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Yatin lodhi rajput, 0191mba192

The mystic of super salesmanship

Salesmanship is an art of selling goods and services of the seller to buyers. It is

seller-initiated effort that provides buyers with information and motivates or them
to make favorable buying decisions in concern of the seller’s products or service.

Salesmanship has various like :-Salesmanship is an art or a Personal service Art of

attracting and persuading customers, it is also a Art of converting desire into
necessity , Buyer’s confidence , Consumer satisfaction , Establishment of
permanent relations ,Service for producer, distributor and consumer Mutual benefit
Educative process.

Advantages :-
Salesmanship helps in preventing the pile up of huge stocks. Salesmanship helps in
creating demand for the goods which leads to increase in the production.
Salesmanship is the best means of he two-way communication between the
company and the customer. It Increases in sales and helps to increase the profits.
Increase in sales and it induced business activity which provides the more
employment and raise income for the community. Consumers are benefitted as
salesmen provide them great deal of theuseful information.

While doing the job of the salesman they might face many problems like customer
might have never heard about the product and in such situation he needs to come
up with solution means how do they reach out in customers mind. There are some
difficulties which the sales man faces like being alone on field work, job target
pressure, tiring job, rejection etc. Salesman should learn to accept the rejection and
keep patience. But salesman also knows that it can’t There are challenges and
difficulties in each and every job but it is the salesman who need to come up with
his Talent, knowledge, creativity and hard work for growth and success. Every
salesperson has its own USP which he needs to identify.

Explaining to the dynamics of the Sale

In sales it is not about creating the need because needs are already there in the
market but it is about to identify which is powerful which will help salesperson to
know his customers more and satisfy them. He needs to use tactics which will tell
the customers that how the product is going to satisfy their needs and then the
customer takes a rational decision and the salesman closes the deal.

About the personality of salesman

There are lot of personality trait in which salesman made of also it is not always
about the right techniques and concepts of course they are important but there are
other things related to human aspects which needs to be kept in mind…
1- habit of talking with affection to the customers
2- Different styles every salesman and every buyer is different so salesman
should be creative enough to deal with the variety of customers.
3- Energetic

Effective training
Training is an important part of learning. There are few guidances …
1- Orientation - Salesperson is the representative of the brand /company so he
must be good at introducing himself and his brand to the customer.
2- Demonstration – sales person should be able to give demos to his customer
he should know how to give proper knowledge of product to the customer.
3- Report making
4- Time management
5- Sales technique

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