AR 3231 Chapter 1,2,3

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Chapter 1


The Coronavirus Pandemic was one of the major pandemics in the 21 st century that

caused millions of lives. With the onset of the pandemic, the virus spread rapidly all over

the world. This event resulted in mandatory lockdowns from country to country.

Everyone was advised to maintain social distancing or stay indoors. In the Philippines,

amidst the situation, there was one thing the people did not distance themselves from

and that was their faith and belief in God that the pandemic would be over.

Across the world, Christianity is the religion that is most widely practiced. According to

the Pew Research Center in 2015, there were approximately 2.3 billion Christians of all

ages all over the globe, nearly one-third of the earth’s population is composed of this

religion. The Philippines, religion has an important place imbedded in their everyday

lives. As it is the only country in Asia that is a Christian nation. The population would

compose of 86% percent being Roman Catholics, 6% to other Christian cults and the

remaining 2% to Protestant groups ( Miller, n.d.)

With religion being a core aspect in the culture, the Filipinos have a strong devotion for

Mother Mary. The most popular image of Mother Mary is Our lady of Perpetual Help

and Our Lady of Fatima. With the consecration of the country to Mother Mary in 2020

with the current pandemic still going on, the relationship and devotion of the Filipinos

have strengthened as the pandemic has already been vanished through the help of

Mother Mary.

With the pandemic now fully expelled from the earth, which has resulted in thousands

of deaths and sacrifices. A Coronavirus survivor, who has devoted himself to the Lady of

Fatima wants to create a COVID Memorial Church in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima.

People have now started to return to the so called “new normal”. After a year in home

quarantine, the faith of the people have now gotten stronger and now that the country

is consecrated with the Blessed Mother Mary, who asked for her guidance and

protection during the pandemic. It not only shows the devotion and gratitude the

people have for her but also, allow the country to remember those who have perished

and those who have made selfless sacrifices during the pandemic.

The church will symbolically be a testament to the history of the pandemic and how the

power of faith, our love for God and love for our neighbors has brought physical and

mental healing to us all.


The spiritual connection with God entails a great amount of effort. In the fast paced

world, the sense of love and healing in the surroundings has been missing. And at the

end of the pandemic, the sense of gratitude and faith to God and the devotion to Our

Lady of Fatima has been greatly observed. Thus, the main objective of this study is to

create a sensory and experiential space which will symbolize the love for God and love

for neighbors. At the same time create a space which will speak of the times of COVID

and honor those who have perished because of it.


The objectives of this study would be to create a sensory and symbolic space that

enhances experiential emotion of the church users and establish the events during the

COVID pandemic through a memorial.


The Philippines has been known to have a strong devotion to Mother Mary. One of the

devotees stated “devotion to Mary points out to Jesus Christ” he also added that

"Devotion strengthens us in the midst of struggles, and that devotion leads us to serving

the poor, the sick, and the abandoned," understanding faith and devotion should not

only come in times of sickness but, "in all chapters of a person’s life." ( Tio, 2016 ) . This

study will be beneficial to the following:

1. With the widespread devotion after the pandemic, a COVID memorial church will

be able to symbolically materialize the essence of the pandemic and the Marian

devotees all over the Philippines.

2. The study will be beneficial to following churches to be constructed to create an

experiential impact to its users.


The study centers around memorial churches and how to create impactful and

experiential spaces within the premises. The proposal will include site analysis and

development, architectural spaces of memorial churches and site programming. The

study is limited to phenomenological and perception theories and concepts and will not

cover any budget requirements or estimates of the structure.

Religious spaces such as Churches have had an important role and impact to the

Filipino community. With the onset of Christianity in the country in the early centuries,

approximately 86 percent of the population are Roman Catholics. With the Filipinos

strong devotion for the Blessed Mother and the country being consecrated to the

Blessed Mother during the pandemic. The memorial church stands in honor for the

salvation and protection of Our Lady of Fatima for the country and a concrete reminder

of those who perished during the pandemic. This study shall be guided by specific

objectives and supported by existing theories to serve as a reference in generating a

phenomenological and sensory approach in designing memorial churches.

2.1 Memorial Church

A memorial is anything designed to preserve the memory of a person, event or etc.

(Merriam Webster, n.d ) A church embodies importance and significance of a culture in

various levels. (Postma, 2019 ) As its purpose is to bring together and minister, the

believers and non-believers. It is an organization, serving, promoting and sustaining the

people with religion ( Graham, n.d ). Churches are not ordinary buildings because of

their form but because of their meaning to society ( Wesselink, 2019 )

2.2 Story of Our Lady of Fatima

Three children were on top of the Hills of Fatima. They were playing, dancing,

and tending their sheep. When a strange cloud hovered over them and transformed into

an angel. This angel appeared to them three times and asked the children to pray

together with him. The second time the angel appeared to them and asked them to pray

a great deal and make sacrifices. The third time, the angel appeared to the children, the

angel gave them communion. The first apparition was on the 13 th of May, the children

went to the hills and a lady, as they described was beautiful and was whiter than milk

appeared to them. The Lady then showed them visions of hell and asked the children to

meet her at the same place every 13 th of the month. She asked the children to pray the

rosary to bring peace to the world. All in all, Our Lady of Fatima had a total of six

apparitions. Over time, several people started getting curious about the claims of the

children’s visions. Groups of people went to the place where the Lady showed herself to

the children and performed the “Miracle of the Sun” where it was believed that the sun

was dancing in the sky.

2.3 Coronavirus

With the multiple restrictions made for the safety of the public, mass gatherings

in religious spaces have been restricted as reports have shown that majority of

the cases have come from religious facilities. As much as the churches would

want to reopen, public masses were suspended while physical distancing was

enforced. But still, the church still calls everyone to” love God and love our


2.4 Spatial Needs

There are three components of a human’s spatial needs. According to Robert Ardrey,

spatial needs are composed of identity, simulation and security. All these can be

satisfied through a designed environment, but the balance of these needs will depend

on factors of personality, physical health and age and social context. (Lawson, 2014)


This process through the senses in effect creates experiences. The sensations gathered

are then decoded in the brain which then creates an emotional response. (Iovtcheva,

2014). Too much or too little of stimulation can be dangerous to the psychology of an

individual. Sensory Deprivation and Over-stimulation experiments have been done in

the past which have caused detrimental effects to the people who were under the


Figure 1. Simulation Curve

The stimulation performance curve shows the performance level of too little stimulus or

too much stimulus. It is shown that maximum performance can be achieved which is

somewhere between.


The deep fundamental need for stability and continuity and predictability in our lives is

always present . ( Lawson, 2014 ) . The concept of security originally was used in the

field of philosophy and was used to refer to the security of an individual. (Baldwin 1997;

Rothschild 1995). In everyday use, this is associated with the absence of threat, that

promises assurance and being free from harm. Social norms can also give off a sense of

security to certain people to a group as it allows fear to regulate with their behavior

which would be considered inappropriate by the people around them. ( Lawson. 2014 )


Creating and maintaining one’s own identity is the most fundamental force in ones

psychological make-up (Lawson, 2014) Identity is defined as a process or history left by a

civilization as it passes through historical events. Its trail would consist of its culture,

identity, and civilization. Secondly, identity cannot be falsely created. Identity is

developed when we tackle our everyday problems and lastly, Identity is not self-

conscious ( Correa, 1983 )

2.4 Spatial Triad

Spaces are composed of three components and these three have an interlinking

connection with each other. These are spatial practice (perceived) , representations of

space( conceived) and representational space ( lived spaces) . An all these three are

interconnected with each other to create social space. (Lefebvre, 1991)

Figure 2. Spatial Triad


Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church, Exeter, Ontario

An 1888 Neo-Gothic church that can cater to 600 seats. With a cruciform plan, it is

arranged in a Victorian manner. It has a long narrow nave, raised chancels and a high

altar. At present, the church’s arrangement of the altar has been moved to the center. A

2010 proposal suggested that the altar is to be placed at the crossing which is to be

surrounded by 200 seating. Spotlights were utilized to create a central effect on the

celebrations held. Moreover, the pews in the church are movable to allow for a larger

space for the community to utilize. The glass narthex at the front also provides a

welcoming view from its streets. Stained glass was also included in the feature of the

church. Three main points are taken from this example. First, is the flexibility of the

layout and arrangement of the church, which would allow for various events to take

place. Second, is that it must be

appealing, even from the street’s

view. And lastly, It must have the

appropriate atmosphere to

create a sense of faith and evoke

emotions to its users.

Image 1. Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church


2.5.1 Visual Perception Theory

Perception, the process where an individual utilizes their sensory information

and combine it with the internal processes of the brain to give meaning to the stimuli

given from the built environment. Perception is visual communication that will operate

unconsciously and give meaning to the conscious awareness of the individual. (Barry,

2002 ) . Another definition is that, perception is a constructive process that relies on

top-down processing. Information from the environment is sent to our brains and is

usually ambiguous, thus the need for higher cognitive information is needed which can

be taken from stored knowledge or the past experiences of an individual, this is called

by Helmholtz the, “likelihood principle” ( Mcleod, 2018 )

Top Down Processing Theory

These are perceptions that stem from our expectations and basic or prior knowledge

( Gregory, 1974 ) This process allows us to comprehend information brought about by a

stimulus from our senses, which allows for a structured process from vague information

down to specific details. ( Kendra, 2020)

2.5.2 Theory of Phenomenology

Experiences are shaped by certain factors. They maybe through ones individuality,

cultural background, expectations or even on a economic status. ( Desmet and Hekkert,

2007). This theory henceforth, acknowledges those experiences by utilizing sensory

design to the environment. It is the manipulation of materials, space, light and shadows

and all else felt in the built environment. In result, this manipulation creates both

intangible and tangible experiences to its users. As the environment influences human

beings, architecture must go beyond the definition of the function of a building

( Norberg-

Schulz,5 ) And these experiences are produced by sensory cues in a space. These can

either be visual, auditory, olfactory, environmental or haptic cues (Rushika, 2018 ).

2.5.3 Symbolic Interactionism Theory

The theory suggests that the meaning of objects are dealt and interpreted by individuals

when dealing with certain circumstances ( Blumer, 1969 ) It analyzes through addressing

the meanings society gives to certain objects, events and behaviours ( Crossman, 2020).

This theory allows us to understand how the designed environments and the individual

self are interlinked with each other. And how architecture can communicate these

shared symbols to society ( Smith, 2016)


The main theory of this study shall be focused on the theory of sensory design. This is

supported by three sub theories namely, visual perception theory, theory of

phenomenology and symbolic interactionism theory. The study presented in the

diagram below is aimed at creating a sensory and experiential solution for church

attendees which will symbolize their love for God and neighbors. At the same time be a

symbolic reminder of the COVID pandemic.

Conceptual Framework Diagram


COVID - Coronavirus
Our Lady of Fatima - A title given to the Blessed Mother Mary.
Instagrammable - An aesthetically pleasing picturesque composition.
Marian Devotees - Those who honor and devote themselves to Mother
Sensory Experience - An experience that encompasses all the senses.

Research Design Framework
The goal of this study was to gather information on the background of memorial

churches together with existing plans as a basis, to address the sensory and

phenomenological approach to the study. Identifying the problem of the study led to

understanding how the built environment can influence the emotion and improved

spiritual experience of individuals within the structure. This then identified the core

objectives which will then serve as the outcome at the end of this study process.

Furthermore, the related literature served as the basis for comparative analysis which

contributed to the knowledge for the study. And lastly, Data Analysis and synthesis

followed. After which, the finding, conclusion, and recommendations of this process.

Research Design Framework Diagram


For the study, first course of action was identifying the topic and understanding its given

context and problem by conducting interviews and surveys. Second, after thorough

analysis, identifying which approach can be utilized in the design and establishing the

needed objectives. Third, is the collection of primary and secondary data which

comprised of the case studies, existing laws and regulations and applicable theories

were analyzed. Fourth, was architectural programming and the application of theories

into the design which would result to an experiential and sensory COVID memorial



Cebu, being one of the first islands to be introduced to Christianity and being one of the

highly developed cities in the Philippines and being the center of Christianity in the

country makes it meaningful and symbolic to the people and to the culture.


The respondents for the study were chosen by random sampling from the chosen

religious personnel of churches. These individuals will be capable of giving information

that will be greatly useful to the experiential aspect of study. Furthermore, the data

gathered from survey forms would be able to offer experiential insights and information

for the study which will be used as guidelines in the formulation of the design approach

of the proposed memorial church.


The following instruments utilized for the study in interviews, observation of existing

structures in acquiring the data are the following:

1. Interview Questionnaires

These served as an outline for the interview to accommodate communication

and proper gathering of data. The information that was gathered was a basis on

how these church spaces affected their sensory and spiritual experience.

2. Survey Forms

These survey forms were administered to random Roman Catholic participants.


Primary data were gathered from Roman Catholic participants and secondary data from

the web and other printed and online sources.

Primary Data

1. Structured Interviews

The interview was composed of a set of outlined questions to Religious

occupants of the church as they themselves have interaction and experiences in

the structure.

2. Survey Forms

The survey forms are composed of a set of outline questions for the church

goers. The survey will tackle their experiences and perceptions while visiting

church premises.

Secondary Data

The researchers obtained information from printed and online sources of

existing churches which aided the researchers in the study.


The information gathered from the primary and secondary data shall be analyzed

through descriptive statistics in the form of structured interviews and survey forms

which would aid the researcher in further analysis of the responses. Moreover, related,

and existing structures were analyzed to create the sensory design approach.


The coordination schema shows the researcher’s sub objectives of the study. The

tabulation illustrates how these sub-objectives can be achieved. With the variables

segregated into complex and simple to achieve a systematic approach to the study.

Research instruments were then used to gather and analyze the necessary data needed

for the study hence, the process of descriptive and comparative analysis shall


Variables Research Data

Parameter Complex Simple Instrument Analysis
a. Identify the 1. Existing Evaluation of Secondary Comparative
improvement conditions Existing Data and analysis on
s needed in a of similar Structures Interviews Structures
church to structures and and the
generate a structured Related
highly interviews Literature
spiritual and
experience to
its users
b. Determine 1. Sensory Structured Structured Analysis on
the sensory Experience Interview Interview and related
experience of of users and Survey Survey Forms
church-goers Forms
and religious
c. Design a 1. Design Design and Design Descriptive
sensory architectural sketches and presentation
stimulating theories and programming and
COVID Principles discussion of

Memorial design
Church approach
Table 1. Coordination Schema


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