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Six steps after the Time marker is advanced: terrain obstacle or hindrance in an intervening
▪ The triggering player reshuffles his deck and hex does.
discard pile. 2. An intervening fence, hedge or wall hexside
▪ The triggering player makes a Sudden Death (excluding any one of the six hexsides of the
roll (if appropriate). sighting or target hex) can block LOS.
▪ The Defender gains one VP. 3. LOS is always reciprocal: if unit A can see unit B,
▪ The triggering player must remove one then unit B can see unit A.
Smoke marker. 4. Intervening units do not block or hinder LOS.
▪ Set up any Reinforcement units now 5. An intervening hindrance reduces Accuracy/
occupying the space with the Time marker. Targeting rolls and FP by its listed LOS value.
▪ Both players may play “Dig In” Actions. ▪ Hindrance that reduces FP to zero or less
Game Design by Chad Jensen 3. Players alternate Turns until EITHER: prevents the Fire Attack entirely.
▪ A player places an eliminated unit ▪ Hindrance is not cumulative — only the

Rules Summary on his Surrender marker; single largest hindrance value applies.
▪ A player’s last remaining unit on 6. Blaze or Smoke hinders LOS into, out of, and
the map is eliminated; through an entire hex, including the hexsides.
Steven McDougall, 12 March 2010 (Original)
Paul Cornelissen, 28 July 2013 (Version 2.3)
▪ A player’s last remaining unit voluntarily 11. Weapons
exits the map;
▪ A Sudden Death roll succeeds. 1. Some Weapons have a detrimental
modifier to the carrying unit's
1.1 Hand Size a) Check when Time ≥ Sudden Death.
Movement (shown in red).
b) Triggers if a die roll < Time.
A player's hand size is based on his Posture. 2. When a healthy unit is activated, its
Hand Size 7. Victory Conditions Weapon is also activated.
3. Only an unbroken and unsuppressed unit may
Attacker 6 cards
Elimination/Involuntary Exit VPs (LOST) fire its Weapon.
Recon 5 cards (place units on the Casualty Track to tally against auto Surrender)
Defender 4 cards 4. A Weapon can be transferred from one unit to
Squad 2 VPs another unit in the same hex for a cost of 1 MP.
Team 1 VPs
1.9.1 Die Triggers Leader 1 VP + Command 5. A Weapon can be voluntarily eliminated by its
Hero 0 VPs current owner at any time.
1. Any die roll made while resolving a trigger
cannot itself produce another die trigger. 6. Every Broken Weapon in play is
Voluntary Exit VPs (GAINED) checked for Fix/Elim when a Random
2. Die triggers are resolved before any results of (place units on the Time Track with Weapons for reentry)
Hex is generated (Sniper! or Event!).
the die roll are applied. Squad 2 VPs
Team 1 VPs 7. Satchel Charges and Molotov
3.3 Leaders Leader 1 VP + Command Cocktails are single-use Weapons.
Hero 0 VPs
1. Activated Leaders may activate Orders
friendly non-Leader units within Objective VPs 1. A unit or player may be activated only once per
his Command Radius to carry out 1. The last sole occupant of an Objective hex gains
the same Order. player Turn.
control of it.
2. Leaders add their Command 2. All units must be properly identified for
▪ All hexes of a building Objective must be free activation before an Order can be carried out.
Number to the FP, Range, Movement, and of enemy units to gain control.
Morale to all non-Leader units and their non- 3. An Order must be executed to its conclusion
2. Open VPs are awarded and lost immediately as before the next Order can be given.
ordnance Weapons in the same hex (even if the
control of Objective hexes change.
Leader is not activated).
3. Hidden VPs are awarded only at the end of a (Pass)
5. Sequence of Play game (by way of Surrender, last eliminated unit, Discard any number of cards (including zero) up to
last exited unit or Sudden Death). his nationality's discard capability, then draw back
Active Player up to a full hand size (see Posture).
1. Play one or more Orders (up to his OB limit) and
8. Stacking
1. Up to seven soldier icons are Advance
any number of permissible Actions in response
to any Actions played by his opponent, OR allowed per hex. 1. MPs and terrain Move Costs are ignored when
2. Discard any number of cards (including zero) up ▪ The elimination of overstacked advancing a unit into an adjacent hex.
to his nationality's discard capability, THEN units is enforced at the end of 2. Advancing units may:
3. Draw back up to a full hand size (see Posture). every Turn. ▪ Enter an enemy-occupied hex;
4. Players switch Turns (end all activations). ▪ One free Deploy Event is allowed per ▪ Exit off the enemy map edge;
overstack hex prior to unit elimination. ▪ Cross a Cliff hexside (no Weapons allowed)
Inactive Player ▪ A Suppressed marker must be passed onto 3. Advancing units may NOT:
Play any number of permissible Actions in one Team during a Deploy Event.
▪ Enter an impassable hex;
response to any Orders played by his opponent. 2. One Suppressed/Veteran/Weapon marker is
▪ Enter or exit a Major Bridge hex across
allowed per unit.
Discard Capability 3. One Blaze/Fortification/Smoke
anything other than a Road or Rail hexside;
▪ Exit off the left, right or friendly map edge.
A player may choose to discard from his hand marker is allowed per hex (0 allowed
instead of playing any Orders (limited by the in Water; the highest Smoke 4. Op Fire is not allowed during an Advance Order.
specific nation he commands). hindrance takes precedence). 5. If opposing units are present in a hex after an
Advance Order concludes, then Melee occurs.
Maximum Discards 9. Initiative
Germany 6 cards Melee Procedure
America 5 cards At any point during a game, a player may pass the 1. Both players may play “Ambush”
Britain 4 cards Initiative Card to his opponent to force a die result Actions (the Inactive Player must
Russia 3 cards to be re-rolled (also canceling a die trigger). play any and all Actions first).
Italy 2 cards ▪ Passing of the Initiative Card is unlimited, 2. Melee Totals: Both players add up
France 1 cards even during the same series of die rolls. their participating unit's FP values
▪ The Initiative Card is never counted against a (no Weapons) +1 for each boxed FP + die roll
6. Game Time player's hand size limit. (the Inactive Player rolls first).
1. The Time marker is advanced one space when: 3. Melee Result: The side with the lower Melee
▪ A Time! Trigger is rolled, OR 10. LOS Total is completely eliminated, OR both sides
▪ A player exhausts his draw pile (treat as if a 1. A terrain obstacle or hindrance in a sighting or are completely eliminated on a tie (a Bunker or
Time! Trigger had been rolled). target hex does not block or hinder LOS, but a Pillbox saves the occupant on a tie).
2. Defense Total (made by each unit in target hex)
Artillery Denied = Morale + Command + Cover + die roll
Break your opponent's Radio, OR eliminate it if it is 3. Fire Attack Result: Break the enemy unit if 1. Rout activates a player, not a unit.
already broken (returned to the counter mix). Attack Total > Defense Total. Suppress it if 2. A player must have a friendly
▪ NOTE: Nothing is activated during this Order. Attack Total = Defense Total (if the enemy unit Broken unit in play to Rout.
is moving, break it instead). No effect if Attack 3. Players may Rout or Recover only
Artillery Request Total < Defense Total. once per Turn.
1. Player may choose “Battery Access,” OR ▪ NOTE: Ordnance Weapons cannot participate 4. The player who played the Rout Order chooses
▪ Fix your broken Radio. in a Fire Group. the sequence in which the units Rout.
2. Choose “Fire For Effect.” Ordnance Weapon Accuracy Roll (Step 1) Rout Procedure (Step 1)
▪ Player must have an unbroken Radio, AND (an Accuracy Roll must be passed before a Fire Attack can be made)
2. Rout Total = Morale + Command + Cover
▪ An unbroken and unactivated Leader. 1. Accuracy: Determine the range from
3. Make a Retreat Roll for each unit that was
the Ordnance Weapon to the enemy
Fire For Effect Procedure unit (add in any Hindrance), make a
Broken at time the Order was given.
1. Spotting: The Spotting Round die roll, and multiply the die values. 4. Rout Results: Unit Retreats if Rout Total <
marker is placed in any hex within Retreat Roll. Suppress it if Rout Total = Retreat
2. Accuracy Result: Proceed with the Fire Attack (or
LOS of the activated Leader, then Roll. No effect if Rout Total > Retreat Roll.
Smoke placement) if die roll > range, or end
the player announces an Artillery Retreat Procedure (Step 2)
this Weapon's Fire Order if die roll ≤ range.
Barrage or a Smoke Barrage (if his
Radio allows). Ordnance Weapon Fire Attack (Step 2) 1. If a unit Retreats, it Retreats a number of hexes
equal to Retreat Roll ‒ Rout Total.
2. Accuracy: Determine the range from the Leader 1. Attack Total = FP ±1 for Elevation + die roll
to the Spotting Round (add in any Hindrance), 2. A player Retreats his own units.
▪ NOTE: Command and Hinderance modifiers
make a die roll, and multiply the die values. are excluded from an Ordnance Weapon's 3. Each hex a unit retreats into must bring it closer
▪ Accuracy Result: A hit if die roll > range, and Attack Total. than the previous hex to the owner’s map edge.
a miss if die roll ≤ range. 2. Defense Total (made by each unit in target hex) 4. Items to ignore when units Retreat:
▪ Hit: Reveal the next die roll. Use the Map = Morale + Command + Cover + die roll ▪ MPs and Terrain Costs;
Compass to shift the Spotting Round marker 3. Fire Attack Result: Break the enemy unit if ▪ “Order/Action: Fire” (Op Fire);
one hex in the direction of each die value. Attack Total > Defense Total. Suppress it if ▪ Wire effects.
▪ Miss: Reveal the next die roll. Use the Map Attack Total = Defense Total (if the enemy unit 5. Retreating units do suffer Mine Attacks normally.
Compass to shift the Spotting Round marker is moving, break it instead). No effect if Attack 6. Retreating units are eliminated if they:
in the direction of the white die value, and by Total < Defense Total.
▪ Enter an enemy-occupied hex;
the distance in hexes of the black die value.
Move ▪ Cross a Cliff hexside;
▪ NOTE: Hit and Miss die rolls ignore triggers.
1. A unit moves by expending MPs (accounting for ▪ Enter an impassable hex;
▪ NOTE: The Artillery Request Order ends the
moment a round drifts off the map. terrain/hexside costs) to enter a new hex. ▪ Exit off its friendly map edge.
2. A Weapon can be transferred from one unit to
3. Impact: The final target hex and the six
another unit in the same hex for a cost of 1 MP. Actions
surrounding hexes constitute the impact area.
3. Activated units can move together as a group if 1. Multiple Actions may be played in response to
▪ If Smoke was announced, add a
they begin and end the Move Order in the same the same game situation, and the effects of
random Smoke marker to each of
hex (the group is limited by the unit with the those Actions are cumulative.
the seven impact area hexes,
OTHERWISE lowest Movement number). 2. If both players wish to play Actions
4. Your opponent may play “Order/Action: Fire” (Op simultaneously, the inactive player must
▪ Conduct an Artillery Impact Roll against each
Fire) anytime one of your units expends MPs to perform all his actions first before the active
unit and fortification in the impact area
enter a new hex. player may play his first.
(active player determines the sequence).
5. Moving units may: 3. “Order/Action: Fire” (Op Fire) is the only Action
▪ Consult the Artillery box on the Track Display
▪ Exit off the enemy map edge. which activates something.
for Fortification Vulnerability values (cross
referenced by Radio FP). Fortifications are 6. Moving units may NOT: Opportunity Fire (Op Fire)
destroyed if the Artillery Impact Roll is ▪ Enter an enemy-occupied hex;
exactly equal to the Radio's FV value. 1. Played by the inactive player after his opponent
▪ Cross a Cliff hexside; expends one or more MPs during a Move Order.
▪ NOTE: A Jammed! Trigger does not break the ▪ Enter an impassable hex;
Radio during Artillery Request attacks. ▪ Only one Op Fire attack is allowed per
▪ Enter or exit a Major Bridge hex across movement expenditure (hexside crossing).
Fire anything other than a Road or Rail hexside; ▪ Target hex must be the newly entered hex.
1. A unit or Weapon must have an enemy unit in ▪ Exit off the left, right or friendly map edge. 2. An Inactive player interrupts a Move Order to:
LOS and Range in order to fire, or to participate 7. After each MP expenditure, the inactive player ▪ Play an “Order/
in a fire group (as a set of pieces). must play all Actions he wishes before the Action: Fire” card,
2. A Weapon can be activated active player may play his first. activate one or
when its owning unit is 8. Road: A unit gains +1 to its Movement number more units, Weapons, or Leader (no
activated, although it may if it entered a Road hex during a Move Order. Ordinance) to fire at the target hex, AND/OR
make a separate fire attack. ▪ Fire at target hex with one or more units,
3. A Jammed! Trigger breaks Weapons, or Leader that were activated for
all firing Weapons, but the current fire attack 1. Recover activates a player Op Fire during the same Move Order.
continues to resolve. (himself), not a unit. 3. Units activated for Op Fire remain activated to
2. A player must have friendly fire at targets for the duration of a Move Order.
Individual Fire Attack Broken and/or Suppressed units in 4. Once a Move Order is finished, the Op Fire units
1. Attack Total = FP + Command ±1 for Elevation play to Recover. cannot be activated again this Turn.
‒ Hindrance + die roll 3. Players may Recover or Rout only once per Turn.
2. Defense Total (made by each unit in target hex)
= Morale + Command + Cover + die roll Recover Procedure
3. Fire Attack Result: Break the enemy unit if 1. Remove all Suppressed markers from friendly
Attack Total > Defense Total. Suppress it if units.
Attack Total = Defense Total (if the enemy unit 2. Recover Total = Morale + Command + Cover
is moving, break it instead). No effect if Attack 3. Make a Rally Roll for each unit that was Broken
Total < Defense Total. at time the Order was given (active player
chooses sequence).
Fire Group Attack GMT Games, LLC
(all Pieces must form a continuous chain of adjacent firing units) 4. Recover Results: Unit Rallies if Recover Total > P.O. Box 1308
1. Attack Total = FP +1 for each Piece + Command Rally Roll. Suppress it if Recover Total = Rally Hanford, CA 93232-1308
±1 for Elevation ‒ Hindrance + die roll Roll. No effect if Recover Total < Rally Roll.

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