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TAHUN PELAJARAN 2020-2021 Oh, brrr, it is so cold today.
Alhamdulillah, I am wearing my sweater.
ENGLISH Guys, ... .
SIXTH GRADE All are flew every where.

Name : .................................... The best expression to complete the short text above is ... .
Class : 6 ................................. A. it is stormy today.
Day, date : .................................... B. it is sunny this time.
C. it is foggy this morning.
D. it is windy today.
Directions :
1. Read Basmalah! 3. A grasshopper, an ant, and a lady bug have ... .
2. Use your sharp 2B pencil! A. six legs and antennas
3. Write down your full name! B. eight legs and wings
4. Write neatly and clearly! C. two pair of wings and two legs
5. Write your answers on your answer sheet! D. four fins and a strong jaw

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! 4. Kenzie : Is it a scorpion?

Haekal : ...
1. Dina : Assalamu’alaikum, Ina.
Ina : ‘Alaik salam, Dina. Hi, how are you doing? The correct answer is ... .
Long time not seeing you. A. No, is it not. It is not a spider.
Dina : Alhamdulillah, I am fine. B. No, it is. It is a scorpion.
Ina, this is Khadijah, my class mate in Bandung. C. No, it isn’t. It is a spider.
Ina : Hello, Assalamu’alaikum Khadijah. D. No, is it no. It is a crab.
How do you do?
Khadijah : Hi, wa’alaikumussalam, Ina. . . . . 5. Look! It looks cold tonight.
I think I will order ... .
The correct answer is ... .
A. How are you, too? A. a glass of lemonade
B. How do you do? B. a jar of honey
C. How old are you? C. a plate of mayonaise
D. How is he now? D. a cup of coffee

6. Read this statement below! D.

This is a bird.
It can sing.
It has a curved beak

This animal has four legs.

It helps farmers to plough the soil.

The suitable table based on the description above is ... . 7. Ms. Farhanah : Jihan, . . . , please?
A. Jihan : Sure, Miss. Here it is. Anything else, Miss?
Ms. Farhanah : I think it’s enough. Thank you, Jihan.
Jihan : You are welcome, Miss.

The best expression to complete the dialogue above is ... .

A. Could you take me the blue pen on my desk?
B. Will you wait for me?
C. May I know your name?
D. Can I help you, Jihan?
8. Read this short text to answer the question!

My mother goes shopping to a minimarket. She buys a bottle of

ketchup, two cans of sardines, and a roll of tissue. My mother goes to the
fresh food corner. She takes a bunch of spinach and a basket of potatoes.
She gets a lot of things there. She takes a taxi to bring them home.

C. My mother buys ... .


B. C. like – than
D. prefer – than

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

11. These animals are ... and ... .


12. The ... need some blood to survive.


13. My sister __ R __ N __ a glass of fresh juice.

(bentuk past tense)

14. Hello, Fira. Nice to ... you.

9. Fathir : Do you like jogging, Arinda?
Arinda : ... .

The correct answer is ... . 15. There are eleven players in this sport.
A. Yes, you don’t. It is ... .
B. No, you do.
C. Yes, I don’t.
D. No, I don’t. C. Answer these questions completely!

10. Bilqis : I like playing tennis. 16. Mention two kinds of seasons in Indonesia! ... .
Dayu : I ... jogging ... playing tennis.
17. I want to make a cup of hot coffee.
The correct expression to complete the dialogue above is ... . Mention 3 kinds of the ingredients do you need! ... .
A. like – to
B. prefer – to

18. Arrange this jumble sentence!
(empat baris pertama diacak. Beri nomor sesuai urutan percakapan yang
tepat menurutmu)

( ... ) Fatih : Yes, Ummi, what can I do for you, Mi?

( ... ) Ummi : Fatih, can you help me?
( ... ) Fatih : Certainly, Mi. I’ll do it for you. Anything else?
( ... ) Ummi : I need a jar of mayonaise. Can you buy it at the mini market?

Ummi : A pack of egg and a slice of smoked beef, please.

Please, be careful, Fatih.
Fatih : Yes, Ummi. Assalamu’alaikum.
Ummi : Wa’alaikumussalam.

19. Choose one animal, then describe it with your own sentences!

It is a ... .
It has ... .
It can ...

20. This sport is from Indonesia. The players wear a black uniform.
This sport is one of martial art sports.
Hanifan Yudai Kusumah is good at this sport.
What is the sport? ... .


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