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376 Alessandra Fasulo and Cristina Zuechermaglio C. and Fasulo, A (1998) Hosp PRAGMA 99, Tel Aviv and J ‘Alesandra Fasulo, Ph.D. is Senior Resea Rome ‘La Sapienza’. Her main research areas include discursive socialization in fa and therape range of payehological and discursive journals sich a Fan on, Research on Language and Socal Interaction, and Discoure lective volumes. She has recently co-edited a volume on Agency and Language (w fon narrative ae in Discursine Rese ‘bridge UP. Cambridge, 2007) and berg, A. De Fina, and D. So spondence: Department of Social and Developmental Psychology, University 'La Sapienza’, ‘Via det Mars 78, 00185 Rome, Ialy

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