Homework: Trang Thị Thùy Anh

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Trang Thị Thùy Anh

The last time I participated in a survey was last month. It was a
survey for employee about trying a new drink product before my company
launch it in the market. The information which I provided to help my
company understand consumer's opinions ; aim to identify the factors that
influence the choice of this product such as flavor, packaging, pricing,... and
what are the things in this product were need to improve in. I think the
research should decrease open-ended questions in this survey to give them
quantitative data, stick to closed questions, such as multiple choice or
matching questions, where they can set some parameters for response .

Trần Ngọc Diệp

The last time I participated in a survey was last month, that was a
survey in my Chinese language center.
I think the information I provided will help them very much. The
center will know about the teachers like they’re good or not, the way the
teachers teach or do I like the method that my teacher teach me. And how
do I feel about the environment of the center, space of class, people (staff,
security, receptionist..). According to the information I gave them I think
they will know what they need to improve and develop in order to make
their service better and satisfy all the students.
In my opinion, we don’t need to fill our name on this survey cause it
isn’t necessary. The center need to know what we feel about their service,
not who we’re. When we write name, we feel like they know who we are so
we can’t tell what exactly we think, and obviously we tend to be nicer and
not tell the truth, for example the quetions like if you like your teacher… So
I think they need to change this thing to make it more effectively.

Bùi Ngọc Tuyết Nhi

Few days ago, I do a research on Instagram about the clothing shop. I
think it helps the bussiness improve the product’s quality, the services and
how customer like their product.I think the business must do a research by
questioning through give shop the feedback or multiple choice like “ do you
like the new concept?” , short question or yes or no question will make
customer spend their time to do a research by surfing web , make customer
feel comfortable and save them time and willing.

Lê Nguyễn Tường Vi
The last time I participated in a survey was about using cosmetics.
But the survey was too long and it took me a lot time to do this, some
questions were quite difficult to understand. So I suggest they should make
these questions easy to understand. Besides, I suggest that this company
should use tools to help them solve their problems.Ex: They can use Survey
Monkey Genius tool. It will tell them how long it takes respondents to finish
their survey and provide other tips for making it easier on them.

Nguyễn Hữu Tấn

The last time I participated in a survey was a survey of male cosmetic
consumption behavior.The potential for development of the Vietnamese
market is enormous, but at present, there are not many survey studies
focusing on male. Therefore, there should have some specific studies to find
out the factors that influence their consumption decisions. Identify the
individual factors affecting the behavior of cosmetic consumption in male.
The significance of this study gives businesses an overview of the situation
such as cosmetic demand and factors affecting men's decision to buy
cosmetics. To be more effective, they can use social media like facebook,
instagram,... to promote the brand of products.

Lê Quỳnh Như
I remember I did a survey two weeks ago. This is my English
proficiency survey.In the survey, there were many questions, mainly
testing my listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. After answering
the questions, they will send me a test result that will help me to be aware
of my English learning level. In addition, they recommend some suitable
courses for you. This English proficiency survey is limited to 10 minutes
with 40 questions have increasing difficulty. In my opinion, they should
adjust the time about 15-20 minutes. This makes people answer the survey
more comfortably.

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