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* to be a n n o u n c ed ...

Students’ Event Guide

& Literary Journal
University of Hamburg
T able of C ontents
3 meet the tba-family: verA

4 Fantastic Pop Culture

5 tba Goes CommerciaL
With the world turning so fast, the our dedicated and wonderfully crea-
6 Dennis DuranT
C ategories editor’s job becomes that much more tive team. Each month, we’ll give you
7 Roosen - St. pauli haveN difficult. What to include and what to a brief glimpse into the culture-packed
weblinks leave out?? tba aims to be a repository lives of our staff members, and as al-
8 tba- Around the worlD
of Hamburg’s cultural and social rich- ways, we welcome new members with
university life 9 tba- *spontaneous breakdown* ness. We’re not interested in telling open arms. As, in the distorted words of
film/cinema 10 Faces of the citY - St. paulI you about every concert, every exhibi- the poet, no city-state is an island (let’s
tion and every cafe in the city... we cast ignore Singapore for the moment), it
readings 11 LubalufT - Comfy after-hourS
our nets wide and present you with sometimes behoves us to take a peek at
market 11 Review: Cold War Kids the finest delicacies that the city has goings-on beyond Hamburg’s borders.
12 Mens(a) sana in corpore sanO to offer. In this, our third edition, we So this month we wish Kosovo a happy
invite you to join us as we attend some and peaceful birthday, say goodbye to
13 FundbureaU - Lost & founD of the finest parties, relax at the most Doctor Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg
13 NachtflohmarkT @ fundbureau intimate of locations and discuss some (surely his name is long enough with-
of the most important issues affect- out the Ph.D), and hope that the lovers
14 Concerts à emporteR
creative corner ing students in Hamburg. Our phi- of Runge outweigh the lovers of Bunga
15 Last call for runge runge partY losophy is to be open for everything Bunga in our charming Hansestadt. I
imprint that’s going on, so no matter whether leave you with the words of those great
16 Another grand night ouT
you’re a closet Joe Cocker fan, a lover 20th century poets, The Cure
19 Short cutS of Romantic era masters, a cold war Fire in Cairo
kid or a fantasy fiend, whether you Fire in Cairo
20 The tba-familY Fire in Cairo
like to get lost or love being found, Then the heat disappears
you’ll always find a safe haven at tba. And the mirage
You are welcome to join the tba-team with your spirit and knowledge, Fades Away
This month, we’re introducing you to
whatever it may be! Meet us every Wednesday, 6 pm at the Anglarium
(Phil-Turm, 1st floor, room 171) or mail to:
Meet the tba-familY
I am new…

… new to Hamburg, new

to university, new to my
apartment, new to new

My Hamburg...

... is a place full of oppor-

tunities, where you can
go out on a Wednesday
evening and meet two
people who have tattooed
photo: Sarah Kaufmann
the same glass of beer on
their butts, proving this in front of all the visitors of the bar
... is a stereomood city: you can dance to every kind of music without
feeling ashamed for your taste or your dancing style, you can bluntly
express all your moods
... is the place I choose and luckily as well chose for my studies

My tba...

... is – like Hamburg – an opportunity to live out moods and talents, to

improve skills, to downsize university, to meet people and simply have

Fantastic pop culturE
It’s late and Edward is meeting with his best buddies Gollum and Harry P. They take a stroll ‘round the block
and vividly discuss whether material things (e.g. certain rings) or rather people (e.g. young puritan girls) can
be considered more valuable as status symbols for succesful young males. After having agreed on not to agree,
they then grab some raw steaks and cider at a 24/7-diner before changing locations and paying this hip new
club that serves TruBlood a visit... CUT!

… wait a minute –
what’s happening here?

Oh, right... the year is 2011, we are on planet Earth and up to now, everybody has realized that Fantastic plots
are out there, aiming for world domination. Everybody? Yes, everybody... especially everybody studying litera-
ture, film and/or television. Our Department of English and American Studies respectfully bows before this
new development which is as old as humanity itself and introduces an interdisciplinary lecture series, led by
Lars Schmeink and Julia Gatermann. The overarching title is ‘’Departure into Unknown Realms – Contribu-
tions to Research into the Fantastic’’ and during the series the lecturers will try to shed light on the phenom-
enon as a whole, provide insight into intriguing new approaches and perspectives, and put examples like Mary
Shelley’s Frankenstein on the table. The lecture series is not only limited to one medium, but rather takes a
step back and discovers the Fantastic all around us - in everyday speech and dialogue as well as in television,
film and literature. This particular series of lectures is open for Wahlbereich students as well, also inviting listeners from other disciplines.

Loosely linked to this extraordinary outlook is a 1b-seminar held by Lars Schmeink, who during the semester sets out to discover multi-
farious facets of Popular Culture together with the seminar’s participants. The seminar is open to students from both British and Ameri-
can studies and will concentrate on literature of the late 20th and early 21st century. So if you’re out wanting to get in touch with the
newest branches of Literary Studies, this is the place to go!

Lecture series: programme

Seminar: programme

tba Goes

D ennis D uran T - mysterious A llrounder
You think you know them all? You think you heard them all? Well, think again because Dennis Durant is someone to know about and –
most definitely – someone to listen to! Dennis Durant is American by birth and a Hamburger by the grace of god. He moved to Germany
about 20 years ago. Love was his motivation to delight us with his constant presence. He currently lives near The Roosen, a small bar which
he decides to play at, for friends and the owner, whom he’s acquainted with. But there are far more interesting facts you should know about!
As an actor he’s playing in Daily-Soaps like “Verbotene Liebe” (Sven Beckmann) and “Alles was zählt” (Andrew Wellington) and he
hosted – one of many events - the Sterntaler
Kinderfest in 2005. Last but not least, Dennis
is also a singer, a quite successful one actually.
He played in “Hamlet and Othello” (Othello),
“Rome and Juliet” (Romeo) and even partici-
pated in the musical “The Lion King” (Scar
and Pumba). As you can see, he is quite busy
and since the stage was not enough - he’s re-
leased four albums to date - we are able to lis-
ten to his music whenever we want. His calm-
ing voice gives the listener the opportunity to
sit down and relax, additionally, with his latest
release “New York is not my Home” he grace-
fully succeeds with soul-like tunes to take you
on a walk in dreams where you can lay back
and relax in peace. There are, of course, many more interesting facts about Dennis Durant which are available @
People, I can honestly recommend this local legend: Take a look, you will not regret it!
“I love German audiences! You can touch them soundly and sincerely with honest and heart-
warming music. That makes it enjoyable to guide them throughout the entire evening.”
Dennis Durant

RooseN - St. pauli haveN
Where? Paul-Roosen-Str. 28 (S Reeperbahn)

When? Mon-Fri 5pm –open end; Sat 3pm - open end;

Sun 3pm – 1am

How much? Astra: 1,70; Cider 2,50; Mexikaner 0,70

The whole Roosen shines with the glamour of real worn-down, shabby
chic accompanied by one prominent ornamented pillar, extravagantly
high ceilings as well as granny-style couches and armchairs. Enjoy ex-
otic drinks like fruit ciders at seriously low prices (from ACTUALLY
nice waitresses). Maybe you want to listen to real, hand-made acous-
tic concerts that make you feel like you are part of a small group of
close friends in the artist’s teeny-tiny living room. When Hamburg’s
Summer heat wears you down, Roosen opens all of its glass-fronts
and magically transforms into an (almost) open-air venue where you
can dangle your legs onto Paul-Roosen-Straße and watch the curious
passers-by in a mild breeze. Roosen is not trying to be hip or preten-
tious, it is just a homey place (in a smoky kind of way) where interest-
ing people (no posers, just guests) tend to pop in. So, whenever you
need a break from the hyper-glitzy Kiez, or the too-cool-for-school
photo: Julia Tegtmeyer
Schanze, just stop by this St. Pauli haven and slouch into your favourite sofa for a
relaxed night amongst friends, old and new. .

tba around the world

tba in Barcelona

tba with Cold War Kids

tba in Rome

tba @ the Party

tba @ the Party tba @ the Party

tba - *S pontaneous breakdow N*

F aces of the cit Y - S t . P auli

The intersection between Paul-Roosen and

Wohlwill Str. is a place of beautiful cross-
pollination. The part of St. Pauli that retains
a community feeling. In fact, walking through
these streets, I sometimes have the sense that
I’m right in the middle of a somewhat funky
German village. It also happens to be home
to some of Hamburg’s most interesting graffiti...


L uba L uf T - C omfy after - hour S C old W ar K ids - L ouder than eve R

Where? Neuer Kamp 30 (U3 Feldstr) As I have already said how great Cold War Kids are in our last edi-
tion, I will start with the support act. Wye Oak, a two-man band,
When? Tue-Wed, 7pm - 1am
a one man-one woman-band, and no, they are nothing like White
Thu- Sat, 8pm - 3am
Stripes. (decide for yourself if that’s a good or a bad thing). She
Read more: is lost in their music, playing the guitar, he plays multitaskesque
both bass and drums and sometimes background chanting. (At the
If you’ve ever wondered how to spend a delightful few hours
same time, mind) Amazingness. For those interested, they men-
before heading to the clubs on the Kiez here comes a sugges-
tioned a tour in Spring. Cold War Kids themselves have exceeded
tion worth checking out. LubaLuft is located only a few min-
expectations and performed a good mix of old and new songs,
utes away from Große Freiheit and is said to be the bar where
their new album is definitely worth a listen! Aside the music and
barmen go after their shift to enjoy some really delicious cock-
dancing the show was, at least for me, one example of good in-
tails. A quite surprising service the barkeepers offer, if it is not
teraction between band, security and audience. The tiresome girl
too crowded, is to advise you to choose the perfect drink. If you
that crowdsurfed a dozen of times met the extremely cheerful
still can’t decide, Mojito, Moscow Mule and some variation of
security. The girl who cut her lip after being hit by crowdsurfing
Gin Tonic are worth checking out! But if you want to keep it
girl shook hands with the band, who enjoyed themselves through-
short and simple, of course you can have some beer and soft-
out the show. Roughly 2 hours and 14 songs later we found the
drinks, too. The bar is stuffed with comfy sofas and couches,
opportunity to talk to two members of the band, we showed them
so it makes you feel like you were sitting in your own famil-
splendid folding techniques and were awarded with a photo.
iar living room, or maybe even better? As smoking is allowed,
In the end Cold War Kids declared their love for the tba
it can be uncomfortable for non-smokers,
family, kind of, so after listening to their music, seeing
however they usually have a window open.
them life and talking to them, we can say: we love you,
Luba Luft may not have the lowest prices
too. Come back soon.
due to its location, but if you think about
the quality of the drinks, at least it is really S.R.
worth a try.

O.S. .

Mens(a) sana in corpore sanO
All of us know the problem. Especially all of us, who have to deal with tight budgets all the time and wonder why we can’t brush off the feeling that every
time we get something to eat at our beloved Mensa, we somehow have to pay more. In exchange for increasing prices, we get food that sometimes is not too
bad, but too often we wonder why the exquisitely-labelled meal tasted like cardboard (if we are lucky) or if the food on our plate had been alive five minutes
before we bought it. If one takes a step back and thinks about how prices for Mensa food alone have increased during the last few years, it makes you shiver.
A small note from our sponsors:
Don’t get me wrong here, I do not want to blame it solely on the Mensa staff – but doesn’t it make you wonder how this
Mensa case is only one exemplary tiny spec in a vastly larger picture: everywhere around you, prices, taxes and fares have
been rising for years now and in return, the only thing you experience is that the people around you have to fight harder
and harder to make ends meet. If you ask people who are dealing with the bigger picture, e. g. economists or politicians,
the overall idea you get is that due to the fact that the financial crises over the last few years had to be dealt with, our
economies now have to save trillions of Euros and Dollars. The only purpose behind the need of saving is keeping those
banks, which started the whole fuzz to begin with, alive in order to allow them to continue their gruesome gambling
games with stocks, derivatives and whatnot. The downside to this development is that with governments spending so
much money on issues they generally do not have to deal with (because the ominous ‘’market’’ is supposed to help itself ),
they don’t have enough money left for those concerns they are supposed to be occupied with.

To take this argument back to our realm of university life, we can clearly see how things have worked out. The semester
fees, which were introduced as serving the purpose of additional funding in order to allow an improvement of university structures, have now become one
major pillar of university’s basic budget plan. And with the lopsided argument that students nowadays ought to see themselves as ‘customers’ of the university
but receiving none of the rights a normal ‘customer’ possesses, the policy of draining money from those who don’t have any to begin with, takes it course. It
completely gives me the creeps when I think of a whole generation of students waking up in ten or 15 years’ time and realizing that those jobs they were
supposed to get through higher education are not there and that they will have to struggle very, very hard to pay the debts of loans they were told to take at
the beginning of their studies. Again, don’t get me wrong here, I personally like to see things in a positive light. Thus I hope that this scenario is only a pes-
simistic outlook and that we can turn things around – some incentives of alternate ways of thinking and living, see below.

labofii RechtAufStadt

F undburea U - L ost & F ound N achtflohmarkt @ F undbureau

Where? Stresemannstraße 114 You love flea markets but you are rather a nightingale than a lark?
(S Holstenstr) Why not visit Nachtflohmarkt at Fundbureau? Starting at 8pm
and lasting at least till 11pm this flea market has some decisive
Read more:
advantages that might even convince your most anti-flea-market
If you are new in Hamburg or even if you have been living here friends to accompany you: It is cheap, as entrance is free and drinks
for a couple of years you might get lost from time to time. Sud- and homemade cakes are sold for a low, nearly net cost price. It
denly you don’t know where you are and where is fun in every weather
you came from. Living in a big city like Hamburg as the cold, snow and
also means feeling lost sometimes. rain can be left outside
A Fundbüro is a place where you might find some- and the Nachtfloh-
thing you have lost, where lost things are collect- markt takes place in
ed and wait for their owner to pick them up. Our two halls. And... if you
beloved Fundbureau, located close to the Stern- belong to those peo-
brücke in Schanzenviertel was formerly such a ple who feel that their
place, and still is today in some senses. Concerts life needs a soundtrack,
and parties that take place here bring together even this is possible, as
fans of a band who might otherwise be spread all a DJ accompanies the
over the city or fellow students who took part in ambience with mu-
the same seminar years ago. Visit Fundbureau to sic. Spend your next
seek what you have lost – and to lose yourself in the moment. Wednesday at a flea
market of quite a different nature and see what you might find at
V.S. Fundbureau.


L a B logothèqu E - C oncerts à emporte R

Read more:

You dearly want to see a band that is nowhere close to coming to your
town? And you’re tired of watching youtube video footage of some lucky
people who did get the chance to see the band, probably with weird angles,
awful sound and blurry vision?

The tba-family prescribes this smashing weblink: A street, a band and

their music. That’s it. That is the whole concept of la blogotheque, a
French project with nifty interviews and heart-warming performances of
all the great bands nobody really knows. (Ok, that’s an understatement,
but it’s not exactly Lady Gaga and Beyonce running around with their
guitars on open streets). La blogotheque is a collection of articles about
newish bands and their music and what makes this site a bit better than
all the other websites claiming to be “the” great discoverer of the next
great artist, are the take away shows, which you can also watch via you-
tube. Just imagine: A small street somewhere in France; the mighty drums
of Architecture in Helsinki being heard before a choir chirps in on the
song. A cosy café in Paris; in the corner sits a young man hammering on
his keyboard, the guy next to him starts singing a song about a girl named
Mandy; introducing them as two sixth of Spinto Band. (The very first
take away show by the way). An empty gym; in the middle a man and his
guitar. Jens Lekman - need I say more? There are more than a hundred
of those take away shows, with bands you’ll have heard of and some just
waiting to be ‘discovered’ by you.

L ast c all for runge runge part Y

This is one of the most enjoyable exhibitions I’ve been to in many years.
The scale of the exhibition, combined with Runge’s unique talents, kept
me captivated for several hours. Although I have several artists in my fam-
ily, like many people of my generation, I’m far more comfortable decon-
structing a moving picture than a series of stills. Modern Art has become
so self-referential and conceptual that a preparatory lecture is required
before one can even begin to understand the descriptions of the artworks!

This is not to suggest that an understanding of Runge’s historical and

artistic context would be superfluous. I’m sure that the more the viewer
knows about an artist, the richer the experience can be. However, it’s not
essential in this case. Although the images were not moving at 25fps, I was
still able to stand and admire them, overwhelmed at times by the power
and intention of the artist.

If I was capable of immersing myself in this exhibition, then I’m sure you’ll
be able to dive right in. It’s only on for two more weeks, so instead of going
to see the latest 3-D schlock from Hollywood, spend an evening convers-
ing with friends or impress a date (can’t do that in the Lichtspielhaus) and
treat yourself to the brilliance of one of Germany’s most romantic spirits.


Short Story - Another grand night ouT “Did you know that when he departed for the Samoan Islands to
write Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stevenson took along plenty
“You want another one?” of that stuff ?”
Here we go, he thought, you might regret it. It’s always like that. “Did he?”
You’re chatting with your buddy, having a good time, and the next “Yeah.”
moment you wake up with the worst headache ever, remorseful He took a sip. Bittersweet, a hint of coffee and malt. Pure magic,
and miserable. he thought.
“Sure.” “Hey, let’s go to Dublin.”
So much for my ability to resist. I’ll regret it. No way back from “Yeah?”
here on. “Yeah, you know what they say.”
“That’s the spirit! Hey, can we get two more of these over here!” “What?”
Oh well. Now that the decision is made you might as well lean “It tastes even better if you drink it on the Emerald Isle.”
back and enjoy the rest of the night. Nothing to regret, really. Isn’t I wonder why, though, he thought. I mean, it’s the same stuff, they
the ability to give in at the right moment the greater virtue, any- don’t change the ingredients for the international market or any-
way? What’s that story again, two cars coming from opposite di- thing. Maybe it’s the shipping. All that shaking can’t be very ben-
rections want to cross a narrow bridge that’s just big enough for eficial.
one at a time. They both get there at the same time. Someone has “Drink it where?”
to give in and let the other one pass first. Now that’s the smarter “What do you think, man? Just the two of us in Dublin, for a week
guy, right? I am this guy. or so.”
“There you go!” “Yeah, let’s do it.”
He looked at the new pint, the blackness, the smooth light brown “No, I mean, really, let’s book a flight and go there.”
head. Almost white, he thought. Not such a bad idea after all. He took another sip. We should really do it.
“Beautiful.” The band in the corner started playing again. No, he thought, band
“What?” is not the right word. I mean they don’t really seem to get together
“The best beer in the world.” to practice in a garage every week. It’s more like an improvisation.
“Yeah, it’s pretty good.” Do they even have a name? The sign only said ‘live music’.
Pretty good, eh? Don’t give me that shit. The guitar player looked up, stopped playing, raised his pint and

gulped it down as if he had just crossed the Sahara. Meanwhile, the This time we need to be serious.
fiddler and the girl with the whistle just kept on playing. “I’ve got an idea for a song already. It’s called ‘The Pint determines
Session, he thought. That’s what it is. your Life’.”
The guitar player joined in again. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Good music. Cheerful.” “It’s art. It can mean whatever you want. You have to find the
“Yeah. In Dublin they play music like that every night.” meaning within you.”
Well, at least that’s how it’s supposed to be. He’d read about it in “I wanna play bass.”
one of those brochures. Why should it be different from this place, “The beauty of art, man. It’s open to interpretation, you know.”
anyway? After all, the owner is an Irishman, he thought. “Yeah. But we can’t just have a two man band.”
“Where’s that guy from?” “The White Stripes is a two man band.”
“Who?” “It’s a man and a woman.”
“The barman. The owner. Where’s he from?” “So?”
“He’s American. Told me so the other night” “So it’s not a two man band.”
Anyway, he thought. I won’t argue. I am the guy at the bridge.
“We should really do it.” “So we’re going?”
“Definitely.” “Go where?”
I’ll look for flights first thing when I get home. “Dublin, stupid. We’ll do it, right?”
He gazed at his pint. It was half empty by now. Or is it half full. One “Sure. Well, guess I’ll have to talk to my girl first.”
way of looking at it made you a good person, he knew, the other They took another sip and listened to the music. Pretty melan-
way meant you’re a miserable fucker. The pint determines your life. cholic, he thought. This time we need to be serious about the band.
Crazy. He had to smile. Sweet metaphor for a song, though. “We’ll need some place to practice.”
“What’s with the band?” “And a name.”
“What band?” Good point. You can’t have a band without a name, how ridiculous
“You know, didn’t we wanna form a band a couple months ago?” is that? A name is important, once you have a name everything else
“Yeah.” will fall into place. Something original, he thought. Be creative.
“So let’s do it.” He started to feel a little dizzy.
“Sure.” “Maybe we can even play some gigs in Dublin, how cool would

that be?”
“We could just rent a van and play wherever we want. London,
Paris, Rome.”
“We should do it.”
The musicians had stopped playing by now.
“Let’s look for a flight to Dublin some time.”

He looked at his pint. Almost empty.


S hort cut S - S ome beautiful afterthought S

If we had a staff of 50 and the ressources

of DER SPIEGEL, these are some of
the events we would have covered What? True Grit
in more detail... Where? Streit’s (S Jungfernstieg)
When? e. g. Thur, 3 March, 8pm
Free? No, 8 €

What? The Aggrolites

(support: Hamburg’s
finest Dubtari)
Where? Fabrik (S Altona)
When? Tue, 15 March, 8pm
Source: Esra Bilik

Free? No, 16,- / 12,- €

Happy Birthday, Kosovo!

What? Anarchist Folk Rocker (DJ Set)

What? Info-Veranstaltung “Duldung und Illegalität”
Where? Hasenschaukel (S Reeperbahn)
Sponsor? AGIJ
When? every Wednesday
Where? Thedestr. 101a, Altona Altstadt
Free? Yes
When? Sat, 19 March, 3 - 5pm
Free? Yes

Imprint - The TBA-family

editor-in-chief p.p. Marc-Liam Toolan

Florian Dolberg, Susan Reichelt, meet the family
Tobias Steiner, Julia Tegtmeyer

Bortel Klaudia (page 6)

Reichelt Susan (p. 11, 14)
Spyth Olivia (page 11)
Städler Marius (page 16)
Steiner Tobias (p. 4, 12)
Struckmann Vera (p. 3, 13)
Tegtmeyer Julia (p. 7)
Toolan Marc-Liam (p. 10, 15)

Esra Bilik , Olivia Spyth, Vera Struckmann,

photography Susan Reichelt, Sarah Kaufmann
Tobias Steiner, Julia Tegtmeyer

layout Tobias Steiner

tba - to be announced
2011, all rights
copyright Students’ Event Guide
reserved & Literary Journal
University of Hamburg

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