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Lighten your Path


Laura Jackson
Lighten Your Path Through Intuition

Copyright © 1998 by Laura Jackson

All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
No part of this book may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews.

First Edition
San Diego, Ca.

Artist, Alex Cordero




Part One
Intuition -- You Already Have It!
Page 1

The Calling
Page 4

At the Cellular Level

Page 6

See Beyond ordinary Awareness

Page 9

Focused Listening
Page 10

Part Two
Page 12
Your Inner Feelings
Page 17

The Power of Forgiveness

and Compassion
Page 18

The Therapeutic Touch

Page 20

Developing Spontaneous Intuition

Page 22

Your Body’s Universal Language

Page 23

Page 25

Self Hypnosis
Page 27

Page 30

The Aura
Page 31

The Chakras
Page 33

The Pendulum
Page 37
Page 39

Intuition as an Inner Knowing

Hearing The Inner Voice
Page 41

Automatic Writing and

Right Brain Creativity
Page 43

Practice with Others

Page 46

Page 47

The Do’s and Dont’s of the Right Use of Intuition

Page 49

A Note to You From My Intuition

Page 52

Part Three
Introduction to “The Meditation”s
Page 54
The Luminosity Meditations

Inner Peace
Unconditional Love
Inner Self
A Final Meditation on
Page 63

Page 64
You are the perfect reflection of what you are thinking

The way you arrange your hair, the clothes you wear, your walk, your
talk, the way you think about people and world around you, are reflections
of all that you are and all that you think about yourself. This is the
reflection of your self image. Your body is a broadcasting system that lets
the world in on who you are and the elements of your character. You wear
yourself around with you every where you go. You speak who you are and
you speak your opinions about everything else. You are the sum total of
conditioning, learning and ingrained beliefs. It’s you. It’s the core of you.

Like all reflections, you mirror back to yourself (through your

surroundings, friends, associates and material possessions), what you are
projecting to the world. And as you project to the world whom you are, the
world reflects a response back to you. The Universe allows you to “see”
what you are reflecting through the outward material and non-material
world around you. We “know” others by their reflection to us. We feel
drawn to some individuals because those individuals represent our values
and interests. We feel repelled toward others because some individuals do
not reflect our inner beliefs about ourselves.

We know things about people and our environment by seeing, hearing,

feeling, perceiving, touching, sensing, and instinctually, knowing. Some of
our inspiring moments seem as if they might come from a source outside
us. We all, at times, want to know what exists beyond ordinary common
knowledge. We ponder the Universe trying to find the answers to it all,
however, our greatest resource is within. Individuals use this resource
most of the time. Men call it their gut level instinct, but no matter what we
call it, it is a higher intelligence that resides within the brain, in the
intelligence center that houses intuition.

Luminosity is the quality of becoming brighter, luminous, and

clear. What would it be like to have an illuminated path so we could
clearly see where we are going? Would we like to have a glimpse of the
future? Luminosity, Lighten your path through Intuition, offers a way for
the reader to use luminosity to see differently, and to use the gifts of
intuitive intelligence wisely. This is possible because intuition is our
guiding light. Intuition resides at the seat of the soul, ready to give
information at a moments notice.

Through intuition, we can see ahead and gain an upper hand at

guiding our destiny. If we could see our choices becoming successful or
not, wouldn’t we want that? What lies awaiting you in this book are ways
to understand and develop intuition. Use intuition wisely so that you will
become the master of your own destiny. Soon you will discover a resource
so vast with helpful information about you, the designer of your life,
that you will want to inspire others to open their door to intuition.

The Luminosity Meditations are a mental-visual allusion to remind us

that there is more to life than what is seen by the ordinary experiences of
life. Inside the domain of intuition is a garden of knowledge, and a
vastness that is yet to be explored and embraced. Once explored, your
intuition can bring you the clarity and the luminance to enhance the
quality of your life. The environments can be used for mediation,
visualization or for daily affirmation.

Intuitive Intelligence
It does not matter where you are in life, where you came from, or
where you are going. You are an intelligent human being, and the
intelligence you have comes from a source that existed before you. In fact,
intelligence existed before all matter. With intelligence comes the ability
to think and envision. It is from this inner vision that desire creates the
way to know your Intuition. Intuition resides in your deeper levels of
awareness. Your thoughts, what you dwell upon, and what you think you
believe, define your personal intelligent quotient. Self-limiting beliefs hold
you back from developing more of your self.

The substance of intelligence is the desire to know the underlying truths

of all existence. While we may not be able to know all truths in one
lifetime, we can use what is inherent inside of us to understand the world
around us in a deeper, more meaningful way. We can gain insight into a
situation by freeing our brain to explore more possibilities, thereby
inputting more into our brain than ever before existed. Intelligence is the
creative force behind, in front of, and through it all, in any form, thought,
or direction. Intuition is the guide. By exploring more ideas and
experiences, we grow, we think more, embrace more, and develop
compassion and understanding. It is this kind of intelligence that creates
worlds within worlds.

The path in life is so rich with opportunity that each moment that we
are here enjoying this world should be savored like a delicious meal at the
banquet of life. No moment is less precious than another. Each moment
offers an opportunity to deepen our knowledge and understanding of the
expression of our lives. We are beings that are the consciousness of this
For the past ten years my students have taught me
everything I wanted to know about teaching Intuition. Their
love, support and encouragement meant more to me than they
will ever realize. We formed spiritual families that had a
common interest in knowing more about ourselves, others and
the world we shared with all God’s creatures. We laughed, we
bonded, we grew together in a way that created a new kind of
I would also like to thank all of the individuals who lived
their lives before us. These people created a body of
experiences and life work for us to draw upon and from which
to learn.
And additionally, I wish to thank my family and friends who
made life a fun and sometime challenging process. Special
thanks to Jennifer, Lindsey, and Ellie, and to the artist, Alex
Cordero for his time, patience and talent.

There is nothing outside of yourself that did not originate

from your thoughts and beliefs.
The understanding and development of intuition begins with the
knowledge that nothing exists outside of yourself unless you say it does,
think it does, feel it does, or believe it does. If it does not exist for you, it
is not believed, therefore, it is not accepted. Saying, thinking, feeling,
believing, and knowing, all exist inside of you. You tell yourself what is
real and what is not real. Most of what you accept as real is conditioning
from childhood, from your parents, teachers, and friends, and they got
their conditioning from the same sources.

You are a spiritual being residing in a corporeal vehicle. Your vehicle

moves around your environment according to your dictates. You tell your
brain what you want your body to do: how to move, how to feel, how to
see, what to hear, how to respond to the outside environment, how to
think, what to believe, what not to believe, what tastes good, what tastes
bad, what makes you happy, and what makes you sad. It is the substance
of your being that dictates all that you do, say, feel, and perceive about
you and the illusions of life around you. If you didn’t direct your brain in
this manner, who would? Because of your inner direction, your world is
what it is for you. There is nothing outside of you that can change the
world you see, live in, and respond to. It all happens from inside. Nothing
exists except what you have told your brain exists.

Examine one morning in your life. You get up when you tell your brain
to sit up, put your feet on the floor and stand up. You decide how you feel.
Your feeling about yourself that morning determines the tone of the day,
and the quality of the experiences you will have. You determine what you
will wear, what you will eat and when you will begin work. There is
nothing outside of yourself that makes these decisions, they all come from

Since your feelings determine the tone of the day, you might choose
feelings from the past to set the tone of the current day. Therefore, your
outside view of the world will look much the same as it did in the past.
You could choose a different feeling, and that feeling would create a
different tone from the tones you have offered from the past. Your view of
the world around you would be different. The table would still be the
table, the car would still be the car, the dog would still be the dog, the
weather would still be the weather, however, it is how you feel about
yourself that day and how you feel about those things in your life that
creates the tone or experience you have regarding them.

Your intuition is the inside mechanism that makes all of this work. It
connects you to a world of information available to you at all times. When
you accept your intuition as your internal guidance system, you navigate
from within to determine the quality and experience your life holds for

Every moment of every day the future is created by our thoughts. Every
thought we offer has a response from the Universe. The Universe would
then be like a giant mirror reflecting back to us the images of what we are
thinking. In space, time does not exist as we think of it on Earth.
Therefore, every reflection we are receiving from the Universe comes
from a space less, timeless existence. Time would then be an eternal now.
All time exists at the same moment. If, in our moment now we
expanded our awareness to include our mental, physical, emotion and
spiritual dimension, then precognitive awareness would be our gift. We
would be able to see or know the direction of our lives because it is all
happening now. All thought is pre-known thought that is derived instantly
by one thought upon another thought. We can know the future now
because it exists in our ever-present moment.

You are the perfect reflection of what you

are thinking.

Part 1
Intuition -- You already have it
Women are born with it. It’s an inner knowing that
pervades all that they do. Women can feel their way
through life sensing danger or acting on a hunch that
leads to inspiration. We all have intuition. Women are
just easier with it. It is a natural part of our existence.
Men call it a feeling in their gut. However, whether man
or woman, intuition is not something that you seek or
somehow tap into, it is already a part of you. It is your
continuous, active, intelligent force behind it all.

Intuition resides in your deeper levels of awareness.

It is ever present, always functioning and instantly
available. You have it now, you have always had it. You
will continue to have it beyond this material expression.
It is at the core of your very soul and at times comes to
the forefront to guide you and protect you. One could
virtually live every moment of every day relying on their
intuition. You could, if you desired, ask of your
guidance, “What shall I wear today? What shoes would
be the most appropriate for the weather?”

You could ask what your stomach would like to eat

for breakfast and ask the rest of you how you are
feeling. Your intuition will tell you in thoughts, images,
feelings, instincts, words, directions, tastes and insights.

You have numerous demonstrations of this intuitive

intelligence every day. You see it in the faces of those
around you. You see it in your paycheck and in your
health, your home, your friends, children, mate and co-
workers. You see it in the car you are inspired to drive,
in the home you live in, and in your neighborhood. It
was all inspired by your internal divine drive to know
and find out about yourself. Everything that you have,
do or see is an out picturing of the use of this intuitive
intelligence. If it were not so, you would be
experiencing something else. The Universe is ordered to
your unique specification. It gives you what you need,
and what lies at the core of your being, on your journey
through the material and spiritual worlds.

It is the lack of understanding of this that leads to the

confusion of what or who guides your every step. You
already have all the tools, resources and knowledge to
use this intelligence wisely, prudently and thoughtfully.

Pay attention to when you feel inspired, when

something goes your way, when a new idea comes to

you. Be aware of when you have had great insight into

another person or felt inspired to help another person
realize their potential. It is without fail that these
energies, which are thought waves, continuously flow to
you. Being aware of your greater connection is the true
source of this inspiration. Recognizing that you are 99%
pure intelligence and 1% material expression sets your
priorities in order. This awareness can lead to the peace
that all human expressions of this intelligence are

The Calling

When thoughts stir inside you to seek something

new or to change the basis of your thoughts or to change
your method of operation, some refer to this as “the

The calling is an awakening into higher realms of

thought; however, it is taking place at the cellular level
of your being. Buried within your cells is memory. The
memory of all there is to know about you, past, present
and future is inside you. It is an undeniable,
unmistakable drive to know. It is a compelling urge to
move forward toward an unknown, yet exciting destiny.
A voice resonates inside you telling you to be more than
you are, see more than you see, and to remember that
you are already knowing. The feeling spreads
throughout your body creating a need to love more, to
help more, to be of service to others, and to grow
spiritually. It is a call to awaken the sleeping giant inside
of you.

It is the same calling that many others have known

and felt. It’s an inner guidance system that tells you it is
time to move forward, to get going, and to reach out to
others. You have no idea why this feeling is so
overwhelming to you -- it just is. Most importantly, you
have a need to find others who are on the same path as

Many methods are offered to develop this inner

awareness through a variety of experiences designed to
awaken an internal knowing, but no matter which
avenue you take, which road you go down, the path
seems overwhelming with diverse information. “Which
path shall I take?” You wonder, sometimes finding
yourself going down blind alleys. However, an internal
structure gives you a basis of sensing and knowing that
there is a greater truth behind everything. It feels like a
central intelligence at the core of your being that
continuously alerts you to the true nature of existence. It
prompts you to action. It compels you to feel
compassion. It urges you to give. It sends you warnings
of danger or sadness. It sends waves of joy and
exhilaration. It is your intuition.

At the cellular level


We have heard stories of heart transplant recipients

who developed the tastes and habits of the person whose
heart they received. How is this possible, we ask? It is
because at the cellular level of the heart, memory exists.
The memory of the likes, dislikes, habits, emotions,
fears and joys of life. It is the replication of life itself.
The individual receiving the heart begins to “remember”
the heart’s coding. Molecules from one part of the body
connect or converse with other parts to keep the body
alive. This is cellular chemistry-- a communication of all
the parts of the body to function as one cohesive unit.
The newly transplanted heart is not working separately
or independently of the other organs of the body. It is
operating in cooperation with all other organs, blood,
tissue, fiber, nerves and cells. This is the current of life.

To operate cooperatively, the newly transplanted

heart will communicate data and resources with all other
body parts. Therefore, the rest of the body “knows” this
new part and communicates the information to the brain.
The brain accepts this data and the recipient of the heart
begins to “know” the donor on the cellular level, the
memory level. The recipient begins to experience some
of the thoughts, desires and feelings of the donor. This
knowingness is housed within your intuition.

The air we breathe and the water we drink has been

around for billions of years. It is all recycled energy.
The molecules that were the beginning of all created
matter are still here. They are the same old molecules
that have always been. The Universe is in constant
motion, constant exchange of recycled matter and
molecules. Thanks to John Cassidy’s book, Earthsearch,
A Kids’ Geography Museum in a Book, we glean this
knowledge. He shows us that that oxygen inside our
lungs is the same oxygen molecules that were breathed
by Earth’s first inhabitants. The water inside our bodies
is the same water that has been in and out of every living
thing. And no matter where we live in the world, there
are dust particles in our air that have traveled to us from
every continent in the world!

It may be hard to imagine, but we have drops of

water melted from the snow of the Himalayas in our
rain, molecules from ancient civilizations in our blood,
and a part of the Sahara desert in our yard and on our

With all this “information” about the Universe inside

us, around us, in our yards, water, and in the air we
breathe, how, on a cellular level, can we not know
creation, past, present and future? It is all there inside us
and outside us. All we need to do is go inside and

discover the wealth of information contained within our

cells, within our being, within our Intuition.

Intuition is the internal knowing system that is

always connected, always on, always offering the
opportunity to know. Clairvoyants “read” a person at
the cellular level of memory. They are able to predict the
future, to some degree, utilizing projective viewing
based on the information contained within the person
they are reading. They virtually can “see” the memory.

See Beyond Ordinary Awareness

To see beyond ordinary human experience requires

an open, patient, forgiving, sensitive, and listening mind.
It requires us to be open to new and different ideas-- to

be patient with others, and ourselves to be sensitive to

the needs and understanding of others, to be forgiving of
ourselves and those we believe have hurt us, and to
listen with our soul when in the company of one who
needs our guidance. Listening beyond the mere words
that are offered, and to perceive the feeling and meaning
of the thoughts that are given is to see into the depth of
our own soul and use the intuitive power we were given
to connect us to all things, great and small.

Focused Listening
Focused listening tunes out everything including
your thoughts, and tunes into the speaker. Through
focused listening we can see beyond the words into the
realm of knowing. Intuition is an inner knowing, a sense

of what is happening or what is potentially happening.

When we are tuned in to our thoughts when another is
speaking, we frequently bypass our intuition and have
the danger of falling into judgment, limitation or
confusion. Listening with an open heart releases
judgment and immediately opens the doors of intuition.

Tune In
Tuning into your intuition is like turning up the
volume of your radio. The radio signal is always there.
Are you tuned in? Pay attention to the synchronization’s
and coincidences in your life. Make a note of them and
see if they are related to what you have been thinking,

needing or wanting. Trust your instincts and inner voice

that give you warnings or advice or guidance. Be open
to changes, new ideas or new thoughts. Changing the
way you are thinking or perceiving tunes you in to new
signals, a new radio frequency that expands your
knowledge and your intuitive insight. Read inspirational
books or articles that uplift you so that you can see the
world differently. Finally, join groups, classes or
workshops for mind-expanding opportunities.

There are many avenues in which your intuition can

work with you so that you can be guided in every action
you take. Here are some ideas for you to explore.

Part 2
Begin by being aware of your dreams. Do not
become concerned so much about forecasting the future
as to becoming aware of the thoughts and images in
your dreams. Dreams are a tool of the self-aware person.

When we know what the mind is dwelling upon, we can

discover hidden messages or hidden agendas that help
guide us along. Our dreams can help us sort out details
of our lives and put issues in order of priority. If your
dream elements contain feelings or images of being lost,
for instance, then, your intuition, through your dreams,
can alert you that somewhere in your life you are
spinning your wheels or running in circles. Therefore,
your intuition is telling you to stop and reevaluate your
situation and take another road in your life.

Most dreams are directional. They let you know

right where you stand in your thinking and decision-
making. Making no decision is still making a decision to
do nothing. There are dream books to help you discover
the hidden meaning in your dreams but your intuition is
your best guide for interpreting your own situation. Put
the dream in writing as quickly as you can and when you
are relaxed, ask yourself what this dream may mean to
you. Be open and honest with yourself and you will be
surprised how easy the answer comes.

Dreams are the inner workings of the mind. Ninety

percent of our dreams are conceptual interpretations
upon which the mind has dwelled. Our everyday input is
an output during dreaming, consequently, our dreams
are invaluable for interpreting those ideas that are most

dominant in our walking around awareness. Dreams can

tell us where our fears lie. They can help us understand
our reaction to our environment or to understand the key
people around us. All thoughts are real. They exist in
conceptual thought forms in our brain and can be
recalled instantly when the brain needs to interpret the
input we have given it during our awake state.

When attempting to decipher your dreams, begin by

being aware of your feelings regarding the dream. Look
for feelings of elation, loss, confusion, happiness,
sadness, fear, compassion, loneliness, etc. Your feelings
regarding the dream images are the road map for
interpreting your dream. If you had a good feeling in
your dream, then the dream elements are positive for
you. If you had a negative feeling during the dream, then
the dream is warning you that you are going in the
wrong direction in your thinking, or possibly in your

Next, look at what you were doing in the dream and

what action you were taking. If you were lost in your
dream and could not find your way around, then look for
issues in your life where you are feeling or experiencing
that you are getting nowhere. If a dream where you
experienced the sensation of water washing over you
and you remembered that as a pleasant feeling, then this

dream could be telling you that a positive change is

occurring in your life. You might experience something
that will cause you to feel renewed or cleansed, bringing
you happiness, love or joy. It would be telling you to
stay where you are and enjoy the ride!

By examining your feelings in your awakened state,

you can improve the conditions of your life by
modifying or changing your point of view. Or, you can
change your feelings about life situations that are
affecting your performance and happiness. You can
change your outlook from negative to positive!

After you have discovered your feelings during the

dream, and the action, (running, flying, floating,
walking, driving a vehicle, riding in a vehicle, etc.), look
at the other concepts in the dream. For example, a
vehicle, no matter how big or small, represents in most
dreams your physical body. If you were in a vehicle and
were the driver, then check to see if you were going too
fast (as in, going too fast in life) or going too slow (over
cautious, possible health problems, to name a few). If
the brakes failed or you had a crash, this could represent
possible danger. If someone else is driving the vehicle,
then you may want to interpret this as someone else
being in control of your life. The dream may be a

warning that you have given your power and authority to

someone else.

Houses or buildings quite often represent the

mansions of your mind. Again, if the feeling is of being
lost, inside or outside the buildings, then somewhere in
your awakened state, you may be lost or confused as to
the direction of your life. You may be avoiding making
a decision. However, if in your dream, you were just
exploring a house or large building, and then this can
forecast that in your awakened state, you are seeking
answers and exploring new opportunities.

Some people who are recognizable, and some who

are not, are the players in your dream. They are there to
help you interpret the action you need to take. Strangers
in your dream might foretell of someone coming into
your life with whom you will interact. Colors, flowers,
birds, animals, and objects are important to the overall
interpretation of your dream. They add color and life to
the experience. Interpret these remembering the overall
feeling you had in the dream. A flower can forecast love
and affection if your dream felt good to you; however, a
flower could also represent a transition in your life or
within the life of someone around you. In a positively
experienced dream, a tiger could represent strength,
tenacity, and power. A tiger appearing in a fearful

dream can tell you that you are about to be

overwhelmed, over powered or eaten up with anxiety. A
tiger could represent that your money is about to be
gobbled up due to a bad business deal. See how you Feel
in the dream because this is the ultimate key to dream

There are dreams that can accurately forecast the future

but these dreams are rare. Most dreams tell you where
you are right now in your present moment. By recording
your dreams, you can change your life by being aware of
your feelings regarding the dream. Remember, your
dream belongs to you. It is about you, and it is your
interpretation of your life. This is intuition working its
magic for you.

Your Inner Feelings

Be aware of your feelings. Tune into yourself and
ask, “Why am I feeling this way?” To find out about
fear based feelings, ask yourself, “What am I fearing?”
or “What do I fear will happen?” Your answer will come
quickly if you are open to the truth. If your feeling is of
joy, happiness or exhilaration, then your intuition is
telling you that this is good for you. Proceed.

Feelings of fear are real or unreal. They can have a

basis or no basis. Using your intuition to alert yourself
of danger is quite different from the feeling of fear you
have just before you go see a dentist. When your
feelings of fear or foreboding have no basis from any
former experience (such as the dentist), then your
intuition may be alerting you to a present danger,
however, if you have always been fearful under certain
circumstances, then your mind may be overriding your
intuition. Be honest with yourself and find out if this
fear is based on uncomfortable feelings you have about
this experience or do you feel that by doing the
experience you would be in clear and present danger.

The Power of Forgiveness and Compassion

The development of intuition has a lot to do with
forgiveness and compassion for all living things.
Forgiving yourself and others will quantum leap you
forward into self-awareness. When we release unwanted
past memories, we release blocks that are preventing our
intuition from coming fully forward.
Clinical hypnotherapy may be one of the best ways
to let go of childhood memories. A qualified therapist

can help you re-pattern your stored thoughts and

experiences to make them more palatable, thus
eliminating the need to create or justify your future
based on past issues.

Let go of unwanted thoughts and tell yourself, “That

was then, and this is now." The now is always what is
happening in your present moment, in your thoughts and
in your experience. The thoughts you have now define
the quality of your life.

We override our intuition every day when we

become blind to the pain and suffering of those living
around us or to the pollution and destruction of our
communities and to our world. To use your
intuition,wake up to what is going on around you and
have the compassion and courage to do something about

The Therapeutic Touch

Touch is a powerful tool in the development of
intuition. Placing your hand on another’s hand creates an
instant connection with that person.

Learning to share touching moments with others

opens you to receive vast knowledge of yourself and of
other people. Touching moments can be a heartfelt hug,
a protective arm around the shoulders, holding hands, a

soft touch on the side of the face, a pat on the back or a

reassuring hand on a knee. When you are working with
someone who is ill, include in your touch, warm, tender,
positive thoughts for the person who you are helping.
Our physical bodies are very responsive to genuine
kindness and tenderness.

Through touch, your body will send signals to your

intuitive center, giving you information regarding the
person with whom you are interacting. Once you have
received thoughts or impressions, be careful to discern if
the information you perceive is valuable and helpful to
the individual. Put yourself in their place. If you feel the
information is helpful, then proceed to share your
perception. When using your intuition while working
with another person, always be sure if it is wise to share
all that you are receiving. Some information may be best

Massage has proven not only to be a muscle tension

release, but also an emotional release. The therapeutic
touch is necessary for the growth and development of
emotional intelligence. Give someone a foot massage
and watch his or her words pour forth. When you have
stored up too much emotional energy, go to a qualified
massage Therapist. Your body will thank you for it.

Developing Spontaneous Intuition

Instead of looking for a specific book or title, let the
book find you. Tell your inner self, what you want to
know. Ask your intuition to bring the book or
information to you. Go into a bookstore being open to
what ever the Universe wants to bring to you. Perhaps,
you will be inspired by the colors on the book jacket, or
the title. Or, as you are reaching for one book, another
one falls off the shelf toward you! Hold the book in

your left hand and perceive what is inside for you. Your
left hand relates to the right side of your brain, which is
your creative side. It is your creative side that will tell
you if this information is right for you.

This method works for other objects. Hold the object

in your left hand and let the feelings you have flow
through your body. Feel in tune with the object. Imagine
the person or group who created the object or wrote the
material. Sense if the object, book, food, etc. is right for
you. You can tell if it is right for you if you do not want
to put the item down and it feels attractive to you. If you
feel unclear, it might not be right for you today. It might
be right for you another time. Try again.

Your Body’s Universal Language

Your body knows you mentally, spiritually,

emotionally and physically. It knows what is best for its
optimum health and will give you a yes or no signal
when asked. Your body has a universal signal for “yes”
and a universal signal for “no”. Stand with your feet
slightly apart. Close your eyes and ask your body to give
you your universal “yes”. Feel your body move or lurch
slightly in one direction. Then ask your body for its
universal sign for “no”. Your body will move forward or

backward or right or left. When you have your body’s

signal, you can ask of yourself questions regarding what
is appropriate for you. Should I eat this food, take this
supplement, go to that party, take this job, and buy this
car. These are all questions that can be answered with
this method.

When you wake up in the morning, place your hand

over your stomach and ask your stomach what it would
like to eat for breakfast. You might be surprised about
the answer you perceive because your body knows
exactly what you need to keep it alive and happy.
Remember that every part of your body communicates
with every other part. So the next time you have a
headache, before reaching for the medicine cabinet,
place your hand on your head and ask your head what it
needs to relieve the pain. You might be surprised to
sense that instead of aspirin or some other drug, your
head tells you that you are tightening up your shoulders
and cutting off blood supply to the head. Relax your
shoulders and the headache will go away! There are
many answers or combinations of things you might be
directed to do to relieve the pain. Your body knows you.

Meditation allows quieting of the mind so that your
mind is receptive to receiving. It is a way for your soul
to breathe and re-connect to the universal source of well-
being. In deep meditation, your body receives a flooding
of pure positive energy. It is the food of the soul. It is a
connection to your higher self that offers guidance,
inspiration, and encouragement, which helps you know
that you are, much more than your current experience.

This connection gives you the ability to transcend

ordinary experience into extraordinary experience.

To begin meditation, become aware of your

breathing and pretend that you are the breath, the intake
and the exhale. As you follow your breathing in and out,
you can imagine that you are breathing life into your
heart or to your throat or to a joint or any place that
needs your attention. Breathe pure, positive energy
though that vortex of the physical body.

Next, become the breath that breathes through your

mind, through your brain and through all of the thoughts
you have stored there. Through focused breathing, clear
out unwanted thoughts and allow peaceful images to
float there. Next, allow the breath to take you beyond
the physical and mental realms into universal energy.
Float peacefully there until you feel the need to return to
your physical world.

If you are having trouble clearing out the jumble of

thoughts crowed into every moment, relax, close your
eyes, and begin to count backwards from 99 until you
feel that it is too much of an effort to continue counting.
Then, just let go, and float peacefully in the oneness of
all. This is the realm where you can talk to the angels,
receive messages, and connect to your higher self. You

can tap into all of the thinkers who have gone before
you. The collective awareness contains the knowledge
of all things. Your intuition is continuously flowing
information to you from this awareness. There is
nothing you cannot know, nothing you cannot be, and
nothing you cannot do, when you are living within this

Self Hypnosis
When you shut down one of your senses, such as
closing your eyes, your other senses become more alert,
more aware. Closing your eyes is the beginning of self-
hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is designed for you to put
yourself in a state of receptivity to accomplish some
goal or develop a potential. It allows your consciousness
mind to expand into the realm of the collective
conscious or higher self. From here, you can focus your

awareness down to one point of knowing and unlock

stored memories.

Always begin by taking a few deep breaths and set

forth your intention (what you are trying to accomplish).
Clear your mind by counting backwards from 99 until
you sense stillness or slowing down of external
thoughts. Focus on going down and deep into the
subconscious and begin to envision days, months or
years flying by until you have arrived at a place where
the data is stored.

For most of us, this data is from the childhood. For

many of us, it is in what appears to be past life memory.
The brain can store experiences in categories such as
past experiences, present experiences, and future (yes,
future) memory. Remember it is all happening NOW.
The future can be accessed because it exists at your
cellular level now. No matter how the information is
stored, it is available to you in your present moment.

For an example:
If in your childhood, for whatever reason, you felt you
lacked self-confidence and you believe that the lacking
of self-confidence is the cause of negative situations in
your present moment, you can return to your childhood
and through self-hypnosis place your awareness in the

elements of self-confidence. Imagining the feeling of

self-confidence in various situations and with significant
people around you can catapult you to a feeling of self-
confidence in your present situation. Einstein said,
“Your imagination is your greatest power." Give your
mind the suggestion that you are a self -confident
individual and you will be confident.

In most examples, see yourself succeeding at

whatever you are attempting to change about yourself.
Hold that vision of yourself until you can feel the power
of those thoughts. Then return to your awakened state
and begin to live the quality of those thoughts.

You can develop your intuition faster by

programming your mind to accept your ability to use
your intuition. This way your intuition always jumps to
the forefront of your mind to give you a road map for
your future. You are always in control of what you
think, and what data you want to be brought forth for
your consideration.

Feel yourself seeing beyond your ordinary
awareness of what is possible for you. Visualization is
good for the development of this inner seeing. Use your
imagination to create the image of what you are
wanting. Expand your vision to include rich detail and a
variety of possible benefits from obtaining this outcome
in your reality. Hold the vision in your mind as if you
already have it. Keep your vision going until you have
begun to see the results of your contemplation.

The trick to inner seeing is being able to “see”

beyond the clutter of your mind. Let go of unwanted
mental chatter, and allow extraordinary color and
images, that are not normally available to you, to enter
into your inner realm of seeing. Read Creative

The Aura
To see beyond the physical reality is to see beyond
or through the object or person that you are observing.
To see auras practice staring at an object until you lose
the peripheral vision around the object and the outside
edges of the object has become blurred. Keep staring
until the object itself appears more distant and colors
form around the object.

When you want to see the human aura it is tempting

to look above or around the person’s head. Instead, try

staring at the forehead and “see” or “stretch” your

visionary field to include the outside edges of the head
and shoulders. In this way you are seeing beyond the
person into the energy field around them.

Use a white background to see the human aura. In a

darkened room, place the person in front of a white
background and use indirect light (such as candles
placed around and behind the individual). If you are in
daylight, place the individual against a blank white wall.
Focus your vision between his or her eyebrows and
continue staring without blinking for as long as you can.
Your peripheral vision will begin to blur. Observe colors
that appear on the white background around the
individual. At first, you might only see subtle hints of
color around the individual’s head but later you will see
color changes around the physical body.

The aura may contain many colors that can be seen

at various heights, levels and depth of color around
living things. Age and personal development can change
the colors in the aura over time.

Yellow as seen around the human form may alert the

viewer that this is a very creative, inventive, and
intelligent person who has a playful, joyful and
expressive personality. Green might be interpreted to

indicate that this person is a healer, teacher or counselor

or is working on issues of personal healing or love.
Orange has to do with relationships, friendships and
issues relating to those individuals who are close to you.
Blue is communication. Red indicates work and survival
issues. Indigo may show that this individual has a
heightened sense of intuition. Purple is the color around
a very spiritual person. And, white is the divine
connection to all.

“What Color is your Aura?” by Barbara Bowers,

Ph.D. will give you a complete description of the colors
and the personality traits associated with them. Viewing
auras takes practice but it’s worth the effort.

The Chakras

The colors in your aura are quite often associated

with the colors of the human Chakras. Chakras are
energy centers that are located within the body
corresponding to the endocrine system. Each chakra
corresponds to a particular color. They are like
electromagnetic centers flowing currents of energy
between them. Each Chakra is magnetic. Each can
independently draw information to it or send
information to one or all of the chakras. Each works in

harmony with each other. They resonate within the

physical body through color, harmonics and vibration.
The magnetic energy of each Chakra draws to the
physical body the same electromagnetic current that
surrounds the Earth. The Earth draws electromagnetic
energy from the Universe to (and through) her 12 sacred
Chakras. The colors of Earth’s Chakras can be seen in
the aurora borealis over the northern and southern
hemispheres of the planet. The Auroral colors represent
Earth’s field of information she is sending out to the
Universe. It is from these colors (energy, harmonics and
vibration) that the Universe recognizes Mother Earth
and her inhabitants. Since humans draw magnetic
current to themselves in the same manner as Earth, the
human energy field, known as the aura, therefore,
becomes a signature vibration to the Universe. The
Universe can know each and every living thing by its
signature (color) vibration.

The first Chakra is the Root chakra located at the

base of the spine. Its color is red and relates to instincts,
survival, supply, needs, and being able to stand on your
own two feet (both physically and metaphorically).

The second chakra is near the spleen and is

associated with the color orange. Orange represents
sexuality, relationships, and maturing.

The third chakra is in the area known as the solar

plexus (around the navel). It resonates to the color
yellow, which has to do with youth, childhood, joy,
intelligence and power.

The fourth is the heart chakra and that color is green.

Green relates to the love we have for our parents,
children, friends, mates, and animals, Mother Earth and
for developing unconditional love.

The throat chakra is fifth. Its color is blue and has

reference to issues of communication on the mental,
physical, emotional and spiritual parts of the self.

In the center of the forehead (the third eye), is the

sixth chakra that is associated with indigo. This is the
God Head where we see psychic and intuitive abilities,
clairvoyant sight, and heightened intelligence.

And the seventh Chakra is at the crown of the head

and vibrates the color purple. Purple represents the
higher self, God, and the super consciousness.

White is a color that often appears a few inches above

the head in what is said to be the eighth chakra. White

is almost always depicted as one’s solid connection to

divine intelligence.

Chakras are also located in the bottom of the feet (the

“sole”) and in the palm of the hands. Walking barefoot
on the beach where the water, earth and air come
together is an inspiring experience especially if you take
that walk at sunset, sunrise or during the full moon.
Inspiration will flood into your being and give you a
feeling of oneness with all.

The hands are the healers, givers, and receivers of the

body. They allow our creativity to flow through us to
others. Many colors are seen around hands. Green is
most often associated with “hands on” healing. Each
part of the body, however, can respond to a variety of
colors depending on the nature or condition that needs
healing. If a person is lacking joy, for instance, you
might want to imagine yellow (the joy color) flooding
through your hands to the person you are healing. The
chakras in the hands are invaluable for healing, massage,
and touch therapy. Many intuitives have discovered that
these chakras aid them in the development of
psychometry and in the use of pendulums.

About pendulums
A homemade pendulum or any representation of a
pendulum that you like is a tool you can use to tap into
your intuition. A pendulum can be any weighted object
of special interest or value to you that is tied to a silk
cord. Many people use a crystal or metal object for their
work with pendulums. Crystals and metals are good
conductors of energy. The cord needs to be long enough
to allow the object to swing freely to the alternate action
of gravity and momentum. A balanced object that comes
to a point similar to a carpenter’s plumb line tool is the

Hold the pendulum’s string in your right hand, and

let it swing over your left palm when asking questions.

Since the left side is your receiving side, you want the
pendulum to “receive” the inspiration from the left palm.
Always establish the direction of swing for “Yes” and
“No” before you begin asking your intuition for

When asking a question about another individual,

hold the string with your right hand and allow the
pendulum to swing over the other person’s left hand.
You can also use a photograph, written material, an
article of clothing, or anything from which you want to
glean an answer.

The pendulum is not necessarily intended to predict

the future but it is a wonderful tool that allows you to
tap into a resource within that has a greater awareness of
you and your unique path in life.

Psychometry is a method to intuitively interpret
information by holding an object in your hand and with
focused concentration, receive impressions from the
object. As you are holding the object in your left hand,
impressions may come into your mind. Sometimes our
logical mind wants to override this ability to receive
information about a person or object in this manner. We
have sensory perception beyond what can be seen by the
naked eye or felt by ordinary awareness.

Owls can see much farther than we can. Dogs can

hear beyond human ranges of hearing. Some animals
have an uncanny sense of danger in their environment,
and cats and dogs know what you are thinking! Because

we cannot see as far as the owl, hear like a dog or sense

danger as keenly as other animals do, does not mean that
what we cannot see, hear, touch, feel or sense is not real
or does not exist. It exists. We just have to train
ourselves to see internally, to hear differently, and
remember that we can also perceive beyond ordinary

Remember, at one time it was thought that the world

was flat until some visionary said it was round, and that
changed the way humans viewed their world forever.
Try using psychometry on books, jewelry, crystals,
gems, artwork, pottery, clothing, or any object you can
hold in your hand. This takes patience and practice and
getting into the feeling side of you to receive this
information intuitively.

Intuition Is Inner Knowing

When you are aware of inner knowing, then it is a
matter of trusting your instincts and acting upon them.
Intellectualizing about intuition and studying intuition is
useful if it does not keep you from the doing and
experiencing. Think of your intuition as your know-it-all
best friend, a walking encyclopedia of knowledge about
you. Trust this friend and ask this friend everything, all
day long, year after year, until you are this friend and
are living your life as a testament to this inner guidance.

Hearing the Inner Voice

The inner voice is always there. We have inner
conversations with ourselves every waking minute of
every day. Our thoughts never stop. Most of our idle

thoughts are just mind chatter and the working out of

our every day problems. Our egos, personalities and
emotions get in the way of the true inner voice.
Sometimes we override our own common sense or are
influenced by other’s opinions about us.

The inner voice comes to us as an instinct, a feeling,

or sudden inspiration. When you go inside and ask your
question, have the patience to be guided through one of
the senses. Hearing is an inner hearing. It is an
impression or block of thought that pervades your mind.

To begin developing your inner hearing start by

writing a letter to yourself, and with patience, wait until
the answers come into your head. Write what you are
“hearing” in a journal. Keep writing as long as you feel,
hear, perceive or know that the answers to your
questions are coming from an “inner hearing” deep
within your mind. Keep a journal of your inner hearing.
This type of hearing is nothing more than inner
knowing. The more you develop this “hearing,” the
more it will come to you.

Automatic Writing and

Right Brain Creativity

The employment of automatic writing begins with a

brief understanding of the two hemispheres of the brain.
Many books are written on the subject of the right brain,
left brain experience and its theories and practices,
however, this subject is so vast and technical that most
of it is beyond the scope of this book.

The basics of automatic writing include the

knowledge that the right side of the brain is the receptive
side and the left side of the brain is the sending side. The
right brain is creative, nurturing, giving, loving, inward
and sensitive. The left-brain is practical, logical,
analytical, decisive, gregarious, and outgoing. The right
brain relates to the activities on the left side of the body,
and the left-brain functions on the right side of the body.

We do most of our work with the right hand, as most

of us are right handed. Work is productive often logical,
practical and usually “out there” somewhere in the work
world. That is our left-brain activity, (left brain -- right
hand). We would be more inclined to write a technical
journal from the left-brain with the right hand. But when
writing a letter to Mom, we are most likely to be writing
from the right side of the brain no matter if we are using
our left hand or our right hand. It is from the right brain
activity that we emote feelings and sensitivity. Intuition
and automatic writing are more easily accessed through
the right side of the brain.

The best way to begin intuitive or automatic writing

is to practice writing with your left hand, even if you are
right hand dominate. Develop a method or style so you
can read what you have written! Writing from the left
hand gets things going in the “right” direction! Next,
write a letter with your right hand to Mom, God, your
children, your mate, or whom ever you have an
emotional connection. Write all that you want to this
person or deity and sign it. Then, immediately pick up a
pen and answer the letter with your left hand.

 Rule one: Immediately start writing your answer

with your left hand when you stop writing with your
right hand.
 Rule two: Keep writing with your left hand for a
period of 20 minutes.
 Rule three: As you are writing, do not stop to correct
spelling or punctuation. You can do that later. Keep the
writing flowing.

Once you have established, from your intuition, an

intentional connection to this enlightened part of
yourself, you can try doing all of the writing with your
dominant hand.

A note to left-handers: You can choose to use your

left hand from the start for all of your writing or, if you
are comfortable with left hand, right hand writing, you
can use either hand to write your letter of inquiry, but
always answer your inquiry with your left hand.

Practice with Others

Sit with a person or hold a thought of another person

in your mind. Allow your mind to fill with love and
compassion for this individual. Begin to see yourself as
the other person, and feel what it would be like to be that
person. Contemplate their life through their eyes. Let
thoughts come into your mind and either speak or record
the thoughts that come to you. Do not judge your
thoughts or try at first to interpret them. Just be aware of
the impression you are receiving. When you are coming
from love and compassion you will receive higher
thoughts that will be uplifting and supportive. Begin to
see beyond the physical, mental and emotional
impression you have of the individual. Go into the realm
of all of their experiences and conditions of life.

See into the essence, the soul, the spiritual dimension

of the one you are contemplating and a whole new world

of information will come to you. It takes practice, time,

love, effort, and joy but the rewards are tremendous
when you allow your intuition to see beyond the
ordinary into the extraordinary realms of thought.

When that light bulb turns on in your head and a
great idea or concept jumps forward in your mind, that is
luminosity! Your intuitive intelligence just gave you a
clear mental image of a process or solution to a situation
you have been contemplating. When we relax our
mental activity, we allow our brain, combined with our
intuition, to serve as a medium for giving light and
making an idea or thought brighter.

There are people, who from our perception of them,

seem to give off a light. We are attracted to them. There
are even objects of our desire that hold our attention so
that they appear brighter, more attractive or more
exciting to us than similar objects. These things we tend
to buy or desire to own because to our eye, they stand
out to us, almost calling us into action.

You can use luminosity to help purchase the right

stock or mutual funds or to help choose a company with
whom you want to do business. If you want to know
which slot machine to play or which ticket has the best
possibility of winning, try luminosity! It does not always
work, but you will greatly improve your chances by
concentrating on attracting the right situation. Anytime
from your perception, something or someone stands out
to you or seems brighter or has lighter aura or a glow
that is your intuition working for you. It is giving you a
mental light allowing you to see differently to light your
way to success.

To practice luminosity, stare at lists of things. Lists

might include movies you are intending to see or stocks
you are considering purchasing. Stare at the list until one
item on the list appears brighter or stands out. Stare at a
whole page of information until something on that page
attracts you or seems brighter or gives you a new
understanding. Luminosity can also be used to “see”
into a situation. Hold the thought you are considering in
your head until the picture of your thought clears up and
you are able to choose the correct course of action.

Most individuals have discovered while reading a

book, they cannot get beyond a sentence or paragraph. It
is as if that sentence or paragraph is holding them

captive. That is mental luminosity highlighting that area

for you. There is something within your thought or
within that paragraph you need to know.

The Do’s and Don’ts of the Right Use of


Do remain neutral and calm when using your intuition

for yourself or for others.
Don’t be influenced by the objects or conditions outside
yourself. They are illusions that can confuse your ability
to see clearly.
Do go inside and learn to recognize fear-based negative
thoughts from genuine cautionary feelings or warnings.
Do recognize that setbacks offer an opportunity for
Do recognize that positive thoughts will connect you to
positive results.
Do visualize a positive outcome.
Do let go of limiting beliefs.
Do appreciate yourself and where you are in life.
Do recognize that, in a moment of appreciation, you
have no negative thoughts that override your intuition.

Do recognize that you do have the power and the talent

to enhance the quality of your intuition.
Do live your life as if every moment counted. It does!
Do set forth a purpose every day.
Do live your life in a purposeful way.
Do know that in the long run everything happens for the
best. You may not see this immediately but staying
focused will calm negative mental chatter allowing you
to see the reason behind it all.
Do enjoy the contrasts in life. Contrasts offer us the
ability to know what we want or what we do not want.
Don’t live your life by agreeing to conditions or beliefs
that no longer serve a purpose for you. If you need to let
go of childhood programming, do so.
Do know your own self worth.
Don’t succumb to the influence of others. Live your life,
not someone else’s drama.
Do flow your energy positively as if you have nothing in
common with other’s negative results. Others may not
be using their internal power wisely and yet their
experiences are added to the body of knowledge around
them. Their statistics are added to all the other statistics,
of all the other wise or unwise thinkers around you.
Therefore, you cannot afford to compare your wise
process of life to anyone else’s.
Do know that you are the captain of your ship--the
designer of your destiny.

Don’t blame anyone or anything for your situation,

including yourself.
Do accept responsibility for yourself.
Do resolve to know that the future will manifest through
your intentions and desires.
Do give up attachments as to how the results will be
Do recognize that your emotions will tell you if you are
in tune with your intuition.
Don’t doubt your abilities and talents.
Do know that Love is all there is.

A Note To You from My Intuition

From the windows of your mind, you create all that
you experience and will experience. Your feeling
regarding these pictures brings them closer, faster to
you. Negative or positive, these concepts you hold in
your mind will come to you if held long enough, believed
enough, or participated in enough, until they are you.
The images outside of you are graphic representations
of what you are telling your brain about you. They are
the concrete structures of those pictures and feelings
you hold in your mind. There is nothing outside you that
chooses for you, keeps things away from you or
determines what you should or should not have. It is you
that creates, from the inside, all that you experience.

When you are praying, you are praying from within,

from your heart, from your soul, from your feelings
regarding yourself. The connection is inside you, not
outside. You are eternally connected inside. It is from
within that you receive. Receiving the inspiration, the
words, the thoughts, the plan is to use your internal
power to change your external awareness. It is all
within you. It has always been. It will always be. You

will never be disconnected from this internal power--this

internal creation. Even when you drop the physical
body, you become pure thought, pure awareness, and
pure beingness. You are. This is my love for you, the
love that is the tone of the Universe.

Part 3

Introduction To
The Luminosity Meditations

The Luminosity meditations are designed to help

visualize the development of intuition. There are
fourteen meditations, the last two being
Wholeness and Love, to pull it all together.

The meditations will help expand the intellect and

open up new vistas of possibilities, by illuminating
potentials and precognitive awareness. The meditations
are designed to enhance thoughts above normal
thinking. Thoughts are forms. We form thoughts in our
mind and these thoughts create the world we see around
us. If these thoughts are limited from our point of view,
then we are limited from expanding into other realms of
knowingness. Thought forms are only real if we believe
them to be so. Instead of images of people, buildings,
objects, animals, etc., allow your mind to see differently

by being more open and less critical or judgmental of

those who occupy the Universe with us.

The meditations take us out of the realm of judgment

and limitations into the world of endless possibilities
and wonder. Opening up new areas of thought takes us
into the other 90% of our thinking power.

In your world, put names, races, conditions,

situations and philosophies that you feel you differ from,
in your meditation, and imagine you are one of those
differences. By meditating on that image, you allow
yourself to see the situation differently and may see your
point of view changing, expanding, growing, and
becoming more loving, forgiving and more universal.
From this point, see yourself in every image on every
face or condition, in whatever way your intuition leads
you. Intuition will spring forth from your heart to create
a new worldview for you.

Be open to this process so that we, as a world, might

join together in one loving understanding of the true
mystery of life. Love is the greatest power.

The Meditations

Inner Peace
Start with Inner Peace as you begin to read
the book. As you meditate on this thought, see
yourself as universal in your thinking, expanded
way out and above normal awareness. Become
one with the universe and all of its living forms
because we are all connected to each other and
to everything else. Be an observer. Become
peaceful with yourself. Peaceful thoughts
always filter through those who know the ways
to live their lives to the fullest.

Be aware of where you have placed your
attention. Meditate on the word Attention.

Whatever you put your attention on will grow

stronger. Never dwell on lack or limitation,
focus only on what is wanted. Become more of
an observer and place your attention only on
those thoughts or things that bring positive
feelings inside you.

Unconditional Love

Love is inherent in all. It is a continuous

stream of positive energy that is offered for your
well-being. This inherent energy resides within
you. Meditate on love and discover the hidden
potential inside you--your inner guidance.
Meditate on the beauty of your inner world.

Open to the potential of Visualization. Dare
to dream. Visualize the kind of world you would
like to see. Go beyond what you thought was
possible for you. See beyond thoughts that may

have blocked you from reaching your full

potential. Keep the vision until you see the
results in your reality. Thoughts become
crystallized when held for a long time.

Having Faith opens you to a new way of
experiencing your inner connection to the
creative force behind it all. Our natural instinct
is to love and to experience joy, and in the joyful
expression of life, we get to have it all. We can
live our lives to the fullest and bring heaven to
earth for our enjoyment. Have faith that what
you desire will come to you as you meditate on
the word - Faith.

Inner Self

We have an inner wisdom, a core self. To

know our core self is to know our own power.
Meditating on your Inner Self will enhance

your ability to follow your heart and trust your

instincts. You are a composite of ideas and
potentials. Don’t let setbacks change your
positive focus regarding who you are or what
you want. All things are possible if you trust
your inner self. Think of the endless possibilities
for creation. There is always more room for
awareness, creativity and knowledge.

Meditate on what Synergy means to you. To
have insight into another individual, you must
first be able to see yourself in the other person.
See the connection, the synergy, and the equality
that bonds all life together. Love yourself and be
kind to yourself. Kindness is a reflection of your
inner contentment. This ability to see
universally will allow you to gain insight into
another’s life. You are connected to everything
and everything is connected to you.

Passion reveals where your interests lie.
Have passion for what you do, get in touch with
your feelings. Born out of emotion, comes forth
the desire to know and experience something on
a different level. Use your moment now as your
point of attraction. Meditate on your personal
goal and hold the vision until you have achieved
the goal. Allow your inner vision and passion to
draw the experience to you. See what you are

Meditating on Judgment is to remind you to
eliminate judgment from your life. You cannot
see clearly if judgments cloud your vision. Give
up evaluations, analyzing, and labeling. As you
meditate on this image, determine to practice

non-judgment. See the beauty and reason behind

it all.
Count your blessings as you meditate on the
message of Inspiration. Take time every day to
be silent and meditate on the gifts you have in
your life. From silence and appreciation, come
inspiration and your natural ability to add to
your life all the wonderful things that life holds
for you. Relax into your natural state of well-
being. All is well.

Meditate upon Unity. To gain insight into
any situation, you must be able to see that
everything is inner connected to everything else,
one circle overlapping another circle, etc.
Everything is energy. And, Energy is
continuously recycled and in constant exchange
with everything else. You are the Universe, the

Universe is you. You are a microcosm of the

macrocosm. You are not separate from
anything. Let your mind become one with those
around you and the results of your
contemplation will come to you in thoughts,
words, actions, or demonstrations in your life.


Last but not least, take charge of your own

life. Meditating on Responsibility will allow you
to write your own script and be your own
person. It will help you rise above negative
input from childhood, and bring awareness that
no one, or no “thing” is more powerful than
your thoughts. See that at the core of you is a
powerhouse of knowledge and experiences. You
choose what to store in there. The Universe is
not limited; therefore, you are not limited.
Choose thoughts, actions and experiences that
bring happiness and success to you and all.
Choice is the tool for change.

A Final Meditation on

When you see through yourself and through

others, you are a part of the wholeness of life.
You gain great insight to the workings of the
world and the human mind. The mind is capable
of wonders beyond our present comprehension.
Expanding into the uncharted territories of the
mind increases our capacity to know more about
our intuitive capabilities and ourselves. Use
your intuition with integrity, kindness, and
understanding. Recognize that not everyone
thinks as we think, nor should they. That is the
beauty of life, the contrasts that offer us an
endless variety of choices, experiences and
opportunities that make our lives full and joyful.
Have a happy journey into the realms of your

Love Your ‘Self’

Talk to your ‘self’ from your heart.
Explore the mysteries of your awakening
to empower yourself beyond what you
thought possible. Do this by guiding
yourself toward your own
Help yourself to realize that you are
already adequate enough to enter the
kingdom of heaven-the kingdom of pure
There is nothing more to do, to learn, to
prove, or to offer.

There is only now. And there is only love.

Surrendering to love creates a blissful
experience of pure awareness,
pure beingness, and
Do not let intellectual pursuits stop you
from attaining what you have in the
present moment. From this moment, you
sprang forth as creation. Expect nothing
more from yourself,
Accept this recognition-
You were and still are, the perfect
expression of

As you look for the good in all,

you are, at that moment, in harmony with
All That Is.

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Phone 1-888-826-8704

To be illuminated is to become enlightened


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