Concept Model of Self

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Ruth Ann S. Bunagan

The concept model of self that I made comprises of different elements that
suggests different meanings. The elements inside the box are the little details I feel that
honestly describes who I am and who I understand myself to be. These are the
elements that have a huge impact towards how I know myself and how I can accept
myself in this lifetime. These are the elements that can make or break me as I believe
that these are the factors that can affect my decisions in life.

Baymax, according to Wikipedia, is a fictional character, a superhero appearing

in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is designed to be a hydro-
powered robotic synthformer programmed to serve as Hiro's personal bodyguard,
butler, and chauffeur, Baymax becomes Hiro's best friend and father figure when the
young inventor programs his recently deceased father's brain engrams into Baymax's
artificial intelligence. Ever since I watched the movie Big Hero 6, I was already
mesmerized by Baymax’s character that even though he is a robot you can feel his
compassion and care for Hiro and all he wants to achieve is to make him happy. I chose
him to represent myself because I find him similar to me. Even though I find it hard to
please everyone around me it is still my ultimate dream to make them happy. I can
sacrifice my own happiness for the sake of their happiness. I can endure hardships just
to make them proud of me. I can be whoever they want me to be just to see them
smile and feel loved. I can sacrifice myself just to make them happy. In order for
baymax to be up and working, I used fire to symbolize my inner light as it also means
the living symbol of the Divine fire that burns in every soul. It helps me connect the
different flame that’s burning inside of me to define who I am. As you can see, the
flame also comes in different colors that also have meaning for me. The flames that are
contained inside the box are the closest flames for me as it determine the gravity of my

Red flame symbolizes my abilities as red represents our strength, compassion

and love for the gifts of skills and talents that God has bestowed upon us. The yellow
flame symbolizes my personality traits for it means friendliness, confidence, optimism
and emotional strength which I believe I have. These personality traits are the ones
that helps me be more approachable and able for the people around me. The pink
flame symbolizes my physical features. Pink means femininity and I know physically and
mentally I am a female person. I chose it to represent my physical feature because
even though I am not pleasing to the eyes of others no one can define who I should be
just because they cannot accept me. These three flames represent my real self. It is
who I am, not defined by the society and of other people. The green flame symbolizes
my aspirations, goals and dreams in life. Green represents harmony, balance,
reassurance, and peace which I believe I need in order for me to reach the aspirations,
goals and dreams I long to achieve. And these three comprises my ideal self. It is who I
want to become.
There is a saying that I know everyone knew that goes like this, “think outside
the box”, I believe it does not only mean having different perspective from others but
also having different views about ourselves. The lines of the box consist of 6 elements
that constitute the external influences I perceive about myself and is also represented
by different colors of flames. The gray flame symbolizes my past experiences. Gray
represents lack of confidence, dampness, and depression. I have a lot of negative past
experiences that still keeps on haunting me even if I try my best to forget about them
but never to forget the lessons I learned through them. These experiences oftentimes
make me feel alone, depressed, and helpless that in order to overcome the pain I just
cry until I can finally sleep at night. The black fire symbolizes feedback from others.
Black represents security, emotional safety, oppression, and menace. The
representation of black is both positive and negative because we all know that feedback
from other people comes in both ways. Some may be good to you but many might be
bad to you. Blue symbolizes values, culture and beliefs. Blue represents intelligence,
duty, serenity and trust. These are the representations that I believe I got from my
family because the first people to teach me about things are from them all my beliefs
and values as well as our culture, I’ve learned from them. Orange flame symbolizes my
social roles. Orange represents fun, warmth, passion and physical comfort. I believe
that my social roles affects my school and peers, being able to give them fun and
warmth I need to show them that I care for them and that they are important. The
violet symbolizes my own observation. Violet represents vision, truth, and authenticity. I
can attest that I am a very observant person. I want to know little details about certain
things, especially about the things that people do that others do not easily notice.

There are also arrows used to have meaning in my concept model. The four
block arrows represent a flow that the elements in the lines of the box affect the
elements inside the box as well as the elements outside the box. It connects the inside
elements and the outside elements in a two way basis because my real self and ideal
self conforms to my physical self, material self, political self and spiritual self and the
definitive factors are the elements inside the line of the box.

The arrows I used inside the box indicates what constitutes of myself to define
what my real self is as well as my ideal self. The arrows show that I have different
attributes that can affect both my real and ideal self.

The concept model I made is how I definitely understand myself and being able
to place it in a paper is an achievement for me because for 25 years of existence in this
world this is the first time that I can finally say that because of the subject
Understanding the self, I gained a lot of insights on how I can appreciate more myself
and not just dwell on what others think of me. It helped me improve my self-worth
because as of today I can finally say that I’ve learned on how to not be bothered by the
negativities of others because just what my teacher always tell me “garbage in,
garbage out” (by Mr. Bryan Arvin PJ A. Cabanos).

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