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Duties of an EHT

Disease Surveillance, Prevention and Control

 Investigating disease outbreaks e.g. Malaria, Dogbites, Covid 19

Health and Hygiene Education

 Carrying out health education awareness campaigns/sessions to the community about disease

Premise Inspection

 Continuous monitoring of health and hygiene standards of premises such as General Dealers,
Slaughter houses, Schools, Clinics
 Produce inspection health reports to facilitate licensing
 Checking parameters such as adequate ventilation and lighting

Waste Management

 Monitoring waste collection, storage and proper disposal methods

Food Quality Monitoring

 Monitoring that shelved food is sold before expiry dates and advise on proper storage of food
 Collection of food samples for both chemical and bacteriological analysis

Water Quality Monitoring

 Collecting water samples for chemical, physical and bacteriological analysis tests.

Administering Public Legislation

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