Based on our findings, the most effect of bullying is that it can keep their

study out of focus with the percentage of 84%, I therefore conclude that

bullying is the reason why students cannot focus on their studies so that their

grades will become lower and lower.

 Second is, bullying affect their self-esteem to participate in class discussions

with the percentage of 80%, so I therefore conclude that the reason of bullying

is that they lower their confidence in going to school.

 Third is, bullied makes them feel uncomfortable to participate in class

discussions with the percentage of 79%, so I therefore conclude that bullying

is the reason why some of the students didn’t continue their studies because

they cannot cope up in their class discussions.

 Fourth is, bullying makes them feel pressure in going to school with the

percentage of 79%, I therefore conclude that the reason why it makes them

feel pressure in going to school is because of they are scared or afraid to the

one who bullied them.

 If you are bullied once, try to inform about the incident to your adviser.

 To avoid being bullied you should respect others so that they can also respect


 To avoid being bullied, you need to develop friendship or gain more friends.

 Bullies target is the one who is weak or out of confidence. So, you need to be

confident in anything you do, don’t show them that you are weak.

 Stand

 Stand up for yourself when you need to prove them that they can’t bring you


References or Bibliography

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