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Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 741–748

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Understanding the relationship between the segregation of concrete

and coarse aggregate density and size
Ivan Navarrete a, Mauricio Lopez a,b,⇑
Department of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Casilla 306, Correo 22,
Santiago, Chile
Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS), Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

h i g h l i g h t s

 Segregability of concrete with different CA RSSA and |Dq| are presented.

 Concrete segregation is mainly related to the interaction between CA RSSA and |Dq|.
 The segregation rate of concrete was shown to be independent of the time of vibration.
 A VI of 20% is proposed as a conservative limit for acceptable segregation in concrete.
 CA RSSA explained the concrete segregation rate more precisely than MSA.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Segregation of aggregate, which ultimately influences the strength and durability of concrete, is one of
Received 16 December 2016 the major problems during construction. Two factors and their effects on the segregation of fresh con-
Received in revised form 16 May 2017 crete under vibration were studied. Based on the statistical analysis of the experimental results, it was
Accepted 21 May 2017
concluded that the observed rate of segregation is an intrinsic property of concrete and is independent
Available online 31 May 2017
of the vibration time applied. The segregation tendency of a concrete mixture is mainly explained by
the interaction between the specific surface of coarse aggregate and the difference in density between
the aggregate and mortar phase rather than by each individual factor independently.
Fresh concrete
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aggregate size
Aggregate density
Segregation rate
Image analysis

1. Introduction mixture is being handled, placed, and transported. On the other

hand, the static segregation happened when a mixture is not
Segregation, the tendency for coarse aggregate to separate from flowing.
mortar, remains one of the major problems in fresh concrete. The The rheology of fresh concrete is complex owing to its multi-
consequences of segregation are numerous and may affect the composition and the changes in properties upon hydration. Previ-
strength and durability of structures [1]. However, the construc- ous researchers [3] have shown that the flow behavior of fresh con-
tion workforce is mainly unskilled [2]. Thus, control of the mixture crete can be reasonably approximated by the Bingham model:
design is necessary to assess a good final quality of the
s ¼ s0 þ gp  c_ ð1Þ
ACI 238 defines two kind of segregation, which are dynamic and where s is the shear stress, s0 is the yield stress, gp is the plastic vis-
static segregation [1]. The dynamic segregation happened when a
cosity, and c_ is the shear rate. Therefore, the flow of concrete can be
described by two parameters: yield stress and plastic viscosity.
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Construction Engineering and Man- Fresh concrete may be considered as a two-phase composite
agement, School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Vicuña material with coarse aggregate particles in a mortar matrix. The
Mackenna 4860, Casilla 306, Correo 22, Santiago, Chile. settlement of a particle in a fluid with Bingham plastic behavior
E-mail address: (M. Lopez). has been predicted by Beris et al. [4]. They concluded that a sphere
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
742 I. Navarrete, M. Lopez / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 741–748

will settle when the yield stress parameter (Yg), defined in Eq. (2), 2. Research significance
is less than 0.143, assuming that the particle density is higher than
that of the fluid. The stability of fresh concrete without segregation is an impor-
tant issue to be considered for concrete mixture design. The aim of
3  s0 this research is to assess the combined effects of coarse aggregate
Yg ¼ ð2Þ
2  R  jDq j  g size, shape and the difference in density between coarse aggregate
and mortar on the dynamic segregation of fresh concrete under
where jDq j is the density difference between the particle and the vibration. This will provide a more adequate understanding and
fluid, R is the radius of the particle, and g is the gravitational accel- estimate of the intrinsic segregation tendency of a concrete
eration. Thus, in fresh concrete, the beginning of coarse aggregate mixture.
settlement is related to the yield stress of the mortar, the density
difference between coarse aggregate and mortar, and the size of
the coarse aggregate. Once the settlement starts, a spherical particle 3. Materials and methods
will sink into the Bingham fluid with a velocity U, which may be
3.1. Material properties and mixture proportion
derived from Stoke’s drag equation [5]:
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) with a specific gravity of 3.14 and Blaine fine-
2 R 2  j Dq j  g ness of 410 m2/kg was used, and a natural river sand with a fineness modulus of
U¼  ð3Þ
9 gp  C s 3.18 was used as fine aggregate (FA) for all mixtures. The absorption of FA was
0.97%, and the specific gravity was 2.72 at the saturated surface dry (SSD) condition.
Additionally, high-range water reducer admixture (HRWA) was used in a dosage of
where gp is the plastic viscosity of the fluid, and Cs is Stoke’s drag 0.25% by cement weight for all mixtures.
coefficient. Therefore, the velocity of the aggregate settlement is A normal-weight aggregate (NWA)—namely, gravel—and three lightweight
aggregates (LWA)—namely, expanded shale, expanded clay and expanded polystyr-
directly dependent on the difference in density between the coarse
ene—were used as coarse aggregate (CA). The four types of CAs were sieved to
aggregate and the mortar and the size of coarse aggregate, and it is obtain different single-sized aggregates. The physical properties of single-sized
inversely dependent on the plastic viscosity and drag coefficient. NWA and LWA used in the study are given in Table 1. The absorption of LWA
When the aggregates’ density is lower than that of the mortar, the was obtained after 72 h immersion to maximize the pore saturation [13].
principal parameters that affect the stability of the fresh concrete Stereology, a well-known technique used for interpreting three-dimensional
characteristics of materials based on two-dimensional cross sections, was chosen
are the same; i.e., Eq. (3) is still valid and predicts an upward move- to quantify the aggregate specific surface area (SSA) of CA. The estimation of SSA
ment of coarse aggregate [6]. was made from vertical uniform random (VUR) sections using an unbiased stereol-
Tattersall and Baker [7] showed that when vibration is applied, ogy technique based on cycloids. Cycloids were used because they are considered to
there is a significant reduction in the yield stress and a decrease in be isotropic lines on VUR sections in 3D space [14]. SSA is estimated from Eq. (4).
the viscosity of the concrete. However, de Larrard et al. [8] found P
I Vc
that the plastic viscosity is unaffected by vibration, which is consis- SSA ¼ 2  P  ð4Þ
P  l Va
tent with previous research [6,9,10] that found that concrete vis-
cosity is more important than yield stress for concrete where I is the number of intersections, P is the number of points counted, l is the
segregation during vibration. length of cycloid per point, V c is the volume of concrete of the sample, and V a is the
Petrou et al. [5] studied the aggregate settlement in concrete in volume of aggregate of the sample. Since, Vc and Va are given by the mixture design,
real time using a scintillation camera to observe and record the set- the actual procedure is based on the estimation of P Pl.
tlement of radioactively ‘‘tagged” aggregate in mortar and concrete To illustrate the estimation of SSA from VUR sections, consider the vertical sec-
during vibration. They found a linear relationship between aggre- tion shown in Fig. 1. A cycloidal test system has been randomly placed on the
gate settlement and vibration time. image. The test system has a known length of cycloid per point (l). In order to esti-
mate SSA, two counts need to be made on this figure:
Chia et al. [6] and Petrou et al. [5] studied the settlement of
lightweight and heavyweight aggregates in concrete, respectively. a. The number of intersections between the test lines and the boundary of
Both found that concrete mixtures that present a higher difference interest (I). For example, in the case showed in Fig. 1 there are 20
between the densities of coarse aggregate and mortar have a intersections.
b. The number of points that land within the reference space (P). For example,
greater segregation tendency.
in the case showed in Fig. 1 there are 16 points.
The relationship between aggregate size and shape and segre-
gation tendency has been studied in different types of concrete In this study, two series of concrete mixtures were prepared. Series I consisted
[5,6,11,12]; such as, normal-weight, lightweight and self- of ten mixtures used to assess the relationship between the segregation of concrete
compacting concrete. Shen et al. [11] showed that a reduction of under vibration and coarse aggregate size and the difference in density between
30% in the maximum size of aggregate (MSA) greatly reduces coarse aggregate and mortar. Series II consisted of two additional mixtures used
to validate the findings and the relationship established with the concretes of Series
dynamic segregation. The lower segregation tendency shown in I. The concrete mixtures had a water–cement ratio (W/C) of 0.45 and consisted of
mixtures with lower MSA was mainly attributed to the increased approximately 70% mortar and 30% coarse aggregate by volume; the proportion
drag force provided by mortar on smaller aggregates, which have of each constituent was kept constant in all mixtures. Table 2 presents the mixture
a higher specific surface (i.e., surface area-to-volume ratio). In con- proportions of both series. The moisture states of FA and CA in the given mixture
proportions were SSD.
trast, Esmaeilkhanian et al. [12] compared dynamic segregation in
concrete using either crushed aggregate or rounded aggregate with
similar particle size distribution and found that the segregation 3.2. Mortar characterization
tendency was not significantly different between the two mixtures.
Table 3 lists the mixture proportions and physical properties of the mortar used
This result was explained by the fact that the aggregate surface-to-
(M1). The rheological behavior of the mortars is determined by the W/C ratio and
volume ratio does not change considerably between the two the ratio of sand to mortar (s/m) [15]. Previous researchers established procedures
mixtures. for computing normal-weight [16] and lightweight [17] concrete. According to
The relationship between the aggregate properties and segrega- these procedures, the ratio of s/m and the ratio of W/C of M1 are similar to those
tion tendency of concrete during vibration has been studied by of conventional mortars.
Several authors [5,9,10,18] have shown that the segregation tendency of con-
several researchers over the last decade. However, the combined crete is related to its mortar viscosity and has no relation to its mortar yield stress.
effect or interaction between coarse aggregate properties requires However, Hafidi et al. [19] established that a direct relation exists between the mor-
further investigation. tar viscosity and its V-funnel flow time (V-time) [1]. Therefore, the V-funnel test
I. Navarrete, M. Lopez / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 741–748 743

Table 1
Physical properties of single-sized aggregates.

Aggregate Size (mm) SSA (1/mm) SSD Density (kg/m3) Absorption, 72 h (%)
Gravel 19.0–25.4 0.69 2600 2.44
12.7–19.0 0.97 2630 1.74
9.5–12.7 1.59 2710 1.29
4.8–9.5 1.74 2720 0.99
Expanded Shale 12.7–19.0 0.90 1370 12.47
9.5–12.7 1.47 1410 12.21
4.8–9.5 1.76 1470 12.01
Expanded Clay 9.5–12.7 1.38 950 22.72
4.8–9.5 2.02 980 21.48
2.4–4.8 2.72 1070 20.76
Expanded Polystyrene 4.8–9.5 1.98 15 –
2.4–4.8 2.48 15 –

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +
Intersection (I)
+ Point (P)

Fig. 1. Vertical section with a cycloidal test grid superposed.

Table 2
Concrete mixture proportions.

Mixture ID OPC (kg/m3) Water (kg/m3) FA (kg/m3) CA (kg/m3) HRWA (kg/m3) CA type CA size (mm)
Series I G-1 440 200 950 780 1.1 Gravel 19.0
G-2 440 200 950 789 1.1 Gravel 12.7
ES-1 440 200 950 411 1.1 Exp. Shale 12.7
ES-2 440 200 950 423 1.1 Exp. Shale 9.5
ES-3 440 200 950 441 1.1 Exp. Shale 4.8
EC-1 440 200 950 285 1.1 Exp. Clay 9.5
EC-2 440 200 950 294 1.1 Exp. Clay 4.8
EC-3 440 200 950 321 1.1 Exp. Clay 2.4
EP-1 440 200 950 4.5 1.1 Exp. Pol. 4.8
EP-2 440 200 950 4.5 1.1 Exp. Pol. 2.4
Series II G-3 440 200 950 813 1.1 Gravel 9.5
G-4 440 200 950 816 1.1 Gravel 4.80

Table 3
Mortar mixture proportioning.

Sample ID Water (kg/m3) Cement (kg/m3) Sand (kg/m3) HRWA (kg/m3) W/C s/m Density (Ton/m3)
M1 291 635 1376 1.58 0.46 0.60 2.31

was used to characterize the rheological behavior of M1, which showed a V-time of counting is an adequate method to quantify aggregate distribution in concrete sam-
6.8 s. This result is similar to the V-times reported by Safawi et al. [9] for mixtures of ples. Additionally, Gundersen et al. [21] showed that point counting is an efficient
conventional mortars. alternative to estimating area by pixel counting. Therefore, the estimation of aggre-
gate volume fraction at different heights was made with an unbiased stereology
3.3. Segregation measurement technique based on point counting.
Fifteen 10 cm  20 cm cylinders were cast for each mixture and were vibrated
Mouton [14] showed that the area of an object on random surfaces cut through for different vibration times of 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 s. The vibration table used had a
the reference space is proportional to the 3D volume of the object in the reference fixed frequency of 50 Hz, and the maximum acceleration measured during vibration
space. Shen et al. [11] and Kwasny et al. [20] showed that estimating area by pixel was 12 g. At the age of 2 days, the concrete specimens were saw-cut through the
744 I. Navarrete, M. Lopez / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 741–748

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ + + +

+ Point

Fig. 2. An illustration of volume fraction estimation using the point-counting technique.

(a) VI = 20% (b) VI = 17% (c) VI = 15%

Fig. 3. Test specimens with a V.I. lower than 20%

(a) VI = 36% (b) VI = 40% (c) VI = 30%

Fig. 4. Test specimens with a VI higher than 30%

I. Navarrete, M. Lopez / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 741–748 745

Table 4
Aggregate parameters and stratification coefficients of Series I concrete mixtures.

Sample ID Size (mm) RSSA (mm) jDq j (Ton/m3) VI (%)

0s 30 s 60 s 90 s 120 s
G-1 19.05 4.35 0.42 1 33 55.8 84.9 100.5
G-2 12.7 3.10 0.42 0.5 8.4 27.2 34.6 49.5
ES-1 12.7 3.34 0.89 7 70.4 133.3 154.4 183.1
ES-2 9.53 2.04 0.85 2.1 11 17.3 55.4 85.1
ES-3 6.35 1.71 0.79 1.9 10.3 21.2 32.3 61.7
EC-1 9.53 2.17 1.31 5.3 50.1 96.6 150.4 186.6
EC-2 6.35 1.48 1.28 1.5 14.1 41.4 78.7 103.3
EC-3 3.18 1.10 1.19 2.3 9.4 20.1 25.2 37.9
EP-1 6.35 1.52 2.25 6.5 78.7 155.8 187.8 200
EP-2 3.18 1.21 2.25 4.1 40.3 129.4 152.1 186.6

Table 5 V ai ¼  100% ð5Þ
Segregation rate of concrete mixtures.

Sample ID Ut (%/s) where P ai is the sum of the points reaching the CA in section i, Prefi is the sum of the
points reaching section i, and V ai is the CA volume fraction of section i.
30 s 60 s 90 s 120 s Average An example of the point-counting technique used to estimate the CA volume
G-1 1.1 0.93 0.94 0.84 0.95 fraction is showed in Fig. 2. The number of points reaching the reference space
G-2 0.28 0.46 0.38 0.41 0.38 are counted (i.e. 16). In addition, the number of these points that reach the CA
S-1 2.35 2.22 1.71 1.52 1.95 are counted (i.e. 8). Then, the CA volume fraction is calculated (i.e. 8/16 = 0.5 or
S-2 0.37 0.29 0.61 0.71 0.50 50%).
S-3 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.51 0.39 To evaluate segregation, the volumetric index (V.I.), proposed by Esmaeilkha-
EC-1 1.67 1.61 1.67 1.56 1.63 nian et al. [23], was calculated:
EC-2 0.47 0.69 0.87 0.86 0.72
jV at  V ab j
EC-3 0.31 0.33 0.28 0.32 0.31 V:I:ð%Þ ¼ 2   100% ð6Þ
EP-1 2.62 3.1 2.14 1.66 2.38 V at þ V ab
EP-2 1.34 2.15 1.69 1.55 1.68
where V at and V ab are the aggregate volume fractions of the top and bottom sections,

Table 6 4. Results and discussions

First proposed model summary and coefficient results of the segregation rate
regression analysis. 4.1. Limit for acceptable volumetric index
Coefficients Standard Error T Statistic P-value 95% C.I. (Þ
a0 2.01 0.32 6.28 0.00 0.65
Esmaeilkhanian et al. [12] measured the segregation of self-
a1 0.63 0.08 7.56 0.00 0.17 consolidating concrete and established that a V.I. of 25% can be
a2 1.47 0.14 10.79 0.00 0.28 considered as a limit for acceptable segregation resistance. In con-
trast, Kwasny et al. [20] studied the stability of semi-lightweight
R2 = 0.76
concrete and proposed that a concrete can be considered to be seg-
regated when the variation of aggregate content between the bot-
tom and top sections exceeds 20%.
2.25 Fig. 3 shows the tested specimens of mixtures EC-3 (Fig. 3a), EP-
3.0 2 (Fig. 3b) and G-1 (Fig. 3c), which were vibrated for 30 s and pre-
0.89 sent V.I. values lower than 20%. Fig. 4 shows tested specimens of
2.25 the same mixtures shown in Fig. 3 that were vibrated for 60 s
2.0 1.31 and present VI values higher than 30%. It can be observed that
Ut (%/s)

specimens with V.I. values lower than 20% did not present segrega-
1.5 tion, and specimens with V.I. values higher than 30% presented
1.28 segregation. Therefore, a conservative V.I. value of 20% can be con-
0.85 sidered a limit for acceptable segregation.
1.19 0.79 0.42
0.5 Previous studies [5,10] showed that without vibration, typically
sized aggregate does not settle in mortars with similar V-times to
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 M1. Furthermore, settlement stops immediately after vibration is
RSSA (mm) terminated. Table 4 shows that when no vibration is applied, all
the tested mixtures present a V.I. value lower than 7.0%, which is
Fig. 5. Effect of RSSA on segregation rate. (corresponding jDq j values are in ton/m3). similar to the results shown by Chia [6] in non-segregated con-
cretes. Therefore, as expected, no static segregation occurred in
the tested mixtures. Accordingly, it can be stated that the segrega-
longitudinal axis, washed from dust, and air-dried in the laboratory. The dry-cut
tion presented on tested specimens was only due to the segrega-
surfaces were photographed and used to measure the distribution of coarse
aggregate. tion produced by vibration.
The photographs of the tested specimens were divided into three equal sections
(top, middle and bottom). For the top and bottom sections, the volume fraction of
4.2. Segregation rate
CA was estimated using the point-counting technique. For a randomly positioned
point grid the number of points reaching the phase of interest (i.e. CA) divided by
the number reaching the whole section gave an unbiased estimate of volume frac- Aggregate parameters and V.I. average values for each Series I
tion [22], that is: mixture and vibration time are summarized in Table 4. The equiv-
746 I. Navarrete, M. Lopez / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 741–748

Fig. 6. Effect of jDq j on segregation rate. (corresponding RSSA values are in mm).
Fig. 7. Linear regression modelling and experimental results of segregation rate.

Table 7 mortar is constant during the vibration process. Therefore, the seg-
Second proposed model summary and coefficient results of the segregation rate
regression analysis.
regation rates of each mixture, summarized in Table 5, are pre-
ferred instead of V.I. values to analyze the effect of the studied
Coefficients Standard Error T Statistic P-value 95% C.I. () aggregate properties on concrete segregation.
b0 1.37 0.24 5.47 0.00 0.49 The Ut values showed in Table 5 were calculated dividing the VI
b1 0.16 0.09 1.79 0.09 0.19 values and vibration times (t) showed in Table 4 and Eq. (8).
b2 0.30 0.21 1.44 0.16 0.42
b3 0.81 0.12 6.48 0.00 0.25 VI
Ut ¼ ð8Þ
R2=0.89 t

4.3. RSSA value vs. Aggregate size

Table 8
Third proposed model summary and coefficient results of the segregation rate The settling velocity of aggregates during vibration is deter-
regression analysis. mined by the relationship between gravitational force and drag
force [10]. Higher values of gravitational force, which is deter-
Coefficients Standard Error T Statistic P-value 95% C.I. ()
mined by the volume of the aggregate and jDq j value, facilitate
c0 0.96 0.13 7.35 0.00 0.27
aggregate settlement. Conversely, higher values of drag force,
c1 0.96 0.06 16.58 0.00 0.12
which is related to the mortar viscosity and aggregate shape,
R2 = 0.88. reduce aggregate settlement. Leith [24] studied the drag force on
nonspherical objects (i.e., aggregates) in viscoelastic flows (i.e.,
mortar). He established that pressure on the surface of the object
alent specific surface area radius (RSSA ) in Table 4 was calculated by determined one-third of the total drag force and that the other
using the following equation: two-thirds are determined by the friction drag from the tangential
shear stress at the object surface. Therefore, the settling velocity of
RSSA ¼ ð7Þ an aggregate is influenced more by its RSSA value than by its size.
SSA Two MLR models were developed for the segregation rate; in
where SSA is the specific surface area of the aggregate. This value the first one, the independent variables were RSSA and jDq j, which
represents the ratio between the volume and the surface area of explained 76% of the variability of the segregation rate. In the sec-
the aggregate used on each mixture. The density difference between ond model, the independent variables were the aggregate size and
aggregate and mortar (jDq j) in Table 4 was calculated as the abso- jDq j, which explained 71% of the variability of the segregation rate.
lute value of the difference between SSD density of the aggregate Therefore, the segregation rate variability is better explained by
and the density of fresh mortar. RSSA than by the aggregate size.
A multiple linear regression (MLR) model that relates V.I. values
with the parameters shown in Table 4 was used to assess the 4.4. Linear regression model for segregation rate
relation between V.I. values and vibration time. The four parame-
ters explained 80% of the variability of the V.I. value, and each MLR models were proposed to correlate the segregation rate
one presented a level of significance below 0.05. Moreover, an with RSSA and jDq j. The first proposed model was similar to the
MLR model that relates segregation rate (U t ), calculated as the ratio model used in Section 4.4, which is represented in Eq. (9).
between V.I. value and vibration time with the parameters shown U t:est ¼ a0 þ a1  RSSA þ a2  jDq j ð9Þ
in Table 4, was used to assess the relation between segregation rate
and vibration time. The four parameters explained 77% of the vari- where U t:est is the estimated segregation rate in %/s, RSSA is in mm,
ability of the segregation rate, and only the vibration time is and jDq j is in ton/m3. Additionally, ai includes the MLR coefficients
insignificant with a P-value of 0.45. Therefore, a linear relation (i = 0,1,2). Because this was a screening model and based on the
exists between vibration time and V.I. values. experimental data a l inear relationship between the aggregate
Furthermore, it can be stated that the segregation rate is an properties (i.e. RSSA and jDq j) and concrete segregation rate was
intrinsic property of the concrete and is independent of the vibra- assumed. In addition, it was assumed that there is no correlation
tion time applied. This is in accordance with the results presented between RSSA and jDq j on the segregation rate of concrete. Both
by Petrou [5], who showed that aggregate settling velocity in assumption were tested using a MLR analysis.
I. Navarrete, M. Lopez / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 741–748 747

Table 9
Aggregate parameters and stratification coefficients of Series II concrete mixtures.

Sample ID RSSA (mm) jDq j (Ton/m3) RSSA  jDq j(Ton  mm=m3 ) VI (%)
30 s 60 s 90 s 120 s
G-3 2.00 0.42 0.84 0.7 3.6 1.0 4.2
G-4 1.70 0.42 0.71 3.7 0.5 0.8 4.5

Table 6 presents the first proposed model summary and coeffi- Two new concrete mixtures (Series II) that present RSSA  jDq j
cient results. The a0 , a1 and a2 values are shown in Table 6. These lower than 1.00 (Ton  mm=m3 ) were tested to validate the pro-
values represent the individual contribution of each parameter on posed model. Table 9 shows that the V.I. values for the four vibra-
the segregation rate of concrete for a level of significance of 0.05. tion times applied were lower than 5% in both tested mixtures,
With this model, RSSA and jDq j explained 76% of the variability of which means that no segregation occurred in these mixtures, as
the segregation rate of the concrete. predicted by the proposed model.
Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the segregation rate and The current threshold depends on the mortar volume and vis-
the aggregate RSSA value of each concrete mixture. The correspond- cosity; therefore, In order to use it in a more general context, it
ing jDq j value, in ton/m3, is shown next to each data series. In addi- is necessary to produce two trial mixtures: one mixture with 20-
tion, straight lines were plotted connecting the results of mixtures mm MSA of normal-weight aggregate (called NW); and other mix-
with similar jDq j values, so the trends for each aggregate can be ture with 4-mm MSA expanded polystyrene (called EP). Each Ut is
identified. From Fig. 5, it is observed that the segregation rate measured to determine the new threshold c0 of the mortar using
was less affected by RSSA in mixtures with lower jDq j values. The Eq. (12). These two mixtures are proposed because they have con-
relationship between the segregation rate and jDq j of each concrete siderably different Ut values, which yields a more reliable estima-
mixture is shown in Fig. 6. The corresponding RSSA value, in mm, is tion of the threshold value.
shown next to each data series. Also, straight lines were plotted 3:42U tNW  1:84U tEP
connecting the results of mixtures with similar RSSA values, so the c0 ¼ ð12Þ
trends for each aggregate can be identified. Fig. 6 shows that the
segregation rate is more affected by jDq j in concrete mixtures that where U tNW and U tEP are the measured U t values of the NW and EP
present higher RSSA values. Therefore, it can be concluded that there mixtures, respectively.
is a correlation between RSSA and jDq j on the segregation rate of
concrete. This is supported by the work of Shen et al. [11] and 5. Conclusions
Esmaeilkhanian et al. [12], which showed that segregation is
directly related to the aggregate mass-to-surface area ratio, which This research aimed to understand the main intrinsic factors
is related to the multiplication of jDq j and RSSA . Thus, the correlation explaining segregation in concrete under vibration by investigating
between jDq j and RSSA can be represented by the product between the combined effect of aggregate size and density difference
the variables in an improved MLR model, as shown in Eq. (10). between coarse aggregate and mortar. Twelve mixtures with four
different aggregate densities and MSA were investigated. The main
U t:est ¼ b0 þ b1  RSSA þ b2  jDq j þ b3  RSSA  jDq j ð10Þ
conclusions follow:
The second model explained 89% of the variability of the segre-
gation rate, meaning that the inclusion of the product between RSSA (1) A volumetric index of 20% is proposed as a conservative limit
and jDq j is significant. However, Table 7 shows that RSSA and jDq j for acceptable segregation in concrete. The concrete mix-
are not significant anymore with P-values of 0.09 and 0.16, tures analyzed here presented a threshold below which no
respectively. segregation was observed. This means that segregation can
Therefore, a third model was proposed, using only the product be prevented or reduced by the mixture design of concrete.
between RSSA and jDq j shown in Eq. (11). (2) The segregation rate produced during vibration was shown
to be independent of the time of vibration, so it is an intrin-
U t:est ¼ c0 þ c1  RSSA  jDq j ð11Þ
sic fresh property of the concrete mixture and can be used to
Table 8 shows that an increase in the RSSA  jDq j coefficient also characterize its behavior under vibration.
increased the segregation rate of concrete for a level of significance (3) The volume-to-surface area ratio of coarse aggregate
below 0.05. The RSSA  jDq j value explained 88% of the variability of explained the segregation rate of concrete more precisely
the segregation rate of concrete, which indicates a good prediction than MSA, meaning that the shape of the aggregate plays a
of the segregation from the linear regression model. However, the significant role in segregation. That is, segregation can be
model obtained is valid only for mixtures with similar mortar vis- reduced by either reducing MSA or increasing the angularity
cosities and volumes of aggregate used in this study. of coarse aggregate.
(4) As the density difference between coarse aggregate and
4.5. Validation and application of the proposed model mortar increases, the volume-to-surface area ratio becomes
more significant in explaining the segregation rate. This is
When comparing the model estimates of segregation rate using relevant when using lightweight and heavyweight aggre-
Eq. (11) with the experimental results (Fig. 7), it is observed that gates in normal weight mortars and implies that MSA and
the model shows a threshold of RSSA  jDq j under which there is the shape of the coarse aggregate must be especially consid-
no segregation. For the concrete tested in this study, that threshold ered for minimizing or eliminating segregation.
was 1.0 (Ton  mm=m3 ). The existence of a threshold was also (5) The segregation tendency of a concrete mixture is more
observed by Beris et al. [4], which predicted that a spherical parti- related to the combined effect of its volume-to-surface ratio
cle would settle in a fluid with Bingham plastic behavior only when and density difference between coarse aggregate and mortar
the yield stress parameter (Eq. (2)) is below 0.143. than by each individual parameter.
748 I. Navarrete, M. Lopez / Construction and Building Materials 149 (2017) 741–748

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