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B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering with

Specialization in Health Informatics
The health care industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the
world. The pandemic period helped realize everyone all across the world
the importance and the urgent need of Modern Healthcare technologies
and how much experienced and well-educated working professionals are
needed in this area. With India developing the vaccine for Covid-19, it is
evident that India has a lot of potential and more well-educated
professionals in this area can take India to a whole new position in the
world and can make it a giant in this industry very soon. Keeping this in
mind, Vellore Institute of Technology (Bhopal Campus) started brilliant
future-ready courses. One of which is B.Tech. in computer Science and
Engineering with a specialization in Health Informatics. This specialization
has the power to make a student immensely capable of contributing to
Healthcare Industry.

Students can only benefit in this industry. According to the

annual median salary of a Health Informatics professional is $98,000. Also,
the Indian medical tourism market has reached up to $9 billion in 2020.
With these numerical values, one can easily understand the immense
opportunities this industry holds. Health informatics is a multidisciplinary
specialization dealing with the collection, acquisition, retrieval, storage and
use of healthcare information to improve the safety and quality
of healthcare provided to patients. By Studying Health informatics one can
determine and becomes responsible for the type of healthcare patients
receive. It is one of the most rapidly growing branches of information
technology & computer science. Combining the principles of information
technology and computing technology with the health industry principles,
modern healthcare solutions are developed and this course helps cultivate
young minds to think exactly in that direction and trains their minds to
come up with amazing solutions.

The major courses included in the specialization are Data Science,

Predictive Analytics, Advanced Machine Learning, Statistical Machine
Learning, Medical Informatics, Healthcare Organization and
Administration, Epidemiology, Psychology, Business Management etc. As a
part of training, students develop expertise in data collection and its
analysis using the state of art technologies like Artificial Intelligence & Data
Informatics. Modern healthcare trends and the challenges associated with
it also constitute a major part of the industrial exposure provided to
students during their course of study.

This specialization bridges the gap between engineering and medicine. It

equips students with the skills of problem-solving and excellent computer
skills and enhances their capabilities to bring excellent and amazing
solutions to the problems faced by healthcare industry. Students can
become very proficient in innovating futuristic medical models for quick
and accurate diagnosis by studying this course.

Health Informatics is changing the scenario of healthcare by providing

computer technology-based solutions and with such a future-ready course
VIT Bhopal stands 1st in India to provide it with their best faculty members,
best teaching methods, rich diversity in campus and much more.

I am a student who has enrolled in this course and I can vouch for what I
have written.

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