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Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook) have had a huge negative impact on both individuals and society.
To what extent do you agree?
Sen 1 (paraphrase the topic) Social media/network; a Some people believe that Some people believe that social network, for
detrimental effect; users; local instance Facebook, has a detrimental effect on
communities users as well as local communities.

Sen 2 (answer ALL the Beneficial to the individual; While I accept that While I accept that such sites are mainly beneficial
questions) Damaging effect on local to the individual, I also argue that they bring a
communities damaging effect on the society.
, I also argue that

Topic sentence 1 Benefits to individuals On the one hand, with regards to individuals, On the one hand, with regards to individuals, the
impact that online social media has had on each
individual person has clear advantages.

Idea 1.1 Countries are brought together First, countries First, countries are brought together through
social networking sites such as Facebook and

Written by Vu Hai Ryan

Supporting sentence 1.1 International friends, business In fact, by In fact, by accessing such online communities,
connections to find a new job users are able to instantly reach international
friends and even business connections which
would enbale them to seek an overseas career
regardless of their distance.
Idea 1.2 Communities; share common Second, Second, social groups offers communities in which
interests participants share common interests.

Supporting sentence 1.2 ➔ Exchange ideas and improve This means that This means that individuals, especially young
techniques -> fitness… adults, have a chance to meet, exchange
knowledge and even offer solutions for real-world
problems such as nutritional diet and physical
conditions with like-minded counterparts.

Topic sentence 2 Negative for society On the other hand, On the other hand, the effect that Facebook and
other social networking sites have had on societies
and local communities can only be seen as
Idea 2.1 Discourage real interactions First, First, citizens are prone to become addicted to
these online websites which discourage face-to-
face communication.
Supporting sentence 2.1 Society -> disjointed and In fact, since In fact, since people choose to take more interest
fragmented in virtual world, they would no longer participate
in their local community, and this eventually
results in a disjointed and fragmented society.

Written by Vu Hai Ryan

Second, despite its convenience, over-reliance on

Sedentary lifestyle habits and sleep such virtual communication tool would be
Idea 2.2 Second, despite/in spite of
disruption conducive to sedentary lifestyle and sleep

Consequently, this would cause community

health to deteriorate and put more pressure on
Deteriorate community health ->
Supporting sentence 2.2 Consequently, public health centers, which requires the
pressure on public health centers
Government spend more public expenditure on
healthcare system.

In conclusion, although social networking sites
Sen (paraphrase sen 2 – Social networking sites – closer have brought individuals closer together, they
In conclusion,
opening) users together; bad effects have not had the same effect on society or local

Written by Vu Hai Ryan

Many people believe that social networking sites (such as Facebook) have had a huge negative impact on both individuals and
society. To what extent do you agree?

Some people believe that social network, for instance Facebook, has a detrimental effect on users as well as local communities. While
I accept that such sites are mainly beneficial to the individual, I also argue that they bring a damaging effect on the society.

On the one hand, with regards to individuals, the impact that online social media has had on each individual person has clear
advantages. First, countries are brought together through social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. In fact, by accessing
such online communities, users are able to instantly reach international friends and even business connections which would enable
them to seek an overseas career regardless of their distance. Second, social groups offers communities in which participants share
common interests. This means that individuals, especially young adults, have a chance to meet, exchange knowledge and even offer
solutions for real-world problems such as nutritional diet and physical conditions with like-minded counterparts.

On the other hand, the effect that Facebook and other social networking sites have had on societies and local communities can only
be seen as negative. First, citizens are prone to become addicted to these online websites which discourage face-to-face
communication. In fact, since people choose to take more interest in virtual world, they would no longer participate in their local
community, and this eventually results in a disjointed and fragmented society. Second, despite its convenience, over-reliance on such
virtual communication tool would be conducive to sedentary lifestyle habits and sleep disruption. Consequently, this would cause
community health to deteriorate and put more pressure on public health centers, which requires the Government spend more public
expenditure on healthcare system.

In conclusion, although social networking sites have brought individuals closer together, they have not had the same effect on society
or local communities.
Written by Vu Hai Ryan

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