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“$ 100k Niches”

Current Opportunities With Real Business-Building Potential

“$100k Niches” – October, 2013

What follows are the current 16 opportunities we would have been pursuing for our ‘in-
house’ revenue-generating efforts.

They have been taken directly from our “Opportunities Board”, the final result of the myriad
potential opportunities we’ve come across over the last few months.

As we come across potential opportunities, we put them on a list; periodically – every week or
two – we go through and prune the list, removing those that for one reason or another, didn’t
‘pass’ our very specific criteria for determining where we put our time, money, and effort.

To get on the initial list at all, opportunities must have a reason for being listed. Typically,
these are things we come across that pique our curiosity as potential opportunities, that are
then put through a ‘quick & dirty’ vetting: is there money to be made, is it saturated, do we
have the means to build something to take advantage of it, does it seem worth pursuing, is the
potential high enough, etc.

Eventually that list goes through a much more thorough screening and vetting. Since we have
a finite amount of time & resources, we don’t want to spin our wheels with anything that we
can’t become 100% convinced will result at least in a $10k-plus return, or with anything that
will tie up too much time or money getting there.

The results are the actual opportunities that then become our blogs, lead-gen landing
pages, topical websites, etc.

With the availability of this current list, we have removed all of them from our board – we will
not ‘compete’ with you on any of them.

PLEASE NOTE: what you have are the base opportunities – what you do with them is up to
you. You will have paid approximately 6 dollars each; we cannot afford to do the
development for you, provide hand-holding, etc. What you are getting is exactly what we
start out with. It is up to you to decide how you want to approach or leverage them, how
to monetize, etc.

What I can say with 100% confidence is that every one of the listed opportunities has
the potential to become big money-makers. You simply have to put in the effort.
The Opportunities
1. E-cigarettes
An enormously fast-growing market that is on it’s way to becoming regulated, both in the US and
abroad. Virtually everyone who purchases will purchase ongoing ‘refills’ – it becomes an annuity (re-bill)
of ongoing sales.

There are a numerous affiliate offers and wholesalers.

Target opportunity: specialty blog or ecommerce store with a focus on quitting smoking, and targeting
typical smokers fears & concerns of ‘smoking when or where smoking is disallowed’.

2. Self-confidence
Opportunities to capture searches looking for how to boost confidence, public speaking, and shyness.

Target opportunity: create/outsource info-product on developing self-confidence, marketed via

informational site presenting ‘How To’ articles on these topics.

3. English Saddles
Specialty high-dollar product with good volume, good margins, very little sophisticated marketing

Target opportunity: ecommerce store or affiliate site (Amazon, direct manufacturers/importers).

4. Geneology
Various low- and mid-volume long-tail genealogy-related searches that are relatively easy to rank.

Target opportunity: create/outsource info-product on genealogy; genealogy affiliate programs such as

5. Wine
Large, marginally-tapped market for novices interested in becoming wine connoisseurs,
understanding wine making, tasting, buying.

Target opportunity: similar to “Geneology” above, create/outsource info-product, build list.

6. Best Offers & Freebies
The coupon & daily-deal space is huge; by creating a site showcasing frequently-updated freebies (easy
to search for & find), you build up traffic from obsessive repeat visitors.

Target opportunity: website/blog with opt-in to build list, then market various CPA ‘freebie’ offers.

7. Identity Theft
Huge, fear-based market, right time, right place. Easy sale, availability of brand affiliate offers such as
“Lifelock” (direct affiliate program).

Target opportunity: topical niche site on Web 2.0 platforms (Squidoo, etc).

8. Teachers Aid
Arch-typical informational sites – we had good returns with a similar teaching assistant Adsense site.

Target opportunity: informational site, promoting CPA/lead-gen for certificate / vocational training.

9. Online backup
Similar to “Identity Theft” above: huge, fear-based market, right time, right place. Easy sale, tap into
massive advertising and competition among providers.

Target opportunity: topical niche site on Web 2.0 platforms (Squidoo, etc).

10. Aroma Therapy / Fragrance Oils

Burgeoning market, plenty of room for narrow, focused topical blog.

Target opportunity: straight affiliate sales & list-building blog/website.

11. Orthopedic Shoes

Similar to “Aroma Therapy / Fragrance Oils” above, strong affiliate sales opportunity, also good lead-gen

Target opportunity: straight affiliate sales site and/or lead-gen page.

12. Scholarships
Arch-typical informational sites – we had good returns with a Catholic school scholarship Adsense site.

Target opportunity: informational site, promoting CPA/lead-gen for scholarship & grant offers.

13. Chef / Culinary Training

Arch-typical informational sites – we had good returns with a pastry-chef training Adsense site.

Target opportunity: informational site, promoting CPA/lead-gen for vocational training.

14. Mortgages
The housing market blew up, then burst, crashed, and is now rebounding. Many marketers bailed out of
the space, leaving some very viable opportunities and available traffic.

Target opportunity: lead generation. Mortgage leads can fetch $20-$70 and more. Long-tail
searches, paid and organic, to lead-gen landing page.

15. Home Improvement

Along with the housing market (see “Mortgages above”), this is a burgeoning market. In the US, you
cannot watch prime-time TV without seeing countless ads for “Angie’s List”.

Few marketers pursue this market compared to others.

Target opportunity: similar to “Mortgages” above, lead generation – think “Angie’s List”, “Home
Advisor” type offers, or “Service Magic” type direct lead brokering.

16. Specialty Dating

We had very good success with our “Mexican Brides” site, which was initially intended to be a ‘proof
of concept’ and one of a series of ‘specialty’ dating sites. The narrower and more specialized, the
better. Commission Junction and others have numerous specialty dating offers.

Target opportunity: specific specialty dating blog/site, quality original content focused on the specific
specialty, targeting market-specific long-tail searches.

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