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Customers: ING, ABN,
Building organization Philips, Vodafone, Bourse
de Luxembourg, KPN,
Project management Priority Telecom, UPC,
Community building, Fundeon, Elmar,
RIPE NCC, Nationale
Presales Conference talks postcode loterij

Open source involvement

Enterprise architecture


Leading teams

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20010 2011

CMG Sun Microsystems TomTom Xebia


JFall talk on Project Jackpot

Bluff your way in SOA at Sun One Day
Technology Tracks @ Sun, including SOA, Java EE, Identity and Liberty, etc.
JavaOne Panel on Java GEO Standards
JavaOne Talk on Spring ME
Devoxx talk on Preon
OOPSLA talk on Preon
NoSQL Meetup talks on NoSQL
JFall talk on NoSQL
Open Source

Blammo (Logging)
Big Freaking Numbers (Bigdecimal calculations done the easy way)
docbkx-tools (Maven plugins for DocBook transformation)
URITemplate (Based on first draft)
WADL (Service description for REST services)
Maven Overview Plugin
Preon ("Bit syntax for Java")
Spring ME (Spring for Java ME, JavaCard, etc.)
Xeger (Reverse regex.)
Google Reader API
Deconfluencer (Modifying reverse proxy)
Kyoto Cabinet Wrapper in Scala

First larger scale XP project

Introducing Scrum at TomTom
Certified Scrum Master
All teams at TomTom D&S working in Scrum
Various Scrum Projects
Distributed agile projects
Community Build.
Organizing weekly cross-divisional TomTom meetup
Organizing big data event at TomTom
Organizing Scala DuSE meetup
Started Scala Tribes
Started NoSQL NL
Organized Dugout
Organizing various NoSQL Meetups

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