Dead and A Few Living Poets Project

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Dead (and a Few Live) Poets Project

For this project, you will select an American poet from Ms. Gardner’s poet grab bag (in class
selection) and prepare to teach your peers about this poet’s role in American literature. Read and
explicate one poem (for your selected poet) from your literature book. You must discuss a minimum of
three terms not including metaphor or simile. If your literature book doesn’t have a poem for your poet,
then use or any of the links on my webpage to help you locate a poem. I have a ton of
resources, so you may ask me to bring some of my resources from home.

Class Presentation/Project (240 points)

____ The student presents information about the poet to the listeners. (10 points each)

a. Provide birth and death dates

b. Provide a short summary of this poet’s life
c. Explain the contribution this poet has made to poetry.
d. Tell an interesting fact of which most are not aware.
e. How is this poet relevant today?
f. Explain one influence on this poet’s work.

____ The student presents a visual for others to see. (10 points each)

a. A poem
b. A photo

____ The student reads the poem. (30 points)

____ The student explicates poem thoroughly. (40 points)

a. Without difficulty (40 points)

b. With some difficulty (30 points)
c. With more difficulty; the student had difficulty understanding the poem’s meaning (20 points)
d. With absolute difficulty: the student attempted to explain the poem but offered an
explanation that is not related to the poem’s intended meaning. (10 points)

____ The student explains three literary terms and their roles in the poem. (90 points)

a. Identify the literary term and explain its definition. (10 points each)
b. Identify the term’s presence and explain it to help other students understand the poem. (20
points each)

_______ total/240 points

Ms. Gardner
April 2010
In the Style of Your Poet (200 Points) – grade on the paperwork

____ Write a minimum ten-lined poem in the style of your poet. (100 points)

____ Explain this poem in a one-paragraph minimum. (50 points)

____ In a second paragraph, defend why you think this poem represents the style of your poet. (50


Group Poet Presentation/Project (240 points)

The members of your group must complete portions of this project. Follow the instructions above.

____ The student presents information about the poet to the listeners. (10 points each)

a. Provide birth and death dates

b. Provide a short summary of this poet’s life
c. Explain the contribution this poet has made to poetry.
d. Tell an interesting fact of which most are not aware.
e. How is this poet relevant today?
f. Explain one influence on this poet’s work.

____ The student presents a visual for others to see. (10 points each)

a. A poem
b. A photo

____ The student reads the poem. (30 points)

____ The student explicates poem thoroughly. (40 points)

a. Without difficulty (40 points)

b. With some difficulty (30 points)
c. With more difficulty; the student had difficulty understanding the poem’s meaning (20 points)
d. With absolute difficulty: the student attempted to explain the poem but offered an
explanation that is not related to the poem’s intended meaning. (10 points)

____ The student explains three literary terms and their roles in the poem. (90 points)

a. Identify the literary term and explain its definition. (10 points each)
b. Identify the term’s presence and explain it to help other students understand the poem. (20
points each)

_______ total/240 points

Ms. Gardner
April 2010

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