BS 11 - 1985 - Railway Rails

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HSI BS 11:1985 une esa e © Bish Standards tnstuton. No part of his publication may be phtocopled or otherwise reprckced without the prior permlslon in wring of Bt ———_—_—_—_—_—_—_——— eee British Standard Specification for e Railway rails —_—_—_oeoeoeo Ralls de chemins de fer — Spécifications Eisenbahnschienen British Standards Institution Coppat bye Bn Senders Ralanon hy Dee 05 1525102 BSI BS*LL 85 MH LL24EL9 0188789 2 a BS 11: 1985 Foreword e@ ‘This revision of this British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Iran and Steel Standards Committee and supersedes BS 11 : 1978, which is withdrawn, Where practicable, action has bean taken to align this standard with the requirements of 180 6003-1980, ‘lat bottom rallway rails and special rll sections for switches and crossings of non-treated stool, published by the International Organization for Standardization (so), Improvements in rail steel quality have been achieved by @ reduction in maximum sulphur and phosphorous limits in all ral stee! grades and by small increases in maximum carbon levels in wear-resistant rail steel grades. Length tolerances are now applicable to rail lengths up to and including 36.576 m (120 tt), @ Although preference has been given to metric sizes and tolerances, it has been recognized that a high proportion of ral requirements are for replacoment purposes rather ‘than for new track, The imperial dimensions have been totained since all the rail profiles are based on imperial design. However, in order not to preclude the development of metric designed rail profiles, tolerances based solely on ‘metric units are also spocified. Referee gauge designs for the chocking of bolt hole potitions have been added to the standard, This revision also incorporates the requirements of BS 103, ‘Falling weight testing machines for rails’, which has been withdrawn, [Appendix outlines the independant chomical analyses and tensile test procedure. BSI Committee ISM/74, whose constitution is shown at the ond of this British Standerd, takes collective responsibility {or its preparation under the authority of the Board of the Institution, The Committee wishes to acknowledga the pursonal contribution of Mars A § Blane end e ‘AB Henderson. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Capynht by te Bish STendords sion Ms Dee 05 15:28:15 7002, BSL 85 MM Lb24bb9 0186790 9 ml @ Contents Page Foreword Inside front cover Committees responsible Back cover Specification Scope Information to be sup Definitions Dimensions and properties of rail sections Manufacture of stool chemical comparition Mechanical properties Marking Templates Facilites for inepection 11 Manutacturer’s tests an certificate 12 Manufacture of rls @ 8 Tolerances 14 Freedom from defects 15 Tost sample selection 18 Chemical analysis 17 Falling weight tost, 18 Tensile tests 19 Rail enaths and supply of shot lengths by the purchaser Bomar es scoconnnn ‘Appendices ‘A Combined verticality and asymmetry gauge for flat bottom rails 36 B Referee gauge for distance between holes and rail end, and hole diameter 37 © Refereo gauge for distance between holes and base of rail D Referee gauge for hole height for 98 RBH rails E Independent chemical analyses and tensile tests 888 Tables 1 Chemical composition 2 Tensile properties 3 Tolerances on rail saction profiles 4 Tolerance on rail length 5 Position of fishbolt holes © Tolerances on fishbolt hole dimensions and positions 7 Copy by Ihe rin Slender stun Ms Dee 05 15:26:17 7002, BS 11: 7 Recommended dimensions for standard broportional round tet piece, gauge length 1, =5.65 VS, 8 Maximum pereantage by mass of short lonaths permitted 9 British Standard rallway roils: table of dimensions of sections in matricated unis 10 British Standard raltway rts: table of dimensions of sections in imporal unite 11 Areas, calculated masses and properties for raiwayralls in metricated units 12 Areas, calculated masses and properties, for raiway rll in imperial units Figures 1 Location of sample for chemical analysis end ‘tonsilo test piace 2 Falling weight striking face 3 Shape of falling weight test bearers 4 Key to table of dimonsions for fat bottom rails 5 BS ail section no. 60'0" 6 BS rail section no. 60 A 7 BSrail section no, 60 R 8 BS rail section no. 70 A, 9 BS rail section no. 76 A 10 BSrail section no. 75 R 11 BS rail section no. 80 A 12 BS all section no. 80 R 13 BS rail section no. 80'0" 14 BS ral section no, 90 A, 16 BS rail section no. 90 R 16 BS rail section no. 95 A, 17 BS all seotion no. 96 R 18 BS rail section no, 95 RBH 19 BS rail seotion no. 95 N 20 BS ral section no. 100 A. 100 R 110A Maa 24 Key to position of fishbolt holes 25 Combined verticality and asymmetry gauge 26 Distance betwoon holes and railend, and diameter gauge for flat bottom and bull heed rails 27 Distance between holes and bace of reil gauge for flat bottom rails only 28 Vertical drilling gauge for 95 RBH rails 1985 Page 10 10 2 13 1“ 6 " 16 7 18 19 n 25 26 27 28 29 31 2 35 7 88 BSI BS¥L) 65 MM L24L69 018675) 0 mm BS 11: 1985 fication Speci 1 Scope ‘This British Standard specifies the requirements for the quality of stel, dimensions, tolerances and other technical conditions of delivery for railway ras of 24.8 kg/m {60 lb/yd) and greater linear mass NOTE, The ties ofthe publications referred to inthis ctandord 2 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 2.4 The purchase shal state In his enquiry and order: (a) the numberof this British Standard, Lo. BS 11; (b) the grade of steel (see table 1); (6) detail ofthe ral setion required (sce clause 4): (A) rail length required (see clause 19); {0} us of alto determine the tolerance on length (500 tabio 4). 2.2. Additionally cartan alternatives or options shal be ported by this standard as spelfied below (a) requst details ofthe steelmaking and casting procetns le clause (0) optional branding requirements (se 8.1.2); (2) cold stamping ofoneend of frished ral (0e 8.2.7); (2) application of olagated inspection or quality assurance (ae clase 10); (0) requst details of hydrogen fake avoidance procedure (see clause 12); (0 appleation of tho rall end straghtnes tolerance applied to aril rails see 18.8); (6) appicati ofa continuous non-destuctive testing (eo 18.2); (h) supoly ofa costlotod parootage of short ral (08 3 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the following dofinitions appiy. 3.1 sequence continuous casting. A process whereby @ sequence of casts of the same grade of steel is poured through a continuous casting machine without interrup- tion in flow of liquid steel into the moulds and strands. The pouring of the next cast begins before the flow of steol from the previous cast has finished, leading to an tormixing of some liquid steel from the two successive casts. ‘8.2. main east. Blooms from each strand that are known to be entirely composed of steal from a single cast, 3.3. changeover overlap or intermediate material Blooms that may contain steal from more than one east, Ie. mate arising during the changeover from one cast to the next in ‘the sequence and therefore intermediate in position between two successive main casts, 4 Dimensions and properties of rai sections Whore a rall section Is ordered by BS rall section number (ee 2.1{¢)], its dimensional properties and mass per unit length shall comply with the appropriate values given in tables 9 10 12 and figures 6 to 23. NOTE 1, The provisions of thi standard aro not rstlted to rae ‘of British Standrd gestion and may ba applied t0 any ection of 24.8 kim (50 Ibiya) or eater linear mass NOTE 2, The mess per unit length of ralls quoted inthis stand has been ceterminod by roultialving the sectional area in mm? by 0.00785 to avo tho mass in kg/m or by multiplying the sectional fea in in® by 10.200 to give the mass in bly NOTE 3, The rl ections inthe standard w the change to 1 unite wae planned, The Hons used have basn corverted to 81 dimer ion ith en accuracy Banner hecessry for the retention of the previous Imparal profiles and ropertie ofthe ral Any of the required alternatives specifi in the clause referred to above shall be stated by the purchaser at the ‘time of the enquiry and order, and, shall be implemented by the manufacturer. Table 1, Chernical composition ‘tod grado carbon Stieon Manganese Phosphorus — | Sulphur by mass by mane by mace by mass by ase Normal 0.48/0.60 0,08/0.35 0.95/1.25 0,040 max. | 0,040 max. Weeresisting A | 0.65/0.80 0.10/0.60 0.80/1.30 0,040 max. | 0.040 max. 8 0.55/0.75 0.10/0.60, 1.30/1.70 0,040 max. | 0.040 max, NOTE. Minor modifietions in ehemieal composition may be ap 1 botvoen the manufacturer end the purchaser (at the time of enaulry tnd order, to achieve the spacfled mechentcal properties forthe rail section ordored Copriah bye Gri Slndords slutbn Tu Dec 05 15:26:17 2002 BSI BS¥L1 85 MM LL24Eb5 O18872 2 me 5 Manufacture of steel ‘The source of the stool and the steelmaking processes employed shall be the responsibility of the manufactur ‘The purchaser can request the supply of a broad outline description of the steolmeking and casting processes (eee 2.2(a)) and the manufacturar shall not alter these ithour informing the purchaser. 6 Chemical composition When tosted in accordance with elause 16 the chemical ‘composition of the appropriate grade of steel shall comply with the limits given in table 1. 7 Mechanical properties 7.1 Falling weight test When tested in accordance with clause 17, the test pieces shall not fracture or crack between the supports. When tested in accordance with the tensile test given in clause 18, tho tonsila properties of tha steel shell comply ‘with the values given in table 2, Table 2, Tensile proporties ‘Stoel gra Minimum — | Minimam sera tongation strength Nimm?* | % Normal no 9 Wear-resisting A | 880 8 B 880 a N/mm? = 1 MPa NOTE. These minimum elongation values are applicable ‘to the reuls of tensile tests earied out on untreated specimens within 24h of tha machining of tho text pace 8 Marking 8.1 Branding 8.1.1. Brand marks shall be rolled in relief on one side of ‘the web of each rail. The brand marks on the rails shall be clearly legible and shall be at least 20 mm high and 0.5 mm tick, and they shall read from the end nearer the top of the ingot or the top of the continuously east strand, ‘The brand marks shall (2) the number of the BS rail section or other ral section; clude: Copy by Ie rin Senders Return Ms Dee 05 15:25:18 7002, BS 11: 1985 (b) tho grade of the steal, ie.: (1) normal grade: no symbol (2) wearresisting grade A: ‘A’ (3) wear-rosisting grade B: “B'; (c) the manufacturer's name, initials or other recognized mark, sufficient to identify the rolling mill; (d) the last two figures of the y 8.1.2 Additionally the purchaser has the option of request ing further brand marks including any of the following {see 2.2(b) {a) the number of the month of manufacture (in roman numerals); (b) the steelmaking process: (1)0 Oxygen (2) 08: Open hearth, basic (9) E + Erect (c) letters identifying the purchasing administration: Examples BS.113-A-B-X & Co-85-V-O-ZR (.e, wearresisting grade B) BS 90R- x & Co-B5-V-O-ZR (i.e, normal grade) NOTE. It important to maintain» cine camareation between the componante of the brand marks, This is achioved by the se of hyphens. 8.2 Rall identification 8.2.1. General, In addition to the branding requiraments each rail shal be identified by a numerical and/or alphabetical code system, hit stamped, on the non-branded side of the rail wob, either manually (see 8.2.2) or by machine (s00 8.2.3). ‘The figures and letters used shall be at least 16 mm high. ‘The identification system employed shall be such as to enable the hot stamped marking to be collated with: {a) the number of the cast from which the rail has beon rolled; {b) the number of the ingot or the continuausly east strand and bloom; {c) the position of the rail relative to the top of the ingot or bloom, erative to man! hot stamping repetitive NOTE 2. The hot stempina procedure for lighter section. 129, 248 ka/m (60 Ib/ya) and 20.9 kg/m (60 Ib/va) or for ells ‘ordered in short prime lngths shouldbe bated on ano ‘between the manufacturer end purcharr. [NOTE 3. For tho purpose of idontitietion, a ral may be considered to be that which exits a a sre length after hot sawing. Whi such rails ae subsequently cold sawn or machined to produce tw ‘or more shorter lnaths, these may each boa the identification ‘of the orginal hot eave ell 8.2.2 Manual hot stamping. When manual hot stamping is used the specified rail identification shall be stamped on BST BSxL) 65 MM Lb24e69 0166793 4 a BS 11: 1985 ‘the side of the rail web in a position approximately 1600 mm from the rail end, 8.2.3 Machine hot stamping. When repetitive machine hot stamping I used, the specified rail identification shall ‘appear at least once every 6 m along the length of the rail. 8.24 Casting process identification. The manufacturer shall ensure that rails rolled from continuously oest blooms can be separately identified from rail produced from ingots, 8.25 Sequence casting identification, nthe case of sequence continuous casting, a cast shall be considered as including all blooms up to, but excluding, the first bloom that is known to be entirely of tho next cast. The change- over blooms at the end of the cast, plus the rails produced ‘therefrom, shell be clearly identified 8.2.6 Minority tonnage identification NOTE, When a rolling includes ste! of different ards or ofthe same grada mad by diferent prooise, tho branding ofthe tnajrity tonnage can be used throughout tho eating. For the minority tonnages the process or grade identity mark of the majority tonnage shall bo cancolled. “The minority tonnage grade and/or process identity mark shall then be included elsewhere in the branding, or alter- natively In the hot stamp marking, 8.2.7 Cold stamping. Additional to tha hot stamping requirements, the purchaser can request similar Identifice- tion applied by cold stamping to one end of the finished rall (see 2.2{c}),. 9 Templates ‘The manufacturer shall supply two sots of master templates, internal and external, for each section of rail ordered, and shall submit them for the approval of the purchaser and obtain his approval before rolling ofthe rails is ‘commenced, One sat of master templates shall remain in ‘the possession of the purchaser during the period of acceptance. In addition to the master templates, the manufacturer shall supply one set of plus and minus limit acceptance gauges ‘to the purchaso NOTE. Whare master temp ‘nother ralnay purchasing ministration, er by en externel ‘afore, thete should be used by other purchosore whonover posible 10 Facilities for inspection ‘The manufacturer shall examine all rails and those found to bo dofoctive shall be clearly marked and removed from the batch for purchosor inspection (see clause 14). “The purchaser shall have reasonable aecoss to observe the manufacturing process anc! inspect the finished product. ‘The purcheser shall be advised by the manufacturer of the date of rolling, sample selection and mechanical testing of the test pisces to enable him to witness these procedures, ‘and of the avalability ofthe finished product for inspection, Altematively tho purchasor may request the manufacturer to take responsibility for inspection based on ‘delegated inspection’ or a quality assurance system’ (see 2.2(d)) All rsils accepted by the agreed inspection procedure shall be marked. NOTE. Tho Inspection or quality ssurance system to be applied ‘should be approved ata time of the engulry or order (afer $2 B81 Henaboale Na, 2) 11 Manufacturer's tests and certificate ‘The manufacturer shall supply the purchaser with certificates of the steelmaking and casting processes, chemical analysis, results of mechanical tests and the position from which test samples have boon solected (soe clause 18). ‘The manufacturer shall prepare and supply all test pieces, and samples of stool, sample ras and drillings. 12 Manufacture of rails Rails shall be manufactured from either: (a) cast blooms; or (b) blooms mede from Ingots. The minimum rolling reduction of cross-sectional area for ralle up to 60 kg/m section (120 tb/yd) rolled from con- tinuously east blooms of square or rectangular cross section, shall bo 8:1. Manufacturing precautions shall be taken s0 as to avoid the occurrence of hydrogen flakes in susceptible stee! grades, The purchaser can request the manufacturer to inform him of the procedure used in the avoldance of the presence of hydrogen flakes (sve 2.2!) 13 Tolerances 18.4. Rall soction profile ‘The tolerances for rails up to and including 60 kg/m (120 tb/ya) section mass with the principal dimensions iven in (a) to (c) shall comply with the values given in ‘able 3, (a) Rall height up to and including 165 mm (6% inh. (b) Foot width up to and including 140 mm (64% in) (c) Head width up to and including 70 mm (23/ in). NOTE, The tolerances for rails svi than 60 kalm (120 iy) ‘or with larger principal dimensions than above may be agreed between th purchaser and the manufacturer, “The profile of each rll snction shall be checked for ‘conformity to the tolerances given in table 3 by means Cf approved plus or minus limit gauges, For flat bottom rails the tolerances given in colurmns 1 and 2 of table 3 shall apply to ral sections designed In imperial and metric units respectively. The tolerances siven in column 3 of table 3 shell apply to bull head sections designed in imperial units. Copriah by We Br Slndords hsluton Tu Dec 05 15:26:18 2002 BST BS#L) 85 MM LL24LL9 O188794 bom BS 11; 1985 “Table 3. Tolerances on ral ection profiles Choratrate ‘i 2 3 Fist hotom Fit bottom Bui hens feoioe caine inimperit une | mm | in mm mm | in (Overall eight of rall measured at the +080 | +¥/ | 4050 +080 | + rail end 0.40 Yea 1.40 Yea Width of head xo40 | 2% | 2050 4040 | #%ee Width of foot 40.80 Ye 41,00 +£0.40 Meg Thickness of wab- 40.40 Mea ++1,00 $0.40 Meg -0.50 Verticality: maximum deviation at rit head | 040 | You 040 | tee Foot base: lat to maximum concavity 040 | Yee + deviation trom nominel profile 10.50 | 10.020 Fishing surfaces: Maximum stand off of | fishing tame From web 1.20 fo 1.20 1.20 Yea Maximum clearance from fishing surteco | 013 | 0.008 | 0.18 013 | 0.006 Asymmetry of rail section. 0.40 Mea 0.50 0.40 Moa Asymmetry of rail section as checked 1.20 You 1,25 (see by means of combined verticality and note) asymmetry gauge: flat bottom rile only (220 epperdix Ab NOTE. The gauge shown nappa A isnot apleble to bl hed ral thar gauge are ued for checking the val and Ssimeety of bat hand eon, 13.2 Tolerance on rail length ‘The tolerances on length shall be as given in table 4 and shall apply to rails up to end including 36.576 m (120 ft). ‘The lengths shall be based on a rail ata temperature of 20 °C (68 °F). The tolerance on rail length shall be stated fn the enquiry and order (soe 2.1(4)). Table 4, Tolerance on rail length Pll ured Tolerances ‘weie | Imperial tength | tengeh Ralls for butt welding #250 | #1 Ralls for jointed track £50 | t% ‘of other purposes Copper bye Sr Sloneerds Melton Ms Dee 05 15:26:19 7002, 18.3 End squaroness ‘The deviation from square in both horizontal and vertical Ns shall not excaed 0,60 mm for rails designed in and matric unit, ‘These tolerances shall apply to rails within the range 25 ka/m up to and including 60 kg/m (50 tb/yd up to and including 120 tb/yd) and within the prinelpal dimensions givon In 18.1 NOTE, Pro rata increaos In tolereness are recommended for heever or larger soetion rails, BSI BS4}) 85 MMH LL2YLG9 0188745 8 a BS 11: 1985 184 Fishbott hole position Fisnbott holes shall be dried at right angles to the web; rl shall be checked with templates and gauges ofthe typo thay shall be smooth and burrs shall be removed. The posi- shown in appendices B and C, tion ofthe cantre ofthe holes relative tothe endl of the rail The sizes and positions of the fishbolt holes for Br and the baso ofthe flange shall be chacked with sultably Standard ral sections shall be as given in figure 24 and designod gauges. In casa of dispute the fishbolt holes in the table 5 with tolerances as given in table 6. Tablo 6, Position of fishboit hoes ~ 3s Dinensons - frelon [A @ @ D a 2 é D ™ Biatl racot | Bima] Hite at [Diner ot | mach at | Olnent omena’ | on ffomfoot | fomend | @ erat ore crea mm mm | mm [mm | in in in in soo | ana7 | azar | ror6o | 2381 | 1% | ttt 4 "he oa | 4702 | 47.2 | toro | 2540 | 17% 1% 4 1 eon | 4762 | 47.2 | ror.s0 | 2540 | 1% 1% 4 1 oa | 50.80 azz | 10160 | 2000 | 2 ite 4 ths 7a | 5239 | 47.2 | rorco [race | 2% | im | 4 1% ver | 5308 | 47.62 | 10160 | race | 2% 1% 4 1% oa | saes | 47.02 | 101.00 | 2050 | 21% 1% 4 1% gor | e500 | 4762 | 101.00 | ace | 2% | 1% 4 1% woo |saee fooer | x00 fase ton [mm |e |v ® aoa | ors | case | 11430 [sore | 2% 2 ah |e con | 600s | sao | 11490 |a0t6 | 2% | 2% ah | he aa | sare | soe | inag0 [ars | ame 2M ah |v an | ara cosa | 11430 [3175 | 2% 2M ah | 1% asren | caro | cose | 11430 | 2050 | 2% | 2% 4h | an | v2 | save | r4s0 |ar75 | 2%m | 2% an [1% 10a | cose | sa08 | 11420 |a175 | 2% 2% ah | 1% tor | 63.60 save | ago [ais [2% | 2% an [1% tio | 6509 | coa2 | 127.00 | 31.75 | 2% 2% 5 1% ria | e509 | e0a2 | 127.00 |a175 | 2%6 2% 5 1% “hare drourstanoes calor diferent azn hom, chew may be ordered, e {Thin immason ves deserted a 5080 (2 nin brevous ection of thi sandr 6 Copriah by We Bris Slndords helo Tu Dec 05 15:28:19 2002 BSI BS*L) 85 MM LL24bb9 0188796 T Mm ‘Table 6, Tolerances on fishbolt hole dimensions and positions Fishbolt hol Tolerances Diamator | Diameter 30mm Diamotor of fishbolt holes | 0,6 mm | 0.7 mm Contro and position of fishbolt holes vertically ‘and horizontally £08 mm | +0.7 mm 135 Straightness A finished ral, after cold straightening, shall, when standing tn Its base or lying on its side, be capable of being pulled by hand into a straight line and of retaining that position, ‘The straightness of the rail, shall be judged by eye but, in casa of doubt or dispute, the affected portion shall be checked using a 1500 mm (6 ft) straightedge. The maximum Permissible deviation shall be 0.8 mm (/s2 in) measured as the maximum ordinate on a chard of 1800 mm (6 ft), Rails to be used in welded track shall have the straightness of the ends checked by means af 2 1500 mm (5 ft) straight- edge. The deviation from straight, both in the vertical and horizontal direction, shall not excoed 0.8 mm (Ysa in} Measured es the maximum ordinate on a chord of 1600 mm, This tolerance shall be allowed only for vertical deforma- tion if the deviation raises the end. No tolerance shall be allowed if the deviation lowers the end. The purchaser can Fequest this tolerance for rail end straightness in the case of drillad rails supplied for jointed track (soe 2.27), Any rails not complying with these requirements shall be rectified and reinspected. 14 Freedom from defects 14.1 Surface defocts ‘The method used to check the depth of minor surface imperfections and to remove them, shall be approved by ‘the purchser. 142 Internal defects ‘The manufacturer shall ensure the absence of harmful internal defects by control during manufacture. The pur- chaser can request that the manufacturer applies continuous ordestructive testing (e.9. ultrasonic testing) appropriate ‘to the manufacturing process and grade of stool (s00 2.2(9)). 15 Test sample selection For rails produced from ingots, the accepted inherent characteristics of the product Influence the test semple Positions and these shall be as specified in clauses 16, 17 and 18, Coprnh by te Bish Slndords stator Tu Dec 05 15:28:19 2002 BS 11: 1985 In the production of ras from continuously east blooms, ‘the position of the ral in the bloom or strand in main east material is of no significance, and test samples shall be solected by the manufacturer on a random basis, subject to all other provisions in this standard, In the case of sequential continuously cast materia, the initial test samples shall be selected only from known, main cast blooms or rails. The changeover mate intermediate betwoen tivo main casts and forming the last (or uppermost) blooms in each cast, shall only be sampled: (a) as part of the retest procedure in the event of rejection ofa cast, or casts, from within a succession of sequentially poured casts; or (b) if a rolling batch terminates within intermediate ‘material containing steel from a main cast which has ‘not been sampled and tested, In this case the sampling and testing procedure shall commence with the lest (or uppermost) rails, and retesting shall move progres sively lower down the blooms and strand, NOTE. Predefined tet sample postion fr rails made from continuously cat steel may be agreed betwoon the purchaser. ‘the manufacturer atthe time of snqury and ord 16 Chemical analysis, 16.1 Initial tests NOTE. The chemical composition ofthe steal shall be datermined ‘by lle analysis and shall comply with the appropriate requ ‘monts of clause 6. Determinations may be made chemically, ‘spectrogrephieally or by other madorn Intrumental methods, After rolling the rails, the manufacturer shall supply the purchaser with the chemical composition of a product sample of each cast or part cast being supplied against the contract. Lf the rats do not comply with the requirements of clause 6 all rails from that cast or part cast shall be deomed not to ‘comply with this standard, subject to the provisions of 16.2. 16.2 Retests ‘Should the chemical composition fall to comply with the requirements of clauso 6, the manufacturer shall make two {urther tests on samples cut from the rolled rail. Drillings taken from @ rolled rall sample to be used for these retest chemicel analyses shall be taken from a hole Grilled in a position as shown in figure 1. The diameter of the drill shall be 25 mm (1 in} for larger sections (over 40 ka/m (80 Ib/ya)] or 19 mm (2 in} for lighter sections, dopending on rail head dimensions. Where spactrographie or other instrumental methods are used, the tet position shall be in the sample area shown in figure 1. If the results of thoso retests are satisfactory, the cast or Part cast shall be accepted, If one or both of the test Pieces fal, the cast or part cast shall be rejected In the event of dispute, analyses shall be carried out by ‘the appropriate methods described in BS! Handbook No. 19, BSI BS*1] 85 mm BS 11: 1985 17 Falling weight *test 7A Method of test The test shall be carried out on a short length of unnotched rail by means of a guided falling waight, The requirements Cf the test shal be as follows. (a) Mass of falling woight: normally 1000 kg. This mass thell conform to the requirements of equation 1. (b) Hoight of fall: measured from the top level of tail-heed and varying in ralation to the rail section (see equation 1). (c) Rall test piece: 1300 mm minimum length with its base supported on two bearers. (d) Distance between bearers: 1000 mm from centraline to centreline, ‘The guides shal be rigid, straight and vertical and so constructed as to ensure that friction during the fall of the ‘weight is reduced to a minimum. The falling weight shall strike midway between the bea “The falling weight shall be symmetrical in mass and shape in ralation to the plane of the guides; Its centre of gravity shall be as low as pos this plane and it shall be exactly contral botwean the two guides. ‘The release goar shall not cause any sideways movement of ‘the falling weight when itis set in motion. “Tho striking faco of the weight shall be rounded es part of ‘8 oylinder (see figure 2) with its axis horizontal and in the plane of the guides, ‘The mass of the metal anvil block shall be not ess than 10000 kg and its supporting base shall be rigid. The bearers designed to receive the test ploce shall be firmly fixed to ‘the anvil Block and shall be shaped as shown in figure 3. ‘The striking face of the falling weight and the upper part ‘of the bearers shall be truedup or replaced when they become severely distorted, For the test, the test place shall normally be at ambient ‘temperature, Whon ambiont temperature is fower than 10°C, the manufacturer may, at his discretion, increase ‘tho test piece temperature to between 10 °C and 25 °C, single blow shall be applied, The height of fall (in m) varlos with the mass per unit langth of the rail and the ‘mass of the falling weight according to the following equation; 150, = 80M at Oy " whore HE iatho hoight of fll (in mh; ‘My. isthe mass por unit length of rall (in kg/m}; ‘My isthe mass of the falling weight (in ka). NOTE 1, For rails produce in wosr resistant grades, tho values teed in tho formule may be adjusted, subject to agreemor ‘tho purchaser and the manufacturer Although the Coprah fy Ie Gri Sloncerds Reiton My Dee 05 15:26:20 2002, bb24bb9 0188797 1 ma 12> Ya of width at dopth bah oth Figure 1. Location of sample for chemical analysis and tenaile test place 400 mm Fominal Figure 2, Falling weight striking face TemiRal ominal Figure 3, Shape of falling weight test bearers weght In the context ofthis eet has bebn supersuded by tho term ‘aes, thas bean dacided to rete the term ‘wight’ In preference to "mats for both practieal and historical reasons. BST BS#21 85 MM Ub24G69 0148778 3 am ‘equipment for ‘pecltied i thi i falicg weight txt whieh hes snd where the conditions have been sgroad between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 17.2 Extont, frequency and position of tests The test frequency shall be a minimum of one test per cast carried out on a test piece as specified bolow for ingots ‘and continuously cast material respectively ra text per 60 t (tonnes) taken trom different ingots or etrands,, For rails rolled from ingots, the test piece shall be selected from that part of the rail adjacent to the top end crop or {rom the top end crop itself. In-the case of rails rolled from continuously cast steel, the test piece shall be out from rail from the top ond of @ bloom, The manufacturer shall provide details of the bloom and ral identification from which the test was obtained 17.3 Results ‘The deflection obtained over the bearer centre distance shall be recorded for information, 17.4 Falling waight eotasts 17.4.1. General, In the event of failure of one or more falling weight test pieces in any cast, retests shall be made fn further test pioces selected from that cast at the rate of ‘wo rotests for each original test failure, in accordance with 17.4.2 or 17.4.3 a5 appropriate. 17.4.2 Rails rolled from ingots. Two test pieces shall be taken from the top end of the top (or ‘A’*) rail of othor ingots in the same east from which the original text piacas were selected, If allrotests are satisfactory, all rails in that cast shall be ddeomed to comply with this standard. If one or more retests fail all ralls from the top of each ingot (.e.‘A) ralls shall be deemed not to comply with this standard, Second retests at the rate of two retests per original test, shall be taken from the bottom end of ral from the ingot ‘top (i.e. ‘A’ ralls). If all these second retests are satisfactory, ‘the rails from below the second retest positions, ie. the cast ‘minus all top (‘A’) rails, shall be deemed to comply with this standard. In the event of feilure of one or more tests places in the second retest, the cast shall be liable to rejection. However, If the manufacturer investigates and reports on the reason for failure to the satisfaction of the purchaser further retesting shall be permitted, This further testing shall roceed by progressing sequentially, rall By ral from the ingot top, at the rate of two'retests per original test Satisfactory performance of all tests corresponding to the same level below the ingot tops shall result in all rals from ‘bolow that level being deemed to comply with this standard. ‘The ‘Aral s the ral! loetad nearest the top ond ofthe ingots. Copriah by Ie Bish Slndords sluton Tu Dec 05 15:28:20 2002 BS 11: 1985 17.4.3 Continuously cast steel, Two test pieces shall be taken from the same strand from which the original test piece was solected. One of the test pieces shall be taken from rails from the same bloom as the original ts and lowor in the strand than ‘the rail used for the original test. The other test piece shal be taken from a ral higher in the strand than the rail used for the original test. Ralls from between these two rotest Positions shall be discarded. If both retests are satisfactory, all remaining rails from that strand of that cast shall be ‘doomed to comply with this standard. In the event of failure of one or more rotests the cast or Part cast shall be rejected subject to the reason for failure ‘boing investigated by the manufacturer and established to the satisfaction of the purchaser. Further check tests shall thon be permitted. The principle adopted shall be the sequential testing of rail samples farther away from the original test in order to establish the limits of acceptable material If the original test sample from a single cast of continuously ceast stee! was taken from the top end of the top bloom, the retest procedure shall consist of progressing sequen: tially, ral by rail, down the strand, until two test pieces from the same ral give satisfactory results. All rails below that position in the strand shall be deemed to comply with ‘he requirement of this Uritish Standard ia this respect. sequential continuously cast material, if rails are rejected or withdrawn from one or more strands of a cast, ‘the rails rolled from the changeover blooms at the end of the same strands of the previous east in the sequence shall either be withdrawn or subject to prograstive retesting to establish the domarcation between complienes and non-compliance. 18 Tensile tests 18.1. Method of tort ‘The manufacturer shall determine the tensile properties of ‘the steel in accordance with BS 18 : Part 2, using a standard ound tensile test piece having @ gauge length equal to 5.65.5, and diameter as givan in table 7, ‘The test shall be carried out on a standard tastpiece from a ‘sample cut at the hot sew during the roiling of the east, ‘oF subsaquently from cold rails. The test place shall be ‘taken from the position shown in figure 1. 18.2 Tensile tort frequency ‘The manufacturer shall carry out one tensile test on each east for every 100 tor part of 100 tof rals rolled. If any sample from the batch should fall, the whole of the batch represented by the test shall be deomed not to comply with this standard subject to the check retest procedure specified in 183, BS 11: 1985 BST BS#21 85 mm Wb24b65 0288799 5 Ml Teble 7. Recommended dimensions for standard proportional round test piece, gauge math Lo = 6.65. /Sq Init Diameter Anite Minimum Minimum Tolarance on dametar ross a snuge parallel transition feotionst length Tongth ras? ree So Le mm? mm mm mm mom mm 150.00 13.82 69.00 76,00 13.00 o.o7 78.50 10.00 50.00 60,00 10.00 0.05 18.3 Tonsile rotests If, In the original tensile test, the test plece fails to comply with the requirements of this specification, the manufac- ‘turer shall carry out retest. For casts of loss than 100 t, retests shall be carried out from each cast represontod by the original test. Each cast shall then be judged separately and, where satisfactory results from a retest aro obtained, the casts concerned shall be deemed to comply with this standard, In the event of ‘allure of a sample in a retest, two further retests shall be rad on rails from the sama cast. Satisfactory performance shall result in the east heing deemed to comply with this standard, Failure of one or both samples in second retests shall result in the cast being deemod not to comply with this standard, In the event of failure of original tensile tests with casts ‘of over 100 t, where more than one original tensile test per cast is made, two rotests per original test feilure shall be mada from rails represented by the original tests which have failed, One of these retest shall be carried out on rails from the same ingot or continuously cast strand as the original test, and one retest from rails irom another ingot ‘of another continuously oast strand of the same cast, which have not previously been subjected to tensile testing, Hf the oast size Is such that a continuously cast strand within a cast amounts to 100 t or more, retests shall be carried out on ralls from markedly differont positions within the strand. Inthe event of failure in any retests, two further rotests shall be carried out on other ralls represented by the Original tests. Failure of one or more test pieces in these second rateste shall result in all rals represented by the 19 Rail lengths and supply of short lengths “The purchaser shall specify the normal or prime ral length ‘0 be supplied. ‘Tho purchaser shall accept langths shorter than the specified normal or prime ral langth to the maximum, percentages by mass as given in table 8. Alternatively the purchaser can request the manufacturer to restrict the supply of short lengths (see 2.2(h)), ‘Table 8, Maximum peroontage by mass of short lengths permitted ‘Moximurn % by mass ‘of short tengths permitted Up to and including 7 18,72 m (4b ft) (Over 13,72 m (46 ft) 10 up to and including 18,29 m (60 ft) (Ovor 18,29 m (60 ft) 15 ‘up to and including 36.58 m (120 ft) ‘original test being deemed not to comply with the standard, For sequence continuously cast material, in the event of rejection or withdrawal of rals from one or more strands of a cast, the rails rolled from the changeover blooms at the end of these strands of the pravious cast in the sequence shall elthor bo doomed not to comply with this standard or thoy shall be subjected to progressive retesting to establish demarcation between compliance and non-compliance. Coppah bye Gri Senders Reino hs Dee 05 15:26:21 7002, 10 BSI BSxLL 85 MM UL2ULL9 010800 3 am BS 11: 1985 Eniergement of rll head als 60 A, 70.8, 78.8, 80 A,80.A, 95 A, 100 8, 110 A and 113 A, | t 158% (a 4 er A ey to eof cimensons for als 9, Key tae of simensons for al 00 A, 70, 75.8, 75, 80R, 99 R, OO Rand 100R, BOA, 90A,95 1008, 1 Aand 119, NOTE. For key to table of dimension for and 95 N soo figures 8, 13 ond 19 respetivoly. i180 0',80°0", Figure 4. Key to table of dimensions for flat bottom rails Copa By Ie Brn Soncerds Rstuton hs Dee 05 15:26:21 7002, [ “siqeiidées votsuawp 9 ou ‘eouanbasueo ese se vez] ae] coar| over] oowe | eont| —-foces] avel wees ri cee[ =| lee] =| -| -[ esr] -| —[eove| eve | evs[ecei| ove] osse| az| ewor| ocr] aveo| som | orzsi| woo . wae fore] woo [ose | Zu wer] vec] Sev coer] soar] cows | ews] [eres] ove] ever] wee| ewe | eves] eve| soon | orzai| voor 3 ea 8 vce | = |ers | ove] sot] eve] est} -| -| oveos | oczr) | over ers | tzar| eer| seeo| overs | ror | 95 a sree P= = =p pee ob [aes [oes ore ewe] teor] aves | seen ease | eran [inoue 8 we} -| —leo| | — oi] | ~[eovee| exe | exe] oces| ocr] veve| erie] rear | errs | ore] wun] use 5 cee |ewucl wren [eve | wn] amr] vee] evr] sear) sows | evans | oces zi] ce] exec] evse|ewar| ove] area] cows | vouws| ves 2 wap ct ciest tpt] = fone ccx[ ores wwe Loves] ewus[ ise [ese [oven wee | 3 [pece [ara [ove [eve =] fereos| over] =| oces| wre) wric| evee| wor] eres] eww] eoezs [evens] vos | oy ' eee > = | ze01 ~ - +| 8 ert «| eviz| ero | eee ooLzt | .0. 08 “ 2 eel —| [os =[ = wre [oe oce| osee| evs | poor | eves econ] wee 3 we] =| =| = [Pewter | ar cv] ests] esi | ewes | ores ewees| wae a ores [wa] a [8 =[= [owes =[orn| are] eve] wee coer] ces ores] vse a eee | erzs | sees | ee -| =| 0080s ~less | eve zoe | ever eget} woe | = erer = — [ese - =| ove | exe | oss] ese | coe ego | ese veeot | orp | yoo com [wes [ore [ose [soon] ores | xa] env] =| =| erm | eve | —[ove | ows] sro] exee|eree ween [oor] vee 5 cee] =| =]re rea] =) =p ers] =] =] | ea | ova] ere | ovr] «| oem |vees] econ eras| veer | oeo:| os : sme] ats] | "eea| “oe | | ans] ‘orn| ams ese ue | “oral | oma] nme| us| ano | cu] [us| umn] ou z : af xf a) al als) a} of of wt mf a] of ef wf of a] af of of ef vl gs 3 ‘syun payeouzour ut suonjoes Jo suowsuouuip Jo oye =s]fe4 AEMy.eL PLEPUEIS USL “6 O1GEL es “sesoding uBisp 20} pasn aq 204 pnous envop 21 aga si. u patonb suosuous sip IY ez o1 3 sunOy, Bue td uopooe 8S 11: 1985 “sige 1 uojsuawip 9 ou “souenbasuce oe cs[e PLE snipe! Cus ley “Ge 1u0 wojcunoyut pue souepiné 30} ave Kou -uoReo|e ut Jo papunos ueeg ney woKUm suORUBLD 3 Uo aN, az safodind UE\sp 10} pasn 29 01 SUEISUMULP [OSIOULG at8 AIUD “SLON suoqsuaUp nau 8 30} 6 21 088 prevveccs ‘BL aunby oo8t juedw Buyay pos oun 2 one % % % BSI BS#1) 85 mM Ub24bb5 O18as02 1 a 4 a ys] 9] ven ya] tho] vou %8 woot voot ose Hau Se use v36 wos v06 0.08 woe voo toduit uy suon99s Jo suojsuoUNp Jo oy4 :sHe4 Aemes prPpUERS YSRUA ‘OL 2IGPL Copa by Ihe rin Sionderds station Th Dec 05 15:28:21 BSI BS*L] 65 MM L624bb5 0188803 3 wm 11985 Bs 11 PIGS} S6ulZ| vzZEEZT| B6E'99 | OT HBLL so'9e | L6RSz eset eee: | ZlOb | Es'7sez well sswee| sowz| veeee| exsve| cosree) seve| vcosse| iziz| soe) ovie| ewzssz | vou zwese| ecese| veioe| zesor| eovoes) exse| ccenze cee) aver| scoruz| woo seve) zvzsc| orost| zeros) sozeeo] izve| osvaz| zriz| zon | aove| arsaee | voor corse] ozeee| svzci| tsser| ososes| evse| cesciz| cevc| sweszi| iser| cores | noo cess] oveat| ovsn| sooer| sovees| esve| ceces| ocic| oovizi| zee | occeec | wou so cute] oczee| crs} zever| ovsooe| ces] seveiz) coc) ooze) irer| soease | uss ssove| zoeee| sive] oteer| sree] exee| eceene) sez) wom) awae| socuz| veo BLL SBLiz} e'vese 90S'tr | #S'6999 L's} gevzoe eel] eget 1ezy iceeve | 406 veczt| caviz| axe} cavar| ovses| osve| cesonz| seat| ooo: | ansr| ieee | vos eve'ss| sg'99L ‘SOOLL LeLee | £21905 lege | s6'z98L LceL| vue errb oorsee | 0, 08 susso| sosu| swear} vuoee| soesos| se] arzant| ociz| oreo | sszr| eoisiz| woe vests] oren| ever} tecee| uses] ese soaer| cre.| zesoor| zmvv| secoze | vor sovve| soest| ctom| ivoze| seater] cave| sezv| soiz| coeeor| oser| cozsoc| wax zisvo| coiot| ero: sovce| ecrsr) vove| ovew| ecei| ceae | coor| scwoiz| vee corvze| won| vos | were] saver] arve| wwzra| seet| aces | caer) zesoz| vor wores| eosit| sxoee | zee] zoseve) exve| veten.| cece| exe | cove! seco | 00 czess| ean} sooo | sive] sconce] cave] oveen| aver| exsce | exer | sovenr| veo vsoos] uve | ccver | eesve| evvoie| arve| wesor| zeal avs | ocer| coecst | 0.00 we] quo] yuo uyn| cum | | gu] | | can — me es on mu] wae creiean | sayou | eee] sme = wares | TS Jest | nas ov] ‘sun paneoqnaw uy syes Aempes 403 sansodoud pue Sassou paneyna}es “Sea1y “LL OINeL, 14 Copa Bye Eni Senders RsIuton E7618 2000 Tu Dec 05 15 BSI BSx1L 85 MH LL24L65 0188004 5 mm £1986 BS 11 eoeoe] vies] zseves] vaver| cocrtt] cove] iviov] evez| secoe] cvor| veory] ven orice's| ezoee| sete'ss] ssoeeot! esacor| exe | inoe| aziz! sesez| ogtr| veorr| vou oxezi'e| seev'st| t99cer| sovees | ocoes | exse| zarre sewoz| ager] zor] woot ovesoe| seorst| serie] ovartot| sse06 | izte| seaee vceoz| save] sozrv| voor szaesz| o1ezvi| seeezr| szvave | osoc's | esse] vere] o60c| tever| ser] orev! nos sszigz| s0oe it} sezose| ozesve | escece | evoe| cee) sciz| zocor] zor] coor] Hew se voseve | escivi| soeoer| cizose | ezace's | se'se| ozece| exiz| otooz| wer] oer] use asecez | svevti| suvete| wse's6 | enise's | exee| aosre| aeiz| vae01| coer] zoo] ves SCvvGz | Llze'ZL| veg0'e | LplL6e | OBzEL's Ol'se | = 9ZEL'e Betz] 96281 1ezr| ole 806 vesvez| seorer| soxeve| vores | esroee | seve] oeive| over] acer] ever) znov| vos ‘419687 | LeBL'OL| Lser'ez | yeB0'08 | sorye'L 189 suse | leet) cegrh Sy by leer'e 0, 08 secre) veevot] zawwer| sexes |socsex | wee] exorz] eciz| aoc | ssty| isoee| woe | tuzigz| seco} zrveee| zosi'es | voose'e | ieee] veucz] seer) vosi| zor verse] voe ‘vEgTgT | S980L'6 | O86r'Sz | BL99'PL | ZEELEL | zee | gorse ele) sesh oser| Lisbe ase soissz | voreee | eoersz| soowec’| ossee'e | vere} ivez] seer! wers| coor] exove| var tuoerz|evese's | vexeiz| ceovec | exevea | owve| sieez| eo | eeoei| zesr| veere| vor ozisez | osccox | sxseat | iviv09 | reese | ace! tey0z| sec | ener) seve] ovoz| woe evaeez|ovasie | exizer| esicie | vsse0e | seve} soeez} ope} azii| ever] sieez| voo esos | viscrs zeso0s | eccosy | zrve| seat) zee} coreo| ozer| oosez| 0.08 wf et] gt] pw] x] ow x] et “| a wae crate | opau! ett! cum wos om ren winyeoumna | “dorons| joxsouont | pong = ‘yun jeyaduyy uy syes Kemper 103 sopsedoud pue sosseus povoqnoyeo “eeaay “ZL oIaeL, ® 15 Coprah Bye Sr Senders Reluton hs Dee 05 15:26:23 7002, BS 11: 1985 BST BS*L1 85 MM LL24Lb9 0188805 7 Me g A 159 rad. 10001 13") Figure 5. BS rail section no. 60 ’O' c ~~ 82.39 (26) parailel sides 304..80rad| (2) /| —Parallel_ web o 10,32 a) 52.39 (2%) 8 700.07 (3% 67 E 133.3% Cao} Coppa by Ie Bsn Senders halon Ms Dee 05 15:26:24 7002, BSI BS*13 85 MH VL24G9 0188805 9 mm BS 11: 1985 57.18 (2%) 304,80 (ia) 114.30 (a'a) 536.36 (2h) 22,22 (ie) 9.52 rad. Fel 12.70 rad. (a) 7354 (Migg) 109.54 (4%%6) Dimensions ar e Inch dlmensio Figure 6. BS rail section no. 60 A ven In milimatres and inchas (se clause 4), given In parenthesis, 7 Copa by Te Bn Slondords auton Ms Dee 05 15:26:24 7002, BST BS*L) 85 ME LL24Lb9 0148807 0 mm BS 11 : 1985 57.15 (2%) 1.59 rad. el Poratet 114,30 (Rd 16.67 (Maa) 3.97 rad(Sie2) 109.54 (4%) __ mansions ae aiven In limes and inches (see claus). Inch dimentions aro giv in parenthess, Figure 7. BS rail section no, 60 R 18 Coppnr bye Gr Sonaerds helio Ms Dee 05 15:26:24 7002, “BST BS*L2 85 MM E2465 0188808 2 mm BS 11 : 1985 60.32 (2%) 304.80 rad. (2) 39.69 \ (196) 22.22 (a) rod. $7.96 (346) 123.82 (4%) —~S5 X08. 20-caa 129) 6191 (26) 1141 Fad." 12.70 rad. (¥2) 7.94 (hp) 189, rad, 111.42 (4%) Cre) Dimensions ae Inch dimensions in milintea ven in parenthesis, Inches foe clause 4), @ | ewes, 2 at ation 20,70 Cpt bye ti Senos on Dee 05 159824 2007 BSI 8Sx)) 85 MH Lb24L69 0188609 4 mw BS 11: 1985 61.91 (2%) \ 304,80 rad, 11.49 rod. Us) 128.59 (5 te) 64.29 (2%s2) 23.81 (54g) 11.49 rad, (hs) 3.47 rad.Ye) 4 ~ hs. 40 i 1 | 39 roa 4.30 ta) (ie) 12.70 rad. (2) 8.331%.) Figure 9, BS rail section no, 76 A. Coppa Fy Te Grin Sondords Relanon Ms Dee 05 15:28:25 7002, “BSI BS*LL 85 MH LL2ULL5 0183810 0 mm BS 11: 1985 61.94 (2%) Parallel sides ‘tbe 220 91a Vat 39,60 1186) 189 cad thal ere hs fot 3 128.59 (5 %6) Parallet 13.10 (eq) ——— <= e |_ snus0 soa to) 9,53 rad. (%) 18.65 ("Feed Copa Bye Bri Soneerds Pelton Ms Dee 05 15:28:25 7002, BS 11: 1985 BSI BS*L) 85 MM Lb24b69 018a8 42 a 63.50 (242) 304, 80 rad (12) 193.95 (5%) 43.10 Tse) 66.67 (2%) 25.00 (sc) 3.47 radi) = 16.27 (Mica) 117.47 Dimensions ee given in milimatree and inoho (ee clue 4), Inch dlmanslons re given in parorthes Figure 11, BS ral section no, 80 A 42,47 (ea) 794 Cie) 2 tag, 12.70 rad.(¥e) 15,67 rod} Coprar by Te Cri Sondords Relunon Ms Dee 05 15:28:25 7002, BSI BS*11 85 MM 124665 0188812 4 mm Bs11 1985 ___63.50 (2%) Porallel sides ® a 22860 rad raf M141 rad 40.88 193.35 (5%) ~ 3ou.0-r08. 2. > 19.45 (i) 59 rod. (a) Dimension aro given in elimotres ene inches (ee cause 4) Inch dimersions ara given in parenthesis Figure 12, BS ral section no. 80 R 4.78 pad (he) | 127.00 15) Copa by Ihe rth Slndords Istuton hs Dee 05 15:28:25 2002, BST BS*L1 65 MM 624469 0188813 b mM BS 11: 1985 ie 63.50 (24) parallel sides 204,80 rad tia e 0st (9's), o terad (hs) A 127.00 (5) F L 21.49 a) eatcat H 1.59 rad (16) LL ese “«=—— rare — Dimension se gan niin ad inches a ave } | fedraimartos oe enn prentns. Figure 18, BS rail tion no, 80°0" Soppah by Ite Gri Sloncords Reinon hs Dee 05 15:28:25 2002, BSI BS*L) 85 MM Do24LGT O1888L4 5 mm BS 11: 1985 66.67 (2%) 794 (het 142.88 (5%) 13.89 Peat 1.44 (20) 12.79 radia} 15.87 rod. (Si) 26.19 (12) 9.43 (2164) 159 rad, __127.00 (5) (el ‘Dimensions ae gven in millimetres and Inches (0 cause 4) Inch dimensions ee iven in parenthesis. Figure 14, BS rall section no, 90 A 25 Copa By Te Bn Senders alton hs Dee 05 15:28:25 2002, BSI BS*L) 85 MH LE24eb9 0188815 T BS 11: 1985 55.67 (2%) Parallel sides 12.70 rad ny 228.60 rai. (3) 13.65 22) 142 88 (55%) 20,64 (16) 4.78 rod|3H8) 136.53 (52) Dimansions ae ghen in millimetres and inchas (see clause 4). Inoh dimensions are gvan In paronthess Figure 15, BS all section no, 90 R Soppah by Ie Bsn Slndords halon Ms Dee 05 15:26:27 7002, “BSI BS*1} 85 MH UL24bL9 0188816 1 am BS 11: 1985 __89.85 (2% 19.05 7937 cad. (3) 1.59, rae Cs) 17.84 (5"%e) | 44.68, | Tea 73.82 (22a) 26,19 (Hea) 12,70 rad.ti2) 15.87 rad. (56) 3.17 rad, (16) 130.7 (5) Dimansions ae given in milimetrs and inches (se laut 4), Inch dimensions ace giv In peemthess, Figure 16. BS rail section no. 95 A. 9.43 (eu) Copa by he rin Slonderds stuton Ms Dee 05 15:26:27 7002, BSI 8Sx1) 85 MH ML24bL4 0188827 3 me BS 11; 1985 22860 rad. the} (3), ig,24 e \ Porattet | 147 66 (56) — ge1,00 108.115) —— 6,91 (ie 9.53 rad (%) 21.08 (Mu) DDimonsions are avon In milimotres and Inches (89 clause 4), Inch dimensions era given in parenthesis, Figuro 17. BS rail section no. 95 R @ 28 CopPFT Ey Te Gri Soncords Melton Ms Dee 05 15:26:27 7002, BSI BSt1] 85 MM LL24Lb9 O18Adls 5 me BS 11: 1985 69.0512%) paraitel sides \ 304..80 rad, luS.a6 (521 ratte web parlielcdee Dimensions are avon In Inch dimonsione ae vor ilimetrs ae inches (se ca eranthesi Figure 18, BS rail section no. 95 RBH Copa Bye Brn Soneerds ReTTon Ts Dee 05 15:28:28 7002, “BSI BSXL) 85 MH Lb24eb5 0188819 7 mw BS 11 : 1985 c a5 2%) poralel sides e asi28 iste 7.94, rade” 22.72 rod.lio) fora A 107, 64 (35h | 9 " 76.20 (31 Fr 25.9 (tha) ” s aateg 19.05 fod Fa v Cd eu thas rad 590 BH : Dimenstns are lan in mlietres end inchs eau 4 Inahcimorion ae aen In prone Figure 19. BS rail section no. 05 Copper bye Gn Sonaords Relton Ts Dee 05 15:28:28 7002, Copa Bye Br hy Dee 05 15:05:28 BSI BS*1) 85 MH WL24LL5 0188820 3 mm BS 11: 1985 iam) 182.40 (6) 15.08 Tt 76.20 (3) 27.38 (1544) 17 ro.) 69.85 (2% i 7937 rad. |30480 rod tra) 16.29 cadl%ha) 1908 roa.) Dimensions ae glvon In rllimetrs anc inches (ee toute 4 Inch dimensions ae gven in parenthesis, Figure 20, BS rail section no. 100 A, ‘Senco halon 31 BS 11: 1985 BSI BSxh) 85 MM LL24L69 018882) S mm 69,05 (2%) Parallel sides —--— 152.40 (6) 159 cad! he) 9.59 red Pal Pratt Ki 25/| ‘Pr 63.50] ) aay 146.05 (59%) Dimensions ae avon In rilimstres and Inches (se claus Inch dimensions are given in parenthesis. Figure 21. BS rall section no, 100 R 12.70, rad tua} 46.03 32) 5.56 rad (ox) __| 32 Coppa ye Grin Soncerds Relton hy Dee 05 15:05:29 BST BS¥*L1 85 MH L246 OLS8s22 7 Ml BS 11: 1985 Ce) 15875 (6% 78.20 (3) 317 rad (le) 317 a 30.16 (156) Figure 22. 8S ral section no, 69.85 (2%) 19.05 ear “| a 794 po [22.22 Ot vos 12.94 1687 rad. (8) 19.05 rad (4) 18.26 (ad 139.70 (542) Dimansions are alven in millimetres and inches (st clause 4), Inch dimension are given in parenthesis, 10a 11.11 Og) tp rad Teh Copa by Ie rin Senders siuton Ms Dee 05 15:25:29 7002, BST BS*i) 65 MM WG24b69 0166823 7 mm BS 11: 1986 09.05 (2%) 7937 rod tai oz til e 27 ra ‘inh 150.75 (64d parallel wet 20.16 (1nd 15 vod 19.05 rad. Pe) | Hane) 9 rae Gel 129.70 15%) ‘ru mare mansions Dlrmetone ar ivan in ilimetre and inches (ne mse A inch dmensons oe ven In arenes, Figure 22,88 rll tion no, 113A @ 34 Copan bye ern Sonaords ReIuton Ms Dee 05 15:25:29 7002, BSI BS*LL 85 MM LE24Lb9 0188824 0 mm BS 11: 1985 Figure 24, Key to position of fishbolt holes Copa Bye Bsn Senders halon Ms Dee 05 15:26:80 2002, 38 BSI BS*L1 65 MM Lb24LL5 O1asees 2 mm BS 11: 1985 Appendices e Appendix A. Combined verticality and asymmetry gauge for flat bottom rails ‘The combined verticality and asymmetry gauge for flat bottom rails is shown in figure 25, 2g Z : mena ae gn amis thedlarc ern ihe vera plans ofthe rll sour an ofthe ee ofthe fn. bs om 11 men to TE coring to th profilo seeing to the saci ements of he purcha. 1 ithe ral foot wd (nea. The gig placed pon plete al lange, I puthededvys oversee Th sop shal core nto @ meet hie hee, Te gu plaed poston on th al re, pushed sone tonrd teal The tp sal not ome nto net he a he Yn th onal ma e< BD then = 1.8, When te nina mas 60 f/m ane < oka hn = 1.50 Figure 25. Combined verticality and asymmetry gauge Soppah by Ie By Senders haluton Ms Dee 05 15:26:80 2002, BSI BS*L1 85 MM Lb24bb9 018882 4 me BS 11: 1985 Appendix B, Referee gauge for distance between holes and railend, and hole diameter ‘The referee gauge for the distance batweon holes and railend, and hole diameter is showin in figure 26. (For a key to the position of fishbolt holes see figure 24.) For B, Cand D so figure 24 and table 2 Tete thicknets of the web ty isthe tolerance for diameter of hole fo isthe tolerance for cantring end positioning of holes ‘aje le the combined tolerance for diameter of holes and centring of holes horizontally tafe Bite + tayo) Figure 26. Distance between holes and rallond, and diameter jauge for flat bottom and bull head rails Copa by Ie Btn Slondords siuton Ms Dee 05 15:26:80 2002, BSI BSx2) 85 ME VL24LL9 0188827 b Bs 11; 1985 Appendix C. Referee gauge for distance between holes and base of rail ‘The referee gauge for tho distance between holes and the base of the ail is given in figure 27. For A and D +00 fgure 24 and table 8 2 Ie the thiknas of tho wob 1 is tho eal foot width (in me) lathe tolerance for dlametec of holes tq Inthe toloranco for cantring and positioning of holes ajo isthe combined tolerance for dlamoter af holes and centring of holes vertically jo 2lte* tayo) nd bese of rail ugo for flat bottom rails only ) Figure 27, Distance betwoen holes Dopar by Ie Gr Soneerds Reluton Ms Dee 05 15:26:51 7002, BSI BS*L1 85 MM Le24Lb9 0188826 6 Mm BS 11: 1985 Appendix D, Referee gauge for hole height for 95 RBH rails ‘The vertical driling gauge for 98 RHE rails is shown In figure 28, 19° 59" 69.42 (2.75 Otay 9.53 rad %) _34,93 1.3757 25.4 ay Dimensions are in milimetes Figure 28. Vertical drilling gauge for 95 RBH rails 39 Copa by Ie Br Senders Felton Ms Dee 05 15:26:51 7002, “BSI BS¥L) 85 MM L24Lb9 0188825 T Bs 11: 1085 Appendix E. Independent chemical analyses and tensile tests “The purchaser shal be at liberty to have independent chemical analyses and/or tensile teste carried out. Inthe event of such test results not complying with the requirements specified in tables 1 and 6, the cast or part cast or rails shall be ddeomed not to comply with this standard, subject to the provisions of 16.2 and 18.3. The methods of chemical analyses shall follow the recommendations of the relevent requirements of BSI Handbook No. 19. NOTE, Tho mapufacurer isto supply al rilings, text plcss and samplos of stot inorder that Inde ‘ocordlanes with tha provisions ofthe standard. All the independent chemical analyses and/or tensile tests shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of this standard by an expett or exports mutuelly egreed by the purchaser and the manufacturer. The certificate or certificates, issued by the expert or experts shall be accopted by the purchaser and the manufacturer as conclusive evidence of the results of such chemical analyses and tests. dant tests may Be earied out in Copan Eye Cri Sonderds Reluton Ms Dee 05 15:26:51 7002, BSI BS¥*L1 65 WH Lb24bb45 0184830 b Mw Publications referred to BS 18 Mothods for tone tasting of metals Part 2 Stes! (general), BSI Handbook No. 19 Methods for tha sampling and analysis of iron tel and other ferrour metas | Handbook No. 22 Quality aesuranco Copa Bye Ben Senders halaton hs Dee 05 15:25:52 ‘This British Standard, having bean prepared under tha deetion of the Iron and Stee! Stondrds Committe, was pubjished under tho authority ofthe Board of B51 and comes into effect on 28 Februery 1985, ©britsh Standards institution, 1985 Firs publishes February 1905 Fest revision July 1903 Second revision uly 1922 Rovision of Sections only Maren 1924 “Tha rovbion Agri 1928 Fourth revision Nay 1036 (Publlsned ex Part 1 ond 2) Fifth revision November 1958 (excluding Sections, Par 2) ‘Sixth revision February 1959 (inluding combination of Parts 1 and 2) Savonth revision August 1978 Eighth ravsion ISN 060 14171 8 Th following BSI rfarence alto to tho work on this standard Committe rterenseISta/74.Draf for comment 83/73631 OC [riteh Standards Institution. Incorporstes by Royal Charter, BS! ie the indopandent nations! body for the preperation of ritsh Stencards, Ite tha UK member of the Intemational Organization for Standardization and UK sponsor ofthe British Nationa Committee ofthe Internationa Electrotechnizal Commission In ution to the proportion and promulgation of stander, BSI offers specialist servess including th provision of information ‘hough the B51 Library end Standardine Database; Technical Help to Exportors: ane other services. Adve canbe obtained trom the Enquiry Section, BI, Nlton Koynes MIC14 GLE, tlepone Committees responsible for this British Standard “The ropacation ofthis British Standard wae entrurtad by the Iron end Stele Standards Committor (ISM) to Technica! Committee 184/74, uaon which the Tellowing boces were Brith Industal Fostonos' Federation Brian Railways Boar ‘Amendments issued since publication BSI BS*11 85 MH 124669 018883) 6 mm BS 11: 1985 (0008 221166, tiex 825777, Copyright, Utert of British Stondards are romindea that copyrieht ‘subsite in ll 8S1 publications, No part af ths publication may be teprocuced in eny form without tho prior permission in writing oF BSI. This dacs mot preclude the Yes ae, in te coun of Prolamenting the tondard, of nectxeny dees aes 2s symbole and the Publications Manage, BS, Linford Wood, Mitton Key nes IMict4 GLE, The number for telephone enquires is 0996 220022 fn fr tox 825777, Contract requirement. A British Standard does not purport ta Include al tha neeassery provisions of contract. Users of British Standards are rexporsible for their correct appleation Revision of Brith Standard. British Standards as oven, hen Icetary by the issue ether of amandmants or ef roused eations Wt lsimportant that users of Bris Standards should ascertain thet thay aren postostion ofthe Iter amendments or eltlons. ‘Avtomatle updating serie. 8S provides en ceanomi individual ‘and automatl sanded updeting serves called PLUS. Detalls are ‘ailable trom BSI Enauiry Section at Mllion Keynes, telephone (0908 221166, tox 825777 Information on all BSI publications tn the BST Catoogue, supplemented each month by BSI Mews which is aallable fo {ubserbing membre of BSI tnd gives dots of naw publications, ‘evsions amendmants and withdrmn stondarcs, Any person who, ‘when meking use ofa British Stencard, encounters an inaccuracy oF ambiguity, requasted to natity BSI without delay in order thet tha matter may be investigated and appropriate ection taken. Department of the Envronmont Department of Transport Fay Incurtry Assocation of Great Britain Individual eorsuante Amd, No. Date of issue | Text affected British Standards Institution - 2 Park Street London W1A 2BS - Telephone 01-629 9000 Tolex 266933 8707-8-0.2k-B8 Iswi74 S86L:1LSa Sopra by Ie Bsn Slondords alain Tu Dec 05 Wo

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