Compost Fertilizer Production From Sugar Press Mud (SPM)

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Compost Fertilizer production from Sugar Press Mud (SPM)

Suneela Sardar, Suhaib Umer Ilyas+, Shahid Raza Malik and Kashif Javaid
Department of Chemical Engineering, NFC-Institute of Engineering & Fertilizer Research, Faisalabad
38090, Pakistan

Abstract: Compost produced from biological wastes does not contain any chemicals unfavorable to
living soil. This organic fertilizer is also one of them which contain phosphate, nitrogen solubilizing
bacteria and decomposing fungi, which is co-friendly and protect the plants from various soil borne
diseases. Results of trial based production of Compost at large scale is discussed. Different ratios of sugar
press mud (SPM), Molasses and Rock Phosphate was mixed, piled and transformed in to Compost
products in about 14-21 days. Single super phosphate (SSP) & Sulfur mud was also added and
investigated to increase the Phosphoric components of Compost to produce a good quality of biofertilizer.
In the end, granulation of this bio fertilizer was also investigated at different temperatures using Rotary
dryers to produce grains for the ease of farmers.

Keywords: Biological Waste, Nitrogen solubilizing bacteria, Sugar press mud (SPM), Soil borne disease,

1. Introduction (e) Chemicals like alcohol, bagasse & molasses

There are three main by-products of sugar industry,
Since 19th century, sugarcane is grown in which has great economic value:
different countries for sugar production primarily. (a) Sugar press mud (SPM)
Due to energy crises, scientists and researchers have (b) Bagasse
realized the value of sugarcane, it’s by products and (c) Molasses
co-products. Sugarcane is processed to sugar and
biomass. This biomass contains many components 1.1 Availability in Pakistan:
like lignin, fiber, pith and pentosans, which has
plenty of applications in biochemical & microbial In Pakistan there are almost 81 sugar mills
fields. [1] In this research paper, the main focus is to of crushing capacity of 6.1 Million tons. Sugarcane is
use one of the by-product i.e. Sugar press mud planted on approximately 1.1 M Hectors producing
(SPM), which is converted in to compost fertilizer. 5.5 Million tones sugar with an average yield of 51
Production of composed fertilizer from lingo- tones per Hector. In which almost 82-84 % cane is
cellulosic residues of by-products of sugar industries utilized in sugar industries. Sugar yield in Pakistan is
is found to be worthy for maintaining health of plant approximately 4 tones per hector. According to an
and soil properties and protects the plant from estimate Pakistan sugar industry is producing about
various soil borne diseases. In this research paper, an 1.2-1.8 million tones of SPM every year.
experimental large scale composting of SPM on trial
basis is discussed. 2. Literature survey
In many areas SPM is directly transported to
the fields from sugar mills as an organic For healthier crops and vegetables, organic
enhancement to fields. Due to this practice, cane fertilizers that have negligible amounts of chemicals
sugar yield has been increased causing decrease in are gaining more attention than chemical fertilizers.
demand of inorganic fertilizers. [2] Being a flexible They are preferable because they provide organic
crop, sugarcane is a rich source of: nutrients to plant and enhance the yield. [3][4]
(a) Fiber containing cellulose material Compost fertilizer improves the microbial properties
(b) Food containing sucrose, fructose, syrups of soil and raises the enzymes profile. [5] Sugar press
and jaggery mud can be composted through degradation of
(c) Fodder made from green leaves and top of biological enzymes to improve plant growth and
cane, molasses, bagass, sugar press mud crops productivity [6]. Organic wastes from sugar
(d) Fuel from residue/waste of sugar industry industries like SPM are enriched with Nitrogen and
Phosphorous, which are the main part of nutrients of

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crop [7]. To enhance the yield and growth of wheat, Silicon, Iron, Manganese, Calcium, MgO &
application of N fixing bacteria, fungi, K solubilizing P2O5 is also detected in some appreciable amount in
bacteria and some microorganisms were reported by SPM. Compost fertilizer is always evaluated by the
Zadi & Khan [10]. SPM contains 50-70% moisture, percentage of organic matters in the final product.
which is very favorable for earthworms as they Organic matter contains all types of fiber, wax, crude
breathe through their skin [8]. Organic matter and proteins sugar, and all other carbon containing
available K, Ca, Mg, P contents are also increased by components available in the final product.
the addition of organic fertilizer. [9]. Application of
compost fertilizer consisting of many kinds of 3.2 Molasses:
microorganisms & Azotobacter were reported by During production of sugar, the by-product is
Gharib et al during his research on enhancing the Molasses. It is a viscous liquid which is separated
total amount of essential oil in sweet marjoram[11]. from masecuite. An average of 23 Liter of Molasses
Akbari et al reported the application of Azospirillum is produced per ton of sugar cane. In Pakistan around
sp., which is a bacterial specie producing auxin that 2.5 million metric tons (MMT) of molasses is
abruptly enhanced the wheat root system [12]. produced which has multiplex uses like production of
alco-chemical & ethanol, commercial purposes such
3. Compost Fertilizer: as alcohols and automobile fuel.
The composition of molasses has
3.1 Sugar press Mud: considerable variation depending on the same factors
Sugar press mud (SPM) is also termed as as discuses above in the SPM compositions. The
press mud cake or filter cake. During the processing composition of molasses used to produce biofertilizer
of sugarcane, cane juice contains a large number of is listed in Table 2.
impurities which are in the form of precipitates and
these impurities are separated using filtration process. Sr. Nutrients %
Both types of filtration processes i.e. batch type filter 1 Sucrose 30-35
presses or rotary vacuum filtration process or, 2 Glucose & Fructose 10-25
produces cake. SPM produced during extraction of 3 Moisture 23-23.5
sugar as an impurity has multiplex uses like as a 4 Ash 16-16.5
fertilizer, animal feed and industrial use as a building
5 Calcium and Potassium 4.8-5
lime after calcinations process.
Composition of SPM varies with different industries 6 Non-sugar compounds 2-3
by the following factors: 7 Other mineral contents 1-2
(a) Classification methods
(b) Variety of cane Table 2: Percentage of nutrients present in Molasses
(c) Locality
(d) Mill efficiency 3.3 Digestion process:
(e) Soil type In case of aerobic digestion like composting,
(f) Nutrients available the microorganisms present in the pile get free
This SPM is produced at a rate of 7-9% of oxygen from the air or its surrounding. Aerobic
total weight of sugar cane in Carbonation industries process results in CO2 and water. If the biodegradable
and 3-5 % in sulfitation industries. The composition starting material contains nitrogen, phosphorous and
of SPM used to produce biofertilizer is listed in Table sulfur then the end product of aerobic process may
1. also include their oxidized forms. Pile releases
Sr. Nutrients % energy due to the oxidization of CO2 and water in
1 Moisture 50-65 aerobic digestion. Aerobic digestion contains those
2 Fiber 20-30 microorganisms (fungi etc) which enhance the
3 Crude wax 7-15 composting process than anaerobic bacteria. Stable
products are formed by the aerobic digestion due to
4 Sugar 5-12
reduction in mass and volume. Straws in the SPM
5 Crude protein 5-10
are also digested and converted into powder
6 Nitrogen 2-2.5
form after 14-21 days piling process.
Table 1: Percentage of nutrients present in sugar press mud

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SSP + Sulfur Mud Molasses

SPM Storage Piling + Mixing Granulation Unit


Screening Unit
Rock Phosphate

Packaging Unit

Distribution Unit

Figure 1: Block diagram of process description of Compost

fertilizer Production
Local Rock Phosphate of -200 mesh (80%)
4. Process Description: is used in composting process. It is not taking part in
any reaction or during digestion process. Molasses is
Production of compost fertilizer is very used 0.5% of total raw material. If it is increased
simple process as described in block diagram in from 0.5% then it will give the whitish color in the
figure 1. These experiments and production are done product which shows its excess.
in Lyallpur Chemical and Fertilizer (Pvt) Ltd,
Jaranvala. Sugar press mud (SPM) and Molasses are 4.2 Testing of Raw Materials:
obtained directly from nearby sugar mills i.e.
Hussain Sugar Mill and Shaker Ganj Sugar Mill, Following tests raw materials and products are
Jhang. SPM obtained from both industries have carried out before processing:
different content of organic matter. It is the main raw • Maturity/stability of compost
material and it contains 40-50% of organic matter. • Carbon test
• Moisture test
4.1 Raw Materials Description: • PH test
For the production of bio-fertilizer raw
materials used are Sugar Press Mud (SPM), Local Maturity/Stability of Compost: For stability of
Rock phosphate, Molasses, Single Super Phosphate compost, Solvita kit test was carried out on
(SSP) & some amount of sulfur mud. The complete laboratory scale to estimate the CO2 and NH3
specifications are given in Table 3. contents by a colorimetric gel enclosed in a plastic
container which is fixed with paddle. Container was
Raw Material Fraction Percentage % marked at the filing point of material which is to be
Sugar Press Mud 0.878 87.8 tested for approximately 4-5 hours at room
Local Rock 0.095 9.5 temperature. The color of the gel was changed. This
Phosphate color change was then compared with the chart
Molasses 0.005 0.5 available and recorded. Seed germination tests were
SSP 0.02 2.0 also done, in which the compost fertilizer was tested
Sulfur Mud 0.002 0.2 on seeds of many crops and their effect was
compared with other types of chemical fertilizers.
Table 3: Raw material specifications in terms of fractions Carbon Test/Organic matter: Organic matter in
& percentages SPM contains carbonaceous material which is tested

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through ‘Carbon Test’. Sample of SPM is heated in
the furnace up to 450oC for 30 min. Organic matter
starts burning when the temperature reaches to 250°C
and completely burned at 450°C. And then by
subtracting the initial weight from the final weight,
amount of organic matter is obtained as shown in
Figure 1.

Figure 2: Turner mixing the compost and watering during

piling of compost.[2]

Screening Unit:
After granulation of compost, it is sent to
screening unit. Average size of the bio-fertilizer
should be of 5mm diameter for the ease of farmer and
Figure 1: Effect of temperature on orgnaic matter
good quality granule. Oversize and undersize
Moisture Test: The sample is placed in an oven and granules are recycled again to dryer unit. This
screening unit is same as the screening process used
heated at 100-1030C for about 160 mins. Then the
moisture contents are calculated by subtracting the for SSP screening. Product of required size is sent to
Packaging unit where it is packed in the bags through
final weight of sample from initial weight.
PH test: auto-filling. And then finally product is sent to
distribution unit.
PH test of molasses was carried out and found it 5.1
Density test:
Testing of final product:
Density test of molasses was also carried out and
After the production of bio-fertilizer it is tested; 25%
found to be 11.7lb/gal.
of organic matter is present in the final product and
amount of molasses present is 0.5%.
4.3 Processing:

Composting/Digestion: 5. Results:
This experiment was done in open air
atmospheric conditions at a temperature of 30-35 0C. Bio-fertilizer as a final product is shown in fig 3.
First the SPM, local rock phosphate, SSP and sulfur
mud with the specifications given in Table 1, were
mixed thoroughly and piled of approximately 100-
110 ft in length above ground level, 3-4 ft in width
and 2-2.5 ft high in semicircle shape. These piles
were given time to be composited and to complete
digestion process for about 14-21 days. During
piling, the mixture was mixed, turned and watered
after every three days to maintain moisture content of
50-60 %. A turner was used for turning process to
maintain uniformity and thoroughly mixing as shown
in Figure 2.
Granulation Unit:
The compost mixture from the digestion unit
is then sent to granulation unit. Here molasses (0.5 %
of total raw material) and water are sprayed before Figure 3: Final product of compost fertilizer
entering the dryer for the formation of granules. A
horizontal Rotary dryer is used to form granules at a Final product contains 25% organic matter.
temperature of 240-250 0C.

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Bio-fertilizer produced is high in phosphorous It enhances the fertility of land and increase the yield
contents due to the addition of SSP and local rock of crops by improving the nutrient conditions of soil.
phosphate as both contain 18.5% and 30-32% P2O5
respectively. Bio-fertilizer gives significant results when it is
mixed with inorganic fertilizer according to the
Granules of bio-fertilizer produced are of good requirements of different crops.
quality and spherical in shape due to the addition of
Rock phosphate. If it is not added or added in lesser References:
amount, granules will not stay in spherical shape and
will easily be de-shaped due to less stiffness. [1] R.L.YADAV and S.SOLOMON(2006). Potential of
Developing Sugarcane By-product Based Industries in
If it is added in excess quantity then the granule India….Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, P.O. Dilkusha,
Rae Bareli Road, Lucknow-226 002, India Pp. 104-111.
become so stiff; cannot be easily soluble in water. “Potential of developing Sugarcane by-products based industry in
India”, R.L.Yadev and S.Solomon, Sugar Tech 8(2&3) (2006):
During Piling, a significant change in moisture 104-111
contents was seen during digestion process. In order
[2] Sugar Tech (2010) 12(1) : 15-20, Windrow composting of
to keep 50-60% moisture in the pile watering was sugarcane and coffee byproducts, C. Rolz · R. de León · R.
carried out. Cifuentes · C. Porres.

During digestion process even cane straws present in [3]Shu YY, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 51, 443-449 (2005).
SPM were converted in to particles after completion [4]Zhu P, Ren J, Wang L, Zhang X, Yang X, and Tavish DM, J.
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Whitish color appeared in the final product due to [5]Bulluk LR, Brosius M, Evanylo GK, and Rastaino JB, Apll. Soil
Ecol.,19, 147-160 (2002).
addition of excess amount of molasses as shown in
Figure 4. [6]Shivani Chaturvedi & Balraj Singh & Lata Nain, Ann
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[7]Narval et al. 1990; Raman et al. 1999

[8] Dom´ınguez J and Edwards CA, Effects of stocking rate and

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[9] Edmeades DC, Nutr. Cycle Agroecosyst., 66, 165-180 (2003).

[10] Zaidi A and Khan MDS, J. Plant Nutr., 28, 2079-2092 (2005).

[11] Gharib FA, Moussa LA, and Massoud ON, Int. J. Agric. Biol.,
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[12] Akbari GA, Arab SM, Alikhani HA, Allandadi I, and Azanesh
MH, World J. Agric. Sci., 3, 523-529 (2007).

Figure 4: Whitish color appears in the final product due to

addition of excess amount of Molasses

Key advantages of aerobic digestion/composting as

compared to anaerobic digestion are:

 Enhanced fungi activity

 Low capital equipment cost and
 Simple operational control


Bio-fertilizer reduces the hardness of soil and makes

it more porous due to the presence of organic matter,
phosphate, sulfur and other minerals.

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