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GO-TAN VS TAN o WON a foreign national has an obligation to

support his minor child under Philippine laws

- Sharica, Steven’s wife filed Temporary Protective
- He is subjected to the laws of his country. But under
Order against Steven and her parents-in-law
the doctrine of processual presumption, he must
- In conspiracy of causing verbal, psychological and
properly plead and prove it in our courts. Failure to do
economic abuse in violation of RA 9262
so, pur courts will presume that their foreign law is the
- RTC granted here prayer for TPO. But after the
same to our local laws.
comment of opposition, RTC dismissed the case on o WON a foreign national can be held criminally
the ground that it includes the parents-in-law of the
liable under RA 9262
petitioner, they were not included in as respondents
- YES. Under Sec. 5, depravation or denial to the
under RA 9262
support of the child is considered as an act of violence
against women and their children
o Penal laws are obligatory upon all who live and
RA 9262
sojourn in Philippine territory
- YES. RA 9262 must be understood as suppletory
o Also, there is no prescription because it is a
application of the RPC. Provisions on Article 8 about
conspiracy can be suppletorily applied in this statutory continuing offense.
law. - Petition was granted
- Respondents had community of design and purpose in DABALOS VS RTC
tormenting her by giving insufficient financial support,
harassing by pressuring her and repeatedly abusing - Petitioner was charged with violation of Sec. 5a of RA
her verbally, emotionally and mentally 9262. The victim sought for the payment of the money
- Sec. 3 of RA 9262 defines violence against women or she had lent to the petitioner but he could not pay.
their children as any act or series of act committed by She confronted her about rumors about her, he
any person. It can be done directly or through another admitted. The respondent slapped the petitioner
according to Sec. 5h. Likewise in Sec. 8b on the causing to inflict her physical injuries.
issuance of protection order - He contends that he was no longer in a relationship
with the victim during the offense so RA 9262 should
DEL SOCORRO VS VAN WILSEM not be his charge.
- The Filipina Del Socorro married the foreign nation Van - Issue: WON RA 9262 can be construed in a manner
Wilsem to Holland and they had a son. Later on, they that will favor the accused.
got their divorcee decree in Holland. Del Socorro, - Elements of VAWC
together with her son went back to the Philippines. o The offender has or had sexual or dating
- Van Wilsem promised to give monthly support but relationship
they never received it o The offender, by himself or through another.
- Del Socorro filed complaint against him for violation of Commits an act or series of acts of harassment
Sec. 5 RA 9262 for the Van wilsem’s refusal to support against the woman
his minor child with the petitioner o The harassment alarms or causes substantial
- ISSUE: emotional or psychological distress to her
- The law is broad in scope but specifies two limiting thereafter, choking the said offended party causing the
qualifications to any act or series of act committed latter to sustain injuries. 37 However, the records of the
against a woman or her children and the woman is the case do not show that Jabalde intended to debase,
offender’s wife, former wife or with whom he had or degrade or demean the intrinsic worth and dignity of
has sexual or dating relationship and it results in Lin as a human being. Slaw
physical harm - The laying of the hands on Lin was an offshoot of
Jabalde’s emotional outrage after being informed that
JABALDE VS PEOPLE her daughter’s head was punctured, and whom she
— Lin testified, he was a Grade 1 pupil of Cawitan thought was already dead. In fact, her vision got
Elementary School. At around 9:00 a.m. of December blurred and she fainted. When she returned into
13, 2000, he was playing “langit lupa” during recess consciousness, she sat on her chair in front of the
with Ray Ann, Marco, Nova and another classmate. board for about five to ten minutes. 
During the course of their game, he touched the - It would be unforeseeable that Jabalde acted with
shoulder of Nova, Jabalde’s daughter, causing the cruelty when prosecution’s witness herself testified
latter to fall down and wounding her head. He then that the abrasions suffered by Lin were just “mildly
helped Nova to stand while one of his classmates inflicted.” If Jabalde indeed intended to abuse,
called Jabalde. Afraid of what happened, he ran maltreat and injure Lin, she would have easily hurt the
towards a dilapidated building, which was near the 7-year-old boy with heavy blows.
place of the incident. Soon thereafter, Jabalde arrived - As a mother, the death of her child, who has the blood
and slapped him on his neck and choked him. Lin was of her blood, and the flesh of her flesh, is the most
able to get out of her hold when he removed her excruciating idea that a mother could entertain. The
hands from his neck. spontaneity of the acts of Jabalde against Lin is just a
— He immediately ran towards their house some 500 product of the instinctive reaction of a mother to
meters away from the school. He told his mother rescue her own child from harm and danger as
Aileen about the incident. Thereafter, he was brought manifested only by mild abrasions, scratches, or
to Sta. Catalina Hospital for treatment and a medical scrapes suffered by Lin, thus, negating any intention
certificate was then issued to him. on inflicting physical injuries. Having lost the strength
— Jabalde posits that in her case, the act of inflicting of her mind, she lacked that specific intent to debase,
injuries, however minute they were, is punishable degrade or demean the intrinsic worth and dignity of a
under the RPC particularly Article 266(1)22 which child as a human being that was so essential in the
defines slight physical injuries; hence, she should be crime of child abuse. In fine, the essential element of
punished under the RPC and not under Section 10(a), intent was not established with the prescribed degree
Article VI of R.A. No. 7610. of proof required for a successful prosecution under
Section 10(a), Article VI of R.A. No. 7610.
ISSUE: Whether the acts of Jabalde as constitutive of
violation of Section 10(a), Article VI of R.A. No. 7610. BONGOLAN VS PEOPLE

COURT’S RULING: Facts: Petitioner was charged with child abuse, an act in
violation of Section 10(a) of RA 7610, for allegedly
- Jabalde was accused of slapping and striking Lin, committing acts of physical abuse and/or maltreatment by
hitting the latter on his nape, and immediately striking Jayson Dela Cruz (12 year old) with his palm hitting
the latter at his back and by slapping said minor hitting his Section 3. Definition of terms. –
left cheek and uttering derogatory remarks to the latter’s
family, which acts of the accused are prejudicial to the child’s xxxx
development and which demean the intrinsic worth and
dignity of the said child as a human being.
(b) “Child Abuse” refers to the maltreatment, whether
habitual or not, of the child which includes any of the
Petitioner denied having physically abused or maltreated following:
Jayson. He explained that he only talked with Jayson and
Roldan after his minor daughters, Mary Ann Rose and
Cherrylyn, had told him about Jayson and Roldan’s throwing (1) Psychological and physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual
stones at them and about Jayson’s burning Cherrylyn’s hair. abuse and emotional maltreatment;
He denied shouting invectives at and challenging Rolando to
a fight, insisting that he only told Rolando to restrain his (2) Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades or
sons from harming his daughters. RTC and CA found and demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a
declared petitioner guilty of child abuse. human being;

Issue: Whether petitioner was guilty of the crime charged. (3) Unreasonable deprivation of his basic needs for survival,
such as food and shelter; or
Ruling: NO. The law under which the petitioner was charged,
tried and found guilty of violating is Section 10 (a), Article VI (4) Failure to immediately give medical treatment to an
of Republic Act No. 7610, which relevantly states: injured child resulting in serious impairment of his growth
and development or in his permanent incapacity or death.
Section 10. Other Acts of Neglect, Abuse, Cruelty or
Exploitation and other Conditions Prejudicial to the Child’s xxxx
Development. –
Although we affirm the factual findings of fact by the RTC
(a) Any person who shall commit any other acts of child and the CA to the effect that the petitioner struck Jayson at
abuse, cruelty or exploitation or be responsible for other the back with his hand and slapped Jayson on the face, we
conditions prejudicial to the child’s development including disagree with their holding that his acts constituted child
those covered by Article 59 of Presidential Decree No. 603, abuse within the purview of the above-quoted
as amended, but not covered by the Revised Penal Code, as provisions. The records did not establish beyond reasonable
amended, shall suffer the penalty of prision mayor in its doubt that his laying of hands on Jayson had been intended
minimum period. to debase the “intrinsic worth and dignity” of Jayson as a
human being, or that he had thereby intended to humiliate
xxxx or embarrass Jayson. The records showed the laying of
hands on Jayson to have been done at the spur of the
moment and in anger, indicative of his being then
Child abuse, the crime charged, is defined by Section 3 (b) of overwhelmed by his fatherly concern for the personal safety
Republic Act No. 7610, as follows:
of his own minor daughters who had just suffered harm at information that he feloniously inflicts psychological violence
the hands of Jayson and Roldan. With the loss of his self- upon a woman with whom he has two children, resulting to
control, he lacked that specific intent to debase, degrade or mental and emotional anguish and public humiliation by
demean the intrinsic worth and dignity of a child as a human repeated verbal and emotional abuse consisting of several
being that was so essential in the crime of child abuse. bad and insulting utterance directed against the victim.
Dinamling pleaded not guilty to both charges.
What crime, then, did the petitioner commit? Considering
that Jayson’s physical injury required 5-7 days of medical Issue: Whether or not the petitioner is guilty of violation of
attention, the petitioner was liable for slight physical injuries RA No. 9262. 
under Article 266 (1) of the Revised Penal Code.
Ruling: The elements of the crime are;

WHEREFORE, we SET ASIDE the decision of the CA; and (1) The offended party is a woman and/or her child or
ENTER a new judgment finding P GUlLTY beyond reasonable children
doubt of the crime of SLIGHT PHYSICAL INJURIES under (2)  The woman is either the wife or former wife of the
paragraph 1, Article 266, of the Revised Penal Code. offender, or is a woman with whom the offender has or had a
sexual or dating relationship, or is a woman with whom such
AAA VS PEOPLE offender has a common child. As for the woman’s child or
children, they may be legitimate or illegitimate, or living
- She and the petitioner are husband and wife. They within or without the family abode.
(3)  The offender causes on the woman and/or child mental
have two children who witnessed the violence. The
or emotional anguish; and
wife incurred debts and used the television etc as
(4)  The anguish is caused through the acts of public ridicule
or humiliation, repeated verbal and emotional abuse, denial
- The husband hauled these items to his parents’ house
of financial support or custody of minor children or access
- RTC convicted him and CA denied his petition
to the children or similar acts or omissions.
- ISSUE: WON act of the petitioner constitutes
emotional and psychological abuse
In this case, the elements have been proven and duly
- The elements of the offender causes mental anguish to
established. It is undisputed that the victim is a woman who
a woman or her children through the acts of public
has then in a five-year ongoing relationship with Dinamling
ridicule, repeated emotional and verbal abuse or denial
and had two common children. The woman is often in fear of
of financial support
petitioner due to latter’s physical and verbal abuse.
- Psychological violence refers to acts or omissions
causing or likely to cause mental or emotional Psychological violence is an element of violation of Section 5
suffering to the victim (RA No. 9262) just like the mental or emotional anguish
caused on the victim. It is the means employed by the
DINAMLING VS PEOPLE perpetrator, while mental or emotional anguish is the effect
caused to or the damage sustained by the offended party. To
Facts: Petitioner Ricky Dinamling was charged in two criminal
establish psychological violence as the element of the crime,
information for violation of R.A. No. 9262. It is alleged in the
it is necessary to show proof of commission of any of the
acts enumerated in Section 5(i) or similar acts. And to ex parte. The trial court issued a modified TPO and extended
establish mental or emotional anguish, it is necessary to the same when petitioner failed to comment on why the TPO
present a testimony of the victim as such experiences are should not be modified.  After the given time allowance to
personal to this party. answer, the petitioner no longer submitted the required
comment as it would be an “axercise in futility.”
In fact, neither the physical injuries suffered by the victim
nor the actual physical violence done by the perpetrator are Petitioner filed before the CA a petition for prohibition with
necessary to prove the essential elements of the crime as prayer for injunction and TRO on, questioning the
defined in Section 5(i) of RA 9262. The only exception is, as constitutionality of the RA 9262 for violating the due process
in the case at bar, when the physical violence done, and equal protection clauses, and the validity of the modified
petitioner Dinamling's acts of publicly punching, kicking and TPO for being “an unwanted product of an invalid law.”
stripping her pants and underwear, although obvious acts of
physical violence, are also instances of psychological violence
since it was alleged and proven that they resulted in the The CA issued a TRO on the enforcement of the TPO but
victim’s public ridicule. Accused is alleged to have caused the however, denied the petition for failure to raise the issue of
mental and emotional suffering; in which case, such acts of constitutionality in his pleadings before the trial court and
physical violence must be proven. In this instance, the the petition for prohibition to annul protection orders issued
physical violence was a means of causing mental or by the trial court constituted collateral attack on said law.
emotional suffering. As such, whether or not it led to actual
bodily injury, the physical violence translates to psychological Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration but was denied.
violence since its main effect was on the victim's mental or Thus, this petition is filed.
emotional well-being. 
Issues: WON the CA erred in dismissing the petition on the
GARCIA VS DRILON theory that the issue of constitutionality was not raised at
the earliest opportunity and that the petition constitutes a
Facts: Private respondent Rosalie filed a petition before the collateral attack on the validity of the law.
RTC of Bacolod City a Temporary Protection Order against
her husband, Jesus, pursuant to R.A. 9262, entitled “An Act WON the CA committed serious error in failing to conclude
Defining Violence Against Women and Their Children, that RA 9262 is discriminatory, unjust and violative of the
Providing for Protective Measures for Victims, Prescribing equal protection clause.
Penalties Therefor, and for Other Purposes.” She claimed to
be a victim of physical, emotional, psychological and WON the CA committed grave mistake in not finding that RA
economic violence, being threatened of deprivation of 9262 runs counter to the due process clause of the
custody of her children and of financial support and also a Constitution
victim of marital infidelity on the part of petitioner.

WON the CA erred in not finding that the law does violence
The TPO was granted but the petitioner failed to faithfully to the policy of the state to protect the family as a basic
comply with the conditions set forth by the said TPO, private- social institution
respondent filed another application for the issuance of a TPO
WON the CA seriously erredin declaring RA 9262 as invalid institution cannot be sustained. In a memorandum of the
and unconstitutional because it allows an undue delegation of Court, it ruled that the court shall not refer the case or any
judicial power to Brgy. Officials. issue therof to a mediator. This is so because violence is
not a subject for compromise.
Decision:         1. Petitioner contends that the RTC has
limited authority and jurisdiction, inadequate to tackle the 5. There is no undue delegation of judicial power to Barangay
complex issue of constitutionality. Family Courts have officials.  Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of
authority and jurisdiction to consider the constitutionality of justice to settle actual controversies involving rights which
a statute. The question of constitutionality must be raised at are legally demandable and enforceable and to determine
the earliest possible time so that if not raised in the whether or not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
pleadings, it may not be raised in the trial and if not raised in amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on any part of any
the trial court, it may not be considered in appeal. branch of the Government while executive power is the
power to enforce and administer the laws.  The preliminary
2. RA 9262 does not violate the guaranty of equal protection investigation conducted by the prosecutor is an executive,
of the laws. Equal protection simply requires that all persons not a judicial, function.  The same holds true with the
or things similarly situated should be treated alike, both as to issuance of BPO.  Assistance by Brgy. Officials and other law
rights conferred and responsibilities imposed. In Victoriano v. enforcement agencies is consistent with their duty executive
Elizalde Rope Workerkers’ Union,  the Court ruled that all that function.
is required of a valid classification is that it be reasonable,
which means that the classification should be based on The petition for review on certiorari is denied for lack of
substantial distinctions which make for real differences; that merit.
it must be germane to the purpose of the law; not limited to
existing conditions only; and apply equally to each member People vs. Silongan 401 SCRA 459
of the class. Therefore, RA9262 is based on a valid
classification and did not violate the equal protection clause Facts:
by favouring women over men as victims of violence and
abuse to whom the Senate extends its protection.
On March 16, 1996, businessman Alexander Saldaña went to
Sultan Kudarat with three other men to meet a certain
3. RA 9262 is not violative of the due process clause of the Macapagal Silongan alias Commander Lambada. They arrived
Constitution. The essence of due process is in the reasonable in the morning and were able to talk to Macapagal
opportunity to be heard and submit any evidence one may concerning the gold nuggets that purportedly being sold by
have in support of one’s defense. The grant of the TPO the latter. The business transaction was postponed and
exparte cannot be impugned as violative of the right to due continued in the afternoon due to the death of Macapagal’s
process. relative and that he has to pick his brother in Cotabato City.

4.  The non-referral of a VAWC case to a mediator is Then at around 8:30 PM, as they headed to the highway,
justified. Petitioner’s contention that by not allowing Macapagal ordered the driver to stop. Suddenly, 15 armed
mediation, the law violated the policy of the State to protect men appeared. Alexander and his three companions were
and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social
ordered to go out of the vehicle, they were tied up, and frame-up with disfavor. Like the defense of alibi, it can be
blindfolded. Macapagal and Teddy were also tied and just as easily concocted.
blindfolded, but nothing more was done to them. Alexander
identified all the abductors including the brothers of And it is necessary that there is actual payment of ransom in
Macapagal. the crime of Kidnapping. For the crime to be committed, at
least one overt act of demanding ransom must be made. It is
The four victims were taken to the mountain hideout in not necessary that there be actual payment of ransom
Maguindanao. The kidnappers demanded P15, 000,000 from because what the law requires is merely the existence of the
Alexander’s wife for his release, but the amount was reduced purpose of demanding ransom. In this case, the records are
to twelve million. The victims were then transferred from one replete with instances when the kidnappers demanded
place to another. They made Alexander write a letter to his ransom from the victim. At the mountain hideout where
wife for his ransom. But on several occasions, a person Alexander was first taken, he was made a letter to his wife
named Mayangkang himself would write to Alexander’s wife. asking her to pay ransom of twelve million. Also Mayangkang
The two other victims managed to escape but Alexander was himself wrote more letters to his family threatened the family
released after payment of ransom. The trial court convicted to kill Alexander if the ransom was not paid.
Macapagal and his companions of the crime of Kidnapping for
Ransom with Serious Illegal Detention. People vs. Dadles 278 SCRA 708

Issue: Whether the crime committed is rebellion and not Facts: This case involves the alleged kidnapping of two
kidnapping and it is necessary that there is actual payment farmers, Alipio Tehidor and Salvador Alipan and their
of ransom in the crime of Kidnapping respective sons, Dionisio and Antonio from their homes in
Barangay Amontay, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental on May
24, 1989. For the said kidnapping, appellant Narito alias
Held: No, As regards the argument that the crime was “Naring” Dadles was charged in two separate informations.
politically motivated and that consequently, the charge
should have been rebellion and not kidnapping, we find the
same likewise to be without merit. As held in Office of the 1989 at around 11:30 in the evening while Salvador, his
Provincial Prosecutor of Zamboanga Del Norte vs. CA, the wife, Luzviminda and their sons, Vicente and Antonio were in
political motivation for the crime must be shown in order to their house in Barangay Amontay, Binalbagan, Negros
justify finding the crime committed to be rebellion. Merely Occidental, they heard somebody calling them from outside.
because it is alleged that appellants were members of the
Moro Islamic Liberation Front or of the Moro National Luzviminda lighted a lamp and opened the door. She saw the
Liberation Front does not necessarily mean that the crime of appellant and his nine (9) companions namely, Dindo,
kidnapping was committed in furtherance of a rebellion. Morito, Amay, Pedro, Juanito, Bernardo, Tiwi, Mike and
Here, the evidence adduced is insufficient for a finding that Bobby who were all armed. The appellant and Dindo went
the crime committed was politically motivated. Neither have upstairs and told Salvador to go with them downstairs as
the appellants sufficiently proven their allegation that the they have something to talk about Salvador who was
present case was filed against them because they are rebel apparently acquainted with the group acceded and followed
surrenderees. This court has invariably viewed the defense of the appellant and Dindo downstairs. Then the appellant told
Luzviminda, “Nay, we will borrow Tatay, we will return him
tomorrow”. When Luzviminda refused, the appellant assured evening of May 24, the latter was no longer able to go home
her saying, “Nay, don’t worry, just let Tatay go with us to Barangay Amontay. Rogelio invited the appellant to sleep
together with your son because they will be returned in his house again that night and the latter accepted.[7]
tomorrow.” Thereafter, Salvador and Antonio left with the
group to an unknown destination. And like Francisca, In the meantime, Rogelio entertained his guests by buying
Luzviminda never saw her husband and son again after that Gold Eagle Beer for them to drink. Their drinking session
night.[5] lasted until 10:00 o’clock in the evening, after which, his
visitors went home leaving behind the appellant who then
Appellant denied the charges against him and interposed an slept in one of the rooms in Rogelio’s house.[8]
alibi. The defense attempted to prove that on the said date
and time of the alleged kidnapping of the victims, the The Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Himamaylan, Negros
appellant was in the house of defense witness Rogelio Ariola Occidental rendered a decision convicting the appellant of
sleeping soundly after a round of beer with the latter and his two (2) counts of kidnapping and serious illegal detention. He
other guests. was sentenced to suffer the penalty of “double life
The appellant who was engaged in the business of selling
fruits claimed that he delivered fruits to one of his usual Issue: Whether the trial court gravely erred in convicting
customers, Rogelio, on May 23, 1989 in Barangay San Pedro, accused-appellant narito dadles of two (2) counts of
Binalbagan, Negros Occidental. As Rogelio was not able to kidnapping and serious illegal detention
pay appellant on the said date, the former allowed the
appellant to sleep over in his house until the following
morning. However, Rogelio was able to pay the appellant Held: This court finds neither of the aforementioned
only at around 6:00 o’clock in the evening of the next day. circumstances sufficient to detract from the credibility of the
Thus, upon the advice of Rogelio, the appellant decided to prosecution witnesses. It has been held in a large number of
stay and sleep in the former’s house for another night. He cases that the lapse of a considerable length of time before a
went home to Barangay Amontay at around 7:00 o’clock the witness comes forward to reveal the identity of the
following morning.[6] perpetrators of the crime does not taint the credibility of the
witness and his testimony where such delay is satisfactorily
explained. Also, this court has had occasion to observe that
Rogelio Ariola who is a Minister of the Apostolic Church and a delay in reporting the occurrence of a crime or other unusual
resident of Barangay San Pedro, Binalbagan, Negros events in rural areas is well known and should thus, not be
Occidental testified that on May 24, 1989, there was an taken against the witness.
occasion in their church and he went home at around 6:00
o’clock in the evening to attend to his guests, some of whom
were members of his church. The appellant was also in his In the instant case, the testimonies of the prosecution
house as he had delivered fruits to Rogelio the previous day witnesses reveal that it was their overriding fear of reprisal
and was waiting to be paid therefor. It was customary for the from the appellant’s group that prevented them from seeking
appellant to sleep in Rogelio’s house whenever the latter the aid of the authorities.
could not immediately pay him for the fruits delivered. Since
Rogelio paid the appellant only at around 6:00 o’clock in the
Anent the appellant’s defense, suffice it to state that his alibi knowledge, identity, plan, system, scheme, habit, custom or
even if supported by the testimonies of his friends, deserves usage, and the like.
the barest consideration.
“The general rule is that evidence is not admissible which
This court has held time and again that the defense of alibi shows or tends to show, that the accused in a criminal case
cannot prevail over the positive identification of the accused has committed a crime wholly independent of the offense for
by the prosecution witnesses who had no untoward motive to which he is on trial. It is not competent to prove that he
falsely testify against him. Relevant is the fact that there committed other crimes of a like nature for the purpose of
appears to be no motive on the part of the prosecution showing that he would be likely to commit the crime charged
witnesses to fabricate a criminal charge against the appellant in the indictment. A man may be a notorious criminal, but
who is admittedly an acquaintance and whom they have this fact may not be shown to influence a jury in passing
welcomed in their respective households several times in the upon the question of his guilt or innocence of the particular
past. It must be noted that the prosecution witnesses in this offense for which he is on trial. A man may have committed
case are immediate relatives of the victims whose natural many crimes and still be innocent of the crime charged in the
interest in obtaining justice and redress by securing the case on trial. To permit proof of other crimes would naturally
conviction of the parties responsible for the crime would predispose the minds of the jurors against the defendant.
deter them from implicating persons other than the real One who commits one crime may be more likely to commit
culprits.[20] another; yet logically, one crime does not prove another, nor
tend to prove another, unless there is such a relation
As the core issue in the appellant’s first assignment of error between them that proof of one tends to prove the
is ultimately the credibility of the prosecution vis-a-vis the other.”[30]
defense witnesses, it may not be amiss to state herein the
well-settled doctrine that the opinion of the trial court as to The court therefore finds the appellant guilty beyond
who of them should be believed is entitled to great respect, reasonable doubt of kidnapping the victims, Salvador Alipan,
the latter having had the unequalled opportunity to directly Antonio Alipan, Alipio Tehidor and Dionisio Tehidor. However,
observe the witnesses and to determine by their demeanor “since none of the circumstances mentioned in Article 267 of
on the stand the probative value of their testimonies. And the Revised Penal Code (kidnapping with serious illegal
none of the recognized exceptions to the rule, that is, where detention) was proved and only the fact of kidnapping x x x
the record shows that facts and circumstances of weight and was established, we find that the crime committed is slight
influence have been overlooked, misunderstood or illegal detention under Article 268 of the Revised Penal Code.
misapplied by the trial court which, if considered, would have x x x.”[34] Moreover, in the execution of the crime against
affected the result of the case, and when such findings are the first two (2) victims, Salvador and Antonio Alipan, more
arbitrary, exist in the case at bench.[23] than three (3) armed malefactors acted together in its
commission.[35] Thus, since the generic aggravating
True it is that “evidence that one did or did not do a certain circumstance of band[36] attended the commission of the
thing at one time is not admissible to prove that he did or did crime and there being no mitigating circumstance present,
not do the same or similar thing at another time.”[28] the penalty is reclusion temporal in its maximum period. For
However, “it may be received to prove a specific intent or the slight illegal detention of the latter two (2) victims, Alipio
and Dionisio Tehidor, the aggravating circumstance that the
crime was committed by a band as alleged in the information convicting them under art. 270 of the revised penal code,
finds no sufficient factual basis since the testimonies of the and sentencing them to ‘reclusion perpetua
prosecution witnesses do not disclose that at least four (4) of
the malefactors were armed.[37] Hence there being no Held: Under the facts and ruling in Sombong, as well as the
aggravating nor mitigating circumstance attendant in the evidence adduced in this case accused-appellants must
commission of the crime, the penalty of reclusion temporal perforce be acquitted of the crime charged, there being no
should be imposed in its medium period. reason to hold them liable for failing to return one Cristina
Grace Neri, a child not conclusively shown and established to
People vs. Ty 263 SCRA 746 Facts: be complainant’s daugther, Arabella.
Vicente Ty AND Carmen Ty were charged with the crime of
kidnapping and failure to return a minor in an The foregoing notwithstanding, even if we were to consider
information filed by 2nd Assistant City Prosecutor of Cristina Grace Neri and Arabella Sombong as one and the
Kalookan City Rosauro J. Silverio. same person, still, the instant criminal case against the
accused-appellants must fall.
That on or about the month of April 1989, in Kalookan City,
Metro Manila, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Before a conviction for kidnapping and failure to return a
Court, the above-named accused, being then the owners, minor under Article 270 of the Revised Penal Code can be
proprietors, managers and administrators of Sir John Clinic had, two elements must concur, namely:
and as such said accused had the custody of Arabella
Somblong, a minor, conspiring together and mutually helping (a) the offender has been entrusted with the custody of the
one another and with deliberate intent to deprive the parents minor, and (b) the offender deliberately fails to restore said
of the child of her custody, did then and there willfully, minor to his parents or guardians. The essential element
unlawfully and feloniously fail to restore the custody of said herein is that the offender is entrusted with the custody of
Arabella Sombong to her parents by giving said custody of the minor but what is actually punishable is not the
subject minor to another person without the knowledge and kidnapping of the minor, as the title of the article seems to
consent of her parents. indicate, but rather the deliberate failure or refusal of the
custodian of the minor to restore the latter to his parents or
A decision was rendered by the Regional Trial Court of guardians.[11] Said failure or refusal, however, must not
Kalookan City. only be deliberate but must also be persistent as to oblige
the parents or the guardians of the child to seek the aid of
the courts in order to obtain custody. The key word therefore
Finds both accused Spouses Vicente Ty and Carmen Ty guilty of this element is deliberate and Black’s Law Dictionary
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of kidnapping a minor defines deliberate as:
and failure to return the same as defined and penalized by
Article 270 of the Revised Penal Code and hereby sentences
them to suffer imprisonment of reclusion perpetua. Deliberate, adj. Well advised; carefully considered; not
sudden or rash; circumspect; slow in determining. Willful
rather than merely intentional. Formed, arrived at, or
Issue: The trial court erred in finding that appellants
‘deliberately failed to restore the child to her mother,’ and
determined upon as a result of careful thought and weighing appellant himself admitted having taken Yvonne to Maco
of considerations, as a deliberate judgment or Central Elementary School.

3.) The court agreed with the appellant’s contention. The

People vs. Astorga
evidence does not show that appellant wanted to detain
Appellant Arnulfo Astorga appealed the court’s decision on Yvonne; much less, that he actually detained her. Appellant’s
Criminal Case No. 8243 wherein appellant was charged with forcible dragging of Yvonne to a place only he knew cannot
violation of Article 267, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal be said to be an actual confinement or restriction on the
Code or the kidnap and detention of a minor. person of Yvonne. There was no “lock up”. Accordingly,
appellant cannot be convicted of kidnapping under Article
Astorga insisted that the inconsistencies and the
267 of the Revised Penal Code. Rather, the felony committed
contradictions of the prosecution’s witnesses should be
was grave coercion under Article 286 of the same code.
deemed incredible and that the delay in the filing of the
accusation weakened the case. Furthermore, Astorga claimed Ong Chiun Kwan vs. CA345 SCRA 688
that he had no motive to kidnap the 8-year-old Yvonne Traya
Facts: An information was filed charging Ong Chiu Kwan with
which should’ve been apparent and proven upon conviction. unjust vexation for cutting the electric wires, water pipes and
Ultimately, Astorga claimed that the court erred in convicting telephone lines of "Crazy Feet," a business establishment
him despite the fact that he had not detained nor locked owned and operated by Mildred Ong. He ordered Wilfredo
Yvonne up which is an important element in kidnapping. Infante to "relocate" the telephone, electric and water lines
of "Crazy Feet," because said lines posed as a disturbance.
However, Ong Chiu Kwan failed to present a permit from
1.) Whether or not the prosecution’s witnesses were credible. appropriate authorities allowing him to cut the electric wires,
water pipe and telephone lines of the business
2.) Whether or not the lack of motive by the appellant is establishment. Municipal Trial Court's Ruling:
significant in the court’s decision. The MTC found Ong Chiu Kwan guilty of unjust vexation,
and sentenced him to imprisonment for twenty days. The
3.) Whether or not it was kidnapping or coercion. court also ordered him to pay moral damages, finding that
RULING: the wrongful act of abruptly cutting off the electric, water
pipe and telephone lines of "Crazy Feet" caused the
1.) The delay in the making of the criminal accusation does interruption of its business operations during peak hours, to
not necessarily weaken the credibility of the witnesses the detriment of its owner, Mildred Ong.
especially if it had been satisfactorily explained. In the case, Regional Trial Court's Ruling:
one week was reasonable since the victim was a resident in The RTC adopted the decision of the lower court in
Binaungan and that the case was filed in Tagum, Davao. toto, without stating the reasons for doing so.
Appellate Court's Ruling:
2.) The court found it irrelevant to identify the motive since The CA dismissing the appeal, agreeing with the
motive is not an element of the crime. Motive is totally MTC's finding that Ong Chiu Kwan was guilty beyond
irrelevant when ample direct evidence sustains the culpability reasonable doubt of unjust vexation.
of the accused beyond reasonable doubt. Besides, the
Issue: Whether Ong Chiu Kwan is guilty of unjust vexation Mercado with said firearm, hitting him on the vital part of his
body, thereby inflicting upon him a GUNSHOT WOUND to the
Held: The decision of the lower courts are reversed and set head as a consequence of which, Bienvenido Mercado died a
aside, and Ong Chiu Kwan is sentenced to pay a fine while few days later."[5]
award for damages are deleted. Supreme Court noted that
the RTC did not make a full finding of fact and conclusion of A consolidated Motion to Remand Case for Reinvestigation
law on its own. This violated the Constitution and Rules of and Motion to Quash Warrant of Arrest alleging lack of
Court. The Supreme Court, however, chose to make a full preliminary investigation was filed by Llaguno and Reyes
finding of fact and conclusion of law on its own. Ong Chiu through Counsel Rolando M. Lim on February 23, 1987.[7]
Kwan admitted having ordered the cutting of the electric, The motion was granted and the records were returned to
water and telephone lines of Mildred Ong's business the City Fiscal’s Office. Subsequently, in an Order dated
establishment because these lines crossed his property line. September 23, 1987, the trial court, then presided by Judge
He failed, however, to show evidence that he had the Mario M. Dizon, dismissed the case against Wilfredo “Boy”
necessary permit or authorization to relocate the lines. Also, Llaguno:[8]
he timed the interruption of electric, water and telephone
services during peak hours of the operation of business of
the complainant. Thus, his act unjustly annoyed or vexed On October 26, 1987, Fiscal Generosa Labra requested a
the complainant. resetting of the case because no witness for the prosecution
Consequently, Ong Chiu Kwan is liable for unjust was available. Atty. Vicente Cabahug, the appellant’s
vexation. counsel, objected on the ground that the remaining accused,
Judy Reyes, was detained, adding that a previous warning
had already been given to the prosecution in the last hearing
during which it also failed to present any witness. Thus, the
People vs. Llaguno 285 SCRA 124
trial court provisionally dismissed the case:[9]
On September 26, 1989, the accused through Counsel
“The undersigned 3rd Asst. Fiscal of the City of Cebu[4] Cabahug filed a Notice erroneously appealing the judgment
accuses BOY LLAGUNO, JUDY REYES FLORANTE REYES and a to the Court of Appeals[14] Correcting the lapse,
certain “ATIS” of the crime of KIDNAPPING WITH MURDER.
[15] the Court of Appeals in a letter dated December 6,
"That on or about the 4th day of February, 1987, at about 1989[16] forwarded the records of the case to this Court.
8:00 o’clock in the evening, in the City of Cebu, Philippines,
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said Issue: Wherefore the trial court erred in finding the existence
accused, armed with firearm, conniving and confederating in this case of circumstances sufficient to sustain a
together and mutually helping with (sic) one another, with conviction.”
deliberate intent, did then and there kidnap and detain one
Bienvenido Mercado, and while under detention, with intent
Held: Sufficiency of the Prosecution’s Evidence
to kill, with treachery and evident premeditation, did then
and there suddenly and unexpectedly shot said Bienvenido
In deciding this appeal, we emphasize that the burden of when the victim was taken out of the GF premises, and the
proof in criminal cases is on the prosecution. Thus, a finding time when he was killed. According to Dr. Ceniza, appellant
of guilt must rest on the strength of the prosecution’s own told her on February 6, 1987 that he was going to confession
evidence, not on the weakness or even absence of evidence in the afternoon because he was feeling bad. Dr. Ceniza took
for the defense.[40] Circumstantial Evidence Sufficient to appellant’s statement to mean that the victim had already
Convict Appellant of Murder? been taken out of the GF premises and killed. Banzon, on the
other hand, testified that appellant told him in the morning
Because there were no eyewitnesses to the killing, the trial of that same day that the victim was still in the
court’s resort to circumstantial evidence was inevitable. A company premises. Furthermore, he testified that it was only
conviction may rest purely on circumstantial evidence, around four o’clock in the afternoon of February 6, 1987
provided the following requisites concur:[41] when appellant brought the pickup out of the premises of GF.
In other words, Banzon’s testimony sought to establish that
the victim was taken out of the GF premises after office
(a) There is more than one circumstance; hours on February 6, 1987.[46] The inconsistencies in their
testimonies are evident.
(b) The facts from which the inferences are derived are
proven; and This Court cannot rest easy with this discrepancy. Such
glaring and material inconsistency creates a reasonable
(c) The combination of all the circumstances is such as to doubt whether it was appellant himself who took, Mercado,
produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt."[42] the victim, out of the GF premises and consummated the
A judgment of conviction based on circumstantial evidence
can be upheld only if the circumstances proven constitute an The two testimonies are clearly inconsistent. It is possible to
unbroken chain which leads to one fair and reasonable conjecture that the victim was killed between the time when
conclusion which points to the accused, to the exclusion of all Banzon spoke with Appellant Reyes that morning of February
others, as the guilty person, that is, the circumstances 6, 1987 about 9:00 a.m. and the time when appellant told
proved must be consistent with each other, consistent with Dr. Ceniza that he would go to confession in the afternoon of
the hypothesis that the accused is guilty, and at the same that day because he felt guilty about having killed the victim.
time inconsistent with any other hypothesis except that of However, we find this thought difficult to accept because the
guilty.”[43] prosecution failed to establish the time when Dr. Ceniza
talked to appellant. Furthermore, from the supposition of the
These circumstances, at first glance, may create a strong prosecution, it would follow that the victim was killed inside
suspicion that appellant did commit the alleged killing. the GF premises and that, after office hours, the body was
Nevertheless, a closer examination reveals that the facts transported from the premises with the use of the Datsun. It
from which this inference was derived do not prove beyond is undisputed, however, that a spent .45 caliber shell was
reasonable doubt that appellant was the author of the killing. found beside the body, indicating that the victim was shot in
the place where his body was found, i.e., outside the GF
premises. Clearly, there are unexplained missing links in the
Appellant draws attention to the conflict between the prosecution account.
testimonies of Dr. Ceniza and Banzon[45] regarding the time
In the light of these unexplained questions, the trial court anyone who shall furnish the place for the perpetration of
erred in nonetheless holding that the circumstantial evidence the crime.
presented by the prosecution shows, beyond moral certainty,
that appellant was guilty of murder. In so doing, the lower If the offender shall voluntarily release the person so
court transgressed kidnapped or detained within three days from the
commencement of the detention, without having attained the
the basic rule that “when the inculpatory facts and purpose intended, and before the institution of criminal
circumstances are capable of two or more interpretations, proceedings against him.
one of which is consistent with the innocence of the accused
and the other or others consistent with his guilt, then the The evidence presented by the prosecution, which was
evidence, in view of the constitutional presumption of sustained by the trial court, clearly established that appellant
innocence, has not fulfilled the test of moral certainty and is had in fact detained the victim without authority to do so.
thus insufficient to support a conviction.”[49] Parenthetically, Banzon testified that he witnessed the victim hanging by the
when the prosecution’s case is anchored only on arms in appellant’s room. Banzon’s testimony significantly
circumstantial evidence, all the circumstances must be jibes with the physical evidence showing that the victim
consistent with the hypothesis that the accused is guilty of sustained multiple abrasions in both arms.[51] Furthermore,
the crime sought to be proven, and no other. In addition, the Dr. Ceniza narrated that several employees called her up in
circumstances under consideration must not support any the morning of February 5, 1987 asking for permission to go
rational hypothesis consistent with the innocence of the home because there was a “man hanging at the back in one
accused. of the buildings of GF International.”[52] Dr. Ceniza’s
testimony was unrebutted. All these ineludibly prove beyond
[50] Consequently, appellant may not be held criminally reasonable doubt that the victim was deprived of his liberty
liable for killing the victim. Kidnapping Was Sufficiently by appellant.
WHEREFORE, the Decision appealed from is MODIFIED.
The trial court did not find appellant liable for serious illegal Appellant Judy Reyes is hereby CONVICTED of slight illegal
detention under Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code on the detention and SENTENCED to the indeterminate penalty of
ground that the period of detention was less than five days. ten years of prision mayor medium, as minimum, to
This Court, however, finds that the totality of the evidence seventeen years and four months of reclusion temporal
presented by the prosecution sufficiently proves beyond medium, as maximum. He is acquitted of murder
reasonable doubt that appellant is guilty of the crime of
slight illegal detention under Article 268 of the Revised Penal People vs. Santos 378 SCRA 157
Code. Article 268 of the Code provides:

Facts: On 7 March 1990, sometime after its first witness,

“ART. 268. Slight illegal detention. -- The penalty of reclusion Eleuterio Rabor, had testified on direct examination, the
temporal shall be imposed upon any private individual who prosecution filed a Motion For Leave To Amend Information
shall commit the crimes described in the next preceding so as to allege that the appellant is a recidivist or "at least a
article without the attendance of any of the circumstances
enumerated therein. The same penalty shall be incurred by
habitual delinquent" by virtue of two (2) prior final appellant had ran away does not make his testimony less
convictions. worthy of credence. Such failure can be attributed to the
shock and fear instilled in the mind of Rabor upon seeing a
Over the objection of the accused on the ground that he had violent crime. 20 Not every witness to a crime can be
already been arraigned and that the proposed amendment is expected to act reasonably and conformably to the
not a matter of form, 3 the trial court granted the motion. 4 expectation of mankind. "Human nature teaches us that
Thus, the following amended information was filed on 16 people may react differently to the same situation. One
April 1990. person’s spontaneous or unthinking or even instinctive
response to a horrid and repulsive stimulus may be
aggression while another’s may be cold indifference." 21 We
"That on or about the 2nd day of May, 1988 at 4:00 o’clock have taken judicial notice of the fact that witnesses in our
in the morning, more or less, in the Municipality of country are reluctant to volunteer information to the
Pinamungajan, Province of Cebu, Philippines and within the authorities. 22 In any event Rabor did in fact immediately
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named inform the victim’s mother of the stabbing incident. 23 This
accused, with intent to kill, evident premeditation and was sufficient to remove any doubt that he had witnessed
treachery, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and the commission of the crime.
feloniously stab one Epifanio Ferrer with the use of a kitchen
knife thereby inflicting upon the latter a mortal injury which
caused his instantaneous death. We also find no inconsistency between Rabor’s testimony and
his statement in his affidavit as to the position of the victim
at the time he was stabbed by the accused. In his direct
That the accused is a recidivist by virtue of previous two (2) examination. Rabor testified that the victim was "leaning on
final convictions embraced in the same title of the Revised a chair with his chin laying (sic) on the right hand," which
Penal Code with this present case, one, in the case of People testimony he reiterated on cross-examination. 24 In his
of the Philippines v. Reynaldo Kyamko docketed as criminal affidavit Rabor declared that the victim was sleeping sitting
case no. TCS-01 for Frustrated Murder of which he was down with his head suspended on the backchair; that it was
sentenced to suffer an imprisonment of Four (4) years, Two on this state that I saw Reynaldo Kyamko raising his hand
(2) months and one day to ten (10) years and one (1) day; with a kitchen knife and stabbed Fanny Ferrer by the side of
and second, the same accused was convicted in the case of his neck downward (lusong-lusong)." 25 What is thus clear is
People of the Philippines v. Reynaldo Kyamko docketed as that the affidavit did not give in minute detail the precise
Crim. Case No. TCS-445 and was imposed t position of the victim at the time he was stabbed. The
inconsistency then is more apparent than real. In any event,
Issue: Whether the trial court erred IN giving weight to the the finding of Dr. Soberano as to the location and cause of
manifestly biased, uncorroborated and unreliable testimony the wound sustained by the victim Lonfirms Rabor’s
of prosecution witness eleuterio rabor, who allegedly was an testimony in open court and his statement in the affidavit.
eyewitness to the stabbing of the victims (sic) epifanio ferrer
by the accused The failure of the prosecution to present the other
eyewitness, Julito Fabular, neither diminished the credibility
Held: The failure of Eleuterio Rabor to help the victim or to of Rabor nor impaired the evidence for the prosecution. In
report the incident to the police authorities after the People v. Samillano, 26 this Court held:"It has, time and
again, been held that the non- presentation of certain waiting tricycle. Mirandilla dragged AAA out of the tricycle
witnesses by the prosecution is not a sufficiently plausible and pushed her inside a concrete house. He ordered her to
defense (People v. de la Cruz, 184 SCRA 461 [1990]) and remove her pants and raped her at gunpoint. AAA suffered
the matter of whom to present as witness by the prosecution the same fate multiple times while moving from one place to
is addressed to the sound discretion of the fiscal or the another. She was allegedly raped 27 times.
prosecution handling the case (People v. Fernandez, 186
SCRA 830 [1990]); People v. One afternoon, in Guinobatan, AAA succeeded in opening the
door of her cell. AAA reached the house of Evelyn Guevarra
Nabunat, 182 SCRA 52 [1990]); People v. Marilao, 177 SCRA who brought her to the police station. AAA was in foul smell,
271 [1987]); People v. Campana, 124 SCRA 271 [1983]). starving and sleepless. When the police presented to her
There should, thus, be no unfavorable inferences to be made pictures of suspected criminals, she recognized the man’s
from the failure of the prosecution to present Ruben. face, he was Felipe Mirandilla, Jr., the police told her.
Moreover, if the appellant believes that Ruben’s testimony
would bolster his theory, then it is the defense who should The doctor discovered hymenal lacerations in different
have presented Ruben. The coercive processes of the Court positions of her hymen, indicative of sexual intercourse. Foul
were at the appellant’s disposal if Ruben refused to testify." smelling pus also oozed from her vagina – AAA had
27 contracted gonorrhoea.

Besides, the testimony of Fabular would only be Mirandilla denied the charges against him asserting that AAA
corroborative and thus, dispensable. The non-presentation of and him are lovers and their sexual intercourse was
Fabular as a witness did not then imply suppression of consensual. He stated that he and AAA’s nightly sexual
evidence. intimacy continued, with abstentions only during AAA’s
menstrual periods.
Finally it is an oft-repeated rule that the testimony of a single
witness, if credible and positive and if it satisfies the court as Mirandilla was charged before the Regional Trial Court (RTC)
to the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt is of Legazpi City, Branch 5, with kidnapping with rape (Crim.
sufficient to convict. Case No. 9278), four counts of rape (Crim. Case Nos. 9274
to 9277), and rape through sexual assault (Crim. Case No.
FACTS It was 2 December 2000, eve of the fiesta in
Barangay San Francisco, Legazpi City. At the plaza, AAA was On review, the CA affirmed with modification the RTC ruling,
dancing with her elder sister, BBB. convicting Mirandilla. It found him guilty of the special
complex crime of kidnapping with rape (instead of
kidnapping as the RTC ruled), four counts of rape, and one
AAA went out of the dancing hall to buy candies in a nearby
count of rape by sexual assault. It rejected Mirandilla’s
store. When a man grabbed her hand, his arm wrapped her
defense that he and AAA were live-in partners and that their
shoulders, with a knife’s point thrust at her right side.
sexual encounters were consensual. It noted that Mirandilla
Another man joined and went beside her, while two others
stayed at her back, one of whom had a gun. They boarded a
failed to adduce any evidence or any credible witness to As a rule, self-contradictions and contradictory statement of
sustain his defense. witnesses should be reconciled, it being true that such is
possible since a witness is not expected to give error-free
ISSUE Whether or not the testimony of AAA is credible. testimony considering the lapse of time and the treachery of
human memory. But, this principle, learned from lessons of
human experience, applies only to minor or trivial matters –
HELD: Yes. Jurisprudence is consistent that for testimonial innocent lapses that do not affect witness’ credibility. They
evidence to be believed, it must not only come from a do not apply to self-contradictions on material facts. Where
credible witness but must be credible in itself – tested by these contradictions cannot be reconciled, the Court has to
human experience, observation, common knowledge and reject the testimonies, and apply the maxim, falsus in uno,
accepted conduct that has evolved through the years. falsus in omnibus.

The record nowhere yields any evidence of ill motive on the To completely disregard all the testimony of a witness based
part of AAA to influence her in fabricating criminal charges on the maxim falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, testimony
against Felipe Mirandilla, Jr. The absence of ill motive must have been false as to a material point, and the witness
enhances the standing of AAA as a witness. must have a conscious and deliberate intention to falsify a
material point. In other words, its requirements, which must
ISSUE Whether or not “Sweetheart Theory” was proven. concur, are the following: (1) that the false testimony is as
to one or more material points; and (2) that there should be
HELD No. The sweetheart theory as a defense, however, a conscious and deliberate intention to falsity.
necessarily admits carnal knowledge, the first element of

Mirandilla with his version of facts as narrated above

attempted to meet the prosecution’s prima facie case. To
corroborate it, he presented his mother, Alicia Mirandilla; his
relatives, Rogelio Marcellana and Emilio Mendoza; and, his
friend Arlene Moret.

Arlene Moret, the cigarette vendor who also served as the

CR’s guard, testified that AAA and Mirandilla arrived together
at the park. On cross examination, she claimed otherwise.
The accused’s mother, Alicia Mirandilla, testified meeting her
son only once, and living in Kilikao only after his
imprisonment. This contradicted Mirandilla’s claim that he
visited his mother several times in Kilikao.

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