Brain Storming: Effective Planning

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Brain storming

Process for generating creative ideas and solutions through intensive and freewheeling
group discussion. Every participant is encouraged to think aloud and suggest as many
ideas as possible, no matter seemingly how outlandish or bizarre. Analysis, discussion,
or criticism of the aired ideas is allowed only when the brainstorming session is over
and evaluation session begins.

Brainstorming is a way to generate ideas within a group setting. It is usually used in the
beginning stages of a project, where the possibilities for the project are not clearly
understood or defined. It provides a quick means for tapping the creativity of a limited
number of people for a large number of ideas. The brainstorming environment fosters
an uninhibited, non-judgmental explosion of ideas, concepts, policies, decisions, and

Time management
Time management is basically the method by which we manage our time to do work
by using all the available resources more efficiently.
Time Management includes:

i. Effective Planning
ii. Setting goals and objectives
iii. Setting deadlines

 Effective Planning

 Plan your day well in advance. Prepare a To Do List or a “TASK

PLAN”. Jot down the important activities that need to be done in a
single day against the time that should be allocated to each activity.
Do not begin fresh work unless you have finished your previous
task. Ensure you finish the tasks within the stipulated time frame.
 Setting Goals and Objectives

Working without goals and targets in an organization would be similar to a

situation where the captain of the ship loses his way in the sea. Yes, you
would be lost. Set targets for yourself and make sure they are realistic
ones and achievable.
 Setting Deadlines

Set deadlines for yourself and strive hard to complete tasks ahead of the
deadlines. Do not wait for your superiors to ask you everytime. Learn to
take ownership of work. One person who can best set the deadlines is
you yourself.

Strategies for effective reading

Skimming involves reading key parts of the text. You can use it when you need to get
an overview of an author's main line of argument.
Open the book and look at the table of contents, located at the front of the book. It
will list most, but not necessarily all of the following subsections:
 a preface
 a list of diagrams or tables or illustrations
 an introduction
 the various chapters in sequence from 1 to n
 a conclusion
 a bibliography
 an index.
Finding key information
Key words and ideas are often found in the opening paragraphs of a chapter or
subsection of a chapter. Pay particular attention to the opening sentence and the
opening paragraph.
Look for any hints given by the author. These might include:
 underlining
 bolding
 italics
 subheadings
 section breaks.

Analytical reading
Analytic reading involves reading in an active and systematic way so that you
gain an understanding of what you are reading.

Note taking


The Cornell note taking method helps organize class notes into easily digestible
summaries. This method is effective because the main points, details, study
cues, and summary are all written in one place.
Notes are neatly organized, summarized, and easy to review ,Allows you to pull
out all the major ideas and concepts.
The Mapping note taking method is a more visual way to organize your class
notes. This technique is useful when learning about relationships between
Useful for visual learners who struggle with studying from notes.
Helps you remember and connect relationships between topics.
The Outlining note taking method uses headings and bullet points to organize
topics. This method is most useful when learning about topics that include a lot
of detail.
 Allows notes to be neatly organized.
 It is easy to see the relationship between topics and subtopics.
 It is easy to turn points into study questions.


Charting note taking method uses columns to organize information. This method is
useful for lessons that cover a lot of facts or relationships between topics.
Facts are organized and easy to review.
Highlights key pieces of information for each topic.


The Sentence note taking method is simply writing down each topic as a jot note
sentence. This method works well for fast paced lessons where a lot of information is
being covered.
Jotting main points helps you determine which information is important and which is
You are able to cover a lot of details and information quickly.
Notes are simplified for study and review.

A social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue
collective goals. All organizations have a management structure that determines
relationships between the different activities and the members, and subdivides and
assigns roles, responsibilities, and authority to carry out different tasks. Organizations
are open systems--they affect and are affected by their environment.
Summarizing is a basic technique by which the main idea of the article is being written
or being understand if it is been spoken.
Summary of the above articles.
 Brainstorming is usually used at the beginning stages of new projects to find a
solution more effectively in a fast way.
 Time management is basically the method by which we use our time more
efficiently to do work in less time by using available resources.
 Strategies are very important for an effective reading for a good reader.
 Note taking habit helps a person to understand the things also after a long
 Organization is a unit of people working together on a collective goal.

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