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5th Adult Revision 3


1) Match the sentences with the correct tense.

Present Perfect Present Simple Present Continuous Past
Perfect Past Simple
1. It is located near the Bird’s Nest Stadium. ___________________
2. The Olympic Games were held there in 2008. ____________________
3. Beijing’s Olympic pool is still being used, years after the Games. _________________
4. The pool has been transformed into a water park. __________________
5. The original pool hadn’t been designed as a water park. _________________

2) Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. There may be more
than one correct answer.
1. My town has been hited (hit) by heavy rains every year, and sometimes we have terrible floods.
2. About 50 people have been killed (kill) in floods here in the past five years.
3. We had a flood six months ago, but most people had to be evacuated (evacuate) before the flood
4. Thousands of buildings were destroyed/ had been (destroy) by the flood.
5. 5 The devastation was particularly bad because buildings already had been damaged (damage) by
last year’s floods.
6. Most of the businesses affected has been reopened (reopen) now.
7. The shopping centre is being rebuild (rebuild) and will reopen next year.
8. A system of canals has been constructed (construct) to catch rainwater.


3) Jack has gone back to university after working. Match the sentences (1–3) to the meanings (a–c).
1. He’s getting used to writing essays.
2. He’s used to working long hours. a. He’s not familiar with this.
3. He’s not used to long lectures. b. He’s in the process of becoming familiar with this.
c. He’s familiar with this.
4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of be/get used to and the verbs in brackets.
1. I was a teacher for years, but I retired last week. Im not used to having (not, have) so much free
2. I had to get up at 6.30 every morning. So it’s taking me a while to get used to (wake up) late.
3. At first it felt strange to spend so much time at home because I _______________(work) long hours
in school.


5) Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. The emergency workers told people do not stay in their homes if they began to flood.
2. Teachers don’t expect that you to speak perfect English.
3. Airlines warned to passengers not to carry liquids over 100 ml in their hand luggage.

6) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the verb in brackets.
1. Meteorologists convinced people that it’s better to avoid unnecessary trips this weekend.
Meteorologists _________________(persuade) take unnecessary trips this weekend.
2. Colleges tell freshers they don’t have to take part in initiation ceremonies.
Colleges doesn’t expect (not expect) take part in initiation ceremonies.
3. In some companies, employees are permitted four personal days each year when they don’t have
to work.
Some companies __________________(allow) take four personal days off work each year.

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