Review Sheet A&P Test 1

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What is Anatomy? Physiology?

Anatomy- Study of form. Internal and external structure.

Physiology- Study of function. living things perform functions.
Understand Scientific Method
Inductive vs. Deductive Reasoning
Deductive- Hypothesis. If-Then Statements. Based on reason and
logical analysis of available facts.
Inductive -Characterized by inference of law.
What is a hypothesis? Educated Guess
What are the step involved with designing an experiment?
Proper Experimental Design, A Controlled Study,Sample size, sufficient to prevent chance
event, Control group and treatment group,dentical treatment except for the variable being
tested, Prevention of psychosomatic effects , se of placebo in control group, Experimenter bias,
prevented with double-blind study, Statistical testing, difference between control and test
subjects was not random variation, due to the variable being tested
Peer Review, Critical evaluation by other experts in the field, done prior to funding or
publication, done by using verification and repeatability of results, Ensures honesty, objectivity
and quality in science, Facts, Laws and Theories, Scientific fact, information independently
What is the difference between a scientific theory and a law? Examples?
Theory- concept supported by experiments but not unequivocally
proven. ex. Cell, Homeostasis, Evolution
Law- Proven undisputed predictable. ex. Thermodynamics is way
matter and energy behave.
Know the Hierarchy of Complexity, from atom to organism.
Atom, Molecule, Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ system, Organism
Know the Characteristics of Life.
Consist of 1+ cells, Organized, Use energy raw materials,
Respond to environment, Reproduce & Grow, DNA, Evolve,
Understand what homeostasis is. Stable internal conditions
What is negative feedback, how does it work? examples.
Body senses change, activates mechanism to reverse. Ex. human
thermoregulation- sweating and shivering.
What is positive feedback, when does it occur?
Self amplifying change. Ex. childbirth
Be familiar with the medical terminology on Pages 20-21

Chapter 2-Chemistry

What are the Major elements of the body? The most abundant?
Oxygen most, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus
What is an isotope? differ in number of neutrons. breakdown gives off radiation.
What is a free radical? What neutralizes a free radical? Particle with odd number of
electrons. Antioxidants neutralize.
What is an ion? An electrolyte? An example? Particle that carries a charge due to
unequal number of electrons. Electrolytes are salts that ionize in water to form
body fluids.
What are the 4 types of chemical bonds? Their relative strengths
Ionic Bond- Weak. Breaks down in water.
Covalent Bond- Sharing of one of more electrons
Hydrogen Bond- Weak attraction between polarized molecules. No
electron sharing.
Van der Waals Force- Weakest of all bonds.
Mixtures, What is a solution, suspension, colloid, emulsion?
Mixture- Substances physically but NOT chemically combined.
Solution- Mixture of solute into solvent - can pass- transparent
Suspension-Particles suspended in solvent- cloudy- too large to pass
Colloid- Mixture of protein in water- gel like- too large to pass
Emulsion- Suspension of one liquid in another. ex. breast milk
What is a solute and a solvent? solute dissolves into solvent
What are the unique properties of water that make is the universal solvent?
Adhesion & Cohesion, Chemically reactive- ionizes H+ and OH-, also ionizes acids
and salts, involved in hydrolysis & dehydration synthesis, Thermal stability- high
heat capacity also effective coolant.
What are the 3 types of measures of concentration?
Weight per Volume- weight of solute in given volume of solution
Percentages- Weight/Volume of solute in solution
Molarity- moles of solute/liter in solution
Understand pH. What is an acid/base? What is a buffer?
Acid- Proton Donor, Base- Proton Accepter. Buffer- mixture of chemicals that
resist changes in pH ex. bicarbonate. Blood is slightly basic 7.3
What is energy and what is a chemical reaction?
Energy- Capacity to do work. Kinetic- energy of motion. Potential- due to objects
Know the classes of chemical reactions.
Decomposition- Large molecules into smaller AB= A+B
Synthesis- Two of more combine to form large A+B= AB
Exchange- Two molecules collide and exchange atoms
Reversible- Go in either direction
What factors affect the rate of a reaction?
Concentration- more concentration=more collisions
Temperature- higher temp = faster rate
Catalysts (Enzymes)- speeds up reactions
What is anabolism? What is catabolism?
Anabolism- energy storing (endergonic) -requires energy
Catabolism- energy releasing (exergonic)- breaks bonds releases energy
Know the 4 classes of organic compounds.
Carbs, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids
What are their monomers? Polymers?
Protein= amino acid
Nucleic Acid= necleotide
Lipid= fatty acid?
What of the functions of the organic compounds within the body?
Carbs- Quick fuel, short energy store, structure, cell to cell recognition , broken
down to form ATP
Lipids- energy storage, plasma membrane, steroid hormones, electrically neutral,
hydrophobic do no dissolve in water, fats = insulate against heat loss, protect
organs, long term store.
Protein- Structure (keratin, collagen), Communication (cell receptors), Membrane
transport (channels, carriers), Catalysis (enzymes), Recognition/Protection
(antigens, antibodies clotting), Cell adehesion
Nucleic Acid- RNA, DNA, ATP
Understand the 4 levels of protein structure
Primary- amino acid. Secondary- Coiled or folded. Tertiary-further folding,
Quaternary- two or more polypeptide chains
What is an enzyme and what is its function? Speeds up chemical reaction by lower the
amount of energy needed to start reaction

Chapter 3-The Cell

What is cell theory?All living things made of cells, cells arise from preexisting cells
through cell division, cells contain hereditary material, chemical composition of
cells in similiar, metabolic life processes occur within cell.
Understand the importance of cell size and surface area to volume ratio.
The amount of surface area affects ability to get things in and out. As cells increase
in volume the proportionate amount of surface area decreases.
Know the cell structures and their functions.
The cell (plasma)membrane-structure and function, membrane lipids and proteins
Defines cell boundaries, controls cell interaction, controls passage of materials in
and out. Lipids- Phospholipid bilayer hydrophilic head hydrophobic tails, creates
membrane fluidity. Cholesterol affect fluidity low is rigid high more fluid.Proteins-
Transmembrane protein go through membrane most are glycoprotein, Peripheral
Proteins adhere to membrane surface.
Cell membrane transport.
Filtration- Movement of particles through a selectively permeable membrane due
to hydrostatic pressure. ex. kidneys
Diffusion- Movement from area of high to low
Osmosis- diffusion of water from area of high to low
Carrier mediated Transport- proteins carry solutes across membrane types of are
facilitated diffusion and active transport.
Microvilli, cilia, flagella, Cytoplasm?
Microvilli-extension of membrane, some contain actin. increase surface area for
Cilia- hairlike, sesnory in inner ear, retina, nasal canal, beat in waves.
Flagella- whiplike, longer than cilia, tail of sperm.
Cytoplasm-Orgnelles, Cytoskeleton and inclusions )stored product)
Organelles- Nucleus - contains DNA, Nucleoli produces ribosomes.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough/Ribosomal and Smooth)-Rough-protein synthesis.
Smooth-synthesis or membranes, steroids and lipids.
Mitachondria- ATP
Golgi complex- synthesizes carbs, packages proteins &glycoproteins, also forms
vesicles ex. lysosomes.
Lysosomes- package of enzymes. for autophagy- digestion of own organelles,
autolysis, intracellular digestion.
Peroxisomes- resembles lysosomes but contain diff enzymes. Abundant in liver and
kidneys. Neutralizes free radicals and detoxify alcohol.
Centrioles- cilia and flagella formation. (centrosome)- cell division
The cytoskeleton- composed of microfilaments (actin), intermediate fibers, and
microtubles. Provides support, organization, and cell movement.

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