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College for Research and Technology


GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read and follow the directions carefully.

I.IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following statement given below and write your
answer with CAPITAL LETTERS.

1. It is the art of modifying, processing, arranging or decorating food to enhance

its aesthetic appeal.-FOOD PRESENTATION
2. Selecting foods and garnishes that offer variety and contrast, while at the same
time avoiding combinations that are awkward or jarring.-BALANCE
3. Another food presentation tip is to plan for variety of shapes and forms as well
as of colors.- SHAPES
4. Selecting the right plate for your meal is key to attractive food presentation.-
5. Large plates give a look of elegance and richness, as long as the plate is not so
big that the food begins to look skimpy.- SIZE AND SHAPE
6. It is a very flavorful liquid that is made by gently cooking bones and other
ingredients such as vegetables in a liquid.- STOCK
7. To get rid of some impurities that can cause cloudiness.- BLANCHING
8. Put the bones in an oven about 375FFOOD for 1 hr. to brown. –BROWNING
9. It is made with a thickener, the most common of which is called a roux (roo); a
fat and flour mixture.- CREAM SOUP
10. It is thickened by the starch found in the main ingredient.- PUREE SOUP
11. It is a flavorful liquid, usually thickened that is used to season, flavor and
enhance other foods.- SAUCE
12. Its chief ingredients are veal, chicken and fish broth, thickened with blonde
13. It is a cooked mixture of equal parts by weight of fat and flour.- ROUX
14.A cold dish of various mixtures of raw or cooked vegetables, usually seasoned
with oil, vinegar, or other dressing and sometimes accompanied by meat, fish,
or other ingredients. - SALADS

15. It is the base ingredient of a salad. –FOUNDATION

16. It contributes to a salad’s visual appeal and very often to its flavor. –GARNISH
17. It is a sauce that complements a salad’s flavor and sometimes binds the salad
ingredients together.- DRESSING
18. A mixture of two unmixable ingredients.- EMULSION
19. It is another method of thickening sauces. –EMULSIFICATION
20. It is a temporary emulsion of oil and vinegar.- VINAIGRETTE DRESSINGS
21. It is made by carefully arranging items on a plate, rather than tossing
them together.- COMPOSED SALADS
22.It is the second most abundant organic substance on earth.- STARCH
23. Starches that have been altered physically or chemically, to modify one or more
of its key chemicals and/or physical property.- MODIFIED STARCHES
24. It is a long chain-like molecule, sometimes called the linear fraction, and is
produced by linking together 500 to 2, 000 glucose molecules.- AMYLOSE
25. It has a highly branched, bushy type of structure, very different from the long,
string-like molecules of amylose.- AMYLOPECTIN
26. The sum of changes that occur in the first stages of heating starch granules in
a moist environment which includes swelling of granules as water is absorbed
and disruption of the organized granule structure. –GELATINIZATION
27. The resistance to flow; increase in thickness or consistency.- VISCOSITY
28.It is the process in which starch molecules, particularly the amylose fraction, re
associate or bond together in an ordered structure after disruption by
gelatinization; ultimately a crystalline order appears. - RETROGADATION
29. Is general name for a simple dough mixture made from hard wheat, flour and
water? – PASTA
30. Refers to the desired texture of cooked pasta in Italian cooking. It literally
means “to the tooth”.- AL DENTE
31. A type of pasta popular in Roman cuisine. It is a flat thick noodle made of egg
and flour.- FETTUCINI
32. A type of pasta that is long, thin and flat.- LINGUINE
33. A type of pasta that is shaped like short, wide tubes. – RIGATONI
34. It is the most difficult and critical step to control in the pasta production
process. – DRYING
35. It is a small, hard seed, especially the seed of a food plant such as wheat, corn,
rye, oats, rice or millet. -GRAINS

36. It is a cultivated grass, wheat grain, is a staple food used to make flour. –
37. It is a collective term for a variety of grasses that produce small, rounded seeds
that are harvested for food. – MILLET
38. It is cereal plants from a grass family the untreated, hulled oats, with a minimal
amount of outer chaff or hull removed. – OATS
39. It has long slender grains, has a fluffy texture when cooked. Suitable for pilaf or
rice salad. – LONG GRAIN RICE
40. It has received a coating of vitamins to compensate for some of the nutrients
lost in milling. – ENRICHED RICE
41. A short-grain red rice grown at 8,000 feet in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan,
It is irrigated with a 1,000-year-old glacier rich in trace minerals that provides a
nutty/earthy flavor. –WEHANI RICE
42.It is not technically a rice, but an aquatic grass. Because of its unique nutty
flavor, its scarcity and its high price, it is considered a luxury food. –WILD
43. It is wheat grains that has been partially cooked, before cracking, then dried.-
44. It is a grain under the wheat family.- SPELT
45. It is made from wheat and is sort of a granular pasta.- COUSCOUS
46. It may be separated from grains and tubers by a process called wet milling. –

47. Oozing of liquid from gel when cut and allowed to stand (e.g. jelly or baked
custard).- SYNERESIS
48. It is partially hydrolyzed starches that are prepared by dry roasting. –
49. Dressings are not emulsions or blended mixtures.- SIMPLE DRESSINGS
50. Served with the main dish or entrée. Usually made from, pasta, legumes and

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