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Freddy Daniel Reyes Camacho ; ID: 10134977

The great varieties of technological
innovations that have been developed
throughout history have been changing
what people's lives are..
If technology has made us independent
from changes in the natural environment,
today we can continue to live with cold,
heat, rain or snow. However, it has made
us dependent on increasingly complex and
energy-intensive machines.

Here are my You COULD

REASONS! argue that...
1. allows more people to have access Just as it brings us closer to
to more data that can help you make others, this encourages social
Increasingly faster better decisions. isolation and lack of empathy.
access to information it can also create addiction.

2. facilitates communication, cutting

distances not only in the personal
Facilitates sphere but also in the workplace,
communication having a direct impact on the

...but here’s the

….and that is that we are not all
the same and this only affects a
Strong Finish!
Introduction: General idea about the topic/hook/thesis (thesis in red/ any necessary
changes after feedback in Teams in green)
Currently, we have reached the point of knowing the capacity that human beings have in
what is the branch of technology, to improve, we live and develop in this world. In these
times we have seen that technology is involved in a series of transformations that have
traveled and spread throughout the world, and with the passage of time this technology has
advanced even more. Today we have seen how technology has advanced so much that it is
giving us great advantages in the personal as well as in the workplace and is increasingly to
facilitate the life of the human being and for that purpose it is made known, and each time
is bigger the growth of this.

Body # 1: Evidence # 1/supporting details. (any necessary changes after feedback in

Teams in green).
The evolutions in technology today stands out much more in electronic devices, whether
they are cell phones, televisions or even computers. These devices do the technologies that
in the past you did not even imagine existed. However, we have already seen what humans
can create. Currently we see how a firm of specialists in the subject says the following in
this appointment Gartner, an analyst firm (2018) speculates there ‘’will be more than 26
billion connected devices by 2020.", And some of the changes we are already noticing as
autonomous machines in the home and even from a simple telephone turn everything on
and off.

Body # 2: Evidence # 2/supporting details. (any necessary changes after feedback in

Teams in green).
Lately we are living an era of crisis where a disease has come to which they call covid-19
which is making us connect even more than normal to the networks and at the same time
makes us move much faster towards the future. As Donny Lamey (2018) tells us, “social
networks continue to change the way people relate to each other”. In reality, we have
already reached the point that up to more than 50 people can enter the same video call as in
Skype, Zoom, Facetime, or any other live streaming application. This is one of the best
advances in technology since business entrepreneurs instead of traveling and traveling
thousands of kilometers for a conference now with this ease with a simple click you are
already in the place you want to be.
Counter argument: The opposite site. The APA citation should be in the rebuttal (after
feedback in teams, if there is any necessary changes, mark them in green)
However, most of the people who lived in ancient times, which are the oldest. This
category of people mostly says that they used to live much better, since without so much
technology the world looked more active, people had jobs and it was seen that they had a
greater sense of freedom and without stress. Something that some do not know is that for
these technological changes that are appearing, natural resources are needed,
Universiaes(website) (2020) "Abuses natural resources necessary for technological
devices." Technology is also being damaged by several points such as that people prefer to
be at home than to be outdoors and another point would be that when writing from one of
these devices what is grammar it is seen that it is being damaged and spelling, by using

Conclusion: Restate the thesis or mention the main points/opinion-advice-

suggestions/so what-leave the audience with your critical point of view. (after feedback
in teams, if there is any necessary changes, mark them in green
And finally, it is good to emphasize that evolution has had advantages and disadvantages,
and this has influenced changes in society both negatively and positively. The good thing is
that it helps us and makes our jobs easier, and the terrible thing is that if they are used more
than normal it may lead us to change life in the social, family, and intimate since we cling
to it and it is difficult for us to detach ourselves and for that reason makes us look like
useless people. Finally, we should all move away from technology a bit and more after this
global virus ends and thus concentrate on the real and not on what is behind a screen . let us
become aware of technological advances since they are good from our point of view, but if
we do not know how to take advantage of this, we may have various problems, both
socially and personally.
Technological evolution in favor
Currently, we have reached the point of knowing the capacity that human beings have in
what is the branch of technology, to improve, we live and develop in this world. In these
times we have seen that technology is involved in a series of transformations that have
traveled and spread throughout the world, and with the passage of time this technology has
advanced even more. Today we have seen how technology has advanced so much that it is
giving us great advantages in the personal as well as in the workplace and is increasingly to
facilitate the life of the human being and for that purpose it is made known, and each time
is bigger the growth of this.

The evolutions in technology today stands out much more in electronic devices, whether
they are cell phones, televisions or even computers. These devices do the technologies that
in the past you did not even imagine existed. However, we have already seen what humans
can create. Currently we see how a firm of specialists in the subject says the following in
this appointment Gartner, an analyst firm (2018) speculates there ‘’will be more than 26
billion connected devices by 2020.", And some of the changes we are already noticing as
autonomous machines in the home and even from a simple telephone turn everything on
and off.

Lately we are living an era of crisis where a disease has come to which they call covid-19
which is making us connect even more than normal to the networks and at the same time
makes us move much faster towards the future. As Donny Lamey (2018) tells us, “social
networks continue to change the way people relate to each other”. In reality, we have
already reached the point that up to more than 50 people can enter the same video call as in
Skype, Zoom, Facetime, or any other live streaming application. This is one of the best
advances in technology since business entrepreneurs instead of traveling and traveling
thousands of kilometers for a conference now with this ease with a simple click you are
already in the place you want to be.
However, most of the people who lived in ancient times, which are the oldest. This
category of people mostly says that they used to live much better, since without so much
technology the world looked more active, people had jobs and it was seen that they had a
greater sense of freedom and without stress. Something that some do not know is that for
these technological changes that are appearing, natural resources are needed,
Universiaes(website) (2020) "Abuses natural resources necessary for technological
devices." Technology is also being damaged by several points such as that people prefer to
be at home than to be outdoors and another point would be that when writing from one of
these devices what is grammar it is seen that it is being damaged and spelling, by using

And finally, it is good to emphasize that evolution has had advantages and disadvantages,
and this has influenced changes in society both negatively and positively. The good thing is
that it helps us and makes our jobs easier, and the terrible thing is that if they are used more
than normal it may lead us to change life in the social, family, and intimate since we cling
to it and it is difficult for us to detach ourselves and for that reason makes us look like
useless people. Finally, we should all move away from technology a bit and more after this
global virus ends and thus concentrate on the real and not on what is behind a screen. let us
become aware of technological advances since they are good from our point of view, but if
we do not know how to take advantage of this, we may have various problems, both
socially and personally.
AND FUTURE. Discovertec.

User, S., 2013. Technological evolution - Complex Systems Lab. [online] Available at: <>
[Accessed 5 March 2021].

Medium. 2017. Technological advances and its effects on human evolution. [online]
Available at: <
%20already%20significantly,and%20create%20a%20better%20result.> [Accessed 6 March

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