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University of the Philippines

To be accomplished by Department Chairs, Section Chiefs, College Deans, Unit Directors, etc.
For review by CU officials and endorsement by CU Chancellors

C.U. :
College/Unit :
Dept. :

Recommended minimum targets at the end of 2017:

1 Faculty - at least 70% -PhD level; 25% with masteral degrees
2 REPS - at least 50% PhD level; 30% masteral level
3 Admin - 20% PhD; 30% - Master; 50% BS
4 Skills training - employees attend at least one skills training program every year for career development.
Please provide indicative hours of training, and budget.

PS budgets must consider the balance between current (2013) unfilled positions and new items requested.
The impact of eUP on skills development is an important consideration, as well as faculty to student ratios for academic units,
faculty and staff ratios; as well as work load and output requirements for service (non-academic) or support units.

A. Career Development Plan of all employees under your supervision *

Class (Perm/Temp/ Complete a higher degree or professional license Complete skills training for r
No. Name (F/R/A) Casl/Cont/NG
** Finish Higher education / local training programs
W) *** Course Local (Y/N) Start (Year) (Year)
2014 2015 2016

* Section, department, unit or college heads must submit a skills development and training list of those under their supervision, with justifications and indicative budgets.
Details may include hours of training; days, months or years of advanced or higher studies as relevant.
** F = Faculty; R = REPS; A = admin. Staff *** Perm = permanent Temp=temporary Casl = casual Cont = Contractual NGW = Non Govt Worke
**** Other personnel movements expected: promotion, resignations, etc.

B. Additional Human Resource Requirements

No. Position SG No. Year Required Justification PS Budget

Total: Total
Justifications: for academic units, please include faculty and staff ratios; and faculty to student ratios.
For service units, please include indicative measures for services and work load, and output required.
including contributions to the MFOs in template D.
Please review previous tables on HR requirements withhout new programs; and with new programs or functions (with approval or in process).

re-assess Table 8 (HR requirements without new programs) and Table 9 (HR requirements with new programs/functions) that they submitted last year based on feedback g
C. Present Positions that need reclassification, modification, or pooling *
No. Position SG No. Justification PS Budget

Total Total
* Including positions for possible "scrap and build" action, from lower into higher Salary Grades needed,
as authorized by the DBM.
Please review previous tables on HR requirements withhout new programs; and with new programs or functions (with approval or in process).

D. Contributions to Major Final Outputs (MFOs) per year in relation to the UP Mandate (RA 9500) / Strategic Plan
Contributions to UP's Major Final Output (MFOs) to achieve status as a

Year Public Service Regional and Global

Graduate University Research University University University
No. Item No. Item No. Item No. Item
2014 2014
2015 2015
2016 2016
2017 2017

Submitted by: Reviewed and Recommening Approval

Unit Head/Dept.Chair Dean / Director Vice Chancellor Chancellor

Note: separate lists maybe provided for project staff, student assistants, graduate assistants, teaching fellows and teaching assistants
as necessary or relevant. The minimum wage in Metro Manila is P456 plus P30 COLA or P62 per hour (P4,960 monthly = 80 hours).
Recommended rate for graduate assistants: P107 per hour (50% of hourly rate for SG10 Step1 = P17,255).
mplete skills training for required competencies between Date of Other Plans / Personnel
cal training programs Higher education or training abroad 2013-2017 Retirement Movements Expected ****
2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

ns and indicative budgets.

NGW = Non Govt Worker

PS Budget

year based on feedback given by the HR Plantilla Review Task Force when they visited the CU's?

PS Budget
Indicative ratios for academic units
Faculty to Academic :
admin staff Non Acad Faculty to
ratio Ratio student ratio

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