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Port City International University

An Internship Report
Compensation Management of Print Care : A Case Study on Head
Office, Jubliee Road, Chattogram

(This internship report has been submitted in partial fulfillment of

requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration with
a major in HRM during the year 2020)

Submitted To:
Mr. Azmat Ullah
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
Port City International University

Submitted By:
Niloy Chowdhury
ID: BBA 01105995
Major: HRM
Batch : 11th
Department of Business Administration
Port City International University

Letter of Transmittal

October 01, 2020

Mr. Azmat Ullah
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
Port City International University

Subject: Submission of internship report on “Compensation Management of

Print Care : A Case Study on Head Office, Jublee Road, Chattogram.”

Dear Sir,

With great pleasure I submit the internship report “Compensation Management of

Print Care : A Case Study on Head Office, Jublee Road, Chattogram”.

I have worked hard to make this report a best one. However, I am sure that this report
could have been a more superior one, if it had not been my first time to conduct such
a comparative study. However, this has obviously been a great source of learning for
me to conduct similar research studies in future.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for your guidance and suggestions
in preparing the report. I will be happy to provide any further explanation regarding
this internship report if necessary.

Niloy Chowdhury
ID: BBA 01105995
Major: HRM
Batch : 11th
Department of Business Administration
Port City International University

Supervisor’s Approval

This is to certify that Niloy Chowdhury, ID No: BBA01105995, student

of Bachelor of Business Administration, Port City International
University has completed a report work titled “Compensation
Management of Print Care : A Case Study on Head Office, Jublee Road,
Chattogram” under my supervision. This report is authentic and original.
It was not published earlier and submitted to any other University.

I wish him every success in life.


Mr. Azmat Ullah

Senior Lecturer
Department of Business Administration
Port City International University

Student’s Declaration

I hear by declare that this report titled “Compensation Management of

Print Care : A Case Study on Head Office, Jublee Road, Chattogram” is
prepared by me for Bachelor of Business Administration program major in
HRM. This report is a result of my hard work. I also declare that the
contents of my report which have been given are not copied and not
borrowed from other sources.

I would also like to declare that this report has not been submitted to any
other University or Institution for any other degree.

Sincerely yours


Niloy Chowdhury
ID: BBA 01105995
Major: HRM
Batch: 11th
Department of Business Administration
Port City International University

This internship report is the concluding formalities of the internship
program for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration of Port
City International University. This report has been prepared as per
academic requirement of Business Administration Department after
successfully completion of 3(three) months internship organized at Print
Care, head office, jublee Road, Chattogram with the view to make
acquainted the students with the realistic implementations of the
knowledge provides the theoretical aspects of practical life.

It is my gratification and great privilege to submit my report titled

“Compensation Management of Print Care : A Case Study on Head
Office, Jublee Road, Chattogram” at head office during my successful
internship period from 10th August 2020 to 10th October 2020.

I have tried my level best to gather as much as acceptable information to

enrich the report while working at Print Care. It was a fascinating
experience to work in this section and it has enriched both my knowledge
and experience.

However, there might have problems regarding lack and limitations in

some aspects and also some minor error such as syntax errors or typing
mistakes or lack of information. Please pardon me for mistakes and

In preparing this report a considerable amount of thinking and
informational inputs from various sources were involved.

First of all, I would like to thanks Allah for everything. Then my sincere
gratitude goes to my internship supervisor Mr. Azmat Ullah for providing
me the guidance, to fulfill my internship requirements. He gave all the time
and attention, which I needed to complete and compile my report as much
orderly way as possible. Besides, I express my sincere gratitude to
everyone who contributed towards making this report possible.

Also, I would like to thanks authorities of Print Care to give me the

opportunity to do my internship at their prestigious organization. The
experience and knowledge gained at Print Care helped me immensely to
address and understand all the elements related to my report, which I
otherwise would not have understood so well.

Last but not the least I would like to thank the respondents of my query,
for sparing the time to fill out my requirements. This report would not have
been possible without their valuable inputs.

Executive Summary

This is an overview of the report and my internship experience in print

Care. Print Care was established as a private company formed by a
reputed company belonging, a highly respected corporate house of
Bangladesh, in 2002 under the Companies Act. The company is a reputed
and quality insurable Ad firm and marketing company in Bangladesh.
Over the years, the company has developed and nurtured a close
relationship with the Reputed Companies providing them innovative and
cost-effective Advertisement Solution. The company strives to use its
expertise in Advertising to deliver better performances to its Clients. The
company gives a lot of emphasis on working closely with the Workers
and educating them with world-class Printing practices. The scenarios
and services offered by the organization have been described in this
report. The descriptive part of the report is about organization profile,
objectives, products, market share, accounts problem, management
problem & also the job satisfaction problem in consideration of the
report. The aim of this report is to describe overall performance of Print

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1
Introduction 2-3
Objectives of the study 3
Methodology of the Study 4
Scope of the Study 5
Limitations of the Study 6
CHAPTER 2: Company Profile 7
Background of unique Firm 8
Office Of Print Care 9
Company’s Mission 1 9
Company’s vision 1 10
Service offered by Print Care 1 10
Company’s Values 1 11
Administration Department of Print Care 1 12
Functions Of Administration Department 1 12
Print Care Marketing & Sales Department 1 13
Organization Hierarchy 1 14
CHAPTER 3:SWOT Analysis & Literature Review 15
SWOT Analysis Of Print Care 16
CHAPTER 4: Compensation Management Practices & Policies 17
Compensation Management Practices 18-21
Compensation Management Policies 22-26
CHAPTER 5:Data Analysis & Findings 5 27
Data Analysis 28-37
Findings 38
CHAPTER 6: Recommendations & Conclusion 5 39
Recommendations 40
Conclusion 41

Chapter 1

Compensation administration is one of the most important areas of human
resource management because sound compensation policies, programs
and their effective execution are essential to procure, maintain and
develop the human resource of the organization to get executive result
from them. It involves the selection, designing, development and
direction of programs designed to implement compensation or incentive
policy through financial rewards. Beach has defined wage and salary
administration as follows: Wage and salary administration refers to the
establishment and implementation of sound policies and practice of
employee compensation. It includes such areas as job evaluation, surveys
of wages and salaries, analysis of relevant organizational problems
development and maintenance of wage structure, establishing rules for
administering wages. Wage payments, incentives, profit sharing, wage
changes, and adjustment, supplementary payments, control of
compensation costs and other related items. The traditional concept of
wage and salary administration emphasized on only determination of
wage and salary structure in organizational settings. In simple words
Compensation administration is a systematic procedure for establishing a
sound compensation management. Compensation administration is one of
the most important areas of human resource management because sound
compensation policies, programs and their effective execution are
essential to procure, maintain and develop the human resource of the
organization to get executive result from them. It involves the selection,
designing, development and direction of programs designed to implement
compensation or incentive policy through financial rewards. Beach has
defined wage and salary administration as follows: Wage and salary
administration refers to the establishment and implementation of sound
policies and practice of employee compensation .It includes such

areas as job evaluation, surveys of wages and salaries, analysis of relevant

organizational problems, development and maintenance of wage
structure, establishing rules for administering wages. Wage payments,
incentives, profit sharing, wage changes, and adjustment, supplementary
payments, control of compensation costs and other related items. The
traditional concept of wage and salary administration emphasized on only
determination of wage and salary structure in organizational settings. In
simple words Compensation administration is a systematic procedure for
establishing a sound compensation structure.

Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of the study are:
 To state brief history on Print Care.
 To understand the current market status based on existing economic
 To draw a complete diagram that starts with production to the end uses.
 To reveal marketing strategies of Print Care.
 To find out the problems in marketing operations of Print Care.

 To provide some guidelines/suggestions to the policy maker to improve

the supply chain, marketing and sales practices

Methodology of the Study
 Research Design
The illustrations of the objectives of the project above give an idea of the
study. The main purpose of the report is to assess over all performance of
Print Care agency on basis of critical success factors. Among the various
factors I have tried to find out the critical success factors for this
industries through the secondary data analysis.

This report is about assessing and comparing the administration,

production, distribution, accounts, marketing, pricing and competitor
analysis of Print Care in the advertisement market of Bangladesh. So, I
tried to find out the market share of each of the firm performing in the
advertising industry as a preliminary step to isolate the Print Care firms
share and other comparable firms. Then tried to assess each of the firm’s
position comparing to Print Care on each issues of the success factors.
Also tried to find out the comparable competitors of Unique their
strengths and weaknesses through studying their profiles. And finally,
tried to recommend the strategy for Unique according to their competitive
position in the market.

 Sampling Method
The required data for this report was collected from the suppliers of Ad
industry. There is no particular sample frame available for this report. So,
convenience sampling is used, as it is also the cheapest and the easiest
methods of sampling . The sample frame for this report consists of
representative persons of the firms. Because of they know over all
information of the firms. Due to time constraints the survey was
conducted in Chattogram city only . Over all the report we are about 13
people who participated in the survey.

 Data Collection
The data collection was done through both primary and secondary
sources. The primary data was collected through questioning to
employees of Print Care and the secondary data was collected from the
available archives of Print Care, journals, newspaper, google etc for
addressing the critical success factors, production and the sales
performance of each of the firm in the industry.

 Data Analysis
This is a study of assessment and comparison of the competitors of Print
Care. So, after the data collection a market share analysis was performed
using the acquired secondary data, to evaluate the current market share of
Print Care and also the other players of the industry by using the market
share & relative market share measures. Stepwise competitor analysis
was also performed to determine the major competitors of Unique
.Competitive position was determined by assessing the strengths &
weaknesses of the major competitors.

Scope of the Report

In the title of the report it is mentioned that the report name is
‘‘Compensation management of Print Care : A Case Study on Head
Office Khulshi , Chattogram” So this report covers the knowledge about
advertising, its demand, marketing practices and business opportunity
related proceedings. Advertising industry is one of the most important
sectors of marketing. planning ,Advertising elements , structure of the
products contains a high value. It has the entire key element that is
required by the Organization to promote their products.
Limitations of the Study

There were few limitations in the study due to some uncontrollable and
unavoidable factors as the report attempts to reflect the exact scenario of
marketing practices of commercial ad of Unique. Some of the limitations
of the report are as follows:
 Time frame for the report was very limited.
 It was very much difficult to collect necessary data from the Unique and
it was a major problem in making the report.
 There were a few questions which were tactfully avoided or not exactly
answered by the respondents.
 The company was not eager to divulge actual information in some cases.
For this reason, there were arise deviation between the expressed opinion
and the fact.
 In many cases, up to date information is not published.
 To protect the organizational loss in regard of maintaining confidentiality,
some parts of the report are not in depth.
 The study could not cover large number of poultry traders and feed using
in wider geographical areas due to shortage of time and fund. So, the
findings of the study may not be generalized.

Through these limitations have the scope of wider use of the findings but
still it is believed that the study would at least be able to through light on
a totally untouched sector of Bangladesh.
Company Profile
Background of Print Care Firm
Print Care Firm is the fastest growing advertising company in Bangladesh
and one of the prominent marketing industries. The journey of Mr.
Narayan Chowdhury (Managing Director of Print Care Firm), in the
advertising industry started in the year 2005. The Print Care Complex
Limited formally came into existence in the year 2003. From 2005 to
2009, the company was only involved in the local advertising business.
Print Care Complex Limited was established and incorporated as a
Private Limited Company on September 12, 2010 for producing
commercial and Jingles to sell in the domestic market. The Company
operates through 4 production lines which are located in different area.
The registered office of the of the Company is at 6 Jubliee Road,
Chattogram, Bangladesh and the production house of the Company is
located at 13/A Lalkhan Bazar Dampara khulshi, Chattogram. Mr.
Narayan Chowdhury, an M.B.A, looks after major operational activities
of the Company and takes decision about the Company policy. Due to the
increase of the demand of Digital Flaks on the market, the company
decided to start a Flaks design business as well. They have a broad field
of business area such as planning, Billboard ,flex and banner .The main
focus ,however ,is the advertise making chain in Bangladesh. Print Care
firm in Chattogram is engaged in making advertisement for sale in the

With the aim of continuous progress of Print Care Firm was established
in 2005 by Mr. Narayan Chowdhury (Managing Director). For producing
Commercial Advertise and the single product digital marketing of the
country emerged as Print Care firm in 2008.

It generates its 100% revenue from the local market. KSRM, RSRM,

Offices of Print Care

 Head Office
Aziz Chamber 5th Flr

6 Jubliee Road , Chattagram, Bangladesh. Tel: 01911700143


 Branch Office
Aziz Chamber 5th Flr , 6 Jubliee Road, Chattagram.

Mission Of Print Care:

. Achieving the satisfaction of Allah both here and hereafter.

. Quality advertising solution adopting the latest technology.

. Fast and efficient customer service.

. Maintaining high standard of business ethics.

. Balanced growth.

. Innovative marketing at a competitive price.

. Attract and retain quality human resources.

. Extending competitive compensation packages to the employees.

. Firm commitment to the growth of national economy.

Vision of Print Care:
The ultimate vision of Print Care is to be the first leading company in
Bangladesh in the Advertising industry. Print Care wants to see itself as
the one and only leading performer and world class service providers in
the Ad industry.

Service Offered by Print Care Firm

1. Digital Marketing: Digital marketing basically an online based

platform which is making for marketing in virtual life. Now this is a
very popular marketing method

2. Digital Flex: Its very demand full product in local market which is use
for local advertising.

3. Digital Banner: Digital banner is now become a popular in local

advertising market almost every company use this item for their
marketing or Advertising.

4. Digital Bill Board: Digital bill board aren’t very popular in our
country but occasionally many organizations use this advertising
policy and Print Care firm provide this facility also.
Company Values
There are some unique qualities in Print Care which make the firm
different from others. They are given below-

 High quality Ad Solution

 Fairness
 Transparency
 Assurance of purity
 Customer loyalty
 Customer care
 Employee loyalty
 Popular among new generation agency owner
 Faith and trust of people
 Recognized brand
 Continuous improvement by R&D

These are the major factors of the firm that makes it different from other

Administration Department of Print Care

The Corporate Administration Department of Print Care is responsible for
overseeing the overall operation in accordance with the policies and
procedures adopted by the organization. The Department is also
responsible for fulfilling the statutory corporate administration
responsibilities and duties. The Department coordinate sand follows
through on the short- and long-term strategic planning and acquisition of
corporate computer equipment services and telecommunications
equipment and services. This ensures the effective operation of the flow
of information services infrastructure and supports the various processes
of the organization.

Some Functions of Administration Department are given below-

 Provide support and service for the activities of the Board of

 To create appropriate condition for efficient operation of structural
 Coordination of construction, maintenance, rent and keeping
buildings issues.
 Coordination of issues as logistical support of Bank activities.
 Maintain coordination with Govt. regulatory bodies and supervise
 Manage the overall transport maintenance and safety issues.
 Control the inventory management and confirm security.
 Proper coordination in space allocation, premises maintenance and

communication services.
 Supervise the lands program.
 Supervise customer services and respond to customer inquiries.
 Assist with preparation of Bylaws.
 Assist with preparation and advertising of contract documents.
 Administer contracts.
 Circular Bio-data arrangement.
 Attendance posting.
 Responsibility Prepare.
Print Care: Marketing and Sales Department
Management of marketing department is very experienced and reserves
vast knowledge about Sales Marketing. One marketing manager is the
main person in this Marketing department. He is highly experienced in
sales and marketing and has lot experience acquired from other local
company. One officer Sales always supporting him to executes Marketing
Department works.

Aim of Marketing Department Management

 To provide best quality product to customer.
 Always try to give better service to our valuable customer for gain
customer trust and satisfaction.
 Share success together with the customer.
 Develop together with the stuff.
 To establish Print Care as a trustworthy and one of the best companies in
Ad industry in Bangladesh.
Organization Hierarchy

Managing Director

Senior Officer (Accounts)

Chapter 3
SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis of Print Care

1. The management of Print Care cares for the quality of service as
well as the quality of its human resources.
2. Print Care is a Financially Sound company.
3. Print Care state of the art technology to ensure consistent quality and
4. Print Care provides its work force an excellent place to work.
5. Print Care already achieve a good will among the clients.
1. Print Care lacks aggressive advertising.
2. The organization has no research and development division.
3. Computer facility for all the officers is not available. Moreover all the
officers have no computer knowledge.
4. The proposal evaluation process is lengthy. Therefore sometimes
valuable clients are lost and the organization become unable to meet the
1. Print Care can introduce more innovative and modern customer
2. Many links can be buildup in local remote places for providing the
3. Print Care can recruit experienced, efficient, and knowledge offices
and staffs as it officers good working environment.
4. Introducing visual license of Ad making.
1. The worldwide trend of mergers and acquisition in financial
institutions is causing problems.
2. Providing Strict law by high court is now a great problem for ad
3. Lots of new organization are coming in the scenario with new service.
4. Local competitors can capture huge market by offering similar product
Chapter 04
Compensation Management
Practices and Policies
Compensation Management Practices and Polices

Compensation is the most important part in any organization as it is one

of the key factors of motivation for all employees now-a-days. Therefore
different organization undertakes attractive compensation policy to
uphold the potential employees to increase the productivity. Generally,
we can see two types of compensation system. One is financial and
another one is non-financial. Print Care has been also offering lucrative
compensation to their employees for years for which their demand is up
scaling day by day. One of the finest thing that I observe that Print Care
has always tried their utmost to keep their best person else by ensuring
the best pay scale comparing with the competitors. Therefore it is seen
that the turnout ratio of employees of Print Care is so low. Print Care goal
of compensation is to focus on the certain activity or works done by the
employees upon which the compensation is maintain or scaled such as it
has maintain a combination of cash, benefits, retirement, perquisites as a
total compensation package.

There are several compensation policies taken by Print Care. These are
given below:
To compare with all the local Organizations Print Care pays relatively so
high to their lower level employees. It is done due to grab the potential
employees from the market. Actually there are few companies in the
market to pay such a high basics to their employees for which Print Care
is still is the first choice of new comers. This is the area in which Print
Care has done marvelous job because now-a-days employees are more
concern of their basics. Print Care has successfully adapted this change. It
has been seen that employees of Print Care are highly satisfied due to the
convenient salary structure as other company in the market are not paying
like this. Moreover, Print Care used to review its salary once in a year.
For an instance every December, the salary of the employee review based
on the performance which is key motivating factor to perform well.
Another thing that is to mention that Print Care conducts performance
evaluation twice in a year according to that they are to review the salary.
The overall pay structure of the employees varies in different layers
which are shown below:-

Designation Salary ( BDT taka)

Trainee Officer (TO) 20,000

Officer 25,000

Senior Officer (Accounts) 35,000

Managing Director 50,000

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 60,000

Salary Payment:
The most important thing about the payment of the salary of Print Care is
that it clears all the salary payments within 25 thof each month which is
quite absent in other companies. The employees are paid their every
month salary on their accounts which they have to open while joining in
the company. It is good in such way that all the tax and deductible
income are cut by company itself and the employees get those amounts
withdrawn the money from their account as a whole.
Like the other organizations, Print Care provides two festival bonuses to
their employee’s one is in Eid-ul- Fitar another one is Eid-ul-Azha. The
bonus is equivalent to the basics of the employees. Moreover, there is
another provision regarding the bonus which is based on the performance
of the employee.

Performance Bonus:
If the Organization makes profit, the employees will be entitled to 3% of
pre-tax profit as performance bonus. Fifty percent of such bonus
distributed on the basis of basic pay of an employee, and balance fifty
percent on the basis of performance of individual employees.
Performance appraisal for the purpose made on the criterion set by the
management time to time.

Provident Fund & Gratuity:

The employees are also entitled with provident fund in Print Care
Actually 10% of the basic are deducted from each employee for the
provident fund along with this 10% another 10% provided by the
company total 20% is installed as the payment of provident fund. This
fund is given to their employees at the end of their service. If any
employees leave the organization before completing three years of
employment he will get the provident fund induce from the 10% of the
basic that will calculated upon his service period which means those
employees will not be able to claim the other 10% provided by the
company. In addition Print Care also provide gratuity to their which has a
handsome amount apart from the basics. The employees who complete 10
years are used to get a gratuity equivalent to the basic of 3 months.
Annual Increment:
There is a provision of annual increment of Print Care which is 10%
increment based on the performance. It works as a motivating factor for
the employees to perform well. Therefore each employee tries their best
to make it happen so that their base salary having well shaped structure.

Travel Allowance:
The organization also provides travel allowance to their employees. If
any employee travels any place in Bangladesh regarding company’s
prospect, they will get the money or remuneration that is cost by them but
the cost that is spent is verified by the HR personnel and after that they
got the requisition of the money.

House Rent Allowance:

The company also provides house rent to their permanent employees who
are in the managerial level. Each employee in the managerial level gets
55% of their basic as house rent. This encourages the potential candidates
in the market to work for Print Care.

Employee Loan:
Unlike other firms, Print Care provides a great scheme of loans to their
employees. First of all, the permanent employees get loans from their
provident fund at a cost of 10%. They can use their money for several
purposes. Secondly, from the executive level the employees are qualified
for home loans, car loans and others at a cost of 8% where it is around
15% for the customers so it an extra benefits consumed by the employees.

Medical Facilities:
The medical facility provided by Print Care is quite different from other
banks. Print Care has their own medical team to look after their
employees in case of any medical assistance. They have their nursing
home as well. Therefore employees of Print Care do not have the
opportunity to enjoy life insurance which means Print Care does not
provides life insurance policies to the employees.

Welfare Funds:
Every year 200 taka for each employee is deducted to count in the
employee welfare fund. The money induced from the welfare fund is used
for the welfare for the employees when they are in trouble or in
emergency. This money is totally distributed to the employees so that
they feel safe at their emergency period.

Earn Leave:
The employees who complete one year of service without any unusual
leave, get 30 days for earn leave in a year. It means their paid equivalent
30 days of compensation.

Disability Leave:
If any employee faces unusual accident or physical challenge, then they
are provided leave granted by the company which is called disability
leave but for this leave the salary of them will not be deduced which
means these are paid leave.

Maternity Leave:
Maternity leave may be granted by the competent authority to an
employee for a maximum Three months period at a time. This flexibility
is provided considering the labor law made by the government. This is
also a paid leave.

Study leave:
There is a fantastic opportunity for the employee of Print Care. The
employees who perform extensively well and show gratitude of benefits
that they can contribute for the sake of company are entitled for
recommendation to study. Generally, the employees are recommended to
get 3 (three) years paid leave for their studies but all the employees do not
get this advantage because it is for those who are really high performer
are to authorized to get the full payment to continue their studies.

Deaths Benefits
There are several compensation policies in an organization.
Compensation is important such a way that without a fair policy in this
sector, it is not possible to make the employee participate in their work
effectively. Print Care undertake different lucrative policies regarding the
compensation of their employees so that they can manipulate employees
to have a productive outcome. The policies over the compensation taken
by Print Care are discussed below:-

The most important policy of Print Care is providing the death benefits to
their employees to support their families to run with. It is such a benefit
that is handover to their families after the death of employees. To get this
after this death employee nominate a person of him to take the money
which is done for the proper documentation and safety of the money. Due
to this the families of those employees feel comfortable and secure after
the death of their wage earner. The death benefit varies according to the
designation and employment status. The following chart will give the
clear overview of several death benefits in different layers.

Designation Amount of taka

Managing Director 6 Lac

Senior Officer 4 Lac

Officer 3 Lac

Trainee Office 1 Lac

There is another policy which is providing loan to the employees at a

lower interest rate. Print Care of the employee are ought to pay only 8%
interest rate over the loan. So, the employees can use this money of the
loan for their personal welfare.
Print Care has undertaken different plans of the employees who are of
ages over 60 years regarding the compensation. The basic compensation
policies are not valid to the employees who are over 60 years old. It
means all the employees get the compensation benefits within 60 years.

In addition, Print Care also provides financial aids to those employees

who are enthusiastic to participate any competitive examination. Print
Care bears all the fees and necessary finance of those particular
competitions. For instance if any employee eager to participate in CDCS
(Certified documentary credit specialist) where an employee will need
eighty thousand taka which is totally bear by the Organization.

Moreover, Print Care also some policies over the completion over the
several courses like High professionalism Degree in Ad Making. If the
employee can complete the first part of Ad making, he will be provided
eight thousand taka where if they become able to complete the second
part they will be funded fifteen thousand taka. These sorts of assistance
encourage the employees to make themselves to more competent to
relevant field by undertaking those professional courses.
Chapter 05
Data Analysis & Findings
Data Analysis:

1. Are you satisfied with your current salaries?

Particular Responds Percentage

Satisfied 3 20%

Strongly satisfied 10 66%

Neutral 2 13%

Dissatisfied 0 0%

Strongly dissatisfied 0 0%

Total 15 100%

From the above figure, we can observe that 66% employees are strongly
satisfied with the current salary and 20% are satisfied where 13%
employees are neutral.

Most of the employees are strongly satisfied with current salaries.
2. Are you happy with your portion of base pay?

Particular Responds Percentage

Yes 14 93%

No 0 0%

Neutral 1 7%

Total 15 100%

From the above figure, we can observe that 93% employees are happy
with their portion of base pay where 7% are neutral.

Most of the employees are happy with their portion of base pay.
3. Are you satisfied with the compensation benefits and plans provided to

Particular Responds Percentage

Satisfied 9 60%

Strongly satisfied 3 20%

Neutral 3 20%

Dissatisfied 0 0%

Strongly 0 0%

Total 15 100%

From the above figure, we can observe that 60% employees are satisfied
with the compensation benefits and plans and 20% are strongly satisfied
where 20% employees are neutral.

Most of the employees are satisfied with compensation benefits and plans.
4. Do you feel competitors pay mix is more attractive?

Particular Responds Percentage

Yes 5 33%

No 10 67%

Neutral 0 0%

Total 15 100%


From the above figure, we can observe that 67% employees don’t think that
competitor pay mix is more attractive where 33% think competitor pay mix
is more attractive than Print Care.


Most of the employees thinking that other competitors of Print Care pay
mix are not attractive.
5. Does the company adjust the whole compensation time to time?

Particular Responds Percentage

Yes 12 80%

No 2 13%

Neutral 1 7%

Total 15 100%


From the above figure, we can observe that 80% employees said
compensation adjusted time to time, 13% said no where 7% are neutral.


Most of the employees said their compensation is adjusted time to time.

6. How do you rate your Organization work environment?

Particular Respondents percentage

Excellent 3 20%

Very good 3 20%

Good 8 53%

Average 1 7%

Poor 0 0%

Total 15 100%

From the above figure, we can observe that 53% employees said Print Care
work environment is good, 20% employees said environment is very good,
20% said work environment is excellent and other 7% said working
environment is average.

Most of the employees said Print Care Firms work environment is good.
7. Does your organization provide the medical facilities?

Particular Respondents percentage

Agree 1 7%

Strongly agree 14 93%

Neutral 0 0%

Disagree 0 0%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 15 100%

From the above figure, we can observe that 93% employees are strongly
agreed with that they are provided medical facility where other 7 % are

Most of the employees are strongly agree that they are provided medical
8. How do you rate your company’s incentives system?

Particular Respondents percentage

Excellent 1 7%

Very good 4 26%

Good 9 60%

Average 1 7%

Poor 0 0%

Total 15 100%

From the above figure, we can observe that 60% employees said Print Care
incentive system is good, 26% are very good, 7% are excellent and other 7%
said incentives are average.


Most of the employees said Print Care incentive system is good.

9. Does your organization provide the life insurance facility?

Particular Responds Percentage

Yes 0 0%

No 13 87%

Neutral 2 13%

Total 15 100%

From the above figure, we can observe 87% employees said Print Care did
not provide any life insurance facility to employees where 13% are neutral.


Most of the employees said they did not get life insurance facility.
10. What types of insurance facility offered by your organization?

Particular Responds Percentage

Individual insurance 2 13%

Group insurance 11 74%

Any other 2 13%

Total 15 100%


From the above figure, we can observe 74% employees said Print Care have
group insurance facility. 13% said they have individual insurance facility
and other 13% said they have other insurance facility.

Most of the employees said they got group insurance facility
 Compensation benefits and plans which are provided by the Print Care
authority I think most of the employees are satisfied but some of them are
not satisfied.
 Most important thing is work environment of an organization but in this
organization the work environment is not so good, I observe only half of
their employee are satisfied & another half wants more comfortable and
good work environment.
 Providing Compensation & other benefits are good but it should be better
because some of the employees are not satisfied.
 Print Care don’t increase their salary increment & other compensation
facilities with the latest compensation structure.
 One another thing I found in this organization and that is Life insurance
policy Print Care Organization doesn’t provide any kind of insurance
policy to their employees & their employees are very dissatisfied about
 When the employee get promoted their incentive and compensation
planning is not so good.
 Most of the employees thinking that Print Care pay mix are not attractive
than other competitor organization.
Chapter 06
Recommendations &

 Compensation benefits and plans which are provided by the authority
its good but it should be better because most of the employees are
dissatisfy about this So, Print Care should increase other benefits
according to their promotion and efforts.
 Another important thing is work environment maximum employee of
Print Care are not happy So, Print Care authority should try to create a
good and sound working environment.
 Print Care should try to increase compensation and benefits according
to market standard analysis.
 I think Print Care should introduce life insurance policy to their
employees since other organization of similar field have their life
insurance policy.
 Print Care Compensation and incentives would be better and
satisfactory for the employee if they get other incentives and benefits
along with the salary when they are promoted they become more
 Print Care pay mix should be attractive & authority should take care
of this sight.
I am fortunate that I was given the opportunity to work in HR division of
Print Care. I think it is a great policy of Port City International University to
make the internship programme compulsory for the graduation. As I have
worked three months in one of the local leading Organization in Bangladesh, I
was able to know different HR practices performed in the Organization. I also
get to know that the HR practices of Print Care signifies standard in relevant
field. The best thing is that for working practically I have been able to have a
profound knowledge over the compensation. I came to know different
compensation strategies taken by Print Care which I can relate with my
academic knowledge. Print Care ensures a fair compensation policy for which
the satisfaction level of employee is so high. Due to this high job satisfaction
of the employee regarding the compensation, the overall employee turnover is
quite negligible in Print Care. Finally it is to mention that I was able to relate
all my academic HR knowledge with the real environment which is I think
will be highly helpful for my future career.
 Data base of Print Care, Head Office
 Bangladesh Ad agency report(2013).Source Business Monitor
 Bangladesh Economic Review (2013)
 Wikipedia Advertising Agency
 Naresh k Malhotra, Marketing research (1999), An applied
orientation, 3rd edition, prentice Hall International.
 Ad agency Business Directory 2016
 Website of different company in Digital Marketing.
Survey question regarding compensation System of Print Care:

 Are you satisfied with your current salaries?

 Are you happy with your portion of base pay?
 Are you satisfied with the compensation benefits and plans
provided to you?
 Do you feel competitor pay mix is more attractive?
 Does the company adjust the whole compensation time to
 How do you rate your organization work environment?
 Does your organization provide the medical facilities?
 How do you rate your company’s incentives system?
 Does your organization provide the life insurance facility?
 What types of insurance facility offered by your organization?

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