Individual Activity #2-Critical Thinking Care Study: Case Study Analysis (Gabby Castro)

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Individual Activity #2- Case Study Analysis (Gabby Castro)

Analyze the given case and Answer questions provided.

Gabby Castro, 24 years of age, works as a police officer; her dream is to become a
homicide detective. She learned last week her brother, Alex, 26 years of age, has fragile
X syndrome. She always knew he was aggressive (and now is serving a jail term for
armed robbery), but she thought his aggression was because they moved a lot when they
were little and so she thought he never had a chance to achieve in school. Gabby’s fiancé,
Stanley, 25 years of age, is a manager in his family’s hardware store. He asks if the
reason she enjoys being a police officer (he views this as mainly a man’s occupation)
could be because she’s missing her X chromosomes. He wants her to have a DNA
analysis before they get married to be certain a son won’t have fragile X syndrome.

1. Fragile X syndrome is one of the most frequently seen chromosomal abnormalities in

boys. Is it true this is associated with aggression? Could the family’s frequent moves
have contributed to the syndrome?
2. Is it probable that Gabby carries a gene for fragile X syndrome? Is it fair for Stanley
to ask her to have a DNA analysis before he agrees to marry her?
3. Stanley asks if the reason Gabby wants to be a detective could be because her X
chromosomes are missing. Is this likely? Would you recommend Gabby rethink her
relationship with Stanley before agreeing to marriage?

1. Yes, it’s true that Fragile X Syndrome is associated with aggression since people diagnosed with the
syndrome typically demonstrate maladaptive behaviors. The family’s frequent moves could have
contributed to the syndrome because environment can somehow affect one’s behavior.

2. Yes, it is possible that Gabby is a carrier of fragile X syndrome. Also, yes, it is fair for Stanley to ask for
a DNA analysis because it can identify if their soon to be children can acquire the said syndrome.

3. No, I don’t think so Gabby wanted to become a detective just because of her missing X chromosomes.
She wanted to become a homicide detective, prior in learning about the syndrome her brother have. I
highly recommend that Gabby should rethink her relationship with Stanley before agreeing to marriage
because I can sense that Stanley could somehow ruin Gabby’s decisions in life, specially if they will find
out that their soon to be children can acquire the syndrome. Also, the way Stanley asked Gabby about
her dreams is a bit off. There’s merely no connection between her dreams and her genes, that can be a
sign where Stanley might not support Gabby in her future decisions in life.
Rubric (per question):
5- CORRECT ANSWER and EXPLANATION/ RATIONALE, with complete details.
3- CORRECT ANSWER and EXPLANATION/ RATIONALE, but lacking details.

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