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Hybrid Control of the Boost Converter: Robust Global Stabilization

Thomas A.F. Theunisse, Jun Chai, Ricardo G. Sanfelice, and W.P. Maurice H. Heemels

Abstract— In this paper we consider the modeling and [4]–[9], and new perspectives on their control were proposed,
(robust) control of a DC-DC boost converter. In particular, including time-based switching, state-event triggered control,
we derive a mathematical model consisting of a constrained and optimization-based control.
switched differential inclusion that includes all possible modes
of operation of the converter. The obtained model is carefully In this paper, motivated by the need of converters that
selected to be amenable for the study of various important robustly adapt to changes in renewable energy systems, we
robustness properties. By exploiting this model we design consider the modeling and robust control of a DC-DC boost
a control algorithm that induces robust, global asymptotic converter. As a difference to previous models capturing only
stability of a desired output voltage value. The guaranteed steady state modes of operation (see, e.g., [4], [5]), inspired
robustness properties ensure proper operation of the converter
in the presence of spatial regularization to reduce the high rate by [9], we propose a model that includes all possible modes
of switching. The establishment of these properties is enabled by of operation of the converter. Due to this, we guarantee
recent tools for the study of robust stability in hybrid systems. that both transient behavior and every possible state of
Simulations illustrating the main results are included. the system is captured by the model. Our proposed model
I. I NTRODUCTION for the Boost converter consists of a switching differential
inclusion with constraints. Using hybrid systems tools, we
The increasing number of renewable energy sources and study the properties induced by a controller that triggers
distributed generators requires new strategies for the oper- switches of the differential inclusion based on the value of
ation and management of the electricity grid in order to the internal current and output voltage of the converter as
maintain or even to improve the power-supply reliability well as on the value of the state of the controller (a logic
and quality. Power electronics play a key role in distributed variable). We formally prove that the controller we employ,
generation and in integration of renewable sources into the which follows the one first proposed in [5] and studied
electrical grid [1]. A recent challenge for these systems is the by simulations therein, induces robust, global asymptotic
unavoidable variability of the power obtained from renewable stability of a desired output voltage value. The robustness
resources, which, in turn, demands conversion technology properties guarantee proper operation of the converter in
that robustly adapts to changes in the supplies and demands. the presence of spatial regularization to relax the rate of
One type of converter that is widely used in energy con- switching. The recently developed tools for robust stability
version is the DC-DC Boost converter. This converter draws in hybrid systems form the enabling techniques to achieve
power from a DC voltage source and supplies power to a these important results [10].
load at a higher DC voltage value. Different approaches have The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. After
been employed in the literature for the analysis and design of introducing notation, the principles of operation of the Boost
such converters. Arguably, the most popular method used to converter are discussed and our mathematical model is pre-
control such converters is Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM). sented in Section II. A switching control law is presented in
In PWM-based controllers, the switch in the circuit is turned Section III. In addition, also in Section III, global asymptotic
on at the beginning of each switching period and is turned off stability for the closed-loop system is proven. The results on
when the reference value is lower than a certain carrier signal robustness are also presented in Section III. In Section IV,
[2]. In [3], the two steady state configurations of the circuit simulations are performed to illustrate our results. Finally,
are averaged, leading to a single differential equation model. concluding remarks are presented in Section V.
More recently, a renewed interest in power converters origi- Notation: Rn denotes n-dimensional Euclidean space, and
nated from the rise of switching/hybrid modeling paradigms R denotes the set of real numbers. R≥0 denotes the set of
T. A. F. Theunisse, and W. P. M. H. Heemels are with the Control Systems nonnegative real numbers, i.e., R≥0 = [0, ∞). N denotes the
Technology group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven set of natural numbers including 0, i.e., N = {0, 1, . . . }. B
University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The denotes the closed unit ball in a Euclidean space centered at
Netherlands. Email:, J. Chai, and R. G. the origin. Given a set S, ∂S denotes its boundary. Given
Sanfelice are with the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical a vector x ∈ Rn , |x| denotes the Euclidean vector norm.
Engineering, University of Arizona 1130 N. Mountain Ave, Given a set K ⊂ Rn and a point x ∈ Rn , the distance of
AZ 85721. Email:, The work of Maurice Heemels x to the set K is denoted by |x|K := inf y∈K |x − y|. We
was partially supported by the European 7th Framework Network of use the notation co to denote the closed convex hull of a set.
Excellence Highly-complex and networked control systems (HYCON2) For l vectors xi ∈ Rni , i = 1, 2, . . . , l, we denote the vector
(grant agreement no. 257462). The research by J. Chai and R. G. Sanfelice
has been partially supported by the NSF CAREER Grant no. ECS-1150306 obtained by stacking all the vectors in one (column) vector
and by AFOSR Grant no. FA9550-12-1-0366. x ∈ Rn with n = n1 + n2 + . . . + nl by (x1 , x2 , . . . , xl ),
+ vd -
L can derive constrained differential equations for each mode.
+ - d Conveniently, the equations for mode 2 and mode 4 can be
id + combined into a single mode, which with some abuse of
iS vS +
vc R
notation, we label as mode 2. Following circuit laws, the
E - constrained differential equations for each mode are given
S - c -
in terms of (vc , iL , S) as follows:
 
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a Boost circuit with diode. 
 S =0 
 S =1
 1 
v̇c = − Rc vc + 1c iL 1
v̇c = − Rc vc
1: 1 E 2: E

 i̇ = − v + 
 i̇ =
 L L c L  L L
i.e., (x1 , x2 , . . . , xl ) = [x⊤ ⊤ ⊤ ⊤
1 , x2 , . . . , xN ] . A function α :
iL > 0, or (vc ≤ E, iL = 0) vc ≥ 0
R≥0 → R≥0 is said to be of class K if it is continuous, 
zero at zero and strictly increasing. It is said to be of class 
 S =0
 1
K∞ if it is of class K and it is unbounded. A function β : v̇c = − Rc vc
R≥0 × R≥0 → R≥0 is said to be of class KL if β(·, t) is 
 i̇ L = 0

of class K for each t ≥ 0 and β(s, ·) is nonincreasing and vc > E, iL = 0
satisfies limt→∞ β(s, t) = 0 for each s ≥ 0.
Therefore, the value of the switch S determines whether
II. M ODELING the system is in mode 1/mode 3 (S = 0) or mode 2 (S = 1).
In this section we describe the principles of operation of Note that it is possible that when S changes, vc and iL may
the DC-DC Boost converter. Afterwards, we present a hybrid not be in the regions of viability in the subsequent mode,
system model, covering all possible system modes. in which case vc and iL should be appropriately reset (e.g.,
via consistency projectors mapping the state to the algebraic
A. Principles of Operation conditions of the subsequent mode [7], [8], [11]). Although,
The DC-DC Boost converter is shown in Figure 1. The a full model with resets can be derived, see [9], for practical
Boost circuit consists of a capacitor c, an ideal diode d, a operation of the converter it is clearly undesirable that such
DC voltage source E, an inductor L, a resistor R, and an resets occur as they may damage the circuit. Therefore our
ideal switch S. The voltage across the capacitor is denoted controller will allow S = 0 when iL ≥ 0, and S = 1
vc , and the current through the inductor is denoted iL . The only when vc ≥ 0. Indeed, in Section III-A, we propose
purpose of the circuit is to draw power from the DC voltage a controller that guarantees that after every switch of S, the
source, and supply power to the load at a higher DC voltage algebraic conditions of the subsequent mode are satisfied.
value. This task is accomplished by first closing the switch For convenience, we define x := (vc , iL ) and the algebraic
to store energy in the inductor, and then opening the switch constraints for the modes above in terms of sets as follows:
to transfer that energy to the capacitor, where it is available M1 = {x ∈ R2 : iL > 0} ∪ {x ∈ R2 : vc ≤ E, iL = 0},
to the load.
The presence of switching elements (d and S) causes the M2 = {x ∈ R2 : vc ≥ 0},
overall system to be of a switching/hybrid nature. Depending M3 = {x ∈ R2 : vc > E, iL = 0}
on the (discrete) state of the diode and of the switch, one
Hence, S = 0 is only allowed when x ∈ M1 ∪M3 and S = 1
can distinguish four modes of operation [9]:
is only allowed when x ∈ M2 . Using these restrictions, we
mode 1: (S = 0, d = 1) mode 2: (S = 1, d = 0) can derive a switched differential inclusion encompassing all
mode 3: (S = 0, d = 0) mode 4: (S = 1, d = 1) the modes of operation derived so far.
When the system is in mode 1, in which the switch is open B. Mathematical Model
(S = 0) and the diode is conducting (d = 1), the inductor is In this section, we define a mathematical model of the
charged by the input source, which, also offloads power to Boost converter in which the differential equations in each
the resistor. In mode 2, in which the switch is closed (S = 1) mode define the continuous dynamics. Since the vector field
and the diode is blocking (d = 0), the inductor is charged associated with mode 1 is
by the input source and the capacitor is offloading its charge  1

− Rc vc + 1c iL
to the load. In mode 3, the capacitor offloads its charge to fa (x) =
− L1 vc + E
the load. Finally, mode 4, in which the switch is closed, the L
diode is conducting and the voltage in the capacitor is zero, and the vector field associated with mode 3 is
hence only the inductor is charging.  1

− Rc vc
Using the ideal diode model with two modes, given by fb (x) =
id ≥ 0, vd = 0 (the conducting mode, d = 1) and
id = 0, vd ≤ 0 (the blocking mode, d = 0), we get four the resulting vector field for S = 0 is discontinuous. To
different modes with different S and d combinations. By establish robust asymptotic stability of the upcoming closed-
analyzing the evolution of vc and iL for these four modes, we loop system, a Krasovskii regularization of the vector field
will be performed following ideas in [12], [13]. 1 The system A. Control Law
will take the form of a switched differential inclusion with Given a desired set-point voltage vc∗ > 0 and current
constraints, namely iL > 0, let x∗ = (vc∗ , i∗L ) and consider the control Lyapunov-

ẋ ∈ FS (x) fS
x∈M (1) function

where S ∈ {0, 1} is the position of the switch S, and for V (x) = (x − x∗ )⊤ P (x − x∗ )

each S ∈ {0, 1}, FS (x) is the Krasovskii regularization of p11 0
fS is the corresponding regularization where P = > 0. To derive the control law,
the vector fields and M 0 p22
of the sets capturing the regions of validity for each mode. we compute the inner product between the gradient of V
Solutions will be considered in the sense of Krasovskii [12], and the directions belonging to the (set-valued) map FS in
[13]. (1). By analyzing the inner product of each configuration,
Following [13], the regularization of M fS for S = 0 is for each S ∈ {0, 1} and x(∈ MfS we get ,
f 2
M0 = M1 ∪ M3 = {x ∈ R : iL ≥ 0}, and for S = 1 is γ0 (x) if S = 0, x ∈ Mf0
f1 = M2 = {x ∈ R2 : vc ≥ 0}. Note that for x ∈ M3 , fa max h∇V (x), ξi = f
M ξ∈FS (x) γ1 (x) if S = 1, x ∈ M1
and fb reduce to  
− Rc 1
vc where, for each x ∈ R2 , functions γ0 and γ1 are defined as
fa (x) =  
iL =0 − L1 vc + E 1 1
L γ0 (x) =: 2p11 (vc − vc∗ ) − vc + iL +
− Rc vc Rc c
fb (x) =  
iL =0 0 ∗ −vc + E
Then, the regularization of the vector field f0 at each x ∈ M 2p22 (iL − iL )
is given by\  
1 E
F0 (x) := cof0 (x + δB) γ1 (x) =: 2p11 (vc − vc ) − vc + 2p22 (iL − i∗L )

Rc L

 {fa
(x)}    if x ∈ M1 \ M3 The sign of the functions γ0 , γ1 will be used to define a
1 1
= − Rc vc − Rc vc state-dependent switching control law assigning the control
 co , if x ∈ M3
− L1 vc + E L
0 input S. Let
 1
− Rc vc + 1c iL Ax = {x ∈ R2 : vc = vc∗ , iL = i∗L } (3)
1 if x ∈ M1 \ M3
= − L vc + EL  define the isolated point to be stabilized, namely, the point
 1 1 E
{− Rc vc } × − L vc + L , 0 if x ∈ M3 (vc , iL ) = (vc∗ , i∗L ). The following lemma establishes a
Since the vector field for mode property of functions γ0 , γ1 that will be used in our stability
 21 is given
− Rc vc result in Section III-B.
f1 (x) = E
L Lemma 3.1: Let R, E, p11 , p22 > 0, pc11 = pL22 , vc∗ > E,
f1 , that vc∗ 2
which is continuous, we have, for each x ∈ M and i∗L = RE . Then, for each x ∈ R2 \ A, there exists
S ∈ {0, 1} such that
F1 (x) = {f1 (x)} (2) γS (x) < 0 (4)
The model (1) is a constrained switched differential in- To obtain a control law that does not result in sliding
clusion. This is a key difference with previous modeling motions and is robust, following the idea in [5], we propose a
approaches (see, e.g. [4], [5]) where the third mode is logic-based control law that selects the input according to the
omitted. For this complete model, we propose a controller current active input and the value of the state. To this end, let
that induces robust, global asymptotic stability in the next q ∈ {0, 1} be a logic state indicating the value of the actual
section. As we will see, the hybrid systems approach input S. The controller is defined so that switching of q to
proposed here is the enabling tool to achieve this result. The 1 − q occurs only if γq (x) becomes zero. Then, when x ∈
model will be used to synthesize a robust globally stabilizing R2 \ Ax and γq (x) = 0, by Lemma 3.1, γ1−q (x) < 0, which
switching control law. makes the closed-loop trajectory components x approach Ax .
The closed-loop system is obtained when S is assigned to q,
III. A ROBUST G LOBALLY S TABILIZING namely, S = q. This leads to the hybrid system H given by
ẋ Fq (x)
In this section, a switching control law for the model of ∈ =: F (x, q) (x, q) ∈ C
q̇ 0
the Boost converter in (1) is proposed. We establish that this  +    (5)
x x
control law induces a robust and global asymptotic stabil- + = =: G(x, q) (x, q) ∈ D
q Gq (x)
ity property. Besides that, we determine various robustness
properties of the closed-loop system. where
n o
C = (x, q) : x ∈ M f0 , γ0 (x) ≤ 0, q = 0 ∪
1A Krasovskii regularization of this vector field is used due to the fact that
the discontinuity occurs on a set of measure zero. A Filippov regularization
n o
(x, q) : x ∈ Mf1 , γ1 (x) ≤ 0, q = 1
would not account for discontinuities on such sets.
n o
D = (x, q) : x ∈ Mf0 , γ0 (x) = 0, q = 0 ∪
hybrid system H is given by a hybrid arc φ satisfying the
n o
f1 , γ1 (x) = 0 q = 1 dynamics of H. A solution φ to H is said to be complete
(x, q) : x ∈ M
if dom φ is unbounded and maximal if there does not exist
and another pair φ′ such that φ is a truncation of φ′ to some
 proper subset of dom φ′ . For more details about solutions to
{1} if q = 0, γ0 (x) = 0
Gq (x) = hybrid systems, see [10].
{0} if q = 1, γ1 (x) = 0
Proposition 3.2: (Properties of solutions) For each ξ ∈
The flow map F of the hybrid system H is constructed by C ∪ D, every maximal solution χ = (x, q) to the hybrid
stacking the map FS (with S = q) of (1) and zero, while system H = (C, F, D, G) in (5) with χ(0, 0) = ξ is complete.
the flow set enforces the constraints in (1) as well as those
Our goal is to show that the solutions χ to H in (5) are
of the switching mechanism of the proposed controller. In
such that the compact set A in (3) is asymptotically stable.
this way, the continuous evolution of x is according to (1)
To this end, we employ the following stability notion for
under the effect of the proposed controller, while q does not
general hybrid systems [10].
change during flows. The jump map G is such that x does not
change at jumps and q is toggled at jumps, while the jump Definition 3.3 (Stability): A compact set A ⊂ Rn is said
set enforces the jumps of the controller within the constraints to be
of (1). • stable if for each ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that each
Some sample contour plots and switching boundaries solution χ with |χ(0, 0)|A ≤ δ satisfies |χ(t, j)|A ≤ ε
γq (x) = 0 of the proposed controller or a particular set of for all (t, j) ∈ dom χ;
parameters (x∗ = (7, 3.27), E = 5V, R = 3Ω, c = 0.1F, • attractive if there exists µ > 0 such that every maximal
L = 0.2H, p11 = 2c , p22 = L2 ) are shown in Figure 2. solution χ with |χ(0, 0)|A ≤ µ is complete and satisfies
lim(t,j)∈dom χ,t+j→∞ |χ(t, j)|A = 0;

• asymptotically stable if A is stable and attractive;

5 5 10


• globally asymptotically stable if the attractivity property


4 −5 4

holds for every point in C ∪ D.


3 3 0 −1


iL iL

The following result on the structural properties of H in


2 2

−10 −10
(5) is key for robust stability, see [10].
1 5

Lemma 3.4: The closed-loop system H given by (5) sat-



0 0
0 2 4
6 8 10 0 2 4
6 8 10
isfies the hybrid basic conditions, i.e., its data (C, F, D, G)
is such that2
γ0 = 0
γ1 = 0 (A1) C and D are closed sets;
(A2) F : Rn ⇉ Rn is outer semicontinuous and locally
bounded, and F (x) is nonempty and convex for all x ∈
(A3) G : Rn → Rn is continuous.
0 2 4
6 8 10 Using these conditions, we are now ready to show the
following theorem, which states global asymptotical stability
of the compact set A for the closed-loop system H.
Fig. 2. Contour plots of (upper-left) γ0 , (upper-right) γ1 , and (lower) the
switching boundaries γq (x) = 0, when x∗ = (7, 3.27), E = 5V, R = 3Ω, Theorem 3.5: Consider the hybrid system H in (5) with
c = 0.1F, L = 0.2H, p11 = 2c , and p22 = L 2
. c, L, R, E > 0. Given a desired set-point voltage and current
vc∗ 2
(vc∗ , i∗L ), where vc∗ > E and i∗L = RE , then the compact set
B. Properties of closed-loop system A = Ax × {0, 1} (6)
Solutions to the closed-loop system H can evolve con-
tinuously and/or discretely depending on flow and jump is globally asymptotically stable for H.
dynamics. Following [14], we treat the number of jumps as More importantly, since the hybrid closed-loop system in
an independent variable j next to the usual time and we (5) satisfies the hybrid basic conditions (see Lemma 3.4)
parameterize the hybrid time by (t, j). Solutions to hybrid and the set A is compact, then, using [10, Theorem 7.21]
systems H are given in terms of hybrid arcs and hybrid we have that A is robustly asymptotically stable. We now
inputs on hybrid time domains. Hybrid time domains are
2 A set-valued map S : Rn ⇉ Rm is outer semicontinuous at x ∈ Rn
subsets E of R≥0 × N that, for each (T, J) ∈ E, E ∩ n
J−1 if for each sequence {xi }∞ i=1 converging to a point x ∈ R and each
([0, T ] × {0, 1, ...J}) can be written as ∪j=0 ([tj , tj+1 ], j) sequence yi ∈ S(xi ) converging to a point y, it holds that y ∈ S(x);
for some finite sequence of times 0 = t0 ≤ t1 ≤ t2 ... ≤ tJ . see [15, Definition 5.4]. Given a set X ⊂ Rn , it is outer semicontinuous
A hybrid arc φ is a function on a hybrid time domain that, relative to X if the set-valued mapping from Rn to Rm defined by S(x)
for x ∈ X and ∅ for x 6∈ X is outer semicontinuous at each x ∈ X. It is
for each j ∈ N, t 7→ φ(t, j) is absolutely continuous on locally bounded if, for each compact set K ⊂ Rn there exists a compact
the interval {t : (t, j) ∈ dom φ }. Then, a solution to the set K ′ ⊂ Rn such that S(K) := ∪x∈K S(x) ⊂ K ′ .
have completed the control design and formally established compact set K ⊂ R2 , there exists ρ∗ > 0 guaranteeing
a key closed-loop stability property, in particular, we showed the following property: for each ρ ∈ (0, ρ∗ ] every solution
that the basin of attraction is C ∪ D. It is worth noting χ = (x, q) to Hρ with χ(0, 0) ∈ K × {0, 1} is such that its
that, in addition to pertaining to simpler models (ignoring x component satisfies
mode 3) as mentioned before, previous literature lacks the
|x(t, j)|Ax ≤ β(|x(0, 0)|Ax , t+j)+ε ∀(t, j) ∈ dom χ. (7)
characterization of the basin of attraction.
The property asserted by Theorem 3.6 will be illustrated
C. Robustness to spatial regularization numerically in Section IV-B.
For system (5), we have robustness to general perturba- IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS
tions, but we only present results about spatial regularization
In this section, we present several simulation results.
here due to space constraints. When the system reaches its
First, the closed-loop system H is simulated for the ideal
desired steady state using the controller in Section III-B, very
case. Due to undesirable chattering, the spatial regularized
fast switching may occur. To alleviate this problem, spatial
system Hρ is simulated next. The simulations are performed
regularization is performed to the closed-loop system H (at
using E =  c5V, R = 3Ω, c = 0.1F, L = 0.2H,
the controller level). More precisely, γ0 and γ1 are modified 0
and P = 2 , unless noted otherwise, within the
by using a constant factor ρ, with ρ ∈ R≥0 . The regularized
0 L2
system will be denoted as Hρ , and its flow map is given by H YBRID E QUATIONS T OOLBOX [16].
the same equation as H, i.e.,
    A. Simulating the closed-loop system
ẋ Fq (x)
∈ (x, q) ∈ Cρ , The results for initial conditions x0 = (0, 5) and x0 =
q̇ 0
(5, 0) for the closed-loop system H are shown in Figure
where, now, the flow set is replaced by 4. As can be seen, the solutions converge from both initial
n o conditions to the set A.
Cρ = (x, q) : x ∈ M f0 , γ0 (x) ≤ ρ, q = 0 ∪
n o 8 10
(x, q) : x ∈ Mf1 , γ1 (x) ≤ ρ, q = 1 γ0 = 0
γ1 = 0
6 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Furthermore, the jump map is given by
iL 4 iL 5

x+ = x 0
(x, q) ∈ Dρ , 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
q+ ∈ Gq (x) 2 2
S 1
where, now, the jump set is replaced by 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
n o vc t [sec]

Dρ = (x, q) : x ∈ M f0 , γ0 (x) = ρ, q = 0 ∪
n o Fig. 4. Simulation results for the closed loop system H with initial
(x, q) : x ∈ Mf1 , γ1 (x) = ρ, q = 1 conditions x0 = (0, 5), q0 = 1 and x0 = (5, 0), q0 = 0, and where
S is only drawn for the simulation using x0 = (5, 0).

{1} if q = 0, γ0 (x) ≥ ρ Though not formally established in this paper, the closed-
Gq (x) = loop system is robust to slowly varying parameters. To
{0} if q = 1, γ1 (x) ≥ ρ
illustrate this, a simulation is performed with a dynamically
The new switching boundaries for a particular set of parame-
changing set point x∗ . Initially, x∗ = (7, 3.27), but when a
ters (x∗ = (7, 3.27), E = 5V, R = 3Ω, c = 0.1F, L = 0.2H,
neighborhood of this value is reached, we linearly increase
p11 = 2c , p22 = L2 , and ρ = 2) are shown in Figure 3.
x∗ from (7, 3.27) to (10, 6.67). This simulation is shown in
Figure 5. As it can be seen, the Boost converter follows the
γ0 = 0 reference well and eventually reaches a neighborhood of the
γ1 = 0
final x∗ .
4 B. Simulating the spatially regularized closed-loop system
Now, the spatially regularized closed-loop system Hρ is
implemented. The results for initial conditions x0 = (0, 5),
0 2 4 6 8 10 q0 = 1 and x0 = (5, 0), q0 = 0 are shown in Figure 6.
To validate Theorem 3.6, more simulations are performed
Fig. 3. Switching boundaries with spatial regularization where ρ = 2, using in order to find a relationship between the spatially reg-
(x∗ = (7, 3.27), E = 5V, R = 3Ω, c = 0.1F, L = 0.2H, p11 = 2c , and ularization parameter ρ and ε in Theorem 3.6. From the
p22 = L 2
. simulation results shown in Table I, the relationship between
ρ and ε, specifically, for x∗ = (7, 3.27), can now be
Theorem 3.6: Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.5, approximated as
there exists β ∈ KL such that, for each ε > 0 and each ε ≈ 0.9ρ (8)
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0 closed-loop system.
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