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Asignatura Inglés V
Temática Entorno laboral

Curriculum vitae
Power point presentation “Acts8and9.ppt”
Recursos de Aquí puedes apoyarte para darle un diseño a tu currículo: https://www.modelos-de-

Objetivo de la El alumno expresará resultados derivados del cumplimiento de ciertas

Unidad condiciones para brindar propuestas y soluciones relacionadas con su
Temática ámbito profesional.
Nombre de la A9- Curriculum vitae
Desarrollo After reading the information in the power point presentation “Acts8and9.ppt” you are going
to create your Resume (curriculum vitae).

Read the following information:

These are the points that you have to include:

 Your name is really important; you don’t need to write CURRICULUM VITAE with a
big font, is better to start with your name in a good size.
 Add the website, only if applies.
 Don’t include your full address, if the job you want to apply is in the same “Estado”
you may add the “Colonia” if not, the Estado is correct. Don’t add number and
 Telephone or cellphone must be there.
 Use a professional email address PLEASE
 If you want to add your date of birth is ok, but if not, at least add your age.
 The sex is important if you have a name that can be unisex like Guadalupe or
something like that.

Carretera Chihuahua Km. 4.1 Cadereyta Jiménez, N.L. C.P. 067450 Tel.828 284 15 51 y 52
You must add these 4 things in your CV
 Add the title “Education” and write your education since higschool (preparatoria),
don’t forget to mention the periods (Example: 2016-2018). Primary school is not
necessary, if you are in college now is obvious that you’ve already finished the
primary school. When mention Universidad Tecnologica Cadereyta write the period
like this: 2018-current (this means your haven’t finished your education there).
 Add the title “Work experience” and write the place and periods that you worked, if
you haven’t worked at any place don’t worry.
 Write the title “Abilities” or “Skills” and write some relevant things about you: hard
worker, team worker, punctual, responsible, etc
 Write the title “Specific skills” and mention here the specific skills according your
career, what can you offer to the place?

You must follow these points about the presentation. If you don’t follow them you will have
less points.
You can use the webpage that I shared you in “Recursos de Apoyo” to make a better CV.
Don’t do your CV directly in Word unless is going to be really presentable. You have the

Carretera Chihuahua Km. 4.1 Cadereyta Jiménez, N.L. C.P. 067450 Tel.828 284 15 51 y 52
whole internet to do a good job with your CV presentation.

Don’t use the Word templates, unless you are going to modify them. I don’t want to
see repetitive CV presentations. Less points if this happens.
Buzón en la plataforma (si la plataforma falla no hay excusas, tienes mi correo
Medio de
para enviar tu actividad a tiempo. Si la mandas por correo, asegúrate de subirla a
la plataforma cuando funcione para poder calificarte).
Fecha límite de
entrega Lunes 8 de marzo 2021 antes de las 11 am
Criterios de evaluación
Criterios de
evaluación Puntaje
 Desarrollo de la actividad arriba mencionado y entregado a
Reporte  Incluye cada elemento solicitado.
 Idioma inglés
 Formato solicitado
Total   100

Carretera Chihuahua Km. 4.1 Cadereyta Jiménez, N.L. C.P. 067450 Tel.828 284 15 51 y 52

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