Running Head: Definition of Family 1

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Running head: Definition of Family

Assignment 1

Definition of Family

NURS 436

Dylan Mitchell

Definition of Family
My definition of family strays away from the traditional family of a mom, dad,
and one or more children, as well as I don’t believe family to require the members to be
biological descendants, live under the same roof, or be in the same geographical location.
Instead, I believe family to be two or more people of any demographic whom love each
other unconditionally that have a bond built through a similar interest of being there for
one another, wherever they are. This definition includes every type of situation including
single parent, married or together, divorced, gay, foster, adopted, multi cultural, long
distance or a group of individuals whom rely on each other as being the only means of
Supporting the definition of family that I have outlined, Figure 1 is an example of
a family that is a multi-cultural mix. I believe that no matter the origins of a person’s
culture, if individuals see value in each other they can form a bond that is strong and full
of care for one another. They can also raise a family that demonstrates the same values
and beliefs, as well as be accepting of each other’s cultural formalities such as religious
beliefs, rituals, and customs that are foreign to their own. The reason I perceive multi-
cultural as an important part of the definition I have outlined is because my cousin
married into a Lebanese family that I as well as the rest of my family have made a strong
bond with and have learned about their interesting beliefs that does not run parallel with
mine. Both sides recognize there are similarities and differences but both sides also
accept each other and realize the love and need that comes with the family network.
Since the age of seven until I moved out of my mom’s house, she was raising my
two sisters and myself as a single parent. There may be preconceived notions about a
single parent family, where often it may be viewed as a disadvantage for child
development and family health when comparing to that of a two-parent family. Since I
have experienced the single parent family I felt it important to be included in my
definition of what family means as I believe myself and my siblings were able to develop
normally, but with some struggles. Even though there is struggles in my situation I
believe there are struggles in all families so we always believed we were just dealing with
the cards we were dealt and the only direction was to make it work and be positive,
reinforcing this in one another as we grew up. The impact of supporting each other
through the struggles we faced is mentioned in the study by Ford-Gilboe as he states from
his findings “several family members explained that family strengths played a role in
maintaining a positive mental outlook and preventing mental illness”. Incorporating the
single parent family in a modern family definition is important and emphasizing the need
for strengthening the closeness should be a focus as Ford-Gilboes states “22% of
Canadian families with dependent children are currently headed by one parent, usually
the mother”. This is a significant statistic of single parent families therefore reinforcing
the above-mentioned importance of stressing the need for a strong bond among family
Stated in my definition of family is that the strength of the family bond and being
supportive is intact no matter the geographical location of the members of the family.
This is important to include in the value of family because no matter where you are if you
are going through tough times or need someone to talk to your family will still be there
for you no matter what. I personally have family members that had to go work in Alberta,
as I am located in New Brunswick and there is not a lot of employment opportunities.
Also, I think this ties in well with different stages of the family, where my sisters left to
Definition of Family
go to school quite a ways away as well as myself. Eventually we will all return, have our
kids and they might do the same. Phone and video chat have been essential tools for us to
stay in contact and our bond never diminished.

Family stage markers are explained by Goldenberg & Goldenberg 2000 (as cited in
Friedman, Bowden & Jones “changes that may be due to alterations in family
composition (birth of new members) or as a result of a major shift in autonomy (starting
kindergarten, retiring from the workforce)”. If it wasn’t for constant contact through
voice call and video chat as well as periodical visits home, this would make it tough for
my whole family to support each other and fulfill our roles as “if the carrying out of any
task is incomplete, impeded, or disturbed, then family development may be delayed or

Find cultural reference to families in text or in a journal

Definition of Family

Ford-Gilboe, M. (2000). Dispelling myths and creating opportunity: A comparison of the
strengths of single-parent and two-parent families, ANS, 23(1), 41-58.

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