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Superior and subordinate’s relationship is often a conversation in the corporate world.

The article
stresses on the choices subordinate has to make, and the relationship they have to keep with their
superior. It also explains the need for discussion from the subordinate’s point of view on the subject
called subordinates’ predicament.

The role of the subordinate is not an easy job because unlike, superiors, you do not enjoy certain
advantages. Three cases mentioned in the articles state the miserable position of the subordinates,
and the result is not satisfying.

The case of a senior manager who has an experience of 15 years in setting up new divisions and has
an exposure of different companies around the world ends up losing his position as VP due to his
mentor who shows no sign of retiring. He is not able to open this conversation with his boss due to
discomfort and the result is a resign.

The former army officer is unable to adapt the informal managerial style of his boss due to sticking
to the bureaucratic style, and he is dismissed from his job.

The third case is of the project manager, who feels threatened due to the new hiring by his boss.
Assuming to get replaced by this new employee and unable to provide honest feedback to the boss
make him miserable, and out of fear, he resigns.

Due to the circumstances, subordinates become self-protective, and it is justifiable for them to do so
presented the dilemmas. Dilemmas are chosen, by subordinates along with, the consequences of
choosing the dilemma are discussed next.

The subordinate should see his superior as an ally and not a competitor, and this should also be vice
versa. There is less damage to the hierarchy if both parties are trustworthy, and have mutual

Assigned tasks or projects must seek clarification by subordinates from superiors and avoid
assumptions to jeopardize their positions.

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