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2ivo2t DocPiayer n6 CHAPTER 14_Hoat-Transfor Eupment—Dosign and Casts Excerpted from Chapter 14 "Heat-Transfer Equipment - Design and Costs" Estimation of Heat-Transfer Coefficient and Pressure Drop on the Shell Side of a Shell-and-Tube Exchanger Using the Kern, Bell-Delaware, and Wills-Johnston Methods. ‘Acshellandtube exchauger with one sell and one tube pass is being used as a cooler. The cooling ‘medium is water with a ow mate of Il kg’s on the shell side ofthe exchanger. With an inside dis ter of 0.5842, the shell x packed with total of 384 tubes in. stoggered (eiauguler) azay, Te ovt- tide diameter ofthe tubes is 0,019 m with a clearauce between tubes of 0.00635 m, Segusental bales witha 25 percent baile cut ae used on the shel side, aad the bale spacing is set at 0.1524 m. The length of the exchanger is 3.66 m, (Assume a split backing rig, Coating hest exchanger) ‘The average tempersture of the water is 30°C, and the average temperate of the tube walls on the waterside is 40°C. Under these conditions estimate the hesttransfer coefficient forthe water and the pressure drop onthe shell side, using the Kem, Bell-Delaware, and Wills and Johnston methods. hips: !docplayerne37118434-Excerpted-ram-chaplor-4-hea-ransfer-equipment-design-and-costs hil 19 2ivo2t DocPiayer Design of Key Heat Exchanger Typos a7 = Solution ‘The procedures for all three methods have been otlned brietly in the shellend-mbe section Appendix D provides the following data for water: awe ase we Physial property data Thermal condoctity ism 0.000616 0.000828 000632 Heat capocty C, Kiko 417 4179 417 Viseonfy, Pre 0.000803 o.000724 000687 Density os kein! 395 995 598 Exchanger configuration Shell oeenal diameter D.= 0584 Tube outside diameter D,=0019m ‘abe pitch (angle) 0.0288 ‘onnber of bee 384 Bate spacing 12m Shell length . B= 366m Bondlewontelldiametal clessnce osm Shell-o-bee diametrl cleamace™ 0005 a Tubectocbaie diane slerance Ss = 0.008 Thickness of bate! {= 0.008 a Sealing stips per exossflow ro" Ya/Ne = 02 "hems continent with secommendations by J Tabak, in Haat Exchanger Desige Handbook, Homi Pobliching Washington, 1983, Sec 33.5 Kern Method Detentine te Bow atea atta shell centerline. The gop benweea mabes Py is given as 0.00655 m. The crosteflow area along the centerline of Bows inthe shells given by Eq. (14432). DiPots _ 0.884(0.00635)(0.1524) Pr "00a Determine D, fom Eq, (14-33). _4(P} ~ nota) =D. “The mas How sate Ge ie oan ‘To obtain the heattsnsfer coefficient at an avernge water-ilm temperature requires evalustion ofthe ‘Reynolds and Prauctl numbers 4.179(0.000724) ~~ 9.000623 -é-heattransterquipment-design-and-costs. html 29 hitpsdocplayer:nel97118434-Excerpledrom-chapl 2ina02 DocPiayer ne CHAPTER 14_Hoat-Transfor Eupment—Dosign and Casts From Eg. (14-30) ~(aherey" 0.8 228 qsajss (2.000803) "4 0.36 ) as.ss0)* 2658 (SO oR 0.000657 3309 Wink Call the pes dop on the sel side, asmming no effet for any type of uid leakage. The ‘numberof es oa the sel side is obtained from Ba (1436). a 3 Tet 0.1824+0.008 Fora shelbside Reynolds munber of 16480, Fig. 1444 provides val of 1062 fr the fiction tor The pean dp is obtained rom Bq. (1438) as AFG? DNs +1) 2pDatniieele* 4(0.082)(494.4)° (0.584)(22 +1) © 3(995)(0,02423)(0.00080370.000657)* N 6.420 Pa Bell-Delaware Method “The first step in thie method isto calenlate the deal craseow heattransfer enefcient, Calculate Vg from Eq, (14-39) and obtain Sy ftom Eq, (14-40) to substitute into Eq, (14-22) e Ar. a 4335 m/s Sa 995(0.0285) PVnxDe _ 995(08339)0.019) _ 19 s9 ” i Cy _ 4.179(0,000803) iD 0.000616 Pr S49 The ideal hea-transfer coefficient is given by Barer *Ar h ‘where constants a aad mare obtained fiom Table 14-1 for 9 staggered tube amay. Fy fron Eq. (14-226), and F; fom Table 14-2 0.616) (4 73)<10,205)05(5,449)°* S807 Wine 5.449)" , 580)" 909 hips: !docplayerne37118434-Excerpted-ram-chaplor-4-hea-ransfer-equipment-design-and-costs hil a9 2ina02 DocP layer Design of Key Heat Exchanger Typos m9 ‘The actual shell-sdeheat-transier coefficient is obtained from Eq, (441). This requites obtaining values for J Js, and Js using the appropriate correction factors to aeeount for baile configuration, leakage, and bypass. Equation (14-42) permits ealeulation of F, 0.250, Je 055 + 0.72, = 0.88 4.0.7206437) 1.013 ‘To obtain J, caleulate the leakage areas 5.4 and Sis from Eqs. (14-43) and (14430), respectively, (GE) =n001(28) oon (£2827) omrnsar ‘The conection factor Jz is obtained fiom Fig. 14-46, uilizing Sp and Si. oy (228) feo! [i—2082] —osnoren? Sa +Su _ 0.003058 + 0.007835 ES 0.0285 Ss 0.003088 Set Sa 0003058 + 0.007835 = 0415s = 02887 Figure 14-46 provides value of 0.56 for Jz ‘To obtain the conection factor J for bypass inthe bundle-shell gap. obtain Fp, the fact the crossiow atea available for bypass flow. with Eq, (14-44), os24 10385 oanss La Fig = 2D, ~ Dor ‘Note that Fig = $5/Sq, anid Fig, 14-47 oan be used to obtain a Jp value of 0.988 when N/M, ‘The comrected aet-trausfercocfiient from Eq, (L441) is then hah de = $807(1.013)(0.56)(0.935) = 3080 Win. hips: !docplayerne37118434-Excerpted-ram-chaplor-4-hea-ransfer-equipment-design-and-costs hil 49 2ina02 720 DocP layer CHAPTER 14_Hoat-Transfor Eupment—Dosign and Casts Evaluation of the pressure drop using the BellDelaware method is similar to the process for obtaine ing the heatransfer coefficient. The ideal cross-flow pressure drop through one baille space is obiained with the use of Eg (14-45). 1%) Prp = O.8S6P;, for triangular arcay 3 A value of 0.495 for Xy is obtained by using the following relation given in the footuote of Table 14-10: 0339 x10 0.984 x 107 | 0.133 x 10" 0.899 x 10 45, Seer ee eee eee Re Be ‘ p= Calculate the window zane presse loss fom Eq, (14-475). First, determine the window flow area Sq foam Eq, (14-49), where (oar 384 ‘i 34) ¢o.tsnx(o019? 7k 5) A= 0ts7yx100195 03398 ‘Next caloulate the number of effective cross-flow sows inthe window zoue fiom Eq, (14-48). O8Le 0.800.146) _ 5 5, Pre 0866(0.028) — ‘Now caleulate the window zone pressure drop for Re > 100, C4 06Ne yi 25eSuP aye 3(0.0255)(0.03258)095) +0530) “inal evimate the lekage sad bypass comteston fests Ry ond Ry. To obtain Ro, use thecal Inted values of Fy and Ny/N; = 0.2 with Fig. 14-48. This gives value of 0.82 for Rg. For Rz use the area satio values of (5s + S)/Sy and S.s/(es + 5.) wih Fig, 4-49 to obtain vale of0 368 for Rr hips: !docplayerne37118434-Excerpted-ram-chaplor-4-hea-ransfer-equipment-design-and-costs hil 2ina02 DocPiayer Design of Key Heat Exchanger Typos ‘The pressure drop across the shell is given by Eq. (14-51) (Ne — 1) Apes + VsApe |B +2 4p.80(1+ sa 22 —nosios2)+2207s10368 +7880 (1+ 224) 780 + 1731 = 9481 Pa Wills and Johnston Method ‘The hent-tanster coefcient calculated in this method is similar to thot used in the Bell-Delawiare icthodl except thatthe vale of the Reynolds mumber is estimated fou ri, — Fz. To determine -Fseqlres evaluating the Bow steam resistance coefficients in Fig, 14SDa8 defined in Eqs. (14-852) hough (14-55) (14-56). (1458). (14450), and (14-61) Caloulate the shellto-bafl resistance coefficient n.. using Eqs. (14-$6) and (14-57). ) x (vss —228) (222)

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