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Issue 1

February 2011

Moray P.S. News

In this issue:

Parents’ Evening 1

Competition 1
February News

It has certainly been a very Burns Poetry Winners Rocket Ball Sporting Events 1
busy start to my time as Our winners attended the A team of P6 pupils took
Headteacher of Moray P.S. S1 Assembly at GHS where part in a Rocket Ball
but I am glad to say after they recited their poems Tournament on Tuesday In classes this 1
the initial trials of no and very much impressed 22nd and to our delight got month
heating things have settled the S1 pupils in the audi- silver medals.
down and I am becoming
ence. Well done to:
more familiar each day with Dates for the 2
the work of the school. Congratulations to: Euan Reid diary
Evie McDonald P2 Euan Alexander
Parents’ Evening Natasha Seymour P7 Jade McCarney House News 2
Thank you to all parents/
Chelsea Heeps
carers who managed to Cross Country
attend on these nights and Charlotte Reid
The Running Club Moray PTA 2
talk about the children's Jude Allan
participated in a Forth
learning. The feedback
Valley Event at Boness on Adele Ramage
cards completed by many of
Friday 11th They all did very
you have given us helpful Lewis Jeffrey
well but special mention to
information on the work of Football Festival
Kelsey Campbell (1st place), Special points of
the school. As a result of
Dean McCarney and Euan After a block of football interest:
this feedback we will be
Reid. These pupils will now training P3 pupils enjoyed a
reviewing our Homework  PTA Ceilidh this
take part in the Central fun event at Falkirk
Policy. Friday 7.00-10.00
Scotland Cross Country on Stadium on Friday 11th
I look forward to
Thursday 3rd March. February.
seeing many of you
on the night. I’ll be
there with my
dancing shoes on.
All family and
In class……. friends welcome —
bring your own

Road Safety The Romans British Heart Foundation  Don’t; forget

school uniform,
P5 and P7 had Road Safety P4 enjoyed a Roman Day Cinema Visit
groomed hair etc
talks provided by Elaine where they explored life in Pupils in the Enhanced for Class Photos on
Smith from Central Roman times. Provision got their much 9th March.
Scotland Police. Both P5 anticipated Christmas treat.
Healthy Hearts
classes have now produced After delays caused by the
very informative leaflets on Wear Red Day, organised by
P6 following their success- weather in December the
Bicycle Safety. children enjoyed an outing
ful Heart Topic and Healthy
Heart Assembly, raised an to the cinema.
incredible £226.94 for the
Falkirk Council

Moray Primary School

Moray Place PTA News
Ceilidh 4th March—tickets available
at the school office.
£2.50 adults, £1.50 children
Phone: 01324 501300
Fax: 01324 501305 Forthcoming events—
Zumba Night 25th March—tbc
Fashion Show 15th May
Moray Parent Partnership
Martin Craigen Children’s Day—as you know the Child
ren’s Day Queen Elect
PTA— Carol White
and Retinue is from Moray and the PTA
Sharon Douglas is looking for
anyone that can spare some time to com
e along and help
with preparations for decorating the
school. Please contact
the PTA Chair if you can provide any help with this.
Council News—Budget Information Even
ing for all Parents
on 8th March at 7.00 p.m. in Camelon
Education Centre.

Dates for the diary:

3rd P7M to Callendar House 24th Cross Country
Cross Country MPP Meeting
Castle Toward Meeting 25th Day of Dance
7-11th World of Work Week 28-1st P7 to Castle Toward
9th Class Photographs 29th RSPB to P2G
10th P7 to Ineos 30th PTA Meeting
11th P2G Assembly APRIL
14th P7H to Callendar House 2-17th School closed for Easter Holidays
18th P2D Kirk of the Holyrood Service 21st Easter Service
22-25th School closed for Easter Weekend

House News Staffing And finally….

Kerse is currently in the lead with Mr Cuthell is still absent but is on
700 points. Each House now has a the road to recovery and we wish him
badge, a chant and will shortly get well with that and look forward to
their own display space. welcoming him back to school. Can I thank all staff,
At last week’s meeting the House We will be interviewing for a parents and pupils for the
Captains and Vice-Captains spoke to temporary Janitor next week and very warm welcome I have
their house about organising an event currently have two applications for
received since taking up my
for Health Week which takes place this post.
from 26th-28th April. We will hear post at Moray Primary
more about these events in the The post of Depute Headteacher has School.
March Newsletter. been advertised and the leeting
Kerse Rannoch Grange takes place this week with the
Inchyra Zetland Dundas interviews hopefully before the Ghislaine Tait
Easter break. We have had a
tremendous response to this advert. Headteacher

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