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What could OMNI have done differently when setting up in Canada to accelerate their market

Ans:- The main issue which OMNI had to face while being in the Canadian market, was lack of
synchronicity with the methods of doing business in Western Canada. Pre-appraisal of the market
related to oil and gas industries, the search about the competition, forming strategic partnerships
with people or firms who know more about the culture and business ways in Canada would have
accelerated OMNI’s entry into Canadian market.

2. What are some of the cultural challenges OMNI faced when entering the Canadian market?

Ans:- Difference in the work ethics was the major cultural challenge that OMNI faced while selling
their product in the Canadian market. As they followed Middle-Eastern ways of conducting business,
they were too casual with regards to the Canadian work ethics. For instance, they preferred to start
to work in later hours of the day, managed their business deals over meals rather than in an office or
being care-free about the terms of the contract.

3. What cross-cultural factors may have influenced OMNI’s market entry into Canada?

Ans- OMNI’s admittance into Canadian market might be influenced by factors such as ethical
systems and beliefs which refers to set morals and principles that Canadian society holds. Public
policies and legal framework can also have an impact because these reflect the cultural values of the
country and it determines the framework of doing business in the country. Another factor to be
considered is work motivation or attitude towards work, for instance, people of some cultures are
hard working and committed to their work whereas some might have easy going ways of doing

4. If you were to do a hofstede analysis, what would up define as the main cultural differences
between the United Arab Emirates and Canada?

Ans- There is a huge difference in the social customs of Canada and UAE. In Canada, people are
punctual and they like to be and expect others to be on time; arriving late is not received well in
Canada. Whereas, in UAE, it is usual for the meetings to be a little disorganised and interruptions are
also not uncommon. Secondly, Canadians have many civil liberties and rights like freedom of speech,
and there is no strict social hierarchy, while in UAE this is not the case.

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