Lesson Plan in General Mathematics Grade 11

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Lesson Plan in General Mathematics Grade 11

Date : September 10, 2019

I. Objectives

At the of the lesson, students should be able to,

1. Illustrate simple and general annuities
2. Distinguish between simple and general annuities
3. Find the future and present values of simple annuities
To be wise and successful investor.
II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Simple Annuity

B. Reference: General Mathematics LM page 168-183

C. Materials: Power point presentation , e-tablets and cartolina strips

III. Procedure

A. Preparation
Teacher Students

Happy afternoon class. Happy afternoon mam!
Rica, please tell me who are absent today. (Preparing to ( Will tell the absent student in the class)
write the absent student/s in the Class Attendance Record)
(Any reaction to absent student/s will just follow) Thank you! Your welcome ma’am!

B. Presentation
Teacher Students
Before we proceed with our new lesson, can I have one Volunteer student ill proceed in front for the game.
volunteer in the class to play a game
Review of the past lesson (who wants to be a millionaire
The teacher will give the mechanics of the game.

(I will show some pictures on the power point presentation) (The students will look at the pictures)

Ok! Who among you here have a parent/s who’s retired (Some students will raise their hands)
from the job?

(I will ask the student/s about what occupation their parent/s (The student/s will tell the occupation of their parent/s)
retired for)

Did you know that your parents will get a big amount of (Student’s answer may vary)
money in their retirement?

Now you know that your parents will have big amount of Yes ma’am!
money after their retirement! (any reaction may apply)

Well, that is because of the help of the Annuity. Thanks for (Somebody will raise their hand)
the annuity, right?

(Referring to the pictures). Based on our previous (Students will suggest varied meaning of Annuity)
discussion about the Annuity, what do you think is the
meaning of Annuity?

(A student will be called).

All of your definitions are correct. Our definition of Annuity
here says that,
(open the definition of Annuity power point presentation)

It is a series of equal payments at regular interval.

A sequence of payments made at equal (fixed) intervals or
periods of time.

Annuities may be classified in different ways ask students to

read the power point presentation (using the distributed
colored paper)

Asked the students about their assignment for the definition (Students will raise their hands)
of terms(After their answers show them the definitions on (The called student will give his definition)
the power point presentation)

Okay, who can still remember the formula for future value? Students will raise their hands)
Here is the formula now for Amount(Future Value) of (The called student will give the formula)
ordinary annuity;

(1+ j)n−1
F=R [ j ]
R is the regular payment;
j is the interest rate per period
(Students will take down notes)
n is the number of payments
Examples using the power point presentation.
Students will raise their hands)
How about the Present Value of an Ordinary Annuity? What
(The called student will give the formula)
is the formula?
1−(1+ j)−n
P=R [ j ]
R is the regular payment
j is the interest rate per period
n is the number of payments

Examples using the power point presentation

Teacher Students
We will have a group activity. I will divide you into 4 groups
that is according to the color of the paper which was
distributed before. I have already designated leaders and
secretary. Please pass a sheet of paper with members,
secretary and a leader written on it.

Here is my IP address for you to find your activities Yes Ma’am!

Let the game begin!

Expected answer: (The students will start answering)

1.F = 56,413.75
2.R = 19,660.31
3.Cash Value = 1,311,449.54 (Every group will discuss their answers and present it using
4.R = 6,6408.09 power point presentation

D .Generalization

1. What is an annuity?
2. How can you differentiate now The Amount (Future Value) of ordinary annuity to Present Value of an
Ordinary Annuity?
D. Valuing

How will you let your money grow for the future use?
IV. Evaluation
Using wonder share
V. Assignment

(Let them copy from the power point presentation)


Subject Teacher


Asst. Principal II

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