QA-Chemical Effects of Electric Current

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Chemical effects of electric current

Answer the following :-

1. What is LED? Why id LED preferred in place of electric bulb in the tester? Draw and
explain its construction.

Ans. LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a device used in place of the electric bulb in the tester.

It is a semi-conductor device which glows even when a weak current passes through it.
LED requires very little energy.

It has two wires called leads attached to a LED. Its longer end is always connected to a
positive terminal and shorter end is always connected to negative terminal of a battery
in a circuit.
2. How can a compass be used as a tester? Give an activity to explain it. Draw a diagram.

Ans. A compass can be used as a tester because even a weak electric current flowing
through a wire produces a magnetic field around it and this magnetic field of current
acts on the magnetic needle of the compass and deflects it from its usual north-south


Aim : To show that electric current can produce magnetic field.

Material required : Magnetic Compass, wire, Switch, battery.

Method : Keep a compass needle on a table. Lay an insulated copper wire over
it and connect the ends of the wires to a battery through a switch.

Observation : When current passes through the wire there is a deflection of the
compass needle.

Conclusion : The above observation shows that magnetic effect is produced due
to electric current.
3. List the chemical effects produced by the current when it flows through a conducting

Ans. The chemical effects produced by the current when it flows through a conducting
Solution are –
i)Bubbles of the gas(es) may be formed at the electrodes.
ii)Deposits of metals on electrodes.
iii)There may be a change in colour of the solution.

4. Explain electrolysis of water by an activity.

Ans. Take a voltmeter (electrolytic cell) and connect the electrodes to the positive and
negative terminals of the battery through copper wire. Water is poured into the jar
/beaker with a few drops of hydrochloric acid(HCl).In the acidulated water two test
tubes are kept inverted over the two electrodes. Ensure that there are no air bubbles
in the tubes. When electric current is passed through it, bubbles of gases can be seen
rising from the electrodes.

Reaction at Cathode (-)

2H+ + 2e- - 2H

Reaction at Anode(+)

4OH - 4OH + 4e-

4 OH 2H2O + O2

Overall reaction
electric current
Water Hydrogen gas + Oxygen gas
(H2O) (H2) (O2)
5. Explain electroplating with the help of an activity . Give suitable circuit diagram.

Ans. Electroplating is a process in which a layer of any desired metal is deposited on

another metal.


Aim : To show the process of electroplating.

Material required : Copper Sulphate solution, one copper plate, one article to be
electroplated, Connecting wires, battery of three cells, sand paper.

Method : Clean the copper plate and the article with the sand paper and
connect them with the help of wire to the battery. Pass current for
sometime after dipping the copper electrode and article in copper
sulphate solution.

Observation : The article attached to the negative terminal of the battery gets the
colour of copper at the end of the experiment.
Conclusion : The given material is electroplated with copper by the process of

6. What do you mean by electroplating? Write its uses.

Ans. The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal over another material by
means of electricity is called electroplating.

It is widely used in industries for coating metal objects with a thin layer of a different

i)Jewellary makers electroplate silver and gold on less expensive metals.

ii)Tin cans used for storing food are made by electroplating tin on iron.
iii)Iron is used in bridges and automobiles to provide strength, gets corroded/rusted
are coated with zinc to protect it.

7. List three advantages for using Chromium for electroplating.

Ans. The three advantages of using Chromium for electroplating are – shiny
appearance, scratch resistance, corrosion resistance.

8. What precautions should be observed while doing electroplating ?

Ans. The precautions that should be observed while doing electroplating are –

i)The article to be plated should be cleaned thoroughly to remove dust, grease or any
deposit on it.
ii) Only direct current should be small.
iii)The temperature around the electroplating equipment should be optimum.

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