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Definitions of Globalization
The process by which businesses or other organizations develop
international influence or start operating in international scale.


The expansion and intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world time and world-space
Definitions of Globalization

The speedup of movements and exchanges (of human

beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or cultural
practices) all over the planet. One of the effects of globalization is
that it promotes and increases interactions between different
regions and populations around the globe.
In the Philippines, found its way into the
heart of Philippine society during the
presidency of Fidel Ramos in 1992-1998. He
envisioned Filipinos to be self-reliant and
globally competitive by fostering ties with
neighboring foreign economies, and by
exploring other avenues for expanding
international trade and investments.
With the states’ intention to boost productivity within the
bounds of their territories, states often have the tendency to
liberalize trade.
It pave the way for multinational corporations ( MNCs) and
transnational corporation (TNCs) to become major players in most
states’ local economy.
After all, these foreign corporations are primary factors in the
international system and have a growing role in a number of
states’ policy outcomes.
Emergence of worldwide
production markets and broader WHAT ARE THE
access to a range of foreign
products for consumers and
companies. Particularly movement of GLOBALIZATION?
material and goods between and
within national boundaries.
Emergence of worldwide financial markets and better access
to external financing for borrowers; emergence of under or un-
regulated foreign exchange and speculative markets.
Realization of a global common market, based on the freedom
of exchange of goods and capital.
Some use "globalization" to mean the creation of a world
government, or cartels of government which regulate the
relationships among governments and guarantees the rights arising
from social and economic globalization.
The creation of the international criminal court and
international justice movements. Crime importation and raising
awareness of global crime-fighting efforts and cooperation.
Survival in the new global business market calls for improved
productivity and increased competition. Many industries around the
world doing the same thing, so industries have to upgrade their
products and use technology skillfully to compete.
Growth of cross-cultural contacts the desire to increase one's
standard of living and enjoy foreign products and ideas, adopt new
technology and practices, and participate in a "world culture". Some
dislike the resulting consumerism and loss of languages.
The start of global environmental challenges that might be solved
with international cooperation, climate change, cross-boundary water
air pollution over-fishing of the ocean spread of invasive species
factories are built in developing countries with less environmental
regulation which may increase pollution.
Increase circulation by people of all nations with fewer restrictions.
Spreading of multiculturalism, and better individual access to cultural
diversity through media.
Development of a global telecommunications infrastructure and
greater data flow even into the world’s most remote areas.
Globalization and its Effects to world
The expansion and intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world time and world-space

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was

established on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok by the five-original
member-countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,
and Thailand. Brunei Barussalam joined on January 8, 1984.
Globalization and its Effects on

In the 1990s, regional blocks became a craze in the sedate

world of economics and Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) have
played a role towards the trend of regional integration.
FTSs Essentially remove trade barriers such as tariffs and
import quotas among member states of regional blocks.
Moreover, globalization has also increased the speed of
Trade. The development of computer and communication
technologies in the emergence of the information technology era
have led to the development of high frequency trading (HFT) that
often reflects the current situation of the economy of a particular
Aside from HFT, Global Economic Organizations (GEOs) have
also played an important role on the spread and influence of
globalization in the economic arena. The three (3) major
international economic organizations are the World Bank, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Trade
Organization (WTO).

Globalization has greatly changed how people live. It change the

way people communicate to each other every since they have been
empowered to communicate fast even if they are thousands of miles
away from each other.
People have behaved differently now as compared to the past.
Globalization has also affected and changes people’s needs, desires
and even their wants.
Culture flows through the World Wide Web, changing
people's ideas, influencing their imaginings about each other and
other parts of the world, and even leading to the invention of new
social forms. Real time audiovisual communication from almost
everywhere in the world to almost anywhere in the world facilitates
interaction among people thousands of miles apart.

It is already apparent that technology is “shrinking the

world” of the present generation of the world’s citizens.
The connectivity can be economic in the sense that when
The West experiences financial crisis in their Homeland, a large
number of other countries would also be affected by such crisis.
For instance, when the United States experienced a financial crisis
in 2008, a number of countries around the world were also
when the United States almost experience an economic
meltdown in 2008, the rest of the world started to be in chaos as
Connectivity can be felt not only in
economics but also in the music industry. An
example of this is the popularity of Psy,
triggered by his pop song, Gangnam Style,
when it garnered 1 billion views on YouTube in
2012. For the South Koreans, Psy is not new to
Political connectivity is also a product of
globalization. A recent manifestation of this
connectivity was the Arab Spring, a series of
anti government protests, uprisings and armed
rebellions that spread across the Middle East in
early 2011.
Globalization is a process, and in a
process, effects are more often than not , not
uniform and mostly unequal.
Expansion and stretching of social
Globalization has stretched and expanded relationships
among nations and even among people in the course of the years
. One of the agents for expanding such relationships is the
emergence of non government organizations(NGOs).
These organizations are mostly aid groups whose main
objective is to alleviate the lives of people especially those in
Intensification and
acceleration of social
exchange is an activities
In most parts of the contemporary world, social
exchanges and activities have already been intensified
and accelerated through the advancement of
communications end transportation technology.
One recent innovation that influences a large
number of the present generation is the social media.
Quick travel is already accessible to a greater
number of people, live television and even social media
live streaming enabled people far from each other to fully
be aware of what is happening around them .

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