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She was considered the “first lady with a lamp”:

A. St. Elizabeth of Hungary
B. St. Clare of Assisi
C. Florence Nightingale
D. St. Catherine of Sienna
2. She was considered “The Moses of the People” because of her contribution in providing
care to the slaves at the underground railroad:
A. Sojourner Truth
B. Dorothea Dix
C. Clara Barton
D. Harriet Tubman
3. In Charles Dicken’s novel “Martin Chuzzlewit”, he had a character who personified the
negative image of nurses that time, what is the name of the character?
A. Sairy Gamp
B. Herbert Sydney
C. Fabiola
D. Frederica
4. Florence Nightingale pursued her training in nursing at Keiserswerth, Germany, who
owned the training school that she attended?
A. Theodore Fliedner
B. Sir Herbert Sydney
C. Dorothea Dix
D. Martha Rogers
5. The modernization of Nursing happened in London, England upon the establishment of
the St. Tomas hospital school of nursing, headed by Florence Nightingale. In relation to
this, which of the following is not a part of the practices in the school?
A. Development of Nursing Curriculum
B. Procedures developed based on evidence based practice
C. Use of appropriate and modern technology
D. Use of evaluation tools as part of the modification process
6. In the history of Nursing in the Philippines, many contributed to the development and
modernization of the practice of Nursing. Who is then declared as the Florence
Nightingale of the Philippines?
A. Julita Sotejo
B. Loreto Tupaz
C. Anastacia Giron-Tupas
D. Josefa Llanes Escoda
7. Ms. Clara Barton, the founder of American Red Cross paved the way for a better health
care in giving accessible and affordable Nursing care. In relation to this, Philippine Red
Cross was also established to help the public in general who is in need or health care,
extending to the rural areas. The Philippine Red Cross was founded by:
A. Hilaria de Aguinaldo
B. Dr. Juan Cabarrus
C. Socorro Diaz
D. Eufemia Gomez-Tan
8. Hospital Real de Manila was established to care for the Spanish soldiers and civilians.
Who founded the Hospital Real de Manila?
A. Bro. Juan Clemente
B. Franciscan Order
C. Gov. Francisco de Sande
D. Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo
9. They were called the “Angels of Battlefield”
A. Trinidad Tecson and Josephine Bracken
B. Trinidad Tecson and Melchora Aquino
C. Melchora Aquino and Gabriella Silang
D. Dona Hilaria de Aguinaldo and Melchora Aquino
10. Socorro Diaz was the first editor-in-chief of the first PNA magazine called:
A. “The Filipino Nurse”
B. “The Lamp”
C. “ The Message”
D. “The Quill”
11. What agency administered the first board examination of Nursing in the country?
A. Department of Health
B. Department of Interior and Local Government
C. Philippine Regulation Commission
D. Commission on Higher Education
12. The practice of nursing started as early as the civilization itself. Many believed that
illness is part and parcel of everyday living. During the intuitive period, a person who is
suffering from illness is thought to be:
A. Possessed by evil spirits
B. A result of bad Karma or Omen
C. A product of Voodoo or “Kulam”
D. A punishment from the gods
13. Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing, has been active in taking care of
the patients using the environment as her ally. Which of the following is NOT a part of
the environment theory by Florence Nightingale?
A. Use of potable and clean water
B. Daily walks and exposure to natural light
C. Clearing of drainage to avoid congestion
D. Air drying of wet linens
14. Which of the following is NOT a part of the landmarks in the first hospitals established in
the Philippines?
A. Leprosarium Institution
B. Bethany Dispensary
C. Hospital Real de Manila
D. Hospital de Indio
15. The Philippine Nurses Association was organized on October , 1922 upon the initiation
A. Anastacia Giron Tupas.
B. Dona Hilaria de Aguinado
C. Loreto Tupas
D. Socorro Diaz
16. Who was the first president of the Philippine Nurses Association?
A. Anastacia Giron Tupas.
B. Dona Hilaria de Aguinado
C. Loreto Tupas
D. Socorro Diaz
17. Who was the first president of the Philippine Red Cross
A. Anastacia Giron Tupas.
B. Dona Hilaria de Aguinado
C. Dona Maria Agoncillo de Aguinaldo
D. Socorro Diaz
18. In the history of nursing, who is considered to be the first physicians of the
A. shamans and wakiyas
B. council/tribe head
C. Shushurutu
D. Herbolarios
19. Florence Nightingale was considered to be the mother of modern Nursing, she paved
the way for the development of nursing as what it is today. Modernization of nursing then
started in London, and this is due to:
A. Development of nursing curriculum
B. practice of nursing during the crimean war
C. establishment of St. Thomas hospital School of Nursing
D. Training of women as nursing at Kaisserwerth Institute
20. It was the first record and mention of nurses taking care of the sick
A. Code of Hammurabi
B. Materia Medica
C. Sushurutu
D. None of the Above
21. Nursing practice was developed to form individuals to be competent and accountable to
all patients included in his/her direct care. As part of growth and development, four
essential features of contemporary nursing practice were developed EXCEPT:
A. Attention to full range of human experiences and responses to health and
illness without restriction to a problem-focused orientation.
B. Integration of objective data with knowledge gained from an understanding
of the client or group’s subjective experience
C. Application of scientific knowledge to the processes of diagnosis and
D. Provision of caring relationship that facilitates interdependency
22. Who was the first dean of the College of Nursing of Medical Colleges of Northern
A. Reynaldo M. Adducul, JD
B. Dr. Presenita C. Aguon
C. Dr. Wilma Roa-Guzman
D. Ms. Liezel Canapi
23. Who is the current dean of the College of Nursing of MCNP?
A. Reynaldo M. Adducul, JD
B. Dr. Presenita C. Aguon
C. Dr. Wilma Roa-Guzman
D. Ms. Liezel Canapi
24. Who is the current OIC-President of Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines?
A. Dr. Wilma Roa-Guzman
B. Mr. Christian Roa Guzman
C. Dr. Charles Roa Guzman
D. Atty. Christina G. Natividad
25. Who among the nursing theorists gave the Modern Definition of Nursing? She
also is considered to be the 1st lady of Modern Nursing.
a. Florence Nightingale c. Madeline Leininger
b. Virginia Henderson d. Dorothea Orem
SITUATION: The development of the levels of proficiency in nursing by Patricia Benner helped
nurses learn to become members of groups and society, as well as to help learn the social
rules defining relationships into which they enter.
26. The levels of proficiency are a hierarchy of the nurse’s classification upon entry
to the nursing world. Which of the following is considered to be the Fourth Step of the
ladder according to Benner?
a. Competent c. Advanced Beginner
b. Proficient d. Expert
27. In the ladder, the nurse demonstrates marginally acceptable performance,
recognizes the meaningful “aspects” of a real situation and has experienced enough real
situations to make judgment about them. The nurse belongs to:
a. Advanced Beginner c. Proficient
b. Competent d. Expert
28. The following is an attribute of a nurse who belongs to Stage V, EXCEPT:
a. Performance Is fluid, flexible and highly proficient
b. Is inclined to take a certain action because “it felt right”
c. Demonstrates highly skilled intuitive and analytic ability in new situations
d. Focuses on long- term goals
29. According to Benner, how many years must a nurse have in experience in order
to be classified as Proficient?
a. 1-3 years c. 3-5 years
b. 2-3 years d. 2-4 years
30. The four concepts common to nursing that appear in each of the current
conceptual moels are:
a. Person, nursing, environment, medicine
b. Person, health nursing, support system
c. Person, environment, health, nursing
d. Person, environment, psychology, nursing
31. Florence Nightingale conceptualizes that nursing is:
a. He act of utilizing the environment to assist him in his recovery
b. Assisting the individual, sick or well in the performance of those activities
contributing to health, preventing illness and rehabilitating the sick or disabled
c. A humanistic science dedicated to compassionate concern with maintaining and
promoting health, preventing illness and rehabilitating the sick or disabled
d. A unique profession in that it is concerned with all the variables affecting an
individual’s response to stressor
32. This term usually refers to judgement about behavior and more likely to reflect
the character of the social setting from which the behavior springs
a. Ethics
b. morals
c. values
d. bioethics
33. This is the intentional limitation of the autonomy of a person by another, where the
person who limits the autonomy appeals exclusively to grounds of benefits to the
other person.
a. Surrogate
b. PaternLism
c. Utilitarianism
d. Advocacy
34. The nurse on shift taking care of a patient who is about to die, part of her responsibility is
to accept the inevitable death while maintaining the patient's integrity and sanctity as
human being. Knowing this principle, all of the following are the bill of rights of a dying
patient, ExCEPT:
a. The right to maintain a sense of hopefulness however changing its focus maybe
b. The right not to die alone
c. The right to accept continuing medical and nursing attention even though "cure" goals
must be changed to comfort goals
d. The right to obtain information as to any relationship of his/he care is concern
SITUATION: The nurse must possess different roles and functions in order to be holistic in
his/her approach and to deliver the best nursing care possible.
35. The modern nurse is a vast and multi-faceted person, holistically made to perform and
adopt to different scenarios. Which of the following best supports the function of a nurse
as a Change Agent?
a. The nurse assesses the client’s learning needs and readiness to learn, sets
specific learning goals in conjunction with the client, enacts teaching strategies
and measures learning
b. The nurse delegates nursing activities to ancillary workers and other nurses, and
supervises and evaluates their performance
c. The nurse works with the multidisciplinary health care team to measure the
effectiveness of the case management plan and to monitor outcomes
d. The nurse assisting the others, that is, clients ,to make modification in their own
36. Many roles and functions should a nurse possesses in order to be competent in the field.
When a nurse is helping a client learn about their health and the health care procedures
they need to perform to restore or to maintain health, she is a:
a. Nurse Teacher c. Nurse Communicator
b. Nurse Advocate d. Nurse Counselor
37. As a caregiver, the nurse is aware of his/her duties and responsibilities in taking care of
varied patients. The following falls under the expectations of the functions of a nurse
caregiver EXCEPT:
a. Traditionally included those activities that assists the client physically and
psychologically while preserving the client’s integrity
b. Encompasses the physical, psychosocial, developmental, cultural, and spiritual
c. The nursing process provides nurses with a frame work for providing care
d. Requires knowledge about organizational structures and dynamics, authority and
38. When a nurse has an advanced education, employed in health care agencies or
community based settings, and usually deals with non- emergency acute or chronic illness
and provide primary ambulatory care, he/she is functioning as a:
a. Nurse Practitioner C. Nurse Educator
b. Clinical Nurse Specialist d. Nurse Midwife
39. The caregiver role of the nurse emphasizes:
a. Implementing nursing care measures
b. Providing direct nursing care
c. Recognition of needs of clients
d. Observation of the client’s response to illness
40. The nurse takes the patient’s advocate role when she:
a. Defends the rights of the patient
b. Intercedes on behalf of the patient
c. Refers the patient to other services
d. Works with the significant others
41. The manager role of the nurse is best demonstrated when she:
a. Plans nursing care with the patient
b. Works together with the nursing team
c. Initiate nursing action with co-workers
d. Speaks in behalf of her patients
42. All of the following are the primary responsibilities of the nurse manager EXCEPT:
a. Performing bedside nursing
b. Coordinating and delegating patient care
c. Setting standard of performance
d. Designating staff schedules
43. What quality of a nurse is exemplified when he puts up the siderails of the bed of a
restless client to prevent falls?
a. Honesty
b. Reliability
c. Resourcefulness
d. Loyalty
e. Prudence
44. The nurse reported immediately her error in administering medication to the head nurse
and attending physician
a. Honesty
b. Reliability
c. Resourcefulness
d. Loyalty
e. Prudence
45. The nurse agreed to work overtime because the nurses for the next shift could not
report on duty due to floods
a. Honesty
b. Reliability
c. Resourcefulness
d. Loyalty
e. Prudence
46. The nurse speaks well of her superiors, doctors and institution where she works
a. Honesty
b. Reliability
c. Resourcefulness
d. Loyalty
e. Prudence
47. The nurse uses the wrapper of sterile gloves as sterile field in the absence of sterile
towel lining
a. Honesty
b. Reliability
c. Resourcefulness
d. Loyalty
e. Prudence
48. Faye Glenn Abdellah was one of the pioneers of nursing research. Furthermore, she
identified the typology of 21 nursing problems. The following are under her research,
EXCEPT: a. To facilitate the maintenance of a supply of oxygen to all body cells
b. To recognize the physiologic responses of the body to the disease conditions
c. To promote good physical hygiene and comfort
d. To emphasize the nurse-patient relationship as the foundation of nursing practice
49. Who among the nursing theorists developed the six step nursing process which included
assessment of behavior, assessment of stimuli, nursing diagnosis, goal setting,
intervention and evaluation?
a. Lydia Eloise Hall c. Sister Callista Roy
b. Martha Rogers d. D. Myra Estrin Levine
50. If Florence Nightingale is considered to be the mother of modern nursing, who is then
considered to be the Margaret Mead Of Nursing?
a. Virginia Henderson c. Betty Neuman
b. Madeline Leininger d. Jean Watson

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