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From day to day life we need to buy things for our personal or collective needs.
Consumers are those who buy or consume products in exchange of money from
designated source. The term ‘Consumer Protection’ means the safeguards against
malpractice and adulterated techniques by suppliers of goods or services that might
harm the comfort of the consumers. On the contrary, Consumer Rights is the right
to have definite and flawless information about the quality, quantity, price of the
required goods or services. It is undoubtedly necessary for the consumers to know
about their rights. And the protection of these rights is ‘Consumer Protection’ and
its measures are often outlined by law of the particular country or nation.
There are three important aspects of consumer protection:
 The physical protection of consumers such as measures to protect
consumers against injurious products or services.
 The protection of the economic interest of consumers, which includes
measures to protect them against deceptive and other unfair trading
practices. This may be referred to situations in which service providers fail
to provide services as expected or they use sub- standard materials.
 The protection of public interest. It covers measures to prevent abuse of
monopoly position so that consumers can have lots of choice in term of
variety, prices and quality of the products and services.
To add on, Food and cosmetics are two essential goods which are of utmost
necessity to live our daily life. These are the two types of product industry where
the consumer rights and law are mostly violated. According to paper published in, Bangladesh has highest number of laws to regulate safe food
delivery to consumers which is 15.[ CITATION Sar \l 1033 ] Consequently these laws
have a great impact on the businesses.
In this paper we tried to establish a cause and effect relationship focusing on
qualitative data. The key feature of qualitative research is that it is often ideal for
small samples, although its findings are not quantifiable and observable (see table
3.1). Its fundamental benefit, which also constitutes its fundamental difference
with quantitative study, is that it provides a full definition and interpretation of a
topic of research without restricting the scope of the research and the essence of
the responses of the participant.[ CITATION Lan14 \l 1033 ] Due to corona pandemic, It
was impossible to collect primary data for the team. Thus we did this explanatory
research on secondary data. We aimed to produce contextual real world knowledge
on the laws of consumer rights and protection.
In order to gain better insight of impact of consumer rights and protection laws on
business, we targeted restaurants and small cosmetics shop located in Bangladesh.
Due to the limitations we had to focus only on existing data. More than 10 cases,
all of which were collected online, were taken into account while doing the study.
Three areas, as follows, were focused while choosing the cases,
 Asymmetry of information
 Externalities
 Excessive market power
The cases selected are incidents happened between 2000 to 2020. Though the unit
of analysis is not so large, but the impact of the factors is experienced by large
number. For two weeks, the data was processed. To avoid the potential bias owing
to the use of non-probability sampling, data was collected from both popular and
non-popular sites. Social media had a great role in production of data.

Data analysis was used to analyze the data which was gathered from Cases
found from various online resources. A key benefit of content analysis was that it
helped to minimize and simplify the data obtained, while generating findings that
were then evaluated using quantitative methods at the same time.

Ethical considerations: Certain ethical problems were the collection of data, as we

had to rely only on secondary data. All the data that are taken from various
resources includes proper acknowledgement to the owner. No confidential or
unauthorized data is included in this paper. Since the topic of the paper is related to
law, so it was taken into consideration that no political sentiment is hurt.

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