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Fiil+-ing = isim fiil

Swimming, dancing

To + fiil = infinitive (-mak, -mek)

To swim, to dance


Swimming is the healtiest sport.

Enjoy, suggest, mind (gerund)

I enjoy going to the movies.

I suggest hiring a pro for his job.

I don’t mind being late.

Begin, prefer (both)

they began saying prayers. (gerund)

They began to say prayers. (inf)

I prefer drinking hot choco.

I prefer to drink hot choco.

Remember, forget, regret, try, stop

Remember + gerund:

Geçmişteki bir şeyi hatırlamak.

Forget + gerund:

Geçmişteki 1 şeyi unutmak

I remember seeing him for the first time.

I forgot promising him a pay-rise.

Remember + inf:

Sorumluluğu hatırlamak.

Forget + inf:

Sorumluluğu unutmak
He remembered to turn off the lights.

I forgot to get my purse.

Regret + gerund:

Geçmişteki 1 şden pişman olmak

I regret lending him some Money.

Regret + inf:

Üzüntü duymak

I regret to tell you that, you have failed.

Try + gerund:


We tried taking it into a bigger cage.

Try + inf:

Çalışmak, çabalamak

She tried to do her best.

Stop + gerund:


They stopped visiting us.

Stop + inf:


We stopped to buy some gas.

Edatlar + gerund

Talk about

Insist on

Believe in

She dreams about getting married some day.

You could forgive him for yelling at you.

She’s devoted to finding the truth.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Aitlik sıfatları + gerund

Onun evden ayrılışı => her leaving home made us cry.

Karanlıkta dans edişimizi => I’ll never forget our dancing in the dark.

Onun inatçı oluşu => his being stubborn makes things harder for him.

Susan’s staying at hospital makes us sad.

have fun, have a good time, have trouble, have difficulty, have a hard time, have a difficult time +

we had fun playing hide and seek.

the kids had a good time swimming in the pool.

they had trouble finding the way.

No use, (be) busy, (be) worth + gerund

There is no use waiting here.

He is busy talking on the phone.

This plan is worth trying.

Before and after + gerund

you should brush your teeth before going to bed.

Why don’t we do something fun after doing homework?

Go + spor ve eğlence + gerund

Fishing, swimming, shopping, camping, bowling, skiing, skating, hiking, boating, hunting, jogging,
running, sailing, climbing, dancing, sledding

Sit, stand, lie (uzanmak) + yer zarfı + gerund

She is sitting there doing nothing.

I was standing by the door waiting for the nurse.

He is lying on his bed reading a novel.

Find, catch + kişi zamiri + gerund

I found my sister sleeping on the couch.

I caught my cat scratching the couch.

Phrasal verbs + gerund

Give up: bırakmak

Get through: bitirmek

Put off: ertelemek

When exactly will you give up smoking?

Please call me when you get through studying.

I never put off paying my bills.

How + sıfat + gerund

How nice seeing you here.

I wouldn’t know how beautiful sky diving could be.

fiil + nesne + fiil (inf)

our teacher advised studying harder.

Our teacher advised us to study harder.

They suggested renting a car.

They suggested me to rent a car.

Sıfat + inf

It is nice to see you here.

I was sorry to give her the bad news.

She was so lucky to be alive.

Be about to: -mek/mak üzere

When we got there, they were about to leave.

The poor dog was about the die when we took it out of the mud.

See (görmek), hear, listen + fiil (yalın) / gerund

She saw me play baseball.

She saw me playing baseball.

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