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Table of Contents
CÁC CẤU TRÚC LẬP LUẬN WRITING TASK 1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
HOW TO ANALYSE THE GRAPH LIKE A PRO .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
LANGUAGE FOR PROCESS/ MAPS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11
CÁC CẤU TRÚC MAPS WRITING TASK 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
CẤU TRÚC TIMETABLE – ĐỀ MỚI WRITING TASK 1 .................................................................................................................................................... 13
WRITING TASK 1 MODEL ESSAYS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)


OPENING (1 sentence)
1. The graph = the line/bar/pie graph
2. Gives = illustrates/ demonstrates/ indicates
3. Information = the proportion of (%, numbers)/ the
The graph below gives
(1) The line graph (2) illustrates (3) the proportion of number of (countable nouns)/ the amount of
information about car
(4) households using cars in the UK (5) during 1971 (uncountable nouns)/ the percentage of (%)
ownership in Britain from
and 2007. 4. Car ownership = household using cars/ people who
1971 to 2007.
used cars/ people using cars
5. 1971 and 2007 = during 1971 and 2007/ over a period
of 36 years/ over a 36-year period
1. As explained
2. As explained
The graph below shows
3. As explained
the unemployment figures (1)The line graph (2) demonstrates (3) percentages of
4. Unemployment figures = unemployed women
amongst women of (4) unemployed women in (5) 8 age groups.
5. Different age groups = 8 age groups
different age groups.
*age group = 20-year-old (group) = (the) group of age 20 =
the age group of 20
OVERVIEW (1-2 sentences)
Overall, car ownership in the UK increased during the 1. Overall/ it can be clearly seen that … từ nối vào
given period. While the percentage of households overview
with two cars increased, there was a decrease in the 2. While/whereas cấu trúc câu so sánh
proportion of families without any cars. 3. Cấu trúc There was an increase/decline in ….
It can be clearly seen that age groups of 18 and of 45
So sánh hơn nhất the highest unemployment rate
have the highest unemployment rate.
Overall, from 2015, oil consumption in Western
1. Overall từ nối
Europe/Japan and also in the US is predicted to
Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

decline, in contrast to the expected increase in China 2. Is predicted to/ is anticipated to/ is expected to để chỉ
and the Middle East. The US will remain the major số liệu sẽ có trong tương lai
consumer throughout the period. 3. In contrast to + Noun (thay cho cấu trúc while/whereas)
= compared to/with + noun (there was a 20% reduction
in oil consumption in China compared with/to 2010)
4. The major consumer = the customer consumed the
From 1990 to 2010, there was a significant increase in There was a significant/dramatic/slight/sharp increase/
oil production in Saudi Arabia. decline/ decrease in…
The other countries saw a slight rise in oil production 1999/China saw/witnessed/experienced a dramatic rise
over the period. in…
Over the period, the consumer price index rose
The number/proportion/amount of… increased/declined…
steadily from around 60 in 1979 to over 200 in 2009
1. Cấu trúc the proportion/ number of…
In 1971, the proportion of households without a car
2. Cấu trúc Adj clause rút gọn which was higher than… ->
Cấu trúc that of stood at nearly 50%, slightly higher than that of
,higher than…
households having one car, at just over 42%.
3. That of = the proportion of household having one car.
1. By contrast/ Meanwhile so sánh
By contrast, only nearly 9% of British households
2. Cấu trúc only 9% of… verb (đưa số liệu lên đầu)
owned 2 cars and a mere 1 % of households owned
Để số liệu lên đầu 3. Owned – động từ chia theo households, chứ k phải 9%
more than 3 cars, which was the lowest recorded
4. Dùng and để nối câu
5. Mệnh đề tính ngữ nối thêm , which was…
From 1971 onwards, while the percentage of families
1. Onwards = từ thời gian đó trở đi
owning one car remained stable, that of households
Onwards – từ đấy về sau 2. So sánh while/whereas
without any car dropped to approximately 25% in
3. That of = the figure for = the level of = the percentage of

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

1. 35% of energy – số liệu lên đầu

2. And this proportion = energy came from coal in Sweden
35% of energy came from coal in Sweden in 1995, and
Có thể thay bằng cấu trúc but this then fell/declined
this proportion gradually declined over the period to
finish at approximately 28% in 2010, the highest of
Cấu trúc rút ngọn mệnh đề 3. To finish at… dùng để nói số liệu nằm ở đâu, thường là
the four countries, while the percentage produced in
ADJ những năm cuối biểu đồ
France remained just under that of Sweden over the
4. Cấu trúc rút gọn the highest of the four countries
15-year period.
5. Rút gọn the percentage of energy produced …-> the
percentage produced (tránh lặp energy)
6. Cấu trúc while và that of
1. To follow a similar pattern khi nói về số liệu nào có xu
hướng giống nhau
Energy production from coal in Germany followed a 2. Beginning – rút ngọn adj clause = which began
similar pattern, beginning the period at just under 3. Falling – cấu trúc đồng dạng với beginning
So sánh giống nhau ->
60% and falling significantly, though unlike Denmark it 4. Though unlike + Noun = while/whereas
similar pattern
fell to a low of only 5% in 2007 and then increased 5. It = the proportion of Denmark = energy production of
again to approximately 18%. Denmark
6. And then từ nối
7. Fell – increased cấu trúc đồng dạng
1. At 25.7% đưa số liệu lên đầu làm trạng ngữ
At 25.7%, nursing was the second most popular
2. Noun was the most popular subject … so sánh nhất
Số liệu lên đầu subject to study, but this fell significantly to only 14%
3. But nối câu
two years later.
4. This thay cho nursing
1. In terms of = Regarding = with regard to = about
In terms of food, the figures for both countries were 2. Cấu trúc the figures for ….
Cấu trúc nói về mặt gì – In
similar, at 27% and 24% for Malaysia and Japan 3. 24% for Malaysia – số liệu của Malaysia đưa lên đầu và
terms of
respectively. chú ý FOR k phải OF
4. Respectively = theo thứ tự lần lượt là…
Các cấu trúc chiếm bao In Japan, this accounted for 6% of the total, while 20% 1. To account for = to make up = to constitute
nhiêu phần trăm of household spending went on transport. 2. While cấu trúc so sánh

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

1. Which constitutes 26%, which made up 8% - mệnh đề

quan hệ
2. So sánh bằng ‘is four times as adj as’
White, which constituted 26%, is about four times as *So sánh bằng:
popular as blue, which made up 8%. - Company A has nearly (twice/half/a quarter) as many
employees as company B
- The number of employees doubled/ increased twofold
from March to May.
Theft, of which there were 94 cases per 10,000 1. Of which cấu trúc mệnh đề quan hệ theo sau là there
Gấp bao nhiêu lần people, is just under four times more common than were
other crimes, 25 cases. 2. So sánh hơn gấp 4 lần, four times more common than

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)


Làm sao để chia đoạn? Đoạn này tại sao lại viết về số liệu này? Tại sao bài mẫu lại chia như thế? Bla bla bla…
Cách làm dưới đây sẽ chỉ rõ cho các bạn 4 phương pháp phân tích biểu đồ và chia đoạn LIKE A PRO đơn giản và hiệu quả nhất

Phương pháp đơn giản là tìm 1 cột mốc thời gian có sự biến đổi đột ngột hoặc
điểm mốc đáng chú ý (đi lên, chạm đỉnh, quay đầu đi xuống…), cắt đoạn và
viết đoạn 1 từ đầu đến đoạn mốc, đoạn 2 từ mốc đến hết.
Thường cách này áp dụng cho biểu đồ dây (line graph)
Đề bài (ví dụ)
The graph shows the amounts spent on apparel on the internet in USA and
Japan between 1999 and 2003.
Nhận thấy:
Cột mốc ở đây là 2001, khi mà Japan đang cao hơn USA ở những năm trước
2001 nhưng sau đó 2 nước bằng nhau.
 Đoạn 1: viết từ 1999 -2001
 Đoạn 2: viết từ 2001 – hết
Bài mẫu trang 14.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

Tuy nhiên, sẽ có những bài không dễ tìm cột mốc.

Đề bài (ví dụ)
The graph below gives information about car ownership in Britain
from 1971 to 2007.

Nhận xét chung:

Tất cả các đường đều đi theo 1 xu hướng của riêng nó và không biến
đổi trong cả bài, mặc dù bài có 4 đường.
Với những dạng kiểu này, CỘT MỐC = NĂM ĐẦU TIÊN
Chia đoạn:
 Đoạn 1: số liệu năm đầu tiên của tất cả các đường
 Đoạn 2: so sánh tất cả các đường từ năm đầu đến hết
Bài mẫu trang 13.


 Câu hỏi 1: Có bao nhiêu đối tượng xuất hiện trong bài (countries, products, years, emissions…)?
Lưu ý: đối tượng là những chủ thể chính được nêu trong bài, các đối tượng thường được gộp thành nhóm như nhóm nước, nhóm
sản phẩm, nhóm năm…
 Câu hỏi 2: Nên chia bài theo đối tượng nào để có so sánh nhiều nhất, dễ viết nhất?
 Câu hỏi 3 (optional): Nên chọn cách chia theo nhóm như thế nào?
o Nhóm cao nhất và thấp nhất (đoạn 1), còn lại đoạn 2;
o Nhóm cao hơn (đoạn 1) và nhóm thấp hơn (đoạn 2);
o Nhóm biến đổi nhiều nhất (đoạn 1) và ít hơn (đoạn 2);
o Nhóm có chỉ số tăng (đoạn 1) và chỉ số giảm (đoạn 2)

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

Ví dụ 1: The bar chart shows figures of annual coffee and meat consumption.

 Câu hỏi 1: Có bao nhiêu đối tượng xuất hiện trong bài (countries,
products, years, emissions…)?
o Có 2 đối tượng là nhóm nước và nhóm sản phẩm tiêu thụ
(coffee và meat)
 Câu hỏi 2: Nên chia bài theo đối tượng nào để có so sánh nhiều nhất,
dễ viết nhất
o Phương án 1: chia theo nhóm nước -> nếu so sánh các nước
với nhau, tức 1 đoạn phải so sánh 2 số liệu là coffee và meat
cùng 1 lúc trong cùng 1 đoạn -> khó viết và khó hiểu cho người
đọc. (LOẠI)
o Phương án 2: chia theo nhóm sản phẩm -> đoạn 1 viết meat,
đoạn 2 viết coffee -> bài đơn giản chuyển thành so sánh 1 số
liệu (cụ thể ở đây là meat hoặc coffee) trong các nước. (CHỌN)

 Đoạn 1: viết coffee

 Đoạn 2: viết meat

 Câu hỏi 3: Nên chọn cách chia theo nhóm như thế nào? – Không cần trả lời vì đã chia được đoạn.
Bài mẫu trang 15.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

Ví dụ 2: The bar chart compares consumer spending on six different items in Germany, Italy, France and Britain.

 Câu hỏi 1: Có 2 đối tượng là nhóm nước và nhóm sản phẩm

tiêu thụ (personal stereos, tennis racquets…)
 Câu hỏi 2:
o Phương án 1: chia theo nhóm sản phẩm -> 1 nhóm sản
phẩm có rất nhiều nước -> khi so sánh các sản phẩm ta
phải so sánh nhiều số liệu của các nước khác nhau ->
khó viết, khó hiểu cho người đọc. (LOẠI)
o Phương án 2: chia theo nhóm nước -> (1) nhóm nước
ít hơn nhóm sản phẩm nên dễ khi so sánh k có nhiều số
liệu bằng; (2) khi so sánh nhóm nước -> bài đơn giản
chuyển thành so sánh số liệu của 2 quốc gia tiêu thụ
nhiều sản phẩm. (CHỌN)
 Câu hỏi 3:
o Phương án 1: so sánh nước tiêu thụ ít nhất với cao nhất
(đoạn 1 – Britain vs Germany), các nước khác còn lại
(đoạn 2 – Italy vs France) - OK
o Phương án 2: so sánh nhóm nước tiêu thụ nhiều nhất
(đoạn 1 – Britain vs France), các nước ít nhất (đoạn 2 –
Italy vs Germany) – OK
Bài mẫu trang 16.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)


Đây là cách chia dễ nhận biết nhất, cứ thấy có bao nhiêu thì (tense) -> chia bấy nhiêu đoạn
The graph shows the percentage of population in
urban areas around the world from 1950 and 2030
Nhìn mục thời gian -> có 2 thì (quá khứ và tương lai); và
3 năm (1950, 2007, 2030)
 Đoạn 1: 1950
 Đoạn 2: 2007
 Đoạn 3: 2030
Bài mẫu trang 17.

Chia mỗi biểu đồ viết 1 đoạn.
VD: Bài kết hợp line chart và bar chart
 Đoạn 1: viết line chart
 Đoạn 2: viết bar chart

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)





1. A was developed/converted into/replaced with B and was also extended/expanded to the East to connect with
2. A pier, roads, and footpaths have been added to give access to the island
3. A short vehicle track has been laid linking the pier directly to the reception building, which was constructed at
the center of the island.
4. Accommodation buildings have been built and organized along a circular footpath.
Language of positions 5. Footpaths have been cleared/demolished/removed to connect these areas to each other and to make the
reception, a restaurant, and a beach accessible.
6. While the beach on the western side of the island remains as it was, the area surrounding it has been designated
as a swimming area.
7. The east is the only portion of the beach that has not yet been altered.
8. A railway line runs through/crosses/goes through/passes through the town.
9. The factory in the city Centre was relocated to the north of the city.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

The map illustrates / describes the changes of A town over / during a period
of 30 years / over a 30-year-period.

The most noticeable change can be seen in residential areas with the
replacement of trees with parking lots.

To begin, there are several new installment/ construction in residential areas.
1. Từ nối câu (in đậm gạch chân)
On the north east of the town, houses are built next to the river. Some
MODEL ESSAY 2. Từ chỉ location và sự thay đổi (in
apartments were replaced with the center park / a ferry constructed to
connect the town with the outside. Also/ in addition to this, a foot path has
been laid linking the center of the town to housing areas / accommodation

The business sector and recreational areas also have some major changes.
While the factory has been extended / expanded to the south west of the
city, the park is relocated to the outskirt on the far East coastline. Behind the
river, the shopping mall is constructed (and organized) along the railway
which is next to the accommodation buildings/ the apartment. However, the
railway station remain as it was during 30 years.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)


Vàng = Children
Xanh = Adults

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)


Chú ý thì (tense) sẽ phụ thuộc vào thời gian:
OPENING - Không có thời gian -> present tense
- Có thời gian -> past/present/future (tùy vào bài)
Ver 1:
The timetables illustrate the changes in____
Sen 1 The timetables illustrate the changes in activity schedules in
Newton Swimming Pool for both children and adults.
Ver 2:
The timetables compare the differences between The timetables compare the differences between a current
a current and proposed/ revised version of___ and proposed/ revised version of weekend activities in
Newton Swimming Pool.
OVERVIEW Thay đổi lớn nhất = Trẻ em T7; Người lớn CN
Ver 1:
Overall, the most noticeable change is the separation of
Overall, the most noticeable change is____,
Sen 2 adults and children classes, and there are new classes
introduced/offered exclusively for both customers during the
given period.
Ver 2:
Overall, while activities for children and adults are
Overall, while activities for____, new classes are
separated in two distinct days, new classes are introduced/
introduced/ offered_____
offered exclusively for both targeted customers during the
given period.
BODY 1 Chia theo Children
(nhận xét chung) According to the proposed/ revised schedule, children
Sen 3 According to the proposed/ revised schedule, activities are only available on Saturday from 9.00am till
_____are only available____ afternoon.
While swimming classes for Beginner, Intermediate and
Sen 4 While _____ remains as it was, ______ cancelled. Advance level, and Water Safety remains as it was on
Saturday, all 3 classes on Sunday are cancelled.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

Additionally, this arrangement adds an exclusive Water Polo

Additionally, this arrangement adds ______
Sen 5 session for children to 12.00-13.00 slot which is used to be a
which is used to be (đã từng là gì) ____
break time.
BODY 2 Chia theo Adults
(nhận xét chung)
With regards to adult classes, all sessions are shifted to
Sen 6 With regards to adult classes, _______are shifted
Sunday in the new timetable.
Although the class for novice swimmers discontinues,
Although _____ discontinues, _____ double, and compared to 1 in the past, Water Safety is double, and it
Sen 7
it takes place at _______. takes place at 2 different hours – 13.00-14.00 and 15.00-
16.00 on Sunday.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)


Nguồn: Simon, Liz, IELTS blog và bài viết từ cá nhân Ryan

Line graph
1. The graph below gives information about car ownership in Britain from 1971 to 2007.

The graph illustrates the proportion of households using

cars in the UK during 1971 and 2007.

It is noticeable that car ownership in the UK increased

during the given period. While the percentage of
households with two cars increased, there was a decrease
in the proportion of families without any cars.

In 1971, the proportion of households without a car stood

at nearly 50%, slightly higher than that of households having
one car, at just over 42%. By contrast, only nearly 9% of
British households owned 2 cars and a mere 1 % of
households owned more than 3 cars, which was the lowest
recorded figure.

From 1971 onwards, while the percentage of families

owning one car remained stable, that of households
without any car dropped to approximately 25% in 2007. By
contrast, the proportion of families in the UK who owned
two cars increased slightly to nearly 26% and the figure for families with more than two cars rose by almost 5%.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

2. The graph shows the amounts spent on apparel on the internet in USA and Japan between 1999 and 2003.
The graph compares amounts of money spent online on apparel in
USA and Japan starting from 1999 and 2003. It is clear that although
at first Japanese buyers were spending much more money than
Americans did; as the years went by the spending habits of 2
countries became almost identical.

In 1999 Japan was spending on apparel almost twice as much as USA

(10 versus 5 Millions of dollars). In the following year apparel
expenses of both Japan and USA grew even bigger to 12 and 10
million respectively. The only year when expenses plunged in both
countries was 2001, when USA spent only 8 and Japan reached the
bottom of 7 million.

Two following year, 2002 and 2003 showed rapid increase in apparel
sales in both countries. In 2002 USA spent about 19 million and
Japan’s numbers were very close (18 millions). Online apparel sales
became even more popular in 2003, pushing the figures to the peak
of 20 million in both Japan and USA.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

Bar graph
1. The bar chart shows figures of annual coffee and meat consumption.
The bar chart compares the amounts of coffee and meat
consumed every year in Norway, France, Germany, USA,
Russia, China and Japan. Overall, the amount of meat
consumption is much higher than that of coffee. While
Western people prefer both meat and coffee, Asian people
show least interest in the products.
The lowest rates of coffee consumption are recorded in China
and Japan, 2 and 3 kg per person respectively. The next three
countries have higher rates, consumption of coffee in USA
totals in 4 kg per person, while France and Russia have equal
consumption rates of 5 kg per person. The highest numbers
belong to Germany and Norway, 7 and 9 kg per person
Meat consumption numbers are much higher in all countries;
the highest numbers are recorded in USA, 122 kg per person
and the lowest in Japan. Meat consumption in Russia, 45 kg and China, 47kg is similar to that of Japan, 42 kg. Three other countries
have much higher numbers, starting with Norway, 60 kg and progressing through France with 72 kg to Germany which consumes
about twice as much as Japan, 87 kg per person.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

2. The bar chart compares consumer spending on six different items in Germany, Italy, France and Britain.
The bar chart compares consumer spending on
six different items in Germany, Italy, France and

It is noticeable that people in Britain spent

considerably more money than people living in
the other three nations on all six products. Of
the six items, photographic film was spent the
most money on.

People in Britain spent just over £170,000 on

photographic film, which was the highest
recorded figure on the chart. By contrast, the
lowest overall spenders were German, with
roughly the same figures (just under £150,000)
for each of the six items.

Levels of spending on toys were similar/equal in

France and Italy, at nearly £160,000. However,
the amount spent by French on photographic
film and CDs was at £165,000 and nearly £158,000 respectively, slightly higher than that of Italians. By contrast, people in Italy paid
out more for personal stereos, tennis racquets and perfumes. French people spent around £145,000 on tennis racquet, which was the
lowest figure shown on the chart.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

3. The graph shows the percentage of population in urban areas around the world from 1950 and 2030.
The bar chart compares the rates of people
living in cities around the world in the years
1950, 2007 and projections in 2030.
It is noticeable that the proportions of city
dwellers increase around the world between
1950 and 2030. North America is expected to
see the most significant changes in its urban
In 1950, the percentage of city dwellers in North
America doubled the world average (at 64%
and 29% respectively), followed by Europe
(52%) and Latin America Caribbean (42%). By
contrast, much lower proportions of Asians and Africans were living in the inner city, at around 16%.
In the next 56 years, while there was a steady increase in the figures for North America and Europe, rising to 79% and 72% respectively,
urban population in Latin America Caribean doubled to 76%. Similarly, Asia and Africa had a twofold increase in the percentage of
city dwellers, at about 40%.
Looking into the future, the percentage of population living in the city in North America is predicted to reach a peak of 87% in 2030,
whereas that of the world will increase by 11% to 60%. Around half of Asian and African population is anticipated to live in urban

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

1. The table below shows the monthly expenditure of an average Australian family in 1991 and 2001.
The table illustrates the amount of monthly
spending of Australian households on six
different types of goods for the years 1991
and 2001.
It is noticeable that there was an overall
increase in monthly spending of Australian
households. These families spent more
money on Food, Electricity and Water,
Housing and Other goods and services.
In 2001, expenditure on Non-essential
goods and services was highest among six
types of goods, with a rise of 20 Australian
Dollars (AUD). Similarly, Australian
household spending on Food, the second
most popular item, rose from 155 AUD to 160 AUD. It was considerably higher than those for Electricity and Water and Housing, at
120 AUD and 100 AUD respectively.
In stark contrast, the amount of money spent on the remaining two items declined. Monthly spending on Transport witnessed a
dramatic fall from 70 AUD in 1991 to 45 AUD in 2001. Spending on Clothing was lowest, which declined from 30 AUD to 20 AUD.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

2. The table below gives information about Favorite Pastimes in different countries. (unit: %)
The table illustrates seven different types of
activities that are preferred in pastimes with
residents aged between 30 and 50 from different
It is noticeable that Reading, Hobbies and TV are
three most popular recreational activities among
all countries. By contrast, the least common
recreations are Sport, Beach, Music and Sleep.
Of the most common categories, the percentages
of middle-aged people choosing reading are
similar among Japanese, Koreans and Chinese
people, at around 60%. While about 60% of
Canadians, Australians and Americans spend freetime watching TV, the figure for China is considerably lower, at 15%. By contrast,
China has the highest level of people enjoying hobbies, at 50%, compared to only 20% of France and England.
With regard to the less common categories, there are around 21% -30% of people in 30-50 age group being involved in sports in each
country, except for France, England and Japan as there are no figures recorded. The percentages of people interested in listening to
music, going to the beach or sleeping in all countries are relatively insignificant.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

Pie chart
1. The pie charts show the amount of revenue and expenditures over a year of a children’s charity in the USA.
The pie charts illustrate the distribution of revenue
sources and expenditures during a year of a charity
for children in the US.
Overall, the charity relied on Donated Food as its
principal revenue source, while it spent the most
money on Program Services. It is also noticeable
that the total amount of incomes just exceeded
This children’s charity received Donated food as its
main source of revenue, accounting for 86.6% of the
total revenue. The second significant source was
generated from Community Contributions,
constituting 10.4%. Income from Program Revenue
contributed much less, at 2.2%. The remaining
sources from Investment income, Government Grants and Other incomes represented a disproportionately small shares, occupying
0.8% collectively.
Concerning expenditures, Program services constituted the largest cost to the charity, at 95.8%. Its expense on Fundraising and
Management and General were significantly lower, representing only 2.6% and 1.6% respectively.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

2. The charts below give information on the ages of the populations of Yemen and Italy in 2000 and projections for 2050
The pie charts compares Yemen and Italy in terms of its
population in the year 2000 and projected population in
Overall, aged population in both countries will increase
during the given period. Italy had older population than
Yemen in 2000 and the same is anticipated in next five
Half of Yemeni population were under 14 years old in 2000,
compared to just over 14% of Italians. While the lowest
share in Yemeni population (nearly 4%) was 60 years old or
above, that of Italy was much higher, at 24%. Similarly, the
15-59 age group in Yemen accounted for just over 46%,
much lower than that of Italy, representing 62%.
It is envisaged that the percentage of the youngest bracket
in Yemen will drop to 37% in 2050 and that of Italy to 11.5%.
While the proportion of 15-59 age group in Yemen will
increase to 57.3%, that of Italy will decrease by 15%. The
oldest bracket in both countries will show an upward trend,
with a much higher rise in Italy, growing to 5.7% and 42.3%

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

The diagram presents the manufacturing process of two types
of tea, pu-erh raw tea and pu-erh ripe tea. Although the first
three stages are the same for both teas, it can be seen that the
methods of production differ in the final stages, which accounts
for the resulting variations in the two teas.
First, the tea leaves that have been picked are pan fried in order
to inactivate the enzymes. Following this, the tea is rolled and
afterwards spread out on a round mat so that it can dry under
the sun. Once it has been dried, the loose raw tea is ready to
be turned into either ripe tea or raw tea. This is where the
process diverges.
To make pu-erh ripe tea, the loose tea is fermented by being
left to mold. Having completed the fermentation stage, the
resulting loose ripe tea is then compressed, after which the tea
is ready for sale. Regarding the alternative process, before
being ready for sale as vintage raw tea, the loose tea is first
compressed, and then left to age by storage.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

The flow chart shows how waste paper is

It is clear that there are six distinct stages in
this process, from the initial collection of
waste paper to the eventual production of
usable paper.
At the first stage in the paper recycling
process, waste paper is collected either from
paper banks, where members of the public
leave their used paper, or directly from
businesses. This paper is then sorted by hand
and separated according to its grade, with any
paper that is not suitable for recycling being
removed. Next, the graded paper is
transported to a paper mill.
Stages four and five of the process both involve cleaning. The paper is cleaned and pulped, and foreign objects such as staples are
taken out. Following this, all remnants of ink and glue are removed from the paper at the de-inking stage. Finally, the pulp can be
processed in a paper making machine, which makes the end product: usable paper.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

The map illustrates the changes that have occurred in
Templeton, a seaside resort, over a 10 year period
beginning in 1990 and ending in 2005. The most noticeable
change is the replacement of many green areas with several
major infrastructure projects.
To begin, there were several major changes to transport in
the town. An airport has been built beside the river on the
outskirts of the town. In addition to this, a ferry port was
constructed on the far east coastline, with a new railway
extension line passing by the ferry port, continuing along
the coast and crossing over a new bridge so it connects to
the west side of town.
There have also been changes to the business sector in
Templeton. A factory can be seen in the south east of the
town behind the new railway line, and a supermarket has
been built over the river in the west of Templeton, running
alongside a new road.
The residential landscape has also altered, particularly on
the west side of town, where large apartment blocks now
stand in place of the houses.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan (VER. 3.2)

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