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BST BS*4080: PART*2 89 MM LL24b69 OML7ESS THT BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 voc 659,161.25 :620.178-4.14.111 : 001.4 British Standard Specification for Severity levels for discontinuities in steel castings Part 2. Surface discontinuities revealed by penetrant flaw detection Niveaux de séverité des imperfections dans les pices moulées en acier — Spécifications Partie 2. Imperfections superficielles révélées par ressuage Giitestufen fir Materialtrennungen bei GuBstiicken aus Stahl Teil 2. Nachweis von Oberflachen mit der Eindringpriifung Coprih b he rb Slndords Iuton Ned on 29 08:51:46 2005, BSI BS*4080: BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 Copia bythe Bri Sendo nun fed Jon 28 085.00 2003 PARTH2 89 MM L624bb5 OUb765b 98k Ml Foreword ‘This Part of BS 4080 has been prepared under the direction of the Iron and Steel Standards Policy Committee and forms a part revision of BS 4080 : 1966. Clause 6 of BS 4080 : 1966 will be deleted by amendment. ‘This revision expands on clause 6 of BS 4080 : 1966 to provide five severity levels for surface discontinuities revealed on steel castings by penetrant flaw detection in accordance with BS 6443, ‘Typical discontinuity distribution fields for non-linear, near and aligned indications are illustrated for information only in appendix B. Attention is drawn to BS 4080 : Part 1 which is the preferred method for ferro-magnetic steals. The severity levels given in this Part of BS 4080 are not identical to ‘those given in BS 4080 : Part 1 because of the technical ifferences between the methods of test. Part 1 of this standard specifies severity levels for surface discontinuities revealed by magnetic particle flaw detection, Part 3 of this standard is being prepared and will specity severity levels for discontinuities revealed on radiological flaw detection, Part4 of this standard is being prepared and will specify severity levels for surface discontinuities revealed on visual examination. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself ‘confer immunity from legal obligations. BSI BS*HO8O: PART*2 89 MM UL24bb9 O4b7b57 612 Mi BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 Contents Page Foreword tnside front cover Committees responsible Back cover Specification © tnrogvetion 2 1 Scope 2 2. Definitions 2 3. Information to be supplied by the purchaser 2 4 Surface preparation 2 5. Inspection technique 2 6 Severity levels 2 Appendices A Options 4 8 Typical eitcontinuity distribution fields for norvlinea indications 4 Table 1 Severity levels in penetrant flaw detection 3 Figures 1 Eight nontinear indications of 1.5 mm to 2.0 mm, eeverity level 1 (Se 1) 4 2. Eight non linear indications larger than 2 mm, severity evel 2 (Sr 2) 4 312 nomlineat indications larger than 3 mm, severity level 3 (Sr 3) 6 4. 20 non-linear ingiations larger than 5 mmm, severity level 4 (Se 4) 7 5 32 nonlinear indications lager then 10 mm, severity lve 5 (Sr 5) 8 Cop by the rsh Slndords Instuton Ned on 29 085202 2005, BSI BS*ugaOr BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 Specification 0 Introduction Penetrant flaw detection is a means of non-destructive inspection which is used solely to reveal the presence or absence of discontinuities open to the surface. Penetrant inspection does not make it possible to determine the nature, shape ond generally the dimensions of the discontinuities reveaied. The discontinuity indications are ear, aligned or nor-linear. The dimensions of the discontinuity indication do not directly represent the actual dimensions of the discontinuity. Surface oreaking flaws may be obscured by the effect of grinding and heavy shot blasting. The principles of the method are given in BS 6443. 1 Scope This Part of BS 4080 specifies severity levels for surface discontinuity indications on steel castings subjected to Penetrant flaw detection in accordance with BS 6443, NOTE, The titles of she publications rferred ton thie standare ara sted on the nsdn back cover 2 Definitions For the purposes of this Part of 85 4000 the definitions siven in BS 3683 : Part 1 and BS 6443 apply together with the following, 2.1 linear indication. An indication with a major dimension three or more times its minor dimension. 2.2 nonlinear indication. An indication with a major dimension les than three times its minor dimension, 2.3 aligned indications. Indications (linear or non-linear) at least three in number, that are in a line and separated, fone to the next, by a distance of less than 2 mm. 3 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 3.1 General ‘The following information shall be supplied by the purchaser: (a) the areas oF tne castings to be inspected and the acceptable severity level for each area (see table 1); {(b) the manufacturing stage or stages at which the inspection is to be carried out, as agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer at the time of enquiry. 3.2 Options ‘A number of options are specified in appendix A. In the ‘event that the purchaser does not indicate his wish to Cop by the rsh Stndords Istuton Ned on 29 085202 2005, PARTX2 69 MM 124669 O4b7b58 759 Ml implement any of these options and specify his require- ‘ments at the time of enquiry and order, the manufacturer shall comply with the basic specification 4 Surface preparation “The surface finish of the casting in the area to be tested shall be such as to allow penetrant flaw detection to the required severity evel 5 Inspection technique ‘The inspection technique shal be selected from BS 6443. 6 Severity levels 6.1 The five soverity levels for indications of surface discontinuities revealed by penetrant flaw detection in accordance with BS 6443 shall be as specified in table 1. In the case of nortinear indications, two indications of the siven maximum major dimension at most shall be permitted. NOTE, The numberof tinea ar aligned indications allowed i wip pay 2H08 a pinoys pu HBUHED UoJRSaAd WO LaeDNe AAAs OD IH “aquiow Bui! eaUUNA aa Jo HeWrDH AER L=ME, yt woRUO}U 10) xIpUEC Uy UaN “apy 040 Avo popu on Sb oy az % al we ze] oor J 3 s+ oe a a aL ou | vb o| os | ’ oe ey a 6 o 8 6!) a} oe | 1x ake € oz} ob zt 8 8 ’ 9 @ oz % o s 8 e ’ z e 8 s jo4 ‘opeaipur | woneap | venepur FI 2 es ‘emnejnuing | peoner | exneinuing | au gg eto puns | wan gy won Bue oer 12 28 eA, (wry) sone peu wopeoytew Cop by the rsh Stndords Instuton Ned on 29 0:52:03 2005, BST BS*NOSO: PARTS2 89 MM Lb24b69 O4b7660 307 Ml BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 Appendices Appendix A. Options A.1 The purchaser shall specify his requirements for operator qualification. A.2 The purchaser shall specify requirements for procedure submission and approval. ‘A The surface shal! be cleaned after final test. Cop by he rsh Stndords Istuton Ned on 29 0:52:03 2005, ‘AA Discontinuity indications in excess of the specified ‘severity level prior to final inspection shal be recorded. Appendix B. Typical discontinuity distribution fields for non-linear indications ‘Table 1 should be consulted for exact details of allowable size and number of indications. Figure 1. Eight nonlinear indications of 1.5 mm to 3.0 mm, severity level 1 (St 1) BSI BSx4O8O: PARTH2 85 MM Lb24669 ONE7bb] 243 mm BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 Figure 2. Eight non-linear indications larger than 2 mm, sev Cop by the rsh Stndords Inuton Ned on 29 0:52:03 2005, BSI BS*4080: PARTx2 89 MM Lo24Gb9 O4L7EL2 LST A BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 Copyright by the Brsh Stondords Insttution Ned on 29 0:52:03 2005, BSI BS*4O8O: PART#2 85 MM LG24bb9 O4b7Hb3 OLb Mi BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 Figure 4. 20 non-linear indications larger than 5 mm, severity level 4 (Sr 4) Cop by he rsh Stndords Instuton Ned on 29 085204 2005, BSI BS*HOBO: PART*2 69 MM 224669 O4L7LbY TS2 Ml BS 4080 : Part 2 : 1989 Figure 5, 32 nor-linear indications larger than 10 mm, severity level 5 (Sr 5) Cop by he rsh Stndords Instuton Ned on 29 085204 2005, BST BSx4ORO: PARTH2 89 MM LL24L69 0457665 999 A . Publications referred to 5.9683 Glossary of terms weed in non-denruetive testing Part 1 Penatrant flaw detection 185 4080° Specitiestion for severity levee for dacontinuites in stel castings 1. Surface discontinuities revealed by magnetic partie flaw detection BS 6443, Method for pnetrant law detection * Retered to in the foreword only Cop by the rsh Slndords Insuton Ned on 29 085204 2005, BSI BS*4oa0: “ois Brin Standerd, having been prepered under the direction of the on and Stee! StandorGt Policy Commitee, was publahed Under tne outhority ofthe Booed af BSI and comer into etfect on ‘Stuy 1989 (© Brith Standaras insttution, 1989 First published, os BS 4080, 1966, Fret port revision, os 85 4080: Part 2, July 1969 Isa 0580 17215 5 “The following BSI references relate tothe work on ti stander Committee reference ISt/6 Draft for comment 87/36499 DC ria Standards lnstittion. incorporated by Roya Charter, BS! is national Body for the preparation of Britsh the UK memorr of the International Orpaniation 3nd UK sponsor ofthe Britian Nations, Committee of the Internationa! Eietrotechnial Commision In adcition tothe preparation and promulgation of standars, BS! lies speciale erica incising the arowsan of information {tvough the BSI Library and Stondorahine Dsabate: Technical Help| to Exporters and other sarviees. Advice can be obtained from the Enquiry Section, BI, ton Keynee MK14 BLE, inlaphone 908 221165, telex 628777, Copyright. Users of British Stendards are reminded hat copyright Committees responsible for this British Standard ‘The preparation of thie Beh Standard wat entrusted by the Iron sed Stet Stanca'c Policy Committee (ISM) to Techaical Sve H/o ae eine ‘Associated Offices Technica! Committee BEAMA Lia British Gas ole Brin Rasinays Board riih Stee! nauety Brivah Valve Manufacturer” Association Lia Amendments issued since publication PART#2 69 MM Lb24669 O4b7bbb 825 Ml BS 4080 : Part 2: 1989 BSI. This doesnot aecluae tne free vs, in the coure of Itnalementing the standard, of naceseary detis neha symbols anc te, typm or grade designations Enqvira soul be reseed the Publications Maneger, BS, Linforé Wood, Miton Keynes M14 BLE, The number for telephone enquites is 0308 220022 tnd forex 628777, Contiat raquirament A Brin Standard dos net purport 12 ‘Standards are responsible fr ther correct apication Revision of British Standards. British Standard are reed, wien ectsary, By the tue either of smndments or of reviaed sions Teieimportan that users of British Standards should ascertain that they ae in posession of the lates amendments o editions. ‘Automatic updating service. BS! provides an economic, nivdus! and automatic standards updating service called PLUS. Details are baiabie om OSI Enauiry Section at Milton Kayne, telephone (0908 221166, vex 825777, Information oral 851 publistions isin the AS! Catalogue, supplemented each manth by BS! News which savalabe to ‘tseribing members of BSI and giver deta of new publications, ‘evaions, amengments and withdrawn standarce. Any person who, ‘sen meking use ofa Britian Standard, ancounterr an inaccuracy ot ‘nbiouity, a requested to notty BSI without cely in ore tht ‘the matter may be ievestignted and appropriate action tke. User” Association Electricity Suppty Industry in Eng Engineering Equipment and Mater Institute of British Foundyms Institution of Mechanics Engnners Love Regster of Shipoing Ministry of Defonce Process Plant Astocation Stee Casting Research and Trade Assocation ‘Amd. No. Date of issue | Text affected 6861: Zed: 0807 SA British Standards Institution - 2 Park Street London W1A 28S - Telephone 01.629 9000 - Telex 266933 8907-5 Cop by he rsh Slndords Insuton Ned on 29 085204 2005, sms

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