The Endocrine Systems-Khamin1010

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The Endocrine systems: How the Body Works

Instructions: Identify the endocrine gland structures and hormone function /hormone effects
on the body.
*NOTE: The male and female structures & functions 1 to 7 are the same. However, 8 & 9
are different.

I. Male Body

1.Name of gland: Hypothalamus

A hormone produced: corticotropin, dopamine, somatostatin, gonadotropin, thyrotropic effect
on the Body: to link the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland.

2. Name of gland: pituitary

The hormone produced: growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), follicle-stimulating hormone
(FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
Effect on the Body: Regulates and controls the activities of all other endocrine glands.
3.Name of gland: thyroid
The hormone produced: thyroxine
Effect on the Body: regulates the way cells release energy, metabolism, body heat, and
bone growth from nutrients.

4.Name of gland: parathyroid glands

The hormone produced: parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Effect on the Body: regulates the body’s balance of calcium and phosphorus.

5.Name of gland: thymus

The hormone produced: thymosin
Effect on the Body: to generate mature T lymphocytes (white blood cells that help the
immune system fight off illness).

6.Name of gland: adrenal

The hormone produced: epinephrine and norepinephrine
Effect on the Body:Help the body deal with stress and respond to emergencies.

7. Name of gland: pancreas

The hormone produced: insulin
Effect on the Body: it releases juices directly into the bloodstream, and it has an exocrine
function because it releases juices into ducts.

*9. Name of gland: testes

The hormone produced: testis
Effect on the Body: to produce sperm and to produce hormones, particularly testosterone.
Sperm are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes.

II. Female Body

(same as male except :).
*8. Name of gland: ovary
The hormone produced: Ovarian
Effect on the Body: They produce oocytes (eggs) for fertilization and they produce the
reproductive hormones, estrogen, and progesterone.

III. Click on the link: ​

To learn more about the endocrine system problems.

● What cause Type 1 diabetes? How is it treated?

The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown. Usually, the body's own immune
system which normally fights harmful bacteria and viruses mistakenly destroy the
insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
take insulin

● What happens if the pituitary makes too much growth hormone? What happens if it
produces too little?
The patients have swelling of the hands and feet and altered facial features. These
patients also have organ enlargement and serious functional disorders such as high
blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.
Poor growth in children and in adult, it causes a reduced sense of wellbeing,
increased fat, increased risk of heart disease and weak heart, muscles, and bones.

● What is precocious puberty? How is it treated?

when a child's body begins changing into that of an adult (puberty) too soon. Puberty
that begins before age 8 in girls and before age 9 in boys is considered precocious
Gn-RH analog therapy, usually includes a monthly injection of a medication, such as
leuprolide (Lupron Depot), which delays further development.

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