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l Kyiv registers world’s worst air pollution on April 16-17 – page 4

l Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program’s milestone – page 7
l Bandurist Chorus holds virtual streaming rehearsals – page 13

The Ukrainian Weekly

Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association


Ukraine, Russia-backed militants Easter is celebrated in Ukraine

conclude another prisoner swap amidst concerns about COVID-19
Faithful urged to stay home and watch services online

by Roman Tymotsko since the start of restrictive measures in the

country, police have made 7,000 adminis-
KYIV – As Christians of the Eastern trative reports. There are clergy on this list
Churches prepared to celebrate Easter on as well. “According to the decision of the
April 19 (according to the Julian calendar), Minister of Internal Affairs, all law enforce-
there was concern that potential large ment officers who serve near churches are
crowds of worshippers could further fully provided with all necessary means of
spread COVID-19. According to Ukraine’s protection for a few days in advance,” said
Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov, the Mr. Shevchenko. Some religious centers,
number of those infected with the novel such as Kyiv’s Pecherska Lavra, are closed
coronavirus had grown significantly after to visitors; police and guards are on duty to
Palm Sunday services held a week earlier. prevent anyone from entering.
This fact compelled the government to Amid the nationwide coronavirus quar-
focus on preventing crowds on Easter. antine, Metropolitan Epifaniy, primate of the
Presidential Office of Ukraine According to the National Police, about 7.5 Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), held
Ukrainian citizens being released on April 16 at the Mayorske checkpoint in the million citizens took part in religious ser- Easter services in Kyiv’s St. Michael’s
Donbas during an exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and Russian-backed forces vices last year on Easter. If a tenth of the Golden-Domed Monastery. The Church and
in eastern Ukraine. faithful came to churches this year, Ukraine media representatives this year arranged an
could suffer another coronavirus outbreak, online broadcast of the Easter liturgy. “We
RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service The “separatists” said 14 people were
according to the director of the Ministry of unite in prayer, and may the Lord’s blessing
handed to them by Kyiv authorities.
Internal Affairs Communication Depart­ be upon us all. May peace, hope and love
KYIV – Ukraine and Russia-backed mili- The Ukrainian and Russian sides in the
ment, Artem Shevchenko. prevail,” Metropolitan Epifaniy said. The ser-
tants have exchanged a total of 34 prison- so-called Trilateral Contact Group (TCG)
“To prevent this, we held talks with the vice, held without the direct participation of
ers ahead of the Julian calendar Easter cele- said last week that they had agreed on to
Council of Churches and asked the faithful the faithful, lasted more than three hours.
brations. hold the swap before Easter on April 19.
not to come to services, but to stay at
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelens­ Heidi Grau, special representative in
home,” Mr. Shevchenko said. He added that (Continued on page 12)
kyy’s office said on April 16 that 20 Ukraine of the chairperson-in-office of the
Ukrainians who were in the custody of the
militants were returned to Kyiv. (Continued on page 2)

Sisters of St. Basil make masks

UWC defends itself against ban for local health-care workers
in Russian Federation by Sean McLaughlin than most – they are monastics after all. Yet
even their timeless regime of prayer and
UWC Prosecutor General and the Ministry of FOX CHASE MANOR, Pa. – The Sisters of ministry was altered by the pandemic.
Justice of the Russian Federation with the the Order of St. Basil the Great might be
TORONTO – The Ukrainian World Tver District Court of Moscow. The UWC handling the COVID-19 quarantine better (Continued on page 13)
Congress (UWC) is challenging the July is represented in this court case by UWC
2019 decisions by the Office of the regional vice-president and lawyer Serhii
Prosecutor General and the Ministry of Vynnyk, from Omsk, Russia.
Justice of the Russian Federation (RF) that On March 11, following several court
declared the UWC an “undesirable” organi- hearings, the Tver District Court of
zation and banned its activities in the RF. Moscow dismissed the UWC’s lawsuit.
Deeming UWC an “undesirable” orga- The court listed the following UWC
nization is yet another example of the actions as key reasons for its decision:
continued violations of human rights and • Promotion of anti-Russian political
efforts to assimilate and isolate the initiatives to return Crimea to Ukraine
Ukrainian minority in the RF from the and strengthen sanctions against the
global Ukrainian community, Ukraine Russian Federation;
and the democratic world, the Ukrainian • The 147 international trips to 51
World Congress noted. countries made by former UWC
The judicial challenge is headed by President Czolij, during which about
UWC’s Committee on the Protection of 1,500 bilateral meetings were held,
Rights of the Ukrainian World Congress where he advocated for the protection of
and its network, which is chaired by the the territorial integrity of Ukraine from
former UWC president and lawyer Russian aggression and called on those
Eugene Czolij. countries to deliver effective measures to
On October 9, 2019, the UWC filed a
lawsuit against the Office of the (Continued on page 5) Sister Ann Laszok
Sister Teodora Kopyn, OSBM, sews masks.


Moscow’s new ‘Cossack’ paramilitary units Chornovol under house arrest lockdown],” Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal

could possibly be used against Ukraine A court in Kyiv has placed former law-
maker Tetyana Chornovol under house
said. He said the plan consists of five stages,
and the starting point is the day when the
lockdown is lifted. “According to optimistic
arrest on suspicion of murder during dead- forecasts, this day should come on May 11.
by Paul Goble Understanding what is going on and
ly anti-government protests known as the Therefore, today we will extend the lock-
Eurasia Daily Monitor what is at stake requires recognition that
Euro-Maidan in February 2014. The down up to this date as a condition for the
the most important divisions among
Pechersk district court ruled late on April coming of this first day, which will symbol-
Recent reports that Moscow is deploying Cossacks today are not among the tradi-
16 that Ms. Chornovol, a member of the ize the beginning of emergence from the
Cossack groups along the Russian- tional “hosts” like the Don, Kuban, Terek
European Solidarity party led by former lockdown,” Mr. Shmyhal explained. He
Ukrainian border near the Kharkiv, Sumy and so on that defined Cossack life for
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, will noted that the beginning of emergence
and Chernihiv regions of Ukraine are much of the imperial period. Rather, today’s
stay under house arrest until June 8. Police from the lockdown would be possible only
extremely worrisome, as the Kremlin divisions are between the descendants of
searched Ms. Chornovol’s home in Kyiv on if, within 10 days, the percentage of new
ostensibly used similar units in its initial these historical communities (who number
April 10, and later she was officially coronavirus cases in the country does not
invasion of southeastern Ukraine in 2014. several million) and the officially registered
informed that she was a suspect in the change and will fluctuate within 5-7 per-
Such revelations may presage a new “Cossack” organizations set up by the Putin
murder of an employee of the office of the cent. Ukraine had a total of 6,592 coronavi-
Russian move against Ukraine and be regime. The official organizations are
pro-Russia Party of Regions. The man died rus cases as of April 22, according to the
intended as an attempt to muddy the Cossack in name only and have been used
waters about who is behind any aggression. against the Kremlin’s opponents domesti- after the party’s office in downtown Kyiv Public Health Center of the Health Ministry
But at the same time, they are the latest cally and abroad. was set on fire. Investigators say Ms. of Ukraine. (Ukrinform)
sign that the Kremlin wants to have groups The genuine Cossack groups – as Chornovol led a group of people who set
the building on fire, which the former law- Occupied areas of east not part of tally
with which it can maintain a certain plausi- opposed to the state-created Cossack units
ble deniability when engaging in destabiliz- – are currently pressing hard to be listed as maker rejects. Mr. Poroshenko last week
criticized the State Bureau of Investigations Around 4 million people in eastern
ing or aggressive operations both interna- a separate nationality in the 2020 Russian Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions are
tionally and within the Russian Federation. census (, December 17, 2019). (SBI) for launching the probe against Ms.
Chornovol, a former investigative journalist not part of the tally of coronavirus cases,
In late March, Oleksandr Belokobylsky of These genuine Cossacks only this week though the region is under threat. Neither
Radio Liberty’s Ukrainian Service reported achieved a signal victory when a Krasnodar well-known for her anti-Kremlin stance,
calling it “an attempt to rewrite the history the Donetsk nor Luhansk “people’s repub-
that Moscow had dispatched Federal court reaffirmed the right of an individual lic” is recognized by the international com-
Security Service (FSB) specialists on previously listed as an ethnic Russian to under Moscow’s orders.” Ukraine’s Internal
Affairs Minister Arsen Avakov also criti- munity, contributing to the area’s current
Cossack affairs to prepare new paramili- declare himself an ethnic Cossack status as a coronavirus black hole. The
tary formations and to integrate them into (, April 3). cized the SBI for the investigation and
called on the SBI’s chief, Oleksandr Babikov, number of coronavirus infections is rising
existing Russian Army forces, so as to pro- Such moves are a threat to the Kremlin’s rapidly, there is no personal protective
vide them with professional military train- promotion of ethnic Russians as the unique to resign. Mr. Avakov publicly recalled that
Mr. Babikov used to be a lawyer of Russia- equipment to be bought anywhere, and
ing (Radio Svoboda, March 26). According “state-forming” nation in the country by there is a shortage of capable doctors,
to Mr. Belokobylsky, last autumn, President potentially cutting its numbers by a million friendly former President Viktor
Yanukovych, who led the Party of Regions according to a local nurse who spoke to
Vladimir Putin effectively signaled the or more. To counter such efforts at Cossack RFE/RL on condition of anonymity. There
importance of the Cossacks in these and self-determination, Moscow has been play- before winning the presidential election in
February 2010. Mr. Yanukovych was top- are also a very limited number of tests for
other domestic and foreign siloviki (securi- ing up the role of its “registered” Cossacks, the coronavirus, and no ventilators for
ty services) operations by naming Ataman who invariably declare that they are “a mili- pled by the Euro-Maidan protests in
February 2014 and has been residing in patients who need assistance with their
Nikolai Dolluda as their overall command- tary stratum” of ethnic Russians. The breathing due to COVID-19, the nurse said.
er. Notably, Mr. Dolluda was actively Kremlin has assigned them ever more Russia ever since. (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian
Many residents are not taking the pandem-
involved in the annexation of Crimea six responsibilities related to domestic control, Service)
ic seriously, and because local authorities
years ago (,, including sending Cossacks to break up Ukraine extends lockdown until May 11 have allowed many businesses to remain
November 5, 2019). demonstrations and provide them with open, the streets are still bustling with peo-
Moscow used Cossacks in Crimea as well more money and status to try to attract The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has ple – a strange sight at a time when much
as the Donbas and has promoted the inclu- others to their ranks (see EDM, August 9, approved a draft resolution extending the of the world is practicing social distancing.
sion of “Cossack” units in the Russian mili- 2018 and March 18, 2020). coronavirus lockdown through May 11, but And despite the coronavirus pandemic,
tary at various points over the past five Even as Moscow has boosted its with a slight relaxation of the regime. The fighting rages on. The coronavirus was offi-
years to address the problems of the declin- “Cossacks” at home and abroad, the gov- decision was made at a government meet- cially slow to arrive in the separatist-held
ing size of the Russian draft pool. However, ernment has tightened its control over ing on April 22. “We will make a decision to areas. The forces in control claimed zero
the new alarm sounded by the Radio them, underscoring their status as crea- extend the lockdown until May 11 since, cases in March, although Ukrainian officials
Liberty journalist appears to be based on tures of the Kremlin rather than a nation according to the calculations of the in Kyiv suggested an uptick in pneumonia
the claims of an anonymous Ukrainian tele- (see EDM, July 18, 2019). Some experts [National] Academy of Sciences, we expect cases there likely meant coronavirus cases
gram channel, @UkraineHack. This channel have suggested this has been the objective a peak between May 3 and May 8. We have
said a few days earlier that Cossacks are from the beginning (, November 7, a very clear plan of emergence [from the (Continued on page 10)
now going to be brought into the Russian 2012). Consequently, if Moscow does use
military as professional soldiers with their its registered Cossacks either to beef up the
own units and suggested that they will be
playing an expanded role in the Donbas
and elsewhere (see Eurasia Daily Monitor,
occupation forces in the Donbas, as it
already has done, or launch a new round of
aggression, these “Cossacks” will be fully
The Ukrainian Weekly FOUNDED 1933
March 7, 2018;, March An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.,
30, 2018;, July 29, 2019). (Continued on page 10) a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80.
Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices.

Ukraine, Russia-backed... er exchanges.

In September 2019, Russia and Ukraine
The Weekly:
(ISSN — 0273-9348)

(Continued from page 1) each exchanged 35 prisoners. In December,
Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900
Ukraine turned over 124 prisoners to the
Organization for Security and Cooperation militants in exchange for 76 Ukrainians Postmaster, send address changes to:
in Europe (OSCE) and in the TCG Group, they held. The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz
hailed the move in a statement, expressing The latest prisoner swap came as United 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas
hope that “it will contribute to strengthen- Nations Secretary-General Antonio P.O. Box 280
ing trust between the sides.” Guterres in March called on warring parties Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail:
Mr. Zelenskyy commented on the official in conflicts around the world to halt fight-
website of Ukraine’s president that negoti- ing due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Ukrainian Weekly Archive:
ations on the release of those detained in
the occupied Crimea and in Russia are With reporting by Ukrayinska Pravda, The Ukrainian Weekly, April 26, 2020, No. 17, Vol. LXXXVIII
ongoing. “Ukraine must liberate all its citi- UNIAN, Interfax and TASS. Added to this Copyright © 2020 The Ukrainian Weekly
zens,” he underscored, as he pledged to RFE/RL story is information from the
continue to implement a strategy to return Presidential Office of Ukraine.
Ukrainian citizens illegally detained in the Copyright 2020, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA
temporarily occupied territories and in with the permission of Radio Free Europe/
Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040
Russia. Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, fax: (973) 644-9510
President Zelenskyy, who was elected Washington DC 20036; (see and advertising manager
last year on promises of ending the conflict (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040
in the eastern regions of Donetsk and backed-separatists-begin-new-round-in- Subscription Department
Luhansk, had already overseen two prison- prisoner-swap/30558758.html).


Russia’s May 9 Victory Day parade is postponed by COVID-19

by Pavel Felgenhauer service personnel were gathered in special issued a statement that real-time rehears- plebiscite that was to publicly legitimize
Eurasia Daily Monitor parade drill camps to extensively rehearse als “are impossible at present since the new constitutional changes granting Mr.
the ceremonial march they would perform COVID-19 outbreak has not yet peaked.” Putin the right to be re-elected for two
The anniversary celebrations of victory in Mr. Putin’s regal presence. The schedule He expressed confidence that the Russian more presidential terms, until 2036 (see
over Nazi Germany in May 1945, which of closures of Moscow’s downtown dis- people would unite anyway to celebrate Eurasia Daily Monitor, March 19). But the
ended World War II in Europe, have tricts was announced to allow the troops to May 9 at home, with family, and “together COVID-19 pandemic and the social distanc-
become the main yearly public relations run live on-spot rehearsals with tanks, guns we will overcome the present threats.” ing measures imposed in Moscow and
event in President Vladimir Putin’s Russia. and other equipment in the city streets and The military parade and “other mass pub- other regions had already forced an indefi-
Annual May 9 military parades began in on Red Square. Weapons systems, including lic events” will still happen later this year, nite postponement of the national plebi-
1995, when then-president Boris Yeltsin scite (see EDM, March 26). Now, the May 9
used the 50th anniversary of Victory in celebrations have also become victims of
Europe Day (VE Day) as a grand occasion to The grandiose celebrations of Victory Day, at the coronavirus.
redeem Russia’s military prestige, seriously which a number of foreign leaders and state Mr. Putin is scheduled to run for re-elec-
tarnished by the disastrous first Chechen tion, in accordance with the amendments,
War. In Soviet times, there were only three
delegations were expected, would have enhanced only in 2024. The April 22 and May 9 event
military parades in Red Square on May 9: in Vladimir Putin as a top world leader abroad postponements certainly do not detract
1965, 1985 and 1990. and, maybe more importantly, internally. from or directly threaten Mr. Putin’s power.
May 9, 2020 – the 75th VE Day anniver- But they were both supposed to be essen-
sary – had for months been promoted by tial public relations opportunities, which
the Kremlin as the main state event of the strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles the Russian president insisted (Interfax, would have, presumably, solidified Mr.
year, to be bigger than any such commemo- (ICBMs), were moved by rail and road to April 16). Putin’s standing with the Russian people
rations to date. In Moscow, some 15,000 the capital. At the Alabino military base, in The postponement of the VE Day parade amidst serious public health and economic
service members, 225 pieces of heavy mili- the Moscow region, there is a specially built in Moscow and in all other Russian regions stress, when the qualities of his decisions
tary equipment and around 150 aircraft same-size duplicate of Red Square on is a grave matter for Mr. Putin. In his state- and leadership are being questioned.
were being prepared for deployment on which troops and heavy weapons crews ment, he insisted the decision was not A recent independent Levada poll indi-
Red Square. About 116,000 troops were train for months to prepare for each year’s taken lightly, having arrived at it “with a cates the growing erosion of active public
prepared to march in parades in 475 towns May 9 défilé (, April 2). heavy heart” (Interfax, April 16). The gran- support, which sees Mr. Putin as a remote
and cities all over Russia, doubling the But the COVID-19 pandemic decided diose celebrations, at which a number of ruler who cares primarily for the well-
number deployed for these parades in otherwise. foreign leaders and state delegations were being of the super-rich oligarchs, the mili-
2019 (, February 10). First, on April 15, a “reliable source” in expected, would have enhanced Mr. Putin tary, the police and security services (silovi-
Massive and costly preparations contin- the Kremlin told journalists an announce- as a top world leader abroad and, maybe ki), who are his true base of power. Of
ued in Moscow and all over Russia despite ment was imminent about the parade more importantly, internally.
the coronavirus pandemic. Thousands of postponement; on April 16, Mr. Putin The Kremlin was planning an April 22, (Continued on page 14)

EuroParliament pushes for Eastern partners’ greater integration, slams Russia’s illegal actions
by Rikard Jozwiak Federation.” Among other things, in the telecommu- for local elections and securing free access
RFE/RL In Georgia, Moscow has stationed troops nications field the document suggests cre- for humanitarian aid organizations.”
in the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and ating “a roaming-free regime between the A group of international observers is
BRUSSELS – The European Parliament South Ossetia since it recognized their inde- EU and Eastern Partnership countries and currently tracking the fighting in eastern
will call for the creation of a “common eco- pendence following the five-day Russian- an intra-Eastern Partnership one as soon as Ukraine as part of the Organization for
nomic space” between the European Union Georgian war in 2008. The majority of the possible.” Other suggestions include the Security and Cooperation in Europe’s
and the six former Soviet republics of its world’s countries consider Abkhazia and establishment of an Eastern Partnership Special Monitoring Mission.
Eastern Partnership program as part of a South Ossetia to be Georgian territory. University in Kyiv.
process of “gradual integration” into the Meanwhile, Russia seized Ukraine’s The draft document also proposes set- Copyright 2020, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted
bloc, according to a draft report seen by Crimea region in 2014 after sending in ting up “an extended international peace- with the permission of Radio Free Europe/
RFE/RL on April 15. troops and staging a referendum deemed keeping force along the Ukraine-Russia Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW,
The parliamentary draft report also illegitimate by at least 100 countries. border,” in which an EU-led mission Washington DC 20036; (see
denounces Russia’s “illegal” actions in Moscow is also supporting armed separat- “should be offered for deployment to the
Eastern Partnership countries – Armenia, ists in the deadly conflict in eastern Ukraine. parties in the conflict, to assist in tasks such ment-pushes-for-eastern-partners-greater-
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and The Eastern Partnership program was as de-mining, assisting with preparations integration-slams-russia/30557682.html).
Ukraine – including what it calls destabili- launched in 2009 and is meant to bring the
zation, invasion, and annexation. six former Soviet republics closer to the EU
The document is to be debated by the
European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs
without clearly offering future member-
ship. Quotable notes
Committee in the coming weeks and could Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine have
potentially be endorsed by the full chamber since inked Association Agreements with “The coronavirus pandemic in Ukraine has sped up the revanche in Ukraine, its
in May. the EU, including free-trade deals, but sev- readiness to demonstrate its strength and readiness to carry out reprisals with
A Brussels summit bringing together the eral member states have been reluctant to everyone who defended the country from the criminal regime of [Viktor] Yanuko­
leaders of the 27 EU member states with discuss the issue of these countries’ eventu- vych and Russian aggression.
those of the six Eastern Partnership mem- al membership. “People warned about this revanche in 2019, when Volodymyr Zelenskyy won the
bers is scheduled for June 18. But several The European Parliament, which has in presidential election and his party, Servant of the People, won the parliamentary
EU diplomats told RFE/RL the gathering the past called for further enlargement to election. Participants in the Maidan who supported the new president, worked for
might be postponed to the second half of the east, states in the draft report that his election, became national deputies, ministers and bureaucrats, didn’t want to
the year due to the coronavirus pandemic. “while accession is not foreseen under the believe in this revanche.
In a veiled reference to Russia, which has framework of the Eastern Partnership, the “Now, the same charges that have been brought against Tetiana Chornovol can be
vehemently opposed efforts by countries of Eastern Partnership policy can facilitate a brought against anyone. Today – Chorn­ovol. Tomorrow – [Minister of Internal Affairs
the ex-Soviet bloc to get closer to the EU and process of gradual integration to the EU.” Arsen] Avakov. The day after – any deputy from Servant of the People who participat-
NATO, the European Parliament will “con- The document adds that the European ed in the Maidan. And afterwards – to the supporters of the party. For the revanche,
firm the sovereign right of the Eastern part- lawmakers want to “embark on a process to everyone is the same.
ner countries to freely choose their individu- create a common economic space, including “Volodymyr Zelenskyy is not the head of this revanche. He is its tool. The revan-
al level of cooperation or integration with services, that facilitates deeper economic chists needed a weak and ineffectual president, who won’t prevent them from form-
the EU,” according to the draft report. integration and convergence with the EU ing a power vertical and begin an offensive against Ukraine, organizing that very
The document also “strongly condemns policies and deeper economic cooperation same ‘civil conflict’ about which Vladimir Putin is dreaming, turn the society against
the continued violations of fundamental among the Eastern Partnership countries the government, and make it easier for Russia to occupy new territory. The Kremlin
principles and norms of international law themselves.” will need to distract Russians in times of economic crisis. Why not with war against
in the Eastern Partnership region,” citing The lawmakers will express support for Ukraine? ...”
“illegal use of force, invasion, destabiliza- a gradual integration of the six countries – Ukrainian political analyst and journalist Vitaliy Portnikov, writing on the espres-
tion, annexation, borderization and occupa- into the EU’s energy union, transport com- website on April 10. (The translation above is by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress
tion of territories of several Eastern munity and digital single market, according Daily Briefing.)
Partnership countries by the Russian to the draft report.

For two days, Kyiv tops list of cities with worst air pollution
by Roman Tymotsko
KYIV – Ukraine’s capital topped the live Air Quality and
Pollution City Ranking on April 16 and 17, as the city with
the dirtiest air in the world. Its Air Quality Index (AQI) was
the highest for those two days at 380. Two Chinese cities
followed Kyiv – Shenyang with 180 and Chengdu with 171.
The Kyiv City State Administration explained the phe-
nomenon by citing wildfires in the Zhytomyr region and
forest fires in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, as well as
northwest wind gusts. “The radiation background is within
the norm,” local authorities assured the public. However,
they called on residents of Kyiv to limit time spent out-
doors, keep windows closed (especially at night and early
in the morning), use air conditioning equipment and air
purifiers, and drink up to three liters of water a day. Earlier,
the city and surrounding areas suffered a dust and sand
The dust storm was caused by climate change, accord- Maks Levin, RFE/RL
ing to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center. A snow- Fires in the Zhytomyr region are one of the main reasons for Kyiv’s air pollution.
less winter and lack of normal rainfall resulted in aerial
erosion of soils and reduced groundwater levels, which actions,” said Mr. Zelenskyy. thinking about burning grass, keep in mind that it can cost
caused the dust that was brought by a northwest wind to “I urge all citizens not to panic. We remember the les- you 153,000 hrv or even imprisonment,” Mr. Zelenskyy
the capital. sons of April 26, 1986 [the day of Chornobyl nuclear disas- added.
“Due to bad weather, on the Kyiv-Kovel-Yagodin high- ter]. And no one will hide the truth from you,” the president Due to fires in the Zhytomyr region, local authorities are
way, 55 kilometers from Kyiv, there was a serious road said in his address. “The truth is that the situation is con- calculating the damage caused to residents, and the
accident that involved six cars,” stated the National Police. trolled there. Background radiation in the capital and the Cabinet of Ministers will consider the issue of compensa-
The accident resulted in four deaths and some injuries. The Kyiv region is within normal limits. Of course, we note the tion for these losses. “This assistance will have to be pro-
cause of the accident was lack of visibility due to the dust assistance of the weather. But we have no right to forget vided from the reserve fund. If people have lost their
storm. about people who have been fighting the fire for 10 days: homes, if they need building materials, we should see what
The air-pollution problem was so visible that it rapidly 1,500 of our rescuers and 110 vehicles, including planes they need and help. The state has to support its citizens in
became the most-discussed topic in the Ukrainian media. and helicopters, were involved in extinguishing the fire in such a difficult period,” Mr. Zelenskyy said.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy began an address to the the Exclusion Zone,” he noted. According to preliminary data, about 50 people were
nation about the coronavirus situtation not with the main The president thanked firefighters and rescuers for the displaced as a result of the emergency. The estimated loss
issue, but with a message about the fire in the Exclusion courageous fulfillment of their duty and underlined that amount is 25 million hrv (about $925,250 U.S.). Many
Zone’s forest. “Six points of fire outbreak were eliminated. they have been risking their lives because of the thought- burned houses were empty; therefore, there are no casual-
There is no threat to the nuclear power plant, spent fuel less actions of individuals. “I strongly advise anyone who ties among the population.
storage and other critical facilities,” he reported. “As of now, has not yet understood why you cannot burn grass to see “Firemen say there is no radiation in the air. Experts
there is no open fire in the Exclusion Zone. The National photos from the scene of the fire. To see the exhausted have taken measurements between Kyiv and Chornobyl,”
Police have already detained the people who caused the faces of the firefighters, their bloody, burnt hands. I believe
fire, and they will bear strict responsibility for all their that we are a smart and adult nation. But if someone is still (Continued on page 9)

UWC defends... have suffered from serious state-sponsored

intimidation and violations of human and
(Continued from page 1) national rights. State policies of cultural, reli-
gious and linguistic discrimination are
address the occupation of Crimea and parts intended to assimilate the Ukrainian minori-
of eastern Ukraine. These measures includ- ty in the RF, the UWC pointed out. Ukrainian
ed provision of military assistance to community organizations in the RF continue
Ukraine, strengthening sanctions against to be oppressed and dissolved by state
the RF, and suspension of Nordstream2 authorities. Relevant examples include the
pipeline construction. These meetings dissolution in 2011 of the Federal Cultural
emphasized that the RF was destabilizing Association of Ukrainians in Russia and in
neighboring countries through various 2012 of the Union of Ukrainians in Russia,
activities such as cyberattacks and interfer- which was the umbrella organization repre-
ence in their election processes. senting the interests of all Ukrainian organi- The UNA ANNoUNces
• Organizing discussions that focused on zations in the RF and a member organization
Russian aggression, the occupation of
Crimea and the security risks of Nordstream
of the UWC.
Among the examples of intimidation ScholarShipS and awardS
2 at events of the Parliamentary Assembly of against Ukrainian community leaders in
the RF is the launch of a recent criminal
for StudentS attending college
the Council of Europe, World Economic
Forum in Davos, European Commission, investigation on contrived pretences in the 2020-2021 academic year.
United Nations and other international against Mr. Vynnyk, a prominent communi-
forums. ty leader in the RF, a member of the UWC
leadership team and UWC’s legal represen- Students wishing to apply for a UNA scholarship or award must meet
• Initiating the global action “Red Card
for Putin” as part of preparations for and tative in the RF. the following criteria:
during the 2018 World Cup to put pressure A few days after Mr. Vynnyk’s filing of l Have been an active, premium-paying UNA member for at least
on Russian authorities. the UWC’s legal challenge in Moscow, his two years by June 1st of 2020;
The UWC has appealed this decision of home and law offices were raided, and doc-
uments were confiscated on November 4, l Have had a life insurance policy or an annuity, valued at a minimum
the Tver District Court in Moscow, arguing
that the Ukrainian World Congess has not 2019, by Russian authorities. On January of $5,000 during the last two years (term policies excluded);
violated any Russian or international laws. 29 of this year, en route to represent the l Be enrolled in an accredited college or university in USA or Canada.
The UWC contends that the Office of the UWC in a Moscow court, Mr. Vynnyk was The application for a UNA scholarship or award must be postmarked no
Prosecutor General and the Ministry of removed from his flight by authorities and
later than June 1, 2020.
Justice of the Russian Federation contra- was served with an order banning him
vened Russian laws by declaring the UWC from leaving Omsk. For complete details and applications, please call the UNA Home Office
an “undesirable” organization and banning “The RF’s continued military aggression or visit the Our Benefits page on the UNA website at:
its activities in the RF. Furthermore, the and occupation of parts of Ukraine, as well
as its ongoing human rights violations
UWC states that the Tver District Court of
Moscow committed a serious error by against citizens of the Russian Federation,
adopting as its decision the position of the its Ukrainian minority and the people of Ukrainian National Association, Inc.
Russian authorities. Russian-occupied territories of Ukraine,
The UWC expressed thanks to the repre- must not go unpunished. This, together 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054
sentatives of the Embassies of Ukraine, the with the decision to ban the activities of the 800-253-9862 ext. 3035
United States and Canada for attending the UWC in the Russian Federation, requires a
court hearings to monitor the proceedings. strong international rebuke, including
The Russian Federation is home to one of increased economic and political sanctions
the largest Ukrainian minorities in the by the international community,” stated
world. For many years, Ukrainians in the RF UWC President Paul Grod.

The Ukrainian Weekly
What about “A Ukrainian Summer”? Journalist savagely beaten during Euro-Maidan
Dear Readers: We’ve had some inquiries about our annual supplement called “A
Ukrainian Summer,” which traditionally appears in the first issue of May. Some asked
faces dubious charges of “murder” on Maidan
us whether the deadlines for the issue were the same as in previous years or had ent charges, and Ms. Chornovol notes that
by Halya Coynash
they been adjusted because many organizations had not yet made their final deter- several envisage sentences of between five
minations about their summer programming. Others asked if they could submit Kharkiv Human Rights Protection
Group and 15 years’ imprisonment. The SBI itself
some information on summer offerings now and additional information later, as the says that, if the charges are proven, the sus-
situation with the coronavirus pandemic became clearer. The major question was: Ukraine’s increasingly controversial pect faces a sentence of 10 to 15 years, or
Will there be a summer supplement this year? State Bureau of Investigations has informed life imprisonment.
The closer we got to May, the more evident it became to us and all concerned that Tetyana Chornovol, a former national depu- The SBI statement makes no mention of
our regular summer supplement could not be published on May 3, as would have ty, journalist and victim of a near-fatal the hardly irrelevant fact that the fire was
been the case in keeping with our longstanding tradition. (This would have been the attack during the Euro-Maidan, that she is started on one of the bloodiest days of the
annual supplement’s 24th year!) under suspicion of murder. Ms. Chornovol Euro-Maidan – the first of two days when
“Tabir Ptashat,” the Plast day camp at Soyuzivka for children age 4-6, announced has reacted with anger, saying that she is peaceful protesters were gunned down.
it was cancelling its program for 2020. New York City decreed that all street festivals, being persecuted by the same people who, Ms. Chornovol does not deny setting
concerts, parades, etc. scheduled for May would not be allowed to take place; the in December 2013, tried to kill her. She alight the office of the Party of Regions,
cancel-lation of such “nonessential events” was later extended through June. Thus, believes this is part of efforts to rewrite the which was then President Viktor Yanuko­
the St. George Ukrainian Festival planned for May 2020 was not to be. A similar history of the Revolution of Dignity, as the vych’s ruling party, but rejects any accusa-
decision was made by the city of Yonkers, N.Y., thereby necessitating the Euro-Maidan protests became known, and tion of involvement in murder. She says that
cancellation of the Yonkers Ukrainian Heritage Festival in mid-June. Soyuzivka political repression for her role in the she and her husband were trying to distract
Heritage Center, Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization and the Ukrainian American movement. the attention of enforcement officers in
Youth Association were reported to be awaiting rulings from state and county Officers arrived at Ms. Chornovol’s home order to save Maidan activists and to set the
health authorities in New York about whether and/or when camps could be held. in the morning of April 10 and carried out a “titushky,” or government-hired thugs away
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s All Saints Camp announced it was postponing search. They asked to see clothes that she from others and onto them.
its opening until August 31, but noted that the campgrounds in Emlenton, Pa., could wore during the Euro-Maidan, and took Yuri Butusov, chief editor of,
re-open earlier if the safety and well-being of all campers, staff, volunteers and visi- away a jacket, helmet and backpack. They approached Serhiy Horbatyuk, the former
tors could be guaranteed. Meanwhile, the UOC Camping Program announced it also removed a trophy weapon and tele- director of the Department for Special
would provide online content for campers of all ages. The Ukrainian Bandurist phone, both of which Ms. Chornovol Investigations, which was in charge of most
Chorus informed its fans that the tour of western Canada which had been scheduled believes they had no right to take. Euro-Maidan cases, for his comment. Mr.
for early June has now been moved back to the fall. The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) Horbatyuk was scathing in his criticism. He
And that was just the tip of the iceberg. identified Ms. Chornovol only as a former explained that his department had carried
Therefore, we at The Ukrainian Weekly have decided that this year, instead national deputy and said that she was sus- out an investigation into the arson attack on
of publishing one issue devoted to all the Ukrainian summer happenings, we will pected “of deliberately and illegally causing the Party of Regions office and had under-
gladly publicize our community institutions’ summertime events as they are the death of another person, with this com- taken the necessary expert assessments.
announced. What does that mean? We will publish information on these events mitted on the prior conspiracy of a group of The person who died, Volodymyr Zakharov,
under the rubric of “A Ukrainian Summer” whenever such information is received. people in a way that endangered the life of had had plenty of time to leave the building,
Thus, we encour-age all organizations and organizers to keep us posted so that many” (Article 115 § 2.5 and § 2.12 of and there were no obstructions put in his
we can inform our readers and the community at large about what is available to Ukraine’s Criminal Code). The SBI writes way. It was because he began collecting the
them during the sum-mer of 2020. And please don’t think virtual events are not that Ms. Chornovol is suspected of having CCTV camera footage (whether on his own
worth sharing – do send in timely information about those too. (However, please led a group of people on February 18, 2018, initiative or on somebody’s instructions)
take into account the mail delivery times for print media.) and taken a direct part in setting alight a that he died of smoke inhalation. There are
Dear Readers: Rest assured that our Ukrainian summer has not been cancelled. building in the center of Kyiv containing the no grounds, Mr. Horbatyuk believes, for lay-
It’s just different this year. So let’s all try to make the best of this unusual situation. offices “of one of the political parties.” As a ing charges of murder over the Zakharov
Remember: We truly are in this together. And we at The Weekly are with you! result of the fire, a 66-year-old employee death and, indeed, he says that the evidence
died. directly contradicts such a conclusion.
The court order, issued by the Pechersk
District Court in Kyiv, mentions eight differ- (Continued on page 15)
April Turning the pages back...
26 Four years ago, on April 26, 2016, the 30th anniversary of the
Chornobyl nuclear disaster was commemorated in Ukraine and
Chilling déjà vu in Ukraine as criminal charges
2016 around the world.
In the early morning hours, sirens sounded in Ukraine to are brought against ex-President Poroshenko
mark 30 years since the moment that the first explosion blew
the roof off the building housing a reactor at the Chornobyl by Halya Coynash A few days before this new criminal
nuclear power plant that sent a cloud of radioactive material high into the air, drifting into investigation, Ms. Venediktova was asked
Kharkiv Human Rights Protection
Russia and Belarus, and across northern Europe. Group whether she had been appointed “to
In 2016, President Petro Poroshenko attended a commemorative ceremony at the imprison Poroshenko.” She claimed that Mr.
Chornobyl plant, which is located in the “exclusion zone” that extends to include approxi- Ukraine’s new prosecutor general, Iryna Poroshenko’s name had not come up in her
mately 1,000 square miles. Mr. Poroshenko stated “the consequences of the catastrophe” have Venediktova, has registered five criminal discussions with President Volodymyr
investigations into “possible illegal actions” Zelenskyy. She did, however, add that she
not been resolved, adding that the disaster has been “a heavy burden on the shoulders of the
by former President Petro Poroshenko understands this is how the public views
Ukrainian people” and that the country was “still a long way” from overcoming the tragedy.
when appointing Supreme Court judges. her, and says that she “somehow” believes
The Embassy of Ukraine in the United States issued a statement about the legacy of
The most extraordinary of several potential that Mr. Poroshenko also takes this view.
Chornobyl, calling it “the world’s worst accident at a nuclear power plant due to the num-
charges is of “action aimed at the violent Since Mr. Zelenskyy became president, a
ber of its victims and the scale of its effects,” adding that it will take “many more years and
change or overthrow of the constitutional worrying number of criminal investiga-
huge resources to finally overcome its effects.”
order or seizing of state power” (Article tions have been instigated by the State
The blast of radiation from Chornobyl was equivalent to 30 to 40 times what was
109 § 1 and §3 of Ukraine’s Criminal Code). Bureau of Investigations against his prede-
released by the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima in the second world war, with
This is the first criminal case against Mr. cessor. Most of them were prompted by
recorded radiation spikes in Western Europe, as well as the East Coast of the U.S.
Poroshenko since Ms. Venediktova became Andriy Portnov, who was deputy head of
The initial fires from the explosion lasted more than 10 days and were finally extin-
the country’s top prosecutor, but she actively ex-President Viktor Yanukovych’s adminis-
guished by 240 firefighters who received high doses of radiation. Thrity-one of those
promoted at least one prosecution in her tration during the Euro-Maidan and only
responders died of exposure. Those “liquidators” as they were known are credited with
capacity as acting director of the State returned to Ukraine on the eve of Mr.
managing to prevent a strong hydrogen explosion that could have resulted in an even
Bureau of Investigators (SBI). It is fairly Zelenskyy’s inauguration.
more tragic accident. In 2016, there were 1,961,904 citizens of Ukraine who had the sta-
widely believed that Prosecutor General In December 2019, for example, it was
tus of victims of the Chornobyl disaster, including 108,530 disabled and 418,777 children. Ruslan Ryaboshapka was dismissed early in reported that a criminal investigation had
More than 35,000 families receive benefits due to the loss of a breadwinner whose death March at least in part because of his refusal been launched against Mr. Poroshenko
is related to the Chornobyl disaster. to sign an indictment against Mr. Poro­ over the Minsk II agreement of February
This year, a forest fire in the exclusion zone that began on April 3 was not completely shenko. Since his dismissal, Mr. Ryabo­shapka 2015. There are definitely reasons to be
extinguished by April 17, based on satellite imagery from NASA, and it caused radiation lev- has reiterated his view that the charges were unhappy about that agreement, but it is
els to increase to 16 times above normal. A 27-year-old local resident was arrested for inten- “legal rubbish,” unlawful and without foun- absurd to charge Mr. Poroshenko with
tionally starting the fire, but no additional details could be confirmed. Kyiv was blanketed in a dation. However, he also said he thought it “state treason” over a political decision
haze of smog from that fire, but because of the coronavirus quarantine measures, most resi- likely that Ms. Venediktova would sign the made at a time when Russia was waging a
dents were unaffected. Authorities said radiation levels in the capital were within norms. document that she had, in all likelihood, co-
Source: “30th anniversary of the Chornobyl disaster,” The Ukrainian Weekly, May 1, 2016. authored while SBI acting director. (Continued on page 12)


Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program approaches 30 years of operation

by Artem Barabash
Dramatic changes that began with the collapse of the
Soviet regime provided Ukrainians with a chance to re-
establish their statehood. On July 16, 1990, the Ukrainian
SSR Parliament passed the Declaration of State Sovereignty
proclaiming the need to build the Ukrainian state based on
the rule of law. On August 24, 1991, the same Parliament
adopted the Act of Declaration of the Independence of
Ukraine, which was subsequently supported by Ukrainian
citizens in the referendum of December 1, 1991.
After prolonged Russian occupation, Ukrainians received
the opportunity to govern their own state. However, Ukraine
suffered from lack of talents to share and promote Western
democratic values. The ruling political establishment was
made up mainly of former members of the Communist Party
and needed to be replaced by a generation of intelligent and
determined Ukrainians motivated to implement best demo-
cratic practices in all areas of social life.
Understanding the need to generate such talents,
Ukrainian Canadians proposed several ideas, including
establishment of a university based on the Canadian model,
as well as a parliamentary internship program between At the CUPP 2020 final selection meeting in Lviv in November 2019: (back row, from left): Olga Spytsia (CUPP
2015 and 2016 alumna), Khrystyna Koretska, Yuliia Vavryshchuk, Valeria Shuliak, Pavlo Bryliak (CUPP 2019
Canada and Ukraine. Among the various projects, only the alumni), Anton Morgun, Mykhailo Korchynskyy, Nadiia Chervinska, Artem Barabash, Max Dzhyhun, Dmytro
internship program was destined to be implemented. Nestor, Olha Louise Boleyn, Vsevolod Vereshchahin, Iryna Kukhta, Hanna Rutkovska, (front row): Yurii Kushnir
Centennial celebrations in Canada (president of the Alumni Association), Lucy Hicks (with Yurii and Vitalina Kushnirs’ child), Ihor Bardyn, Vitalina
Kushnir, Antin Kushnir (CUPP alumni).
In 1991, Canadians celebrated the centennial of
Ukrainian immigration to Canada. To mark the event, the internship program, the initiative had no funding. imprisoned Ukrainian National Deputy Stepan Khmara.
Ukrainian Canadian Congress, with the assistance of the Convinced that a parliamentary internship program would During those visits, he met and discussed his proposal for
Canadian government led by Prime Minister Brian benefit both countries, Mr. Bardyn embarked on a fund- the internship program with Ukrainian national deputies
Mulroney, established the Ukrainian Canadian Centennial raising campaign for the program among the Ukrainian who were members of the Communist Party, with members
Commission (UCCC). The UCCC was given the mandate, with community in Canada. At the same time, to get approval for of Rukh – the People’s Movement of Ukraine, and with lead-
a budget of $1.5 million, to promote the centennial celebra- an internship program, he lobbied the speaker of the ing governmental and judicial officials. Communicating with
tions with projects of significant and lasting value. At that House of Commons, John Fraser, and the chairman of the representatives of the Ukrainian establishment, Mr. Bardyn
time, Ihor Bardyn, a lawyer from Toronto, was appointed as Ukrainian Parliament, Ivan Pliushch. realized that few if any understood or knew how Western
the vice-president of the UCCC. He was also the president of For Mr. Bardyn, this was the opportunity of a lifetime to democracy and civil society work. In the Soviet system – the
the Chair of Ukrainian Studies Foundation at the University assist his ancestral homeland and build bridges between only system they knew – decisions came down from above
of Toronto. (He would later become the director of the Canada and Ukraine in order to share Western democratic and were executed without much discussion.
internship program between Canada and Ukraine, known governance.
Approval of the program
today as the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program).
The idea of the CUPP
As its centennial project, the Ukrainian Studies Mr. Bardyn recalled that approval for the program in
Foundation at the University of Toronto established a par- The idea for a student internship program began to take both the Ukrainian and Canadian Parliaments came rela-
liamentary internship program for university students shape during Mr. Bardyn’s visits to Ukraine in 1990 and
from Ukraine. Although the UCCC approved the idea of an 1991 on behalf of Amnesty International in support of (Continued on page 14)


passed away. People can easily apply for these grants When I lived in Ukraine from 1990 to 1999, I never felt
Thank you to supporters online and, when they can’t, we go out to them. So far over more American; and when I would come home to visit, I’d
$40 million has already been distributed directly to those never feel more Ukrainian. Now, back in the U.S. for almost
of bushfire relief campaign people in need. …” two decades, I am reconciled with my identity being an
In early January the AFUO and the Red Cross staged an American (after all, I am a U.S. citizen) of Ukrainian descent
Dear Editor: event in Hobart to symbolically show some of the funds – hence, an un-hyphenated Ukrainian American. But this
The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations collected. (See The Ukrainian Weekly, January 26.) does not negate my sense of loyalty and responsibility to
(AFUO) has transferred $68,201.89 to the Red Cross to Donations kept on coming, and those who made commit- Ukraine, the land of my ancestors and the source of so
support the Bushfire Relief Campaign. ments realized them over following weeks. much spiritual, cultural and social enrichment for me.
The AFUO Campaign – Kolyada for Australia – Bushfire The AFUO extend its gratitude to all who were so gener- What helps me is the concept of transnational commu-
Relief was an extraordinary effort by Australia’s Ukrainian ous and sends a big thank you to all! nity – people who live in a particular place and feel them-
community whereby AFUO member organizations and selves part of it, but also have a deep connection to another
Stefan Romaniw, Kateryna Argyrou place.
community members all pulled together. Co-Chairs
It is another indication as to how united and effective Nick (Mykola) Deychakiwsky
this community is. When called upon, all parts of the ral- Iryna Andreeva Brighton, Mich.
lied and showed their commitment. Secretary
In doing its due diligence, the AFUO contacted the Red Darka Senko
Cross prior to transferring the funds and asked for a Chair, AFUO Humanitarian Initiatives Committee GUIDELINES FOR LETTERS
response to some of the claims made in the media as to
Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations
how funds are being spent.
The AFUO received a comprehensive response which Melbourne, Australia Please note our revised guidelines:
The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the editor
noted (in part): that react to articles published on its pages. Opinions
“We’re humbled by the thousands of people who donat-
ed – from the children who gave their pocket money, com- From an unhyphenated expressed by letter-writers are their own and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions of either The Weekly
munity groups such as yours and to those who contributed
from all parts of the world – and we’re committed to using Ukrainian American editorial staff or its publisher, the Ukrainian National
that money to help Australians affected by the bushfires to Letters must be signed (anonymous letters are not
recover and rebuild. Dear Editor: published). The daytime phone number, e-mail address
“Almost $120 million was donated in January alone, far I read Andrew Sorokowski’s “Crosscur­rents” column and complete mailing address of the letter-writer must
more than we’d imagined. We’re distributing well over $1 be given for verification purposes.
titled “Hyphenated?” (March 15) with great interest.
The length of letters cannot exceed 250 words.
million every single day to people who need it right now. Identity is a complex issue. Growing up in America as a Letters may be edited or abridged. The Weekly reserves
It’s going as grants to people whose home were destroyed, child of post-World War II immigrants from Ukraine, I cer- the right to edit for clarity, civility and accuracy.
to homeowners who need to make structural repairs to tainly experienced the angst of split identity and often Letters should be sent to or to
their primary residences, to people who were injured by would ask myself whether I was Ukrainian or American. The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280,
the fires, and to the next of kin of those who have sadly Being both was difficult. Parsippany, NJ 07054.

Dnipro NGO impacts civic engagement locally and nationally

by Adrian Karmazyn malfeasance, he explains, which is in sharp contrast to the
corruption-plagued reputation of Ukraine’s other judicial
WASHINGTON – “The development of civil society, and prosecutorial entities.
implementation of reforms and battling corruption” – And in a related activity aimed at promoting transparen-
those are the key components of the Civil Control cy, on its website CCP publishes a list of expenditures of the
Platform’s (CCP) mission, says Artem Romaniukov, a leader Deputies’ Fund – money reserved for each city councilper-
of this dynamic NGO based in the city of Dnipro. CCP was son to address particular needs of their community and
established in the aftermath of the 2014 Revolution of constituents.
Dignity and its activities are the embodiment of the ideals In Ukraine, NGO scrutiny is often not welcomed by offi-
of the Euro-Maidan. cials at any level, but non-profit watchdogs in the provinces
“Our organization was born of the Maidan” and “ideo- typically face even more challenges than their counterparts
logically we are there,” emphasizes Mr. Romaniukov. in the capital. Activists in Kyiv are shielded from possible
During the current academic year, however, he is here in retribution for their criticism of authorities by the pres-
the United States, on a fellowship of the Ukrainian ence of influential national media and international
Emerging Leaders Program at Stanford University. In a observers, including Western diplomats.
telephone interview, he provided an overview of the suc- “Working at the local level is more dangerous,” says Mr.
cesses of CCP and the challenges its activists have encoun- Romaniukov. “If you don’t maintain a high enough profile –
tered. well we all saw what happened in recent years.” He was
The Civil Control Platform (Platforma Hromadskyy referring to the killing of Kherson anti-corruption activist
Kontrol) has been engaged in a wide range of reform activi- Kateryna Handziuk and attacks on dozens of other activ-
ties but Mr. Romaniukov says he is most proud of his orga- ists. The perpetrators of such violence, in many cases, are
nization’s work in “curating” the e-procurement system not brought to justice.
ProZorro at the local level and in vetting candidates for The authorities should treat NGOs like the Civil Control
employment with the National Anti-Corruption Bureau Platform as partners in reform efforts, rather than adver-
(NABU). ProZorro – which has won international accolades saries, he notes. And, fortunately, in some municipalities
– has made the previously murky process of government where they have worked – like Pokrov and Mariupol – that
procurement more transparent by making the application spirit of cooperation has produced positive results, includ- Oleksandr Avramchuk
process and decisions about awarding of contracts accessi- ing more transparent governance, according to CCP. Artem Romaniukov
ble to the public online. During a visit to Dnipro (formerly known as
As a member of NABU’s public oversight council, Mr. Dnipropetrovsk) in May 2019, this writer came upon a bill- was his organization’s annual flagship event designed to
Romaniukov notes the group’s success in recommending board promoting a forum titled “Leave Not Stay,” featuring provide the citizens of Dnipro with a dose of optimism and
the best cadres – hundreds of detectives and other staff – then-Minister of the Environment Ostap Semerak and encourage them to contribute to reform efforts.
that have created a corruption-free environment within Eurovision music competition winner Ruslana Lyzhychko Dozens of national and international speakers are invit-
the bureau. No one on the new team has been accused of as keynote speakers. As described by Mr. Romaniukov, this ed to present their stories of success and overcoming
obstacles At the conclusion of the forum, participants are
asked if they would place a comma in the title of the event
after the word “not,” to indicate that they will “stay to
change the country for the better.” Besides the annual
forum, CCP conducts regular trainings for activists and offi-
cials throughout the year.
In a major Ukrainian industrial city like Dnipro with bil-
lowing smokestacks never far from sight, environmental
concerns are unavoidably on the minds of many residents.
Thus, activists of Civil Control launched the Save Dnipro
initiative that created a decentralized independent system
for monitoring air quality. Through the distribution of
affordable monitoring devices linked by a public online
platform, Save Dnipro created a network that provides an
accurate and reliable sense of the level of air pollution in
Dnipro and many cities throughout Ukraine. The system
has now grown to nearly 400,000 users nationwide.
Every participant is “a master” of his own individual
monitoring station, which can’t be circumvented by factory
owners or government officials, says Mr. Romaniukov. And
that’s quite emblematic of the citizen engagement and
empowerment that is being actively developed and pro-
moted by his non-profit organization at both the regional
and national levels.
Adrian Karmazyn is vice-chair of the U.S.-Ukraine
Artem Romaniukov (center) with two other fellows at Stanford University’s Ukrainian Emerging Leaders Program, Foundation’s Friends of Ukraine Network Democracy and
Pavel Vrzeshch (left) and Kateryna Bodnar. Civil Society Task Force.

Kyiv tops... The investigation is in progress.”

Rescuers have contained two of the four
head of the Office of the President, Andriy
Yermak, Internal Affairs Minister Avakov
quoted as telling investigators that he had
set some garbage and grass on fire “for fun.”
(Continued from page 4) fire beds in the Zhytomyr region and one of and the head of the State Emergency The European Union is ready to provide
the four in the Chornobyl exclusion zone. Service of Ukraine, Mykola Chechotkin, on Ukraine with assistance to battle the wild-
advised Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko. “Given “Flights over the fire zones took place in the Sunday, April 19. The officials went on a fires, Ukraine’s representative to the EU,
the information from experts, I can say that morning following the work done yester- working visit to check the wildfire situation Mykola Tochytsky, said following a conver-
in Kyiv the smoke and air pollution are a day and last night. The ground forces and there. sation with European Commissioner for
result of the arson and smoke, but there is aviation are working properly,” Mr. Avakov “During the meeting, in particular, we Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic. “During
no radiation,” Mr. Klitschko said in a video said on Twitter on Monday morning, April considered the issue of liability of the land- our conversation, Janez Lenarcic assured
address posted on Facebook. 20. “The main efforts were aimed at con- owners who might be involved in the out- that the EU is ready to provide its overall
The State Agency on Exclusion Zone taining four spots where shrubs and break of wildfires. It won’t be long before assistance to Ukraine for the settlement of
Management informed that, as of the remainders of timber were smoldering and we find out the conclusions,” Mr. Danilov the situation with wildfires in the Chornobyl
morning of April 18, personnel of services one smoldering peat bog,” the report noted. said. zone. We highly appreciate the EU’s readi-
and departments involved in extinguishing The secretary of the National Security Police have identified a 27-year-old local ness to help Ukraine,” Mr. Tochytsky said on
fires in the zone had recorded no excess of and Defense Council, Oleksiy Danilov, has resident suspected of starting a fire; he was Twitter.
radiocesium. said that the landowners who might be
Law enforcement authorities are consid- responsible for the outbreak of wildfires in
ering two possible causes for the outbreak
of wildfires in the Zhytomyr region: dry, hot
the Zhytomyr region will be called to
account if their involvement is confirmed.
The Ukrainian Weekly
Mr. Danilov said on his Facebook page
wind and attempted arson, Internal Affairs
Minister Arsen Avakov said. “That is why a that he had participated in a meeting of the on Facebook!
team of specialists of the Internal Affairs emergency operations center in the Ovruch
Ministry is working in the Zhytomyr region. district, Zhytomyr region, along with the
Like Love

adopted a proposal for a 3 billion euro mac- Commission noted. The commission stands ment and how to assist it. “Mikheil
NEWSBRIEFS ro-financial assistance (MFA) package to 10 ready to disburse the first installment as Saakashvili is well-known in the interna-
(Continued from page 2) enlargement and neighborhood partners to swiftly as possible after the adoption of the tional arena and has already demonstrated
help them to limit the economic fallout of MFA decision and upon the agreement on a the experience of successful implementa-
were going undiagnosed in these territo- the coronavirus pandemic. The proposal, Memorandum of Understanding with each tion of reforms. President Zelenskyy
ries, and confirmed the first ones only in following a preliminary assessment of partner country. The second installment believes that Mr. Saakashvili has the poten-
early April. As of April 17, the Russia- financing needs, provides for the MFA could be disbursed in the fourth quarter of tial to support the government of Ukraine
backed militants in Donetsk had reported funds to be distributed as follows: the 2020 or in the first half of 2021, provided and invited him to share his views and
32 cases of the coronavirus, and their coun- Republic of Albania (180 million), Bosnia that the policy measures attached to it have developments with the government and
terparts in Luhansk had confirmed 21 and Herzegovina (250 million euros), been implemented in a timely manner. Parliament of Ukraine,” the statement said.
infections. Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Georgia (150 million euros), the Hashemite (Ukrainian Canadian Congress Daily (RFE/RL)
Ministry on April 15 called on Russia “as an Kingdom of Jordan (200 million euros), Briefing)
occupying country to ensure the protection Kosovo (100 million euros), the Republic of More soldiers killed in action
of life and health of the population of the Moldova (100 million euros), Montenegro Ukraine talks to be held next week
Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense reported
temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine (60 million euros), the Republic of North German Foreign Affairs Minister Heiko that during the week of April 10-16, one
in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.” Macedonia (160 million euros), the Maas said April 22 he would hold talks next Ukrainian soldier was killed and eight
Among the international groups sounding Republic of Tunisia (600 million euros) and week with his Russian, Ukrainian and Ukrainian soldiers were wounded in action.
the alarm is the United Nations Office for Ukraine (1.2 billion euros). The MFA funds French counterparts to revive efforts to end Leonid Skakunenko, 32, was killed in action
the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs will be made available for 12 months in the the conflict in eastern Ukraine. The leaders on April 12 near Krymske, Luhansk Oblast.
(OCHA), which wrote in its Humanitarian form of loans on highly favorable terms to of the four countries met at a summit in In the last week, Russian-terrorist forces
Response Plan for the coronavirus pan- help these countries cover their immediate, Paris in December to revive a peace pro- opened fire on Ukrainian positions on the
demic in March that the risk of rapid local urgent financing needs. Together with the cess and for Kyiv and Russia-backed sepa- Luhansk and Donetsk sectors of the front
transmission in Donetsk and Luhansk is International Monetary Fund’s support, the ratists in the east of the country to 46 times in total, including at least 15 times
high and the regions “may face a COVID-19 funds can contribute to enhancing macro- exchange prisoners. But lingering issues with heavy weapons. On April 21, the
outbreak of considerable scale.” (Christo­ economic stability and creating space to over a timeline for local elections and con- Ministry of Defense reported that in the
pher Miller of RFE/RL) allow resources to be allocated towards trol over borders in the separatist-con- previous 24 hours, one Ukrainian soldier
protecting citizens and mitigating the coro- trolled regions remain. Mr. Maas said he was killed and four Ukrainian soldiers were
EU Commission loan to help Ukraine navirus pandemic’s negative socio-eco- had held talks with his counterparts in wounded in action. Lt. Andriy Shynkaruk,
The European Commission said it has nomic consequences, the European recent days. “We have come to the conclu- 28, was killed in action on April 20, 2020.
sion, and no one has disputed this, that key In that same 24-hour period, Russian-
parts of the agreements from the summit in terrorist forces opened fire on Ukrainian
Paris have not yet been implemented,” Mr. positions on the Luhansk and Donetsk sec-
Maas said. “That’s why it is important to tors of the front 13 times in total.
give a new impetus to the decisions and the (Ukrainian Canadian Congress Daily
implementation of the decisions,” he said. Briefing)
TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL WALTER HONCHARYK (973) 292-9800 x3040 The so-called Normandy format meeting
or e-mail will be held via video link. Separately on SBU officer accused of assassination plot
April 22, Russian President Vladimir Putin A top security official in Ukraine who
SERVICES PROFESSIONALS and German Chancellor Angela Merkel
was arrested for alleged collaboration with
spoke by phone about the conflict in
Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) is
Ukraine and welcomed the latest prisoner
suspected in plotting the assassination of
exchange, the Kremlin said in a statement.
Ukrainian Internal Affairs Minister Arsen
Germany and France have mediated
Avakov. Mr. Avakov’s deputy, Anton
between Ukraine and Russia since a peace
Herashchenko, said in a televised interview
agreement was signed in Minsk in 2015,
late on April 16 that Maj. Gen. Valeriy
but efforts at implementation have faltered.
Shaytanov of the Security Service of
(RFE/RL, with reporting by AFP, DPA, AP
Ukraine (SBU) is suspected in planning to
and TASS)
murder Mr. Avakov and Adam Osmayev, the
Saakashvili offered post of deputy PM leader of Chechen volunteers who fought
alongside Ukrainian soldiers against
Ukraine’s government has offered for- Russia-backed militants in Ukraine’s east.
МАРІЯ ДРИЧ mer Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili
Ліцензований Продавець Earlier in the day, the SBU said it detained
Страхування Життя
the post of deputy prime minister to super- an unidentified former officer also suspect-
vise reforms. Mr. Saakashvili, an ex-gover-
МАRІA DRICH nor of Ukraine’s Odesa Oblast, wrote on
ed of collaborating with the FSB along with
Licensed Life Insurance Agent Mr. Shaytanov. Mr. Shaytanov was detained
Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. Facebook on April 22 that he plans to sub- on April 14 on suspicion of high treason
mit to the Ukrainian Parliament his propos- and terrorism. A day later, the FSB
2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Tel.: 973-292-9800 ext. 3035
als “for the urgent changes” needed in “this announced that it detained a Russian ser-
very difficult period” faced by Ukraine. “It is vicewoman and a Ukrainian national in the
a great honor for me to receive a proposal annexed Crimea region for alleged espio-
from President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy to nage for Ukraine. (RFE/RL, based on
OPPORTUNITIES become a deputy prime minister. ...I also reporting by Ukrayina 24, Ukrayinska
had a very meaningful and useful conversa- Pravda and UNIAN)
tion with Prime Minister [Denys] Shmyhal,
EARN EXTRA INCOME! during which we discussed in detail all the U.S. nominates ambassador to Belarus
The Ukrainian Weekly is looking issues related to my possible work in the
government,” Mr. Saakashvili wrote. The United States has named its first
for advertising sales agents.
For additional information contact President Zelenskyy’s office confirmed the ambassador to Belarus in more than a
Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, meeting in a statement, saying the two poli-
The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. ticians discussed the country’s develop- (Continued on page 11)

Moscow’s... ple in the West have accepted as plausible or

at least as a view that they must consider.
(Continued from page 2) This latest report about Moscow’s use of
“registered” Cossacks does not mean the
under the control of the Russian govern- Russian government is definitely about to
ment and not independent actors (see launch a new round of aggression. It may
Commentaries, July 16, 2019). simply be facing difficulties manning units
The Kremlin’s reasoning for adopting in areas it now occupies. But the appear-
such a strategy is obvious: the largest his- ance of such “Cossack” units, with the plau-
torical Cossack communities overlap with sible deniability they provide, is certainly
what is now the Russian-Ukrainian border. an indication that Moscow may deploy
Moscow, in using Cossacks, can promote the them to sow confusion if and when it does
idea that these are really people from decide to again ramp up its aggressive
Ukraine who want to escape from Kyiv’s attacks against Ukraine.
“Ukraine-centric” approach. Such notions
are fully consistent with Mr. Putin’s insis- The article above is reprinted from
Run your advertisement here, tence that what is taking place in eastern Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from
Ukraine is a civil war rather than a Russian its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation,
in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section.
invasion – a position that all too many peo-

try.” The United States and Belarus first
NEWSBRIEFS announced plans to exchange ambassadors
(Continued from page 10) in September 2019 when top State Irene H. Ochrymowych (Syrotiuk)
Department official David Hale met with June 3rd, 1929 – March 16th, 2020
decade in the latest sign of warming rela- Mr. Lukashenka in Minsk. In another boost
tions between the two countries. President to its ties with Belarus, Washington on Irene H. Ochrymowych, 90, passed away on
Donald Trump announced on April 20 that January 31 omitted it from a list of coun-
Monday, March 16, 2020. Born in Lviv, Ukraine in
he intended to nominate career diplomat tries under a travel ban after earlier signal-
Julie Fisher, a top State Department official 1929 to Helen Hodowanska and Paul Syrotiuk,
ing its possible inclusion. (RFE/RL)
for Europe, to the Embassy in Minsk. Ms. Irene immigrated to the United States with
Fisher previously held assignments at Group notes 100 days since PS752 downing her parents and siblings in 1946 and settled in
NATO and served in Russia, Georgia and Canada, Ukraine, Sweden, Afghanistan Hudson NY. She was a graduate of Hudson High
Ukraine. The Senate must first approve her and the United Kingdom – members of the School, received a B.S. degree from Centre College in Kentucky, and
appointment, but it’s unclear when hear- International Coordination and Response continued post-graduate studies in chemistry at Vassar College in
ings will be held as lawmakers are grap- Group for the victims of Flight PS752 – Poughkeepsie NY. Irene married Julian Ochrymowych in 1952, and
pling with the coronavirus pandemic and issued a statement on April 16 marking they lovingly raised three children. Before settling in New Providence
will later hit the election trail. The United 100 days since the downing of a Ukrainian NJ in 1967, the growing family lived in New Orleans LA, DeQueen AR,
States recalled its ambassador to Minsk in airliner over Iran. “Today marks 100 days Dallas TX, and Humboldt TN.
2008 when authoritarian President since the tragedy of Ukrainian International
Alyaksandr Lukashenka ordered a reduc- Airlines Flight PS752: 176 people lost their Irene worked as a chemical engineer at Bellcore for 20 years before
tion of U.S. diplomatic staff in the country. lives unnecessarily when their plane was retiring in 1992. A parishioner of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic
The deterioration in relations came after brought down by a surface-to-air missile in Church in Whippany NJ, she was also a member of the Ukrainian Na-
Washington imposed sanctions in response Tehran, Iran, on January 8,” the statement tional Women’s League of America, Branch 86 (Newark), and a gener-
to human rights abuses and a political read. “Our thoughts continue to be with ous supporter of both The Ukrainian Museum in NYC and the Children
crackdown around the 2006 Belarusian their families. The members of the coordi- of Chernobyl charity. Irene and her husband were regarded as excel-
presidential election. Since then, both coun- nation group would like to take this oppor- lent bridge players; in later years, she continued to enjoy the game with
tries’ embassies have been represented at tunity to reassure the families and loved friends at the New Providence Senior Center. For the past three years,
the chargés d’affaires level. In the first visit ones of the victims that our group of minis- Irene resided at Sunrise Senior Living in Basking Ridge NJ, where the
to Belarus by a top U.S. diplomat since ters continue to work together to advocate
visiting cat Onyx would always bring a radiant smile to her face.
1994, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in for full accountability, transparency, justice,
February met with President Lukashenka compensation, and a full, independent and Irene was pre-deceased by her husband Julian, and by her sister and
in Minsk and said the United States seeks transparent investigation, to help families brother-in-law, Daria and Ihor Senyk. She is survived by son Andrew
closer ties with the country. Mr. Pompeo seek closure as they continue to grieve.” Julian Ochrymowych, daughter Dr. Christina Marie Ochrymowych and
also said that the United States “wants to (Ukrainian Canadian Congress Daily her husband Dr. James O’Krepki, and son Julian Paul Ochrymowych.
help Belarus build its own sovereign coun- Briefing)
Irene is also survived by her brother and sister-in-law, Eugene and
Stephanie Syrotiuk; nephews George Syrotiuk and Bohdan Syrotiuk;
nieces Irene Coira, Marta Grace, and Natalie Miller; and by dear friends
With deep sorrow we announce that
including Col. John Kark, Areta Arlen, and Romana Fedasiuk.
Nadia Shmigel Donations in Irene’s memory may be sent to The Ukrainian Museum
passed away of COVID-19 on April 9, 2020. (, to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
She was the widow of prominent community (, or to Tabby’s Place ( For
activist Myroslaw Shmigel, who passed away online condolences visit
in New York City on December 30, 2014.

Nadia Shmigel (née Hladyshowska) was born on

April 17, 1932 in Ternopil, Ukraine, was raised in Tyskova, a small village
in western Ukraine. In 1949, together with her parents and sister, Olya, she
immigrated to the United States as a “displaced person”. She completed
her studies with a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Hunter College in
Nadia had a distinguished career as a social worker leader in New York
City, including as Director of Preventive Services for Talbot Perkins, a
leading provider of care to disadvantaged families. With deep sorrow we inform our community
She was a member of Ukrainian National Women’s League of America that on April 16, 2020
(“Soyuz Ukrainok”) Branch 83 in New York. After professional retirement,
Nadia used her social work experience with responsibility for UNWLA’s in Flushing, New York
social assistance program from 1999 to 2002.
During her tenure at the UNWLA, she expanded the «Molochko i
Bulochka» (Milk and Roll) program for school children. She also assisted
Larissa ( Zaklynska ) Tomaselli
families that suffered during flooding in Zakarpattia in March 2001. born October 21, 1940 in Delatyn, Ukraine,
In 1998 Nadia became an alternate representative of the World passed into eternal rest.
Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (“SFUZHO”) at the UN,
and in 2000 she became an official UN representative of the WFUWO.
From 2002 to 2012 she was the primary representative of WFUWO She leaves behind in sorrow her
to the UN’s Economic and Social Council and very actively represented
Ukrainian women’s interests in several other NGO Committees affiliated
with the UN. - son Salvatore Tomaselli
In October 2018, at the 11th Congress of WFUWO in Philadelphia, she - daughter Jean Alfaro
became an Honorary Life Member of WFUWO. - son Orest Tomaselli
In September 2019 in Lviv, Ukraine, her fellow women activists awarded
her the title of «Caretaker of Ukrainian Ancestry».
Nadia Shmigel is mourned by: - grandchildren Vincent and Valentina Tomaselli
· her sister, Olya Sawchuk, with her husband, Zen Sawchuk, in Kerhonkson, - grandchildren Antonio, Giavanna and Luciano Alfaro
NY, as well as her nieces, Roxolana and Natalka Sawchuk, and families; - grandchildren Isabella Tomaselli and Violet Pryor Tomaselli
· her adopted daughter, Christina Lonkewych and family;
· her daughter, Christina Shmigel, an artist, with husband, Patrick
Moreton, in St Louis, Missouri, and son, Pete Shmigel, an executive - brother Dr. Orest Zaklynsky with wife Karitas Kristjansdottir
and writer, with wife Suzanne Houweling, and her grandchildren, - nephews Alexander Zaklynsky and Kristjan Zaklynsky
Tim Shmigel and Andrea “Pixie” Shmigel, in Sydney, Australia, and;
· family and friends in the United States, Australia, Canada and Ukraine.
In current circumstances, the funeral will be postponed and private.
May her memory be eternal!

Easter is celebrated...
(Continued from page 1)
On Holy Thursday, Metropolitan Epifaniy and the patri-
arch of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC),
Sviatoslav, called on believers to celebrate Easter at home
and not expose themselves and relatives to danger.
“Of course, we will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ
under special conditions. But we see that our believers
have responded to the Church’s call to stay at home. At the
latest service in Kyiv’s St. Michael’s Golden-Domed
Monastery, we saw that people responded to our call and
are joining prayers online,” the OCU leader said.
“We asked all our believers to celebrate this Easter at
home. And we will be able to rejoice this Easter together,
but without endangering your health and life. Therefore,
we will pray together, pray online. We will bless Easter bas-
kets while you’re home,” Patriarch Sviatoslav added. “Put
on your best clothes on Easter, turn on the telecommunica-
tions available to you, and spiritually join the Easter divine
liturgy,” the UGCC primate told his faithful before Easter.
Pro-Moscow Orthodox Churches in Russia and Ukraine
have sent mixed signals to congregations about whether Serhii Nuzhnenko, RFE/RL
they can attend Easter services. The head of the Ukrainian A believer at the Easter service in St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery in Kyiv.
Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP),
Metropolitan Onufriy, said that all believers could come Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Herashchenko. “If some- as by personnel who will disinfect vehicles. According to the
and pray outside churches while maintaining social dis- one gets sick from those parishioners who were in the Ternopil Sanitary Service, three priests of the Pochayiv
tancing. At the same time, leaders of the Russian Orthodox church that day and, God forbid, the case has a lethal out- Lavra, which is under the jurisdiction of the UOC-MP, are
Church in Russia were clear in forbidding their parishio- come, it could be a criminal sentence, imprisonment. If no confirmed to be ill with the coronavirus.
ners from visiting churches on Easter. one gets sick, and the statistics will prove this in the next Currently, in most areas of the country, the situation is
Worship services were held in 13,658 churches in all week and a half, they will be fined or suspended. But calm and controlled, said President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
regions of the Ukraine on April 18 and 19. A total of 26,500 nobody will leave it just like that,” he stressed on the air of In most churches, agreements were reached with the local
police and military personnel of the National Guard of the TV channel Ukraine 24. “The overwhelming majority of authorities and the National Police to prevent large crowds.
Ukraine provided public security and maintained order. clergy and pastors have agreed that they should comply Worship services were held in most churches either in the
The efforts of law enforcement agencies were primarily with quarantine rules and not allow people to enter presence of a small number of parishioners who main-
aimed at ensuring strict compliance with all quarantine churches, where the virus can be transmitted in a confined tained social distancing or behind closed doors with the
restrictions. In an apparent effort to prevent believers from space,” Mr. Herashchenko added. services livestreamed.
gathering, local authorities in the city of Dnipro dug a The city of Pochayiv in the Ternopil region is closed for “One hundred thirty thousand believers came to wor-
trench outside the entrance to a churchyard. entry and exit as of 10 a.m. on April 21. The decision was ship this year. Last year, seven and a half million parishio-
“Today, we can say that citizens have shown legal aware- made at an extraordinary meeting of the Kremenets District ners gathered in churches for Easter. This difference shows
ness and listened to our calls to comply with quarantine emergency headquarters after the number of patients suffer- the awareness of Ukrainians, our caring attitude towards
restrictions,” said the chief of the National Police of Ukraine, ing from coronavirus in Pochayiv in the previous 24 hours our loved ones. We have truly shown that Easter is the vic-
Ihor Klymenko. “However, during the past 24 hours, there increased by 13 persons. “In view of this and the breach of tory of life over death,” Mr. Zelenskyy said.
were more than 10 faithful [gathered at one time] in 19 plac- quarantine conditions during the Easter services on the ter- Yulia Mendel, the president’s spokeswoman, added that
es of worship in the 13 regions. The police have drawn up ritory of Pochayiv, a decision was made to introduce a regime “the situation was getting out of hand, for example, in
three administrative reports and initiated one criminal pro- of entry-exit restriction for the city of Pochayiv. We ask the Sviatohirsk, Donetsk region, where around 300 people
ceeding. The rest of the materials are being carefully citizens of Pochayiv to return to the city and stay home. We gathered in the church without observing the rules of pro-
reviewed,” added Mr. Klymenko. Most of the quarantine viola- urge guests to leave Pochayiv immediately,” Vyacheslav tection, without masks and distancing. Unfortunately, now
tions during services were recorded in the Donetsk region. Onyshkevych, the deputy head of the Kremenets District we have to be prepared that, a week later, the COVID-19
All clergy who violated quarantine restrictions in church Administration, said. Checkpoints in Pochayiv are being rein- coronavirus will break out in Sviatohirsk,” said the spokes-
on Easter will be held responsible, said Ukraine’s Deputy forced by Kremenets Military Commissariat patrols, as well woman for the President.

Chilling déjà... The criminal cases in which Ms.

Venediktova, either as SBI acting director
two appointments – that of the deputy
head of the Foreign Intelligence Service,
power or official position, under Article 364
§ 2; interfering in the work of judicial bodies
(Continued from page 6) or prosecutor general has been involved and the other of two members of the High (Article 376 § 2); non-implementation of
also elicit memories of the selective justice Council of Justice. It is these charges that court rulings (Article 382 § 4); action direct-
military offensive against Ukraine. applied under the Yanukovych regime Mr. Ryaboshapka refused to endorse, and ed at violation change or overthrow of the
That criminal investigation seemed against Ms. Tymoshenko and former mem- which he slammed as without any basis constitutional order or at seizure of state
especially chilling given the obvious paral- bers of her government ousted when Mr. after his rather abrupt dismissal. power (Article 109 § 1 and §3).
lel with Mr. Yanukovych’s prosecution of his Yanukovych came to power. The criminal investigation that Ms. The Constitutional Court on February 18
main rival, Yulia Tymoshenko, over a gas New charges announced on March 4 Venediktova has now initiated also pertains issued its judgement in response to a sub-
deal reached when Russia had cut off gas against Mr. Poroshenko were of “seizing to appointments, but this time of Supreme mission from the Supreme Court of Ukraine
supplies to Ukraine and parts of Europe. power and abuse of power.” These involved Court judges. It is supposedly aggrieved asking about the constitutionality of judi-
judges who approached the Prosecutor cial reforms introduced in 2016.
General’s Office. Even if that really is the These reforms had, first of all, dissolved
We would like to update everyone on the status of Soyuzivka’s case, there are plenty of appeals that go the old Supreme Court, and created a new
summer camp programs. We have been notified by the Ulster County unheeded, and it is for the enforcement bod- one, appointing a separate competition for
Health Commissioner that summer camp permits will not be granted ies to determine whether there are any this “new Supreme Court.” The idea behind
for the time being. grounds for a criminal investigation. Here these changes, the DeJure Foundation
Soyuzivka plans on applying for our summer camp permit and the Prosecutor General’s Office has explains, was that the new procedure
announced five such criminal cases, carrying would make it possible to clear this highest
intends to wait for further guidance from the Ulster County Health
a potential 10-year sentence, which are to be judicial body from judges of questionable
Commissioner. At this time Soyuzivka anticipates that we will be able passed to the State Bureau of Investigations. integrity. However the Constitutional Court
to hold our summer camps in some capacity. The announcement states that according revoked the 2016 dissolution of the
We will keep everyone informed and updated as to any changes in to the appeal from Supreme Court employ- Supreme Court without providing any
status. ees, the grounds for Mr. Poroshenko’s issu- instructions on the fate of both Supreme
ance of decrees appointing judges did not Courts. There were other controversial
Stay healthy and safe.
comply with the norms of the Constitution consequences of that ruling.
Soyuzivka Management
and the Law on the Judicial System and If the fact that the Constitutional Court
Status of Judges. They also complain that declares a legislative initiative to be uncon-
they were not appointed to the Supreme stitutional were to be sufficient to bring
Court, as envisaged in Article 125 of the criminal charges against the president or
Constitution, but to cassation courts which specific legislators, Mr. Zelenskyy would
the Constitutional Court found to be uncon- need to already be trembling about his fate
stitutional in February this year. They once he loses presidential immunity. All of
Soyuzivka Heritage Center
believe they were unlawfully stripped of these criminal investigations over political
216 Foordmore Road
Kerhonkson, NY 12446
the right to work and to be paid because of moves or on seriously strange charges are a the so-called dissolution of the Supreme disturbing echo of the recent past and, as
(845) 626-5641 Court of Ukraine. such, something that should worry not only
These “actions” are classified as abuse of outgoing presidents.


Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus introduces virtual streaming rehearsals

by Anatoli Murha look forward to seeing our musicians again
– because nothing replaces an in-person
PHILADELPHIA – As organizations and rehearsal – I am excited to embrace this
businesses find new ways to work during technology to work with our bandura play-
COVID-19 social distancing and shelter-in- ers and choristers, and to find new ways to
place directives, the Ukrainian Bandurist stay connected while relentlessly raising
Chorus of North America (UBC) has adapt- our artistic standards.”
ed as well. In order to stay in practice, the The UBC was set to tour western Canada
UBC has used G-Suite for Nonprofits to hold during the first week of June but has post-
virtual streaming rehearsals (VSRs). poned the tour until the fall. Mr. Murha
“Our 50 musicians are located through- notes: “We have a lot of great programming
out 10 states and three Canadian provinces,” we’re preparing for the next two concert
says UBC President Anatoli Murha. “Earlier seasons. Given our mission – to be guard-
this year, our project manager, Danylo ians of the bandura and Ukrainian music –
Smolilo, registered the UBC for Google’s we have a responsibility to continue work-
G-Suite business management solutions for ing on our programming during this time.
non-profit organizations. The UBC executive We continue to monitor, evaluate, pivot and
board knew that the organization needed a adapt carefully. We are grateful to our
more efficient way to communicate, collabo- stakeholders and supporters for staying
rate and share information. What we didn’t Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus
engaged with us during this time.”
know at the time was how important UBC Artistic Director and Conductor Oleh Mahlay leads a virtual streaming In addition to touring western Canada in
G-Suite’s video conferencing feature would rehearsal. the fall, the UBC is scheduled to perform at
be during this time to bring our musicians the Catholic University of America in
together for rehearsals.” scheduled to meet for an in-person two-day a supplemental online rehearsal structure Washington on October 24, and presenting
The UBC outlined and tested its VSR rehearsal in mid-March, we assessed the through our VSRs that we will also be able “A Ukrainian Christmas” concerts and fund-
structure before implementing it across the situation and promptly cancelled that ses- to use both in the short term and in the raisers in Cleveland and Detroit on
ensemble during the week of April 20. sion as we prioritized the safety of our long term to be more fiscally responsible December 5 and 6. For the latest informa-
UBC Artistic Director Oleh Mahlay musicians and their families. Fortunately, and ease the time and travel sacrifices our tion, readers may visit or
shares the following: “While we were we were able to work quickly to implement musicians make on a yearly basis. While I call 734-658-6452.

UBC musicians from across North America in a virtual streaming rehearsal.

Sisters... All Saints Camp moves events online

textile handiwork of Ukrainian culture with
their order’s dedication to the sick.
(Continued from page 1) The mission of the Sisters of St. Basil is
to bring about the praying, healing and life-
Most of the Motherhouse at Fox Chase is giving presence of Christ. Once social dis- EMLENTON, Pa. – After reviewing data There is an online survey for camp par-
much quieter than usual, save for one room tancing made this difficult to do in person, and guidance provided by the Centers for ticipants to provide input on how the camp
full of activity. There, the sisters engage in they found another way – one responding Disease Control and Prevention, the season and offerings will shape up, albeit in
what has quickly become an essential craft: directly to the needs of our time. Pennsylvania Department of Health, the a new format to adapt to the changing situ-
producing masks for health-care workers. American Camp Association, the ation and from home.
Sean McLaughlin is director of the Association of Camp Nurses and Orthodox “The majority of reliable and vetted
Sister Teodora sits at a sewing machine,
Basilian Spirituality Center. Camp Directors and, based on the opinion projections estimate the peak of COVID-19
where she turns rolls of fabric and lace into
today’s hottest commodity. Beautiful of health-care experts who have described cases occurring in May or June, so we
abstract and floral prints take shape and, in social distancing as “incongruous” with the implore everyone to stay home and
turn, are neatly ironed and stacked by summer camp setting, the Executive respect the directive to remain socially
Sister Olha. Now they are ready to ship: Committee of All Saints Camp has voted to distant and to resist the urge to circum-
these masks will be received by nearby postpone opening until August 31. The vent these measures before this pandemic
Holy Redeemer Hospital. announcement was posted on April 20. is eradicated,” the Executive Committee of
The project was a spontaneous initiative The decision was reached in concert All Saints Camp said in a statement
conceived during Holy Week, but it involves with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the released to the public.
two much older elements of the Basilian U.S.A. camping programs and with the A video posted on the UOC-U.S.A.
Sisters’ identity. blessing of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church YouTube channel (
First, for the task of making masks the of the U.S.A. Council of Bishops. com/watch?v=GMrnIst_BC8&feature=
sisters draw from the rich tradition of sew- Since the coronavirus pandemic is a features a message from Natalie
ing and embroidery handed down for gen- fluid situation, the Executive Committee Kapeluck-Nixon, director of Office of Youth
erations in Ukraine and later throughout said it can vote to re-open All Saints Camp and Young Adult Ministry, and Josh Oryhon,
the diaspora. Second, their involvement in before August 31 if, and only if, the safety camp director at All Saints Camp.
health care dates back to Basil of Caesarea and well-being of all campers, staff, volun- Additional information is available at www.
himself, whose monastic foundation in 4th teers and visitors is guaranteed. The UOC, as well as the Facebook
century Asia Minor helped address the Camping Program will pivot to providing pages for All Saints Camp (
medical needs of the poor. Sister Ann Laszok engaging online content for campers of all ASCofUOCofUSA) and the UOC Office of
Thus, it is fitting that today the Sisters of Sister Olha Mykhaliuk, OSBM, irons ages – readers may visit for Youth and Young Adult Ministry (facebook.
St. Basil have combined the penchant for masks. the latest information. com/uocyouth).

(Continued from page 7)
tively easily. Chairman Pliushch of the Ukrainian
Parliament was persuaded that the internship would bene-
fit both countries. At the same time, a number of ministers
of the Canadian government supported Mr. Bardyn to get
permission from Speaker Fraser of the House of Commons
to allow Ukrainian students security access to work at the
Canadian Parliament. At that time, only interns from
Canada, the United States and NATO countries had access
to the Canadian Parliament.
Arrival of the first interns
Originally known as the Centennial Parliamentary
Internship Program, the CUPP began in 1991 with the
arrival of three university students from Kyiv and Lviv.
Funding for the program had been provided substantially
by eight Canadian families. The first and most significant
donation was from the Mazurenko Family of Toronto.
Danylo Mazurenko had been Mr. Bardyn’s client and a CUPP
devoted Ukrainian patriot. Though there was not yet a CUPP alumni meet Canadian MPs in Kyiv in April 2019: (first row, from left): Marta Franchuk (2018),
complete blueprint for the program, Mr. Mazurenko under- MP MaryAnn Mihychuk, MP Hedy Fry, Alyona Shkrum (2013), Anna Novosad (2013), Alina Shymanska (2018),
stood and believed that what Mr. Bardyn outlined to him Bohdana Nosova (2004), Roman Tychkivsky (2012), (second row) Yevhen Konovalov (2018), Artem Shaipov (2014),
would be an important building block once Ukraine Yuri Kushnir (1998), MP Wayne Easter, MP Kerry Diotte, Serhiy Petukhov (2005), Volodymyr Reznichenko
emerged as an independent state. Before his death in 1990, (2017), Iryna Musiychuk (2000), MP Jim Eglinski and MP James Maloney.
Mr. Mazurenko designated $250,000 for the project. This
generous gift was placed into an endowment fund with of the Verkhovna Rada; John Yaremko, former Cabinet min- and science. Markian Malskyy (CUPP 2004) was recently
Toronto’s Ukrainian credit unions and together with seven ister in the Ontario government; who supported the pro- appointed the head of the Lviv Oblast State Administration.
additional substantial donations formed a $1 million per- gram with sound advice. Supreme Court Justice John Oleksiy Soshenko (CUPP 1995) became one of the most
manent fund from which the interest would be used to Sopinka organized mock trials with the Ukrainian interns prominent lawyers in Ukraine’s banking and finance sector.
fund the CUPP. to introduce them to the common law system. Governor- Alona Shkrum (CUPP 2013), Solomia Bobrovska (CUPP
The first three Ukrainian students came from the General Ramon Hnatyshyn and Paul Migus held seminars 2010), Roman Lozynskyi (CUPP 2016) and Rustem
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Ivan to introduce the interns to the Canadian political system. Umerov (CUPP 2003) were elected as national deputies to
Franko University of Lviv. The Canadian MPs who wel- the Verkhovna Rada in 2019. Serhiy Petukhov (CUPP
Financing for the CUPP
comed them to the House of Commons were Alan Redway, 2005) has served as the deputy minister of justice. Natalka
Progressive Conservative from Toronto; Jesse Flis, Liberal Financial support for the CUPP came from Danylo Mykolska (CUPP 2000) has served as the deputy minister
from Toronto; and Dr. Chris Axworthy of the New Mazurenko (as noted above), Anna Mazurenko, Ivan of economy. Viktor Dovhan (CUPP 2000) is serving as the
Democratic Party from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Mazurenko, the Malanchuk family, the Atamanchuk family, deputy minister of infrastructure. Elena Shyshkina (CUPP
Everything was a first-time experience for the three Wolodymyr Hrynyk, Ivan Bodnarchuk, the Halushka family, 2003) served as a national deputy in previous years.
Ukrainian interns: Canada, Canadians, the diaspora, Josef and Maria Siecinsky, Emil Telizyn, John and Julia
What’s next for the CUPP
Parliament and the cities of Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto. Stashuk, the Fedyna family, Stefan and Roma Franko,
After the end of the first internship program, the Canadian Alexandra and Eugene Sukniarsky, the Obal family, the With Ukraine’s path to further integration into the com-
MPs unanimously pronounced it a success and urged Mr. Bardyn family, William and Antonina Bazylewych, Dr. munity of rule-of-law countries, it is expected that even
Bardyn to continue the program. Roman Humeniuk, Jerry Humeniuk, James Temerty, Dr. more former CUPP interns may get an opportunity to par-
Taras Fecycz, Natalia Bundza, and two Canadian and U.S. ticipate in the decision-making process in Ukraine.
CUPP in the next decades
educational foundations Ukraine’s contemporary history demonstrates that
In succeeding years, the CUPP program grew rapidly. In democracy takes time. By educating a new generation of
Ukraine’s best and brightest
some years, there were spring and fall programs to corre- leaders, Ukraine will produce talents that can assume the
spond with the spring and fall sittings of Parliament. In the CUPP interns have made their presence felt during their stewardship of government and govern in the interest of
late 1990s, the number of applicants from Ukraine reached time in Ottawa by organizing the Ukrainian Day on both the people and the state. In this context, the CUPP
over 7,000 per year, but the program could accept a maxi- Parliament Hill, the Prayer for Peace in Ukraine (an inter- gives Ukrainian students a unique opportunity to work and
mum of only 52 students per year. faith service), and informational meetings for MPs and sen- study in the Canadian Parliament, allowing them to gain
In 1994, the interns began to publish their own ators. They have attended standing committee hearings experience from which generations of Canadian, American
Newsletter, which in the last decade has turned out to be a and interacted daily with MPs and their staff. The CUPP and Western European students had benefited.
publication of between 60 and 90 pages filled with inter- annual reception at the Embassy of Ukraine is attended by Indeed, Ukraine’s young people should know and learn
views and articles. government leaders, MPs and senators; it provides interns first-hand – not from a manual or a one-week seminar –
with an opportunity to network with Embassy officials and how democratic governance is practiced in the West. They
Support for the CUPP
Canadian leaders. ought to understand the importance of democratic institu-
The CUPP’s success would not have been possible with- During the CUPP’s 29 years, the interns have established tions and principles of free society, such as inviolability of
out the help of Lucy Hicks, Alexander and Irene Hordienko, a reputation as proactive and enthusiastic specialists able to private property, freedom of speech and due process. They
Bohdan Bardyn and Vasyl Kereliuk in organizational mat- act immediately to support any pro-Ukraine initiative with need to defend the impartiality of the police and the inde-
ters over the years. Walter Tarnopolsky, John Sopinka and their own input. The Ukrainian Canadian community could pendence of the judiciary. They must learn the lessons of
Ray Hnatyshyn also provided considerable input into the not ask for better lobbyists than the bright university stu- over eight centuries of evolution of the legal and political
CUPP’s development. dents who, while in Parliament, interact with MPs, executive tradition.
The most loyal supporter of the CUPP has been Sen. assistants, leaders of parties and the Prime Minister’s Office. The CUPP has sent back to Ukraine a small group of
Raynell Andreychuk from Saskatchewan. When she retired devoted supporters of Canadian democracy. But Ukraine
Importance of the CUPP
in 2019, the CUPP lost a very valuable Ukrainian Canadian needs more. Canada can provide such talents through the
friend on Parliament Hill. After nearly 30 years of operation, the importance of the continuation of the Canada Ukraine Parliamentary
There were other loyal supporters of the program, such CUPP for Ukraine’s future is obvious. The program has Program.
as Stephanie Hlynka, widow of Antin Hlynka, a Member of graduated the cohort of leaders who are shaping Ukraine
the Canadian Parliament from 1940 to 1949; Robert today. Andriy Pyvovarskyi and Volodymyr Omelyan (CUPP Artem Barabash, a CUPP 2020 applicant, is a lawyer. He
Magocsi, holder of the Ukrainian Chair at the University of 1998) recently served as ministers of infrastructure. Anna holds a master’s degree in law from the National University
Toronto; Bohdan Vitvitsky; Volodymyr Stretovych, member Novosad (CUPP 2013) was named minister of education of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

Russia’s May 9... Russian Federation does not have any real social safety net
to deal with mass unemployment, while the government is
the end of this summer. The Duma has promptly passed
legislation restoring September 3, 1945, as the official date
(Continued from page 3) failing to provide adequate financial support to mitigate of the end of World War II, which was previously commem-
the escalating stress. At the same time, Mr. Putin resides in orated on September 2, as in other countries
course, some 60 percent of Russians are not specifically isolation, apparently ruling remotely from his dacha. (, April 14). The legislation is backed by the
against Mr. Putin, and this inert neutral mass is the social The Russian authorities first announced they will allo- Kremlin. This reinstated Stalinist “decisive Russian defeat
foundation of the regime, which remains solidly cate some 0.3 percent of the national GDP for crisis finan- of Japanese militarism” celebration day may be designed to
entrenched and stable (Vedomosti, April 14). cial relief; now they are talking about spending some 1 per- provide Mr. Putin with a date to have his postponed mili-
The main center of the COVID-19 outbreak in Russia is cent of GDP, but that is still many times less than needed. tary parade. The overall assumption seems to be that, by
in Moscow, and the local health system (the best in the Moreover, the distribution of aid has been ineffective. And September, oil prices and the economy will be going up, the
country) is already overwhelmed to capacity; but the over- the state budget revenue has dried up on account of col- coronavirus will have dissipated, and Mr. Putin will be able
all number of COVID-19 deaths is still in the hundreds, not lapsing prices of oil and other export commodities caused to have his Red Square victory lap.
thousands. At the same time, the economic stress connect- by the world economy going into a deep recession
ed to the pandemic and quarantine measures is beginning (Fontanka, April 13). The article above is reprinted from Eurasia Daily Monitor
to hit hard. Millions may become unemployed as privately The hope in Moscow, as in many other capitals, is that with permission from its publisher, the Jamestown
owned businesses go bust and fail to pay wages. The this crisis will end soon with a rapid recovery, hopefully by Foundation,

Taylor Raddysh a Lightning prospect with potential

Rookie Taylor Raddysh turned in a most Competing in the pressure cooker of
auspicious first pro season with the representing Canada in the World Juniors
Syracuse Crunch in 2018-2019. Known as a two years running gave him an edge head-
points producer, Raddysh’s skill earned him ing into the pros. These experiences pre-
selection by Tampa Bay in the second pared him for training camp and future
round of the 2016 NHL draft. The transition challenges toward career progression. His
from junior hockey to the AHL did not inaugural pro year saw Raddysh exceed
dilute his reputation as a scorer. expectations.
Raddysh enjoyed a nine-game point scor- The AHL brought several new challenges
ing streak through late November 2018, compared to teenage competition in the
tying the record for Crunch rookies in the junior ranks. A major one was the squeeze
Lightning affiliation era. He tied Nikita of less space on the ice to make plays.
Kucherov, now a superstar with Tampa Bay Reaction time needs to be faster as defend-
and the NHL’s leading scorer last season. ers try to eliminate the opposing player as
The Ukrainian Canadian Raddysh has a quickly as possible.
ways to go to reach Kucherov’s level, but his Junior hockey sees 19- and 20-year-olds
adept scoring touch has him pointed in the receiving respect playing against younger Taylor Raddysh plays in the forward Darren Raddysh plays defense for the
right direction. guys 16, 17 and 18 years old. Entering the position for the Tampa Bay Lightning. New York Rangers.
Raddysh has been described as a pure pro ranks at age 20 flips the dynamic, with
goal-scorer with a talent around the net. If Raddysh finding himself as the young one, OHL’s Erie Otters. Pro scouts attributed Chicago’s glut of right-handed defense-
there’s a loose puck in front of the net and needing to work on his weaknesses and much of that production to a loaded team men in their system and with some others in
Raddysh is in the area, most times the puck building his strength. featuring Connor McDavid, Alex DeBrincat line to turn pro in 2019-2020 made Raddysh
finds the back of the net. Raddysh’s defensive improvement and Dylan Strome. Even after playing an expendable. He was traded to the New York
While the offensive flash is fun to watch, depends upon him stepping up his skating. average season without McDavid, the Rangers at the February 2019 trade deadline
it is only half the story. Raddysh’s potential His plus/minus in his rookie season was a Ukrainian Canadian had to settle for a minor in exchange for veteran forward Peter
to reach the NHL and perhaps challenge for respectable plus-14, showing more sweat league contract with Chicago’s AHL affiliate Holland. Chicago’s AHL affiliate picked up a
a spot among Tampa Bay’s other elite play- equity in the Crunch zone as the year went in Rockford. Raddysh showed prospect-plus 28-year-old scorer in an attempt to secure a
ers is tucked away behind the other half of on. He needs to work on his pace to become potential in Rockford, proving himself wor- playoff spot. The Rangers got themselves a
the game – defense. a three-zone player. Coaches like his atti- thy of an NHL contract with the Blackhawks potential prospect on defense.
What is very encouraging about tude. He realizes much hard work is ahead at the end of the 2017-2018 season. At the time of the trade, every defense-
Raddysh is that he knows it. A key aspect of and a more consistent performance will The 24-year-old Raddysh is a cerebral, man the Rangers had under contract in
his first-year development in Syracuse was always be a prime goal. Translating practice puck-moving defenseman. He exhibits Hartford (AHL) was left-handed, creating a
becoming a two-way player. His coaches habits and game experience into the next great poise in both ends of the ice and can ton of problems. Raddysh gave the Wolf
worked with him in that facet of his game contest is a preferred path to a prospect’s see ways out of trouble in tight spots. He Pack a right-handed defenseman they des-
every day, pushing him to improve. development. gets the puck out of his own zone more as a perately needed for at least another year, if
At 6-foot-2, 210 pounds, the 22-year-old Raddysh expects more positive results in passer than a skater – he’s adept at quick not longer. Darren is under contract
Raddysh has the physique of a college line- the near future from himself and his fellow outlet passes to nearby wingers or confi- through 2020, when he becomes a restrict-
backer. He is the point man of another teammates. At the start it was a time of get- dent diagonal passes through the neutral ed free agent.
promising group of Tampa Bay rookies fea- ting used to the AHL grind with other rook- zone. The offensive defenseman is a capa- The Holland-Raddysh trade will totally
turing defenseman Cal Foote and fellow ies, playing in a new system in a new ble quarterback for the power play. benefit the New York Rangers organization.
forwards Boris Katchouk and Alex Barre- league. By the end of the 2018-2019 cam- The 2018-2019 season saw him tally nine At worst, Raddysh fills a massive void as a
Boulet. paign, the play was better in all areas of the goals with 21 assists for 30 points, 36 PIM very capable right-handed defenseman in
His scoring totals in his first pro season ice. There still is the dream of skating for and an overall plus/minus of minus-4 in 76 Hartford for a few seasons. At best, Darren
(18G, 28A, 46PTS in 70 games) were a con- the parent club in Tampa Bay. AHL matches with Rockford and Hartford. Raddysh could turn into a valuable depth
tinuation of his point production in juniors, What may prevent him from attaining his defender in the NHL. The odds of the latter
where he tallied 42 goals and 67 assists Darren Raddysh a potential ultimate goal of an NHL job is his athleti- may be 50/50, but any chance that
(109 pts) for Erie of the OHL in 2016-2017 cism. At 6-foot-1, 200 pounds, he is not ade- Raddysh provides for that outcome is bet-
and 33G, 50A, 83PTS for Erie/Sault Ste.
late bloomer quately built for today’s NHL. While his ter than the non-chance the Rangers had
Marie in 2017-2018. The points streak in Right-handed defenseman Darren skating has improved from his OHL days, prior to the trade.
his second month of pro hockey got him Raddysh – Taylor Raddysh’s older brother – he’s about average by AHL standards. His
going and only reiterated his reputation as was not drafted by an NHL club despite put- stride lacks explosiveness, limiting his abili- Ihor Stelmach may be reached at iman@
a points machine. ting up very respectable numbers for the ty to rush the puck or defend in transition.

Journalist... Babikov, and he is helping Andriy Portnov,

the former head of Mr. Yanukovych’s
died had her car not been noticed – caused
international outcry, especially given Ms.
Serhiy Kotenko, were detained. The deten-
tion of Mr. Kotenko’s brother, Oleksandr, was
(Continued from page 6) Presidential Administration, to exert politi- Chornovol’s exposures of corrupt dealings used for the allegations about opposition
cal influence on SBI. and/or the sumptuous homes of Mr. connections. Whether there were any
According to Mr. Butusov, Mr. Horbatyuk Mr. Portnov has made no secret of his Yanukovych, his Prosecutor General Viktor grounds for suspecting his involvement in
went on to say: wish to see all cases against those who per- Pshonka, Internal Affairs Minister Vitaly the attack was never clear.
“Furthermore the notification of suspi- secuted Euro-Maidan activists terminated. Zakharchenko and others. Ukrayinska By early February, the so-called investiga-
cion has not been issued by the department He has also very aggressively claimed that Pravda spelled out the suspicions very tion had turned into a farce with the
of the State Bureau of Investigations, which there have been no attempts to investigate clearly in an article titled “Yanukovych, Prosecutor General’s Office claiming to have
is dealing with Maidan cases, but another the deaths of Berkut officers (a claim that Azarov, Firtash, Zakharchenko – Who solved the case, and found the attack to have
division that has never been involved in Mr. Horbatyuk and other investigators Chornovol Writes About, Or People Whom been “hooliganism” – a case of road rage
investigating these events in their entirety. reject.) This attempt to bring murder We Suspect of Ordering [the Attack]” after Ms. Chornovol cut in front of another
“The bringing of baseless charges charges against a very prominent Maidan Assurances were given by the above car. It announced that another suspect,
against Tetyana Chornovol contains ele- activist against the evidence does seem, at high-ranking officials and others about a Andriy Zinchenko, had been detained at
ments of a crime from representatives of a the very least, sinister. proper investigation. A number of arrests Ukraine’s request in Moscow. Ms. Chornovol
law enforcement body in the ‘best’ tradi- Ms. Chornovol was attacked on December were made within a short space of time, responded immediately saying that it was
tions of the unlawful prosecutions of 25, 2013. She was driving at around 1 a.m. to but this in no way raised confidence about Mr. Yanukovych that she had “cut in front
Maidan activists in 2014.” her home near Boryspil, Kyiv Oblast, when a an investigation which began looking more of” and promising that she would continue
Either Mr. Horbatyuk or Mr. Butusov car blocked her path, forcing her to the side and more questionable. There was particu- to do so. She later stated clearly that she
states that it is the head of the SBI Kyiv terri- of the road. With wonderful presence of lar concern when the chief police inspector, believed Mr. Yanukovych to be behind the
torial department, Ruslan Marchuk, who mind, she turned on the video register on Mykola Chynchyn, came up with allegations attack on her. She was convinced, further-
bears direct legal liability for these “unlawful her dashboard when she realized the car about two of the five men detained having more, that the aim had been to kill her.
charges” against Ms. Chornovol. Mr. Butusov, was targeting her, and by early the next day links with members of the opposition, Ms. Chornovol’s husband, Mykola
however, adds that it is President Volodymyr the license plate number of the Porsche including Vitali Klitschko. Berezovyi, who the SBI is claiming was part
Zelenskyy who bears political responsibility Cayenne Turbo that her assailants were driv- In their eagerness to prove to Western of “a group conspiracy,” volunteered in the
since he approved the appointment as depu- ing had become public knowledge. governments that they were properly inves- Azov Battalion soon after Russia began its
ty head of the State Bureau of Investigations The case – and horrific images of the tigating this case, both the former owners of aggression in the Donbas and was killed
of Mr. Yanukovych’s lawyer, Oleksandr beaten journalist who would surely have the Porsche Cayenne and its actual owner, defending Ukraine on August 10, 2014.

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